April 2015 - Bay Area Snow Sports Council


April 2015 - Bay Area Snow Sports Council
A member of the Far West Ski Association
and the National Ski Council Federation,
representing 26 ski and snowboard clubs
April, 2015
Inside this issue:
President’s Mssg/Calendar of Activities
Meeting Minutes
Travel Update
Public Affairs
Industry Liaison
83rd Annual FWSA
Convention, San Diego,
10th annual Oakland
A’s F/R
BAC Officers
BAC Meetings:
7:30pm at the New Englander
San Leandro
April 13 —General Meeting
April 20 —Board Meeting
We in the Bay Area Snow Sports Council have many reasons to celebrate this last ski/board season. First and foremost . . . We Had Fun! While here in California we experienced the driest January on record and one of the driest
winters ever, there were still members of the BAC enjoying
what snow there was! Huge Complements go out to the
Ski/Board Resorts in the Greater Tahoe Area and all the
way down to Mammoth. You provided amazing conditions
Dennis Heffley
with having the minimal amount of snowfall to work with. I
know a few resorts even “farmed” their parking lots to move
snow to their lower runs! Big Thank You’s to the Groomers, Snow Making Crews and Ski Patrol who made the slopes safe for us to enjoy!
The BAC also had a large number of Travelers. You can name any major resort from the Rockies west and there were members of the BAC
carving up their snow. A number of our clubs organized their own trips.
Then there was the FWSA Ski Week to Whistler/Blackcomb and the Mini
Trip to Whitefish, Montana. The BAC also ran another fun trip to Park
City. Thank You to Chuck Henning for again being our Volunteer
Leader! The BAC also had a huge presence on the FWSA International
Ski Trip. During the 2016 Ski/Board Season we can look forward to the
Far West Ski Week in Telluride along with the Mini Trip to Crested Butte.
Then there is a great chance of a BAC Trip going to Sun Peaks, British
As a reminder, the BAC General Council Meeting for June will
be The First Monday of June!
Currently we are making plans for the Far West Ski Associations 83 rd
Annual Convention June 4 ~ 9, 2015 at The Town and Country Center in
San Diego, CA. Convention Registration and Room Reservation information has been sent to all clubs. Let me know if you need additional
details. Deadline to get the Discount Registration and Room Rates is
April, 2015
May 8, 2015!
We have clubs who’ve entered in to the Club
Recognition Categories plus individuals who
have put in applications for the Far West Safety
and Far West Environmental Awards. Best of
luck to Kat Severin (safety) and Janet Spencer
(environmental) both from our Rusty Bindings
Ski Club.
In addition to the two individuals above, The Bay
Area Snow Sports Council is very happy to have
representing us as our Council Man / Woman of
the Year at this year’s convention Michelle
Nightengale of the Modesto Ski Club and Mark
Greenberg from Rusty Bindings Ski Club.
Our 10th Annual BAC Tailgate BBQ/Oakland A’s
Baseball Game & Fireworks Show benefiting Disabled Sports USA Far West Division continues to
grow and get better! Game Date is Saturday August 22, 2015. This year we once again have
VAIL Resorts supporting this event. In addition,
we now have a Dedicated BBQ Location. It is
very close to the BART Station and the Stadium.
We also would like to say Thank You to Pam
Shelton (Modesto Ski Club) for her generous donation which allowed us to secure this Tailgating
Area! More details will soon be shared about this
exciting addition to our already amazing event!
West Ski Association. I’m very happy to share
with you what I wrote in closing my last report to
the Far West Ski Association as the BAC President . . .
“In closing . . . while I’ve made many attempts
to not be “reflective” . . . here you go! I have
had the honor and privilege of representing
The Greatest Council in the Far West Ski Association for the past eleven (11) years. Yes,
that is my opinion. I know others feel the
same about their councils as they rightfully
should. I accept your feelings! It has been
with focus, energy and caring that I’ve attended the Far West Ski Association Quarterly Meetings and Conventions. The dynamic and diverse people who have been and
currently are members of the Bay Area Snow
Sports Council and Far West Ski Association
Board of Directors and all of our Industry
Partners have taught me a great deal during
this time. I will always look back on these
years and be thankful for the gift they have
truly been.”
