Issue 92 - June - North American Brass Band Association
Issue 92 - June - North American Brass Band Association
OfficialJoumalof the NorlhAmericanBrassBandAssociation, June2003lssue92 OST-CONTEST ISSUE2OO www.nabba,otg lnside this issue . . . President's Podium lllinoisto represent NABBAat BritishOpen NABBA2003Reviews CuyahogaplaySeverance Hall SleighBellswith Magic BrassBandPrograms AthenaBrassat IWBG BrassBandRecordings NewMusicfor BrassBand :i :.) ll TheBrassBandEridge June2003 Collnw. Holman,Editor Tho Bra!. Sand Bridg. 31 JosephLane GlendaleHeights,lL 60139 Telephone(6:10)66t{213 E-fi ail colin.w.holman@ Rrlph P. HoE Adv€rtiBlngManeger 8144SouthOakCreekDrive Sandy,UT840936515 T€l€phon€(801)739439 E-meiltenoh omsol@ao RoblnWeathorall ABBAWebPage iIABBA lilemb€rshlp! Recordlng3 Revlswer 1326WaldronAvenus StLouis. MO63130 (314)72t'1274 Telephone E-r,ailtenohom@ sbcAIobal.nat Edito,'sNores . . . . . . . . . . .4. . . . . C o l iH n olman........,... ErassEandNews 4 submitted byourreaders...............................-...... BrcssBandPrograms s u b m i t tbeydo u r r e a d e r s . . . . . . . . . . , . , , . , . , . , . . .8. . . . . . . . . . . NABBA2003in Raview s u b m i t tbeydo u r r e v i e w e r s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , . , . , . , . . . . . . . . NewMusicfor B'8,ssBand r e v i e w e d b y CHool i1nm a n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S|eighBe s withMagic ...............28 byTom M y e r.s. . . . . . . . . . . NABBABoardNomination Fotm 31 Ron!ldW.Holz Book Revlow€a MusicDsparlment AsburyCollege Wlmore,KY40390 (859)858-351 Telephone t , Exl.2246 E-fi Johnw. deSaltne NABBAConl$tControllor NABBAVIc6-Pr€3idont 3718Cottag€Pr€sorv€RoadNE Solon,lA 52333-9225 Tel€phone(319)624-2845 E-mail Jwdesalne@eol.con 2 DillonsMusic NABBAXXII Acor.rstiCoil AltissimoRecordings Kanstul lllidlandCDs BernelMusic 6 7 10 12 20 Solid Bra99 Pleasamentlonthls megazlnewhen rospondlngto adverllser3 TheBrassBandBridge: OfficialJournalof the NorthAmericanBrassBandAssociation Foundedby J. PerryWalsonin 1980. Theviewsexpressed by conhibutors are notnecessarily thoseof the NodhAmeicanBrassBandAssocialion. Copyrighl by North American Inc. All dghtsreservedO 2003 the BEss BandAssociation, pholographs, Bress Bend news, matedals newadverlisers The Bddgewelcomes for review,communications, and scholadyarticleson all aspectsrelatingto, andforthe benefitof brassbandsin NorthAmerica. whereappropriate. Scholadyarticlesshouldincludetootnotes and bibliography preferred possible. Eleclronic submission is where Materials maybe editedfor content. Publication andadverlising deadlines are the 1slhof January. April,JulyandOctober. ' Printedby Joe Dymit,PerasolPrinting,LombardlL. Bridge June2003 TheBrass Band OverthepasiI monthsyouve probably nolicesa ralherseries otsporadic Bruss BandBidge magazinesshowingup on your doorslepot compulerscreen. NABBAhascontinued to undergosome significanl changesin lhe way it does businesswhich hasincluded movingthe entire productionprocessof editing, producing, printing,and mailingto Chi cago. The eleckonjcversionsot the process magazine, andlhe stroamlined willsaveNABBAconsiderable amounts of moneyand improveihe efficiency of the process--amporlant aspeclsanan organization ofonly1000m€mb€rs and wilha limiledbudget. Nowwearecaughtupwithourproduclion, you can enjoy in a morelimely fashionsome of the very significani rccentevents. In lhis issueyou can eitherrcliveanolherwonderf ulcompeliget a tionfromLittleRock,or hopefully good flavor for the variety and excitementthat NABBAmembers 6xperi€nced lhis year. I am gratefulto thosewho volunieercd to reviewlhe vadoussections of th6 cofip€tilionwhile I was compl€lingmy own busy dutieslhal weekend.Acrossfromthiscolumn,you canreadhowNABBAis gettinghisloricalexposu reatthe151stBritish Openas th6y are represenledby the lllinoi6 BrasgBand{PelerLipari), aswellas ihe newlytormed AthgnaBraasBand(Anita C o c k e rH u n l ) a t t h e I W B C ,a n d Cuyahoga Braaa Band (Keith playinginoneofthiscountry's Wlkinson) greatconcerthalls. Oneofthehighlights ofthisyea/scompetition washearingrcallyexcellent new brassbandsfromJamesMadisonand Henderson StatoUniversity, Spokane, OzarkI\Iountains making andStavanger theirfirstappearance.Let'shopewe seemlhemallagainandregularly. Happyreading, andbestwishesforyour upcoming brassbendactivities. TheAthenaBrass Band is the brain- casetheverybestin brassbandreperchose childof LauraLineberger, a euphonium toireandforthissoecialoccasion playerand on originalworks lib€rianwilh theUniledSlates to placetheemphasis band.Asw€llasluxuatingin ArmyBand.Alhenawill performat the forbrass acousticsof lhasfine lnlernational Women'sBrassConfeF the magnificent the membeEof CVBBwere enceheldJune17-21in Bloomington, auditorium by thewarmresponse totheh lL. UponLaura'sorganization, a group delighted performance large ll by the audaence. of ladiesfrom variousNABBAbands was an evening the m€mbers of certainly convened at the2002NABBAChampionships,held in Cincinnati, Ohio.The thebandwillneverforgelandtheywere toreceive aninvitataon toretum resultofihis meelingwastheenlhusias- delighted pedoF imm€diately following their soon tic formalionof AthonaBrassBand. CVBB'S included Folk mance. I\,lembers ofthebandwereselecled fiom (Shostakovich Fesfivs/ arr SnelD, Cel NABBAbandslhroughoullhe United (Condon), (Bellstedt arr ebralion Napot States.AthenaErassBandwaschosen phonium Brand),Travis Scott, eu soloisti paying as lhe nameof the €nsemble, homagetoAth€na, GoddessotWsdom,Deeplnside Tho SacrcdTenple (Bizel TravisScottandWlliam astheprolector whowasregard€d ofall arrWlkinson). citiesand stales. Anila Cocker-Hun| Bauer,euphoniumsoloists;Gaudele/ EleSyfrcnA DownlandSuile NABBAPresidenland direclorof the lNoy'oury): (frefand): Yarialiors on Laudate BrassBand.isAth6na's Cincinnali conductor Soloistswiihlhe groupwill be Domrhum(Gregson). Amy Nelson(comel,ChlcagoBlaaa Band),LisaGalvin(tenorhorn,Br.3a Thellllnois BrasaBand(PeterLipari) Bandof Col!mbu.)iStacyBaker(tuba, haveacceoledan invitationto oarliciL.xlngton Bra!. Band), and Laura pate in this yea6' 151stBritishOpen lo be heldon September (eupho- compelition Lineberger andGailRobertson niums.SDlreaBraaagandandContral 13th.Indoingso,theyarelhellrslband ofthecompetilion FlorldaBra8s Band) At lheir IWBC inthe150yearhislory fromoutsidethe UK and performance on Friday,June 21sl at to oarticioale country.Theywil'com1:30o.m.AthenaBrassBandwillo€r- Commonw6allh forma workbyAnn€lvlccinty whichwas Detewilh sevenleenof ihe top brass lJK.Thslestpieceforthe commission€d forlh€mbytheIWBC,as bandstromlhe istwomovements from7h€ well as brassbandfavorites.suchas compelition "Venus"(Thebringerof JoumeyintoFrcedomlaall),St ke up P/anels(Holst), the Band(at. Richards) and Celebl.a- peace)and "Jupite/'(Thebringerot for brass band by lror (Condon). For more informalion jollity),transcribed Gay aboutAthenaBrassBand.emailLaura StephenRoberts.OrganizerB€m notesihat '\l/e ar€ managing the most Lineberyet LJLeuph@dol.con difficultbandconteslin the worldwith of bandsand easilythe bestcollection of One of the highlights in lhe career a conduclors. We are now recognising (Keith Band rather responsibility to bands worldwide Wllkinson) occurred onAoril14thwhen Hall,home than simplyto our domesticpeople. lheyperfomedalSeverance of the Cteveland Orcheslra.Theyap- H[arry]M[ortime4and Margaretwere ODen.a conpearedthereasgueslsotCaseWestem committedto anexclusive in l4artin tradiction lerms. Reserve University, CVBBproviding ihe [Mortimer] first parl of th€ programand CWRU and I see lhe possibillyof makingthe Symphon icVVinds th€secondhalf.The CVBBprogramwas selectedto showconlinueclon page 6 ColinHolman, Edilor 4 fte BnssBand BridgeJune2003 TheBrassBand Bridge June2003 continuedfron page 4 BritishOpena WorldChampronship by degrces" Weall sendthebandour bestwishesas theyrcprcsentNABBAin a hislorymakingmomenlnal onlyfor NorlhAneican bandsbut alsobressbandsworldwide. MARKYOURDIARIES!! NABBA XXII 2OO4 Hosted bythe BrassBandof the Tri-State & MountainStateBrassBand bythe GalaConcert Percussion Morehead StateUniversitv Ensemble & NorthAmerican GalaBrassBand Forinformation: vtatza ' Eaace" mflUffi CAI\S InnN[CGd [tsP0xstlu lll Eress/l{lrd InttTmrn$ CANYOURINSTRUMENT USEIMPROVEMENT? It'spossible to havebetterrange, response andintonation withan AcoustiCoil (aninsertto thebore) foronly How?Visitourweb-site forallthephysics, research, testimonials andhistory. "Betterreponseon highBb" Kavalovski Charles Principal HornBoston "Muchmoreefficient" SamPilafianProfessor of Tuba, Arizona StateUniversitv Oh,bytheway,it'ssoldwitha 30daymoney-back guarantee. Try one,you can't lose! AAIIRRPowerAcoustics (303)751-0673 Telephone/Fax: 1234S. QuinceWayDenver, CO 80231USA June2003 TheBnssBandBridge (PaulDroste). Bre$ BandotColumbuB furil5, 2003;OhioChapterof the InternationalTrumpelGuild Columbus, OH. Navigationlnn lspatke\ CometRoundabout(Rob€rtEaves),DanKing,RichardBurkhart, andJ6m€sSlokes, cornel soloists;/ Sauvf,aLttht(an.Susi)tCa// - 5. CossackWedding otlt€ Cossacks (Peler Dance GEham). ChicagoBr.sB Eand (ColinHolman). May4, 2003;Chicago Temple, Chicago, lL. Preludefot an Occasio, (Gregson); Finale frcn Wi iam Tell lRosginil Hawkins); S/avlscho Fanbsre(Hohn€/ Kerwin),Amy Nelson, comelsolojst8r1'l 8a,4ey(an. Richards);caeltorce lctahan); Purctrinolo(Rimmetl:Walching the Wheat(aft. Geehl),B€d Say,euphonium sofoistiNorlremFestival Med" /oy (Richards);Finalefrcn Pinesol Rome (Respighi/Snell); Chicago(aft. Forgie). May31,2003;LakeForestCommunity Cente.,LakeForest.lLAgincoutlSong (afi. Howarth);Choraleaft! Toccat\ (Bulfa);A Timefot Peace(c'aham). Joe Dymit,flugelhornsoloist;I€a fof Two(an.Snell),AndrewK€ith,Teralyn percussion KeithandMarkTaylor, soloists; Firar€ hon Synphony No. I (Dvoravcordon);Spiril of Adventurc (Norbury);Ite Tops (Powell);P/ec€ Hercique lF.?nckJRickatd)tStubernic (Ford), AndrewKeilh,TeralynKeithand I\ra* Taylor,percussion soloists; Fmale frcn The Pinasof Rome (Respighi/ Snell);Cblbago(an. Forgie) June7, 2003;Gary UnitedMethodist Church,Wheaton,lL- AgincouttSong (arr. Howarlh);Choale and Toccata (Bulla\ A Tine for Peace lctaham\, JoeDymit,flugelhorn soloisl;Gaellorco (G?ham):Finalefrcm SymphonyNo.I (DvoraUcordon); Spiit of Adventue (Nolbury);Ire Tops (Powell);Piec6 Helo,ilue(FrancuRickard):Teafor Two (arr.Snelf),percussion feal\lte:Final' fron The Pines of Rome (Respighi/ Snell) lllinoisBraEaB.nd (Lipari)rwith guesl Gaeforce(Graham);Iha lrbh Elessi4g hombone soloblBrettBaker.March15. (Bacak/BEdnum); Mo y on the Shorc 2003; Holy Cross LutheranChurch, (Grainger/Snelf); TheGidI LefrBehind Liberiyville,IL. ThoStarSpangled Ban- Me (arr. Langford)t AnnieLauie laft. |ler (arr. Himes);MidwestMdrch Newsome)i /ish Medley(ar. Strain). (Richards/Broadbent); HaftnonyMusic (Sparke);'HomolEnds (Dewhilsi) SpiresBraE!B.nd (JohnSlezak).Oc'Ha,lL loher 12, 2002t Kussmaul Bank andBftes(an.Wtlkinson); The€tr6. storm (Rimmer)i'Over the Rainbow Frededck Community College, ( B e a r c r o f t ) ; ' T 6 d d y T r o m b o n e Frederick, MD. Star-Spangled Banner (Filfmore); Resurgam(AaD:Mo y on (arr. Himes)iSuite:Henry V lwallo l lhe Shorg(arr.Sn6ll);Nabucodonosor Walson),StevenJ. Hoochuk, narratori (Verdi/Rimm64;Two Paft lnvention Titanic Fantasy lat. Latch\ lndiana ( S p a r k e )J, o h n M e l i n ga n d T o m Jones and the Tenple ot Doon (ar. Runty,euphonium soloists;Cross ot Faftl: The Gael tron Ths Lasl of lhs Honoar(Rimnor). Mohicanslatr. Duncan)iJam€s Eond April'12.2003;FirslCongregalionalColleclion(atr. Richards);A touct of Church,Elgin,lL ,'\rriththe ElginSym- Mancini latr. Frceh). phonyYouth OrchestraBrassChoir. December 7, 2002;Kussmaul Theatre, Hdmony Music(Spatke):Mollyon the F r e d e r i c k C o m m u n i i y C o l l e g e , Shore (arr. Sn6ll): Midwesl March Frederick, MD. Star-Spangl'd Bannar (Richards/Broadb6nl); TwoPadlnven- laft - Hirnes| Thatuoclamationof Chistlion (Spark6),John Melingand Tom mas (an. Bufla);TheHutunCarcllatr. Runty,euphoniumsoloisls:Oueer of Norltury), DavidConklin, cornetsoloisl; the Night (Mozafllcolland ), James The FastiveS6aso, (arr. Calverl)i O Sobacki, sopmnocometsoloist;yar's" Holy Nightlafi. Wlkinson),W Kermit lionson a Welshlheme(Kneal6), Phil Britt,euphonium soloi6ttVthenA Child Klickman, tenorhorn soloist;"It6 G/sal ls Bom (at. Colland);An Australian Gateof Ki6v (l\russorgsky); "Carzon Chri'tnas laT Cutnow\ Mary's Boy duodocin i toni lcabtiali). Child(an.Sparke)iThrceKingsSwing April27,2003:MaplePa ,lL. Hamony (arr.Himes);F/oslytte Srowma,(arr Mrsic (Sparke); Mo y on Ih6 Shorc Smith),RonSmath, basslrombone solo(arr.Snell)iMidwostMarctr(Richards/ isl Pande of lhe Woode, So/diors(arr. Ercadbgnl);T\,,/o Padlnven bn(Spa*e), Langford);Sants Clausls Comin'To JohnMelingand TomRuniy, euphonium Iown (arr.Dewhursi)i SleighRide\an 9oloistsiQue€n of lhe Night lMozadJ Tomlinson). Golland), JamesSobacki, sop€nocoF March8. 