Pernec Corporation Berhad


Pernec Corporation Berhad
VOL 40
PayPoint partners
with TM
to expand Streamyx coverage
OSH Policy
off to a good start
Pengarah Urusan Pernec
diwawancara dalam rancangan
Biz Malaysia RTM
Townhall bridges
communications gap
PERNEC showcases
‘green’ products at
IGEM 2010
Page 08
Page 12
Page 14
Page 20
Editor’s Message
MD’s Message
• Aiming high, planning big in 2011
• PERNEC PayPoint partners with TM
to expand Streamyx coverage
• Making charity a part of Hari Raya celebrations
• New employees urged to foster unity
• OSH Policy off to a good start
• A new director is welcomed
into the fold
• Pernec Telco sumbang netbook
heloNET untuk anak Jelebu
• Pengarah Urusan Pernec diwawancara dalam rancangan Biz Malaysia RTM
• Inaugural Townhall bridges
communications gap
Info & Activity
• Consistency of thought key
to innovation
• Pernec PayPoint bangunkan inisiatif
WiFi di Jelebu, Julau
• PERNEC showcases ‘green’ products
at IGEM 2010
• PERNEC hosts Futsal Tournament 2010
• Standing proud at 4th place
in badminton tournament
• PERNEC makes 5th placing
at bowling tournament
• Paying tribute to clients with
a round of golf
Building a knowledge generation
for the nation
“It is what you read when you don’t have to that determines what you
will be when you can’t help it.”
Oscar Wilde
Why is education so important? It’s because it gives us knowledge
of the world around us and develops a perspective of looking at life.
It helps us build opinions and have points of view on everything we
encounter in life. In short, education makes us capable of interpreting
rightly the things we perceive.
Education is important because it equips us with all that is needed to
make our dreams come true. It opens doors for brilliant career opportunities and offers us better prospects in career growth. Today, almost all
employers desire well educated prospective employees.
Realising the importance of education is one thing. Acting on this
realisation is quite another. We at PERNEC appreciate this fact and as a
responsible corporate citizen, we strive to contribute in any way we can
to raise the standard of education, particularly among school children.
The recent award to supply netbooks by the MCMC under its Universal Service Provision programme has paved the way for us to initiate the formation of helonet Club and the establishment of the helonet
educational portal, membership of which will be open to all recipients
of our helonet netbooks. We hope to launch this programme by April
this year.
Our delivery of 30 helonet netbooks to the deserving students of
Kg Teriang last year was our initial contribution towards this objective
while the formation of helonet Club is an extension of this effort. We
wish to see all sections of the community, be they in urban or rural areas, benefit from the Government’s aggressive approach to increase IT
literacy among Malaysians.
The future of a nation is safe in the hands of educated individuals and
one cannot deny the fact that education is important for the economic
growth of a nation. It fosters the principles of equality and socialism. It
forms a support system for talents to excel in life and is ultimately, the
backbone of a society.
Che Wan Esah
Editorial Team
Che Wan Esah
Dafizeck Daud
Afizah Azmi
Ahmad Bukhari Abu Bakar
Amaludin Mohamad
big in
and Salam Sejahtera
elcome to NADA PERNEC
and Happy New Year 2011.
Last year was a challenging
and exciting year for us.
Meeting the demands of the increasing
number of BlackBerry, iPhone and iPad
users kept us on our toes as did the nationwide launch of HSSB. Even our Telco
Infrastructure Business and Wifi Business
new business opportunities when the
Initiatives exceeded their penetration rate
target. 2010 also saw the launch of more
energy efficient solutions as part of our
Green technology endeavour and with
growth exceeding 100 percent in profitbefore-tax, we are upbeat about sustaining
this momentum in 2011 as well. So here are my aspirations for
PERNEC this year…
We must continue to give top priority to
our Customer Relationship Management
programmes to ensure we fulfil our
Business Thrust portfolio of Excellent
Customer Experience (ECE).
mind that customers want cost effective
will continue to assist in building wifi
solutions that can be translated into a
infrastructures for the 40,000 payphones
lower Total Cost of Ownership.
nationwide, aiming to be the biggest
We will secure more businesses in
infrastructure provider for wifi in the
2011 and respond effectively to market
changes by learning new things fast
We will also continue to innovate
and becoming the first movers into the
the payphone business to the next level,
market. To remain competitive, we must
expanding the use of payphones as a
also achieve Operational Excellence and
payment gateway. Having already rolled
champion cost improvement initiatives,
out a successful programme with a mobile
with increased productivity, as this will
operator on credit reloads, we are looking
mean increased profitability for the
for even more opportunities in this
Group. domain.
To all PERNEC citizens, let’s pool our
In 2011, we will renew our commitment
efforts together and go the extra mile to
to realise our vision statement – to be
take PERNEC from a good company to
innovative and provide value creation to
a great company. I thank all PERNEC
our end users. This will be the ‘Innovation
citizens for a job well done in 2010. Now
Year’ for PERNEC and we will need to
let’s make 2011 the best year ever in
incorporate this into our DNA.
PERNEC’s 38-year history. Wassalam.
Also on the agenda is to continue
building Brand Equity and improving
our Customer Service Index (CSI) ratings
through increased and effective media
Best regards,
Abdul Karim Abdul Sallam
Group Managing Director
coverage. Our Group Corporate Relations
division has taken on this task and we
wish them all the best in making our
brand more visible in the market place.
Business units will re-model our market
approach to
service-based organisation, keeping in
PERNEC PayPoint partners
with TM to expand Streamyx coverage
ERNEC PayPoint Sdn Bhd
(PPP) entered into a collaboration agreement with Telekom
Malaysia Bhd (TM) to expand
the latter’s Streamyx Internet network
coverage at selected locations throughout
the country. The expansion of the Streamyx network
will be implemented by utilising PERNEC
PayPoint’s helo hotspot platform, an innovative integration of communications
Mr. Ang Meng Hee, General Manager,
BSM, TM Wholesale. The signing ceremony was witnessed
by Datuk Bazlan Osman, TM’s Executive
Director/Group Chief Financial Officer
and PERNEC Corporation Managing Director Encik Abdul Karim Abdul Sallam. With the availability of over 35,000
payphones nationwide, PERNEC PayPoint is well positioned to contribute to
the expansion of TM’s Streamyx network
phones by another 10,000 to cater to the
expected high demand for broadband Internet across the country.