The Bay Area Snow Sports Council continues
moving forward in a Fun and Positive Direction
with our next BAC President Paul Vlasveld. I
encourage all of you to become part of the dynamic team either as an Elected Officer or Committee Member and share this great energy which
is The Bay Area Snow Sports Council.
During the April 13, 2015 BAC General Council
Thank You For Being The One Who Makes
Meeting we will hold the final nominations and
The Difference!
then vote for all elected offices of the Bay Area
Snow Sports Council Board of Directors. CurDennis Heffley - BAC President 2004 ~ 2015
rently we have two (2) positions without nominees. These are Secretary and Public Affairs. I
know a number of you who would be perfect for
these positions along with being a true asset during the decision making process of our BAC BOD
Meetings. Please contact myself or anyone one
else on the current Bay Area Snow Sports Council with any questions.
With things wrapping up after eleven wonderful
years of being the Bay Area Snow Sports Council
President, one of the tasks that goes along with
the office is writing a Quarterly Report to the Far
April, 2015
Calendar of Activities
(no events posted)
(no events posted)
83rd Annual FWSA Convention, San
Diego, CA
10th annual BAC Oakland A’s game/
For more info/details go to skibac.org [Calendar
of Events]
BAC Club President and
Representative Meeting
to Doug Weaver of Monterey Ski and Social
Club, at a special Monterey Club event.
The Englander – San Leandro
March 9, 2015
Officer Reports:
President Dennis Heffley called
the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.
Karen Davis
BAC Secretary
President’s Report: Dennis
Heffley – Dennis welcomed everyone in attendance. Nominations for Board officer positions
will open at this meeting.
Past President: Karen Davis – Karen noted that
FWSA Convention registrations are available
now on line. The weekend schedule is also on
line. Every club designates FWSA voting delegates, so register on line or by mail and notify
your club representative of your action.
Secretary: Karen Davis – Harry Davis moved to
accept the Feb 9, 2015 meeting minutes; secIntroductions were made all around. Dennis
requested each attendee to say where the atten- onded by Doug Weaver. The minutes were
dee has last skied or boarded. Answers included unanimously approved.
Whistler, Heavenly, Northstar, Alpine Meadows,
BAC Officer Nominations: Dennis reported that
Sierra-at-Tahoe, Park City, Jackson Hole, Alta/
Paul Vlasveld is the president-elect for BAC and
Snowbird, Mt Rose, Sugar Bowl, Aspen, and
will be the BAC president July 1.
Snowmass. Dennis was last in Aspen, having
Nominations were opened for BAC Secretary.
won the FWSA Safety Award sponsored by AsKaren
noted that the secretary records meeting
pen. The Safety Award is now sponsored by Telluride, and Aspen is sponsoring a new FWSA En- minutes and publishes them. There were no
vironment Award. These Awards offer opportuni- nominations and Harry Davis moved to close
ties to BAC club members to enter by March 20
Nominations were opened for Public Affairs
and possibly win a great Award. The Heritage
Cathy arranges the BAC Man and
Award is sponsored by Steamboat. All informaWoman of the Year program to honor club memtion is available on the FWSA website.
bers. There were no nominations and Harry
Davis moved to close nominations.
Making a Difference Award: Dennis announced the presentation of BAC’s special award Nominations were opened for CommunicaApril, 2015
can show up anytime.
BAC General Meeting
tions Director. Dennie Warren was previously
nominated and there were no further nominations. Doug Weaver moved to close nominations.
Nominations were opened for Benefits Director.
This was the discount lift ticket program. There
were no nominations. Harry Davis moved to
close nominations.
The position of Communities is appointed.
The position of Website is appointed.
Nominations were opened for Travel Director.
Veronica and Don Shaver were previously nominated. There were no further nominations. Harry
Davis moved to close nominations.
Nominations were opened for Membership Director. Paula Kinahon was previously nominated.
There were no further nominations. Harry Davis
moved to close nominations.
Nominations were opened for BAC Treasurer.
Paul manages the CST license and prepares tax
Harry Davis nominated Keith Wilson. Keith accepted the nomination. There were no further
nominations. Alan Hurley moved to close nominations.
