Jul 2015 - Western Australian Conference of the Seventh
Jul 2015 - Western Australian Conference of the Seventh
2015 SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH, WESTERN AUSTRALIAN CONFERENCE newswest JULY EDITION MAGAZINE HYMNFEST HYMNFEST @ ST GEORGE’S CATHEDRAL 06 four weddings and no bunbury youth 08 rally funerals riverside community school 14 10 an adventure hearing 11 god speak volunteers at mindarie college 18 > CONTENTS Featuring news stories across churches and mission groups in Western Australia. HYMNFEST AT ST GEORGE’S CATHEDRAL 06 Perth Adventist Orchestra & Choir BUNBURY YOUTH RALLY 10 Over 75 people from across South West RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY SCHOOL 14 A hive of activity! 08 FOUR WEDDINGS AND NO FUNERALS Outback desert trip to Warburton 04 PERSPECTIVES: WHAT’S YOUR FOCUS: THE ICING OR THE CAKE 06 HYMNFEST AT ST GEORGE’S CATHEDRAL 08 FOUR WEDDINGS AND NO FUNERALS 10 BUNBURY YOUTH RALLY 11 AN ADVENTURE IN HEARING GOD SPEAK 12 AAA ON A MISSION IN MT BARKER 14 RIVERSIDE COMMUNITY SCHOOL 16 I LOVE MY CHURCH 18 OILS AIN’T OILS 20 TENDERS FOR EASTER CAMP 2016 21 GENERAL ANNOUNCEMENTS AN ADVENTURE IN HEARING GOD 11 Waiting creatively for a powerful God 16 I LOVE MY CHURCH Children share a spirit of togetherness Newswest is the official news and ministry magazine of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Western Australia. It is published monthly and is available in app format, in print form and also as a downloadable PDF file on the WA Conference Website wa.adventist.org.au/newswest INTERNATIONAL DAY p15 > Published by the Communications Department, Western Australian Conference, Seventh-day Adventist Church. Address: PO Box 134, Gosnells WA 6990 Phone: (08) 9398 7222 Fax : (08) 9398 5164 Email: newswest@adventist.org.au Web: http://wa.adventist.org.au President: Terry Johnson Treasurer: Peter Dose Secretary: Sid Griffith Communication Director: Pr. Gys Seegers Editor: Natalie Meade Assistant Editor: Teresa Hort Graphic Design: Daniel Blazicevic Copy Deadline for next edition: 27 July 2015 Neither the Editor, NewsWest, nor the Seventh-day Adventist Church is responsible for the goods or services advertised. Publication does not indicate endorsement of a product or service. Any opinions implied or expressed in NewsWest are not necessarily those of the Western Australian Conference of the Seventhday Adventist Church. perspectives 5 4 perspectives I love attending weddings, and a great part of the celebrations is the wedding cake. Nothing like a piece of nice fruit cake with a generous slab of sweet icing at the end. Yum! I notice some people leave aside the icing and just eat the cake. But hardly anyone would just eat the icing and not have any cake! Yet sometimes I feel that this is our approach to Church. When we read the Bible, clearly the focus of being the church is the loving relationships between the members and the involvement of the members in ministry, service and sharing our faith. This is the “cake”. Attendance at worship services is the “icing” – it is a celebration of what God is doing in and through the church community. There are a string of text in the New Testament about how Christians should love one another deeply and support one another (Romans 12:10, 15; 1 Peter 1:22; 4:8; 1 Thessalonians 5:11). Hebrews 10:24-25 states that the purpose of our church meetings should be to “encourage one another” and to “spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” And every church member is called to “use whatever gift he or she has received to serve others” (1 Peter 4:8). What’s your focus: THE ICING OR THE CAKE? PLAY VIDEO HERE AUTHOR: Andrew Skeggs Personal Ministries & Sabbath School Director, for the Seventh-day Adventist Church, WA Conference Yet often we Adventists prioritise attending church services, but not participating in Sabbath School and/or small groups. We say we are too busy to spend time together, or serve in ministry, and we don’t put any effort into learning how to share our faith. The danger of this is that we become just a crowd that gathers on Sabbath morning, instead of a Christian community that is active for God and where people feel welcomed and loved. Research shows that relational and participatory churches are much more likely to attract, nurture and retain new members. They are following the Biblical model, and health leads to growth. Our current strategy for the WA Conference includes building and planting healthy churches. Those are churches that are: