The The - Markesan FFA Alumni


The The - Markesan FFA Alumni
Markesan FFA Alumni
President Andrew Trotz
Markesan FFA
Advisor Jill Jones
To join, contact Mrs. Jill Jones at 920.398.4232
or at
Membership is open to anyone, grade 7
and above, who have a passion for agriculture and becoming an active member
of our local community, and at the state
and national level.
Alumni Membership is open to anyone who
supports FFA. As a member, you will take an
active part in building your community at the
local, state and national level.
FFA Benefits Include:
-Making new friends
-Becoming a leader
-Earning money, scholarships, and awards
-Being a part of a team
-Having fun
-Making positive choices
-Targeting career success
-Serving your community
-Outstanding conferences/conventions
Your commitment helps ensure the continued
success of America’s premier youth leadership organization.
Markesan FFA and FFA Alumni Present...
The Alumni strives to be Wisconsin’s premier
agricultural education advocate through FFA
alumni support in every community.
Our diverse, positive, community-committed
organization provides resources to support
youth development and leadership.
Markesan FFA
100 E. Vista Blvd.
P.O. Box 248
Markesan, WI 53946
In this issue...
-March Meeting Minutes
-FFA Alumni Spotlight
-Inaugural Consignment Auction, April 16
-Farm Service Agency Dinner, April 20
-Upcoming Events, including FFA Brewer Outing
-Wisconsin Pork Association & Wisconsin Livestock
Breeder’s Association announcements
FFA makes a positive difference in the lives of students by
developing their potential for
premier leadership, personal growth, and career success
through agricultural education.
The Leader - A Markesan FFA Alumni Publication
A Markesan FFA Alumni Publication
2011 Alumni Toy Show, March 6
The Markesan FFA & FFA Alumni would like to THANK the
sponsors of the 2011 Alumni Toy Show
for their continual support!
Markesan Auto, Home and Farm
Priebe Implement, Ripon
Everett Kuester
Landmark Cooperative
Fairwater Feed and Supply
John Merfeld
Hagen Chiropractic
Ethan and Lynn Hagen Family
United Cooperative
Wayside Restaurant
Harland Hilke Trucking
Harley's Custom Woodworking
Joe Meyer
Bohn Implement
Sue Prochnow
Redeker Dairy
Markesan BP
American Toys, Paul & Lynne Stage
Schreiber's Store, Dale and Georgia Schreiber
Mike's Farm Toys
Arnie and Barb Dahlke
Vita Plus, Columbus
F.E. VonderSump
Monte's Video and Game
Mid-State Equipment, Matt Graff
Farmer Grahn
Jon Laper
R & M Motors
R.J. Hupf Trucking
Farmers State Bank
VandeBrink Construction
An update from the Markesan FFA...
peaking contests, CDE’s,
and the FFA Alumni Toy
Show have kept the Markesan FFA Chapter very busy for
the past month.
We were very successful in
our speaking contests at the
District competition. We had
students competing in Parliamentary Procedure, Middle
School Quiz Bowl, Extemporaneous, Prepared, Discussion
Meet, Creed, and Job
We took home
several awards and were
able to compete at the Sectional level for Parli-Pro, Quiz
Bowl, Extemporaneous, and
Job Interview.
We also did well at sectionals
but unfortunately none of our
teams will be going to state.
There’s always next year
though for our juniors and
younger, which is a majority
of the teams! Speaking contests are always fun because
there is something for everyone. We get to compete and
do our very best.
Career Development Events’s
(CDEs) are also a great way
to encourage friendly competition within the FFA. Career Development Events
cover job skills in everything
from communications to mechanics. Some events allow
students to
compete as individuals, while
others allow them to compete
in teams. They involve tests
about each area, but more
hands on work from welding
to tasting cheeses and milk.
They are a great way to learn
about the different types of
agriculture and show off your
skills. It’s a very exciting time
for our chapter.
The Toy Show went very well
this year. We had a great turnout, and we would like to say
thanks to the whole community for making it the success
that it was!
March FFA Alumni Meeting Minutes
he meeting was called to
order at 8:00 p.m. Treasurer’s report was given by Jim
Prochnow. It was seconded
and approved. Old Business:
a check was given to put into
the Mark Wilke fund from this
year’s pool tournament. Donkey baskeball was a success.
New Business: Toy Show;
FFA Consignment Auction
on April 16; scholarship recipients; newletter submission
dates; and March 12 concession stand.