Nominations were opened for Industry Liaison.
Norman Glickman was previously nominated and
accepted the nomination. There were no further
nominations. Harry Davis moved to close nominations.
Allan Hurley moved to close all nominations until the March 9 general meeting. Approved.
Board officer nominations will be held at the April
13 meeting, with officer elections at the April 13
general meeting and positions effective on July 1.
Public Affairs: Cathy Wilson – Cathy has arranged the Man and Woman of the Year program
for BAC. There were strong candidates from
member clubs this year. Honorees included:
Apres Ski Club – Myrna Diaz and Rich Fisher
Castro Valley Ski Club – Ray Jong and Maggie
Oakland Ski Club – Vicki Luibrand and Rich Luibrand
Modesto Ski Club – Doug Ball and Michelle
Nisei Ski Club – Karen Soo
Rusty Bindings – Mark Greenberg and Janet
San Francisco Ski Club – Igor Gouleavsky and
Risa Meyer
Snowchasers Ski Club – Keith Oatney and Karen
The BAC winner will receive reimbursement for a
standard registration for the FWSA Convention in
San Diego and a one-night stay from BAC. Winners were announced and presented with a
Communications: Dennie Warren – March
newsletter copies are available.
Benefits: Sandy Kiyomura – No report.
Communities: Harry Davis – (1) Let Harry know
about charities and community services that your
club supports. He will send the list of organizaPRESENTATION by Kat Severin – UV Protec- tions to FWSA. (2) The BAC A’s game will be
Aug 22. Make it a club event. BAC has reserved
Protect your eyes! There are four eye conditions 225 seats and this event is a fundraiser for
to consider. (1) Skin cancers – basil cell carciDSUSA/Far West. BAC sent $1200 to DSUSA/
noma or malignant melanoma. (2) Pterygium or Far West last year. More information will be
fatty tissue. (3) Cataract or clouded lens. (4)
available soon. Dennis is negotiating a time to
Macular degeneration or loss of central vision.
have the gates open for our group. Location is
The highest UV exposure is usually between 10 being negotiated, since a special area for a large
am and 2 pm. Transition adaptive technology in group costs $250. Pam Shelton State Farm Ingoggles is available and may be the best thing to surance of Modesto offered a sponsorship of
protect your eyes. Check with your doctor about $250 to cover this cost. If a negotiation reduces
any ski lesion. Sun damage from many years
the cost, the difference will be donated to
April, 2015
BAC General Meeting
lated subjects and will be discussed at future
BAC meetings.
DSUSA/Far West. Excellent! Vail will again support this event with vigor. Tickets are $32 per
person. BAC will have two sections on the 3 rd
base side. Fireworks can be viewed from your
seat. The BBQ cost is $14 per person. Game
time is 6:05 pm. Haakon Lang-Ree of DSUSA/
Far West has been invited. The deadline to purchase tickets is July 22 or earlier if the tickets
have been sold out.
Upcoming Events:
83rd Annual Far West Convention – June 4-7,
2015, Town & Country Resort, San Diego CA
Travel: Don and Veronica Shaver – (1) The
FWSA Whitefish trip is available. This is a good
destination for anyone troubled with altitude.
Use Alaska Air out of Oakland $546 RT or Delta
out of SF $379 RT. The summit at Whitefish is
6,817’ and the village is at ~5,000’; (2) In 2016,
the FWSA Ski Week will be to Telluride and the
mini-week will be to Crested Butte. BAC may
plan a week to Sun Peaks, Canada.
* * * 2015 is the Bay Area Snow Sports
Council 75th Anniversary Year * * *
Upcoming Meetings:
Next General Meetings – April 13, 2015 - 7:30
PM at The Englander
Next BAC Board Meeting – March 16, 2015 7:30PM at The Englander
Guest Speaker:
The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 PM by Dennis Heffley, BAC President.
Respectfully submitted, Karen Davis, Secretary
Membership: Paula Kinahon – This is the time
of year when club officers may be changing.
Send updated club information to BAC as
changes are made.
Treasurer: Paul Vlasveld – Paul reported that
BAC’s revenue is primarily from WinterFest,
travel, and club membership of $75 per club annually. Financial year is July 1 – June 30.