CONNECTING, WORSHIPPING, GROWING, SERVING AND SHARING. They focus on mentoring and discipling people, and thus empowering people for ministry, service and mission. Here are three things you can do in your church on the journey to become a healthier church: (1) Discuss and pray about how your church can become more relational, participatory and empowering (2) Move towards holistic Sabbath School classes that include personal sharing, outreach and prayer as well as practical, interactive Bible study (3) Do a Natural Church Development (NCD) survey to get good data on your church’s health – learn your strength areas and your growth areas. The WA Conference will pay the cost of the survey and give your church and pastor coaching support as you work through a church health development process. We have really good churches in the WA Conference, but with some more effort and God’s blessing we could have great churches, empowered for ministry, service and mission. If you would like more information about church health, evangelism resources or doing a NCD Survey, please contact Andrew Skeggs on 9398 7222 or andrewskeggs@ adventist.org.au conference news 7 6 conference news HymnFest HymnFest 20152015 at St. Georges Cathedral at St George’s Cathedral June 28th marked another wonderful day for us as a church, especially for the Perth Adventist Orchestra and Choir. After many hours of planning and rehearsing for HymnFest 2015, we concluded the day full of joy in our hearts and gratitude to God for such an opportunity to witness and to praise His name through music and song. Our own Pastor’s Quartet blessed and delighted us all singing four items. The immense response we received from the audience who attended was truly encouraging. Rey Lecciones, music director and conductor for the PAO: ‘The Bible states that “for where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them”. HymnFest 2015 was such an experience not only for the congregation but a ‘will be’ for future recipients of Bibles through Bible Society Australia by way of the generous love offering collected that night. If you don’t have better things to do, do it with us in 2016 (God-willing), be blessed and bless others in need!’ These are the thoughts from: Phil Scrimgeour, Church Relations Coordinator Bible Society Australia: ‘Perth Hymnfest 2015 was a wonderful time spent worshipping the Lord Jesus at the St George’s Cathedral with incredibly composed, played and conducted music. The Orchestra and Choirs played and sung brilliantly to the delight of a full house of worshippers. People gave generously to the Bible Society’s work in South East Asia. I look forward to the joyous sounds of people in Vietnam receiving the Bible translated into their language, along Terry Johnson: ‘This being the second year of HymnFest it was great to see the numbers double in attendance from 350 last year to over 700 this year. Nice to see our churches and members continue to generously support the Bible society as we’ve done for over 130 years of their 198-year history in Australia. It was great to give a cheque for $13,414 to the Bible Society over and above the $6,100 they got in the offering. Lets do it again next year!’ with people in Laos and Cambodia learning how to read the Bible thanks to the prayers and gifts of the Perth Hymnfest attendees’. Jonathan Hughes, choir director for the PAC: It was a joy and privilege for the Perth Adventist Choir to sing at HymnFest. It was wonderful to connect to different Christian communities through praising God together with hymns. Students from the Carmel Adventist College Primary Choir were also delighted to be involved with the programme and sang two songs with orchestra; All Things Bright And Beautiful by John Rutter and Serve The Lord With Gladness by Rollo Dilworth -Jasmin Stankovic conference news 9 8 conference news “Looking at the itinerary,” Aymond recalls with amusement, “I thought we would be in a caravan some nights and camping in the bush other nights!” However, most nights were spent tenting in the bush with a dingo walking around our campsite one of the nights! On arrival at Warburton Community, the pastors were welcomed by the local Police who requested proof of their identity. Maybe they were thinking “ drug runners?!” But when Karalundi was mentioned they smiled and waved the men on. In each of the communities visited, there were numerous ex Karalundi students and some past and present Mamarapha College students who spoke positively of their experiences. Several other folk have since