July 2013 - Pismo Beach Chamber of Commerce
July 2013 - Pismo Beach Chamber of Commerce
I PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID PISMO BEACH, CA PERMIT NO. 1 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 581 Dolliver St. Pismo Beach, CA 93449 CHAMBER OFCOMMERCE 581 Dolliver Street Pismo Beach, CA 93449 (805) 773-4382 Phone (805) 773-6772 Fax What’s inside: OR CURRENT RESIDENT ♦ From the Desk of the CEO ♦ Your Chamber Working For You ♦ City Council Report CHAMBER HOLDS CASH MOB “GERALD’S OLDE TYME CHOCOLATES” Was the location for our first Cash Mob event to show Support for Shopping Local and Supporting the Merchants of Pismo Beach ♦ Marty ’ s Community Corner ♦ New Members/Renewing Members RIBBON CUTTINGS ♦ Businesses of the Month ♦ July Events Beach Bum Holiday Rentals Condor Security of America Edgewater Inn KCOY 12 & Fox 11 Mackey & Mackey Insurance UNITED WAY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO CO. Gary C. Stone MOTEL 6 Martin ResortsPismo Lighthouse Suites Avila Lighthouse Suites JULY EVENTS 4th July 4th Fireworks Celebration, Pismo Pier 6th Red, White & Brew, Lido/Dolphin Bay, 773-8900 7th Art in the Park, 704-8128 7th 6th Annual Goldens in the Park, 489-9000 11-14 29th Annual Central Coast Wine Classic 12th Relay for Life, Pismo Tattoo, 295-8792 14th Pacific Breeze Concert Series, 773-7063 17th Membership Luncheon, Steamers, 773-4382(insert) 24th Membership Mixer, Burdine Printing, 489-1488 27th Stride With the Tide, 773-7063 EVERY WEDNESDAY...FARMER’S MARKET...3:00 PM Best Western Plus l The Pismo Pier Kiosk was recently remodeled by the great guys at the City Public Works/ Maintenance Dept. Stop by and check out the “surfboard” counter, and say “hi” to our Kiosk staff! KVEC NEWS TALK RADIO 920 AM EVERY SUNDAY-12:30-1:00pm "What's Happening in Pismo Beach?" Join Mike Ebinger and Peter Candela for a lively conversation on topics relating to our wonderful city. SHOP LOCAL ! Shore Cliff Lodge Pacific Leisure Marketing Pismo Beach Premium Outlets Rabobank Sea Venture Resort Shell Beach Law Group Splash Café Tastes of the Valleys Wine Bar Tolosa Press Wells Fargo Bank JULY 2013 PROMOTE ECONOMIC VITALITY! Page 2 The Source FROM THE DESK OF THE CEO th If you can believe this, 4 July is next week, the year is half over! Let’s talk about July 4th .This is one of the largest single-day events we have. Over 100,000 people will be attending. Pismo Beach Chamber is partnering with the City of Pismo Beach to bring you a fireworks show 2nd to none. If you want to experience fireworks from a different perspective, check out the VIP Seating, located on the south side of the pier, first diamond, for $25 per person, this will be the best deal ever! The VIP ticket includes coffee, hot chocolate and some sweet delights. The VIP tickets can be purchased online at www.pismochamber.com or call our office at 805-773-4382….. th The Pismo Beach Chamber had its first Cash Mob June 11 at Gerald’s Olde Tyme Chocolates on Price Steet in the Landmark building. This event is for both the Chamber Members and our Community to support our local businesses. What is a Cash Mob? The Pismo Chamber organizes at a certain time and day where Directors, Ambassadors, Chamber Members and community are to converge on a local business to purchase items in their store. This does a couple of things; inject cash into the business and our local economy, plus it shows that we all are committed to helping our local businesses. The Pismo Chamber plans to schedule a Cash Mob every Month. You could be next! Also, last month was our annual car show. Congratulations to Just Cruzin for another great event. Each year the Pismo Chamber selects a car to represent our Chamber and our community, this year we chose a 1955 Chevy Bel Air convertible owned by Mark Stockwell, it’s a classic car for a classic city. Peter CHAMBER STAFF Page 7 BUSINESS OF THE MONTH — PILLOUD CHIROPRACTIC Chief Executive Officer Peter Candela peter@pismochamber.com Executive Assistant Rochelle Bento rochelle@pismochamber.com Visitor Information Center info@pismochamber.com Beth Stewart Aveda Stafford Special Assignments Tommie O’Donoghue Visitor Information Kiosk Paul Lacey Louis Montalbano April Thomas Chamber Volunteer Patrick Wilson CHAMBER AMBASSADORS Greg Baker Chief Ambassador Amerprise Financial Narlene Carter Keller Williams Realty Sean Dasmann AMS Entertainment Kathy Fissori Keller Williams Realty Brett Gibbs Cottage Inn by the Sea Arlene Gonzales-Gee Associate Member Kalie Howard Martin Resorts Robin O’Hara Keller Williams Realty Deena Peak Fidelity National Anita Showers Miss Etiquette Gary Stone Mackey & Mackey Insurance Erik Mund Pismo Lighthouse Suites Moyses Muguira Edward Jones Peter Ward Pismo