2003;KussmaulTheatre, nelsoloistiyar'altonso, a WelshTheme Frederick Community College, (Kneale), PhilKlickman, tenorhomso- Frederick,I\rD. SlarspangledBanner loist;Pie Jesu (arr.SleadmanAllen); (arr. Himes);Ihe Certurbn (Sparke); Cheekto Cheek(arr. Fernie);Holo Billante lctaham).LauraLineberger, Dol/y (arr. Norman);Oklahomalar. (Bulla); euphonium soloist; S/nphonelte Wright); Sere,ado(Bourgeois); Toccala Adagiofrcm Concieio deAraniuez\afi (arl. Fan: ThB WaltonianlRicha'dsl Bolton),RandiBulla,tlugelhomsoloisl Vvyss); Shieid of Libefty lRichatdsl The Spiit of Advenlua(Norbury); Trb Broadbent). cor 8/rb(Langford), StephenF€ncella, HelbRader,Al BeithandRickGaskins, lenor horn soloislsi The Ca of the MotorCity Bra63Band(CraigStrain). It4arch 16,2003iSoulhfield Centerfor continued on pageI lhe PerformingArts, Southfield,lrl. IheBrassBandBddgeJune2003 continued frompage8 NORTH BRASSBANDASSOCIATION AMERICAN Membership P.O.Box210837 MO63121 St.Louis, pleasecompleteclea y and infull Cossacks(Graham). SpokanoBriliah Brass Band (Mark Wllliams).SFCCArdatodum, Spokane, WA Tho Corleslor (Powell); Zerda (Code),JimPhillips. cornelsoloist;Ihe Day ThouG6vesl(Scholeneld/Wilby); Musicftun the 16thCenlory(Gastoldi/ Fernie);SongsMy MotherTaughtMe (OvorauLsngtord), DickLymancornet soloist;/n Olxieland(Rimmer/Kerwin), KilCuller,euphonium soloist;Musrbfor G/penwich(Gregson);E/sa's Proc6ssionIo lh6 CathednlWagner/Him€s); Spiritof AdventuQlNorbrry),Gaafforcg (Graham). Narne MrMrsMiss/I4s/Dr (pleasecircle one) SheetT.O.BOX City State zip Country Telephone Number( ) St Loula BraasBend(ColinHolman) iRegular lllinois Apil 4, 2003iSouthern UniveF OR OnlineMembenhip(pleasecircleone) sity, Edwardsvill€, lL. Slar-Spang/ed Eanner lan. Himes), Prelude for an MembershipCatcgory Occ8sron(Gr€gson);Litlle Suiia for Eard (Arnold); SlavonicDance #8 (Orotak);Monlage(Graham);Eerna lnstrument Playcd Pglbl (arr.Howarth): Padlla(Spa e); Cimondlarr. Richards); Danceol the BandName Tunbl€rs(Rimsky-Korsakov/Ashmore); lnstanl Conced (Walt€rs); 7he E-mail{whereapplicable) Corteslor(Powell);Sl Loris8/oes(arr Geldard). 'REGULAR'ONLINE May24,2003:Kirkof the HillsPresbyCATEGORY lerianChurch, StLouis,MO.EdJacobs, Indivldual. . .theregularmembership Dues:$ 35/30 guesl conductor. The Elack Horse Senior . . (62 andolder) Dues:S 25120 I/oop (Sousa/Vveatheralll', Slud.nt. . (21andunded Dues:$20115 Galop hon t14l,am Iel (Rossini/Hawkins); Br7lanle Family. . .reducedratefor families Dues:$ 45/40 (Graham), JeffBinns,euphonium soloBand3 Dues:$60 ialt Ptocassionto the Minsle.(Wagner/ Lifetime. . (39and under) Dues:$600 (4049) Snell)i Processionof tha Noblas Dues:$500 .. (50 (Rimsky-Korsakov/AshmorcJ, Bah um ... andoved Duesr$400 and Bailey'sFavodte lKing), MaEh lo Corporatg.. .companymemb€rship Dues:$ 100 tha Scaftold (Berlioz/Wilkinson)i Patlon.,. Dues:$500 Leador8hlp... Cdnond(aft. Richards);F/,ighlof lhe Dues:$1,000 Bumblegee (Rimsky-Korsakov/Reift). JohnKolak,cornetsolois|:Londondetry Pleasemakecheckoavableto the NorlhAmenb€nB.assBandAssocialion. A/r (Grainger,ryVeatherall)t Blu6 Rondo (reprcducefom as necessary) 'Regularmemborship a Ia Turk(BtubecklEdwerds)i Siegfnied's includesthe ErassB€nd8/dge mailedto youraddress FunanlMusic\wagne Livingston); The Onlinemembership includesaccessto an electronic copyof the BrassEand (Sousa). Sta/sand St6,pes Fo,.ever Bidge JunE2003TheBrassBandBddge OVERVIEW by RalphHotz and Colin Halman ThisyearsNABBAcompetilion in LittleRockwillberememberedasoneofthefinestcompetition evenlshosledto date On Thursday April10,priorto the officialbeginning of the annualevent,Grimethorpe Colliery(UK Coal)Bandper, formedfor NABBAmembers whowereintownearlyandfor sponsorcof the event.This Enlerlainmenuchampionship bandismaybethefinest bandoflhislype intheworldloday. Theyareverymuchindemandalloverlheworldandproudly exhibrttheirwondertulgraspof lhe enlertainmenl concert. playedthe fullgamutofmusicatthisprc-contest Grimelhorpe piecestoppedoff concert. Included werepurelyentertaining yariallors with on an Enigma(Sparke).!\hile playing absolutely superbly,the bandretaineda terrificsenseof humor. GaryCutl,an extremelytalentedconduclor, look careof all lhe commentary duringthe concer{.His humor and conlrol of this famous extroveded band. which he describesas a "wildlot," was somethingto behold.Theband ''hangs together, whelheril is playinga conced logetheror socializinglogerherinto the early hours of every morning Ivlanyofthe padicipanlsal the annualNABBAConleslsee each otheronly once a yeaf, and the gatheringsofold and newfriendsheldformallyandinformallycontinuously throughoul lhe weekend are an imoortant oart of brass band fe llowship.Theweather was superbthroughout,andperfect for a terrificFridayeveningBarbequehostedon the River Fronlby SolidBrass.Aswellas Grimelhorpe beingpresent, the StavangerBrassEandbegantheirlJ.S.tourby compe! ing in the ChampionshipSection. If only Grimethorpehad cornpeledas well (as HawlhorneCity did in 1994)--thenwe wouldhave had realworldclasscompetitionlGueslswere alsolreatedtoalvlaslerclass, a terrificGalaConcerl,andsix bandsmakingNABBAXXI theirfirsl cohpetition. The new NABBAcommission,Kevin Norbury'sSpitil of Adventure, was anotherhighlighlin NABBA'scontinuinggrowth. SOLO AND ENSEMBLECONTESTS Adull High B.ass T6chnical: Reviewed by Julie Vish. U.S.AirForceBand U.S.Army Band U.S.Marine Band Band U.S.Navy plusEnsembles andChoruses Visitourwebsite andORDER ONLINE or ordertoll-free 800-999-01e 0 x1 t, .1 1 9 FREECATALOG! rI ==d[rJ"s"fll?39't Nashville,TN 10 TheBrass Band BridgeJune2003 It was my extremepleasureto reviewlhe high brass,ad!ll technicaloortionof the NABBA solo comDetition.soloists presentedvery differentpedormancesofa varietyofdiffer enl pieces.All performersbroughtsomelhingpositiveto their performances, whetherilwas extremetechnicalpmliciency, excellentarticulalion,or brilliantmusicality. Judge Brian Burdittdeflnitelyhad some difficultdecisionsto make. Competitionbeganwilh Tom Gabrielsen(CincinnaliBrass Eand) perfo.mihgHeavenly Gales (Langworlhy)on Bb cornet. Ivlr.Gabrielsen,from memory played some very dramaticcadenzasand some difficulltechnicalpassages, bul some minorrechnicalflaws and rhylhmicinaccuracies Thesecondsoloistwas kepthimoutof therunningforprizes. (NewEnglandBrassBand)who performed StephanieWatts FentasyThomeonBb cornet.Highlightsof her pedormance maturesound, agreatlowregister,and wereabeautifuldark, consislentarticulationin all ranges of lhe instrument. I personallywould have liked io hear a more daring pertormance in terms of dynamic conirast and musicality. continuedon page 11 conlinuedfrcm page 10 w ler, whichled to some noliceable pitchissues. lwishhehadlaken a more laid-backapproachlothemusic. Roberl (BrassBandofCentralFlorida) Hinckley peiofiied TheDebutanle(Cl6rke).His performance definitelyneededmore ebbandflow.l,/iileMr.Hinckley made a strongeffortto providoa fleshytechnical performance, he missedmany create opporlunities to the stibtlenuancesthat makethis style of comet playingunique-Evenwitha fewchips,I wasveryimpressedwilh hislechnique, oftheopeningthefie andhisreslelemenl playedand wasbeautifully relaxed.Our flnalsoloislofthedaywasD€anPsarakis (BrassBand of CentralFlorida).He peiotmed Camivalof Venice(Atbanl Leizden).His openingwasvery nicely played,andthevarialions wereallvery fasl andflashy I wishthata fewclicks hadbeensacrificed on the melronome to achievea morefocusedsoondand phrasing. music.Thatwasthe onlyweaknessin thissection.lwouldralherheara piece playeda littleslower, butwithmusicality, needsto ebb,andflowEveryporformer performwithjoy. Stephanie's carefullypreparedperformanceearnedherthethkdolaceprize. (Easte.nlowaBrassBand) PaulWaech wasthelhi.dsoloistoftheday,performingFacilila(Hartman). A verywellconBrass Result : 1.AmyNelson(Chicago trolled,soflopeningandtechnically seBand),comet;2. PaulWaech(Eastem cure cadenzasmafied Mr. waechs lowaBrassEand),corn€t;3. Stephanie secondplaceperfomance.HisperfoF Watts(NewEnglandBrassBand).cor mancewas somewhatreseryedemonel. tionally,butdefinitely wellprepared and polished. technically Next,DwightWages Julie Vishis the soptanocomol pldyer (Cincinnali ErassBand)pBrformed Arwithlhe Centnl OhioBrcssBandand danleel ScheaolBarall.Thesoloopens a NABBABoad Menb6r. witha freelyplayed,dramalicpassage melody. Mr.Wages followed bya haunting AdultHlghBrassSlowMelody capturedlhe dancefeelof lhe 6chezo section.Somemissednotesandint€rRevi,wed by Robin Weathgnll vals causedby faligue,and possible nerves.atlheendoftheoiecemarredan ThetirsttoplaywasDonaldMcAfeefrom otheMisecredibleperformanceOur 'D'isone BrassBandof CentralFlorida. winner,Amy Nelson(Chicompelilion cometplayersand of our finestsoprano cagoB€ss Band)was nextto takelhe he set tho bar highwith his extremoly stage.She playedSlavischeFanlasy ol Pray lo St. musicalperformance (Hohne/Kerwin). Amy has a beautilul Bbcornetl\Iy impressions of lhis seclionwere G€gory(AlanHovhaness). ofthisvery sound,andhermemorization posilive.Therewas defi- tisi Jay Cohenfrom ChicagoBrass very overall lechnicalpi6c6,alongwilh her excep- nitelysomehardwork andpractic€ byall Bandfollowed withthetradilionalmelody createda verymusical porlormers lionalmusicality paraphrase I will a comSomalimes I feel Like a Motherless pertomanceTh6onlyscarymomentof mentmadeto me by BrianBurdilt,our Chld.Unforlunately nerves9olthebet camewhenaccompa- judge: ihe performance lt seemedthal manyof lhe per- terof himcausingproblemsgettingthe upandstarted nist,SteveMarcushopped formerswer€r€achingfor lhe perforI dancingduringone of the interludes. mance levellalherthanjuslplaying the conlinuedon page 13 amhappyto r€porlthalhisfingersnever left his handsduringlhis briefboutof insanity.A lho.ough"shushing"frcm Ms.NelsonendedSleve'ssponlaneous danceEvenwiththeentics,thisperformancenotonlyshowedlechnicalprofi