4th Quarter - South New Zealand Conference
4th Quarter - South New Zealand Conference
4 T H Q U A RT E R 2 0 0 9 The Quarterly Newsletter of the South New Zealand Conference S TA F F I N G F O R 2 0 1 0 T he end of the year brings changes to the South New Zealand Conference staffing team and we are saying farewell to: ¡ Pr Greg Evans (Conference General Secretary and Ilam Church Pastor), wife Suzanne and daughter Cherie, who are relocating to Sydney where Greg will take up a new position with the Adventist Media Network. ¡ Pr Asofitu Leatuavao (SamoanAddington and Samoan-Aranui Pastor), wife Sarai and daughters Larissa and Natalia, are also leaving for Sydney where Asofitu will pastor the Mount Druitt Samoan Church. ¡ Mr Phil Leenhouwers (Nelson) and wife Diana are moving to Auckland. Pr Neil Thompson is moving on from Papanui Church however we are not having to say farewell as he is taking up the appointment of AssociateYouth and Family Ministries Director for the New Zealand Pacific Union Conference, based in Christchurch Our farewells will shortly be followed by welcomes as we greet the new members of the ministerial team: ¡ Pr Kenneth Fuliese has accepted the call to pastor the Samoan churches in Christchurch. Kenneth has ministered in Samoa and most recently at Fulton College, Fiji, where he was a lecturer as well as assistant pastor for the College church. After spending 2009 with family in Auckland, Kenneth and Linda along with their one year old daughter Kesila are looking forward to getting back into full-time ministry. Jezreel and Glenda Locop with sons Jae-o and Jae-u ¡ Pr Jezreel Locop has spent all of his 18 years in ministry in the Philippines working in various roles. Most recently he has been the Central Philippine UnionYouth Director. Jezreel and his wife Glenda (who is a Doctor of Dentistry) have two sons, Jae-o (12), and Jae-u (8). Jezreel has felt that God has led him to work outside of his homeland, and is very excited about this opportunity to minister in South New Zealand. Eric and Mirella Kral with children Timothy and Julia ¡ Mr Erik Kral grew up as a Pastor’s son in Poland. Kenneth and Linda Fuliese with daughter Kesila For some time Erik and Mirella have felt a call to fulltime ministry. After migrating to Australia and working in the field of Electronic Engineering for many years in Queensland, Erik answered the call God placed upon his heart and went to study Theology at Avondale. As a recent graduate and with two young children,Timothy (11) and Julia (10), the Kral’s are looking forward to commencing ministry in South New Zealand. (Continued on next page) (Continued from previous page) ¡ Pr Grant Burton has ministered in New South Wales and the North Island of New Zealand. Grant and his wife Rosalie are returning to the Mainland after 20 years and are looking forward to coming home with their children Geena-Rose (16) and Caleb (14). The placement of these new ministers are in the list below, along with other church leadership appointments that were finalised at the Executive Committee meeting that was held November 22. Grant and Rosalie Burton with daughter Geena-Rose, son Caleb and Miia the Finnish Laphaund CHURCH A RANUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr Allan Matthies (Church Leader) A SHBURTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr Gordon Gosset (Ministerial Trainee) B ISHOPDALE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr James Toogood B LENHEIM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr Grant Burton C HRISTCHURCH S OUTH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr Erik Kral (Ministerial Intern) D UNEDIN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr Kyle Richardson G REYMOUTH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr Phillip Hawken ( Church Leader ) I LAM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr Mel Trevena I NVERCARGILL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P r Victor Kulakov N ELSON (T HE H AVEN ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr Grant Burton O AMARU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr Paul Gredig O XFORD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr Gordon Gossett (Ministerial Trainee) P APANUI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr Jezreel Locop R ANGIORA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr Erik Kral (Ministerial Intern) S AMOAN -A DDINGTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr Kenneth Fuliese S OUTH O TAGO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr Kyle Richardson S T A LBANS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr Ben Rea S T M ARTINS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr Mel Trevena T IMARU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr Paul Gredig COMPANY F IJIAN C O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr Abraham Wilson ( Church Leader ) G ARDEN C ITY C O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr Ben Rea / Mr Andrew Gillard (Ministerial Trainee) N ORTH C ANTERBURY C O. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr Gordon Gosset (Ministerial Trainee) R IVERLANDS C O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr James Toogood S AMOAN -A RANUI C O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr Kenneth Fuliese GROUP F ILIPINO G ROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr Jezreel Locop Q UEENSTOWN G ROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr Victor Kulakov / Mr Soon Cheng (Pioneer) R USSIAN G ROUP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mr Ivan Nalchadzhi (Pioneer) S HORESIDE G ROUP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr Kenneth Fuliese SCHOOL C HRISTCHURCH A DVENTIST S CHOOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mrs Tracey Ling (School Chaplain) S OUTHLAND A DVENTIST C HRISTIAN S CHOOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pr Victor Kulakov Southern Connexions is a quarterly newsletter produced by the South New Zealand Conference. For more information or to submit material for a future edition, please contact the SNZ Conference Office. Contact details can be found on the last page. 2 4TH QUARTER 2009 FA R E W E L L . . . B U T N O T T H E L A S T T he time has come for my family and I to begin to say our farewells to the people of South New Zealand, but I am confident that they will not be our last. Over the last two years, we have been made welcome and wanted, as we have travelled around the different places and churches of this beautiful land.We have enjoyed living and ministering here, and