933-3365 - St. Basil the Great Parish
933-3365 - St. Basil the Great Parish
June 9 2013 St. Basil the Great Parish 2300 Kimberton Rd., P.O. Box 637, Kimberton, PA 19442-0637 http://www.StBasils.org Rev. Gary T. Pacitti, M.Div. - Pastor Very Rev. Richard S. Wyzykiewicz, Sch.P. - Sunday Helper St. Basil’s Parish Office Tel. 610-933-2110 * Fax 610-933-0627 Church@StBasils.org Office hours: Monday through Thursday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM E-mail Bulletin articles (only) to: Bulletin@StBasils.org St. Basil the Great School Mrs. Mary Cronin - Principal Pre-K, K, Grades 1-8 Tel. 610-933-2453 * Fax 610-933-7590 * Principal@StBasils.org School closing numbers: SBG (#272), PASD (#856) Director of Religious Education Mrs. Erin Gauntner Tel. 610-935-1261 * Fax 610-933-7590 * DRE@StBasils.org Please contact the Director of Religious Education to make arrangements to attend R.C.I.A., to arrange Baptisms, Baptismal Preparation Classes, or PREP. FOLLOW US ON www.Facebook.com/StBasiltheGreat MASS SCHEDULE Saturday: 5:00 PM Sunday: 8:30 & 11:00 AM Weekday: 8:45 AM Holy Days: Vigil - 7:00 PM Day of - 8:45 AM & 7:00 PM Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 9, 2013 Parish Information MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: Sunday: Weekday: Holy Days: 5:00 PM 8:30 & 11:00 AM 8:45 AM Vigil - 7:00 PM Day of - 8:45 AM & 7:00 PM Children’s Liturgy: During the 8:30 AM Sunday Mass, September through June. Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament REGISTRATION FOR NEW FAMILIES St. Basil’s Parish welcomes those families within our boundaries who wish to register, as well as parishioners of Holy Trinity and Sacred Heart who are looking for a new spiritual home. Registration forms are available on our Parish website, www.StBasils.org, or in the back of the Church. BULLETIN SUBMISSIONS Email to Bulletin@StBasils.org by midnight on the Sunday before you would like it to appear. Tuesdays in the Chapel from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM Parish Religious Education Program (PREP) Sundays 9:30 to 10:45 AM in the school (September - May) R.C.I.A. (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) September - May Thursdays - 7 PM in the lower level of the school SACRAMENTS Sacrament of Penance - In the Chapel on Saturdays from 4:00-4:30 PM, or by appointment. Sacrament of Baptism - Congratulations! In co-operation with God’s creative love, you have given your child breath and now you wish to give them Real Life through the sacrament of Baptism. You will be your child’s first teacher in the ways of the Faith. To help you prepare for this responsibility, you are expected to participate in a Baptismal Preparation Class. Pre-Jordan Baptismal Preparation Classes are held on the 4th Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM in the school —Prior registration required. Baptisms are the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month by prior arrangement. Please contact our Director of Religious Education. Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick - Please notify the Parish Office when a relative is sick or hospitalized. The sacraments of Penance, Eucharist and Anointing of the Sick are a joy and privilege to administer. If you know you are going to the hospital for surgery, please notify Fr. Gary and he will be glad to Anoint you after Mass. Sacrament of Marriage - The love between a husband and wife images for us the love of Christ and his church. What a powerful and awesome thing is the call to the sacrament of Marriage! To assist couples to enter this sacrament, the Archdiocese of Philadelphia requires at least six months of formation prior to the reception of the sacrament. Please call the Parish Office to make an appointment to see Fr. Gary to begin your sacramental preparation. Congratulations for responding to God’s call to Love. Sacrament of Holy Orders - Jesus said that we are to pray to the Lord of the harvest, that workers will be sent at harvest time. The best way to promote vocations to the diaconate and priesthood is to invite those men whom you would consider would make a good priest or deacon. If you feel the Lord might be asking you to be a priest or deacon, Fr. Gary will always be available to answer your