booked into Mamarapha College for 2016. One ex Karalundi student, Dino Ward, is now one of the spiritual leaders of the Warburton church. His partner is related to Aymond’s wife Niki! They were one of the couples requesting marriage. These folk as well as the Warakurna church leaders invited the two pastors to run Christian meetings in their churches. Some may be wondering about the title “Four Weddings and No Funeral”! During the 3,500km journey the pastors met three couples from two separate communities who requested them to conduct their weddings. Mention was made of a fourth couple that they did not meet. One of the couples is the pastor for Jamison Community Bevan Lane and Beryl Jennings. Pastor Bevan was instructed by God in a dream to stay and give spiritual ministry to his people there. Both Bevan and Beryl are bound for Mamarapha College. “FOUR WEDDINGS AND NO FUNERALS” “ It was Pr Aymond Burdett’s name that came to my mind” stated Pr Keith Godfrey (WA Aboriginal Ministries -ATSIM Director) after he had been praying who to ask to be his co-driver on the recent outback desert trip to the remote Warburton Ranges communities. Pr Aymond is a Mamarapha College Pastoral Ministries studies graduate and currently cares for Albany, Denmark and Mt Barker churches. The purpose of the desert trip was to promote Mamarapha College, Karalundi, distribute Christian literature and reconnect with past Karalundi students and previous desert contacts. Aymond and his wife Niki also felt the invitation was God directed. As anyone knows doing God’s work always brings some challenges. But nothing is too hard for God if we trust Him. A tyre blowout with no back up spare for over 300kms meant travelling on “a wing and a prayer”. After some phone calls it looked like no suitable spare would be available until Kalgoorlie another 800kms away! The pastors were reminded of Jesus’ promise, “Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find, knock and the door will be opened to you….” The local Warburton Roadhouse who had previously said they had no spare, were asked to check again. That’s when God’s answer kicked in and gave the pastors what they needed to complete the journey home. -Aymond Burdett and Keith Godfrey Pastor Bevan Lane & Partner Beryl Jennings Who Requested A wedding and bound for Mamarapha College A tyre blowout from sharp rocks with no back up spare meant travelling on “a wing and a prayer” Milly-Anne Ward and Reikim of Blackstone former Karalundi students A dedication prayer was requested by grandmother Alfreda and son (father of twins) Kenan and Partner Lisa for their kids Warakurna church attenders who requested the pastors to run some Christian meetings Anyone for breakfast? Delissa & Cynthia West holding yummy witchetty grubs! The 2 couples who requested the weddings LR Aymond, Gino, his partner Taralee (far right) Centre is Brett (BJ) and partner Adele Hunt with their daughters. 10 conference news BUNBURY YOUTH RALLY Over 75 young people from across the South West as well as youth travelling from Perth gathered together for the annual SW Youth Rally at Bunbury church on June 28th. Pr Clark Riggins was the speaker who challenged the young people to think about the question that Jesus first asked in the gospel of John – “What do you want?’ He shared the dilemma of many young people pursuing worldly ambitions to fill the ‘hole in the soul’ rather than Jesus Christ. His personal testimony spoke powerfully to the young people present about how this could look in their daily lives. The program continued on with a feed of pizza and then a board game team challenge with time limits on multiple games and points system allocation. Prizes were awarded to Taylor Johns and Sarah Harders, both from Livingston Church for coming first place. It was a great Sabbath for those involved both spiritually and socially with many connections being made. The Youth Department are now looking towards the Youth Rally for the Great Southern region of WA to be held on September 12th, 2015. -Derek McCutcheon conference news 11 AN ADVENTURE IN HEARING GOD SPEAK In the beautiful coastal town of Busselton, set on the beach front of the SDA camp grounds, a group of women gathered to embark on an adventure....An adventure in hearing God speak. During the weekend of the 1st , 2nd, 3rd of May the Busselton women’s ministry team hosted a non denominational women’s camp called ‘Waiting creatively for a powerful God.....an adventure in hearing God speak’. And speak He did. Throughout the weekend there were