May 2016 - Western Australian Conference of the Seventh
May 2016 - Western Australian Conference of the Seventh
SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH, WESTERN AUSTRALIAN CONFERENCE newswest may 2016 edition MAGAZINE CAMP MEETING PHOTOS 18-19 EQUIPPING OUR MINISTERS MAMARAPHA COLLEGE 11 BURSTING AT THE SEAMS 15 MUSIC: MAKING FREEMAN WING A BETTER PLACE 20 BUILD THEM UP! CAPEL CHURCH NUMBERS SOAR WITH ANZAC DAY 17 34 > CONTENTS Featuring news stories across churches and mission groups in Western Australia. TO THE GAY COMMUNITY 10 MINISTERING Ministering to each other COMMUNITY CHURCH VISITORS’ DAY 24 JOONDALUP The Pathway to peace 30 YOUTH IN ACTION! The youth department on an adventure TO VIOLENCE IN THE HOME 12 RESPONDING Domestic & Family violence CLASSES BEGIN AT LIVINGSTON 26 BIBLE Livingston Church take a spiritual journay 34 BUILD THEM UP! Appreciating each other 04 PERSPECTIVES: TURNING A BLIND EYE TO SIN BRINGS HARSH CONSEQUENCES 06 TITHE SURVEY RESULTS 08 ELDER TED WILSON AND NANCY WILSON VISIT MAMARAPHA COLLEGE 09 GC PRESIDENT VISITS WA 11 EQUIPPING OUR MINISTERS 14 FIRST ATSIM DISCIPLE TRAINING SCHOOL IN PERTH 15 MAMARAPHA COLLEGE BURSTING AT THE SEAMS 16 NEW ATSIM BIBLE WORKERS FOR WA 17 CAPEL CHURCH NUMBERS SOAR WITH ANZAC DAY SERVICE 18 CAMP PHOTOS 20 MUSIC: MAKING FREEMAN WING A BETTER PLACE 22 CHURCH PLANTS MEETING THEIR GOAL OF 10% INCREASE IN KINGDOM GROWTH 23 WA MEMBERS SUPPORT MOST ISOLATED SCHOOL IN OUR DIVISION 25 BUNBURY OUTREACHES WITH A TOUCH OF ‘CLASS’ 27 OSBORNE PARK CHURCH CONTINUES TO SHINE 28 PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL SOAKING RAIN IN THE WHEATBELT 29 A HIGH DAY FOR GERALDTON FELLOWSHIP 31 SIX MONTHS IN THE MAKING 32 WHEN READING COMES ALIVE: WE’RE GOING ON A BEAR HUNT 36 HEALTH CAMP MEETING HIGHLIGHTS 38 GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS Newswest is the official news and ministry magazine of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Western Australia. It is published monthly and is available in app format, in print form and also as a downloadable PDF file on the WA Conference Website Build Them Up P30 Published by the Communications Department, Western Australian Conference, Seventh-day Adventist Church. Address: PO Box 134, Gosnells WA 6990 Phone: (08) 9398 7222 Fax : (08) 9398 5164 Email: Web: President: Terry Johnson Treasurer: Peter Dose Secretary: Sid Griffith Communication Director: Pr. Gys Seegers Editor: Natalie Meade Assistant Editor: Teresa Hort Graphic Design: Daniel Blazicevic Proof Reader: Melissa Maxwell Copy Deadline for next edition: 23rd May 2016 Neither the Editor, NewsWest, nor the Seventh-day Adventist Church is responsible for the goods or services advertised. Publication does not indicate endorsement of a product or service. Any opinions implied or expressed in NewsWest are not necessarily those of the Western Australian Conference of the Seventh‑day Adventist Church. perspectives perspectives 55 perspectives 44 perspectives Click here to play the video This was a terrible thing in the eyes of the Lord. They were men of greed and lust. They used their authority as priests to extort from the people the best of the meat brought before them for sacrifice. They also committed immoral acts with the women who gathered at the tabernacle. Eli was aware of the terrible actions of his sons Hophni and Phinehas. The training provides links to state legislations so as these are updated it will automatically reflect in the training. God told Eli that Eli had honoured his sons more than Him. It covers all required standards by the NCCA (National Council of Churches). Eli failed to be the leader God needed. Eli failed God’s people. Eli failed God. For those who prefer to listen than to read the entire training can be read to them and the text is highlighted as it is read out. The speed of the reading, size of text and much more can all be controlled by the learner. This story in 1 Samuel 2:12-36 reminds us of the consequences of turning a blind eye to sin in our churches. Eli failed in his responsibilities as a parent, which in turn led to his failure as a successful spiritual leader for the people of Israel. By not removing his sons from temptation he allowed them to continue down a path of self-destruction leaving them open to suspicion and accusation. As a church, we are called upon to exercise church discipline. Tough decisions have to be made, particularly in relation to keeping our churches safe and protecting the children and vulnerable people who attend our churches. E govern his own household. Eli was an indulgent father. Wishing to take the easy road, he failed to correct the evil ways and passions of his two sons, Hophni and Phinehas. Rather than contend with them or punish them, he submitted to their will and let them have their own way. Eli’s sons were bad men! They broke God’s law and robbed His people. Their actions were so bad that people did not want to come and bring their sacrifices to the Lord any more. They had misrepresented God to the people, destroying the beautiful picture of what God provided for us in Jesus Christ—forgiveness of sins. The latest recommendations of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse focus very strongly on ‘Specialist training for leadership roles’. “Safe Church Awareness Training” is the online training modules prepared by Safe Place Services ‘by Adventists for Adventists’. When Eli rebuked his sons they ignored him and continued in their evil ways. Eli had the authority to remove them as priests and to make them stop their evil; however he did not do so. The consequence of Eli’s failure to do the right thing was the loss of the Ark of the Covenant to the Philistines, the loss of the people’s love for God and the loss of the lives of his two sons. li was a priest and judge of Israel before and during the time of Samuel. This was the highest and most responsible position among the people of God. Eli had been chosen by God to lead His people. However despite being chosen to govern God’s people, he failed to tion is required. A copy of the policy is available from your church pastor or the conference office. The Bible tells us '…….but whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” (Matthew 18:2-6 ESV) Learning is self-paced which allows participants to learn, deal with and explore issues of such a sensitive nature within the context of all the material being developed for our denomination specifically. We recommend that learners complete the online portion within 6 weeks. This on-line training offers the opportunity to equip ourselves and ensure that our churches are compliant. We can learn from Eli. By not disciplining his sons and in particular by not restricting their duties as priests Eli failed Israel. We may never be aware of the children we have protected by being proactive and diligent with our child protection practices. Please speak with your church pastor or email Teresa Hort on for more information on how to access the online training. Thank you for doing all you can to keep our children safe. Our responsibility is huge!!! We need to equip ourselves with all the resources we can. Screening our volunteers, promoting a code of conduct, safety agreements and training are all tools that assist us to keep our children safe. The Local Church Safe Place Policy is our “go to” document when direc- Teresa Hort is the Director of Safe Places for the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Western Australia perspectives conference feature 75 46 perspectives conference feature �the Results to further promote and inspire our membership with the practice of faithful tithing. We are forming a Leadership Group to guide us in this. Survey respondents identified pastors, followed closely by local church tithe champions (see chart 2), as the best people to speak to about tithe. Therefore, as part of this initiative we would like to identify and equip local church tithe champions who can speak with passion about the blessing of tithe with fellow church members. Here is a small sample of what survey respondents said about tithe: T Our Conference had an opportunity during December and January to I prayerfully ask God to touch all our hearts with a greater sense of mission, purpose and urgency to help share the Good News with our generation. Tithe powers mission, and mission fulfils vision! “I believe that this survey should not have “I return a tithe to God. I trust the Conference to put it where he WA Conference Board of Directors has a clear focus on moving our organisation closer towards achieving the Conference Mission “to enable faithful followers of Jesus who reveal the Good News”. Enabling implies resources, talent, vision – and donations of tithe by us as members powers that for our Conference. Therefore, the Board is very interested in how members currently perceive tithing and whether there is anything we should be doing differently to help people understand tithing and participate in the blessings of tithe. If you would like to express interest in joining the Leadership Group or nominating as a Local Church tithe champion, please send your contact details to me at or call me on mobile number 0450 636 414. been formulated! Tithing it is supposed to go – the church needs pastors, pastors need to is between individual be paid, and as the employer the Conference should put pastors Christians and their God where they are most needed.” – it has nothing to do with the Conference needing “Keep members informed about the concept of tithing and participate in a tithing survey, and 337 people in Western Australia completed the survey. This provided statistically valid results on which we can make observations about our tithing beliefs and practices. believe the Conference is the best place to return tithe in order to spread the Gospel message. 73 percent believed that if everyone returned a full tithe, the mission of the church would be enhanced. 