have been blessed by it. So, it is with a degree of sadness that we move on to the next place to which God has called us, to the Adventist Media Network at the South Pacific Division in Sydney. May I offer our hearty thanks to all of you for your kind words, support, and hospitality. It would be remiss of me if I didn’t convey special thanks to those with whom I have most closely worked while in New Zealand. To Pr Craig Gillis, Mrs Brigid Peddie, Mrs Melissa Savage and Ms Edwina Davis, thank you for your counsel, wisdom, and friendship. I believe the Conference is in good hands.To Ilam Church, what a church!Your vision, support, and patience are memorable. Keep up the spiritual momentum that we have developed over the last two years. Keep working, waiting, and watching for the coming of Jesus. to proclaim the Three Angels’ Messages of Revelation 14:6-12, and our message is contained in the 28 fundamental summary statements of the Scriptures. All of them! Just as Coke Zero and Diet Pepsi are no good for your physical health, so Gospel Lite, effectively Gospel Zero, is no good for your physical, mental or spiritual health. It will eventually lead to your downfall. Preachers, preach the word! Spend at least a day in prayer and study in preparation of your Bible-based, Christcentred, mission-focused and message-fuelled sermons. Some will need to spend more time than this. Few are able, or ought, to spend less. Listeners, hear the word; live the word! … Do you get my meaning here? Perhaps the words of a past General Conference president may help. “We’ve studied it, debated it, interpreted it, argued over it, preached from it, bludgeoned each other with it, quoted it, read it and memorized it, but we just haven’t lived it.” Let’s all preach the Word. Hear the Word! Live theWord! May God bless you, and keep you. Somewhat more importantly, I would like to take this opportunity to leave you with some important counsel from a couple of inspired writers.The messenger of the Lord has written, “A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs.To seek this should be our first work.” (Last Day Events p. 189) Pr Greg Evans General Secretary and Ilam Church Pastor GregEvans@adventistmedia.org.au (from 1st January, 2010) These words lead us to an obvious question: “How do we accomplish this revival of true godliness?” One important component of the answer is found in the words of the apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 4:1-5, “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry.” Cherie, Greg and Suzanne Evans Preach the word! There is power in God’s word, which far outweighs that of man. Preaching in Adventist churches ought to be the most powerful preaching in the world. Preaching in Adventist churches should not be just a series of short stories book-ended by a couple of Bible texts, or with a smattering of texts sporadically interspersed amongst the superfluous. For preaching in Adventist churches to be powerful, our sermons should be Bible-based, Christ-centred, mission-focused, and message-fuelled. What is our mission? What is our message? Our mission is 3 2 0 1 0 E VA N G E L I S M & I L A M LO D G E F U N D I N G ARANUI ....................................Church Signage ...............................................$700 Signs Outreach ................................................$290 ASHBURTON ............................Public Evangelism Outreach...........................$2,000 CHIP Programme .........................................$1,000 BISHOPDALE ............................MonthlyTV Breakfasts ...................................$1,000 Monthly Outreach ...........................................$500 ‘Get the Best’Seminar and Followup ................$7,000 Youth Evangelism .........................................$1,000 CHRISTCHURCH SOUTH ...........Community Seminars ....................................$2,000 Children’s Ministries / Fun Days .....................$1,000 Van Ministry ...................................................$500 Signs Outreach DUNEDIN ..................................University Orientation .................................$1,000 CHIP Seminar ..............................................$1,000 Signs Campaign ............................................$1,000 Youth Expo ..................................................$1,000 FIJIAN .....................................Evangelism ..................................................$2,000 Youth Ministry ................................................$500 FLIPINO ...................................Marriage Encounter Seminar .............................$500 GARDEN CITY ...........................Books/Material for Door to DoorWork ...............$600 Youth Evangelism‘New Beginnings’ ...................$500 StormCo ........................................................$850 Reaping Campaign ...........................................$800 2 x Budgeting Seminars .....................................$500 2 x Community Fun Days ................................$1,000 GREYMOUTH ............................Greymouth Dial-a-Prayer .................................$500 Greymouth Prophecy Code ............................$1,500 Westpor t Prophecy Code ...............................$2,000 Westpor t Hall Rental........................................$500 ILAM ........................................DavidAsscherick Outreach ............................$1,000 Toilet Refurbishment ....................................$5,000 INVERCARGILL ........................All Power Programme....................................$7,000 NELSON....................................Church Repair/Refurbishment.....................$10,000 NORTH CANTERBURY ...............Youth Extreme Outreach ...............................$1,000 OAMARU ..................................Kids Club ....................................................$1,000 Sound System ...............................................$1,500 OXFORD ...................................Signs Outreach ................................................$500 PAPANUI ..................................Homes of Hope .............................................$1,000 Children’s Ministry.......................................$1,200 Community Fun Days ....................................$1,500 FuseTeen Programme .......................................$300 Mind Body Spirit Festival...................................$600 RANGIORA ...............................Beginner’s Room Heating...............................$1,500 Video/DVD Lending Library .............................