Election of officers was held
with a motion and passed to
keep the same officers. President Andrew Trotz; VP Adam
Burk and Matt Mace; Secretary Marty Griepentrog; and
Treasurer Jim Prochnow. The
next meeting will be Friday,
April 29 at Leahy’s to select
2011 scholarship winners.
Free Meal with Farm Service Agency
he Markesan FFA and FFA Alumni are sponsoring a free dinner for anyone who is interested
in hearing about what the Farm Service Agency (FSA) can do to assist you! Randy Kunsman
and Ray Falkner of the Farm Service Agency will be the keynote speakers.
When: Wednesday, April 20, beginning at 7:30 p.m.
Where: Lantern’s in Markesan
Please RSVP to Mrs. Jones at 920-398-4232 by Monday, April 18.
Hope to see you there!
WI Pork Association offers
directory for swine exhibitors
Markesan FFA Plant Sale
The Markesan FFA will be hosting their annual plant sale
on Saturday, May 14 from 9:00 a.m. to 11 a.m.
by the Markesan Public Library.
he Wisconsin Pork Association will soon have available the “Buy Wisconsin First” Swine Directory. This directory features Wisconsin seed stock and show pig producers. The directory was printed to highlight the top quality show pigs and breeding stock available across
the state. Copies of the directory can be received by calling the WPA office at 1-800-8227675 or emailing In addition, the directory can be viewed online on
the WPA web page at
Large assortment of plants!
$1.50 for 4” pots
$15 for Hanging Baskets
2011 FFA Awards Banquet set for May 13
Wisconsin Livestock Breeder’s Association
T-shirt Design Contest
Those wishing to attend must submit their reservation and payment by May 6. Reservations can be directed to or 920-398-4232.
re you a creative livestock enthusiast who would like to help promote the Wisconsin Livestock Breeders Association (WLBA) and the livestock industry in Wisconsin? The WLBA's
2nd Annual T-shirt Design Contest may be for you! Each year the WLBA features a new t-shirt
design with the WLBA logo on the front and a new theme related to showing livestock on the
back. The WLBA is asking for your help to come up with the 2011 theme and design for the
back of the t-shirt.
The winning designer will receive a $25 cash award and a free t-shirt with your design! An
entry form and contest details can be found on the WLBA website at Entry deadline is May 1.
WI FFA Alumni plans Annual Brewer
Outing, set for July 10
he Markesan FFA officer team invites YOU to the 2011 FFA Banquet. The banquet will
be held on Friday, May 13 in the Markesan High School Cafeteria, with the meal beginning at 7:00 p.m. Cost is $5.00.
Wisconsin Livestock Breeder’s Association
2011 Youth Events
*Reprinted with permission from the WI Livestock Breeder’s Association.
he Wisconsin Livestock Breeders Association's 31st Annual Spring Preview Show will be held
on June 11th, 2011 at the Jefferson Fair Park, Jefferson, WI. Entries must be postmarked by
May 1st. Exhibitors age 8-19 by January 1st, 2011 in the beef, sheep and swine projects are
eligible to exhibit.
Junior livestock exhibitors and their families interested in gaining knowledge of the livestock industry, expanding project management skills, and learning new fitting and showing
techniques, should consider adding the 13th Wisconsin Junior Livestock Camp to your calendar of summer events! This year's camp is scheduled for June 17-19th and will be held at
Wisconsin State Fair Park. New this year; family friendly reduced rates! Out-of-state campers
are welcome. Registration deadline is May 15th.
WLBA’s newest event the “Wisconsin Summer Spectacular” will be held in Wausau on
August 19-20th at the Marathon County Fairgrounds. Following the format of the popular
Spring Preview Show, the Summer Spectacular will offer youth one last chance before the
start of school to exhibit their livestock projects and participate in an educational quiz bowl
and judging contest. Entries for this show must be postmarked by July 31st.
2011 Master Stockman Award applications will be accepted at both the Spring Preview
and Summer Spectacular Shows. Three $750.00 Master Stockman awards within the beef,
sheep and swine species will be chosen as well as (3) $500.00 runner-ups.
Cost is $32 and includes the game ticket and the tailgate. Lunch will include 2 hotdogs or
brats, chips, and soda. All ticket orders must be into the WI FFA Alumni Association,
c/o Regina Oldendorf, N29452 Brekke Ridge Road, Blair, WI 54616, by May 1.
Entry information and applications for all events, as well as 2011 Master Stockman Award
applications can be found on the WLBA website at or
by contacting Executive Director Jill Alf at 608/868-2505 or
he Wisconsin FFA Alumni Association has ordered 250 tickets for the annual Alumni Brewers
Outing! This year’s game is on July 10 at 1:10 pm against Cincinnati.