“Since our establishment in 1973, PERNEC has aggressively participated in nation building, and we view this collaboration as part of our contribution towards this
purpose. Our experience in the telecommunications sector has enabled us to offer the
best cost effective solutions to our clients,”
said Encik Abdul Karim.
“Since our establishment in 1973, PERNEC has aggressively participated in
nation building, and we view this collaboration as part of our contribution
towards this purpose. Our experience in the telecommunications sector has
enabled us to offer the best cost effective solutions to our clients,”
Encik Abdul Karim.
technologies capable of providing wireless
broadband Internet services to the public. Signing the agreement for PERNEC
PayPoint was its Chief Executive Officer
Tengku Asmaluddin Tengku Arshad while
TM was represented by Encik Rafaai Samsi, Executive Vice President, TM Wholesales. Witnessing the document signing
were Tuan Rozaimor Azam, Manager, Project Management Office, PERNEC PayPoint and
coverage as it can leverage on its vast site
locations. PERNEC PayPoint has already
invested over RM5 million to purchase the
necessary equipment and has installed the
hotspots at more than 400 locations. PERNEC PayPoint is currently the
biggest payphone operator in the country
with about 35,000 payphones located in
urban and sub-urban as well as rural parts
of the country. The company also plans to
increase the number of its fixed line pay-
The hot spot offered is also proof that
the public or pay phone services is not limited to just making calls as their usage can
be expanded to include a host of other related services.
The introduction of PERNEC PayPoint’s helo hotspots is a significant shift
for the traditional pay phone business in
the country and its success has shown that
this can be developed and exported to other
countries as well.
Pernec PAYPoint
Making charity a part of
Hari Raya celebrations
rue to its annual tradition of
In addition, rewards were also given to
sharing with family, PERNEC
PERNEC staff whose children excelled in
Corporation Berhad organised
their UPSR, PMR and SPM examinations.
an Open House to celebrate Hari
It is hoped that such rewards will motivate
Raya Aidil Fitri with its staff and associates
these students to continue on their path to
on 1 October 2010.
academic excellence.
Organised by the Human Capital
Management Department, every effort
was made to ensure the success of the
Open House, which also saw other
departments collaborating. The food got
the thumbs-up with everyone enjoying
themselves at the hawker-style stalls that
dished up mouth-watering Malaysian
delights of every kind.
The Open House festivity was also an
opportunity for PERNEC to share with
those who were less fortunate. This time
the company selected Pusat Pengajian
Tahfiz Al-Quran Hayatul Uloom based
in Semenyih as a recipient of a monetary
contribution. The donation was to enable
the rebuilding of the school’s Al-Quran
learning centre that was destroyed in a fire
early last year.
Pernec paypoint
New employees
urged to foster unity
“Do you do what’s
right even when
no one is looking
or even if you
knew you could
ew PERNEC employees were given
valuable insights to the Group’s
“Integrity is one of the most important values
businesses, values and future direction
of any business, yet many times it is overlooked
during their orientation programme
or not given its due recognition,” he noted.
at Kelab Darul Ehsan on 26 July 2010. The
He elaborated that to determine if Integrity
programme was organised by the Human Capital
is in one’s character or in the character of a
Management Department.
get away with
In welcoming them to PERNEC,
something?” If we
Managing Director Encik Abdul
can consistently
Karim Abdul Sallam said his
primary concern was to see a united
answer “yes” to
PERNEC, a group of companies
these questions,
with diverse businesses and staff
it shows that we
Integrity, Simplified and Innovative.
from different backgrounds that
worked as one.
have integrity,
“When we are together we
Encik Abdul Karim.
will stand firm and when we are
divided, we will fail and collapse,”
Encik Abdul Karim said.
PERNEC, a strategy to unite and integrate all the
business, one needed to ask this question: “Do
different sectors and businesses in the company.
you do what’s right even when no one is looking
“This strategy calls for a paradigm shift
or even if you knew you could get away with
towards one agenda. We will no longer be
something?” If we can consistently answer
compartmentalised and separated as individual
“yes” to these questions, it shows that we have
companies but rather function as one strong force
integrity, said Encik Abdul Karim.
going to the market with the ability to leverage
on each other’s strengths.”
At the orientation session, Encik Abdul Karim
urged everyone to work harder and smarter as
On the other hand, Simplified means that we
will always look for ways to simplify things and
move away from complicated processes and
procedures as long as we uphold governance.
the market was getting more competitive. More
And by being Innovative, it means that
importantly, he said everyone needed to inculcate
PERNEC citizens will continuously seek ways to
a strong sense of discipline so that together they
improve themselves and their organisation. “To
could complete their deliverables and tasks on
innovate means to think in a new way. It may
refer to incremental, radical and revolutionary
To be consistent in this approach, Encik
Abdul Karim urged all employees to understand
and appreciate PERNEC’s principles of ISI –
changes in thinking, products, processes or
organisations,” said Encik Abdul Karim.
Last year, the management introduced the
four pillars of revenue growth, operational
excellence, excellent customer experience,
and engaged employees that will become
the backbone of our focus moving forward.
To this end, PERNEC established Key
Performance Indicators (KPI) for all staff
to ensure that resources within PERNEC
have clarity of their individual deliverables.
The KPIs are the basis of staff performance
and is directly linked to equitable rewards.
As such, Encik Abdul Karim stressed
that all work assignments be well planned
and executed. “We have the necessary ISO
standards but we must also always raise
the bar. We must also conduct regular post
mortems to identify and improve gaps and
be sincere in our pursuit of excellence by
giving ‘Service from the Heart’,” he said.
Pernec IT
OSH Policy
off to a good start
“Safety must be part of our culture and we must embrace this culture. It
needs to be part of our DNA. Health is Wealth and what we are doing now
is essentially taking care of PERNEC’s citizens’ welfare.”
ERNEC Corporation Berhad recently launched its Occupational
Safety and Health (OSH) Policy
as testimony to our ongoing ef-
forts to provide the safest workplace possible for our employees.