84 percent of respondents to the tithe survey believe it is wrong to divert tithe away from the church. However, a surprisingly high 49 percent are diverting some or all tithe to charities or ministries like RSPCA, Asian Aid, 3ABN and ADRA. We want to extend a big thank you to those who participated in the survey. 30 participants generously said they would be happy to share their personal tithe experience story in order to encourage others. We look forward to hearing and sharing those stories across our Conference in the near future. to carry out their mission. This is God's church, God's to do.” business, God's money - not meant to be a fund-raising “Tithe has to be used wisely, it's not only about members “I neither have great confidence nor little confidence in the use of tithe by the local Conference – they are fallible human “I do not hear ongoing sermons or read articles in church magazines that promote the reasons and benefits of tithing.” sure that they try their best is t he Dose Pe te r Ste wardnd CFO a e c tor of ir D shi p -day ve n t h in S t he e is t Ch u rch t n e a v li d a A us t r ern A t s e W but there will always be times that they fall short. That has no effect on my tithing practice – my tithing practice is between me and God.” “While I have faith that the local Conference will use tithe responsibly, more transparency about tithe Now that we have a better understanding of our tithe habits, the Executive Committee has taken a decision exercise!” returning tithe.” beings like any other. I'm 55 percent of respondents have a high to very high confidence in the use of tithe by the WA Conference, with only 10% having low or very low confidence (see chart 1). More than 50 percent more funds to enable them give regular updates on what the money they give is helping use would be useful.” “For me at the moment it is a re-commitment of my tithe back to the church and that is a personal issue. I want to do it from the heart, not because the church tells me I should.” “I am struggling to make ends meet now – I can't seriously see how I could tithe.” “I have proved I can get more out of 90 percent that out of 100 percent – we have always tithed and have been very blessed.” 8 conference news ELDER TED WILSON AND NANCY WILSON VISIT MAMARAPHA COLLEGE O N Thursday 5th of May, Mamarapha College was visited by Elder Ted Wilson (President of the Seventh-day Adventist Church) and his wife Nancy, as part of their Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Ministries (ATSIM) tour in Australia. They both had just completed a short visit in Alice Springs and the Finke a couple of days earlier. Over 40 students and staff, along with the WA Conference President, Pr Terry Johnson and President of the Australian Union Conference, Pr Jorge Munos, spent the evening with Elder Wilson and Nancy. They were given a tour of the College and enjoyed a performance by the Finke students who sang the song What a Friend we have in Jesus in the Yankunytjatjara language of Central Australia. Nancy was deeply interested in the College courses, especially evangelism and health. Both Elder Wilson and Nancy were impressed by the method of evangelism and outreach that ATSIM is using around the country. Elder Wilson invited the students to be ambassadors for Christ and reconcile with members in their community, quoting 2 Corinthians 5:20: “Now then, we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God were pleading through us: we implore you on Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.” All of those assembled stood up to commit their lives to God. The students and staff appreciated Elder Wilson’s attempt at playing the didgeridoo after a traditional welcome. Elder Wilson and Nancy were given an Aboriginal Message Stick and Aboriginal shield, as tokins of appreciations from Mamarapha College and ATSIM. Elder Wilson was delighted to support the upcoming Mamarapha Offering being held on 27 August 2016. -David Fletcher conference news 9 Towatchbroadcast, play videohere GENERAL CONFERENCE PRESIDENT VISITS WESTERN AUSTRALIA E LDER Ted Wilson and his wife Nancy were guests of both Mamarapha College at Karragullen and the Western Australian Conference at a worship program at Carmel College on the evening of Thursday 5th of May. As part of a seven week itinerary in his capacity as President of the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church, Elder and Mrs Wilson were welcomed in the afternoon by the staff and students of Mamarapha who hosted an impressive program which included a traditional welcome, an inspection of the College facilities followed by an evening meal with everyone participating. Elder Wilson spoke of his profound interest in the training of ATSIM students from around Australia to take the gospel message to the people of their communities – especially as they had been at the Finke River in NT the day before and had seen the opportunities. That evening the Wilsons, along with the AUC President Pr Jorge Munoz, were welcomed to the WA conference at the Carmel College auditorium by Pr Terry Johnson and enjoyed a magnificent worship experience led by the Perth Adventist Orchestra and Perth Adventist Choir. Elder Wilson preached passionately for 45 minutes and the audience was blessed with his presentation focusing on our individual roles as ambassadors for Christ. -Sid Griffith To watch broadcast, play video here 10 conference news MINISTERING TO THE GAY COMMUNITY O N Monday 11 April 2016, Western Australia Conference pastors, chaplains and administrators met together at Swan Valley SDA Church for a frank and open conversation on ministering to the gay community, with presenters Dr Trafford Fisher (SPD Family Ministries Educator) and Family Therapist Dr Brain Craig. Opportunities for questions and answers were created during conversations on same sex marriage and orientation. References were made to our Biblical foundational understanding and various General Conference Statements. Participants were reminded of the Statement on same sex marriage and pastoral guidelines voted by the SDA Church (Pacific) Ltd Board, 28 August 2012. “In some parts of the South Pacific Division there is considerable discussion around same sex relationships and marriage. The General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church has made a number of statements on homosexuality and same sex marriage. These documents state the General Conference position and there are no plans to reconsider these. It was: RECOMMENDED: That given the community discussion about same sex relationships and marriage, based on Scripture, we reaffirm: 1. The Church’s position that marriage can only be between a man and a woman. 2. That acts of sexual intimacy should only be expressed within a marriage. 3. That sexual activity outside of marriage or between members of the same sex is not countenanced. 4. That Christian love and respect for all people does not negate the clear Biblical teaching that limits sexual behaviour to married heterosexual couples.” As we minister to each other in the our church and the world around us, let’s be reminded of an article by James Standish published in Record on 03 May, 2013 on same sex marriage and orientation, in which he makes the following observations: “As you consider how to deal with the issue in your church, the following five guidelines, which many of you display without thinking about them, will be helpful: • We should avoid emotive or demeaning language to describe lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender (LGBT) people. God made each of us, died for each of us, and loves each of us. Every person is His most precious creation and must be treated with the respect that comes with that. • The Bible teaches that all sex outside of heterosexual marriage is sinful. Homosexual sex is no more sinful than premarital sex or extramarital sex. Teachings on sexual morality, therefore, are best when they are inclusive of sexual temptations that apply across the congregational spectrum. • All people, irrespective of the temptations they struggle with, who want to live the Christian life should be embraced in our churches with joy, love, acceptance and spiritual encouragement. We are all sinners, and we all need the grace of Christ to cover our sins and His power to form our character in His likeness. • Issues of human sexuality are complex. Hence it’s important for us not to hypothesise on the causes of various sexual impulses. Rather, as with all temptations, our call is to uplift the grace, power and redemption of the life of Christ for everyone. And in the process live out lives of genuine grace. • Proclaiming the grace of God does not involve excusing sin. Just as Jesus instructed the woman caught in adultery to “go and sin no more”, we are called “not [to] sin. But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father—Jesus Christ, the Righteous One” (I John 2:1). Having an Advocate in heaven is something every one of us must be eternally grateful for”. Comments were also made on the Cape Town “In God’s Image” summit, on 18 March 2014. (Published in Adventist Review/ANN Staff on 20 March, 2014). – Douw Venter & Steve Goods conference news 11 EQUIPPING OUR MINISTERS E ARLY this month I had the opportunity to attend a counselling training seminar with my husband Ben. It was organised by the Ministerial and Family Ministries Departments of the WA Conference. The presenters were Dr Trafford Fischer and Dr Brian Craig from the SPD. The purpose was to equip our ministers with the basic counselling tools in ministry. Skills development included how to listen well; to journey with people and their story and to explore for themselves possible solutions to the issue and find peace. I soon found that without practice, this skill, like most things, could be a hard thing to do. So over the next couple of days we were given an opportunity to put what we were taught into practice with some interactive role-playing, acting as counsellors in different scenarios to tackle different issues. As fun as the role-playing activity was, I had learnt that building a “safe place” is crucial to good counselling and good ministry. I loved that the training had many comparisons to the counselling ministry of the greatest Counsellor of all, Jesus! Jesus is not awkward in the sense that he does not force his way in to our lives but stands at the door and knocks. He wants to journey with us and understand us and is interested in our story – as he was with the two disciples on the road to Emmaus. And His aim is to bring us all true peace for our lives. – Gabriella Tavao conference news 13 12 conference news 2.Upholding a notion of sacrificial love based on Jesus on the cross that encourages victims to ‘crucify themselves’ by staying in the violent relationship in the name of ‘love’. 