$500 Meeting Room Heating ..................................$1,000 SAMOAN-ADDINGTON ..............Heat Pumps..................................................$5,000 Outreach Programme....................................$3,000 Reaching the Community ..................................$500 4 4TH QUARTER 2009 SAMOAN-ARANUI ....................Outreach Programme....................................$2,000 Radio Ministry .............................................$1,500 Children’s Programme ..................................$1,000 SHORESIDE ..............................Outreach.....................................................$7,000 ST ALBANS ...............................Food Bank.......................................................$250 Church Signage ...............................................$750 Signs Booklets .................................................$500 MT HUT T RETREAT ....................Facility Upgrade .........................................$10,000 PRISON MINISTRY....................Prison Ministry ...............................................$520 TOOGOOD .................................Television Broadcast....................................$20,000 EDEN CONFERENCE E den is a project where we provide a safe environment for young women to talk about issues surrounding being a women. where woman made the ultimate choice. A choice between life and death. This event was run in Christchurch June 13 and 14. The program covers spiritual, emotional and physical health. The questions surrounding relating to parents, sexual health, depression, pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and suicide.This event is unique as it provides a safe environment without authority figures and boys present, where girls can really talk about the issues that they face. Here is the overview we use in the advertising: This is ultimately what we want for all the girls involved in this event. Eden will be a place where their full potential in all aspects can be revealed, where they can accept that they have been redeemed from their ‘out of Eden’ state and choose to restore ‘Eden’ in their lives. Eden is where they can make their own ultimate choice, choose health, choose life! EDEN is a young women’s event with a focus on holistic health and wellbeing.We have been blessed with funding from ADRA (Advenitst Development Relief Agency) and from the Health Department to provide a space were young women can be informed and explore issues that directly relate to their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing from and Adventist worldview. Even the name EDEN represents the Hebrew translation of Eden which means delight. More importantly Eden is where God created the first man and especially significant to our project, where he formed the first women...Eve. Pr Kylie Ward Women’s Ministries Director The 2010 Eden Conference is planned for Sabbath July 31 and Sunday August 1. Encourage your teen daughter, granddaughter, niece or girlfriend to attend. In Eden woman was one with God... Eve was perfect in body, spirit and soul, she was exactly how God hoped, intended and created her to be. Eden is also the place 5 Community Fun Days OUR YOUTH... Miller’s Beach Shelter TEEN EXPEDITION Twenty-eight teens, parents and leaders met on Monday October 5 at Oban, Stewart Island, to begin their week of adventure.Two fishing boats were boarded and journeyed to the entrance of Freshwater Landing stream, dinghy’s then ferried everyone to the campsite where they stayed the night. Tuesday morning everyone was up early to prepare for their 14 kilometre hike to Mason’s Bay led by Mr Chris Keegan (District Director). Blisters, muddy boots and muddier faces marked the end of the hike with a few hikers daring to brave the freezing cold stream for a wash. Everyone had a relaxing time around the bonfire that night with worship, fellowship, damper and marshmallows. Although Mason’s Bay is known as the home of the Kiwi not one was spotted, perhaps too much noise was being made.The hikers were picked up by boatie friends Tim and Wayne when they returned to Freshwater Landing on Wednesday and went to Miller’s beach where camp was made in a shelter open to the elements and wildlife.Thursday was spent diving and kayaking and on Friday the hikers visited a salmon farm. Ulva Island (bird sanctuary) was the destination for Sabbath where the hikers joined Joan Sheppard (local resident) for her first church service on Stewart Island for 22 years. Ulva Island was a beautiful place to spend Sabbath, New Zealand bush and bird life is spectacular. Sunday saw everyone up at 5.00 am and on the boat to Oban to catch the Ferry to Bluff and home. Special thanks to our boaties Tim and Wayne who donated their boats and time, without them our Expedition would not have been what it was, as they were our main mode of transport. Edwina Davis Youth Secretary Hiking to Mason’s Beach Teen Expedition Group at Miller’s Beach NELSON YOUTH RALLY The theme of the Nelson youth rally, held October 17, was on making a firm commitment to living for Jesus. The key thought was to understand the secret to life; contrary to Dan Brown the secret is not knowing how to die, but knowing that we will die – how will you now choose to live. A van load of people travelled from Christchurch to meet with the youth in Nelson. Friday night was rehearsal time and things went very well. A mixture of our team and the Nelson youth was arranged with help from Joarta. Sarah-Jane Bishop took theYouth Sabbath School program and Pastor Neil Thompson preached during the main service. Feedback from many people was how much they appreciated the message and ministry of the team that day. After a fellowship lunch we had the Nelson Unite program in the downstairs youth room. A fellowship tea was organised at Cheryl Keene’s place, and an evening of socialising and games was enjoyed by all. It was excellent to see the Brazilian group of young people join in with the rest of the Nelson and Christchurch youth. Neil Thompson Youth Director 6 4TH QUARTER 2009 CONFERENCE PATHFINDER CAMPOREE Staveley was the place to be for Pathfinder’s over Labour weekend in October at the South New Zealand Pathfinder Camporee, ‘Journey’s End’. Five Pathfinder clubs attended the event, a total of 67 Pathfinder’s and leaders. ‘Journey’s End’ was the theme of the weekend for activities and night meetings, based on Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan. Jennifer Ogden, Oamaru Church Bible Worker, spoke at the night meetings urging the young people to “stay on their journey with Jesus, even