testimonies of how God was speaking to the ladies and how His holy presence was felt. Our speaker, Karen Hort, prayerfully and creatively led us though various topics. Onesuchtopicwas,‘Nocrumb here’, where we were inspired by the perseverance of a desperate mother wanting her daughter to be healed of demon possession (Matthew 15:21-28), which encouraged us to persevere in prayer. ‘Don’t mess with my hope’ was our topic for Sabbath Morning, where we were guided through the story of the woman of Shunum, who had her hopes realised when the prophet Elijah prophesied about her having a son. Sabbath Afternoon’s topic was ‘preparing for the prodigals’ where the reality of the sentence “while he was a great way off the Father saw him and ran to meet him’ was realised. Sunday morning’s topic was “I’ll be waiting for you,” where we learnt that we often come to a turning point in our lives with unanswered questions. However, in God nothing is wasted as He will lead us to new understandings as we patiently wait on Him During all the sessions there was time for prayer, reflection, sharing in small groups and journaling. But the blessing didn’t stop there. We were blessed to have Jasmin Stankovith take our morning devotional, which were VERY inspiring and power packed. Julie Knopper gave us a presentation on the importance of sleep, followed by a delicious recipe demonstrated in the thermo mix. Some of the ladies were treated to a professional massage by Kasia Green from Margaret river Baptist church, and the spa on the beach front was a very relaxing treat. We were also blessed with Alycia Dyson being our photographer. Sabbath day saw 45 ladies from many different denominations worship together. An offering was taken up for the Busseltons women’s refuge which came to $438. Praise God!!! The blessing kept flowing throughout the weekend with delicious food, made by Ethel and her team at the Swan Valley SDA church Catering. They did such a marvellous job. The weekend was over all too soon, but we all left with new friends, and a closer relationship with our Lord and ever present saviour, Jesus Christ. -Rochelle Price local church news 13 12 local church news in their outreach by Pastor Aymond Burdett and the members of Mt. Barker church namely, David Hughes, Mike & Jenny, Jane, J. Falley, and Russell has also been involved. All in all, it was a fantastic contribution by the Mt Barker members in this joint venture. The enthusiasm has been overwhelming as there is a heartfelt burden for souls in Mt Barker. A wonderful outcome, there are 50 souls currently receiving Signs Magazines, 36 Search Video’s and 39 Bible Study Guides. There are 9 in the home Bible studies taking place. Latest news from Pr. Burdett that one person has been attending Sabbath Service. with new members for them to learn the ropes with the hope that they will grow in confidence and take over territories; Building up friendships with a prayer to win souls for our Lord Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. If you are moved by this plea please drop us a line at, AAA, P.O. Box 2074, High Wycombe, WA 66057 or call Tony on 0414 601 956 (9571 1482) or Arthur on 9447 4460 & (0421 255 775) - Arthur Pettifor Please pray for these Mt. Barker contacts. AGM OF THE ADVENTIST AVIATION ASSOCIATION Do you have a passion to reach out to your community effectively for God? Adventist Aviation Association (AAA) is looking for enthusiastic members to be trained and assisted in this very rewarding work for the Lord. We have a specialist team that is willing to go door to door FRIDAY NIGHT FELLOWSHIP AAA ON A MISSION IN MT BARKER Adventist Aviation Association (AAA) has been assisting Mt. Barker in personal door to door evangelism and community Bible surveys between February and June 2015. A team of five were flown to Albany and conveyed by road to Mt. Barker. This coincided with Pr. Geoff Youlden’s visit on 21st March for baptisms and to conduct three programs plus a planned visit late in 2015. Barker Church answered an invitation from AAA to assist a country church that desired assistance and were willing to put in the hard yards to assist in the door to door work and be prepared to take over the territories once AAA had completed their visits. The AAA team consisting of Tony DiFlorio, (Leader) Paul Sexton, Daniel Tonkin, Brett Adams The AAA team has been well received as Mt and David DiMambro has been ably assisted The Conference Discipleship Cluster, which consist of the Family Ministries team of Youth, Women, Men, Singles, Children