3.Offering spiritual help for problems requires more specific intervention. It would be inappropriate to tell victims that all they need to do is attend religious services more regularly and pray for help when they urgently need transitional housing so they can obtain safety for themselves and their children. 4.Underestimating the danger and seriousness of the violence and forcing a victim into a premature reconciliation in a relationship when their lives may be in danger. 5.Exacerbating the violence by suggesting the victim stay in the violent relationship in order to sustain a positive image of marriage, or the church, in the community. It is totally inappropriate to suggest the victims putup with violence in order to maintain a positive role in the community. 6.Describing women as the “weaker vessels,” the cause of evil in the world, or a second class member of the faith community. This will only sustain the false view that women deserve the violence and punishment that they receive at the hands of their “faithful and loving” husbands. RESPONDING TO DOMESTIC AND FAMILY VIOLENCE T HE start of May commences the Domestic and Family Violence Prevention month. It is a time to consider carefully how we respond to domestic and family violence in both words and actions. This article is aimed at family, friends and ministry leaders who seek help for those who are in violent relationships. When it comes to Domestic and Family Violence, family, friends and ministry leaders face issues that cause them to be concerned about their loved ones and many experience the same emotions that the victims do. The first emotion is usually shock and disbelief, most have attempted to accept the abuser into their family and have been manipulated into thinking that “he has a few rough edges but nothing serious”. Others have accepted the victim in their family and are shocked that someone would mistreat someone they love. The second emotion is shame. A common response is, ”How could I have been so blind!” They believe they ignored the signs and begin to feel responsible and guilty. Others feel that they should have done more. Some are embarrassed that their children are having marital problems or are caught up in family violence. The final emotion is anger. Family and friends may exact vigilantism and revenge, such as in Genesis 34 when Shechem raped Dinah, the daughter of Jacob. The brothers’ anger lead to the slaughter of all the Shechemite men in an act of vigilantism. The brothers’ anger and action may have been justified in their minds, but Dinah was never consulted and the scriptures give no indication whether or not she was helped or validated. Vigilantism and revenge is a response by those people who feel powerless over the fact that justice has not been achieved. Family, friends and ministry leaders may have some responses that may seem appropriate but can be quite harmful and damaging. Hurtful responses are: 1.Affirming and upholding the institute of marriage over and against the needs of the individuals in a violent relationship, minimising the pain of the individuals and making separation difficult. Helpful and positive supportive steps that family, friends and ministry leaders can give are: 1.Taking a strong public stand against the use of force and violence in families. 2.Playing a unique and necessary role in the alleviation of domestic violence. For instance, ministry leaders may be able to offer counselling and shelter in situations where no other social services are available. 3.Providing a first-base contact for victims who may not be able to afford the expense of a psychologist or therapist. 4.Providing support to all members of the family who may be experiencing domestic and family violence, speaking out against the acceptance of violence, and encouraging each individual to obtain assistance in stopping the violence or dealing with the emotional, spiritual, and emotional damage. 5.Creating a support network of service providers, both secular and religious, that can be mobilised to help victims, abusers and their families in crisis. Those working with families need to remind them that the abuse is not about the family; it is about helping those directly affected by the violence. Victims need understanding, patience, peace, and safety, not vengeance. Abusers need accountability, not anger. Children need a safe place to process what is happening. While it is difficult to stay calm, not react angrily, and listen, these are what family, friends and ministry leaders need to practice. Domestic and Family Violence is not about them; it is about the victim, children, and abuser. The faith community is not God, but a representative of God. God judges; the faith community empowers the family to heal. Victims must be supported, protected, and validated. Abusers must be confronted and called to see the needs of others rather than their needs. Children need a place to unwind and feel safe. Family, friends and ministry leaders need to learn how to help the family heal as a relational and emotional system. This will take patience and understanding, but can be done to the glory of God, who calls all people to seek truth and healthy relationships. Help and Resources If you are in immediate danger call the Police on 000. • Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline: 1800 007 339 FREE • Men’s Domestic Violence Helpline: 1800 000 599 FREE • DVAS Central 1800 998 399 or 9227 5852 • 1800Respect National Sexual Assault, Domestic Family Violence Counselling Service 24/7 call 1800 737 732 or • Women’s Council for Domestic and Family Violence Services (WA) 9420 7264 • Kids Helpline (24/7) 1800 551 800 or • Patricia Giles Centre 9300 0340; Children’s Counselling 9328 1888; Women’s Counselling 9300 1022 • Sexual Assault Resources Centre Crisis Line 1800 199 888 or 9340 1828 • Multicultural Women’s Advocacy Service 1800 998 399 or 9328 1200 • Legal Aid, Domestic Violence Unit 1300 650 579 References as follows: SPD Family Ministries Dept (2011, Oct). Understanding and Responding to Family Violence. Guidelines for Ministry Leaders. Clark, R. (2005). Setting the Captives Free. A Christian Theology for Domestic Violence. Minnesota, USA: Cascade Books. -Suzanna Cuplovic 14 conference news Those who graduated with their certificates. FIRST ATSIM DISCIPLE TRAINING SCHOOL IN PERTH D URING the first two weekends in February approximately 20 Aboriginal church members and attendees living in Perth came together to be upskilled in sharing their faith. This is the first Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Ministries (ATSIM) Lay Training workshop ever held in Perth. Other similar workshops have been run in Karalundi and Derby in 2014 and 2015. The members mostly came from Karla-Bidjar (KB) Aboriginal church and others from Maida Vale and some Mamarapha College students who were in Perth on study block. The workshop was held at the Maida Vale Church Hall from Friday evening to Sunday lunch time except for Sabbath mornings when most workshop students met at Karla-Bidjar (KB) church at 50 Old Perth Rd in Bassendean. God, Dealing with Anger, Forgiveness and others. Feedback from the students was very positive and most are using their skills and energy to making a positive difference for their church and their friendship networks. ATSIM plans to run another Disciple Training workshop later in the year at Derby and Karalundi. The Karalundi workshop will be a Train the Trainers seminar to upskill remote pastors and ATSI Bile workers to run their own yearly training workshops for their local churches. – Keith Godfrey The presenters at the workshop were: Pr Gordon Stafford (who was the author of the student workbooks and formerly Mamarapha College principal for 17 years) and KB church leaders Pr Darren Garlett (who is a pastoral ministries lecturer at Mamarapha College), Terry Kessaris (who is a member of the Conference Education Board), Connie Toga (KB Bible worker) and Keith Godfrey (church pastor). Some of the topics covered were: Discovering and Sharing Jesus, How to Co-Ordinate & Plan for a Sabbath Church Program, Steps in Making a Commitment to Jesus and others. Another workbook topic was entitled Living with Others. This covered subjects such as: My Value as a Child of Terry Kessaris with Heather Jean Alley and Semi Vosalevu at the workshop. conference news 15 Sharlyn Rahm an praying with all the women students at Mamarapha on International Women’s Day MAMARAPHA COLLEGE BURSTING AT THE SEAMS A NOTHER record has been broken at Mamarapha College – the Adventist Church’s Indigenous Bible College for Australia which is located at Karragullen in the Perth Hills. Student attendance at the first block (March 8 – 16, 2016) was the highest in the history of the College – 47 students (41 being first year students). The classroom was full to overflowing – some students didn’t have a desk to sit at and had to work off their laps. The large numbers also caused challenges with accommodation (the usual accommodation place – Anapana Ridge in Lesmurdie – could not hold them all) and with transport – a second bus had to be found to transport students to and from their accommodation and to church on Sabbath. College Principal, Pastor David Fletcher, along