We are writing to you this
month from Nice, France,
on the beautiful Côte d’Azur, on the French Riviera,
Industry Liaison: Norman Glickman – (1) Norm the final stop on this year’s
reported several resorts are not operating at this FWSA International trip.
Veronica & Don Shaver
time but rather are waiting for snowfall. (2) Mam- Nice overlooks the light
Travel Directors
moth plans to buy Snow Summit and Big Bear.
Azure waters of the Medi(3) The National Ski Club newsletter has some
terranean Sea. Our hotel is on the beach along
good articles. (4) See his article in the BAC
the Promenade des Anglais, the busy hotel-lined
road that follows along the coast. During the past
week, we have toured lovely Monaco, the miniaFWRA Championships - Mammoth, March 27- ture kingdom on the border between France and
29, discounted rates are 3/23-3/28 – Call 1-800- Italy; Cannes, the town famous for the annual film
MAMMOTH. Further information is available on festival; the lavender fields and wineries of
the meeting agenda and from Racing chairperProvence; the medieval walled towns of Eze and
Saint Paul de Vence; as well as the cities of Aix
Singles League “Racey Affair” is March 21, at en Provence, Antibes, and Nice. We have seen
Jakes By The Lake – all are invited!
more Picasso, Chagall, Cézanne, and Matisse
paintings than we ever knew existed, and more
Future Agenda Item – Protect Our Winters and fountains than most people see in a lifetime. It
the Mountain Collective. These are weather re- has been an exhausting and exhilarating week.
April, 2015
Contact Veronica and Don Shaver at veronicaanddon.bactravel@gmail.com.
BAC General Meeting
Just last week we were skiing in Val
So don’t delay. If you wait to choose a
d’sere. With excellent snow and beautiful sundestination, you’ll only be that much older when
shine, it was a banner week of skiing. Val d’sere you do go!
is a huge ski resort covering a vast area, famous
as the home of Jean Claude Killy. It was also
home to the Winter Olympics in 1992. It boasts
more than 186 miles of trails and 94 lifts. The
quaint French Alpine village at the center of the
resort is at about 6,000 feet, and the highest lift,
the Grand Motte, is over 11,000 feet. The town
comes alive at night with special events, friendly
pubs, and electronic dance clubs. Of course, we
spent the days skiing until our legs turned to jello,
so we had no energy left for the night life.
Are you just a little envious? Well, you
don’t have to be, because FWSA is going back to
the Alps next year in March, but this time it will be
the Dolomites, part of the Italian Alps, and the
beautiful ski resort town of Cortina, Italy. It promises to be equally satisfying and just as scenic,
so now is the time to start planning! We’ll keep
you updated on the details, or you can email
Debbie Stewart directly at
fwsaintltrvl@prodigy.net. Details are also available on the Far West website at www.fwsa.org.
Don’t forget about the other travel opportunities coming up this year. The 6th annual dive
trip takes off September 26 through October 3rd
at the Plaza Beach Resort in Bonaire. Randy
Lewis always insures a good time for all in the
crystal blue Caribbean waters. And if you would
rather stay on top of the water rather than down
with the fishes, there is the New Orleans Mississippi River Boat Cruise coming up June 19 to 25.
You’ll visit fine Southern mansions and plantations from the past; tour the swamps; and maybe
even have a chance to cast a voodoo spell on
someone of your choosing.
Next year’s annual North American ski trip
promises to be an outstanding adventure- Telluride, Colorado, January 30 to February 6. Registration opens April 1, 2015, do don’t delay getting
your trip application in- rooms will certainly go
fast, and once they are sold out, they are gone.
April, 2015
BAC General Meeting
And, last but not least, bring back valuable information to your club – hear some great keynote
speakers such as Craig Broussard, digital marBAC Public Affairs Reketing and social media expert; Billy Kidd, former
Olympian; and Chuck Morse, expert in ski area
By Cathy Wilson, BAC Public
development, management and civic action. AtAffairs
tend the Public Affairs council and hear about
the latest in the ski industry and, most imporHave You Registered Yet for
tantly, attend the Snowsports Leadership AcadCathy Wilson
the Annual FWSA 2015 Conemy. Learn about the latest in ski equipment
Public Affairs
technology and increase your social media
savvy. If you want to grow your club, you need
The early deadline for registration is fast apto become active in social media and this sesproaching – just a month away! Register by May sion will help you do it!
