Summer 2016 Newsletter - Ellenville Public Library
Summer 2016 Newsletter - Ellenville Public Library
Ellenville Public Library & Museum Summer 2016 Newsletter (845)647-5530 Mon, Tues, Wed: 9:30am – 8:00pm Thurs, Fri: 9:30am – 6pm Sat: 9:30am – 3:00pm From the Director Summer is on the way and that means there will be more cars and people in our parking lot. In the interest of everyone’s safety we ask that you drive slowly and keep an eye out for those walking, especially young children. Parents, please help by making sure that they stay with you. Lots of programs are planned for this summer. See inside for further details. Please join us at Terwilliger House during the Fourth of July parade for refreshments and tours of the museum, including the second floor. Have a fun-filled and safe summer. Pam Stocking, Director Celebrate Ellenville! Images of America, Ellenville By Town of Wawarsing Historian Bucky Green and EPL&M available now at Ellenville Public Library & Museum $21.99 + tax Buy it online: First Annual BIKEVILLE! Saturday, June 25 9:30am—registration at EPL&M 10:00am—Safety Tips 10:30am—Ride around Town & on the new Rail Trail! at the Hunt Building for refreshments, prizes and more! 11:30am—Finish Sponsored by: Ellenville Public Library & Museum, Ulster County Tourism, UCEDA, Renegades Bike Club, Find Yourself in Ellenville Terwilliger House Local History Museum Open Wed & Fri: 10am - 4:00pm Sat: 10am - 3:00pm & by appointment. Tours Welcome! O p en J ul y 4t h ! Photo by Pat Peters 1881 Signature Quilt Among the many treasures in Terwilliger House at EPL&M is an 1881 Signature Quilt, donated by Mary Kilduff. EPL&M is happy to announce that we have been awarded a Conservation Treatment Grant through the Greater Hudson Heritage Network to have this historic quilt cleaned and stabilized by the Textile Conservation Workshop in South Salem, NY. Signature quilts were popular in the 1800s to commemorate family occasions, community events, or local celebrities. They were fundraisers for organizations or social causes. Often called “Friendship” quilts, they are historic documents of cloth. Friends and family would sign a piece of pre-cut fabric and quilters would piece the quilt, a significant community activity. While an historic practice, signature quilts are not unknown today; in 1999, EPL&M raised funds for the Community Room with a signature quilt. Incorporating the library’s logo, this lovely quilt displays dozens of local names in pride of place in the building whose creation it supported. The 1881 signature quilt is a sunburst design in white and red. Some signatures (Childs, Warren, and Brodhead) are familiar as Ellenville street names. Many name our region’s forebears and early settlers: Bevier, Dewitt, VerNooy, Fairchild, Dubois and Hornbeeck. That of Thomas E. Benedict has national significance; before serving as public printer of the United States, Benedict founded the Ellenville Press and served in the New York State Assembly along with Theodore Roosevelt. Other names are unfamiliar, revealing new information. If anyone knows about the quilt’s origins, please contact us! Over 130 years old, the 1881 signature quilt will never be “as good as new”. The skilled work of the Textile Conservation Workshop will preserve it for appreciation and research. Too fragile to hang, the quilt will be stored and displayed in a custom archival box with a viewing window. Look for the restored 1881 signature quilt’s unveiling in the coming months! CELEBRATE OUR SUMMER READING CHAMPIONS with THE PUPPET PEOPLE! TUESDAY, AUGUST 9, 6:30PM Summertime is a fun time for readers of all ages! “On Your Mark, Get Set…Read!” this summer at EPL&M, then cross the finish line with our Summer Reading Champions and an Aesop’s Fable mash-up performed by the popular Puppet People! “Summer reading programs put books in the hands of children and helps ... build reading skills, prevent summer learning loss, and prepare for a successful school year.” Commissioner of the NY State Education Department, MaryEllen Elia PROGRAMS for CHILDREN, TEENS and