and the Ministerial, Personal Ministries and ADRA departments, are meeting on a regular basis to create a synergy of the departments, to bring about a united effort of ministry to the churches and supply them with training and resources. Key areas such as leadership, discipleship, mentoring and resourcing will be looked at to determine what is most required by individual churches so that members can feel equipped to respond to the needs within their church and community. -Cathy Kingston 14 education news education news 15 CAR BOOT SALE R Riverside Community School R iverside Community School has been a hive of activity so far in 2015 with various school and community events. FREE COFFEE FRIDAY F riday the 6th March saw the school gates open at 5am for our Free Coffee Friday broadcasting program with Kirste and Morro from Sonshine fm. Home and School mums provided breakfast for our school community and the radio crew. S everal students had the opportunity to speak on air about Riverside and what it means to be a student at our school. It was a wonderful experience and well worth getting out of bed for. FUNKY HAIR FRIDAY S tudents at Riverside enjoy giving and were excited to participate in our Funky Hair Friday on March 12 to raise money for the Leukaemia foundation. Students had the option to style their hair at home, or have Pastor Mo do it for them at a price! iverside Community School was transformed into a bustling marketplace when it hosted its inaugural car boot sale recently. Around 50 vendors set up stalls offering a range of new and pre-loved treasures. Neighbouring residents, students, staff and parents browsed the stalls and were treated to a range of hot foods, homemade delicacies and café-style tea and coffee. Children were delighted by Chris the Clown, a bouncy castle and a Kids Zone where they could try their hand at badge making, plaster painting and have a mini-makeover. E vent organiser, and local Victoria Park resident, Sarah Matthews was delighted with the support from the local community. School Principal, Megan Sketchley said it was wonderful to have the school filled with so many people enjoying themselves. “There was a fantastic buzz to the day – a real sense of community.” She personally thanked all volunteers and said the funds raised would be directed to the construction of a new nature-based playground. INTERNATIONAL DINNER E ach year, Riverside Community School hosts its annual International Dinner for the school community. It is always a night of extremely good food, games, conversations and trivia. May 23 was no different with approximately half of our school families turning up in traditional dress and sharing their favourite cultural dishes. There are many events still to be held during the remainder of 2015 that will continue to celebrate community as school and families come together. -Megan Sketchley 16 children’s ministries children’s ministries 17 I Love my Church On the 20th of June, children and adults of all ages gathered to play games and sports together. The original goal was fundraising for Livingston Adventurer Club but what was achieved was much greater. There was a spirit of togetherness and belonging as young and old played, laughed and enjoyed themselves. New relationships were established, experiences shared and great memories created. One little girl left the complex exclaiming: I love my church family! “I enjoyed the game because we won in soccer against the big ladies”. Children need intergenerational connections within their church family to develop a healthy faith life. Make sure you create opportunities for them where they can mix with and learn from the older people within your congregation. Experiences like that will not only become treasured memories but are essential for children to develop a lifelong commitment to God and His Church. “Those Old People Can Actually Play -Piroska Vrayakne Feith Soccer Really Well”. I Love my Church A U G M D Y I P C G Q L M C W N P W I M F N P I O Y C P I H U O X I I S D G A E S Y R Q H G F T E H N R P G A S G A P E E Z O I I T W L M R R N R W U V V O I I P U A I F N I B L O L N T O Y N I N O L E Y L Y G C I G G R E H T E G O T N N I X F S I N G I N G E G H B E L O N G I N G F U N “Everyone was having fun together, God must have been there”. ACCEPTING BELONGING ENCOURAGING FAMILY FELLOWSHIP FORGIVING FREEDOM FUN HAPPY LISTENING LOVING PLAYING PRAYING SINGING TOGETHER WORSHIP 18 health news health news 19 OILS AIN’T OILS... OILS AIN’T OILS . . . according to an add by an