with his team, faced the challenges with a determination to solve them and they did. The largest number of students came from the Northern Territory (16 from Maningrida (Arnhem Land), Mungkarta (a community south of Tennant Creek where they are no longer conducting Sunday Church but are now running Church on Sabbath), Alice Springs, Titjikala & Finke (the largest group from Students having lunch at Karla Bidjar after having conducted church on Sabbath. John Lee – Ngumpun, Clayton Radcliffe – Perth, William Taylor – Port Augusta any place came from the Finke – 7 students). NT was closely followed by Western Australia with the second largest number of students (15). Five WA towns/Communities were represented by 2 students each – Wiluna, Boulder, Jigalong, Bililuna & Perth. Others came from such diverse places as Halls Creek, Wangkatjungka, Ngumpun & Norseman. The largest contingent to ever come from the Kimberley came this block – 5 students from 4 different Communities. Pastor Don Fehlberg, Senior Remote ATSIM Pastor & Mamarapha College Liaison Officer, was delighted to see so many students from the remote areas of Australia coming to learn more about Jesus and the Bible. -Don Fehlberg Amy Palmer – Billiluna community, Rachel Thomas – Wangkatjungka community, Vicki Graham – Norseman news 16 12 conference news NEW ATSIM BIBLE WORKERS FOR WA F OUR new ATSIM (Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander Ministries) Bible workers have recently been appointed to serve our churches in significant Aboriginal population areas of WA. This comes partly as a result of strategic planning by WAAMAC (WA Aboriginal Ministries Advisory Committee) meeting last year. Connie Toga was appointed as Bible worker for the Karala-Bidjar Aboriginal SDA Church in Perth in early 2015. Connie is a senior Pastoral Ministries student at Mamarapha College and is about to complete her fourth year of studies. Karla-Bidjar church meet at Bassendean Seniors Community Hall at 50 Old Perth Rd each Saturday morning at 10am. Soani Vosalevu is also a Mamarapha College student and has recently been selected to be the Student Bible worker in training at Collie, Capel and Narrogin. Soani will be working with Leticia Moreno, an Avondale graduate and second year pastoral intern who has been appointed to pastor these churches. Soani’s practical field ministry work will be done in between his college study blocks. All expenses for this initiative has been underwritten by ATSIM AUC in Melbourne on a reimbursement based funding through the WA conference. Connie (left with maroon jumper) with kids on a social night Soani Vosalevu with Aboriginal kids on a social night. Max Nariro from Wiluna has recently agreed to be the part time Bible worker to assist the local church and community there. Max lives 40km north of Wiluna in a small community called Kutkabubba at the beginning of the Canning Stock Route. He has been an active Wiluna Adventist member for many years and has been involved in assisting the church services and giving Bible studies to people wanting to follow God. Max will be financially supported by the WA Conference and his local church. Coral Foley is in the process of applying as a Bible worker at Karratha. A request is being made to the WA Conference for this. Coral plans to assist Pr Aymond Burdett in visitation and Bible studies there. Coral is presently a member of Karla-Bidjar church and is involved with all kinds of outreach and Bible studies to her people. Max Nariro at his house in Kutkabubba We thank these wonderful people for their missionary spirit and passion they have to serve their “mob” to grow God’s kingdom in their hearts. If you love God and have a passion to serve Him working for and with Indigenous folk and have had training in this please let us know at ATSIM. – Keith Godfrey Coral Foley (on the right) conference news 17 13 local church news CAPEL CHURCH NUMBERS SOAR WITH ANZAC DAY SERVICE O VER a hundred years ago on April 25 thousands of Australia’s sons and daughters gave their lives and sacrificed their all for their country. So many lives were given, and so many families who were left without their loved ones were changed forever. Last Sabbath the little church of Capel paid tribute to those who had fallen and remembered the value of sacrificial love. With almost triple the normal attendance, the church was filled and beaming with the presence of church members, visitors from the local community and friends from other denominational groups. The service was simple but heartfelt with church members sharing stories and showing special memorabilia of family members who had served in the war. Songs, poems and decorations also served to make it a special time for all with various uniforms of soldiers, nurses and other war personnel on display. The program concluded with a short Anzac message that reminded those present that the sacrificial love of those who served in the war was, and is, a reminder of the sacrificial love of Jesus who bought our freedom on the cross of Calvary. We give thanks to our God and Saviour for a successful and hope-filled commemoration day. We know He has more in store for this little church – for we remember a Saviour who died and is alive today. -Leticia Moreno 18 camp photos camp photos 19 NATHANIEL TAN IS ORDAINED AT CAMP Nathaniel Tan or Nat as we call him was ordained on the Sabbath Morning of Easter Camp March 26. Nat’s wife Doca and his girls McKayla and Kari are the key people who support him in his ministry. Nat’s parents Mr and Mrs Tan from Singapore were present at his ordination along with his brother Ben. Nat has had a clear sense of call to ministry since the age of 16 and his call to ministry has been confirmed repeatedly over the years. Nat began his ministry in his native country of Singapore in 2007 and came to Australia in 2013 to do further study and worked part time as a pastor at the Livingston SDA church. He is currently the pastor of the Avon Valley and Swan Valley Churches. It is great to have Nat as a part of the ministry team in Western Australia and he is appreciated for his warm pastoral heart and leadership skills. In the near future Nat will begin to plant a church among the Chinese/ Australian population of Perth. -Steve Goods conference news 21 20 conference news MUSIC: MAKING FREEMAN WING A BETTER PLACE E VERYONE at some point in their life has experience the joy or the soothing benefits that come from listening to some well‑played music. Undoubtedly, there is power in music and it is this power that creates the foundation for music therapy. Research has shown that, when used appropriately, music can have many benefits such as shifting someone’s mood, stimulating positive interactions, it can also facilitate cognitive function and may help coordinate physical movements. Over 100 years ago, writer Ellen G White wrote about the benefits of music stating, “Rightly employed, (music) is a precious gift of God, designed to uplift the thoughts to high and noble themes, to inspire and elevate the soul”. These days many aged care facilities are using music therapy to enhance the quality of life for patients. The American Music Therapy Association affirms that, “Music Therapy is the clinical and evidence-based use of music interventions to accomplish individualized goals within a therapeutic relationship….” Music can be used to: • • • • • • • Promote Wellness Manage Stress Alleviate Pain Express Feelings Enhance Memory Improve Communication Promote Physical Rehabilitation At Adventist Residential Care (ARC), the benefits of music have long been recognised, and music therapy is incorporated into the daily routine. During the mornings, aged care residents are whisked away with classical music and hymns either played by volunteers or through a recording. Throughout the week, there are sing-a-longs where residents are encouraged to participate. On every other day a group from the Chinese Community come and sing to the residents and also provide the occasional concerts, which the residents thoroughly enjoy. Speaking of the programs, Anna Fui (Occupational Therapy Assistant) says, “Our residents just love it! They find the music very relaxing and it calms them down”. Classical music is played once again in the evenings, it has a very relaxing and calming effect and it helps the carers get the residents ready for bed. Pavel Ojrzanowski (Occupational Therapist) says “I believe that music is a big part of human’s life and no matter our age we still get a lot of enjoyment from the fact that we can sing and remember so many songs. I see that in older people all the time”. He goes on to say “We would love to have more volunteers come in and play music to our residents, you have to see them to believe what a wonderful effect it has on them”. If you enjoy playing music, have spare time any day and would like to volunteer, please contact ARC reception on 9354 4133 or email Pavel at – Grace Rosales 22 local church news Adut (at the Teen Shed) CHURCH PLANTS MEETING THEIR GOAL OF 10% INCREASE IN KINGDOM GROWTH S TATISTICALLY, new groups that are mission focused and not maintenance occupied, tend to have more new people come into faith. Recently Paul Calabro from the Forrestfield Church was baptised. He loves the fellowship and especially appreciates the Bible studies given by our Bible Worker, Joan Rosen, who helps him on a regular basis. At Easter Camp, two of our Sudanese youth, Panjock Kuc and Adut Tong, made their public commitment to Christ in baptism. These young folk attend the Sudanese Church Plant in Marangaroo. Adut also attends Landsdale Christian School and really appreciates how the school has supported her spiritual journey. Panjock’s mother and sister were able to come to camp and witness Panjock’s baptism, and commented that they want to be baptised also. Paul (at Forrestfield) Our local Burundi Church plant has reached out to support a new Adventist church plant in Brisbane. Recently a group went over to help teach and prepare a