Coast Village RV Resort Ryan Wilkey Arsenal Rentals www..drpilloud.com Since 1989 Dr. Pilloud has provided Chiropractic services to the residents of the Central Coast. He supplies excellent diagnosis and treatment for acute neck and back pain, migraine headaches, work and sports injuries, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Located in the Pacific Coast Plaza, Dr. Pilloud specializes in applied kinesiology—a diagnostic technique which evaluates structural, chemical and mental health through a form of muscle testing. Additionally, Dr. Pilloud is knowledgeable in nutrition, extremity adjusting, advanced acupressure techniques and meridian therapy. Apart from his professional skills, Dr. Pilloud is involved in the community as a long time member of the very popular Big Daddy’s Blues Band. The next time you require some chiropractic assistance, remember Pilloud Chiropractic for your personal health, healing and harmony. MEET A NEW CHAMBER MEMBER Pismo Pedicabs Laura Nelson Owner/Operator (805) 574-4774 www.pismopedicabs.com Looking for a safe, fun, environmentally friendly way to get around town? Try Pismo Pedicabs. Hitch a ride from area hotels, RV parks and residences to the pier, shopping, restaurants, wine tastings, weddings and community events. The Pedicab driver is friendly and eager to share knowledge of the greatest town on the Central Coast. This start up business was inspired by the need to provide people with limited mobility a method of transportation to the tourist spots of Pismo, but all comers are welcome. Normal working hours during the summer time are Saturday and Sunday, but special requests can easily be arranged by contacting Pismo Pedicabs directly. Or you can simply flag down the Pedicab when you see it cruising the city’s streets. So what are you waiting for? Try the new, fun way to get around Pismo Beach. And as a special introductory offer to “downtown” employees, Pismo Pedicabs will provide free transportation to their workplace on Pomeroy, Dolliver, or Cypress. Page 6 Page 3 The Source CHAMBER OFFICERS WELCOME NEW MEMBERS President Mike Spangler Associate Member Avila Beach Boat Charters/ Seaweed Express BLING BOUTIQUE Lee Egan Port San Luis Avila Beach, CA 93424 805 703-3170 www.avilabeachboatcharters.com Riseup.egan@gmail.com RECREATION Central Coast Public Safety Sonny Brasile 222 W. Carmen Lane, Ste 202 Santa Maria, CA 93458 805 556-4450 www.centralcoastpublicsafety.org smccps@gmail.com PROFESSIONAL SERVICES Treasurer Rick Turton Pacific Leisure Marketing Secretary Paul Jones Associate Member BEACH BOUND TRAILER RENTALS Past President Roger Wightman Sand Castle Inn CHAMBER BOARD MEMBERS Terence Concannon Dolphin Bay Resort and Spa Adrian Penichetti 1160 Price St Pismo Beach, CA 93449 805 234-7447 adruaboeb@charter.net REAL ESTATE WILKINS’ ACTION GRAPHICS VISITOR CENTER KIOSK on the PIER Walk-Ins: 956 Out of Country: 138 Phone Calls: 494 Emails: 151 Mailed Info: 875 Printed Brochures: 1430 Web Visitors 3642 Page Visitors 28,612 Mobile Device Visitors 1160 Walk-Ins: Out of Country YTD Web Visits: 16,648 YTD Page Visits: 125,497 Mike Ebinger Associate Member Dr. Robert Higginbotham Pacific Eye CHECK OUT THE PISMO BEACH CLAM J.G King King Ventures Chop Street Matt Shea 779 Price St Pismo Beach, CA 93449 805 295-6497 www.chopst.com matt@chopst.com RESTAURANTS Erica Stewart 1288 Morro St. Ste 10 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 805 541-1234 www.unitedwayslo.com estewart@unitedwayslo.org CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS EVERY VISITOR TO THE VIC AND VIK IS YOUR POTENTIAL CUSTOMER Ross Currie Splash Café Century 21 Hometown Realty United Way of San Luis Obispo County Vice President Marc Lebed Law/Disputed Solution Medicine, DPCS YOUR CHAMBER WORKING FOR YOU Ash Mehta Tastes of the Valleys Wine Bar Joseph M. Scott Social Media Solutions, Strategic Carla Soares Rabobank RICHARDSON PROPERTIES, INC. John Sorgenfrei TJA Advertising Anthony Wells Beach Walk Resort, LLC Notice The New Chamber Sign! REFERRALS Lodging: Dining: Recreation: Retail: Real Estate: Events: Wine: Camping: 499 14 VIC 202 360 737 391 36 430 168 213 TOTAL CONTACTS: TOTAL REFERRALS: Kiosk 12 77 201 45 0 134 7 17 1949 3030 Page 4 RENEWING MEMBERS American Property Service Linda McClure Ken Brokaw Realty Ken Brokaw Point San Luis Lighthouse Keepers Kristi Balzer Ameriprise Financial Services, Inc. Gregory Baker Luv 2 Camp,LLC Mark Williams Prudential California Realty Erny Pinckert Aramark Uniform Service Brad Key Madelyn’s Apparel Madelyn Koontz The Real Estate Company Sean Lee Armstrong Property Management Jim Armstrong Med Plus Medical Center Mary Souza Scotty’s Bar & Grill Scott Milstead Boardroom Surf Pub Steven Norwood Mo’s