though the road of life will have rough patches and there will be deceivers, lean on Jesus and you will reach your goal”. Papanui Club Raising Camporee Flag Activities included travelling with a burden on their back to reach the Celestial City and not getting lured away by garlic filled chocolates at Vanity Fair or getting stuck in the Slough of Despond.They also had to break a code at the Interpreters House, find answers at Doubting Castle, survive the Tunnel of Death, and climb the Hill of Difficulty. Rope Bridge TheYouth Department would like to thank all those who prayed for the Camporee, and the safety of the Pathfinder’s. Parent’s and Church’s can be proud of their Pathfinder Clubs and their Leader’s. Burma Trail Blindfolded Edwina Davis Youth Secretary Pathfinders have the opportunity to attend the next Union wide Camporee in the Cook Islands 28 December, 2010 – 3 January, 2011. This is a wonderful opportunity for Pathfinder’s, please help support your clubs as they fundraise. Bungee Challenge THANK YOU DISTRICT DIRECTORS TheYouth Department would like to thank our District Director’s for the time and energy they have dedicated to Pathfinders in the South New Zealand Conference. They are Chris Keegan, Andrew Gillard, Jeanne Low, Pastor Mel Trevena and Edwina Davis. This year they have helped run local Pathfinder Club’s, Pathfinder Leadership Training Weekends,Teen Expedition to Stewart Island, the Camporee at Staveley, Adventurer Rally and Investitures. Thanks to Pastor Mark Falconer from the New Zealand Pacific Union Conference, who has filled in as ourYouth Director for Pathfinders this year. 7 (left to right): Edwina Davis, Chris Keegan, Jeanne Low, Pr Mel Trevena, Pr Mark Falconer, Andrew Gillard (front) OUR CHURCHES... ASHBURTON t has been a marvelous privilege to witness the working of God’s hand in Ashburton this year. As the year began church attendance had dwindled down to a faithful group of stalwarts as a number of families had moved from the district in 2008 and some had dropped off from church attendance. It was decided by the active members to implement a five year plan for the increase in numerical growth and public awareness of the Adventist Church in Ashburton, the core of which would be an aggressive evangelism focus. In the first year we have sought to reconnect with missing members and to establish contact with the community through such things as free book offers, search DVDs and personal connections. Also we started home study groups, a monthly visitors day and sports nights during the winter months. Regular attendance has increased particularly on visitors days, which are especially geared for new people, with an appropriate topical sermon, church lunch and an afternoon program.We have seen visitors day attendance usually in excess of 50 and on regular Sabbaths 30 plus, Praise the Lord! Part of the five year plan was to find a more suitable venue for the church to function and God seems to be moving in that direction in mysterious ways with an offer already being made for the purchase of the existing building! I Church Group at Sharplin Falls, Sabbath afternoon walk during Church Camp Lord and has been accepted in the It Is Written College of Evangelism in Australia, and a church camp at Mt Hutt Retreat. Also due to studies being done with a Cook Island couple, who are already proving to be great evangelists, we now have their friends and family sharing their talent in music with us at church. One of the really exciting things is to see people from every continent in attendance indicating the global fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah 52:10. Cook Island Siniging Group We look excitedly towards 2010 as we plan for a CHIP Program and a public evangelism initiative as well as continuing with the current processes of growing the family of God in Ashburton and the surrounding districts. Gordon Gossett We have had some wonderful highlights through the year such as the baptism of a young lady who is on fire for the BLENHEIM he ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) ‘Soup and Buns’ caravan has been serving some of the Blenheim people in need with extra nourishment in these difficult times. It has been a great joy to all those participating in the work to be greeted by smiling faces and expressions of appreciation by one and all. Their were many children who couldn’t wait to get their hands on a hot cup of soup (tomato was their favourite) and a bun or two, especially on the sometimes very cold days which did not deter them from calling on us.We were also most impressed by their behaviour, their expressions of thanks and even and occasional ‘God bless you’.We are no longer surprised when, walking through town, we are recognised and rewarded with a cheery ‘hello’ or a friendly wave.This surely is another sign that the Lord’s work is having a positive impact on some of the poorer members in our community. T 8 Another important aspect is that two of our helpers have been occupied taking cups of soup and buns to some of the pensioners living in Council flats.These too suffer from the present declining economy and the everincreasing cost of keeping themselves warm this winter. These activities also were very much appreciated. We are not aware of any other agencies with a similar program in the Blenheim area at present, so we feel privileged to help at least some of the people in need. Since the Blenheim Church consists for the greater part of older people it, is not always easy to find the help to 4TH QUARTER 2009 carry out the work.Yet there is no doubt by their tireless efforts that the program is a success. In the end there is always someone available even if it means making two pots of soup each week – or more! The expression “Where there’s a will there’s a way” certainly applies in this case.We look forward in anticipation to next year’s activities. Hans van Nieuwenhuijze T wo CHIP programs in Blenheim this year achieved amazing results. An excellent rapport with the local newspaper resulted in one of the reporters completing the first program (despite her doctor advising her half way through to pull out). Her published testimony at the start of the second program resulted in seven readers enrolling. As the success of participants becomes known, more and more people are making enquiries.We are blessed to have an excellent arrangement with St John Ambulance (our regular venue for meetings) and Medlab South (for blood tests).Two more programs are scheduled for 2010, the first starting on February 21.We have been able to offer spiritual help to