In conjunction with this, PERNEC
Group Managing Director Encik Abdul
Karim Abdul Sallam also launched the
company’s Safety Policy and Manual at
the company’s headquarters in Ulu Kelang
on 24 January 2011. At the launch, Encik
Abdul Karim commented the launch of the
OSH policy was timely given the high-risk
nature of some of PERNEC’s employees’
work, particularly those involved in installing/maintaining transmission networks.
A comprehensive OSH policy is often
seen as a prerequisite to boost the wellbeing and competitiveness of a corpora-
we must embrace this culture. It needs to
The main objectives of this
tion in a globalised world. It does so by
be part of our DNA. Health is Wealth and
policy are to:
creating a healthy and innovative work-
what we are doing now is essentially tak-
force and place that is able to fully enjoy
ing care of PERNEC’s citizens’ welfare.”
its full potential.
and at the same, achieve organisational goals;
Later, Encik Abdul Karim presented the
This is so in various countries that have
Policy to respective Heads of Departments
approved regulations and amendments re-
and CEOs of PERNEC Telco and PER-
garding the occupational safety and health
NEC Technologies.
Create a safe working environment
Establish a prevention system to safeguard the working environment; and
Establish an effective and systematic
of their employees in different industrial
An OSH MS is a planned, documented
sectors and office buildings. Consequently,
and verifiable method of managing haz-
it is necessary for all firms especially larger
ards and associated risks. It includes the
ones to make plans for the occupational se-
process of planning, organising, leading
To this end, PERNEC has established
curity of their employees at the workplace.
and controlling to enable the integration
and maintained procedures to ensure that
According to Encik Abdul Karim said,
of safety aspects into all parts of an or-
all employees at all levels are aware of:
“Safety must be part of our culture and
ganisation’s processes.
way to manage OSH risks at the company’s premises.
The importance of conforming to the
Pernec IT
OSH Policy and Procedures, and the requirements of the OSH Management System;
Meanwhile contributors to the ‘Idea
Box’ were also rewarded for their bright
The OSH consequences, actual or po-
ideas. Among the recipients were Encik
tential, of their work activities and the ben-
Shafie Abdullah Kamaruddin from PER-
efits of improved personal performance
NEC Technologies, Puan Rohani Atan from
A comprehensive OSH
policy is often seen
as a prerequisite to
boost the wellbeing
Needless to say, the ultimate responsi-
PERNEC Corporation, Encik Hishamuddin
and competitiveness
bility for OSH rests with the top manage-
Abdul Rahman from PERNEC Technolo-
of a corporation in a
ment of PERNEC who have consented to
gies and Encik Hanafi Harun from PTX.
globalised world.
provide all the resources required to implement, control and improve the OSH management system of the company.
As a responsible employer, Encik Abdul
Karim noted that PERNEC would ensure
that only competent personnel perform
specific tasks that may impact the OSH at
the workplace.
Apart from this, the management’s
main duties under the OSH Policy are to
define and communicate to employees the
responsibility, accountability and authority
of persons who identify, evaluate or control OSH hazards and risks.
It must also promote cooperation and
communication among members of the
organisation, including workers and their
representatives, to implement the elements of the organisation’s OSH management system.
Additionally the management will establish and implement a clear OSH policy and
measurable objectives and ensure effective
arrangements for the full participation of
employees and their representatives to fulfil
the requirements of the OSH policy.
Pernec IT
A new
is welcomed
into the fold
ERNEC Corporation Bhd has appointed Encik
Zamani Abdullah, as the new director for its
subsidiaries PERNEC Technology Sdn Bhd and
PERNEC PayPoint Sdn Bhd.
45 year-old Encik Zamani who at present is Manager for
Business Development in Permodalan Nasional Berhad
(PNB), replaces Datin Paduka Jamiah Abdul Hamid in the
Boards of the two subsidiaries.
Encik Zamani holds a degree in Mechanical Engineering
from Universiti Teknologi Malaysia where he graduated
in 1990. Encik Zamani also completed a Certificate in
Investment Analysis from Universiti Teknologi Mara
(UITM) in 1996.
In 2003, he was awarded the Certified Financial Planner
recognition by the Financial Planning Association of
Malaysia and later on, completed the Graduate Diploma
for Finance and Investment at the Securities Institute of
Australia in 2004.
With this appointment,
PERNEC Technology and
PERNEC PayPoint will
benefit from his extensive
Encik Zamani joined PNB in 1994. Prior to that, he was
Senior Engineer with Hitachi Metals Electronics as well as
Assistant Manager with Perusahaan GEC Sdn Bhd.
Encik Zamani is married to Puan Intan Surimi Bahari and
the couple have four children, two sons and two daughters.
With this appointment, PERNEC Technology and
experience in the finance and
PERNEC PayPoint will benefit from his extensive experience
engineering fields.
in the finance and engineering fields. We would like to
welcome Encik Zamani onboard and are looking forward to
a long and mutually beneficial association with him.
Pernec Telco
Pernec Telco sumbang netbook
heloNET untuk anak Jelebu
ernec PayPoint Sdn Bhd, anak serta Ahli Majlis Mesyuarat Negeri kan khidmat dalam menyokong usaha
syarikat Pernec Corporation Datuk Siew Chin Pin dan Datuk Yunus kerajaan bagi meningkatkan lagi kadar
Berhad, membuka lembaran Rahmat.
penembusan Internet khususnya di kapengalaman teknologi digTurut hadir pada majlis penyera- langan penduduk luar bandar.
ital baru kepada penduduk Kampung han netbook itu ialah Ahli Dewan Un“Sumbangan netbook ini dan pelanTeriang, Jelebu, Negeri Sembilan den- dangan Negeri Bahagian Sungai Lui caran servis Internet adalah tanda
gan pembangunan akses Internet jalur Datuk Zainal Abidin, Timbalan Ketua sokongan pihak kami mendokong
lebar tanpa wayar dan sumbangan 30 Setiausaha KPKK Datuk Dr Mohd Ali usaha pihak Kerajaan untuk mengunit komputer netbook
gabungkan projek ICT
helonet kepada pelajardan jalur lebar di bawah
Netbook helonet merupakan produk
pelajar terpilih dari kastrategi daerah digital,
digital terbaru yang diperkenalkan
wasan itu.
sejajar dengan agenda
pengem1Malaysia,” Abdul Kaoleh Pernec Corporation.