Pentecostal congregation who wanted to become Seventh-day Adventists. The Pastor was convicted about the Sabbath, because of a young boy. The Pastor said he would have to follow the truth. All but one of his congregation are joining him. 350 people attended the first baptism of 9 souls and approximately 70 others are preparing. Surely God is working! We can expect to see this happening more often as the end times draw nearer. This message given to us willl be taken and shared with passion by others. Rather than being left behind due to our idleness in the vineyard, let us seize today and by God’s grace, be a channel for God to work through in winning souls for His kingdom. – John Hovarth Panjock (in the Big Tent) local church news 23 Kauma school Chapel extensions WA MEMBERS SUPPORT MOST ISOLATED SCHOOL IN OUR DIVISION K AUMA boarding high school, with 250 “live in” students, is situated on Abemama Island, 150km from the capital, Tarawa, in the Republic of Kiribati. There are 33 atolls which straddle the equator, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, north of Fiji. These atolls are generally just 2 metres above sea level. There is no permanent power, telephone or internet. In the past they used a diesel generator which became prone to breakdowns. More recently, praise God, the E.U. gave a new solar power system worth half a million dollars! This is such a God-sent blessing. So now, when the sun is shining, which is most of the time, the students and staff can enjoy electricity. Kiribati became a republic in 1979 when it seceded from Great Britain. Many countries give foreign aid, including Australia, so it’s handy that the locals use Australian currency. The life expectancy is around 60 years for most, which is an improvement over the last 10 or so years. SDAs can live up to 80 or more, as we do here. ‘Search for One’ from the USA often comes to voluntarily assist with building, health and dentistry. Our team of seven people donated data projectors, laptops, medicine and clothing. We worked on laying bricks, building walls and a roof. We shared in or took services and taught new songs. The students’ singing was beautiful, harmonious and inspiring. Teaching students how to lay blocks Students travel from many different islands to come to Kauma, some even from Kiritimati Island (pronounced Christmas – there is no ‘s’ in the Gilbertese language, therefore ‘ti’ is pronounced as ‘s’) 2500km away. Every year around 50 students accept Christ as their Saviour and are baptised. This is quite a challenge and sacrifice as some will not be accepted back in their village or family because of their decision. It has been refreshing to return to this challenging growing nation. I’ve been away for 12 years and as a former president, it’s great to see that projects we began still continue and flourish. The volunteer teams that go to Kiribati are indeed a big help. WA has certainly been contributing to the work there through Bro Ian Smart and the Billington brothers. There are ongoing needs and challenges, as there are in any mission field and some of the skills needed are electrical, plumbing, building, teaching, pre-school and gardening. Comfortable accommodation is provided. The beach is only a step away! Jesus is coming so live life with passion and no regrets! If God is calling you to give of your time to volunteer for a while, then take the challenge; you will be blessed. “…now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed” (Rom 13:11). – Pr John Horvath Chapel time 24 local church news JOONDALUP COMMUNITY CHURCH VISITORS’ DAY J OONDALUP SDA Community Church hosted a visitors’ day on the 19th of March 2016. Members of the community surrounding the church as well as personal contacts of the church members were invited to attend the special Sabbath worship service. The theme of the day was The Pathway to Peace. The day was filled with musical items from the Musiyiwa family as well as the male quartet Arise. Pastor Kyle shared a short message on the futility of trying to bear our own problems rather than taking them to God, utilising Jacob’s experience at Penniel as an illustration. All visitors received gift bags containing the book The Path to Peace by Ellen White. The service was followed by a delicious potluck lunch that everyone thoroughly enjoyed. We praise God for all the visitors that attended on the day, in particular two individuals who had never attended a Seventh‑day Adventist church before. – Jessica Michel local church news 25 BUNBURY OUTREACHES WITH A TOUCH OF ‘CLASS’ I N April, guests of the Bunbury Church were invited to a ‘fine-dining’ experience with Pr Geoff Youlden in appreciation for attending previous outreach programs. Bunbury Pastor, Nicu Dumbrava, said that over the past two years the church had run many outreach programs including: ‘The Last Empire’, ‘12 Steps to Recovery Program’ with Cheri Peters, sharing the ‘Beyond’ DVD series, and a ‘CHIP’ program. “It has been great to have maintained contact with so many people who have come to our programs and are still keen to learn more,” Pr Dumbrava said. Setting up for dinner with Geoff Youlden “This was an opportunity to enjoy a beautiful meal together and to have Pr Geoff Youlden present a special message.” On the Friday night after the meal, Pr Youlden spoke about the certainty we can have in the Bible. After the presentation, twenty-three people made a commitment to follow the example of Jesus, with 12 of these requesting Bible studies to prepare for baptism. “We give praise to God for the commitment these people have made,” Pr Dumbrava said. On Sabbath morning, Pr Youlden presented the message, ‘Why I am excited by the Judgment,’ followed by the first Bible study in the afternoon. Bible studies will continue every Wednesday night until the middle of June when a baptism is planned. Guests dining with Geoff Youlden After the weekend the Elders prayed together for everyone who attended the weekend’s program. The first Wednesday night study was strongly supported with 24 people attending, some of whom were new people invited by their friends to join the Bible studies. One couple decided on the night to plan to be baptised. “It’s wonderful to witness the amazing power of the Holy Spirit in people’s lives.” Pr Dumbrava said. Pr Dumbrava also thanked the many Bunbury church members who made the program a success including those who invited guests, decorated the tables, cooked the meals, and waited on the tables. – Nicu Dumbrava Bunbury ladies helping in the kitchen Guests dining with Geoff Youlden Bunbury teens helping out 26 local church news BIBLE CLASSES BEGIN AT LIVINGSTON CHURCH T HIS year the Livingston SDA Church has decided to take its spiritual journey to the next level – through a series of Bible classes taught by associate pastor Marcos Torres. Beginning in April and working though set dates the classes aim to teach the basic story of scripture, Adventist distinctives, practical spirituality (such as how to read your Bible, pray etc), and relevant outreach/ evangelism. The aim of the classes is simple: To nurture spiritual growth through the knowledge of Jesus Christ. However, these classes are intended to not only ground people in sound doctrine but also to lead them to be agents of change in our world and – to borrow Pastor Paul’s words – to be restorers of love in our communities. When asked what one can expect from each class, Marcos replies “The classes are intense but enjoyable. Unfortunately, due to time limitations I had to select a 2 hour slot for each class which can be a bit tough especially since one of the aims of these classes is to ground people in good, sound theology. Another aim to is equip them to build truth-seeking relationships with people of other faiths so at times we delve into other worldviews such as atheism, Buddhism etc. As a result each class is relatively deep and one really needs to use the mind and be alert to get the most out of them. But so far people seem to be enjoying it and many of those who came the first time are returning again. So I would say, come prepared to think, ask, and think some more. But also be prepared to take the truth and make a positive difference with it in our world.” The classes are free and are held Friday nights at 7pm. However, due to scheduling limitations the classes are not offered each Friday so make sure to check the dates of each class as they come in the poster on this page. In addition, visit for more in formation on each class and to listen to recordings of previous lessons. – Marcos Torres local church news 27 OSBORNE PARK CHURCH CONTINUES TO SHINE T HIS year the small Osborne Park Church has continued to do the good work it started over 100 years ago. In response to the recent devastating bushfires around Waroona, the church decided to take up a spontaneous offering. Over $1000 was raised and sent through to the appeal that was established. We also had the privilege of seeing Ray Nimmo join the church through baptism on the 12th of March. The church gathered at a member’s house to witness and celebrate the decision that is many years in the making. His devoted wife, Heather, who has been an active leader of the church over a long period of time, has been praying for her husband since her baptism. He has had Bible studies with various people throughout the years, and finally made the decision to get baptised and be fully committed to Jesus. The church celebrated with him, his family and the angels in heaven on this precious occasion. – Kyle Richardson 28 local church news 4 Generations of those present from the Harders family tree, including Corey from the Ashmore and Ackland branches, and Pastor Malcolm (front centre). PHYSICAL AND SPIRITUAL SOAKING RAIN IN THE WHEATBELT T HE Wheatbelt has been experiencing unusual downpours of rain so far this year with some farmers already receiving their yearly rainfall. Spiritually, the rain of the Holy Spirit has been very active in nourishing three precious people at East Narembeen, resulting