graduates by offering them Christian Television.We advise that it offers the same lifestyle - cooking, health talks, demonstrations and exercise - along with appearances of TIMARU round 150 past and present members of the Timaru church gathered from the South and North Islands and from Australia on Sabbath October 31 to celebrate and reflect on 55 years in the current building. A meal was shared at the Aorangi Bowling Club where Jim Tooley, 82, cut the anniversary cake as the longest attending member of the Timaru Church.With him were Cox family representatives whose grandfather,Walter Cox, was the builder responsible for the present church. Jim Tooley also worked on the building. A Dr Hans Diehl. At least one participant from every program has so far taken up the offer.We also run regular Alumni programs. Some of our staff were able to attend the recent CHIP update weekend held in Rotorua - and were blessed abundantly.We are looking forward to the CHIP Summit next year with Dr Diehl and Caldwell Esselstyn Jr. Several thousand flyers advertising 3ABN were letterboxed near the Church, and included a “Try Jesus” card, one lady phoned the Pastor and told him that she would like to become a Christian. He visited, arranged Bible studies with a lay couple, installed 3ABN and the HOPE Channel, and she has since asked her Bible teachers if she can be baptised. In Kaikoura, two folk have been baptised.Two other folk - the first of our recent contacts - have just returned from a three month residential in-depth Bible Workers' training school at ARISE Ministries in California with Pastors David Assherick and Nathan Renner. Studies continue with other interests.The faithful work of Hans and Jane Langer is much appreciated. Your prayers are invited for Kaikoura. Paul Gredig Home and then lunched together at ‘Off The Rail Cafe Goes Country’ to remember childhood days. Lyn Hume Celebrations continued on Sunday when former church school pupils met at the Highfield Rest Home in Avenue Road where the church school was once located.The group of nearly 50 people met and chatted with residents of the Rest 9 RANGIORA H ealthy choices was the theme for the A&P Show held at Rangiora on October 24, with two tents in operation.The medical tent staffed by Doctors Eliot and Ostring with assistant staff, Anne Clapham, Pauline Macpherson, Sondra Harrison and Lorraine Gillard was a a popular section for heath checks and distribution of plenty of good health related topics. Health Choice Team Tent two was busy also.‘Goodie bags’ were a new innovation and very popular. Samples of packaged health foods were welcomed by the public but also included attractive recipe books supplied by the Sanitarium Health Food Company Nutrition Education Service, folders on a wide variety of topics, smoking, alcohol consumption, diabetes, weight, vegetarian meals etc., were well received.There was plenty of good reading available on practical living plus the opportunity to share the Signs magazine and civil defence emergency preparations. TheWaimakariri District Council welcomed the opportunity to promote civil defence emergency preparation, donating a large sample container of food and items to be held in storage for times of emergency. This was later presented to one of the hundreds of names submitted to win this very acceptable prize.Videos on the work of ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) were also a feature. Packing the hundreds of ‘goodie bags’ kept Roger, David and Victor Millist going all out to keep up with the front line team, Alison and Steve Shaw,Val Bank and Kyle Richardson. The tents were a very successful outreach. Val Bank Jimmy Rawson 10 P raise be to God! Rangiora was able to celebrate a double blessing from our Lord and Saviour on the November 14. In the morning our newly built baptismal font was used for the first time by John Bashford. He showed his commitment to Jesus and willingness to join the Seventh-day Adventist Church through his statements of faith and his baptism. John has had connections, through family and friends, with the church for many years, but it was a close friend who introduced him to Rangiora church, which he now considers his home. John Bashford Then to make the day an even more special celebration, Jimmy Rawson also confirmed his commitment to Jesus in the waters of baptism in the afternoon. Surrounded by family, friends and his church, Jimmy stepped forward in faith to commit his life to Jesus.The Lord has used the support of the Rangiora church and the Christchurch Adventist School community to encourage him in this decision.We praise God for his goodness in revealing Himself to John and Jimmy.Welcome to the family, it is good to have you as a part of God’s team! Kyle Richardson 4TH QUARTER 2009 SAMOAN-ADDINGTON s a follow up to the Christchurch Samoan churches July 2009 Evangelistic Mission, the Addington Samoan Church Health Department embarked on a journey to find the “BiggestWinner”. The New Zealand Pacific Union Conference Health department sponsored this program to help create an awareness of a healthful lifestyle. As the journey began, Sports Canterbury, through networking with Community Leaders, saw the opportunity to sponsor a pilot exercise program for the wider Pacific Island community.This resulted in a partnership between the Addington Samoan Health department and Sports Canterbury in implementing an exercise program. Sports Canterbury has granted financial assistance towards the program and has pledged further financial support for continuity. A NELSON (The Haven) he Haven is once again blessed to have presented to the Lord one precious soul for baptism. Carol Polglaze, after a series of Bible studies with Avon Wastney decided to accept God as her personal Saviour and Friend. Born into generations of Adventists, Carol has been active in church work for years. She initiated the Tuesday’s Play and Chill Out Group, has been an assistant Children’s Ministry leader and has worked with the Adventurer’s Club . In attendance to witness Carol’s baptism were her husband Graham, twin sons Sam and Nathan and youngest boy Gareth; together with her Mum, Beryl Watts, her brother and other family members. T On the same joyous occasion,The Haven welcomed into church fellowship, George Crossland on the profession of his faith. George has been coming to church after attending the ‘Get the Best Out of Life’ evangelistic series. We bid Phil and Diana Leenhouwers goodbye as they relocate to Auckland at the end of this year. Phil came to The Haven (Nelson) as a Church Volunteer in January Aerobic