bangan teknologi ini
rim berkata.
telah dijalankan berNetbook
sama dengan Kementerian Penerangan, Mohd Nor dan Pengerusi SKMM Tan merupakan produk digital terbaru yang
Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan (KPKK) Sri Khalid Ramli.
diperkenalkan oleh Pernec Corporadan Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan MulPengarah Urusan Pernec Corpora- tion yang kini semakin aktif meneroka
timedia Malaysia (SKMM).
tion Berhad Abdul Karim Abdul Sal- pasaran pengguna industri telekomuniMajlis dirasmikan oleh Menteri Pen- lam berkata, sebagai sebuah syarikat kasi dan teknologi maklumat. Dengan
erangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan pelaburan kerajaan (GIC) yang ber- harga sasaran di bawah RM1,000, AbDato’ Seri Utama Dr Rais Yatim dan naung di bawah kumpulan syarikat dul Karim yakin Helo Net akan mendadisaksikan oleh Yang DiPertua Dewan Permodalan Nasional Bhd, syarikat pat sambutan hangat daripada kalangan
Undangan Negeri Datuk Razak Mansur itu berbesar hati untuk menyumbang- pengguna, khususnya para pelajar.
Pengarah Urusan Pernec
diwawancara dalam
rancangan Biz Malaysia RTM
saha Pernec Corporation
Berhad untuk meningkatkan lagi imej dan profil
korporatnya telah menerima
suntikan positif apabila Encik Abdul
Karim Abdul Sallam, Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan, diundang ke dalam
segmen Randau Niaga Bersama
CEO, iaitu sebuah program Biz Malaysia
Dalam segmen wawancara yang dikendalikan oleh hos Encik Muhammad Hisham
Salleh, Encik Karim telah memperincikan
kejayaan-kejayaan yang dicapai oleh Pernec Corporation secara am, dan Pernec PayPoint secara khususnya sepanjang 2010 dan
juga perancangan untuk memantapkan lagi
sektor telefon awam di masa hadapan.
Berikut adalah temu bual itu yang disiarkan jam 6 petang pada 13 Januari 2011:
Soalan (S): Sebelum kita melihat kepada
diari 2011, bagaimana Encik melihat
perjalanan Pernec di tahun 2010?
Jawapan (J): Saya memulakan karier sebagai Pengarah Urusan Pernec pada Januari 2009. Pernec Corporation Berhad yang
telah ditubuhkan pada tahun 1973, adalah
sebuah syarikat usahasama antara Permoda-
lan Nasional Berhad, Amanah Raya Berhad
dan NEC Corporation of Japan.
Antara pencapaian ketara syarikat ialah
kejayaan memulihkan perniagaan telefon
awam yang telah kami ambil alih pada tahun 2008.
Secara amnya, para operator telefon
awam di seluruh dunia pada hari ini sedang
menghadapi saingan sengit daripada telefon
mudah alih (bimbit) dan kebanyakannya,
mengalami kerugian selain ada juga yang
tidak dapat meneruskan operasi lagi.
Namun keadaan agak berbeza bagi kita
di Malaysia di mana data yang ada pada
kami menunjukkan – mungkin ramai di
antara penonton tidak menyangka – bahawa
lebih 12 juta pemanggil membuat panggilan
di telefon-telefon awam kami dengan purata
satu minit panggilan setiap bulan.
Syarikat telefon awam kami, Pernec
PayPoint, mempunyai 35,000 telefon awam
di seluruh Negara termasuk di Sabah
dan Sarawak. Jumlah ini dijangka
akan meningkat kepada 50,000 dalam
masa dua tahun lagi.
Dari jumlah ini, sebanyak 12,000
telefon awam adalah terletak di kawasan pedalaman dan luar bandar.
Walaupun perniagaan ini sedang
menghadapi saingan yang kuat dari sektor
telefon mudah alih, kami masih mampu
menjalankan operasi di kawasan luar bandar
sebagai sebahagian dari tanggungjawab sosial kami untuk memberi khidmat kepada
masyarakat di sana walaupun pada dasarnya, kadar pulangannya adalah rendah.
Kejayaan untuk memulihkan perniagaan
telefon adalah hasil transformasi model
perniagaan melalui inovasi di mana telefon
awam tidak terhad kepada panggilan telefon
S: Boleh Encik terangkan dengan lebih
lanjut tentang proses transformasi melalui inovasi yang telah dijalankan?
J: Telefon awam secara lazimnya adalah
untuk kegunaan komunikasi suara namun
melalui inisiatif transformasi melalui inovasi, kami telah memperluaskan aplikasinya
kepada media pengiklanan dengan meng-
gunakan pondok telefon, dan menggunakan
infrastruktur telefon awam sebagai pemancar
khidmat WiFi untuk jalur lebar.
Di samping itu melalui kerjasama dengan salah satu syarikat perkhidmatan telefon
selular, kami juga telah memperkenalkan
aplikasi ‘reload’ atau tambah nilai melalui
telefon awam.
Kami berpendapat pondok-pondok telefon pada satu hari nanti akan dapat dinaikkan
taraf untuk menjadi kiosk telefon serta kiosk
pembayaran dan bukan terhad kepada khidmat tambah nilai telefon prabayar.
Aplikasi selainnya yang sedang kami
kaji ialah mentransformasikan pondok telefon awam sebagai tapak untuk pemasangan
CCTV, terutamanya bagi kawasan-kawasan
tumpuan seperti sekolah dan sebagainya.
Untuk pengetahuan semua, pada hari
ini, terdapat lebih dari 8,000 telefon awam
yang terletak di sekolah-sekolah di seluruh
negara yang boleh dipasang CCTV. Dari
kajian kami, ini adalah cara terpantas untuk
menyediakan perkhidmatan CCTV dengan
kos yang paling rendah.
Proses transformasi melalui inovasi ini
telah mula membuahkan hasil yang sangat
memuaskan. Sebagai contoh, dengan adanya
projek transformasi ini, keuntungan perniagaan telefon awam kami telah dapat ditingkatkan sebanyak 600% (dalam tahun 2010).