in the making of their public commitment to God through the waters of baptism on Sabbath, April 2, in the presence of a large number of family and friends, coming from as far away as Darwin and Broome. We are sure all heaven rejoiced at this special service in which Pastor Malcolm Eastwick officiated. Corey Ashmore, a seventh generation Seventh-day Adventist on his maternal side of the family and sixth on his paternal side has been a regular attendee since babyhood as well as being dedicated as a baby in the local church. It was with great joy that the church family have seen him develop into a fine young man who is a keen Bible student, who loves God, and has affirmed this through baptism. The final hymn “When We All get to Heaven”was a joyous and vibrant anthem of keen anticipation of this promised event; and it seemed all heaven sang with us! Tracy, Linda and Corey are all actively involved in the local church and will continue to be an inspirational blessing to the church family as well as to their family and friends as they share the good news of salvation in Jesus. Linda summed it up well when she said in her testimony – “Prayer works. God works in beautiful and mysterious ways.” May we all continue in prayer, and see God working as we allow Him to change our lives and give us the privilege of reaching out to others for Him. The rain of the Holy Spirit continues as two more precious people have indicated their desire to follow their Saviour’s example through the waters of baptism. – Bruce Lang Sisters Linda and Tracy O’Loughlin first came to the East Narembeen Church on November 22, 2014 and have been regular attendees ever since, even though it is a round trip of about 250km each Sabbath. It was with great delight that those present witnessed them committing their lives to God. It was also an answer to 30 years of praying for this life-changing decision by extended family Mr and Mrs Stanley, whose son James sang very fittingly and beautifully during the service (“One Day at a Time” and “People Need the Lord”). Corey’s two Grandads Terry Ashmore and Don Ackland shared the reading of the vows with Tracy, and Linda’s twin brother James O’Loughlin. Malcolm Eastwick with baptismal candidates local church news 29 Prime Minister , Malcolm Turnbull with Matthew (Frankie) McDonald (centre) and Wyatt Cooke (right). A HIGH DAY FOR GERALDTON FELLOWSHIP I T was a high day for the Geraldton Adventist Family Fellowship when four of our young people – Lilly and Monique Darcy and Samarra and Teharnie Martin – were baptised. Our intern Leticia Moreno had studied faithfully with the girls during the year and Pr Darren Garlett was invited to help her perform the baptism. It was an extra special day for Karalundi chaplain Sandra Kelly as the girls are her granddaughters. Another of our young people Matthew (Frankie) McDonald who is on a scholarship attending Scotch College in Perth, recently won an Australia-wide Indigenous competition which entitled him to meet the Prime Minister. He had to write an essay on what he would like to ask the Prime Minister. Frankie commented that the highlight was the PM serving him a cup of Jasmine tea. Congratulations Frankie! – Val Royce 30 youth news Young adult gala YOUTH IN ACTION! T HE youth department has engaged in a number of different ministries in the last few months. They have all been exciting opportunities to connect with our young people and share with them a set of tools for spiritual growth. An adventure we are taking this year is to have focused ministries. What does that mean? It means focusing our energies and resources on youth/young adults and teens ministries. Another exciting ministry initiative that is up and running is youth regional coaches. This initiative is put in place to support our local church youth leaders. The idea is our regional youth coaches make regular contact with youth leaders to provide support, encourage through prayer, and to resource them. So here are some of the pictures from the flurry of activity. – Uili Mauga Teen Ice skating at Camp Young adult gala Youth Car Rally at Camp 4WD activity at Camp education news 31 SIX MONTHS IN THE MAKING V ICTORIA Park Christian School hall was a hive of activity on Monday 10 August, 2015. Each child from Kindy to Year 6 worked collaboratively as they painted over 200 A3 sheets of paper – the patchwork of colour and artistic talent was inspiring. After drying, a template was cut from each sheet, which was then folded and glued to make gift bags. The bags were each given handles and filled with home made play dough, pencils, balloons, hand made note books, colouring and puzzle activities. The gift bags were delivered to the Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation by Jarral Attwood Brooks, Adhelina Hatch and Gabriella Smedley – the 2015 school prefects, who went above and beyond their call of duty. The staff excitedly accepted the gift bags and were very keen to deliver them to the children who would spend their Christmas in hospital. – Megan Sketchley 32 education news education news 33 WHEN READING COMES ALIVE: WE’RE GOING ON A BEAR HUNT BEGINNING... It was a warm and sunny Thursday afternoon at VPCS when a group of three-to-five-year-olds ventured outdoors, a bear hunt on our minds. First, everyone sat in the shade, listening to a story of an eventful but perhaps unsuccessful bear hunt. “We’re not scared” we echoed back to the teacher. After the story came time to ‘hunt’ and leave the ‘house’ (a parachute laid carefully in the shade). With our feet and legs thoroughly drenched (a few of us had wet pants too), we approached the sandy mud puddle and ‘squelch squirched’ our way through. 4 7 1 We eagerly rounded the corner of the school’s sport shed, leaving our shoes behind to enjoy the ‘swishy swashy’ grass between our toes which was the first obstacle in the story. 2 The air filled with squeals of delight as we then came across a ‘deep cold river’; a teacher squirting our bare legs with a hose. 3 It was even cold like it should be! After quickly rinsing the snow from our fingers, we spied a cave peeking through the sport shed door. On our tippy toes, we crept towards the door, wondering if our teachers really knew where to find bears and convince them to hide in pretend plastic caves. Soon we saw some furry paws on the floor with wiggling fingers, then some ears and finally a bear face appeared with a great big ‘ROAARRR’! So far, we had managed to keep the mud off one another and everyone was grinning from ear to ear. Next came a hike through the ‘forest’ in the middle of the playground. The bushy gauntlet proved to be the trickiest so far, with some of the smaller three year olds disappearing until they reached the other side. 5 Fortunately no one was lost as we eagerly approached the tub of ‘snow’. Shouts of ‘Wooo oooo wooo oooo’ were heard as we came to the tub and dipped our hands into the pretend snow. 6 A few minutes passed and the teachers encouraged us to hop out from the covers and see where the bear was. To our surprise, we saw the familiar face of Mrs Sketchley as she removed her mask and paws! Some of us were very relieved to discover that it was Mrs Sketchley, rather than a scary bear walking around upright. 10 Thrilled, we ran around screaming and laughing and trying to get away from the bear. 8 All in all, we thoroughly enjoyed our afternoon of bringing one of our favourite stories to life. It was messy and fun and full of laughter, just the way childhood should be. Just like in the story, we hurried back through the snow, the forest, the mud, the river and the grass with the roaring bear chasing us. We dashed under the parachute ‘covers’ and said together ‘we’re not going on a bear hunt again!’ 9 How many of us can honestly say that we read to our children daily? How many of us actually have our children request to be read to? In a world full of technology and screens, sometimes it’s easy to forget to pick up a book for a day or two. Our children need us to read to them. They need us to spend time with them, to show them that we’re really interested in what they are learning. At VPCS, this group of students spent an entire week fully unpacking a story book and exploring it from every angle. Activities are planned throughout the week to help with this exploration and can be anything from artworks to writing. The children in this group are even starting to recognise names of prominent authors. This success is due to the hours and hours that the parents of these children have put in to reading with them. Pre-literacy skills have been proven through many studies to greatly increase our children’s learning and these skills begin with reading. Bring a story to life for your child today. – Rebekah Eyre 34 children’s ministries news children’s ministries news 35 BUILD THEM UP! As owner-builders, we particularly appreciate it when people compliment us on our beautiful home. They admire the polished floorboards, the expansive verandas, and the big picture windows, situated to frame the gorgeous bush setting. However, no one seems to notice our biggest asset. To be fair, it’s not easy to see any more, but without it, our house would not be the beautiful home it is today. Considerable planning, finances, energy and manpower (not to mention concrete and steel reinforcements) went into making the foundations of our home. It would be foolish to argue that this was time and money wasted, as foundations that are strong, firm and well grounded are critical when building a house. In the church, our biggest assets are our children. Building them up to be strong and steadfast in the love of Christ is never a waste of time, effort or resources. A firm spiritual foundation in the formational years makes far more sense that trying to fix the cracks in the walls of broken adults1. Sixty-three pre-teens joyfully made a decision for baptism. These decisions are taken seriously, and are being followed up in home churches. At Easter Camp this year, over 100 dedicated volunteers, teachers and church pastors ministered to more than 700 children aged 0 to 12 years. Their love, joy and enthusiasm for spreading the gospel created special memories for the children in their care, and helped them connect with God and their church family. All this added strength to the children’s spiritual foundations. If you are one of those volunteers, teachers or church pastors in children’s ministry, thank you. Pushing those heavy metaphorical wheelbarrows of concrete may seem like a laborious and thankless task, but know your work is laying crucial spiritual foundations in children’s hearts. Through you, God is building His church. Children are inherently spiritual2. While they greatly enjoyed the fun and games of the activities in each division, this year’s survey results suggest that the highlight of camp for many of the children was learning about and experiencing God. In the Junior division, there was a beautifully rich spiritual atmosphere and many “God moments”. – Jane Gibbons-Eyre Junior Division Leader for Easter Camp 1. 