8, and save over $30!
The 2015 Far West Ski Association Convention
is being held from June 4-7, in beautiful San
Diego, CA. Register now online at
Photo by Doug Miller, from last year’s great
session on boot fitting and ski technology.
And don’t forget to submit your club Communications Award Forms for Best Club, Web-Site
and Newsletter on www.fwsa.org!
Several unique optional events are offered –
have a sunset dinner and drinks aboard the USS
Midway, a real aircraft carrier, now permanently
docked in San Diego Harbor; visit the famous
San Diego Zoo or the sea lions on a “duck” tour;
or get some exercise by kayaking La Jolla Cove
or biking Mission Bay!
And if that isn’t enough for you, then protect
yourself against the snow drought in California
by grabbing some great vacation deals at the
Friday night auction! I did last year and got to
ski the snowy slopes of Mt. Bachelor and Sun
Peaks, BC this year!
What are the Tahoe Ski Areas doing to Survive
One of the Hottest Winters on Record?
Yes, we are in trouble – the snowpack is once
again pretty non-existent and drought is staring
at us again! Gear up for another year of water
conservation and make it your mantra! Be glad
you are not a ski area and faced with your actual
survival. Jobs, housing prices, and the environment are all at risk. So, what are the Tahoe Ski
Areas going to do?
If you are a small area, then, not much – many
have already “given up the ghost” and closed!
But if you are a large area, such as Heavenly,
Northstar, Squaw, and you have a big corporation behind you, you may still be clinging to life
and you may still have hope.
Heavenly, for example, is still open and has invested heavily in high tech snow equipment with
April, 2015
BAC CLUBS with Charity and Community Service Involvements – 2015
BAC General Meeting
over 200 guns to blow the frosty stuff. Per a recent article released by FWSA, Heavenly can
cover 73% of its terrain and, if it’s cold enough,
generate a foot of snow overnight. Snowmaking
is almost a zero sum game – water in, water out
– it flows back to the ground making it much less
harmful than almost any other water usage –
farm irrigation, landscaping, home use, etc. And,
the new equipment is very energy efficient, at
least at cold temperatures. Although many areas
are investing heavily in sustainable practices and
advanced technology, the worry is that, with the
rise in temperatures world wide, more guns and
more energy use will be required and even that
may not be enough!
Lest you think only Tahoe is being affected,
please note that this is a global problem. The average February temperatures at the 19 cities who
have hosted the Winter Olympics are now 44%
(YES 44%) higher than in the 1920’s.
So, if trying to generate snow is an uncertain effort, what else can be done to get skier/boarder
days secured and at least some revenue flowing
in. Squaw, also still open, has come up with a
creative economic way to get snow sports enthusiasts invested in their mountain. If you had a
season pass (or two) this year as I did and only
skied 4 days locally, you’ll like their approach.
Next year, if you buy a Gold or Silver pass for the
2015/2016 season by May 7 and only ski/ride 5
days or less, you will get a credit of up to $400
toward your 2016-2017 pass.
So, hedge your bets, buy your pass, attend the
FWSA convention auction for great ski/board
deals and PRAY for SNOW (or do your crazy
snow dance!) Here’s hoping ….
Castro Valley Ski Club
DSUSA Far West
Modesto Ski Club
Society for Handicapped
Nisei Ski Club
Mountain View Obon Festival (benefits various participating
charitable recipients)
Rusty Bindings Ski Club
DSUSA Far West
Putnam Club of Concord
Wee Care
Diablo Bowmans
Fallen Heroes
Wounded Warriors
Santa Cruz Snow Sports Club
She Is Beautiful 10K, raising funds for the Unravel pediatric
cancer advocacy group.
Snowchasers Ski Club
DSUSA Far West
Far West Ski Foundation
Snow Drifters Ski Club
San Jose Bike Clinic
San Jose Mountain Bikers
San Jose Flycasters
Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Southbay Ski Club
DSUSA Far West
Monterey Ski & Social Club
Another busy year for MSSC's involvement in the community.