FAMILIES OPERA for KIDS TEEN DRAWING CLASS JUNE Tuesday, July 26,6:30pm Tuesdays, July 12, 19 & 26 Ages 5-12 2pm-3:30pm Get Ready, Set… Sign up for Summer Reading Starts June 13th! CHALK NIGHT CARNAVAL Tuesday, June 28, 6:30pm On your mark, get set...Kick off Summer Reading with EPL&M’s annual Chalk Night Carnival. Draw on our sidewalks or play carnival games to Get Ready, Set….READ! All ages. JULY 4th of JULY CRAFT Saturday, July 2,10:30am For age 5 and up Make a star spangled whatsit! Sign up: 647—5530. CSI! Thursday, July 7, 10am Grades 5 and up. Learn the skill of forensic science from Thom Jones of Empire State College. Sign up: 647—5530. MONDAY MAKERS July 11- August 22, 1-3pm Ages 5 and up (children under 8 with an adult) Build, create, sew, knit—use EPL&M as a makerspace on Mondays! RECYCLED ROBOTS Friday,July 8,1pm Grades K and up Build a robot from recycled materials and battle to determine the Most Extreme Robot! T-SHIRT DECORATING Monday, July 11, 6:30pm Ages 12 and up Bring a t-shirt to tie dye, paint or decorate. Sign up:674-5530. Learn classical drawing from direct observation with Shawn Dell Joyce. Materials supplied. Space is limited – sign up early: 647-5530 T-SHIRT DESIGN Friday, July 15, 1pm Ages 5 and up. (Younger children should be with an adult.) Bring a t-shirt to decorate in honor of your favorite team or sport. TECH TRY-OUT DAY Sat, July 16, 10am-noon Grades K-8 Try out some “tech” with Eliza Kosoy from the MIT Media Lab: explore Makey Makey, littleBits, or make an LED greeting card! Sign up at 647-5530. BEAD BONANZA Tuesday, July 19, 6:30pm Ages 10 and up Brighten someone’s day with a necklace, bracelet or even a Minecraft magnet. We’ve got the beads, bring your ideas! SILLY SPORTS Friday, July 22,2pm Ages 5 and up Goofy games to gear up for the Olympics. FAMILY FORTS Friday, July 22,6pm For families. Share stories and s’mores and build a blanket fort! Sign up:647-5530. MINI ZEN GARDEN Monday, July 25 6:30pm Ages 12 and up Get in the relaxation game: make a mini Zen garden. Sign up: 647-5530. Act out with Anne Tormela of the Manhattan Lyric Opera. Sign up:647-5530 HENNA Wed, July 27 6:30pm Ages 12 and up (parental permission required.) Learn about this ancient temporary body art tradition. GET in the GAME! Friday, July 29, 1-4pm All ages (Children under 8 must be with an adult) Get in the game with board games and giant Jenga® . AUGUST THE GOOD DINOSAUR Friday, Aug 5, 1pm PG movie. Children under 8 must be accompanied. The PUPPET PEOPLE! Tuesday, August 9, 6:30pm Cross the finish line with our Summer Reading Champions and an Aesop’s Fable mash-up by the Puppet People. ANIMAL ATHLETES Wed, August 17,11am Animal Embassy and their live Animal Ambassadors will share amazing athletic skills - frogs that furiously unfurl their tongues, lizards that do pushups, rabbits that sprint and more! Meet a Veiled Chameleon, an Argentine Black & White Tegu, Tree Frogs, a Carpet Python, an Eurasian Eagle Owl and a Love Bird! AVIATION DAY Friday, August 19 10:30am All ages Let fly with paper airplanes… It’s National Aviation Day! PROGRAMS for ADULTS and FAMILIES MAKING & SAVING JUNE It’s Story Time! TINY TOTS Wednesdays, 10am June 29-August 3 (No storytime July 20) Stories, rhymes, songs and play time for children birth to age 3 with a caregiver. PRESCHOOL For children ages 3-5 Mondays 1pm, June 27–Aug 1 (No Storytime July 4) Fridays, 1Oam, July 8-Aug 5 ON YOUR MARK! STORY CLUB Weds, June 29–Aug 3,1pm Grades K-5 Stories and activities for Summer Reading Club. Sign up: 647—5530 LEGO CLUB! For kids ages 5 and up. We’ve got the Legos…bring your imagination! Thursday, June 30, 4:15pm Friday, July 29, 4:15pm Friday, August 26, 4:15pm Friday, September 30, 4:15pm 1000 BOOKS Before Kindergarten Its easy and fun to foster a love of reading and early literacy skills. Call Susan at 647-5530 for information. The MISU Community String Ensemble presents BIRDS, BEARS, and a SUMMER AFTERNOON The 5th Annual Chamber Music Concert that’s not just for children Sunday, August 14, 3:00pm BEE KEEPING 101 Wed, June 22, 6:30 Keith