FreeAd Space This ciency,but also grealmusicality. AvailableforNABBA captuing oftheebbandflowoflhem!sic MemberBands! andthejoybroughlto herpertormances iswhatkeepsAmy Nelsona solocompeT}:,e Brds! Bond Bti.l$e offers a iiee Quaner Page Ad on a lirst com€, first served litionwinneryearafteryear. A soloisl basisto memberbands. The ads will only be us€difthere is unuscdspaceavailable from our hostband (SolidBrass)was in the artdge and the Editor reservesthe revis€the ad to fit the availablespace. nexllo pedorm.DavidLucichpedormed lhe Concertino in Eb (Sachse)on so oranocorn€l Mr.Lucichoerformedtech- The ad spacecan be usedto sellyour band'snew r€cordingsorjust lo tellpeople you're oulherel Once0bandkt'reead appeaB,that bandwill go 1othe"endofthe line,"sivins nically verywell;heplayed alloftheright notesin the rightplaces.Hisapproach all memberbandsa chanceto useavailablespace. Sendyour "cameraready' ads,no largerlhan I l/2" by 4 l/2" to the Editor Colin Holman onlhesoprano wasa bittrumpety forthis Bridge 11 Junem03TheBrass Band 12 TheBrass Band BridgeJune2003 continuedfrcn page 11 sopranocornel 3. CyndiScoglio(PraF rie BrassEand),cornel. wasexlremely D visionthecompetition rnstrumentlospeak inpppassages The toughandagaincomplimenls to adjudisecondmovementof OskarBohme's cator BramGregsonfor his wise disRobin Weatherallis the NABBAMemCanceiain F 'l,inorwasihe choiceof cerningjudgment on someverydifficult bership Secrelary. CyndiScogliofrornPrairieBrassBand. decisions. Shedemonslrated awidedynamic range, Youth grass Solo beauliful soundanda clearhighregisSimilarto the baritone,lhe lrue brass ter. This was an excellenlchoiceof bandenlhusrast alwaysappreciates a Reviewe.l by Joel Pugh musicfor herandI pulherIntherunning. fine tenorhornsolo,with ils lightpure waswellaepreTheflugelhorn wasnextinlhe handsof sound.Thisinstrument Oespitebeing lhe only one in lhis diviperformers. sentedbytwodifferenl Lisa l\IichaelWarnertrom SpokaneBrltish sion baritoneplayerDavid Dimmitwas Sousafromthe SpokaneBritishBrass BrassBand.He choselo performthe certainlydeserying of lhe lstplaceprize, Bandplayedthe firsl movementfrom secondmovementol ThrceEpisodes performing Herman Bellstedls Napoli (JoeTurrn) He hasa veryn ce sound No.4. Havingheard Mozai'sConcarta It is alwaysfefreshnglo heara barilone thrsclassicpieceperfomedmanytrmes butfellafoulof theinherent intonation played well and lhis was certainlylhe problems of the inslrument. NewEnonthe"olherhorn,itwasapleasureto case wth this performance He perglandBrass Band's DennsCaron hear the tenor horn renditionof thls chose foamed it from memory and demon- piece. Thisisjustaddedproofthatnol EtudeNo.2 by Charlierin a niceperforskated excellenltechniquewilh a solid mance nerves cameintoplay, only is lhe lenor horn is a legitimate butagain tempo lhal was complelelyunder conmedium, butit hasa beauty allitsownl especially in lhe passages withwide trol,whichresultedin a very fine perfor pedormed verywell, showing Bough irom Ms. Sousa intervalslurs EricaSpalks good dem' command in allregisters and SaintLouisBrassBandis anolherfrrst 1 DavidDimmil(Ozarks[4ounBgsllls: playet sound Medilaonstrating lhe light characteristrc classsopranoconel provedlo be tain SritrshBrass Band),barilone forwhichlhisinstrument is known.The lionfromlhais (I\rassenel) particrpant good horn was Cyn othertenor a choice.After a slighllysheky Joel Pugh ts lhe Direclorof Bands aI gorgeous alsofromtheSpokaneErilish startshswarmed inloa sound Sanchez, Bemtdt State Universtly and lormel BrassBand,pefiotming1812Riff(an. wilha seemingly effortless upperregis' dieclor ot the Heidelbee BrassBand. got PaulHaack).Aftera longdayof se.ious nerves the better ler Unforlunalely He seryes on lhe NABBA boatd ot pieces,lhrs tongue-rnconcedo-style of her but she finishedwilh an overall ch6€k"tributetoa romantic masterpiece solidperformance. HowGrcalThouAt7 wasenjoyedby all. Ms. Sanchezperwaslho cholceof cornetplayerDennis Adult Low Bras6Technical form6dthesoloverywellin thejazzstyle, l\,,lodracek lromthe EasternlowaErass whichcanbedifficultto achieveon this Band He hasa nicebigsoundanda Reviewedby Joel Pugh. goodsolidupperregister, left the in inslrumenl.Heaperformance especially pppassages. (aswellas all audience, BramGregson) Hehadsevera I intonalion NABBA look anolher step foMard in problemsand unfortunately smilesl Jim l\Iarshallof lhe Spokane the final lheirconlinuedgroMh by separatingthe BriiishBrassBandwas the loneadult highEbwasnot in hisrepertoire today. lechnicalsolosinto highbrassand low performed baritonepa icipant,performingG.F. Finally MalhewVangjel Psa/m bGss for the first time lhis year. This Handel's/Richard fron TwoPodmitsby JoeTurrin.This PowellSonalai/l This gifted young flugelhornplayerfrom move allowedfor a shoderday for the wasa verygoodchoiceto showoffihe judges,but also in lhe fr.rlurewill permil beautifllqualiliesof the barilone.Mr. Jamesl\radisonUniversity has an im moreparticipanls in eachsection.llwas played peccable I\rarshall wilh sound,consislentlhroughout theadagiosections no surpise lo anybody affiliatedwith therange.Hisrelaxedapproach helped a beautitullighttoneand the technical great majorityof the NABBA lhal him give a tirst classperformance. l'll participants lhe seclionswitha similarlighltechnique, were euphonium players.ll makinglhe seleclionsoundlikeit was wagerwe will see muchmoreof this isnicetoatleasl haveavenuewherelhis taleni€dyounggenlleman. originally writtenfor baritone. wonderfulinstrumentcan be ulilizedto potential. Bul in additionto the Results: 1. I\ratthewVangiel(Jarnes its full plethora of euphoniumists,the tenor MadisonUniversily), flugel;2. Don McAfee(BrassBandofCentraiFlorida), horn,baritonoand ttombonewere also wellrepresented IntheAdultLowBrass continued on page 14 June2003 TheEnssBand Bridge 13 Continuadhgm page 13 As pr€viouSly mentioned, the euphoniumsmad€upthebulkoflheparticipantr anthisdivision.Wth the prcminent role playsin the brassband thisinslrument setting, lhi6quantity of participants isnot surpfising. MettKennan tromHenderson StateUnive6ityBrassBandperfomed one of the newervirtuosicsoloswritton for euphonium, BIue Lake Fantasias. p.oThis piec6is an unaccompanied grammatacselection prcmiered by Brian Bowman st lheLeonard Falcone EuphoniumCompEtition, whichtakesplac6al the Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp. Mr. Kennanplayodthreeot the fivemovoment6of thissolo:I "Fkofly," lll ?llThat Jazz'andv 'ParlyAntic6.'Thelechnicaldernands inthissoloareextremsly demanding andnotoniydidhonavigalo the technicalchallenges succ$sfully, buthealsoshowed musicalmaturity by addingmanymlsical nuanc$ to the music. ThomasRab6rof lhe Oza* Mountain BritishBras6Bandpedomed one of lho groet hislo.ic€uphonium sofos,ErikLeidzen'sSorg oftheBrolheL Mr. Rabershowedcompletecommand ofthissolobynotonlyperforming itfroln memory,bul also going b€yondlhe technicaldBmands to giv€a complete musicalDodormance.His technioue waseffoiless 6ndthelydcalwereplaygd extremely musically, soaslo providothE contrastintendedby the composer. KendraGohrofthe Prairi€B€ss Band gaveuBanotherrenditionof Bellstedt's Napoli A6 is alwayslhe casewithgreat music,il'sajoyto h€ardiffe.ent intelpr€lalionsoflhe samepiec€,because lhis is wheleone'spersonalmusicalma* canbemade.Ms-Gohrgavean exciling performance of this wonderfulpiece. Hertechnique wascleanandlight.She demonslrated a greatcommandof the exlremesin rangeand overallgevea veryenjoyableperformance. Thecompetition wasveryclose,butthe threeprizewinners wereespecially de- 14 seNingof this honor. The thirdplace winnerwas Jeff Binnsof the St. Louis BrassBandwith 8/,7arl9(PeterGfapi6ce,this ham).Thoughnotanobscure is a pioce thel deseNes much mole attention fromeuphoniumists for it is a greatthemeand va ationsolothat is indicative of Petercreham'sfantastic wriling.Mr.Binnsshowedblazing technique,rvhetheron thedifficulttripletonguingsections,or lh€ fa6hy'finge/ sectionsin the finalvadation.His lyrical playingin lhe minorv€riationshowed greatcommandof lhg uppertessitura. Also,lik6manyBritbheuphonium solos, lh€ oioceendson an'F" whichthls gr€etas6urance. soloistplayedwith Well Done!GEilRobertson oftheBrassBand of CantralFloridagarneredlh€ 2nd placeseloction, performing the Herbert L. Clarkgversionol The Cdmivalof V€nc6. Playingthesolofromm€mory, Ms.Robort8on show6d 6 gorgeou6 cl€ar dalk euphonium soundin th€ opening introduction and them€,whichset the tonefor vaiationsthal followed.Her techniquewas extremelyimpressivo, becaus€it truly s€€medeffortless. Of additional notewash6rincorpo€ting the diflicult dynamic inthetoughesl contrasl sectionsof the solo. She shouldbe comm€nded fot het originalcadenza sheaddedto the pi€ce. Thecad€nza certainlyshowedofi the soloistat her bestand set up the ihrillingfinaleperfectly.The1st winnerin thoAdultLow Bras6Technical Divisionwentto Mark DavidWndhamoftheHenderson State Brass Band playingthe Finalefrom Lars-ErikLatsson'sCorceftinofot Ttunbone. This pieceis one of the mosl populatlromboneconcertosand lhe Finalgis a movementwhich showcases th6trombone in a manner, manythink is practically impossiblel HedemonslEted a lruesymphonic trombone sound,had complele crmmand of every regisler andshoweda lighldoubletonguethat is theprcrcquisite ne€d€dto evenatlempt piece thissolo.Mr.Windhamplayedlhis flawlessly andcertainlywasdeserving of ThoBras6 BandBddgeJune2003 thetoDo ze. All of the Darticipants shouldbe congratulatedfor thek wonde.fulperfor mances! lt is evidentthal muchwoli wentintoeachsoloanditwasextremev enlight€ning andenjoyable fortheaudienceto hearsucha wonderfulcrosssectionof music. This is furtherevidenceof thegrowthin thequalityof the NABBAbends,for if the individuals conlinueto demonstrat€ this lev€lof exp€rlise, thebandslhemselves willbe the direcl beneficiaries. Congratul+ tionsto allwhop€rtomedl (Henderson Rolultlr 1.MarkWndham Bra86Band), lenorhom; StateUniversily (BrassBandofCentral 2.GailRobertson Florida),euphonium; 3. Jeff Binns(St Louis8r€ssBand),ouphonium Joel Pugh is the Dircclor of Bdndsal Benidji State University dnd fotmer diroctorof lhe Heidelb9tgB.assBand. He se/v6ao, the NABBAboard ol Adult Low Blalr Slow Melody R9viewedby RalphHotz Th€playingintheAdultLowBrassSlow MelodySectionwasofveryhighcaliber Bandmasler thisyear.RonWaiksnoris, oflheNewYorkStaffBandoftheSalvationArmywasthisyealsjudgeandhis task was difficultas the level of performancewasvery high.Thewinner,Linda Y6o, who now playsfor PrahieBrass inlhe Band,madeherparenls,whower€ audiencefor her oerformance. oroud jobplaying the Lindadid acommondable ewaze C,onceftolor Bass Trcmbone. SaraAlbert,principal lrombone of Brass Bandof CentralFlorida.Dlac€dsecond and playedbeautifully in ihe mostdiffrcull pieceattempted by anyonein this continuedon page 15 continued lrcn page 14 competitive section, Romanza fortenorkombone Appassiorala byvon All who pedormedplayedvery well. SorneoflheoLrtslanding soloistswho did nol receiveawards,butwho stoodoul were WilhamBritt, euphoniumplayer fromlhe SpiresBrassBandp ayinga near flawlessperformanceof the Tessarini Sonalain F Malbrmovement #2 NicoleKline,tenofhornfrornBrass Bandof CenlraI Florida ikewiseplayed splendidly in a HowardSnellarrange mentof E/egyby Shostakovich OurNABBAbands haveraised thestandardol musicaland technicalplaying Theqlalityofourmusicians hasrisento higherand