A Letter From Paul - Desert Heritage Church


A Letter From Paul - Desert Heritage Church
Our Mission: To live God’s grace, justice, and inclusiveness.
July 2014 Vol. 24 Is.5
A Letter From Paul
What are the essential skills that
clergy need to lead this next
generation? If we all took our turns
sharing our personal list, I’m sure it would be
varied and extensive.
Here’s a recent listing I saw of the skillset
necessary for clergy in the next 20 years:
Be entrepreneurial: that is, take risks.
Communicate Theology Effectively: with so
many diverging needs, clergy need to be able
to share core values simply yet effectively.
Have the Courage of your Convictions:
Speak up even if it means some might leave
because of your words of integrity.
Collaborate: share, listen and talk with
others on what is working and what is not.
Find Mentors: no one can nor should do it
Learn to Listen: this seems obvious, but is
especially important in a society that has lost
the meaning of civil conversation.
Inside this Issue:
News to Share from the
Sanctuary Chair…........2
Food Pantry…………...2
School Blessing………3
Address Changes…….3
Pastoral Care & Vital
Roof Fun………………..4
Splinters from the
NEW Church Email
Paul: paulw@dhcmesa.com
Liz: lizn@dhcmesa.com
Web: dhcmesa.com
Desert Heritage Staff
Pastor……..…Rev. Paul A. Whitlock
Admin. Asst………...........Liz Nelson
Pianist……….….……...Mary Wagner
Ministers…………...All our Members
“Timothy”…………Michael Whitlock
Try Humility: authority is earned over time.
Develop a Spiritual Discipline: sometimes
clergy gets so busy helping, they forget that
spiritual disciplines help them, too.
Speak to Doubt as Well as to Faith:
ironically, talking about doubt will help faith
seem more relevant.
Love the People you Serve: don’t lose sight
of the individual people in the vision for the
Funny, this list didn’t include preaching,
counseling, running a meeting, writing
newsletter articles, dealing with staff, raising
money, or administration at all.
Which of the listed qualities would you affirm?
Why? Which would you change? Again, why?
Now, can you make a top-ten list of the skillset
necessary for parishioners? How would that
differ? How would that be the same? I am
interested in your thoughts on this.
Church Board
Dan Phares….….……………..Moderator
Bob Wen………………….Vice -Moderator
Karen Kirkland…..….……...Secretary
Laurel North.....……………..Treasurer
Karen Kirkland.....................Elders
Myana Albin & Stephanie Dayton,.Co- Deacons
Pat Casey............………….At-Large
Brandon Anders...…………At-Large
Mary Thomas……………….At-Large
Ministry Chairs
Verlin Pietz…………………………...……….Property
Stephanie Dayton & Vanessa Ledesma. Fellowship
Joyce Lowe…………………..…Welcoming/Greeting
Laurel North..…………...…………….Education
Rebecca Robinaugh…………………..Outreach
Anita Joy………………………………...Worship
Our Board……………………...…..Stewardship
Mary Thomas & Wayne Manske….Peace &
Vera Smith..................................................DHW
Krystol Reece...................................Grief Team
Terry Womacks.........................Prayer Ministry
Carol Eagan.......Domestic Diva of the Kitchen
Office Hours: 9 am to 12 noon M-F
Office Phone: 480-969-5631
Paul’s Cell: 480-242-6697
The HERITAGE HERALD is published monthly.
Vol. 24 Is. 5 Webmaster: Jill Wen
News to Share from the Sanctuary Chair
Paz de Cristo Report
Great night, lots of great help. We
served 178 meals! We had several
children volunteer this month. Thanks
to Elaine, Mary & Tom, Laurel,
Michael, Nathan, Wendy, Mary W. Avril,
Brandon, Dan, Chris, Kathie, Jim & Jean,
Wayne and Jean. We served Chicken Alfredo,
salads everyone love it! Good time was had by
all! Love, Jean
If you have not had a chance to serve
now is your opportunity!
Our Next Turn to serve at Paz is
SUNDAY, July 6, from 4-7 pm
Food Donation for
the Month of
July is Helper
One of our goals in bringing food to Paz is
not just to bring whatever is leftover in our cupboards, but
supply them with what they need. Paz does food boxes
on the first and second Tuesdays of the month plus the
fourth Saturday. Just bring a piece of mail (current)
showing you have a place to live and your personal ID.
The hours are from 10 am - 2 pm.