S: Bagaimana dengan prestasi syarikat peringkat kumpulan? Boleh Encik
J: Alhamdulillah, walaupun Syarikat menghadapi persaingan yang hebat, kami masih
berupaya untuk mencatatkan pertumbuhan
yang sangat memberangsangkan dengan keuntungan sebelum cukai atau pre-tax profit,
meningkat melebihi 100% berbanding dengan pencapaian syarikat pada tahun 2009.
Saya percaya prestasi kukuh ini adalah
hasil dari inisiatif pengurusan Pernec yang
memperkenalkan program transformasi
perniagaan Pernec 2.0, yang memberi
penekanan usaha kepada empat bidang iaitu:
• Pertumbuhan Hasil (Revenue Growth)
• Kecemerlangan Pengalaman Pelanggan
(Excellent Customer Experience)
• Kecemerlangan Operasi (Operational Excellence)
• Penglibatan Kakitangan (Employee Engagement)
Pada tahun lepas juga syarikat telah memperkenalkan program Balance Scorecard untuk memantau prestasi serta hasil kerja kakitangan dan ini juga telah memberikan impak
yang positif kepada operasi syarikat secara
keseluruhan. Kami juga telah memperkenalkan penggunaan teknologi IT secara lebih
menyeluruh di dalam operasi kami untuk
memastikan proses perniagaan yang lebih
efektif dan efisien.
S: Bagaimana di tahun 2011? Apakah
perancangan Pernec?
J: Pada tahun ini, kami akan menumpukan
usaha untuk meningkatkan lagi pendapatan
syarikat dari bidang-bidang perniagaan kami
yang sedia ada dan masih relevan merangkumi bidang telekomunikasi, ICT dan telefon
awan. Ini termasuk meneroka peluang-peluang dari perniagaan sampingan dan kami
juga akan menceburi bidang-bidang perniagaan baru yang berpotensi misalnya produkproduk yang berteraskan teknologi hijau.
Empat faktor penting yang akan menentukan kejayaan Pernec pada tahun ini adalah:
• Fokus untuk projek yang memberikan
pulangan yang lebih baik.
• Pengurusan kos dan aliran tunai.
• Pelaksanaan projek mengikut jadual dan
• Kecemerlangan Pengalaman Pelanggan.
S: Apakah fokus utama Pernec dalam
bergerak ke hadapan?
J: Fokus utama Pernec di masa terdekat ialah
menjadikan segala cabang perniagaan utama
seperti unit telekomunikasi, ICT dan telefon awam yang terkandung di dalam pelan
Pernec 2.0 menjadi kenyataan. Kami akan
berusaha untuk mencapai matlamat yang
telah kami tetapkan bagi mencapai objektif
syarikat untuk menjana pendapatan RM1 bilion setahun menjelang tahun 2015.
Kami juga akan terus meningkatkan
usaha kami untuk menjadi sebuah syarikat
yang berinovasi dan membina lebih banyak
aplikasi kandungan seperti portal perniagaan
halal Halalsquare.Com dan aplikasi-aplikasi
e-commerce yang lain.
S: Apa tips anda dalam mengendalikan
cabaran dan menguatkan serta mengekalkan misi dan visi syarikat?
J: Pada pandangan saya, ada lima elemen
yang paling penting di dalam menangani
cabaran perniagaan:
Pertama ialah melaksanakan tuntutan pelanggan, melalui program Kecemerlangan
Pengalaman Pelanggan. Salah satu cara untuk mencapai tujuan ini ialah dengan melaksanakan segala projek mengikut jadual yang
telah ditetapkan. Syarikat juga perlu memperkenalkan CRM – Pengurusan Khidmat
Tips kedua yang ingin saya kongsi di sini
ialah kepentingan inovasi dan ‘creativity’
dalam melakukan perkara-perkara yang baru
melalui penekanan inisiatif Transformasi
melalui Inovasi.
Ketiga ialah pengurusan kos yang baik
dan pemantauan kesihatan aliran tunai yang
mantap. Aliran tunai yang tidak mencukupi
akan menyebabkan gangguan kepada operasi syarikat. Kita harus mengelakkan pembaziran dan menggalakkan program penjimatan kos tetapi ini semua perlu dilakukan
dengan berhati-hati supaya tidak menjejaskan mutu perkhidmatan.
Keempat ialah meningkatkan keupayaan
untuk melakukan sesuatu dengan cepat. Kelambatan dalam memberikan respons kepada
peluang perniagaan mungkin menyebabkan
kita kehilangan hasil perniagaan. Di samping
itu juga, kita harus cepat untuk belajar sesuatu kemahiran dengan cepat, sebab segalagalanya berubah dengan pantas. Misalnya
(bagi sektor) teknologi, perubahan mendadak boleh berlaku di dalam jangka masa
yang pendek.
Kelima, berkeupayaan untuk meramal
peluang-peluang perniagaan di masa hadapan dan membuat olahan tentang apa yang
akan terjadi kepada perniagaan sedia ada.
Inaugural Townhall
communications gap
n an effort to reach its over 1,400
To further enhance the Townhall
employees, PERNEC Corporation
session’s profile, Encik Karim made a
Bhd recently organised two Town-
specific request for the meeting to be re-
hall sessions, one at its Ulu Ke-
corded and included on PERNEC TV for
lang headquarters on 4 October 2010
the benefit of those who could not attend.
and the other a day later at the PER-
A special awards presentation was
NEC Advanced Networks’ manufactur-
later held to reward staff with excel-
ing outfit in Tikam Batu, Kedah.
lent performance. The objective of the
All respective Chief Executive Of-
Townhall meeting was to enable staff
ficers and Heads of Divisions were in-
to interact with management and by
vited to the meetings to present an up-
doing so, enable both parties to get
date of their projects and undertakings
updates and answers to any queries.
as well as future plans.
Being a fairly large organisation, not
All SBUs and SSUs delivered a five-
everybody enjoys access to top manage-
minute presentation on the objectives,
ment and the session was intended as a
development and initiatives of respective
platform for everyone in PERNEC to
departments followed by a Q&A session.
voice their grievances if any and to share
To round up the briefing, Group Man-
their opinions with the management.
aging Director Encik Abdul Karim Ab-
This maiden effort to organise the
dul Sallam gave a slide presentation on
session was warmly welcomed by all
the overall performance of the Group,
and it has been decided that these ses-
showcasing PERNEC’s achievements
sions will be held twice yearly, from
and the progress of the Group last year.