higherlevels,and we will individual conlinuelo hearoutstanding soloistsin the individual andensemble competitions. \ryhelher thecornpetition is in the solo competitions or the ensemblecompetilions, or in theChampF onshipBandCompetition, lhebarhas, and is, beingraised. lt was very impressive to bea listeneralthisyear's competition.Thejudgeshad,andwill havein thefuture,havetheirhandslull evaluatingour NABBAmusiciansand to thesoloor bands Vvletherlistening ensemble compelition, orthebandsectioncontest,the listeneris lreat€dto a higherand higherstandardof performanceseachyear Resultsi 1. LindaYeo (PrairieBrass Band),basstrombone;2. SaraAlberl (BrassBandof CentralFlorida),trom(Henderson bone;3.TylerBraxton Slale University BrassBand),hombone RalphHolz is a nenber of the Rocky MountainB|asswo',s and the NABBA Boad of Directors lefi lo righl J a mes Curnow,BrianBu.dilt,John de Salmeand Ray Faff discussthe liner poinlsof Monlage(Graham) AdultBrassEnsomblos of Bal/of Flro(PeterSmalley)wasthe mosttechnically difficultpiece.There Reviewedby JacksonM Hill wasno roomfot errorin lhispiec6and I applaudlheir ef{ort.TubaTimefrom llwasa greatprivilege lo bea partof lhe [4otorCitychoseTubamoble (TomRitter NABBAleam lo hear lhese fine en- George)Theyshowedextremely good semblesperform.Vvhenthese small loneand balance.I reallyenjoyedlhis groupsget togethertheylearnhowlo performance. TheChicagoBrassBand qualityandpre- Players,the largestof all of the enblendanddeveloplone cisionwith theirinslrumenls. Therootsof choseThgB/andenbury Consembles, brass bandingare developedin this certo#3.Thegroupdidalllherightthings environmentl\ranyof the ensembles fromlonequality, blendlo technicaland showedgreatpreparation. Donolforgel presentagrealperformance. Thisqualthe ensembleasonly as goodas the ily of performance transfersto the full weakesiplayer.Musicselectioncan sizeChicagoBrassBand. helpwiththisproblem. Inlheensembl€ onemust 6nvironment, Allof thegroupsperformed well. Some thinkof thegroupwhefeallvoicesneed groups,l thought, gaveoutslanding per- to be balanced.The brassbandtone groups, qualitymuststart at lhe cornetsand formances. BothJamesMadison The TromboneQuartetand The Blue transferdownthrolghlhe othervoices. StoneBrassshowed thalthecollege has We have made remadableprogress a realunderstanding ofbrassbandmusic. continuedon page 16 TheSt. LouisMiddlelvenperformance June2003 TheBnssBand Bddge 15 continuedfrgm page 15 polyrhythms and difi€rentdynamicsin each hand. Thiswasmugicmaking atan fromlastyearto nowand I recommend enremelyhighlevel.Christopherwa3 a thalallb€sgban& havewo*ing brass real showmanwho broughtlhe audienc€ ensembles a3partof theirorganization. to theirfeelfor a slandingovation. S€e you in Charleslon, VW in 20M. Lets break rocordsfor th6 numberof parlicipanls. R€lulb: 1. ChicagoBrassBandPlsyelsi 2. Bluestone Brasg(Jamesliadison);3. TubaTime(MotorCity Brass Band) JacksonHillis a baitone playerandthe foundarof lhe BrassBand of the TiSt€to Result8: 1. Chrislopher Karabin(Prairi6 BrassBand);2. Andrw K€ith(Chicago E|ass Band);3. DewieDowdy (BrassBandof th6Tri-State) AdultPercu!!lon Enaombler Raviowod by RobinWeathercI Eolhent.iesin this sectionperformed wondedully. Jam€sMadi6on Univelsity Percussionchose Trio Per Uno Adult PorcualionSolor (Zivkovic), a complicated mulli-instrumentworkwith manydynamic levelsand Revievtedby Robin Weatheftll persistent driving, rhylhm.This group wereall butfaulllessin theirinterprelaThisis thg lirsl yesr th6aehas beena lion. Th€ChicagoPercussion Project separslePercussion SoloCompetilion. pedodned on one Marimba,Slubemic TeralynKeithfron ChicagoBrassBand (Mark Ford).Theyplayednot onlythe pedormedGreetingslrcm Concetlofor balsbutalsotheresonators. Theyarea (Rasauro), Manimba withtirstclassplayfin6groupotplayels buttheydidnthav6 ingagainsettingthe bar highfor ihose lheextrsgparkofenlhusiagmthat made following.Excellenttechniquemadea JamesMadision Univelsity lhewinnels very difUcullwo* sounddoc€ptively in my mind. hard ea3y.Hgrl€flhandmallet3weretoo formytasl€makingthelow6roctaves ot ReBultsr1. Jamesl\4adison 2. Chicago the inslrumentsoundtoo p€rcussive, Percussion Proj€ct Andr€wKeith,alsofromChicagoBrass Band,gaveus Foolp€fh(Samu€ls) exRobin Wealhemllis lha NABBAMenhibitingoxcellentdynamic,good balbetship Secrctary. ancebetween lhe hands.Thel\rarimba is a difficultinstrumenton which lo READINGBAND displayanything buttechnique, Andrew maderealmusic. DewieDowdyfrom Oeanizedand Reviewadby RonaldW. Monis B€ssBandoftheTri-Statechose Holz Goldenburg's lranscriptionof Bach's ViolinConcatloin A minor.Againhard On Fridayeveningof NABBA2003,a mallets failedto bringoultheich colors good sizebandfomed on the stageof of the Marimba.Nervousness also remainauditoiuminlheRobinson Cenler sull€din a coupleof major memory just prior p.m..In 90 minutesa lo 5:00 lapses.ThefinalperfomerwasChris- gEat dealof musicwas readand we lopherKa€bin fromPraineBrdssgand- evenhad a shodNABBAmeeting$,herein H€ chosoa multi-instrument soloby Al membersof the NABBAEoardwere Payson,S/avlcD€nse.This was 6n introduced by Pr€sident AnilaHuntto excellentchoice of music, requiring the memb€rship at large.Theconduc- 16 TheBnssBand BddgeJune2003 tors in this sessionincludedAdjudicators BrianBurditt.JamesCumow.Ray Farr, Bram Gregson,Ken Moor6,RonaldWaiksnoris, NABBAPresidontAnila Hunt,NAB&qControllers JohndeSalme and RonaldW Hoh, and SolidBrass composerTroy Helm.Specialmention mustbe madeofthe helpgivenby key playersof Grimethorpe CollieryBand, as wellas somememb€rsot the Solid Brassof Little Rock,lhroughoutih€ session. Severalsoloistsfrom thes€ bandswerefeatured aswell [s€ebelow], cornat,Now as TerryEveGon,princlpal EnglandBressBand. NABBABoard memberFrank Northwas especially helpfulincoordinating lhemanyassignin necessary mentsandsetupchang€s Alllh€partsgot lhepercussionseclion. coveredif sometimeswe had some and interesting balancesr 7 Eflatbasses 1 B flat bassat one tame;1 soprano cornatto balancea bandof 70+. Thereviewfollowstheod€roflh€ readingsession.Attheendofeachpubligher wo*s received I havelistedadditional that will be usedat the ReadingBand s€ssionoftheAshland Bra53BandF€stival, Saturday,June 21, Anila Hunt, presiding. Inthiswaywehavebeenable tog€tasmanyofthepiecesgubmittedlo us featuredat a NABSAeveni. Unlessotherwis€ noted.tho InsirumentationsuDDlied for €achilem revi€w€d followstraditionalB.itishbr€ss band supply scoring.MostBritishpublishers forallpadswith onlykebleclefversionr A full the exception of basstrombone. scoreisprovidedunlessoiheMisenoted. ratingsystBmisasfollows: Thedifticulty EasyiMModerE Easy;MEModerately ate; MDModeratelyDifficult;0 Difiicult; AD AdvancedLevel-VeryDifiicull. The reviewsare organizedby publishor; is alsosupplaed. contactinformalion continuad on page 17 continuedfrom page 16 Bandtooklhisat a considerably slower ing,shorloriginalworkin theformof a quarter lempothan marked, noteequals fasl-pacedallegro(quarternoteequal 184+lSomesectionswillcometogether 136)in whichhe contrastsa dynamic StudioMusac.PO Box 19292,London quickly, especially the relurningRondo fanfareidea with a slower-moving g W P , NWl0 England. Email: pulseof theme. In otherportionsTchaikovsky melody,thoughthe underlying polyphonic@studio-n exploresralherremolekeysand lhere themusicremains constant.Thework passages. percussion are lots of exposed Thisisan opens wilh a soliforlimpani Largo(Handel/Goff Richards). LevelE. idealbam-burner for a band seekjng a and snare drum, both ofwhom continue This is a classysetlingof the famous r e a l c h a l l e n g ea n d a n e x c e l l e n t to play importantrollsthroughout the ope€ ada"Ombramaifir"from Se6eby meter showstopper, lhe late-19th cenlury work. There are seveElshifts ol Handel,one usuallyplayedmuchtoo equivalent ofallthosefastdanceseltings like4/4to 6/8andbackagain,bulthese slowly,lhe indicaiionlargo(lechnically by Shostakovilch, The a modelnodoublfor shouldnotpresentmajorproblems. speaking,larghetto)in Handel'stirne lhosepieces. endingcallsformoreof thesameleading morean indication of moodratherlhan for a brilliant lo a suddenbroadening tempo.Richardsprovidesgoodvariety The SalvationArmv- New York,440 close. Thereafe sometechnicalchalin lhe scoring,and even supplies a WeslNyackRd,WestNyack,NY10994i lengesiniheformofsixteenth noteruns, shortened velsion, should thatbeneeded. -888-488{882 Tel: 1 or 1 4-620-7 200 but nothing exlraordinary. Any of our "91 (for Very usefulin bolh programming F A X : 1 - 9 1 4 - 6 2 0 - 7 7 5 1P . a r t o f Challengelevel ndsor higherwillenba lyricalconkast)and for the buildingof T umphonic Collection.Nomal brass joy thismusicandwilltindit mightjust ensembletone and the shapingof el proveto be a tine programopener. bandscoring. egantmelodiclin6. Traditional scoringexceptno repiano Man's Dasiing IJ.S. cornet. Jesus, Joy of "Barcarolle" from Talesof Hoffnann Bach/Erik Leidzen ). Levellr.Thisbrass (Ofienbach/Marlin Ellerby).Level l\r. band selting of Jes!s Joyisthecompan- For AshlandFeslival: The Engulfed SoloCornelsaredividedintofourpa s ion to Leidz6n's famedwind bandar- Cath1drallclaude Debussy/Bill Goris this imaginative of an transcription rangement. Inthissetting, is don) the chorale operalicfavoite.Theonlyrealditficuliy primarily carriedby theSolo,2nd and hereis keepinglhe gentlerocking6/8 3rd Corneis, and Trombones, withlhe Kirkleesl\rusic.609 BradfordRooad, molionsteady(mimicking lhe movepreludemalerialcovered chorale by lhe Bailif Bridge,Brighouse,Wesl Yorkgondola) mentsof a Venetian andlust Tel: soli SopranoCornel,Repiano,and shireHD64DN UnitedKingdom; underthesurfaceofthemelody.Muted Flugelhorn. VVhile seemingly well-known, 01144-1484-722-855;FAX: 011-44cornetsand trombones are conkasted E-mail: the 9/8workgavesomeot our readers 1484-723-591: wilhthemellowinslruments attheoulsei, a bitof rhythmic kouble. The lovely work s a le s@kikle e s m u s i c. c o. u k butEllerbydoesnotgetlockedintolhat willrequire morethan a sighlread to pull color.This is a well-scored, well-conoffcorrectly.Thisisa minimasterpiece Processional and HymniG/eal Receivedtranscription. ofbrass bandscoring andwillbe suitable deerner.(Philip Wlby). LevelMD. Thls piece for a widevarietyof settingsandocca- imaginative is a fanfaresettingof CurnowMusic-DeHaske Publications. sions. the Welshhymntune Cym Rhonda, 100 John SutherlandDr., Suite 1, whichWlby surounds with effectrve Nicholasville, KY 40356.Tel:1-800-7ForAshlandFeslivaIOpeningexcerpt originalmalerial.Theworkopenswilh CURNOW;Emai{:b6hawins@|.t' lrcm AlsoSprcchZaralhuslra (Richard the cornetsectionoffstage,playinga Slrauss/Peler Graham); March:Nodh- rnajestic fragmentofthe originalprocesDance of the Jesters(Tchaikovsky/ ern Erass(StephenBulla) slonalmusic written in3/2lime. Thefull JamesCurnow),LevelAD. James prbvidesan intloband soon ente6and this diffCumowrecentlytranscribed Gordonl\rusic. 