informal worship service - Vidalia First United Methodist Church
informal worship service - Vidalia First United Methodist Church
Sunday Morning Worship Service Members in Ministry Ushers 9 A.M. - Shane Harrelson, Mack Harrelson April 12, 2015 Announcements Reid Threlkeld, Pierre Fornel Greeters 9 A.M. - Jana Owen (Preschool) st - Chris & Sheri Keene (K-1 ) nd rd –3 ) th th - Angie McDaniel (4 - 5 ) 11 A.M. - Marianne McMillan Acolytes - Rebecca Evans, Chamlee Evans Television Camera Person - Diane Meeks Audio Technician - Bill Collins Church Staff Rev. Robert Greene - Pastor Cell phone 585-7020 Jose Caraballo - Minister of Discipleship Rev. David Blalock - Pastor Emeritus John Morgan - Director of Music Ministries Debbie Davis - Children and Youth Music Director and Organist - Extra Cuts Call to Worship (in unison) Lord Jesus, by the indwelling of Thy Holy Spirit, purge our eyes to discern and contemplate Thee until we attain to see as Thou seest, judge as Thou judgest, choose as Thou choosest; and, having sought and found Thee, to behold Thee for ever and ever. We ask this for Thy name’s sake. Amen. Greetings & Welcoming Visitors – Fellowship Moments One item that I mentioned in the sermon on Easter Sunday had to do with the doctrine of Christ descending to hell after his death. This is known as "the harrowing of hell," and has appeared prominently in the writings of Christians at many times throughout the history of the Church. In fact, the phrase "Christ descended into hell" is a part of some versions of the Apostles Creed, though not the version we commonly recite in our worship services. Hymn of Praise 304 Biblical support for this idea can be found in the following passages: “Easter People, Raise Your Voices” Affirm Our Faith The Apostles’ Creed I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth; and in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord: who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried; the third day he rose from the dead; he ascended into heaven, and sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. The Gloria Patri Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen! Prayer Prayer Requests and Testimonies Pastoral Prayer The Lord’s Prayer Ashley Sasser April 12, 2015 VOLUME 52, NO. 15 Prelude – Debbie Davis “The Strife Is O’er” (Palestrina) 11 A.M. - Phyllis Frederick - need teacher (2 First United Methodist Church Vidalia, Georgia Chiming of the Hour 9 A.M. - Melanie Peterson, Judy Whitaker Children’s Church Leader Director of Youth Ministries Hymn 528 “Nearer, My God, to Thee” Sean Sasser - FUEL Worship Leader Cassie Neal - Executive Director of Cornerstone Children’s Center Tithe and Offering Debbie Davis Offertory “I Know That My Redeemer Lives” (G.F. Handel) Doxology (Hymn 95) Director of Children’s Ministries Anthem Paula Corbin - Charlsie Mobley Connie Brown Betsy Fabacher - - - Nursery Coordinator “My Eternal King” Scripture Reading Chancel Choir John 20:19-23, New Testament, pg. 115 Sermon Office Administrator Hymn of Dedication 354 or Benediction Financial Secretary Benediction Response Congregation and Chancel Choir “May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You” (Let’s join hands, even across the aisle.) Sunday, April 12 Evening Programs 2:45-3:15 P.M. 3:30-4:15 P.M. 3-5:30 P.M. 5:00 P.M. The Messenger 11:00 A.M. 11 A.M. - Wendell Dixon, Tim Moncrief, Jim Cox Youth Choir Handbell Choir DISCIPLE I Trilogy Worship First United Methodist Church 209 Church Street – P.O. Box 150 Vidalia, Georgia 30475 Phone: 912-537-3068 Fax: 912-537-1892 Email: / Web Page: “Can’t Do Without Jesus” Rev. Robert Greene “I Surrender All” Rev. Robert Greene