2011 onwards.
The objective of the
Townhall meeting was
to enable staff to interact
with management and
by doing so, enable both
parties to get updates and
answers to any queries.
Info & Activity
Consistency of thought
key to innovation
ERNEC Corporation Bhd was
the PNB Group Quality Initiatives, which
proud to be among the partici-
was formerly known as PNB Group Q-
pants of the PNB Innovation &
Quality Award Convention or-
He said, “The PNB Group Quality
ganised by PNB Group’s Quality Commit-
Committee has rightfully chosen ‘Innova-
tee from 19 - 20 October 2010. The event
tion’ as the theme for this year’s Quality
was held at Theatrette, Menara PNB and
Initiatives programme, which directly sup-
was launched by Tun Dato’ Seri Ahmad
ports the call of ‘Malaysia: Innovation Na-
Tun Ahmad Sarji also
said that a person’s
ability to come up with
new ideas needed
to be explored and
they needed to be
encouraged to think
Sarji Abdul Hamid, Chairman of PNB
tion’ as declared by Prime Minister Dato’
Group. Sri Mohd. Najib Tun Razak in July.
The programme is one of the initiatives
Tun Ahmad Sarji added that the build-
by PNB to achieve continuous innovation
ing blocks for innovation were creativity.
and quality within the PNB Group of Com-
He elaborated that one has to be creative
panies. It was also the peak programme of
in order to innovate. And creativity begins
the Quality Activities initiated by the PNB
with an idea, a new and fresh idea. The
Group. idea can be simple or complex, adding that
Apart from the various activities held,
a new way of thinking needed to be taught
the event also included the Quality & In-
and developed in order to enhance creativ-
novation Exhibition and Innovation Con-
vention. 016 NADA PERNEC FEBRUARY 2011
“Creativity can only be developed
In his opening remarks, Tun Ahmad
through consistent thought. New ideas
Sarji said this year marked the 10th year of
cannot be generated if we feel complacent
and accept seeing the same things day
in and day out. We need to expand our way
of seeing things or think out of the box,”
he said.
ideas and for their ideas to be heard and
recognised,” said Tun Ahmad Sarji. In the Innovation Convention, 13
groups participated and presented various
Tun Ahmad Sarji also said that a per-
initiatives on innovations for their respec-
son’s ability to come up with new ideas
tive companies. The winner was Assembly
needed to be explored and they needed to
Services Sdn Bhd, one of the subsidiaries
be encouraged to think creatively.
of the UMW Group with a project entitled
He explained that the Malaysian Foundation for Innovation recently launched a
‘To eliminate tip cost of reordering, due to
tip outer joint damage at guntip centre’.
programme called ‘My Idea: 1 Malaysia, 1
At the end of the event, a prize giving
Million Ideas’ that encouraged the conver-
ceremony was held with Tun Ahmad Sarji
gence of ideas from all levels of society,
presenting awards to all participations.
and the effort to convert these ideas into
best practices.
Earlier PERNEC organised the ForumQ Day to fulfil its requirements of the 2010
“I would encourage companies under
PNB Group Quality Programmes. The
the PNB Group to establish a similar plat-
event was held on 17 August 2010 at The
form for your employees to channel their
Theatrette at PNB Tower.
Info & Activity
Pernec PayPoint bangunkan inisiatif
WiFi di Jelebu, Julau
rogram Kampung WiFi yang ber-
Julau, Serawak sebagai menyokong usaha
Kampung Bahagia Jaya, Sibu, Sarawak
tujuan untuk mendedahkan kepe-
Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia
dan juga di Pagoh, Johor.
satan teknologi maklumat dan
(SKMM) untuk meningkatkan lagi khid-
“Pernec PayPoint, sebagai satu-satunya
komunikasi kepada masyarakat
mat liputan Internet jalur lebar tanpa wa-
peneraju khidmat Internet jalur lebar tanpa
luar bandar, sedang berkembang dengan
yar, khususnya di desa-desa dan kawasan
wayar melalui telefon awam (WiBOP) di
positif dan diyakini dapat membantu men-
luar bandar.
negara ini, mempunyai infrastruktur yang
ingkatkan lagi kadar penembusan Internet
di kalangan mereka.
Program Internet jalur lebar tanpa wa-
meluas untuk menyokong usaha ini mela-
yar di Kampung Teriang merupakan pro-
lui lebih 35,000 telefon awam di seluruh
“Pernec PayPoint, sebagai satu-satunya peneraju khidmat Internet jalur
lebar tanpa wayar melalui telefon awam (WiBOP) di negara ini, mempunyai
infrastruktur yang meluas untuk menyokong usaha ini melalui lebih 35,000
telefon awam di seluruh negara,”
Pengarah Urusan Pernec Corporation Berhad Abdul Karim Abdul Sallam.
Pernec PayPoint Sdn Bhd, yang telah
gram yang keempat seumpamanya yang
negara,” kata Pengarah Urusan Pernec
membangunkan beberapa konsep pema-
dijayakan oleh Pernec PayPoint dan di
Corporation Berhad Abdul Karim Abdul
sangan bagi projek itu di serata negara,
Julau pula yang kelima. Sebelum ini, sya-
telah meneruskan usaha murni tersebut di
rikat itu telah pun membangunkan khidmat
Dari jumlah tersebut, lebih 15,000 loka-
Kampung Teriang, Negeri Sembilan dan
yang sama di Kampung Gita di Kuching,
si telefon awam ini terletak di kawasan luar
Info & Activity
bandar seperti Kampung Teriang. Setiap satu lokasi ini berpotensi untuk menjadi tapak perkhidmatan Internet jalur lebar
tanpa wayar.
“Dengan adanya 15,000 lokasi ini,
SKMM akan dapat memanfaatkan tapaktapak kepunyaan Pernec PayPoint yang
telah tersedia ini untuk meningkatkan lagi
kadar penembusan Internet jalur lebar di
kawasan pendalaman,” ujar beliau.
Sementara itu, kemudahan Internet
yang dibangunkan bersebelahan perpustakaan desa di Kampung Teriang akan
memberi akses Internet jalur lebar secara
percuma kepada penduduk yang mendiami
sekitar 300 meter dari kawasan tersebut.