274BeadRoadLyndon, duction 1ofthehymnlunewhile toverse cultworkforlhelnlernaliona I SlaffBand WA 98264.Tel: 360-398-1689; FAX: cornetsreturnto the stage Thehymn of the SA. Scoring,however,is for 360-398-8284; E - m a i l : iuneappearsin 4/4 timeand initiallyin traditional Britishbrassband,including lwo successive,fairly traditionalsetrepienocornel.At least3 goodpercusslonistare requiredand everysection continuedon page 18 Bandfare(WilliamGordon). Level lvl. getsa technicalwofkout. OurReading BillGordonhas providedanolherexcil- June2003 TheBnss Band Bridge '17 continued frompage 17 tings. The 3/2 processional musicreturns,leadingto lhe final,triumphant thedral,or a hall that would enhance sucna concept. a 'London' Theme spicingup a program!Collinsondeftly handlesthebrassbandscore,providing lotsofcolorcontrasts. andt€xluralshifts Thiswouldbefun to workup. Band(DavidKing)in aclion Stavangeramss verse3 ofthehymntune.Thecodacalls for offstagetrombonos,who must play inlo the distance' theirmusic'receding and nol synchronouswiththe remainder oflhe band.So, the spatialdimensions of the musicmake it a bit of challenge, thoughthe notesthemselvesare no real hurdles.Thiswouldbe a splendidpiece for presentationin a large church, ca- 18 LevelM.Thisfanta{RobertCollinson). form sia takeslhe of a scheeo-varaationson the nutseryrhymeLondon Bridgels Fallingoown. Thisshort, wolk makeseveryone work, whimsical butnotexcessively so. Thecomposer, aslhescorenotestellus, hashistongue inhischeekduring thismusicalromp.A rightin suilablebitofmusicalhumorjust The BnssBand BridgeJune2003 I\Iuso'sl\redia.PO Box 188 Kangaroo 3555rTel:011€'1-3-5447 Flat.Australia 78;e-maali 0873:FAX:01161-35447-81 conlinuedon page 19 I continued frcmpage 18 modified bluesscale.ln between is the mainpartof the work,a driving,energeticallegromarkedquarternoteequal for Cometand BrassBand 140-'160. Concetlino Thesoloistpartcallsforgood (Barrie Gott)SoloistTerryEverson, New agilaty, especially in negotiating intervai EnglandBrassBand.SoloistLevel[rlD; leapsbeyondanoclave.Thebandparts BandLevelI\LNABBAispleased to now are straightforward, thoughLloydcalls include theAustralian firml\Iuso'sI\redia for 4 good percussionist includinga in our list of publishers.One of their ratherinvolved mallelpad (calledKeymajorcontributors is BarrieGott,a ver- boards) callingforvibes,bells,andxylosatilemusician, ananger, andcomposer. phone. Theotherthreeparlsare timln lhis A'B'A fom work Barriechal- pani,dromset,andauxiliary, the latter lengesthe risingcornetsoloislin areas beingtheleastimportant. Therearenot oftoneproduction, double-tongu ing,and manytobasoloswrittenin a contefiposustained melodicpassages. Therange rarystylethat are nol kitschyor silly. doesnotexceedC abovetheslaffand, Thalis not lhe casehere,and so luba exceptfor one doublelonguingpas- playerstakenoteofthisinteresting new sage, is reallyof moderaletechnical level.Thebandpartsarestraightforward and shouldnot provedifficullto learn. For AshlandFestivali Gospe/Iraln TheAsectionoflheworkisitselfdivided (BarrieGotl)i Caiistlona:A Highland inlo 3 sections,the middlehavingan Bal/ad(JoeCook) atkactivebroadlune,themainthemeof theoutersectionsbasedon lhe Lydian Rosehilll\rusic,PO Box48,Aylesbury, mod€. The principalI s€ctionis a HP178DW,LjnitedKingdom; Tel: dramalicAdagio,whichendswith the 0 1 1 - 4 4 - 1 4 9 4 -46- 74 1 1 ; email: soloistona highB Flal,pianissimo. Gott info@rosehilln then callsfor a comploteda capoof sectionA, followedby a 6hortCodetla. Suite:/s/andMuslc(StuartJohnson) Onecautionary note- lhefullscorewas LevelME. Thisisatour-movemeni suile printedin v6rysmalltypesize,andmay originallycommissioned bytheShanklin haveto beenlarged.An atlraclivework TownErassBand.Wereadmovement idealforbothaspidngsoloistandestab- 4, Shanklin Pier,duringwhich thecomlishedplayers. poserseekstoportraythedestruction of the famousShanklinPierd!ringa terTubaSolor6el Dow, (GrahamLloyd) rificnightslorm.Lotsof fireworksand SoloistShewnCrowther,Grimethorpe fun for developing bandsiTheother3 Band.SoloistLevell\4DiBandLevelM. movements are: 1) MarchiShanklin GrahamLloyddescibeshis letin-jazz Towni2) RylstonGardens; 3)TheTuba androckinflectedconcedsolofortuba OntheDowns.Thelast-n amedfeatures andbrassbandasfollows:"GelDownis thetubas,andrecallsan incident when looselybasedona progression ofmixed a memberof lhe band,afterpracticing maiorand minorthids lnthe on the nearbydowns,was alraid to descending basswithpedectflft h combination above confesshispracticeto a neighbor who eachbassnoie. At rehearsal58 lhe askedifhetoohadheafdstrange nds sou chordprogression is looselya '12-ba/ downonthebeachlJohnson writeswell set up with foufthvoicingsabovethe formoderate levelbands andihisatlracbass."Thesolopart iscompletelywrittentive,programmaiic suite,whelherused out,thoughgivingan improvisatory feel in ilsentirety orinexcerpts, willpaogram at tlmes. Lloydopensand closesthe well. Thereis just the rightmixof the workwith shod slowsectionsusinga seriousandlhe humorous here,and it couldproveespeciallyeffectivepiece foryouthbandsand NABBAbandsjusl gettingunderway. -Atlanta, 1424NorthTheSalvationArmy east Expressway, Atlanta,GA 30329; 404-728-1 383; usasouth@aol. con. These items are from lhe American l n s t r u m e n t a lE n s e m b l e S e r i e s (formerlyAmerican Brass Ensemble Series)editedby JamesCumow.The maybeplayedbya group arrangements as small as a quartet(wathsth part parts),orby twopercussion optionaland a full brass band, concertband, or orcheslra. Parlssupplied inallappropriale keysandclefs. Providesfull score and pianoparureduction. E flai Alto SoloilWanI To Be Ready (DouglasCourt)SoloislSandySmith, Grimeihorpe Band.SoloistLevel[4;Band (2:50minules) lvl.Thisshorl,appealing solofeatures, as Court'snotessay "lhe of the soloist,"while technicald6xt6rity spiritual"lwant to beready exploring tho just Jerusalem like John." to walk in small can be avery Whilethis beplayad group,frJllbrassbandcan presentthis effectivelyby followingthe necessary cueingandby scalingbacklhe accompanirnent al appropriate spots,allowing Thereare thealtohorntospeak clearly. rhylhmic a fewchallenging syncopated patierns basedonfragments ofthespirilual, but nothingtoo demanding.A separaiepiano/soloist edilion is also available. B flat InskumentSolo: Yes,He Didl (VVilliam David Himes). Flugelhom Soloist Rock.Soloist Rosen, SolidBrassofLittle LevelI\rEiEandLevelI\rE. This is a delightful, laid-back swingsettingofthe it spiritualofthe samename.Wefound was idealfor Flugelhorn, thoughdesignedfor anyB flatinslrument.Himes providesa masierful, lastefulsetting3t continuedon page 20 June2003 TheBrass Band Bridge 19 continuedfrcm page 19 vadalionson an origin€lthemeas a Stales,thespiritof whatCumowgredssas a level3 piece. tributeto the LJnited people,MainStreetUSAI lheAmedcan Jazzadiculationg a€ verycleadymarked 1961 endifthesetplay€randbassseclioncan Wdttenaslhetoptestpieceforthe British OD€n contest, iihas been revived maintain a steady,unhurriedlempo, this g€m has a real grooveto it. At 3:20 from time to time,but is unjustlynegbcled at lhe momenl.We aregrateful minutesthis would be an idea sho.t programitem,also idealfor trainingin to G€offreyBrandand R. SmithLld for providingthis one classicwolk in our swingsiylefor both soloistand band. othe b€ "all new" rsadingsession. Percussion consistsof a drumsetpsrt, partfor bellsandtambou- RayFanacluallygotthe bandthrough andauxiliary the entiG wo* by laking all second rino. endings, thoughn€ 106l a fewfolks along the wayl There ar€ 8o many atractive R. Smith& Co. Ltd. PO Box 367, Aylesbury,Buck6.HP224LJ England aspecls lo lhis ma9tgrfulscorg. We wouldnow considerlhe t€chnicaldeTel: 011-44-296-682-220: e-mail: mandsto be mod€rately difficult,and idealforourChallenge level,thoughall bandswould enjoythiswork.Th€work Main Steet: Vadations(Eric Eall).MD. prelude(basedon the comisls of a Eric Ball vrrotethis wondedulset of primaryftylhmicmotiveof thelheme), the themeilself,flve vaiations.and a codareflective of the oponingprelude. Therearemanytreautiful mom€nts here, bulvariation 4 anandantesostenulo in lhe parallelminor(Bandpitchtonicis F Mejor).isparticularly moving.LikePetite surte de balbt, Main Street is qood music,ev€nit it b n l nEdt tralhlD verylin€6tgroup3.Howsvat,lwofifddd a wordof ceullon,as lhereere musical demandshereior the v€ry finestenweadngout my s€mbles.I remember 1o-inch discplayedby lhe 1961winners, FaireyBand (underLeonard Lamb).l,lABBA bandswillfind thisto be an excellentprog€mitem. continuedon pdge 22 MIDLAND CD CLUB MidlandCD Clubisamailordercompanyspecialising in Brass& MilitaryBandCDs. Wearebasedin theUK andhavehundreds ofcustomers all overtheworld, andhaveanespecially loyalcustomer baseinAmericaandCanada. Pleasevisit ourwebsite,andwe hopeto beableto addyou to our customerlist. iltww.midland-cd-cl e-mail 201Callowbrook Lane,Rubery,Birmingham 8459Tc, UK Telephone 012l-2444605/4606Fax0I 2I -680-90I 8 : N IheBffis BandBddg€June2003 Now under new manlgement. . . BernelMusic,Ltd. SeasonalBrassBand New Releasesfor Brass Band: For Unto IJsA Child,ar,(,/, (arrGordon) Mary'sBoyChi ld (Hairstor/arr. Sparke) Serenade.fot a New-B(rfiKing (Gordon) LullubyonChristmasEve(an. Engebretson) RuIeBr itannia (W agner/an.Hardy) Dccemhe| 7|h (fronP earlHarbor)(Zimmerman/ar.van derWoude) LullabyeFor Yur(Joel/an.vanderWoude) Musi c.lbr Cincma(Moren)$68.00 AIIadaIe(fr omHyn n of theH ighIands',Flugel Hom, Hom,& Baritone Trio)(PhilipSparke) SummerIsles(frolm(fromHynn oftheHighlands, EuphoniumSolo)(PhilipSparke) Lairg Muir (ftorr HWn ol theHighlands;Cometsolo) (PhilipSparke) Flowerdale(fton Hynn oJtheHighlands, Sopruto CometSolo)(PhilipSparke) Strathcarron(SwordDanceftom Hynn qfthe High /and.r)(Philip Sparke) l/ariationsand Fugueon a themeof Handel (B:,ahmsl arr.Butterworth) CompactDisc BlazingBrcss((Newyork StaffBand) ( orire4rercei- (SottoVoce) t/egle (ThomasRuedi.euphonium) LisIenToThn-! (AdanFrey,euphonium) PoI ishedBrass(RiverCity BrassBand) Solo& Ensemble (Cosma) Euphonium(:ohcerto I solo/piano FrostytheShowmahibrassquintet(Nelsor/arr. Christofferson) ChristmasJoy - InstrumehtalSoloslir thc Holi(lay (Bulla) S'eaJor: a.llinstnunents BernelMusic,Ltd. P.O.Box I I l8 - Catersville,GA 30120- (678\721-1344 sales@her June 2003TheBnssBand Bridge continuedfmm pdge 20 a Largoentited Th€ Chapelot King's WightERound.TheCom€tOfflce.PO Colleg€.h fre n|ildh dwhich Broadbent ins6rtsa Hymnto th6Angels;th6entire Box157.Gloucestershire. cL1 1LWUK nrov,6ffFntcould be a valuabletonelel 011-44-1452-524-438; Email: sndy atde! The finel movement,en. vtrigh t-and- rcu n d@inle rc ctiveTdn and Gown,is dividedinto 3 titlod l) Sdt€tzo: Aboul Town;2) !dixr8: Inttn@r P!te/3 Piece;and3)Valse: Soprano and Euphonium Ouel: Barcelora (An. PhalipHarp€.)Sopfano Bur|p. TheburE6 in lhe finalecom€, aaYouwooHoq,ed with rhythmac disNigelFielding Cornetist andEuphonium ptgcanenl a,td !ryicopstion I think this Michaeloodd.Grinthorp€Band.Soloist chamang $.lil€ can ils' retranscend LevelMD;EandLEvelMO.Thisduefs gionalorigim and harc wile appeal. lt uniquecombination minorsan eadiet i3w€ll-scoredandw€lkritten Ior develvocalduetby FFddieMercury andMike opingband Molan.awo*fealuredatlh€Barcelona Olympics. In fEcl, the arrangqmonl DavidRos€nMu6ic,5611Kavanaugh. openswith an gxtondedpr6lud6by the Litll€Rock.AR 72207. Tel 501666band, a soclion of contemporarypag5097: e-mail: eantry. We did not play somoot lhis opening,in whichHaper asksthe SoSynphony 41 lor Erass Eand (Troy prarnotocome Inonapj€nissimo highG,' Helm)L€vellID. As a laslminuloaddiar fromafar.'over a fortissimo lultiinlhe lion, w€ were ebl€ to read lhe lhird lowbrassandtimDani! Th€d€mands a.