automotive oil maker. However, this not only applies to automotive oils but also to food oils. With food we talk about fat and oil. Actually they are both chemicals known as fatty acids. The difference is, that fats are what is know as saturated fatty acids, and are solid at most ambient temperatures, while oils are unsaturated, poly- or monounsaturated fatty acids. to burn and produce potentially harmful carcinogens. There are several guiding principles that should be kept in mind. Linseed oil is high in omega-3 fatty acids but is sensitive to oxidation and therefore goes off very quickly. Keep dark and sealed. All oils, although some more than others, can deteriorate by oxidation and should be kept out of the light in a sealed container and should be fresh and not be rancid. Trans fats are another type of fatty acid. Trans fats are formed when natural oils are commercially treated by a process known as hydrogenation, to make them less unsaturated so that they keep better and are more useful in the food industry for spreads and baking. Trans fats have been found to be so damaging to health, especially heart health, that they are banned in some countries while in other countries it is compulsory to state the level of trans fats. Australia falls into neither of these categories. Peanut oil has many good fatty acids and keeps well but is high in saturated fat. Coconut oil is even higher in saturated fat and although it raises the good cholesterol (HDL) it also raises the bad cholesterol (LDL). Most people today are aware that health authorities are advocating that we reduce our consumption of saturated fats, particularly of animal origin, and replace these with mono- or poly-unsaturated fatty acids. There is now a plethora of vegetable oils readily available which are high in mono- and poly- unsaturated fats and low in saturated fats. These oils are not all the same, and as most people will be aware, there is no end of advocates who say it is this oil, or that oil, that is best. So which is the best oil? This depends on what an individual regards as the most important feature; keeping quality, vitamin content, especially vitamin E, type of fatty acids present and phytochemicals present. Another important factor, if the oil is to be used for cooking, is the smoking point. This is the temperature at which fatty acid starts Canola oil is similar, but in addition is frequently made from genetically modified seeds, which is a controversial issue. Corn and safflower oils are very similar. They have good smoking points for cooking and although they are high in omega-6 they are low in omega-3. To get the benefit of omega-3 the ratio of 6 to 3 should be <4. Consequently the use of a lot of these oils will distort this ratio inhibiting the use of omega-3 by the body. Sesame oil is high in vitamins and minerals but goes off very quickly. Palm oil has a high smoking point and keeps well but is high in saturated fat and is nutritionally poor. Grapeseed oil, although high in vitamin E and oleic acid, is low in monounsaturated fatty acids. So which is the best oil? According to Dr Rosemary Stanton, a leading Australian nutritionist, overall, the two best oils based on the published research, are sunflower and olive oil. Both have high smoking points and are nutritionally good. Stanton rates olive oil the better of the two, especially extra virgin, which is high in protective chemicals such as phytochemicals. Frying – keep the heat low - and do not reuse oils, more so for some oils than others. Use sparingly. All oils should be used sparingly as they are all high in energy. They have more than twice the energy of proteins and carbohydrates (37 kilojoules or 9 kilocalories/gm compared with 16 or 17 kilojoules or 4 kilocalories/gm for carbohydrates and proteins). Remember you can obtain all the benefits of the oil from eating the unprocessed food, but in addition will receive the benefit of all the other valuable nutrients, chemicals and fibre in the unprocessed food, without getting all those unwanted kilojoules/kilocalories. HEALTH OUTREACH Do you need assistance to plan and conduct a program in your area? Then contact Adventist Health/AHA (adventisthealth@cbchapman.com.au or 0406 369 242/0401 103 131. CLUB CHIP Both Livingston and North Perth churches have run successful CHIP programs, so in order to keep in touch with the graduates and provide them with extra information, recipes and incentives, invitations were sent out to all graduates to a program of cooking demonstrations, tastings and