May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You, Whether near or far away. May you find that long awaited golden day today. May your troubles all be small ones, and your fortune ten times ten. May the Good Lord bless and keep you ‘til we meet again. Postlude Debbie Davis 1 Peter 3:18-20 For Christ also suffered for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, in order to bring you to God. He was put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit, in which also he went and made a proclamation to the spirits in prison, who in former times did not obey, when God waited patiently in the days of Noah, during the building of the ark, in which a few, that is, eight persons, were saved through water. (see also 1 Peter 4:6) Ephesians 4:8-9 Therefore it is said, “When he ascended on high he made captivity itself a captive; he gave gifts to his people.” (When it says, “He ascended,” what does it mean but that he had also descended into the lower parts of the earth? Clearly, these are mysterious biblical texts and the doctrine is one that leaves us with many questions. My research on the subject has found that many Christians are uncomfortable with the idea that Christ would spend even a moment in hell. For me, however, it is yet more proof of the incomparable love of our Savior and the enormity of his mission to save what was lost. See you Sunday as we return our thanks and praise to JESUS! Robert A few more quotes... "The harrowing of hell represents the victory of Christ over all his enemies and the path of salvation opened to all who would believe. While some contemporary theology has no room or understanding of this doctrine, Christians are invited to see it as a vision of the conquering Savior, whose triumph is so complete, so thorough, so exhaustive that he descends to hell and empties it of every soul who responds to his call." (Joel J. Miller, "Even Martin Luther, in his Solid Declaration, suggested the devil was conquered in this descent to the dead. 'We believe simply,' he wrote, 'that the entire person, God and human being, descended to Hell after his burial, conquered the devil, destroyed the power of Hell, and took from the devil all his power.'" (Adam Hamilton, 24 Hours That Changed the World) KICS NEWS KICS: Wednesday, April 15 @ 6:15 PM Crave News Sunday, April 12th - 10 AM Small Groups 5 PM Hand ball/Ultimate Frisbee at Ed Smith (Dinner Provided) Wednesday, April 15th Date: June 29-July 3 Time: 8 am-5 pm M-Th 8-lunch on Friday Cost: $149 Ages: Completing 1st grade-completing 6th. We are needing 15 individuals from our church who could serve the whole week of Winshape. Please let me know asap if you feel God leading you to serve. If you would like to volunteer some during the week, you may let me know as well. In His Holy Name, Ms. Paula Children’s Church Volunteers 04/12/15 9 AM 11 AM Jana Owen (Preschool) Chris & Sheri Keene (K-1st) need teacher (2nd-3rd) Angie McDaniel (4th-5th) Marianne McMillan TRILOGY WORSHIP Trilogy Worship will meet April 12 and April 19 at 5 PM in the sanctuary. No Trilogy Worship on April 26 due to Onion Festival and the Northeast District Conference in Statesboro. NURSING HOMES COMMUNION SCHEDULE Wednesday, April 15 10:30 AM – Bethany Home 2:00 PM – The Oaks 3:00 PM – Summer’s Landing NORTHEAST DISTRICT CONFERENCE April 26 4 PM Pittman Park in Statesboro CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY We wish to express our Christian Sympathy to the family of Donnie Williams. The funeral service will be held in our sanctuary at 11 AM on April 11. Visitation will be one hour prior to funeral. - 6 PM Youth Worship All candy bars and cokes in the youth room are $1 and all proceeds will go to