DHW Can Drive
The Desert Heritage Women’s Group thanks
you, the Congregation for your Support, keep
it up. We have handled 71 lbs. of cans and
45 lbs. of clear plastic bottles. For that we
earned $95.80. With your help it will continue
to grow.
Where the bottles and cans are cashed in they
have some rules of what they accept. With
your help we can meet there rules and save
you and the women’s group time and effort.
The Rules are:
Only EMPTY ALUMINUM Cans –no soup
or bean etc. cans.
Plastic DRINK BOTTLES, no square food
containers or other shaped.
Plastic drink bottles are to have NO LIDS
or tops on them.
All should be EMPTY.
Thank you for your help, let’s keep our
planet clean, and benefit our
Our Food Pantry is a community pantry and
open to everyone! The pantry is located in the
room formally known as the choir room.
Our Condolences
Our Sympathy is with Terry Womacks
upon the death of his husband,
Bill Garnett on June 15. Services were
held at Desert Heritage Church.
We also have people bringing in coupons for
those of you who like to shop with coupons.
Having coupons available also helps those
donating to keep our pantry stocked.
If you are able, next time you are shopping
why not pick up a non-perishable item, or
health and beauty aid product to stock the
pantry. Take a moment and check out the
pantry…..and remember...if you are in need,
help yourself!
Blessing of the School Year,
August 3rd
It’s time for a new school year! Yes, the summer passes
quickly. Most schools in our area, including Mesa and Gilbert
Public Schools, require teachers to report the last week of July with
kids starting the first week of August. But, several year-round
districts begin in July! Wow! As you know, we are blessed with
many people who are involved in education—from students, to
teachers, to staff and administration.
On Sunday, August 3rd, during worship, we’re having a
Blessing of the School Year.
We will also be “blessing”
all the backpacks kids wear.
Kids are urged to
wear their backpacks
and we will have
a special blessing
for them.
Even if you are no longer involved in a school, you are invited to participate by
wearing your school colors, shirts, logos, to worship that Sunday. Don’t have a school team? Wear your favorite school’s shirt—
U of A,
or MCC
or whatever school you like! Be true to your school—wear your school clothing on August 3rd to worship and
help us pray for those involved in education and ask God to bless the school year.
Address Changes:
The Ledesmas
11100 N 115th St Apt 110
Scottsdale, AZ 85259
same phone numbers and emails.
Darlene Rastatter
16025 Marsal Drive
Fishers, IA 46037
same phone number
and email.
Pastoral Care Page
To be the church God calls us to be we’ve got to have a heart, a brain and some courage; sometimes we have to look at things in a new way.
If you or a loved one are entering the hospital, please take a moment and telephone the Church office at
480-969-5631 or Pastor Paul’s cell, 480-242-6697. In prayer, please remember these people and their
Verlin Pietz, Terry Womacks, Ed Hook, Terese Hovan, Bob Montgomery, Richard
Albin, Darlene Rastatter, Margie Sanders, Maynard Schneck, Paul Whitlock, Our
Timothy: Michael Whitlock, UCC Conf. Minister John Dorhauer, DOC Regional
Minister Denny Williams
The Nature of Peace
Peace is not the product of terror
or fear.
Peace is not the silence
of cemeteries.
Peace is not the result of
violent repression.
Peace is the generous, tranquil
contribution of all to the good of all.
Peace is dynamism.
Peace is generosity.
From our Peace Statement:
“No one will be denied into the full life, leadership and
ministry of the church due to color of skin, ethnic
origin, sexual orientation, gender identity and
expression, language or status.”
June 1
June 8
June 15
June 22
It is right and it is duty.
Oscar A. Romero
2014 Financials
Blue Bunny Ice Cream and
Blue Bunny Ice Cream helps make wishes
come true through the
Make-A-Wish program.
Received: $64,377.49
Expenses: $55,170.45
Budget: $57,450.00
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~
Join us! Create and send a wish card at:
For every wish card received by September 1,
2014 Blue Bunny will donate $1 to
Make-A-Wish, up to $50.00. Blue Bunny is
proud to support this foundation that helps
grant the wishes of children with
life threatening medical conditions.
Roof Fund
We have collected
We need 12,000.00
Please consider donating, you could
donate in honor, memory or in
celebration of! Any amount will help
us reach our goal and put a much
needed new roof on our building!
For more information about the
UCC, look up the website:
or go to the Southwest
Conference’s site:
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
For more information about the
Disciples of Christ, look up their
website: http://www.disciples.org
or go to the Arizona Region’s site:
Pastoral Relations Committee
The Pastoral Relations Committee
serves members of the congregation as well as
the pastor.