classes are held three times a week at the Addington Samoan church hall. The attendance to these exercise classes average between 30 to 40 people. Regular health checks of diabetes, blood pressure and weight are conducted by health professionals. Pastor Asofitu Leatuavao, the church pastor stated “It’s a joy to see the church involved in this initiative, and in inviting friends to participate is a positive starting point in enhancing healthy lifestyles in the Pacific Island Community.” Sarai Leatuavao Sports Canterbury CEO presenting cheque of $3,000 to Pr Asofitu Leatuavao 2005. Diana followed two months after.What was planned to be a three-year contract lasted five years of tears, joys and laughter; with challenges and unreserved commitment to bring as many soul’s to God’s Kingdom as possible. The church family has worked closely with Phil and Diana in their ministry.The support has been enormous and God’s leading has made things possible! The church has witnessed growth in attendance; from 61 on average in 2004 to 106 on average in 2008.There has been a total of 40 baptisms and professions of faith. We thank them for their ministry.We love them to bits and we will continue to pray for God’s direction in their lives and for God to bless them according to His Mercy and Grace. The Haven Church Family 11 Carol Polglaze and George Crossland ILAM or two weeks in the middle of October, the Lord blessed the Youth 4 Truth Revival series run at Ilam Church. Many of our youth were involved in all sorts of ways to make it happen: prayer, design, publicity, preaching, and all the little jobs that make evangelism happen. F We were specifically targeting the ‘lost sheep of Israel’, and those local youth who need to consolidate their faith, that is, ourselves. Ilam’s Youth intend to run further missions. Next time the focus will be outreach proper, targeting the university and local community.We encourage all youth, young and old to share Jesus is some way with their community; to preach the word of God and to lift Jesus up among others so that they may be drawn to Him. You can listen to the sermons on the church website: http://ilam.adventist.org.nz/podcast. Ledua Brooks Not only was it a great time of Bible learning for us, but we are now very aware of what is involved in running an outreach series and how to do it better. The themes of the messages were simple: Bible study and devotional time; the centrality of Jesus; the truth about tongues and the Holy Spirit; relationships and purity in them; the basics and practicalities of the Christian life were covered by our youth, through God’s grace and leading. Danny Brooks The main thread was how vitally important it is to stop playing church. If we are followers of Christ, then we need to stop meddling with the things of the world, for when we do so, we give Satan license to have his way in our life. God tells us in Revelation 3 that He prefers we make up our mind and be either totally cold people (not in the church) or totally hot (on fire) people, but He has a problem with those who are lukewarm.These are those who have one foot in the world and one foot in the church; one foot in error and one in truth, and living a powerless, faithless life. God is not interested in this weak commitment and He will spew them out. Karl Taaffe This is particularly important as we approach the last days, for He wants His people to be ready in themselves, before they can share His message with a dying world. He is looking for workers to pour His Holy Spirit out into, but first they must be available and they must be prepared. After Meeting Refreshments The urgency of changing our lives was evident in the conviction among the 30 to 50 people who attended nightly. From teens to seniors, they shared about the ways that God is leading them, and committed to change and Bible Study. Damon Hurley 12 4TH QUARTER 2009 OUR SCHOOLS... CHRISTCHURCH ADVENTIST SCHOOL & GRANTS ROAD MINISTRY YEAR 13 RETREAT August 13 to 16 sawYear 13 students from Christchurch Adventist School (CAS) descend on Mt Hutt Retreat for a weekend focused on team building, personality profiling, spiritual challenges and socialising. Ably led by Tracey Ling, Lisa Korenhof, Byron Ling, Danny Carrasco, Arty Kuzniarski and Pastor Neil Thompson, the Retreat was a highlight of the year for the Year 13 students. Some features of the retreat included Pastor Thompson’s challenging and thought provoking worships and personality workshops, crazy team building events and exercises run by Byron, fun games by Arty and Lisa, and amazing meals to nourish all the hungry teenagers made by our School Principal! A great time was had by all. Yr 13 retreat was inspirational, fun and relaxing! – Marcus Boniface Marcus hitting the floor in a game of musical chairs was hilarious! – Cowan Henderson Bonding as aYr 13 Family was really awesome – Sarah Vivian Yr 13 retreat was awesome! Great memories I will never forget! It was fun doing the personality tests and the team building games. – Matanofo Lavea Asofitu Leatuavao (Parent of the School and Pastor of the two Samoan Adventist Churches in Christchurch) will take the donation with him when he goes to Samoa in early December, and ensure it goes towards the project.We are thankful for the opportunity to be able to help out after this tragedy.The school also had two special prayer times after hearing of the tragedy – one in a Combined Chapel and one during a Staff Worship.We thank Philippa Hasse for her leadership with this Student Council Project. FUSE CAS Students at Footsteps Week of Worship FUSE is a new initiative this year and is a city-wide Friday night Teens program run once a term. FUSE is run in the Hall on the school campus. Each program focuses on different bible stories coupled with different teenage issues. It has been a blessing to see the students’ creative juices flow through dramas, creative expressions, mimes, puppets, music, decorations but most of all, to hear student testimonies of what God has done/is doing in their lives. Praise God! A recent FUSE program was titled ‘In the Dark of Night’ featuring a nine metre long tunnel and also a six metre high rocket! Byron Ling took the audience on a walk through the galaxies, everyone marvelling at the wonder of our amazing Creator. He then challenged the teenagers to stick with God, even through the most difficult of times. Footsteps Week of Worship Year 13 Students FOOTSTEPS WEEK OF WORSHIP The preschoolers from Footsteps Preschool enjoyed a program in the Campus Hall every morning for an hour during August 17 to 21, wonderfully