youth missions. . . . AND coming soon, it’s the Return of Flip Flop Sunday – donate flip flops through the month of May to be shipped to an area in the world in need of shoes. Look your Sunday best wearing your flip flops Sunday, May 17th. EVANGELISM TEAM The Evangelism Team needs your help! We need people willing to reach out to those who visit our church! Recently we began delivering a fresh loaf of bread along with a letter from Robert to anyone who visits our church. We need people to bake and deliver a fresh loaf of any type of bread within 2 days of when you receive the name and address of the visitor. We would like you to deliver the bread after 5:30 PM in hope that you are able to hand deliver the bread and simply say we are happy they visited and hope they will come back! If you are interested in helping with this ministry please contact Kate at (912)585-7021 United Methodist Men Fish Fry Thursday, April 16 6:00 PM Taylor’s Lodge Tickets $8 COUNCIL ON MINSTRIES MEETING Monday, April 20, 5:30 PM, Era Alexander Class What’s Coming Up? 9:00AM 10:00AM 11:00AM 2:45-3:15PM 3:30-4:15PM 5:00PM 5:00PM 3-5:30PM 3:15-4:00PM 3:00PM 10:30AM 2:00PM 3:00PM 5:00PM 5:45PM 6:00PM 6:15-7:15PM 6:15-7:15PM 7:15PM 6:45AM 6:00PM 9:30-10:30AM Sunday, April 12 FUEL Praise/Worship Serv. Sunday School for everyone! Morning Worship Youth Choir Handbell Choir Trilogy Worship/Sanctuary Youth Disciple I Monday, April 13 Larks Choir (2nd-5th Grade) Tuesday, April 14 UMW Circle Meeting Wednesday, April 15 Bethany Home Communion The Oaks Communion Summer’s Landing Communion Staff Meeting Wed. Night Supper Youth Worship Adult Program KICS Program Chancel Choir Practice Thursday, April 16 Men’s Prayer Study/Breakfast UMM Fish Fry/Taylor’s Lodge Friday, April 17 Saturday, April 18 One Harvest Food Pickup Congregational Concerns At Home: Kendall & Eveline Dismuke Sid & Claire Johnson Danny & Coopie Foshee Fred Stewart Tabatha “Boots” Stephens Adrian Collins June Hagan Anne Wolfe Nan Wilbanks Ruth McDonald Our family and friends: Family of Ethel Casey Stan Roland/Kevin Wright – friends of Jody Neal Thomas Beckworth – nephew of Mary Edmonds Karen Healey – friend of Danny & Coopie Foshee Carolyn Chester – mother of Juliee Torrance grandmother of Sarah Beck Barbara T. Conner – daughter of Gloria Thompson Michael David Smith – nephew of Margaret Pittman Mark Cannada Laverne Crosby Lucy Colson – Wes Kicklighter’s cousin’s wife Michael Wise Paul Stokes Lessie Benton – grandmother of Julie Ramsey Linda Mitska – cousin of Debbie Davis Harry Handler – friend of Shelly Smith Marcus Eleton – nephew of Helga Fornel Sidney Metts Nancy Douglas Kate Kennedy Bethany Home Rm. 10B West Rm. 16A East Rm. 2P West Rm. 2 East 1 Rm. 1P East 1 PO Box 668, Vidalia, GA 30475 Steven Bostwick Beth Brand Larry Mullis Nell Hopkins Nell Hodges Oxley Park – Lyons Christine Evans Cedar Plantation – Metter, GA Barbara Eidson Saturday, April 25 7:00 – 11:00 AM Get your pancake tickets early from the church office. Tickets: $5 donation. Proceeds benefit Winshape Camp Scholarships ALTAR FLOWERS The flowers today are in thanksgiving to God for Pastor Robert and each member of the staff at Vidalia First United Methodist Church. GRADUATION RECOGNITION In our 11 AM worship service, May 3, we will be recognizing our seniors. The following is our list of seniors. If we have accidentially left anyone off, please call the church office at 5373068 ext. 22. Carson Cato William Collins Emily Combs Hart Cook Taylor Fabacher Cassidy Long Emily Martin Casey McDonald Anslie Mead Stephanie Stanley Sam Thompson Margaret Wolfe Kennedy Wright Glenwood Nursing Home Kitty Peterson MEMORIAL SERVICE There will be a memorial service held for Mary C. Smith and Marilou Russell on Sunday, April 19 at 3 PM in the Activity Center. 