2016e. (2003). Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions. Ventura, CA: Regal. 2. Fisher, Barbara J. (2010). Developing a Faith Based Education: A Teacher’s Manual. Terrigal, NSW: David Barlow Publishing. 36 health news health news 37 Dr Rankin conducting the CHIP training CHIP TRAINING As well as talking in the Big Tent and at the AHA Sunday night dinner Dr Paul Rankin conducted CHIP training, not only for new trainers, but updating for those who were no longer accredited. Benjie Hornales demonstrating CAMP MEETING HIGHLIGHTS Pam Rosenbaum demonstrating VEGETARIAN COOKING CLASSES This is always very popular at Camp. This year Natasha Meredith, Pam Rosenbaum and Benjie Hornales demonstrated tasty and healthy dishes. Attendance was as high as 58. FUN RUN OR WALK Around 100 people were undeterred by the change in the weather and exercised for their health. Two participants’ names, one male and one female, were chosen Rob Stanton receiving his ABC book prize for the most laps completed A total of 22 people availed themselves of this opportunity adding to the pool of trained people who are authorised to run CHIP. As a result we are looking forward to many CHIP programs being conducted in WA in the future. HEALTH OUTREACH Breakfast queues WAGIN WOOLORAMA The AHA team of Glenny Ainsworth, Milan Uskokovic and Kaye and Warren Grubb combined with Rob Tanner and Don Pink to have two stalls next to each other at Wagin Woolorama. AHA conducted the Computer Health Age while Rob and Don had an extensive offering of Adventist literature and DVDs. The two stalls complemented each other, the Computer Health Age attracting people, some of whom then went on to take literature and DVDs. Help with the breakfast came from all quarters Computer Health Age at Wagin Woolorama Merredin Show Dr Ross Grant MERREDIN SHOW Merredin Church is very active in community programs, including health programs such as the CHIP program. As part of their community outreach they invited AHA to conduct the Computer Age Program at the Merredin annual show. Peter and Laurel Forrest and Kaye and Warren Grubb combined with members of the Merredin Church to conduct the program. Many good contacts were made. resistant?” and “Is exercise more important than food?” VICTORIA PARK HEALTH OUTREACH Victoria Park Church is conducting a series of health programs. They started with the Computer Health Age program followed by health talks and vegetarian cooking classes over three weeks. Attendances ranged from 30-46. They are following these programs up with a weekend of talks with Dr Ross Grant on the weekend of 1-3 July. Some of Dr Grant’s topics are: “Will we ever find a pill or potion that keeps us alive for ever, or at least a really long time?”, “Can we make our brains depression To find out more go to “Events” on the website or contact Del: 0407 930 518 or CHEP TRAINING The Community Health Education Presenter’s (CHEP) course is a very important training program for Health Outreach. It was encouraging to have nine people enrolled for the training program conducted by Sibilla Johnson. In addition a number of previously trained people are using the opportunity to update their qualifications. Although the first training program was held on the weekend of 19 & 20 March it is still not too late to enrol, as long as you can attend the next programs. For details contact Jan: or phone 9315 3400. randomly and given participation prizes provided by Sanitarium. Also the male and female completing the most laps in each age category were awarded an ABC book prize. SANITARIUM AND LIFE HEALTH FOODS BREAKFAST This increasingly popular Camp event attracted over 300 campers who enjoyed a choice of cereals, “milks”, fruit, spreads, as well as fried onions and vegetarian frankfurts and rashers. Victoria Park health team 38 general announcements e v i g o t y a a n e a s i e r w e, from anywhere any tim QR FOR IOS Western Australian Conference Giving App provides an easy way to return your tithe and give church offerings. Thank you for contributing towards the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. CALL FOR SUPPORT (08) 9398 7222 QR FOR ANDROID EMAIL US Visit us at for more information and FAQ help general announcements 39 HOUSE FOR SALE IN ALBANY 6 bedroom two bathroom house for sale with two lounges and also with two study rooms. Decking under the front verandah and also a large decking area at the rear of the house under the verandah. Six car parking bays under roof, and one tractor shed, also two small lock up sheds with 2 large rainwater tanks that hold over 201,500 ltrs plus a large overhead feeder tank for gardens and washing cars. Also a very good size granny flat with kitchen installed not yet plumbed up. All this is situated on 42 acres parkland cleared with Jarrah, Marri and white gum and other trees. Located at the end of a lonely and very secluded area only one hour from the City of Albany or half an hour from the town of Mt Barker, with a bus stop for children for Mt Barker and Kendenup School caters for Years 1 to 12. Reverse cycle aircon to the main living area and another main bedroom as well. Lovely Jarradale slow combustion fire place in the second loungeroom, also new instant gas hot water system and water pump for water pressure. The main power switchboard in the backyard has a plug and socket made up to plug a generator in and then the whole house and granny flat can be run on independent power supply for any power black outs. Polished Jarrah, Baltic Pine, and Blackwood floors to the majority of the house. Freshly painted inside and out and ready for a large family or a Rehab/ Lifestyle centre. Was home for ten of us but no longer needed as we are working up North. Currently for sale with Harry Griffiths at Professionals in Mt Barker. His phone number 0418 512 400 or look up the property on the internet located at Lot 1 Lakelands Rd Tenkterden. Advertised for $380,000 currently but for any SDA members Aymond and Nicky will be happy to drop it to $360,000 if you call Aymond on 0419 928 901 for more details.Property also available for rent tand will give a 12 month lease from around May to June if not sold already. REGIONAL HUMANITARIAN ADVISOR – ADRA SOUTH PACIFIC The Seventh-day Adventist Church (SPD) Limited is seeking to appoint an experienced Regional Humanitarian Advisor to be responsible for facilitating the development and management of the humanitarian aid program for ADRA and the Church in the South Pacific region. Applications close: 29th May 2016 IT SENIOR SOFTWARE DEVELOPER South Pacific Division – Wahroonga, NSW Seeking a highly experienced software developer to join a flourishing IT team. Click the link for more information and to make your application today Applications close – 30th May 2016 Key Services: Full time care from support workers Safe and nurturing environment Encourage and guide individuals to develop skills Provide the ARC opportunity to live DISABILITY Providing quality care since 1996, ARC Disability aims to provide innovative care in a safe, supportive Christian Environment, where people receive the opportunity to grow a relationship with Jesus Christ. With the current growth and development in disabilities, ARCD is looking to expand into the Eastern and southern Suburbs of Perth by providing supportive accommodation and also community home services. Operated by a balanced life ARCD 31A Milford Way Nollamarra WA 6061 For further information contact our office on 9349 9772 27-28 August 2016 Celebrating the Supremacy of Jesus through the Adventist Church through Worship, the Study of the Word and Interactive Christian Community 2016 Theme: “His Story. Our Salvation.” Fully endorsed and supported by the WA Conference of the SDA Church Speakers: Japhet De Oliveira, Tim Gillespie, Dilys Brooks, Terry Swenson, Dena King and William Johnsson Best of The Bible Lands Tour 2016 Travel and see the exciting high points of four Bible countries — Jordan, Israel, Turkey and Greece. See where Jacob wrestled with the Angel on the Jabbok; Stand where Moses stood on Mt Nebo before dying and then raised to life; see where Jesus was baptised; ride on the Sea of Galilee; see where Jesus gave the Sermon on the Mount; six of the seven church of Revelation; in the steps of Paul in Greece. You’ll also see dozens more exciting places, from the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem to Mars Hill in Athens and the prison cell of Paul in Phillipi — and so many more. The tour will run from Thursday, 8 September to Tuesday, 11 October with options to stay in Dubia — or you can travel elsewhere in Europe and around the world. Bible Society Australia Presents: est HPymn f erth FEATURING THE PERTH ADVENTIST ORCHESTRA AND PERTH ADVENTIST CHOIR LAST SHUTTLE SERVICE TO VENUE IS 6.00PM Saturday 18th June, 2016 6.00pm - 7.30pm Designed by DI Designs Perth E: 40 general announcements Kennedy College – Farrington Road, Murdoch Free parking available at Murdoch Car Park 7. Shuttles will be provided before and after concert. Patrons advised to carpool and drop off passengers at auditorium. Come with your family and friends, and join us as we celebrate together the Christian faith through music and song. Enjoy singing some of your favourite well known hymns, as well as special vocal and instrumental music. Hymnfest will feature the local Perth Adventist Orchestra and Choir conducted by Rey Lecciones with special guest performances by the Faster Pastor Vocal Band. Come and support Bible Society as it raises funds for South Africa. To register your interest in this tour, please contact Pastor Harold Harker on (02) 4385 8282 or mobile 0410 518 468, or by email at Harold. A LOVE GIFT OFFERING WILL BE COLLECTED FOR “GET THE WORD OUT – SOUTH AFRICA” PROJECT PROUDLY SPONSORED BY Rick Pekan P: 1300 242 537 M: 0447 973 273 E: W: Rey Lecciones M: 0450 737 000 E: Perth Adventist Orchestra Jonathan Hughes M: 0401 197 721 E: Women Of Faith When: May 28th, 2016 Time: 4:00pm Where: North Perth SDA Church; 445 Charles Street, North Perth Bring: a plate of Þnger food to share For more information, please call Jasmin on 0420 932 174 general announcements 41 Phone or text 0420 932 318 ( Belmont SDA Church Corner Paterson Rd & Fulham St, Kewdale. 