hosted and run by ten CAS Intermediate students! The colourful program focused on the heroes of the Bible and included interactive games, singing, stories, clowns, big group activities, puppets, drama, prayer, quizzes and more. Highlights included knocking down the walls of Jericho, crossing the red sea, going sailing in a boat with the disciples, walking on water with Peter. Jillayne Ennor provided a fantastic Cafe environment for the Preschool parents who came along, to chat, enjoy a lovely hot drink and yummy slices and bikkies (complimentary) and watch their kids enjoy the program.The week was a HUGE success, with the Preschool asking for another program next year, as well as the Intermediate students being empowered through service and spiritual growth in a massive way! Praise God! TSUNAMI RELIEF The amount of $475.10 was raised for the rebuilding of an Adventist Church destroyed in the Tsunami. Pastor The last FUSE program for the year was titled ‘Stand Up’ with Pastor Asofitu Leatuavao inspiring everyone to stand up for Christ.The evening focused on the story of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and challenged everyone to stand up and make a difference.Three CAS young men presented a compelling story to music, Footsteps Week of Worship Sailing Boat there was also a panel of young people who discussed what it really means to stand up for God today. BAPTISMS We praise God for the recent baptisms of two CAS students – Chris McDonald was welcomed into the Bishopdale Church family and Jimmy Rawson-Rogers was welcomed into the Rangiora Church family. As a school we praise God for their decisions and will continue to support them in their journeys through life. It is a privilege to help and assist local Churches in the spiritual development of young people. Footsteps Week of Worship (Continued on next page) 13 (Continued from previous page) CAS CHAPEL PROGRAMS It has been wonderful to have more students than ever before speaking for both Primary and High School Chapels this year, sharing their love of Jesus with their peers.What a blessing and inspiration they have been!We also had Canadian singing group ‘Arise’ perform, Fijian and Palmerston North service trip groups sharing how God has worked through them, Pastors and Community Leaders visit, annual Staff Appreciation Day, and other features throughout the year. It has been great to see students stepping up in areas of leadership as well. Praise God for all the people He has spoken and ministered to us through in 2009! FUSE Praise and Worship Team BIBLE STUDIES Bible studies at CAS are carried out when requested by the students.The studies support and encourage what is happening in the local churches and studies that are done with students compliment what they receive through their home churches. It has been great continuing on with Bible studies with students this year and we look forward to continuing to work with the students and local churches in this area.We have also sourced some fantastic online Bible studies for kids which have been well received by Primary students and parents alike (were useful over the holiday period to keep kids occupied too I hear!) and plan to continue developing this area. Amber Proud at FUSE STAFF APPRECIATION DAY For three years running the Student Council have run a very memorable day for both Staff and students, and this year was no exception! Staff Appreciation Day is a chance for students and the school community to show how much we truly appreciate all the hard work and hours our wonderful Staff put in.This year again featured all sorts of goodies, excitement, food, thank you’s from the Conference President, the Board of Trustees Chairman and more! Was a lot of fun to organise! It was rewarding seeing all the teachers appreciate what we were doing for them, and encouraging to see the students wanting to go all out to spoil the staff! – Natalia Leatuavao Was fun giving gifts to the teachers and helping them out. Chapel was a special experience. – Audrey Lavea There were lots of good ideas and fun; I especially liked the song Sofia wrote for the Staff! – Chantelle Steenberg It was a fun day showing our staff how much we love them – Matanofo Lavea Kids Church KIDS CHURCH The last few months have been absolute highlights for the kids during Kids Church.We have had a massive tunnel and an eight metre rocket ship ready to blast off through the ceiling for ‘Space Quest’ Kids Church in September. During this Kids Church we looked at the amazing Solar 14 System and how awesome our Creator God is who loves us. A highlight for the children was being able to make yummy edible craft – thanks to Sophie Reynolds and her leadership. In October we took a new approach with the theme ‘Hands in Action’ – an activity-based program that focused on using our actions to serve others.We concluded with children giving hand-made bookmarks to Church members.This helped create further interaction between our kids and church members. The ‘Fiery Furnace’ was a great experience in November with a real smoking fiery furnace! This added an awesome realistic effect to the drama, making the story come alive.We were challenged to stand up for Jesus no matter what and were reminded of this through the very fun puppet show song “You’ve Got To Do Right.” This year our team of 30-strong teen and youth leaders have shone! Their testimony through this ministry each month is stronger than any program we could run.Their creativity, fun and enthusiasm makes Kids Church a great environment for kids to learn what the love of God really is.Thank you all for your continued support and prayer. 