Pada majlis pelancaran itu, Menteri
dayaan Dato’ Seri Utama Dr Rais Yatim
telah membuat satu sesi sidang video dengan ketua kampung berdekatan sebagai
demonstrasi kebolehcapaian servis Internet yang telah dibangunkan. Dengan adanya perkhidmatan Internet
jalur lebar ini, Abdul Karim berkata, para
penduduk Kampung Teriang akan dapat
menikmati capaian maklumat yang cepat
dan seterusnya merapatkan lagi jurang
digital di antara penduduk bandar dan
luar bandar.
Info & Activity
PERNEC showcases
products at IGEM 2010
he growing global concern on the
producer of solar cells after China and Ger-
importance of green living has
many, once related projects are completed
put PERNEC Corporation Bhd
next year. Our country’s immediate goal
in good stead to benefit from the
is to increase our market share to 17% of
value chain that can help propel the country
enormous potential in this technology sec-
world production and reach the No. 2 spot
onto global solar growth.
tor, particularly green energy solutions.
behind China by 2020.
At the moment, the PERNEC Group,
As such, the company is taking active
Under the Economic Transformation
through its Sungai Petani-based subsidiary
steps to expand its businesses from tradi-
Programme (ETP) launched by Prime Min-
PERNEC Advanced Networks Sdn Bhd,
tional telecommunications, payphones and
ister Datuk Seri Mohd Najib Tun Razak,
is already manufacturing the PERNEC
ICT operations into green technologies.
Malaysia will use its current capabilities
Solartif Solar Panel to power its GSM
As part of this effort, PERNEC partici-
and experience in producing semiconduc-
payphones. The company also plans to
pated in the International Greentech and
tors to go into the solar industry, due to the
significantly enhance the number of solar-
Eco-Products Exhibition & Conference
similarities in the solar and semiconductor
powered public phones.
2010 in October to showcase its green offerings to potential clients. On display
was its Hybrid PERNEC Solartif Solar
Panel (PSSP) and PERNEC iWind
wind turbine alternative energy
systems in addition to its ecofriendly LED bulbs.
PERNEC’s move into the green
technology sector will enable the
company to take advantage of the various incentives and grants allocated by
the Government to develop this
sector in line with the goal
to make Malaysia the
lar cell producer, explained PERNEC Managing
Director Encik Abdul
Karim Abdul Sallam.
well positioned
to become the
third largest
Malaysia’a urban population is expected to
increase by 40-50% by 2030 and average
buildings in Malaysia currently consume over 250
kwh per sq.m. per year.
Info & Activity
As a rapidly developing nation,
crease by 40-50% by 2030 and
environmental awareness has in-
average buildings in Malaysia cur-
creased dramatically in Malaysia in
rently consume over 250 kwh per
recent years. In 2008, Malaysia was
sq.m. per year.
ranked 27th out of 149 examined
Taking these facts into consid-
countries on the Environmental
eration, the use of green build-
Performance Index.
ing techniques and materials will
Moving forward, more eco-
greatly reduce the heavy impact on
nomic resources are being allocated
the environment and the resources
politically to conserve the environ-
needed by these buildings. The in-
ment and resources at the higher
troduction of the Green Building
environmental standards (?). In fac-
Index (GBI) and fiscal incentives
ing up to the challenges of sustain-
of the National Budget have also
able development, the Malaysian
reinforced the prospect of the green
Government has identified green
building sector.
technology as one of the emerging
drivers of economic growth for the
As Malaysia is still relatively
a new player in green technology,
the country is open to various initiatives such as joint ventures, trade
partnerships and technological collaborations.
Why is energy the hottest sector in green technology? That’s
because in terms of energy use per
capita, Malaysia surpasses other
ASEAN countries like Thailand,
Indonesia, the Philippines and Vietnam in its energy requirements.
The national energy requirement in
Malaysia is forecasted to reach 18
gigawatts by 2020.
In the building sector, Malaysia’a
urban population is expected to in-
Info & Activity
PERNEC hosts
Futsal Tournament 2010
ERNEC Corporation Bhd was
honoured to play host to the PNB
Group Inter-Company Futsal
Tournament held at Sports Planet
Ampang on 10 July 2010. The annual event specifically organised
for companies under the PNB Group attracted participation from 12 companies
namely PERNEC, PNB, Sime Darby, Maybank, UMW, CCM, Prolintas, MNRB, PNB
Commercial, Island & Peninsular, NCB and
FEC. In total, there were 12 men’s teams and
seven women’s teams. After the draws were
announced, the men’s teams were divided
into three groups and the women’s teams
into two groups. Each team sent five main players and five
reserve players. For each game, 15 minutes
Men’s Team Res
Champions - M
2nd place - UM
3rd place - Sim
4th place - Prol
Women’s Team
Champions – M
e Darby
2nd place - Sim
3rd place – U
4th place - PNB
were allocated for the competing two teams
to show off their dribbling skills. All teams played in a round robin format
and the eight teams with the highest points
proceeded to the quarter finals. After having fought extensively throughout the day,
Maybank emerged as the champion for
the men’s team after edging out UMW 3:0
in the finals. For 3rd and 4th placing, the
matches were between Prolintas and Sime
Darby with Sime Darby winning 2:0. For the women’s teams, the final match
was between Maybank and Sime Darby
with Maybank declared winners after
thumping their rival 4:0. UMW, meanwhile
placed third after beating PNB 1:0. Chief Executive Officer of PERNEC IT,
Encik Zalman Yaacob Zulkifli gave away
the prizes to all the winners. Info & Activity
In total, there
were 12 men’s
teams and
seven women’s
teams. After the
draws were
announced, the
men’s teams were
divided into three
groups and the
women’s teams
into two groups.
Info & Activity
Standing proud
at 4th place
in badminton tournament
taff of PERNEC took to the courts
For Group A, PNB emerged as the cham-
once again and emerged as 4th
pion after beating Sime Darby who took
Place winners when they par-
second place and Island & Peninsular who
ticipated in the PNB Group Inter-
came in third.
Meanwhile, MIDF emerged as champi-
the Sports Centre Hall, University of Ma-
ons of Group B after they beat PERNEC
laya on 9 October 2010. and MNRB. PERNEC was second and
were Sime Darby, PNB, MNRB, Island &
Peninsular and MIDF.