6108 (Western Australia) Presenter: ROBERT STANKOVIC (BTh/BMin) SEMINAR WORKSHEETS will be provided (BYO NKJV Bible) [Note: ifSECRETS you don’t have a NKJVOF Bible, aPROPHECY limited number of Free NKJV Seminar Bibles will be provided] BIBLE SEMINAR April 27th to November 2nd, 2016 every Wednesday night @ 7pm. Presented by ROBERT STANKOVIC (BTh/BMin) Free seminar material will be provided. The “SecretsSEMINAR of Prophecy” SECRETS OF PROPHECY BIBLE (SOP) Bible Seminar course series is the latest Biblical material developed Is Written 2 –nd a, Christ-centred Bible Prophecy April 27th by to It November 2016 every Wednesday nightadventure, @ 7pm. presented in an illustrated, interactive, and engaging manner – exploring Presented by ROBERT STANKOVIC (BTh/BMin) Free seminar material willbegan, be provided. “Secrets where this world’s problems where The we are today of in Prophecy” world history, (SOP) Biblesense Seminar courseissues series in is the the world, latest Biblical material how to make of today’s and how God will developed by It Is Written – a Christ-centred Bible Prophecy finally resolve the problem of evil and suffering! adventure, presented in an illustrated, interactive, and engaging manner – exploring [Each week there will be door prizes & light refreshments provided] where this world’s problems began, where we are today in world history, how to make sense of today’s issues in the world, and how God will DATES TOPICS (Start term 2) finally resolve the problem of evil and suffering! 1 - April 27th The Secrets of Prophecy [Each week there will be door prizes & light refreshments provided] 2 - May 4th Who will control the world? 3 - May 11th Signs of the times DATES TOPICS (Start term 2) 4 -- April May 18th HowSecrets will the world end? 1 27th The of Prophecy th 5 - May 4 25th The war 2 Who will zone control the world? 3 May 11th Signs of the times 6 - June 1st Does God care? 4 May 18th How world end? 7 -- June 8th Stepswill to the spiritual freedom 5 May 25th The zoneman of prophecy 8 -- June 15th The war mystery 6 - June 1st Does God care? 9 - June 22nd Rebuilding the temple 7 - June 8th Steps to spiritual freedom 10 June 29th Inside the lost ark of prophecy 8 - June 15th The mystery man School End of term 2 /temple start term 3 9 - Junebreak 22nd Rebuilding the 11 - June July 20th Rest for the soul 10 29th Inside the lost ark School End of term / start term 3 12 - Julybreak 27th Symbol of the2sun 11 Rest theAntichrist soul 13 -- July Aug.20th 3rd Who for is the (part 1) 12 Symbol of the sun 14 -- July Aug.27th 10th Who is the Antichrist (part 2) 13 - Aug. 3rd Who is the Antichrist (part 1) 15 - Aug. 17th The final superpower 14 - Aug. 10th Who is the Antichrist (part 2) 16 The of the beast 15 - Aug. Aug. 24th 17th The mark final superpower 17 Life 16 - Aug. Aug. 31st 24th The after markdeath of the beast 18 -- Aug. Sept.31st 7th Where ondeath earth is hell? 17 Life after 18 Where on earth is hell? 19 - Sept. 7th 14th 1,000 years of peace 19 1,000 peace 20 -- Sept. Sept. 14th 21st Buriedyears underofwater 20 - Sept. 21st Buried water School break End of under term 3 / start term 4 School break End of term 3 / start term 4 21 – Oct. 12th The Judgement 21 – Oct. 12th The Judgement 22 Why 22 - Oct. Oct. 19th 19th Why so so many many churches? churches? 23 – Oct. 26th Living 23 – Oct. 26th Living life life to to the the full full 24 Nov. 2nd The secret to success 24 - Nov. 2nd The secret to success November 5th Secrets of Prophecy Graduation Service @ 10:45am 42 general announcements WEIMAR COMING TO AUSTRALIA! For the first time ever, a team from Weimar Institute is coming to Australia to conduct a 9-day intensive medical missionary and health evangelism training program. a comprehensive one-year health evangelism plan including access to a data management computer program that allows churches to keep track of contacts. For decades, Weimar has been at the forefront of health evangelism with its highly successful NEWSTART program. In 2013, the Institute added a 4-month training program called H.E.A.L.T.H (Health Evangelism And Leadership Training for Him), to raise up a team of medical missionaries around the globe. Participants will learn how to run a health expo, a 3-day cooking school and a 5-day health series in their local community as well as how to offer simple, natural remedies in the home such as massage and hydrotherapy. However, due to the fact that many people just can’t allocate that sort of time, Weimar recently introduced “Powered-Up” a 9-day intensive that encapsulates the main elements of H.E.A.L.T.H. It is this training program that the Weimar team will be delivering at the picturesque Busselton Seventh-day Adventist Campground from 30 July-7 August inclusive. “This represents a fantastic opportunity,” said Jason Williams from the Adventist Health Association in WA, which is involved for bringing the Weimar team out. “To participate in this training people would normally have to pay thousands of dollars, but, by God’s grace, we’ve managed to secure it for a fraction of that cost by bringing Weimar to us! “The total cost for the training is only $775, which includes all meals and accommodation. That’s only $86 a day! “Not only that but if you book and pay before 31 May, you can take advantage of our early bird special of $695.” The program will include an overview of the NEWSTART Global process and how it works in the local community plus According to Jason, one of the benefits of the Weimar program is that it trains participants to become health coaches. “When members of the community come to the health expo and follow up programs such as the cooking school or health series, they are offered the opportunity of having a series of visits by their own personal health coach. This gives us access into people’s homes. It is our prayer that as we visit people in their homes, many hearts will be touched and we will have the opportunity to pray with them and share the gospel. “As Ellen G White states in Evangelism page 515, ‘Every city is to be entered by workers trained to do medical missionary work. As the right hand of the third angel’s message, God’s methods of treating disease will open doors for the entrance of present truth.’” Another highlight of the program will be presentations by Seventh-day Adventist historian and researcher, Dave Fiedler. His book, D’Sozo, shows how medical missionary work started with such promising beginnings, then fell by the wayside. For further information or to register for Powered Up Plus visit or contact Jason Williams on or 0497 820 346. -Jo Lang general announcements 43 Women’s Ministries, WA Conference presents: “THE RAW DEAL!” F aster P astor s art New 17 p e r d nd y 20 Tou ralia a d Ma i st Au land m a Ze VoCAL bAND & FRIENDS Saturday 23rd July, 2016 at 7pm Livingston Seventh-day Adventist Church, corner Nicholson & Ranford Roads, Canning Vale (opp Livingston Marketplace Shopping Centre) 2017 Reformation Lands Tour ALL WELCoME! Come and enjoy a power-packed evening of rich vocal harmony and fun together with our pastors as they share their passion and repertoire of songs from over the years since they began in 2011, as well as some new ones – all in one night. They will also be joined by supporting local artists. Invite your friends and the whole family to be encouraged, inspired, and entertained! Celebrate the 500th anniversary of Luthers 95 theses launching the Protestant Reformation Visit the significant locations in the development of the Reformation in this 5 ½-week tour through Italy, France, Switzerland, Germany, Czech Republic, England and Scotland. Follow the fascinating God-inspired story For further enquiries contact tour leader A LoVE-gIFT oFFERINg WILL bE CoLLECTED AS A FuNDRAISER IN SuppoRT oF WoMEN’S MINISTRIES, WA CoNFERENCE Pr Russel Stanley 0405 181 047 For more info please contact Jasmin Stankovic on 0420 932 174 or email Follow us on Facebook: Sponsored by the Australian Union Conference Join the Adventist Singles for a 13 Night cruise departing Sydney On November 30th 2016 Cruise to Paradise on the Voyager of the Seas Loyalty Island, New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Fiji Ocean View Stateroom $2168.29 pp twin share Two twin beds, sitting area, dresser area and a private bathroom - 14.8 sq.m. inc taxes, fees, port expenses, gratuities Interior Stateroom $1618.29 pp twin share Two twin beds, sitting area, dresser area and a private bathroom - 13.9 sq.m. inc taxes, fees, port expenses, gratuities General Enquiries: or Register here by September 1st:
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Jul 2015 - Western Australian Conference of the Seventh
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