Smokehouse BBQ Nancy Snyder The Seaside Gallery Tom Burgher II Century 21 Hometown Realty Mary Ann Reiss Mullahey Ford Beth Moore SeaVenture Resort Chet Hogoboom Clark Pest Control Bill Fernandez Ocean Canyon Resort Tom Reynolds SeaVenture Restaurant Simon Kovesdi Costco Wholesale-SLO Shirlyn Marcum Old West Cinnamon Rolls Jim Parkhurst The Sky’s the Limit John and Teresa O’Neil Cottage Inn By The Sea Brett Gibbs Oxford Suites Gary Baker Steamer’s of Pismo Matt Morris Five Cities Women’s Network Mary Einkauf Ian Parkinson Sycamore Construction & Design Dan Guthrie Gas Company of Southern California Timothy Mahoney Got You Cover’d Tom Friedman Patriot Sportfishing, Inc. Wade Gavin Pilloud Chiropractic Joseph D. Pilloud, D.C. Marilee & Tony Hyman Pismo Beach Hotel Mike Frey KCOY CBS/KKFX Fox Cowles California Media Co Pismo Beach Surf & Dive Shop Bill Bookout KSBY TV 6 Rebecca Paxton Pismo Beach Veterinary Clinic Joel Conn KXTZ Aaron Criswell Pismodise Pat McCann PISMO BEACH SEGWAY TOURS PISMO PEDICABS Page 5 The Source Thai Talay Restaurant Tricia Hamachai Treasures Vacation Rentals Marian Salsbury The Tribune Bruce Ray Wolff Vineyards Jean-Pierre & Elke Wolff Zorro’s Café & Cantina Cindy Foresee CITY COUNCIL MEETING HIGHLIGHTS, June 4, 2013 Public Comment Period: Steve Reeder was introduced as the new Deputy Fire Chief. Susan Testa recognized the passing of Howard Mankins and Mark Storm. She also spoke about public outreach regarding Bello Bridge and recommended Council postpone all actions regarding Spanish Springs project. Brad Snook spoke about his concerns regarding the litter on the beach and requested the City post “No Littering” signs on the beach. Marilee Hyman encouraged citizens to participate in the US 101 corridor study. Consent Calendar was approved as presented Item 7A Approved ordinance to prohibit the igniting and launching of sky lanterns Item 8A Approved amendment to the City’s water and wastewater rate schedule for the next 5 years; and direct the City Clerk to schedule a public hearing for 8-20-13, to consider amending the water and wastewater rate schedules for the next 5 years. “MARTY’S PISMO BEACH COMMUNITY CORNER” Martin L. Meltz, Ph.D. The AIDS Support Network and the SLO Hep C Project Most people in SLO County have probably heard about HIV infection and about AIDS, and likely have a reasonable idea about how the infection is spread. Fewer people are probably aware of the dangers of Hepatitis C, its symptoms and affects, and how it is spread. Briefly about the latter, hepatitis is an infection of the liver caused by the Hepatitis C Virus; it can take years for its symptoms to appear. For more information about these life altering medical ills, go to the website of our local AIDS Support Network (www.asn.org), or that of the SLO Hep C Project (www.slohepc.org). The ASN was founded in our community in 1984. In 2000, the SLO Hep C project became a partner program of the ASN when co-infections were observed locally. The numbers of persons being served in SLO County are 177 by ASN and 286 by SLO Hep C, with 32% living in South County. The supportive services offered by the two organizations include benefits counseling, health counseling & risk reduction, physician referrals, AIDS drug assistance program (ASN specific), housing information & assistance, nutritional counseling, food pantry, emotional support / support groups, and volunteer services. Their community education services include physician and community symposiums, HIV / Hep C Positive Speakers Bureau, the Fusion Program (a prevention program for young gay men), and HIV and Hep C testing resources (in-house and referrals). The two organizations have one paid executive director and a total of 10 paid staff working across the county. Volunteers (180 in SLO County, with 15% from South County) perform both client centered services (transportation, housekeeping, shopping & food preparation, home repairs, pet care, and "Buddies") and general services (office support, staff event support, data entry, and special projects). The organizations receive federal, state, county and City of SLO funding, as well as local support from the United Way, the San Luis Obispo Community Foundation, and local hospital foundations (as well as support from Broadway Cares / Equity Fights AIDS and fundraisers). ASN and the SLO Hep C Project are always thankful for the generous support of people in our community. Many programs are sustained with the help of donations. To make a donation, to sign up to volunteer, or to find out about testing or to ask questions, please go to their websites or call (805) 781-3660 or (805) 543-4372. CHOP STREET AVILA BEACH BOAT CHARTERS
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