The final match between PNB and Sime
the group level by winning the match 4-1. It
had earlier lost to PNB 3-2. The third and fourth placing games
saw a repeat match between PERNEC and
MNRB third. In the semi-final match between PNB
and PERNEC, PNB won 4-0 while Sime
The following players represented PERNEC in the tournament:
Mohd Yunus Abdul Wahab, PERNEC Paypoint
Men’s Single (1st)
Samsul Hairi Mohamed Aini, PERNEC Technologies
Men’s Single (2nd)
Wan Kamaruddin Wan Mustaffa, PERNEC Transmission
Men’s Double
Amir Hussain Khalil, PERNEC Transmission
Men’s Double
Mohd Shahril Abu Bakar, PERNEC Transmission
Mixed Double (1st)
Norhidayah Hamzah, PERNEC Transmission
Mixed Double (1st)
Shaiful Azman Abd Razak, PERNEC Paypoint
Mixed Double (2nd)
Norizan Hussin, PERNEC Paypoint
Mixed Double (2nd)
Noraisah Mohd Halipah, PERNEC Corporation Berhad
Women’s Double
Reflia Zukri, PERNEC Integrated Network Systems
Women’s Double
Dolmat Khalil, PERNEC Transmission
Men’s Veteran’s Double
Abd Basir Mohd Johari
Men’s Veteran’s Double
with a 3-2 score.
Darby saw the latter overcoming its loss at
Company Badminton Tournament held at
Also participating in the tournament
Darby beat MIDF in their semi-finals match
MIDF where we narrowly lost with a 3 -2
score. ere: results w
The final
- Sime D
2nd place
3rd place
4th place
Info & Activity
PERNEC makes 5th placing
at bowling tournament
utstanding bowlers of PERNEC
Corporation Berhad put in a
good show at the PNB Group
Inter Company Tenpin Bowling
Tournament with the men taking fifth placing with 2,499 pins and the women taking
seventh place with 1,907 pins. The tournament was held at Sunway Mega Lanes on
24 July 2010.
UMW Corporation Berhad also put in a
sterling performance and emerged champs
in the women’s category with 2,599 pins.
The company came second in the men’s
category with 3,078 pins.
Maybank did well in edging other competitors out to win the management’s category with 2,685 pins. It also took first place
with 3,112 pins in the men’s category. In the
women’s category, Maybank clinched the
second spot with 2,325 pins.
Sime Darby Berhad which trailed UMW
and Maybank in the early
stages of the tournament,
slipped to
second place in the management’s category with 2,625 pins, and third place in
both the men’s and women’s categories
with 2,768 pins and 2,303 pins respectively.
In total, 12 companies namely Permodalan Nasional Berhad, Sime Darby, Maybank, UMW, Prolintas, NCB, FEC Cables,
Island & Peninsular Group, PNB Commercial, PFM Capital, PERNEC and MIDF
competed in the tournament.
UMW, the hosting company for the tournament, emerged as the overall champion
when both their men’s and women’s teams
won with a total pin count of 5,677.
Mohd Hamidi Mohd Aris
Zulkifli Yaakob
Sharifuddin Alaluddin
Harunnasri Mohd Arif
Siti Rahmah Ali
Hjh Nor Azizan Abd Razak
Norhidayah Hamzah
Hasliza Hassan
Info & Activity
Paying tribute to clients
with a round of golf
he PERNEC Corporate Golf
a triumphant close with the
participation of more than 100
customers and management personnel of
PERNEC at the Bangi Golf Resort on 23
October 2010.
Hosted by PERNEC Director Encik
Megat Dziauddin Megat Mahmud, this
annual event aims to foster closer ties
between the company’s management and
its clients, and is a gesture of appreciation
by PERNEC to its key partners.
Encik Sulaiman Kudus from Celcom
Axiata emerged as the overall champion
of the golf tournament. With a handicap of
16, he scored 38 points at the end of play,
taking home the Challenge Trophy and an
Meanwhile Encik Nik Shukri Nik Soh
from Perbadanan Putrajaya who holds
a handicap of 12, grabbed the Medal A
category, also with 38 points. Second
place in this category went to Encik Mohd.
Mahyudin Noh from Celcom Axiata and
third place, Mohd. Zainudin Ahmad from
Telekom Malaysia.
from the Malaysian Communications and
Multimedia Commission.
For ‘nearest to the line’, Encik
Mohamad Zainudin Ahmad from Telekom
Malaysia returned as the winner with a
distance of 3.4 metres at Hole 3 while for
Hole 13, the winner was Encik Ibrahim
Shah, also from Telekom Malaysia with a
distance of 0.75 metres.
For Category B, the winner was Encik
Dr. Abdul Rahman Tasir from Jabatan
Zulkifli Othman, also from Perbadanan
Kerja Raya won the longest drive category
Putrajaya. Zulkifli who has a handicap
with a distance of 250 metres for Hole
of 22, managed to secure 36 points. The
3. For Hole 14, Encik Sufian Aziz from
runner-up in this category was Celcom
Telekom hit the hardest and posted a
Axiata Chief Corporate Officer Encik
distance of 285 metres.
Mohd Adlan Ahmad Tajuddin while third
Among the VIPs who participated in the
place went to Encik Mohd. Yasin from the
Corporate Golf Invitational were Genting
Companies’ Commission of Malaysia.
Berhad Deputy Chairman Tun Hanif Omar,
In the novelty section, Encik Mohamad
Mudasir Abdullah from Celcom Axiata
CEO Datuk Badlisham Ghazali, Executive
was judged the winner for ‘nearest to
Vice President for TM Wholesales Encik
the pin’ for Hole 2 when he posted a
Rafai Samsi and Syarikat Bekalan Air
distance of 2.6 metres while for Hole
Selangor (Syabas) CEO Datuk Roslan
11, the winner was Encik Bukhari Yahya
According to the organising committee
chairman Encik Sazalli Alias, the event was
a success with the participation of various
key industry players as well as clients of
PERNEC who had come to enjoy a day of
golfing fun. “We hope that our golf event
this year will be just as enjoyable, if not
better than the one we just held in 2010,”
he said.
The event was a success
with the participation of
various key industry players
as well as clients of PERNEC
who had come to enjoy a
day of golfing fun.