€ movemenl otTroyHelm'sSymphony#1 nolexcesaivobutyouwillwant3 percus. tor BrassBand.Grimelhorpe Eandhad sioniststo 9€tall lhe corect offects.The read his Fanfare for Brass Bandlh€ mainsongunfoldsin twoparts,thetir8t nightb6fo.eunderhisbalon,andsow€ amodorate rockbslladwhichthonspe€ds lookedfoftvardto this opportunity, €s up intoan exhilarating finale.Themain wsll. Th€syrnphony is in lhnoemoveobstacleto b6oveEomeinmasteringthe (Eflatbsing msnts,is lonalinstruclure anangensntwillb€balan@.beingsure the orincioa! tonicof the oulermovslo notovelwhelm theduet,as lhereare ments),andof mod€rately difficult t€chlotsoffull blown,fully-scored mofienls nical level. Movement 1 follows the gave h6re.Th€R€ading Bandaudience tradilionalDatteln ofaslowintrofollowed ot/ileovationlo our Grimelhome solo2 by a symphonic allegro.Movement ists.whowgreSomehowable lo beheard makes retercnce use the to and of overthemassof 70+playercl Grogorianchant melodyVictima€ paschalilaudes,a B€quencefor Eastgr A UniveBWSuite(Der€kBroadbent); Sunday.l\rovomsnt lhreeis in 6/8time, Level[4E.This three-movement suile markedAllegrocon bdo,and exploils wascommissioned by lhe EastAnglian pattems.Helmbdngs hemiola rhythmic BrassBandAssociation for its' Youlh back referencesto the two previous Commissions€nd Training Proj€ct 2002viacaclictreatment, the8ymmovemenls 2003. Designed for developing bands phony ending with a lransformaiion of We andplayels,it 6ucceeds admarably. molive. This thgflrstmovementsopening 1, TheGrealGate onlyreadmov€ment while musicis immediately accessible Houseof St. John's,whichsounded power ll is also having a cediain lasting tenificplayedbythelargemassedband. conservativein tems of modemstyle. They read it quile easily. The olher butthalshouldproveto itsadvantage. I movements alsorcflectonotherscenes lookfoMardto h€adngSymphony #2, Movemeht 2 is atCambridge Univetsity. whichTroysaysis just aboutreadyl 22 lheBmsBadBddgeJune2m3 ForAshfandFogtival:Fanfarcfor BEss Eard (Holme). GRIMETHORPE MASTERCLASS Gary Cutt and "GnnEy' tE.fonned a forty-five ninute masbrclaaaFa.qt audlencson F and re3Dongivo providing eF themostleaEang evening, petizerto ihewonderfulGalgConcedlo evening. comethofollowing TheirprogramIncludedAllen'sXn,gltl Templar match, complete with a de scriptionof lhe WhitFridaymarchconprobg€lsplayed lestswhelethis maach ablymorethananyother.Gdmethorpe also p€dormedResurgamin tdbuteto EricBall'6csntenery.GaryCutl'sintrG ductionincluded thefaclthattheywere reading," though h€ evenseemed "just happywith th€ fantasticperformance they produced,leavingthe audience spellbound.To be fair, Grirnethorpe Rosurgaan i9likeanAmencan "reading" band"reading"Ihe Starsand Slrir€s (atleastintems offamiliarity)butlhis did giving prev€nt trom an excepnot them pedomance;even tionallyreverential Garyseomedsalisfiedby lhe rendition. The bandalsoincludeda p€dormance of localcomposer TroyHelm'sFanfarB confo. ErassBard wilhthecomposer queslion ducting.Following aninformal and answel s€ssaon.the band conclud€dtheirclinicat jusi th6 righttime witheveryone's appetite whettedforthe followingevening.ll was a wonderful musicallaunchintothe eveningof socerlainly lhehottop|c cializing together, of conveFalionduringthe barbeque, anda bnllientwayforourho3lstoselthe dayof bandcomlonefor thefollowing p€tations. continued onpage23 conlinuedfrom page 22 program.Afler an energeticopening, the solidtirstchairplayers,cornet,euBANDCOMPETITIONS Kelh Wilkinsonis the MusicDircctorof phonaum, flugeiand trombone,played lhe Cuyahoga Valley Brass Band fluid soloseclions. E/sa'sProcessio,to OPENSECTION theCalhedralisa difficultworkto pulloff. CHALLENGE SECTION Intonalion suffered,dynamicscreplup Reviewedby Keilh Wilkinson too high,but neverlheless Spokane Reviewecl by Robin Weatherall piece. lot broughl a ofconviction lo this lhadthepleasure lhisyearolannouncptenty There was cerlainly in ot energy Ingfortheperformances intheOpenand The Chellenge justshodof Section testpiece, Ihe theteslpiece itwas bui being HonorsDivisions Spintof Advenlurewascommissioned convincing enough lo be in contention. from Kevin Nolbury for the compeiilion. l\rarkWlliams and Spokane ErilishBrass The first band to lake lhe stagewas proud Band can be very showing ofthei James Madi3onUniversityBrass Spir6s Brass (John Band Slezak)made and I hopetoseethem atlhecompelilion Band(KevinStees),thesolepedormers a gfeatslarllo lhe day'scompelitron lt again.ThefinalbandwasHonderson intheOpenDivision. ThisDivision allows rs amazing how rapidly lhe slandard of Stato univeGity Brass Band (Wes theinclusion ofnon-slandard brass band progressed yea brass ban ds has in 2 1 rs Bransline). They openedwilh Festiye inslrumentetion (primarily k!mpetsand on competition. The march cerluron Oya.turc(Shostakovich) Goodsound, frenchhorns)so il is alwaysinieresling program. opened their The slrenglh of lots ofene€y,lhe future ofbrass bandto hearlhedifferenltimbreproduced by lhe lowerend of the good young band was apparent ing is in hands with these lheband.I wasimmediately rmpressed goodstrongp6rfor- people.Nexlcamea solidperfofinance wrththis band'soverallgraspof a lrue fromthestartanda giv6nwilhonlya fewminor of a verydifticult mance was work,BatbelsAdagio. brassbandso!nd andconcepldespite flutfs lam afan of Nobury's music and Wes Branstine kepl the dynamicswell the inclusionof some"foreign"instruThe Spinl of Advenlure is a welcome under conlrol, and inlonation wasvery menls. addition tothereperlohe. Spiresgavea good.Thetestpiece hadlotsof energy, tidyandtheyplayedgood They openedwtlh LondonOvefture solid readingwilh someinspiredmo- wasgenerally ments. The bass section did an admidynamics. The slandard ot playing in (SparkE), anextremely demanding work j o b r a b l e S p i r e s c l o s e d year w i t h Challenge Seciion advances every recently usedasthetestpieceat NABBA (Stephen Bulla),a cham- andeveryone of thesebandsdida fine fortheHonorsDivisionToday'spertor- Symphonette rng job work. Theslowfiovemenl had some Congratulations lo €achandevery mancewaS anoutstandjng one demonprobiems rntonatpn but lhe final mov€Player. stratinga greatsound,goodensemble produced playing. menl some very fine andverysecureinlonalion. Thelreach' Nextupwere N€wEnglandBrassBand RobinWealherall is lhg NABBAMenerouscadenzas were€xtremly wellex(DougYeo). They openedwith IreUgtl bership Secretary eculed- indeedthesoloistsplayedwilh authority lhro!ghout.Thedayhadcom- of TheWoddlDeanGoffin).A beautiopening, thebandplayed HONORS SECTION mencedal an extremely highstandardl fullycontrolled wilhlasteandmusicality. Thetestpiece gol oft to a grealstart,wilhsolidtenor Revigwedby Keilh Wilkinson Thebandcontinued withiheteslpiecepe.cussionand a homs,enthusiastic KevinNorbury'sSpirilOl Advenlurc.I memorable comel solo.Nextwasa cor- We movedon to lhe Hono6 Division was very Interested lo hear this new nel l'd solo Ralhet HaveJesusfeatur- which,in my opjnion,is lhe seclionat NABBAcommission and wasn'tal all ing lhe band's starplayerTerry Ev6rson. NABBAwhich has made the most disappointed.We have a wonderful produces Terry a wonderful sound and Progressin recentyears. We were additionto the repertoire whichl'll be the band did an admjrablejob of accomanticipating sixaccomplished bandsled usingwithmybandassoonas possible. panyinghirn,neveroverpowedng and by etperienced and very capable musiIntheiestpiecethis bandcontinuedwilh tasteful. Spokane British Bra6s Band cians, A feast was in storel lhe samestylishplayingthal theyhad ([Iark Wlliafis) cam6 a long way to demonslraled in th€irchoicepiece. In compete, Washington Stateis far from Tocelebratelhe 100thanniversaryof the fact, the performanceof this young Little Rock, butwellworth thejourney for groupfrornflrst noleio lastwas at a theseline players. MusicFor Grcenremarkably consislent conlinuedon page24 haghlevel wich lEdwatdGregson)openedtheir June2003 TheBrass Band Bridge 23 @ntinuedhdn pdge 23 loday'spertormance.Theycontinued to it endtherewerea numberofinsec$ wilh 'Mid All The ftaflic (aft Leonad ritieswhichmeantlhetiheperformano! co.npGe/8birtha workby EricBall,7he Ballantine). an arrang€m€nt ofthelune didn'treallycometo life. In conlras[ Urrdaunlsd,had been selecledas lhe "Shenandoah." Agein,the band'sfull lheir flnal piece, /mag6s For Erass tesbiece.Thechallenges in thismusic soundimpressedandthercwasa good (Stephen Bulb) wirs much more a9 Her€ not technical;ratherthey were in unde6landingarouM lh6 ba.d d the sured wifr lols of v€ry pleasingmothemo|esublleareasofbalance, conlrcl conduclofs and anange/s inE{i'is, rErt!. lt wG ai irBldirg .+dd and intonation.Therewerenumerous not leaslin theiratternptat a lrue bgEio lhb day'€tlionthat w€ had nor expos€dareaa,not leasl the opening style. MCBBconclud€dwith Fanlrsy h6ard two periomances ot lhe sam molifannouncedin octavesat pianispiece,thesecondonebeingdkectedby For Brass Band (MalcolmAmold), a simoby thoba99gection.Thercwasa piecewhich,whilewritlenin ons nbveme compoger. furtherchallenge forconducto6 to make ment, conlains four vsry 6pidifforEnt lhe piecehangtogethermusically- a sod6s. Theopeningd€monstEled an We continuedwith SholdonThoat.. necessity to explorelhespidtual conlent appropriately energoticstyle,theD€nc€ Band (JamesKur3hngr)who beingimponant in o.derto achievothb. showedgood''feel",the exposedElegy chosolo divestraightinlotheleacher contaaned a few ins€curemoment6and ousop€ningofihe tesFiece.Didlsay Firstto tako lho challengewas Conlr.l llwasn't wasdifficult? lhatthiBb€ginning the finalsectionwessuitably'teiy'. OhloBr.!! B.nd ffonyZilincik).Thsy forthi€bandwhosebassegw€r€exc+ openedwith theleglpiece Endverycrsdtoo ClnqihnallBlaa! BBnd(AnitaCocker- lent - and at a true pianigsimo, ilablyovorc€me th€majo.ityofthediffipiecethey produced a nexl wisely, chose Throughout the H u nt) came and they, cultiesin th6 pieqe.Additionally it wag mafied,unto openwitha marchralherthanlaunch very musicalpedormance hadm€naged evid€nt thaltheconductor by a numberof accidenB straightintothe difiicultop€ningof the fortunqtely. get to to theheartof thismovingmusic. te8tpiec€. Th€irchoicewaaFlyingThe Their choice piece was tel/is yat4 They continued v,ith Roydl Pa*s Ersezo(PhillpSp6*o) and thei. perfor- tions(PhilipSpafte). This is a tough (Geo.geLloyd).I wasimpr$s€dbytho mancewas chaEcted3edby som€very piecebutit suitedthisbandwhotumed unity contrcll6d opening andanabsolut€ d|3rhythmicplaying,excellenldynamics in an extremelyfine pedormance the lhroughoulthe band in catchang v€ryablesolo anda goodsenseof bslancebasedon playinggoodensemble, frequ€ntt€mpo chsnge6 inth€firstmovebsssseclion.CBB's istgand a very musicalreading.The averyfull€oundlng menl.Th6secondmovementwa8u/dtten ratharby pedormance tooktheaudi€nc€ of the lerlpiec€wa9 ex- qui€t€nding in memory ofbandsmen killedbyterrors!rpnsel tr€melycompelenl butalsocontained a istsandthebandtriedextremely hardto few momenlsof s€6med, findtheoassion inthemusic.Afewsmall Pl.lrle Braaa for me, that it hadn'tquile happened Lasllo taketh€stagew€s blemilhgsw€renowcr€epingintothe someho$r.In th6arfinal piece, ,mages Band(DallasNiermoyer). Thisisavery - a resultof tiring band'spedorman@ (StephenBulla),the band youthfulbandwhichplayswitha matuFor Erass perhaps.Thelaslmovem€nt displayed immediatelyappear€dto be more 9e- riv beyondthe yearsof the playe6 gooddynamiccontrasls andwasmostly and withtheteslpigce cureand"athome".ltwasanauthorita- Theycommenced lidilyperlorm€d.The HonoFDivision, tiv€perform6nce wilh good of thisdiflicultmusic. gaveus a fine performance 2003,hedcommenced at