talks. In addition, people from a cooking program held in Gosnells earlier were invited. Some were unable to come because of other commitments but all told nearly 30 people attended. Talks were given by Warren Grubb, Natasha Meredith, Jacqueline Kewley and Kaye Grubb and recipes demonstrated by Maria Berenyi, Natasha Meredith and Kaye Grubb. Evaluation returns indicated a high degree of satisfaction for the recipes and a desire to attend future Club CHIP programs. MINDARIE SENIOR COLLEGE This school has joined an increasing number of schools that are having an annual Health Expo Day. Adventist Health/AHA was honoured to be invited to participate in this inaugural event. Year 11 and 12 students participated. A large group of volunteers worked non-stop in order to assess the health of just over 290 students in under four hours. Although somewhat exhausting, the response and interest of the students made it every bit worth it. A big thank you to the following, from left to right in the picture: Erickson Fabien, Hamish Brown, Warren Grubb, Kaye Grubb, Arthur Pettifore, Kevin Cobb, Jean Wilbey, Margaret Went, Audrey Collins, Lorna Cerfantyne and Rosalind Maxfield. Volunteers at Mindarie College Food tasting at Club CHIP s m u c i s p a C d e ff Stu Ingredients: 4 capsicums (different colours), topped and seeded. 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil Stuffing: 2 ½ cups cooked brown rice 2 cloves garlic, crushed 1 large zucchini, finely chopped 2 tomatoes, chopped 2 tablespoons chopped parsley 5 tablespoons walnuts, roughly chopped Zest of one lemon Breadcrumb mixture: 1 cup soft breadcrumbs ½ cup chopped parsley 1 teaspoon thyme Juice of one lemon 2 cloves garlic, crushed Method: 1. In a medium sized bowl, mix the cooked rice and other stuffing ingredients with 1 tablespoon of the olive oil. 2. Combine all breadcrumb mixture ingredients together in a small bowl and set aside. 3. Coat the outside of the capsicum shells with the remaining olive oil, and spoon the stuffing mixture evenly into the shells. 4. Place the stuffed capsicums into a lined baking tray, cover with foil and cook for 45 minutes or until tender. 5. Top each capsicum with ¼ of the breadcrumb mixture, and place back into the oven for another 5 minutes to brown the tops. 20 tenders for easter camp 2016 EASTER CAMP TENDERS AND CONTRACTS Planning for 2016 Easter Camp is underway and the following areas are open for any church, school or pathfinder group to earn some fundraising money: • • • • • • Springs for Tents Conference Tents – put up and pull down Camp Kitchen – setup and pull down meals for workers Campers and Delegate Meals Camp Store Ablution Cleaning If you are interested in undertaking any of the above please contact Cathy Kingston at the conference office 9398 7222 or catherinekingston@adventist.org.au for a job description and application form. 2016 EASTER CAMP VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED The Conference Office is looking to hear from anyone who would like to be involved in the 2016 Easter Camp. If you would like to take this opportunity to be involved then please let us know. We would like to hear from people willing to be involved any of the areas listed below: Tiny Tots Prayer Ministry Beginners Delegate Services Lower Primary Offering Counting Upper Primary Security JuniorsFirst AidTeenABC Youth ShedBuggy DrivingJenisus MusicBig Tent Other We appreciate your offer to volunteer however there is no guarantee that we can place everyone in the areas they request. Areas of interest……………………………………………………….............................................................……... Name…………………………………………………..............................................................................……………. Email……………………………………………………………Phone…………………………………….................... Church........………………………………………………………… If you are willing to help, then please forward your details and area of interest by 1 August 2015, to Cathy Kingston at the WA Conference Office, PO Box 134, Gosnells, WA 6110, or email catherinekingston@adventist.org.au general announcements 21 SINGLES GETAWAY JULY 31—2 AUGUST 2015 THE JOURNEY CONTINUES... It’s not too late to book TIME - WORDS – GIFTS – TOUCH - SERVICE HOW DO THESE AFFECT YOU? HOW DO THEY AFFECT OTHERS? COME ALONG AND LEARN – DISCOVER – EXPERIENCE - SHARE BAYVIEW GEOGRAPHE RESORT ACCOMMODATION 6 PERSON VILLAS—EACH VILLA HAS: 3 BEDROOM VILLAS EACH WITH AN ENSUITE 2 SINGLE BEDS PER BEDROOM FULL KITCHEN, LOUNGE/ DINING AREA AIR CONDITIONING Weekend Price $180.00 Sabbath