2 nd SATURDAY SERVE Second Saturday is coming on April 11th and we are doing a project that is needing several volunteers. This is a big project. We will need some volunteers to pressure wash, remove and install shutters, possible on Thursday, April 9 and Friday, April 10 prior to painting on Saturday. This may require finishing up on the following Saturday, April 18. Depending on the number of volunteers. The Lord calls us to help those in need. Join us! THE MESSENGER – USPS 875-640 Published weekly by First United Methodist Church, 209 Church St., Vidalia, GA 30475. Periodical privileges authorized by Vidalia, GA. Periodical postage paid at Vidalia, GA 30474. POSTMASTER: Send address change to First United Methodist Church, PO Box 150, Vidalia, GA 30475. ATTENDANCE & STEWARDSHIP Sunday School Maundy Thursday Morning Worship Total 9 AM 11 AM Trilogy Worship UMYF BUDGET NEEDS 2015 Budget Budget Needed Weekly Actual Receipts Other Income Total Receipts Budget Needed YTD Actual Receipts YTD Actual Expenses Paid YTD Budgeted Apportionments Not Paid BUILDING FUND Total Building Receipts 4G Capital Campaign Non Pledges Memorial Building Fund Loan Balance March 29 101 307 N/A 307 16 35 March 29 798,025.16 15,346.64 8,114.50 .00 8,114.50 199,506.29 199,008.34 183,081.87 7,359.00 March 29 1,150.00 1,100.00 50.00 .00 1,093,290.00 April 5 200 220 579 349 230 N/R 33 April 5 798,025.16 15,346.64 25,360.29 .00 25,360.29 214,852.93 224,268.63 202,094.35 14,718.00 April 5 2,865.00 2,775.00 60.00 30.00 1,093,290.00 APRIL BIRTHDAYS 12th 13th 14th 15th – – – – Hazel Roberts, Samuel Torrance, Madison Torrance Pam Flanders, Donya Wood, Libby Clark Donna Hamilton Sheri Threlkeld, Bruce Gioia, Trey Nelms, Ava Helms, Neil Anderson 16th – Morris Moses, Cindy Hudson, David McMillin, Joseph Micah Harvill 17th – Coopie Foshee, Rob Roy MacGregor, Josh Owen 18th – Ronnie Dixon, Evan Windham, Joshua Giles UMW NEWS Circle Meeting will be held Tuesday, April 14 at 3 PM. Please join us in the Small Dining Room to hear guest speaker Lynn Rushing tell us about forming another UMW circle. SMALL GROUP UPDATE Wednesday, April 8th began a new Bible study by Francis Chan entitled BASIC...Who Is God? We say we love Him. We say we follow Him. We say His Spirit is with us. Do we mean it? Do we even know what our lives should look like if we do? Who is God? BASIC challenges us to reclaim the church as Scripture describes it to be. Join us as we explore such topics as fearing God, Following Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and more. If you're not yet in a small group, but would like to be, contact Jose. WEDNESDAY NIGHT FELLOWSHIP SUPPER April 15 - 5:45 PM Menu: Fried Chicken, Green Beans, Mashed Potatoes, Biscuits, Tea from Popeye’s Program: Small Groups – Bible study by Francis Chan entitled BASIC...Who Is God? Set-up/Clean-up: Seekers Sunday School Class # Needed Choices Child’s Menu (age 5-9) Adult Meal (ages 10 & up) Cost $3.00 $6.00 NAME:__________________________________________________ DEADLINE FOR RESERVATIONS IS TUESDAY AT 12 NOON Drop this in the offering plate, return to church office, call the church office at 537-3068 or make reservations by email at vidaliafumc@hotmail. If you make meal reservations, please pay for all meals ordered.
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informal worship service - Vidalia First United Methodist Church
Family of Ethel Casey
Stan Roland/Kevin Wright – friends of Jody Neal
Thomas Beckworth – nephew of Mary Edmonds
Karen Healey – friend of Danny & Coopie Foshee
Carolyn Chester – mother of Juliee Tor...