anextrem€ly andverycapablesoloigts.ll dynamics highl€vel. p€rformance lackBandnumber4 wasOza.kMountain6 waga verymeasured B.ltlsh Braa! B.nd (StephenBulla) ingjusta liftle,perhaps,in the required We nexllistenedto irotor City Baaaa and therewes addedinterestin this passion.Theyconlinled(andbroughl B.nd (CraigSl€in) and lhisbandalso performance in thefactthallhe band's our dayto an end)withSp€clrum(Gilchose to slarl with the testpiece. The choicepieceswerebothw.ittenby their be.i Vinter). a series of episodesdeprecadousopeningdemonstrated some conductor.Theycommenced wiihthe scribingall the coloG of the rainbow. intonationprcblemswhichpercist€dfor recentFestivalMarch.MontclaiCitadel Therewasa goodatlemplbYbandand muchof the performance.This band (Stephen Bulla).Theopeningwasalittle conduclorlo capturelhedifi€r€ntmoods an imDressive full band demonslrated unsteadv butthereaft erlheDodormance of the fiusic and good soloi9tgwere soundandtherewasa goodundorstand- wasveryrhyihmicaland good againin evidence.This was a greal displayed ing of lhe requireddynamiccontrasts. dynamicconlrasts. Thisverybusymarch creThenumerous exposedpassages was playedin a mostlyvery cleanwaycontinuedon Pdge25 ated some difficultiesfor the band in Thetestoiecehada ralherunsettledleel 24 TheBrass Band BddgeJun€2003 continuedftom page 24 conclusion lo the conlesl Afterhearingallsix bandsin the HonorsDivision. I wasgladlwasserving asannouncerand nolasan adjudicatorWe hadlistened to lolsol highqualy playing bulnobandhadsurvivedlheday unscathed, particulady in thelestpiece.Theadjudicalors were goingto havea very difficulttime assessinglhe parformances lo decidethe correclorderof merit and therewas cenainlyno un ormityof oprnrcn amongtheaudience aboullhepossible outcomeA very close-ninrace was beingpredicledby all. Beyondtheresult,though,we needto congralulale eachofourHonorsbandson anextremely highlevel ol was a mosl interesting and enjoyable time listeningto the fruitsof theirhard work. H€adiestCongratulations to themalll Nexlwas the Eastornlowa Brass Band (EarleDickinson).lt's alwaysa pleasureto see them in costumeenjoyingth€ir music maktng. They openedwith VaughanWilliams'Vaialions. fhe beginningwasa bilshaky,butthebandsoonsettledin.Again,aswith Chicago,lhe lechnicalaspeclsseemedto be in line, but here, problems intonation wereevidentThebassesplayedtheirvarialion verywell, andlhebandseemedlopickupaflerthat,buttheyseemed to havedifficulty rnaintaining thoseinlensemoments.Theendingof thisworkis hardto pulloff,andthisreviewertelt thatlheyhadplayed it a littleloo safe. Morlagewasnextfor EIBB.Theyopeningwasa b unlidy.btitthingssolidafied asth€yprogress€d. Thereweresome finemoments throughout, but intonalion issuesand a slightlackof confidence marredan olheMisegoodperformance. lt wasa good continuedon page 26 Keith Wilkinson is the Music Direclot ol lhe CuyahogaVallayBmssBand BeforeTelevision.Before Radio,the country's major gource of entertainmentwas ths ConcerlBand. . , CHAMPIONSHIP SECTION Reviewedby Tony Zilincik As alwaysat NABBA,lhe Chafipionship seclion compelition is the most eagerlyawailed Wlh the StavangerBrassin allendance. their NoMegian Championship in hand,theoutcomeseemedlo be a foregoneconclusion. ButlheChicago Erass Band wasuntriedat contesl,andsomeof lheoldguardot theChampionshipsectionwerenotpresent. ltwas set uplo be an interesting day. Thefarstbandto competewas the new Chicago gra33Band. Wlh ColinHolmanat lhe helm and somevery familiarfacesin lhe band,muchwas expected oftheirfirstcontest. Theyopenedwithlhe testpiece, Graham'sMonlage.Thebandplayed very cleanlyand with greatconlrol. The hicky perticuwashandled opening wellandthesoloists, preclse. Amy larly Nelson,werevery Thebands performance, however,cameoff musicallyrather flat. Thereneverseemedto be a timewhenthey "wentfor it. Thesamescenarioheldkue for Piet Swerts'Craiq. Theyplayedall lhe notes,butthe excitementwasjuslnotthere Theyhedsetthestage fortechnicalprecision, bul it is ahraysa challenge to foreseewhatihe adjudicators are listening for. Mostcited reterencesource forinformationin recentarticles on the Inlernet Pioneersin Brass By GlennD. Bridges NewCD-ROMEdition . lncludes70 protilesol lhe earlyBandLeadersand Brass ptayers 45lulllengthmusicselections tsBN 0-916262-05-7 plusS&H . $29.95 Distribuled Irom lhe origrnatcyhndersand platle By tnctudesThe Cornet and Cornetist, 1-800-386-0061 F.eeland,WA a compilationof talks by HerbertL. Clarke Vvillworkon PCs& PC Usepholosas Screensaver Searahon any nameor phrase enabledl\racs Printwhatyou needfor Bulletin Boards-Concert Broadsides June2003 TheBnss Band Bridge continuedfrcn page 25 performance, butnottheb€silhisband can offer, The BraEaBand ot Contral Flo.ida (lilichaolJ. Garasi)play€dnext,and ooenedwith the testDiece.Fromthe oulset,it was clearthat theyhadlruly graspedlhe natureof lhe work. Lively and rhythmicallyprecise, lhe band greatconfidence displayed andenergy. Therewerea few nicksandsctatches, and lhe occasional overblown section, but the bandreallycaptur€dthe spirit. The qu€stionagainwas whelherthe judgeswantedclean andtidy,or exciting and driven...theplol thickened. The new bandconiinued withthe relatively Arbior.Withcornetssplayedoutbehind the band,they carriedoff the atmosphedcwork wilh greal int€nsityand underslanding. OnecouldlEllthatthey wercreallyenjoyingtheirwork. Again, the occasional overblown smearwould erupt,and lhe cometswouldget a bil trumDeUike. rom butthatdidnold6tractf Forthis reviewot, a fineperformanc€. hadclaimedthelopseal CenlralFlorida for thelimebeing. Eachsectionof thebandshowedgood formandtheygavethepieceanexciiing close. lt wasnowa closecallbelween CentralFlorida andSl.Louis-Theywere technically on parwilheacholher,bul the lhis reviewer. was directed eversoslightlysoulhward, but it wastoocloseto call. R€sults: Tony Zilincik is the Music Di'gctor ot the CentralOhioB/EssBandanda Iuba player with the B''ss Band of Columbus ll is alwaysa treatto havea bandfrom outsjdeNorthAmericaat the competi GALA CONCERT lion.Beingrelativ€ly newatthis, it'sgood for us to se€firslhand whelhaooens in Nobody couldb6possiblyfeeling brassed given lh€worldwherecomp€tilion ismorethan oft by the slunningp€rformance anannuelevent. TheStavahgga Braaa by the Grimethorpe CollieryBand,a Bandopenedwiththetestpiece.They Galaconcerlthatwagthe bestI could playedwith great lechnicalprccision ever rememberattending.The Solid s andconsummate musicianship. Some Brassstaffwho organized thisweekend of the fasttemoimavhavebeenover- festivalshouldb€heartily congratulaled done.butthe musrcdid notsufler and notonlyforgetlingusallsmoothly lo lhls the bandhandledlhe challenge.The poiniinthew€ekend, butalsoforprovi& lo soloistswere impeccable, conclusion andtheinleF ing such a sp€ctacular pr€tation of Or.Kingseemedlo beright NABEAXXI. on. Moslevidenlwasthefactlhat the bandsodouslyenioyedwhallheywere Thebandprovided a concertlo rememnot,musF doing.Ihey werehavingfun! Thereal ber,brassbandenlhusiastor tteat,how€ver, camewilhtheirsecond callyrefined,visuallyinspiredand bnl' selection, twomovem6ntsf romSparke's lianilyconceived, with a strongslamp Hymn ol the Highlands. Wth music fiomthemusicalhand of ElgarHowarth standsremoved,the band assumed in evidence. slagedpositionsaroundthe stagewith Dr.Kingseat€dquiellyinthelhirdcornet crimelhoDeopenedand closedwith seclion.Th6bandhadmemorized lhe Howarth's arrangement ol the Luceme musicand chofeographed movemenis Song,a cl€vervehicleto get the band thatbroughtall soloiststo theforeand bothonandoffthestage.Aflera bravura addeda real flairlo the oerformance. renditionof Rus/a, and Ludni a, lhey Thelessonto be learnedhereis thatit then troopedout a wonderfularray ol doesn'talwayshaveto be businoss as soloists.RichardMarshalland Sandy usual. Remember lhat CentralFlorida Smith both provided exemplary wasdoingthis,lool Stavangerhandled charalcedsticpedomances of popular lhe breakneck speedswithgreatclarity items.Michael DoddandShaunHudson andconfidence, andthequietsections provided thesoftshoe thecolumesand werctenderand impagsioned. Theyhad shufflein their tributeto Laureland effeclivelyperfomedGalaConcerlI as Ha.dy-inadditionto somebrillianteuthelongslandingovalionproved.The phoniumplaying. Only NigelFielding ChamoionshiD in his Sectionwinnerwas seemedskangelyuncomfortable crowned butwehadtowailandseewho solo contribulion, lhoughhis soprano playingin the band was wonderful. wouldwintheAmedcansection- AnotherColin Holmanled groupwas n6xt. \ryhata deuntinglask indeedto lakelwobandsin thg had be6ndonebeforeand il's always interesting toseehowlhebandswillfare whencompared lo eacholher.TheSt. Loula Bleea Bandooenedwith Morl6geand,LikeCentralFlorida, theyhad com6 lo pley. Exhibitinga diffe.ent approachlhan Chicago, St.Louisplayed greal with yes,butwith verve;controlled, a bil more abandon. The intonation problems that had plaguedthe section thatdaydidnotesc6poSt. Louis.They navigatedmost of the rhythmictraps well,andplayeda brillianlending.The bands secondselectjonwes Sparke's Pariita.As is thecasewithmostSparke lestpieces, lherewerelotsof notes,and pieceprovedto be a St.Louisplayedthemallwilhgreatrelish. A verydifficulttest greatchallenge to allandprovided foran 26 exciting afternoonCongralulations lod oands, TheBrass Band BridgeJune2003 continuedon page 27 continuedfrcm page 26 I EbBasssoloisl;Czard€s(Monti), Shaun CroMher, Eb Bass soloist; Orglaslic Weavedinto the anticswere Shaun Darce (Respighi/Srnithl: Galopftom CroMhe/sconlinuing attempls to playa Wliam Tell (Rossini); Oveiurc Luceme solo,likea naughtyEnglishschoolboy (arr. Sorg Howarth). lryingto be firstlo answera queslion, andcontinually deniedtheopportunity. Ot course,the audience'ssympathy NextyearsNABBACompetition willbe eventuallybroughthim foMard for a held in Charleston, W€sl Virginia. Feahiladouslenditionof lhe CuckooSong tured al thatcompetitionwillbe a NABBA (despitethe thwartingattemptsof the otherbandmembers), andthencrown- GalaBand,whichwillbe compisedof lhebestofthebestbrassplayersAmeica ingil alt ottwith Czardas. hasto offer.Onlyonem€mber perband permitted participale. will be to Out. Thebandlostnoopportunity toshowits playerswhodo standing not belong toa hengthandtineseein Wlhy'sPaganini particapaiing and compeling band are Varialionsand Respighi'sOrg,asalc especially encouraged to apply. The Darce.Thesewerebalanced withGoff ll Richards'Bll/ Bailey.Manbo Caliente bandwill reheaFefor twoand days priorto nexlyearscontest. and EleanorRlgby. AdjudicatorRay imm€dialely Participation will be limitedto NABBA Farr,whohas in pastyearsconducted members, and willbeselecled andnotithe band,fedth€min B/ueRondoa la lied al latef a dat6. Contacl Robin Iurk. Therewas no queslioning the Weatheralf l6nod,om@sb cgl ob al. netol band'sconsistentabilityto thrillmus! Ralph Hotz lerodomsolo @aol.conol callyand entertaininspiralionally. For your interesl in recommending oulstandthe first NABBAin eleventhat I have ing your individuals from band. attended, anddespilea 150minuteGala Concor|l slillwanted to hearmor6.This was brassbandingat its best,and the llrakeplansnowto attendnexty€ar's Aprill6-17,2004 wilhdetails at audiencein Litlle Rock were royally contest, www.nabba2004.con treat6d. Program:Lrc6m6Song(arr,Howarth); Ruslan and Ludnilla (Glinkal Hargreaves); Chanya,(lveson),Richard l\rarshall, cornetsoloist;PoslHom