2010 PLANNING Amongst other things two of the projects we are running next year are two Service Trips – One to Sydney and one to Wellington. For both projects, teams from CAS will be leading out in Week ofWorship programs, sports, Church services and community events.These trips are always hugely impacting in young people’s lives and their spiritual walks. If you would like to assist financially in sponsoring a student to go on one of these trips or financially assisting with any of these areas, please contact Tracey at the School, phone (03) 352 9173 or email heytrace@gmail.com. Other 2010 projects include a StormCo trip to Waiau, bi-monthly visits to Waiau running Kids and Teens programs for the community, Parenting, Nutrition, Marriage Enrichment seminars in conjunction with the Conference Children’s Ministries Department, Community Fun days, more baptisms, International visits from our School groups, and more Bible studies... We are grateful for your support and ask for your continued prayers as, together, we win souls for the Kingdom. Tracey Ling School Chaplain 4TH QUARTER 2009 SOUTHLAND ADVENTIST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL These families need our support and through the School ou are invited to join the Southland Adventist Friends Foundation we will be able to provide this much Christian School Friends Foundation and become a needed support. You can partner with us in this venture. Foundation Member. Y The Foundation has been set up to support students with any or all of the following: ¡ School fees ¡ School transport fees ¡ Camp fees ¡ Special events ¡ Stationery ¡ Uniforms ¡ Emergency lunch supplies ¡ Family food baskets ¡ Sport activities We have considered all options and some students’ circumstances are such that support is necessary from time to time. These families are all contributing to their costs through automatic payments but are unable to keep up with the level that is necessary to keep a clear balance. Families may be facing separation, loss of family homes and/or jobs or may be struggling with illness. ¡If you would like to be a foundation member your choices are below (donations are tax deductibles): ¡ One off donation. ¡ Join as a member of the Foundation for $25 membership donation and receive a foundation newsletter and be eligible to attend a once a year function for foundation members. Southland Adventist Christian School To become a member of the Foundation please contact Southland Adventist Christian School on (03) 215 7904 or email principal@sacs.schoolzone.net.nz. Gezina Parrish School Principal H E R I TA G E F E L LO W S H I P O ver the last couple of months the Heritage Fellowship has been focussing more on some group activities rather than individual experiences.We really appreciate individuals and will continue focussing on them, but also recognize the need for fellowship. host of other good things. Don't miss the next meeting! It is planned for February. On November18 the first “Powerhouse” meeting convened at Bishopdale Church.With apple juice and cashews for physical power, we shared our thoughts on The committee, consisting of Margaret Petrie secretary, Job, Abraham, Cleopas and his friend, Joseph, Isaiah and and members John Schoolderman, Ian and Noelene Facer, Moses, and prayed together. A strong desire was together with the undersigned, have spent considerable expressed by all in attendance to have more contact with time ascertaining the interests of senior church members. younger members in the church.Various ways of doing We welcome any input from others. this were discussed, which included social gatherings, a computer club where young computer buffs could share On September 30, and October 14, the “Garden Club” their wisdom with beginners in the computer age, and had two visits to the Botanic Gardens. Unfortunately the just getting to know the names of youth.The next weather was not kind on these dates, although on the Powerhouse will be at 2.30 pm, December 16, again at October 14 it cleared up for the stalwarts who braved Bishopdale. Please join us! what promised to be a rainy afternoon, and a very Elizabeth Östring interesting time was had.We learned where the “Ellen Senior Ministries Coordinator White” tree is in the gardens, why there is a magnificent avenue of lime trees, and how to grow kauri trees, plus a 15 UPCOMING EVENTS.... JANUARY 10 Camp Construction Sunday Everyone is welcome to come to Pascoe Park Campground on Sunday January 10 to help set up for the annual Camp Meeting.There are 40 conference tents to erect as well as the ‘Big Tent’. Lunch will be provided for all those who assist from 10.00 am. Any help would be greatly appreciated as ‘many hands make light work’. A full calendar of 2010 events is inserted into this edition of Southern Connexions. It will also be available on the conference website http://snz.adventist.org.nz. Calendar updates will be notified through the weekly conference news and quarterly edition of Southern Connexions. Details on upcoming events will also be advertised through these sources. A full list of all youth events can be found on the youth website http://snzyouth.adventist.org.nz and calendars will be sent to church youth leaders. SOUTH NEW ZEALAND CONFERENCE L OCATION : 6H Sir William Pickering Drive Russley · Christchurch 8053 P OSTAL : PO Box 5186 · Papanui Christchurch 8542 P HONE : (03) 365-1020 F AX : (03) 365-1030 E MAIL : snzconf@adventist.org.nz W EBSITE : http://snz.adventist.org.nz CHRISTCHURCH Pr Craig Gillis President Pr Greg Evans General Secretary Mrs Brigid Peddie Treasurer This will be a once in a lifetime opportunity.The Camporee will be held in the beautiful Cook Islands. Pathfinders from, New Zealand, French Polynesia, New Caledonia and the Cook Islands will be represented. More information will be sent to Pathfinder Clubs. Start to plan now! Mrs Melissa Savage Office Administrator Ms Edwina Davis Office & Youth Secretary Pr Neil Thompson Acting Youth Director AUCKLAND POSTAL: Private Bag 76900 Manukau City Manukau 2241 P HONE : (09) 262-5620 F R I E N D S O F PA S C O E PA R K A painting, gardening, or general maintenance etc.You can also specify when you would be available.We can provide the tools and equipment if you can provide the muscle! And for those who live outside of Christchurch area, we will even provide free accommodation in Wahroonga should you need to overnight! We are calling this initiative “Friends of Pascoe Park”, so if you are willing and able, please Pascoe Park Management Committee are inviting individuals to come and be involved in the caring of write, email or telephone Pr Craig Gillis at the Conference Office. our camp. If you could give one day a month, or perhaps a long weekend once a year it would be Owen Saunders greatly appreciated.You can specify the area that Pascoe Park Committee Chairman you would be interested in helping, such as re you retired? Do you have a passion for Pascoe Park Campground? Do you have some spare time and skills that you could donate to the maintenance and upkeep of the property? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then there is a wonderful opportunity for you. Mr Clinton Rappell ADRA - Executive Director Pr Kylie Ward Children’s & Women’s Ministries Director Mr Jean-Noel Adeline Church Development Director Mr Owen Ellis Education Director Pr Paul Rankin Health Director Pr Kendell Cobbin Ministerial Association Secretary Trust Services Director Pr Mau Tuaoi Youth & Family Ministries Director Pr Mark Falconer Associate Youth Director