Please contact us to schedule a meeting
if you have any questions, concerns, or
suggestions. Any issue of a personal nature
will be kept in strictest confidence.
Krystol Reece, Chair 480-641-027
Vince Ledesma 480-277-7533
Splinters from the
Those present: Moderator, Dan Phares, Bob Wen,
Patrick Casey, Vanessa Ledesma, Stephanie
Dayton, Laurel North, Krystol Reece, Brandon
Anders, Mary Thomas, Verlin Pietz, Karen
Kirkland, and Pastor Paul.
The board has had a great year. We are deeply
grateful for Dan Phares; His leadership and vision
was inspiring!
Thank you to Bob Wen who served as vicemoderator bringing (and sometimes dragging)
us into the 21st century in thought and practice.
Karen Kirkland served as secretary faithfully
recording the events of each meeting.
Laurel North, as treasurer, made sure our bills
were paid and deposits were properly recorded.
Our thanks to Brandon Anders, Pat Casey, and
Mary Thomas who represented well a variety of
ministries within the congregation as at large
We are grateful for our ministry chairs: Verlin
Pietz, Stephanie Dayton, Vanessa Ledesma, Lynn
Shepherd, Rebecca Robinaugh, and Anita Joy.
Plus our organization secretaries that help set up,
clean up, provide emotional and humorous relief,
plus feed us: Anita Joy and Krystol Reece.
Blessings to the new board.
Prayer Support Ministry
Our prayer support ministry
lends support through prayer
for our church, our pastor,
our staff, and any other needs
of the congregation. All are
welcome to join. There are
no meetings to attend, we will
simply gather each Sunday
after worship and pray. The
congregation is invited
to join anytime.
We Need Liturgists and
Scripture Readers!!
We are looking for people
to sign up for Liturgist and
Scripture Readers for Sunday mornings.
If you are interested in being Liturgist
or Scripture Reader, please speak to
Anita Joy or contact Liz in the church
office to get your name
on our list!
Our Mission: To live God’s grace, justice, and inclusiveness.
July 2014
The Schedule for AFC is Monday to Friday 10:00am-6:00pm.
Saturday 10:00am-2:00pm
July 6:
July 13:
July 20:
July 27:
Wendy Whitlock
Nathan Whitlock
VBS Kids!
Pam Duel
July 6:
July 13:
July 20:
July 27:
Mary Whitlock
Debby Blaha
VBS Kids!
Joan Dellar &
Susan Smith
Scripture Reader
July 6:
July 13:
July 20:
July 27:
Joys and Concern
Anita Joy
Susan Churchill
VBS Kids!
Brandon Anders
July 6:
July 13:
July 20:
July 27:
Wendy Whitlock
Anita Joy
Karen Kirkland
Laurel North
Office Closed
10:00am Worship
5pm St. Max
1:00pm St. Max
4:00pm PAZ
B=Anita Joy
9:30am Called Board
10:00am Worship
Congregational Mtg.
B=David Robinaugh
B=Vince Ledesma
B=Wayne Manske
5pm St. Max
Vacation Bible School!
9:00 am-12:00 noon
1:00pm St. Max
Celebration of VBS
10:00am Worship
1:00pm St. Max
A=Gary & Nancy
5pm St. Max
5pm St. Max
July 6:
July 13:
July 20:
July 27:
A=Doug & Phyllis
5pm St. Max
10:00am Worship
1:00pm St. Max
5pm St. Max
W. Whitlock & K. Kirkland
E. & D. Phares
V. Pietz & A. Joy
L. North & W. Whitlock
Can you help provide bread? Want the recipe?
Contact the office or Myana Albin or Jill Wen.
C= Cup & Bulletins; U= Usher for Comm. & Clean Sanctuary;
July 6: C=
July 13: C=
Glenn Jetton & Pam Duel
Vince & Vanessa Ledesma
Mary Finnegan & Joyce Lowe
Nick & Niki White
July 20: C & U= Kids of VBS!
July 27: C=
David & Rebecca Robinaugh
Tom & Stephanie Dayton
Desert Heritage Church
The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
& United Church of Christ
1020 N. Horne, Mesa, AZ. 85203
e-mails: paulw@dhcmesa.com
Find us on the web: www.dhcmesa.com
9:00am Sunday School
10:00am Worship & Children’s Church
Return Address Requested
Other Stuff
Come join the fun
July 14-18 from
9:00 am-12:00 noon.
Registration forms are
available in the church
office or on Sundays!
You never know what weird
animals your gonna see!!!