Only $ 50.00 Weekend Day Rate $ 80.00 CONTACT: CATHY KINGSTON WA CONFERENCE OFFICE PO BOX 134, GOSNELLS WA 6990 OR catherinekingston@adventist.org.au au 22 general announcements Adventist Women’s Retreat WA Presents: Refresh September 11 - 13, 2015 A Women’s Event with Cheri Peters Cheri Peters is the founder and director of True Step Ministries. She is a motivational speaker and and author of ‘Miracles from the Streets’. For further information or bookings please email Natalie Meade at nataliemeade@adventist.org.au or phone on 9398 7222. Alternatively, please visit WA Conference website, under Women’s Department and download your application form. Bookings with payment are essential. wa.adventist.org.au SAN HOMECOMING 2015 Saturday 22nd August A warm invitation to all nursing graduates, former and current staff, friends and family of the San. Please join us for this wonderful opportunity to share experiences and reconnect with friends. Saturday 22 August • Sabbath School – Wahroonga Seventh-day Adventist Church • Worship Service • Tours of the Museum, LW Clark Tower and the Clinical Education Centre • Dinner with interviews, music and Hospital Developments – Fox Valley Community Centre This is your invitation to a very special event. RSVP to San Foundation on (02) 9487 9405 or foundation@sah.org.au general announcements 23 MAMARAPHA COLLEGE ACCOUNTS The college is seeking a part-time accounts person. This person must have a good understanding of book-keeping, experience in using MAZE or similar accounting software, know how to use Microsoft Excel, be a committed Christian and have excellent people skills (especially with Aboriginal people). Calling all Grey Nomads To Western Australia’s Inaugural Grey Nomads Camp A feature packed program ✱ Dr John Hammond - guest speaker for the evening Regular duties include: financial data entry, invoicing, setting up and managing student accounts, issuing account statements and other clerical and reception duties as required. ✱ Vadim Butov - morning Bible study series Please direct all enquiries, letters of application and CVs to: The Principal, mamarapha@bigpond.com or phone 939773233. ✱ Enjoy bus trips to the hills and the city sites including King’s Park and Araluen with optional river cruise FREE DVD’s VIDEOS, BOOKS IN ENGLISH & CROATIAN I am offering to give away to people who would like to have access to the DVD’s, videos and books on topics in relation to the SDA church that belonged to my father. Please call Katie Beros on 0439662188. meetings ✱ Attend afternoon workshops featuring Western AustraliaÕs unique wildßowers and birds plus more - An evening fellowship tea, Saturday night concert and fellowship with grey nomads from all over Australia Maida Vale Campground 6 - 13 September 2015 For an application form contact Natalie Meade on 9398 7222 or email wagreynomads@adventist.org.au AN EASIER CASHLESS WAY TO GIVE VIA PAYPAL OR CREIT CARD QR FOR IOS NO NEED TO CARRY CASH - RETURN YOUR TITHES AND CONFERENCE OFFERINGS NOW, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE CALL FOR SUPPORT EMAIL US (08) 9398 7222 WAegiving@adventist.org.au Visit us at wa.adventist.org.au for more information 100% SECURE QR FOR ANDROID GUEST SPEAKER CURTIN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Curtin Stadium, Building 111, Carpark A3, Northern Entrance, Kent Street, BENTLEY Bring picnic lunch and stay back for the concert with the Perth Adventist Orchestra at 1:30PM G U O N E S I S U S E PERTH CITY REGIONAL SEPTEMBER 05, 2015, 10AM J Dilys Brooks is the Associate Chaplain of Loma Linda University where she provides spiritual care for the students and staff. Chaplain Dilys is passionate and enthusiastic about sharing the Gospel, as well, as equipping youth and young adults to know Christ personally and accept His call to become change agents in the world for the kingdom of God. She is happiest when she is preaching, teaching or singing about Jesus. She has been happily married to Pastor Delroy Brooks for eighteen years. They are blessed to be the parents of Micah and Matea. Chaplain Brooks enjoys spending time talking with and praying for students and staff, then later rejoicing with them for how God gave them the strength to endure and overcome the challenges they face. The source of inspiration for her journey has been “Seek… first… God” from Matthew 6:33. H Dilys Brooks
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May 2016 - Western Australian Conference of the Seventh
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