Duarte, owner of Damn Good Honey Farm in Accord will introduce the basics of bee keeping: hive structure, set up and maintenance. Please sign up at (845)647-5530. BOOK DISCUSSION Thurs, June 23, 6:30pm “Miss Sally” Minich will lead our discussion of Olive Kitteridge, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for fiction by bestselling Elizabeth Strout. PORTRAITS of ELLENVILLE Wed, June 29, 6:30pm Town of Wawarsing Historian Bucky Green will share stories of people who helped make Ellenville history based on Images of A merica, Ellenville. SOLAR 101 Thurs, June 30, 6:30pm Everything you need to know about solar-photo-voltaic technology, financing, the marketplace and consumer protection. PERSONAL ARCHIVES Sat, July 9, 10am-Noon Do you have a shoebox of old family photos or letters? Kerry Sclafani, Archivist and Program Coordinator at Greater Hudson Heritage Network, will explain how to care for and store your family keepsakes. Jennifer Palmentiero, Digital Services Librarian at Southeastern New York Library Resources Council will share tips for making, storing and managing digital files. Sign up: 647-5530. AUGUST THE RISE & FALL of the BORSCHT BELT Thurs, Aug 11, 7pm A 1986 film by Peter Davis documentary about the summer journey from New York City to the Catskill Mountains taken by up to one million people every year. From bungalow colonies to budding entertainers, the Borscht Belt helped shape our cultural heritage. Co-sponsored with the Catskill Resort Museum Co-sponsored with Solarize Hudson Valley. JULY MEMORY BOOK Wednesday, July 6, 6:30pm Birthdays, weddings, travel— make a small keepsake memory book of a special occasion with Jamie Brooks. For ages 14 and up. Bring photos and a theme you want to memorialize. Class size is limited; sign up early at 647-5530. BEADED BRACELET Wednesday, July 13, 6-8pm Mryna Jargowski will show us how to make a bead bracelet with a focus on finishing skills. Class size is limited; sign up early at 647-5530. ONGOING Smart/Heart Bells Mondays, 10-11:15am Easy, fun exercise for everyone! Taught by Paul Widerman (Through the end of July) Pinochle Mondays, 6-8pm Drop by the library to play pinochle. SCRABBLE Tuesdays, 6-8pm Serious (and fun!) word play Bridge Club Wednesdays, 6-8pm Learn & play bridge! Ellenville Public Library & Museum SUMMER 2016 NEWSLETTER Got Yours? To get your Library Card at Ellenville Public Library & Museum, you must live in the Ellenville School District, or the Towns of Wawarsing or Rochester and be able to verify permanent residency with acceptable documents. These include: voter registration, driver’s license, two utility bills, report card or identification with current address and date. For a child to get a card, a parent or guardian must have a library card and agree to be responsible for the materials the child borrows. Please call (845)647-5530 with any questions. Got your card, and need help using our databases or catalog? We’re happy to help! Books, DVD, Magazines, Database and (845)647-5530 ON YOUR MARK, Get SET...READ! 2016 Summer Reading Club @ EPL&M Read or be read to for at least 30 days between June 27 and August 5 to win a free book! The first 50 Reading Champions to meet this goal win a reading medal. Kick-off summer at our Chalk Night Carnival and come to our Summer Reading Celebration with the PUPPET PEOPLE August 9th at 6:30pm. Call 647—5530 or stop by EPL&M to sign up. Y EST ERDAY ● TODAY ● TOMORROW ● EVER FORWARD Ellenville Public Library & Museum 40 Center Street, Ellenville, NY 12428-1396 (845)647-5530 ● BOARD OF TRUSTEES Bertha Donohue, President Nadia Maczaj, 1st Vice President Cathleen Walsh-Eckert, 2nd Vice President Michelle Mainolfi, Auditor of Bills Erin Levine, Secretary BOARD MEETINGS Monday, June 20, July 18, August 15, 7:00pm MUSEUM ADVISORY BOARD Marion M. Dumond, Chair Nadia Maczaj, Vice Chair & Board Liaison Kim Draganchuk, Secretary Bucky Green, Town of Wawarsing Historian Deborah Stack LIBRARY CLOSINGS July 4, Independence Day (Museum open!) Sept 5, Labor Day ●
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