Alumni Member and
Past State FFA Officer
graduates from UW-Platteville
hat this individual
is most passionate about is agriculture
and education. That’s
why Brad Krueger, FFA
Alumni member and
past Section Six Wisconsin State FFA Officer, chose to go into
Agriculture Education.
Krueger graduated
from UW-Platteville in
December 2010 with
the honor of Magna
Cum Laude. When
asked why he chose
Ag. Ed, he stated,
“When I began at UWP
four years ago, I wanted a degree with flexibility. I did not exactly
know where careers
would be available
when I graduated, so
having a degree with
some agronomy, business, livestock, and mechanics background
allowed for numerous
opportunities. Throughout my FFA career, I
and the degree of Ag.
Ed. fit me well.”
Krueger is currently
finishing up his student
teaching experiences
and finds that his time
in FFA, both in High
school and at the
collegiate and State
FFA levels, have
been the foundation
and building blocks
of his future.
“The most rewarding part of teaching
is definitely seeing
the ‘ah-ha’
moments with students. It is rewarding to be a part of
students’ achievements, to get to
know the students’
backgrounds, and
learn from their experiential learning,”
said Krueger.
As with many things,
the biggest challenges can have
the biggest rewards.
Overall, State Office
was a life-changing
experience that I will
forever treasure and
look back on with no
After completing
his student teaching,
Krueger plans on returning to the family
farm. However, he
remains an active
member of the FFA
Alumni and enjoys
assisting at State FFA
events. He is also a
“Living with Passion, member of the
Serving with Pride: Professional
Dairy Producers
FFA members have of Wisconsin
passion and pride (PDPW), which is
for feeding the world one of the
through agriculture.” many ways
he plans on con“As I look on my ex- tinuing his educaperiences within the tion. To sum up his
FFA, State FFA Office own passion of the
is by far the best ex- FFA and agriculture,
perience of my life.
he states, “Living
It was a very chalwith Passion, Servlenging year, with
ing with Pride: FFA
many miles logged, members have pasmany workshops
sionaand pride for
planned, and many feeding the world
names to remember. through agriculture.”
Markesan FFA - Issue 3 - Spring 2011
FFA Inaugural Consignment
Auction set for April 16
he Markesan FFA will be sponsoring the inaugural consignment auction on Saturday,
April 16, beginning at 9:30 a.m. at 283 W. Caroline Street, Markesan, WI 53946 (Previously
Ballweg Implement of Markesan).
Lunch will be provided by the Markesan FFA Alumni. Individuals may view items on Friday,
April 15 from 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. The auction will be held rain or shine. Restrooms are available on site. The use of the auction site has been donated by Ballweg Implement of Waupun & Beaver Dam.
Items to be expected at auction: Tractors, skid loaders, misc. Machinery and farm-related
items, hand and power tools, trailers, ATVs, boats, snowmobiles, and more. For more information, visit
To consign an item, contact a Markesan FFA member or call Hamele Auction Service LLC
for consignment terms (no vehicles). ***CONSIGNMENTS WANTED***
Terms/Conditions: Payment of cash or bankable check, Visa/Discover/Master Card
accepted with a 3% convenience fee on all credit card payments. Sales tax applies to
snowmobiles, ATVs, boats, trailers, and/or titled items. There will be a $35 fee for all returned
checks. Photo ID required. Full settlement made day of sale. Sale day selections and statements take precedence over written material. All items are sold AS IS in present condition.
Not responsible for accidents or items after sale.
Wis. Reg. Auctioneers: United Country Hamele Auction & Realty of Portage, WI, 608-7425000. Larry Hamele #510, Briggsville 608-981-2690; Travis Hamele#2224-052, Pardeeville, 608697-3349; Terry Dixon #200, Endeavor
For more information or questions, contact Travis Hamele at
or 608-697-3349 or Marty Griepentrog at or 608-617-9924.
Hope to see you all there!
Upcoming Events
(S) April 16: FFA Consignment Auction, 283 W. Caroline Street, Markesan, 9:30 a.m.
(W) April 20: FSA Dinner, Lantern’s in Markesan, 7:30 p.m.
(F) April 29: FFA Alumni Meeting, Leahy’s, 7:30 p.m.
(F) May 13: FFA Banquet, Markesan HS, 7:00 p.m.
(S) May 14: FFA Plant Sale, outside Markesan Public Library, 9:00 a.m.