Ga/op(Koenig),RichardMarshat', posthornsoioist; Pavane lFautel Langford);4,7 Bailey(arr. Richards); Ev€ryree,(arr.Catherall), SandySmith lenorhornsoloist;PaganiniVaiations (Wlby);AghcourlSorg(arf.Howarth); MamboCaliente(afi. Smith);Nessun Doma latr. Ker1,i,in), Nigel Fielding, sop€nocornetsoloist;BlueRondoa la Iu,'k{arr.Edwards), RayFaft conduclor', Eleanor Rigby lafi. Fetnie); AnolherF,reMess(Smilh),MichaelDodd andSha!nHudson, euphoniu msoloists; McAtlhurPa* (aft.Catherall); Cuckoo Song(arr.Howadh),ShaunCroMher, G€hamtoexcerptittirstlyasanEbtenor hornsolowithbrassband,and nowin thisversjonfora Bbsoloist.lfyou usea pa.tfor flugelhom soloisl,theflugelhom lhebandisnotmissedas itdoublesother voicesthroughout. Thisisa grealoppoF tunity for any expressivecornet or flugelhorn soloistinanyNABBAbandto befeatured. Thesolopadonlyascends to a highwrittenA once--otheMise, the remainder of the parl fils conveniently inlothe middlerange. Expressive and sensitiveplayingand condlclingare a musl. This new arrangemeni should quicklyostablish itselfinlherepertoire of brassbandseverywhere. Piece Heroiquo(Cesar Franck/Tony Rickard), 2003.Fullscorewith optional organ part. 7 minutes. Ivlodorately difficull. Cesar Franck composedthe P/ece Herciqueas one of the Trols Pleces pourGrandOrguein 1878for thejnauguration ofthenewCavaille-Coll organat theTrocadero in Paris.This6killfuland slirringarrangement, whichincludes an optionalorgan part for addadcolor, retainsthe characterot the original, whiletransferring it to the sonoityof a brassband. Of course,lhe musicrequiresconsiderable staminaand suslainedphrasing for everyone.Theoppartifused(whynot?)really tionalorgan makesfor an impressive conceditem. Thescoring ismosteffective, withlhefull band cominglogelherfor lhe closing statementswhich alsotakesolocomets RosehillMusic 1 and2 up to writtenhighC#'sandD's (thoughtheyare dolbled withthe soA TimeforPeace(PelerGraham), 2003. prano).lf you are lookingfor the next Fuli scorewjth Bb soloist(cornetor E/sa's P,rocession,here it is*an ideel flugelhom).2 1/2minutes.Moderatety concertcloserwitha orandstand finish. easy. Oneofthemostmemorable andmoving momentsin PeterGraham's7he Essenceof Iine (usedas theChampionship lestpiecein 1995)is A Timefor Peace.Thebeautyof lhistheme hasled June2003 TheBrass Band Bddge 27 The RightSleior Eells by Thonas A. Myers Past Presidentand Past Editol fof Several designs bellsexcaslsleigh istandcomenamed Swedish,Swiss Ausldan, andsoon They mrghthave been used on sleighs,but many oflhese,especially are thelargerones, lhal noisemakers soundmorelikecow lhemusbellslhan we cal instrumonls seek, percussion lhave searched divesin London,dingyanliqueshops,midwest countryhardware storesin snowyfarm lerrilory,horseharnessshops,the archivesofNewEngland newspapers, and myelusive thewildsoflheinterneltofind music target: thebestsleigh bellsforthe of Christmas andwinter. - let's Yes,thepfessedmetalversions callthosejingle bells arereadilyavailmusicstore.Tr!ebells ableatyourlocal for horseandsleighusuallyarecastin brassandarelouder,clearer,andmore piercinglhan the pfessedmetaljingle bells.Jinglebellsaregoodforioysand doors;sleighbells are authenlicand soundbetterfor mostmusic. Howdidth€useof bellsonhorsescome about?Whontheonlytrsvelinsnowwas on foot,on horseback,or in a horselhal drawnsleigh,tolksquicklyrealized inthesnow, neitherthe horse, ihesl6igh, norlhe humansdtademuchsound.At night,lhesleighoperators driving through (who, course, could not see the city of unaware through thecitybuildings)were of anotherdg runningacrosstheirpath unlilitwastoo latetostopattheiniersection. Ouch. Thatprobablywas before accislopsignswereinvented. Similar pedeslridentsoccurred to unobservant ans crossingin front of oncomingbul silenthooves.So as a safelywarning device,bells were fastenedto each horse'sharness, usuallyon a removable theirrump. straparound theirchestoron Somepeoplecorrectlycallthemhorse bells, but "horsebells ring, are you listening?" doesn'tseemlowork, doesit. s Thebestsleighbe i havefoundcome fromthe OleySled and Works ForgedaleSleigh B6llsin Pennsylvanla (wvw.fiWadale.clir' polaLx.htnor call 610-698-1989)and cost$10 Perbell Thes6 acornshapedb6lls ate basedon a desrgn thal is morelhana centuryold. lo stadandstopon cuewithlhe music.AlthoughSousa's 1925perfomancein Clevelandofhis wonderfulmarch The Black Ho6e lroop includedhorseson the stage be oursleigh belllreadmillsurelywould behindtheband, a disaster. lf our sleighbell performance is to be Threetasksneedto be solvedfora wondedulsleighbell slergh bells.the ghtsuspension trulyauthenlic, inthepercussion section perfomance-therighl playing and the righl methods. syslem withsleighbells, we needa horsefjtted trottingalongin tempoon a snow-covallofwhichmustbeabie eredtreadmill, 28 TheBrass Band BridgeJune2003 Thesoundof each acornbell varies duetothet€dilional sand-casnngprocessusedlo make them.Aswithcymbals,youcandnve yourselfnutsplay ingmixandmatch, byadding aswellas or sublraclinglhe n u m b e ro f b e l l s used.Andlikecymcontinued on page29 continuedl-' '., t bals tr.e. .n Fri!--tE/4e number Se.e_ 5a'ar-rE:ahritnum r!..l. to gve a ntce cr i-r:rrE orten beilssound ::r0?r ldrt :*4. rE te much nicer on the ears, accaJs€youcen playon the quieterand sweetersideof lhe bellsand stillgetthe volumeyou needfora|agingbrassband or orcnestra. The RightSusoension Syslem and Plavinol\4ethods Nornatterhowyou holditandmanipulate il a longharnessslrapofsleighbellsis cumbersomeand not a precisemLrsical alsois proneto sounding beforeand afterihe propertime. On the olherhand,a shorltinklingofthe sleigh bellson a harnessstrap as an intormal solo wh le you preparefor the musicto begin might be pertectto increasethe anticipalionof L€royAnderson'sS/e('h Rlde, especiallyif the condLrctorhas approved the process as pad of the show. The same prepa€tory tinkling probablywould nol be welcomebefore I\rahler,Mozart,orProkofiev. ltdepends on ihe setling- familyor formal Hereis a bettersuspensionsystem. By creatrngasleighbellclusteraithebottom of a fig!re-eightstrap (slarl wilh a cowhidestrip1.5incheswide,catalognum- ber 4532-00 lrom - or use a bell), www severaladvantageshappen: . lhe bell cluster becomesan easilyconlrolledmusicalinstrumentinstead oi a messy coil of noise, . lhe tona qual(yand dynamics canbe adlusledby howyou hrtorglance the holdinghand with the performance nano, . lhe clustercan Sounddelcate or can overpowerthe bsnd . the upper loop can b€ used to hang the bells on a percusslonstand, then move lhem silentlyto the playing positionandreturn-withoutaudienceor conductofattention,and . you retain a bil of the visual heritage ofthesleighbellharness forthe (hey, audience it's slill show biz). Of cource,I hadlo usea cymbalknot. The lealherihongsihat holdthe bells continuedon page 30 TheBrass Band Bridge 29 June2003 ctnlnuect frcm pdge 29 Bernard/ RichardSmith / Gordon Langfo.d, shouldbeknottedthengluedto bosure thebellsdon'tfdll duringa performanc€. . The Ba s of Chistnas by Th€loatherthongscomewilhthebells; Stephen Bulla, youal8ocouldu36bootlaceg. . Clrn:sfmasInipfych by James Thesebellscanbepainfully loud,soear Curnow. proteclion is a mustfor you andthose aroundyor.r(pleasesee musician's oar . Fanfarc Jubilosoby Jahes plugs al Curnow, . Troika(MidnighlSleighRid€) from LieutenantKije Suite by Serge ProkofiEv/ Ray Fan, . The Be s: The Silver Sleigh Bel/sby SergeiRachmaninoff, and . Cl,flstmas Swing by Dizzy Stratford. ForNABBAmembers, I havenegotiaied price a special of S80.00(US)for the Judoingthe Sound . S/elgltRideby FrederickOelius cluslerolnineacornsleighbells(tested (thisis his1889orchestrated voBionof for goodsound)assembled on the riv\Men I first gol the acorn bells,as pianoworkNoNegianSleigh etedfigu.e-eight 1887 his strap in naturalor playedthem.They ah,vays, I immediately Rideithe orchestratedS/6,i9,Rde also blackleather-madeby JohnandJune soundod morcpromising thantheother is included as thefirstwo* in his 1890 Ketnorat Forgedale SleighBells,plus sleighb€llslown. Butth€onlyeffective Three Small Tone Poems), good po6lageand 6alestax.Thigofferis l€sl is playingthemin contexlwiththe onlyto NABBAmembers andendsDeintended music.A nearbycompact disc . TtrBe KlngsSwhg by Wlliam cember31, 2003.Thoyalsoareoffering of Erik Leizd6n's Chistnas Joy was (notscoredforsloigh Hames bells;tasle- to us a 25 percontdiscounton all theil usodfor th€ inglanllyavailable €valuaqui€tsleighbellrollg fully €dd a fow near traditional sl€ighbell6€lsandb€autiful greatwith tion.Thesleigh bellssounded lheendoftheintroduction asstalsinthe woodensleds,goodlhroughth66ndof lhe musicandwereeasilycontrclled in sky(similarlo Bulla's moteextensive use lhgyear Pleasecontactthemdirectlyal volumeandcolor. Playedconectly, thoy of horizontalwind chim€sin F,TBstorm) (610)698-1989and mentionNABBA do havemagacl andp€rhapsto eachbeatin therobust andTomMyersto gettheclusterspecial secondskain.lhaveapologizEd to Bill. andthe discounl. Altematives Perfomance sinceth6sleighbellss6emtowolkin his nicejazzs€tling), All my besl to you for many holiday Hey,Tom,that'salotofmoneyand a lot s€asonsto comel gleigh just of horsingaround for bglls. . TheSleighRide,GalopbyHans Well,yes,butconsiderthatthey willlast C- Lumbye. foryourlifelimoandwillb€ appreciat€d by you,as wellas by yourconductors, . FourthSymphonyby Gustav audiences, bands,and hears. Mahler, ChislnasJoytopsmylistof musicwith sleighbells. Here are sev€ralmor€ worksyou mightperfom that will enyourholiday courageyou to upgrade kat. . The Musical Sleigh Ride by LeopoldlVozarl, . "SfeighRide'fromThraeGerA. nan Dances(K. 605)by Wolfgang . l\,,tarch Medley- Season's you l\Iozart{if wanlaninter6sting sourcGreelirgsby JamesAnde6on, pudstswill ingchallenge, orchestra need lo find five sets bells ot several sleigh . S/etgt Rite by LeroyAndersion tunedtolhespecified C, E,F,G,andA), / EmeslTomlinson, . Frcstyth9 Snowmanby Steve . A ChristnasFesrVa,(Medley) Nelson/ JackRollins/ SandySmith, tradataonal / LercyAnderson, ' JingleBellsby JohnPierpoini, ' Winter Wondeiand by Felix 30 TheBmsBandBddge June2003 NORTHAMERICAN BRASSBAND ASSOCIATION MembershiD Weatherall, Chair Robin P.O.Box210837 St.Louis, MO63121 NABBABOARDNOMINATION FORM Formto NominateA Memberof the Boardof Directo6 (PleasePrint or Type) Nameof Nominee Address (Street) (Town,State,Zip) Telephon€ (_) Email Nole: Nomineemusl be memberin good standingof NABBA Stat€mont ot Nominee's background and bfass band experienc€ (or attachod vita)i innornination fora position as Member-al-Large ontheNorthAmerican BrassBandAssociatron €ru. E f't r-rE hr€ pd .E Bdrl oaHo.s lf elected,I agreelo seNeai leastthreeyears,altending as manyNABBAfunctions as I possibly can year, a endwillfulfillcommltlee lwillhold atFi('|ngat lgastoneboardmeeting workandolherassignmentsas maybe required. validmembership in NABBAthroughout my three-year termon the Board. of Nominee Signaiure FirstNorninator's Signalure SecondNominator'sSignature Date PriniedName PrintedName Thisfonnmaybe duplicated as needed.Retumlhe application by August1,2001to:AnitaCockerHunl NABBAPresideni, 5593AuturnnWt/ndDrive,UilfordoH 45150,markedBOARDNO[,,llNAT|ON FOR[,| June2003 Th€Brass Band Bfdoe 3l Non-Profit Organization PAID U.S.POSTAGE GlenEUyn,lL PermitNo. 140 Th€ BrassBand Bridge ColinW.Holman,Editor 3l JosephLane Gl€ndaleHeights,lL 60139 U.S.A BridgeJune2003 TheBnssBand