Volunteered for:
Sea Otter Bike Classic
Laguna Seca Moto GT Races
Pebble Beach Food and Wine event
AT&T Pebble Beach Pro AM
Community Holiday Dinner for disadvantaged
Contributed between $250 and $300 to:
GIRLS Inc support group
Monterey Food Bank
Community Holiday Dinner
Disabled Sports USA - Tahoe Division
The Sabu Shake Salvation Army Fund
The Adobe at The House of the Four Winds
The Kinship Center
Peace of Mind Dog Rescue
Interfaith Homeless Emergency Living Program
Harry Davis, Communities
April, 2015
BAC General Meeting
Hello snow sports fans: The
season is coming to a rapid
conclusion in some parts of
the country, including the Sierra Nevada's. On April 5,
Alpine Meadows will join the
list of resorts that have alNorman Glickman
ready closed, which includes
Industry Liaison
several major ones which
you all frequently ski and ride: Sugar Bowl, Sierra at
Tahoe, Diamond Peak, Dodge Ridge, Homewood,
etc., etc. Squaw Valley and Bear Valley have announced they will close on Sunday, April 12.
Several resorts have announced season pass pricing
for the 2015-16 season.
Bear Valley is introducing the Forever Pass. Purchase a 2015-16 unlimited unrestricted pass by
4/30/15 and you lock in the pass price for the 2016-17
and subsequent seasons as long as you renew for
consecutive seasons by the deadline. A special feature of the Forever Pass is: If you move into another
age group while you own a Forever Pass you will renew at the 2015/16 Forever Pass pricing for that age
Squaw Valley /Alpine Meadows: If you purchase a
2015-16 Gold or Silver Tahoe Super Pass by May 7,
depending on how early you purchase it, you could
ski free for whatever is left of this season and all of
next season. Plus, if you don't ski or ride at least 5
days on your 2015-16 Tahoe Super Pass, you will be
credited with up to 4 days (That translates to a savings of up to $400) towards purchase of a 2016-17
Tahoe Super Pass. Also, for the remainder of this
season, Alpine Meadows/ Squaw Valley is offering a
daily lift ticket for $39 to anyone who shows a 201415 season pass from another resort. The Gold
Passes include: Unlimited access to Squaw Valley/
Alpine Meadows, 4 days at Sierra-at-Tahoe & Sugar
Bowl (restrictions apply), and 50% off Mountain Collective resorts, plus 2 free days at Zermatt, Switzerland. Silver Passes have holiday restrictions and
fewer days at Sugar Bowl and Sierra at Tahoe and do
not include discounted days at Collective resorts or
free days at Zermatt.
Going forward, Sugar Bowl announced that this roll
over credit policy will also apply to the future purchase
of 2016-17 passes. 2015-16 passes are priced at the
same rates as last year’s early-season prices.
MOUNTAIN COLLECTIVE passes are on sale for the
2015-16 season. Pass holders will receive 2 unrestricted days at each Collective destination: Alta/
Snowbird, Aspen/Snowmass, Jackson Hole, Mammoth, Ski Banff-Lake Louise-Sunshine, Squaw Valley/
Alpine Meadows, Sun Valley, Whistler/ Blackcomb
plus 50% off all additional days at The Collective destinations. An additional benefit for passholders is 2
days at Valle Nevado in Chile (only valid for Summer
2015). Plus a complimentary 1-year “Protect Our
Winters” membership is included. A third day is available at any Collective resort chosen by the purchaser
if the pass is purchased by 4/30/15. Current pricing:
Adults: $369*, Children (12 and under): $99
EPIC PASS: The full EPIC PASS for 2015-16 includes Unlimited access to Perisher in Australia;
(Perisher is not available on the 2014-15 Epic Pass),
Vail, Beaver Creek, Breckenridge, Keystone and
Arapahoe Basin in Colorado; Park City and Canyons
in Utah; Heavenly, Northstar and Kirkwood in Lake
Tahoe, California; Afton Alps, Minnesota and Mt.
Brighton, Michigan - No Blackout Dates. Available for
Adult (ages 13+) and Child (aged 5-12.) Go to
“snow.com” for a complete description of the available
passes and pricing. If purchased by 4/12/15, you will
have 6 discounted buddy tickets loaded on your pass.
You can purchase with $49 down now, and pay the
balance in September.
BOREAL MOUNTAIN RESORT: They are boasting 190
inches of snowfall this season, and they are still open.
They have many season pass combinations available for
the 2015-16 season. Go to their website to see all the possibilities. You can ride for only $19 with your valid 2014-15
season pass from another ski resort. Bring your other ski
resort season pass to Mountain Services. You can apply
the cost of a daily lift ticket you purchased toward the purchase of a 2015-16 season pass. The season pass purchase must be done the same day you used the lift ticket.
MT ROSE: They are planning to remain open thru April 19.
They are having an end of season pass sale for next season. They only offer 3 age level pricing categories: Child:
6–15 ($189), young adult: 16–23 ($309), and adult: 24-99+
($399). Mid week (holidays included) any age: $309.
Those prices are good only thru 4/18.
Sugar Bowl: If you were only able to ski or ride for 4
or fewer days on your season pass this past season, That’s all for now. Let me know what you would like to see
you can receive rollover credit toward the purchase of covered in future Industry Liaison write-ups.
a 2015/16 season pass, if purchased by June 1st,
2015. The amount of credit is determined by the
number of days the 2014-15 pass was actually used.
April, 2015
In anticipation of outdoor parties, potlucks and camping events, I want to remind everyone of our
responsibility to our sensitive environment. As a club you can reduce your impact on landfill and
pollution by following the 3 R’s; Recycle, Reduce and Re-use.
1) Look for the recycling receptacles at the park or event location. If there are none,
take home your bottles or cans to recycle at home.
2) Recycle at home. Check with your garbage service and maximize your recycling.
Some refuse companies allow kitchen garbage to be placed in their green bins,
the ones that you place garden clippings in. Some companies provide a
bucket for your kitchen.
3) Make sure all of that junk mail and those news flyers make it into your recycle bin.
1) Bring your own picnic utensils, cups and plates to the summer BBQ’s in the park
so that we toss less garbage in the cans.
2) Bring the dish you want to share in a container that is re-usable.
3) Use a re-usable water bottle instead of buying water in bottles. Do you realize
that Americans spend more per gallon for water than they do for gas?
4) On camping trips, bring your own plastic wine glass, recycle your beverage con
tainers, and bring your eating ware which can be washed at each meal.
5) I have researched compostable dinner ware. If your club provides these items at
events, purchase the plates, eating utensils and cups that will degrade in the
landfill. Costco sells these items in bulk, or you can order smaller batches
from online businesses.
1) Follow the Reduce suggestions on re-using eating utensils and plates.
2) Use cloth napkins instead of paper. A light weight dish towel makes a great picnic
3) Use bar towels instead of paper towels to clean up spills.
4) Shop for clothing and household items at consignment stores. When you clean
out your closets and drawers, donate items so that someone else may benefit
from your throw-aways.
5) And probably the most obvious habit we have adopted is to bring our own bags
while shopping. I especially like the ones that stuff into their own 2”x3” bag so
that I can put it into my purse or backpack.
Lastly, if you are in a leadership position, schedule a meeting where you display water bottles, the
compostable dinner ware, cloth napkins, and unbreakable wine glasses. Better yet, provide these
items as raffle prizes. The earth benefits from each small change we make in our non-disposable
Janet Spencer
Rusty Bindings Singles Ski Club
Bay Area Sports Council
April, 2015
April, 2015
April, 2015
Board of Directors
Committee Directors
League Officers
Website/Phone Numbers
BAC Web Site
BAC Newsletter email
April, 2015
Singles League Racing
Open League Racing
Far West Ski—Association
Far West Ski—Racing
Web Cams on the Slopes
Road conditions
800-427-7623 or skibac.org
Natl Ski Council Fed
Ski with Pride, Let it Ride, Watch all Sides
First with Safety Awareness
Slogan sponsored by
Bay Area Council of Ski Clubs
PO Box 6480
San Jose, CA 95150
BAC meets the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the Englander
Restaurant, 101 Parrot Street, San Leandro, CA (510) 357-3571
April, 2015