questions and give direction. MUSIC MINISTRY Director: Mib Campbell 484-995-6110 - SunFlowerAngels@verizon.net Choir Practices (September through May) Tues: 6:30 PM - Little Angels (3-5 year olds) parents incl. 7:00 PM - Middle School to Adult, Praise Team Thurs: 6:30 PM - Praising Angels (grades 1-4) at least 1 parent 7:00 PM - Handbell Choir Praise Team: 4:00 PM - 1st & 3rd Saturdays. Rehearse before Mass. Voices, guitars, drums welcome. New members for our choirs are always welcome! Contact Mib or come to practice. ORGANIZATIONS Golden Greats (Seniors Club) - 3rd Friday of the Month 10:00 AM in the Garden Room at Woodbridge Place Women’s Fellowship: 2nd Tuesday of the Month 7:30 PM in the Rectory Meeting Room or Parish Hall Email SBWFellowship@gmail.com for information Legion of Mary: Thursdays 7:00 PM in the Rectory Meeting Room YOUTH St. Basil’s Youth Ministry: Watch for updates Enjoy the summer! Knights of Columbus Squires: 3rd Sunday of the Month For info - email SquiresChiefCounselor@gmail.com CYO Athletic Director: Gary Duda AthleticDirector@StBasils.org Rental of the Hall: Email StBasilsGym@gmail.com Low gluten hosts are available to our parishioners who need them. Please contact our DRE, Mrs. Erin Gauntner for more information: 610-935-1261, dre@stbasils.org. 096basil - page 1 Mass Intentions for the Week Sunday - 8:30 AM: Taney & Lannutti Families Requested by: Mr. & Mrs. Rich Taney Monday - 8:45 AM: Andrew Rook Requested by: Rose Narducci Tuesday - 8:45 AM: Alice Frock Requested by: Mr. & Mrs. Brian Bodick Wednesday - 8:45 AM: Mary Ward Requested by: Lauren & Giancarlo Ciccarone 7:00 PM: 8th Grade Graduation Mass Thursday - 8:45 AM: Special Intention Requested by: M. Willard Friday - 8:45 AM: Students of St. Basil’s School Pray For Sgt. David W. Bogle, 2nd Lt. Daniel Martin, PO2. Matthew J. O’Connell, and all those serving our country, both at home and abroad and their families. Our benefactors and all who are ill, especially: Sr. Mary Julia, I.H.M.; Regina Anderson; Katherine Bakay-Bailey; Jonni Bamberger; Delores Bennett; Glenn Berish; Kirby Blomquist; Gary W. Bogle; Anthony Bonanni; Jennifer Brown; Bob Burke; Mary Butler; Dana Byrne; Mary Jo Byrne; Pamela Campbell; Chiponis Family; Mary Lou Cullinan; Patrick Cullinan; Patti D’Antonio; Edwin Dahl; Mary Ellen Davey; Gloria DePietro; Glen Douglas; Virginia Etriss; Gabrielle Fiffick; Michele Francis; Martha Francis; Jim Frizzell; Linda Gazzillo; Florence Grzybowski; Jim Guido; Michael Gwynn; Norman Hahn; Susan Harper; Matthew and Alice Harper; John Hawkins; Barbara Hritz; Pearl Hrivnak; Shirley Jelliffe; Michael Jimenez; Patricia Kahl; Catherine Kaleach; Rita Kamerdze-Hadden; Alice M. Kelly; Timothy Kiscaden; Kovac Twins; Kathleen Kulpe; Michael Landis; Jennifer Lewis; Nancy Logan; Frank Mascaro; Susan McCartney; Jacob McCue; Ruth McNeil; Angela McShane; Matthew James Meadows; Rebecca Melvin; Lottie Merlin; Pat Meyers; Doris Moran; Jim Moran; Gail Musumeci; Adelina Musumeci; Tina Nguyen; Becky Nuttall; Cathy Pasymowski; Jerry Pellegrino; Kaia Pence; Ann Marie Pelosi; Barbara Petrille; Anne Phillips; Jody Powers; Lee R. Raden; Christine Radliff; Shirley Radloff; Robert Roehner; Tom & Grace Ruane; Ron Salimao; Paul Scheidel; Francis Seeberger; Lorraine Sisto; Carl W. Skelton; Joan Snyderman; Tootsie Stantz; Dolores Stewart; Peggy Truifaro; Ann Twardowski; Kristine Wickward; Lorna Wilson REST IN PEACE Helen T. Batten, Karen Fegley, Mary Lockry, John McDonald, Betty Sturgeon, and all our faithful departed. * All the sick and shut-ins of the parish remain in our prayers whether their names are on this list or not. If you have a loved one who is serving in the military or is in need of special prayer for any reason, please contact the parish office to have them added to our Prayer List or to have someone’s name removed from the list if they are no longer in need of special prayers. June 9, 2013 10th Sunday of Ordinary Time Ordinary Time’s numbered Sundays resume today, with their “ordered” reading of Luke’s Gospel, whose principal themes appear in today’s passage. In Luke’s Advent Gospels, Mary and Zechariah praised God for remembering promises of mercy, visiting the chosen people, stretching forth a mighty arm to lift up the lowly. Today, Jesus fulfills these promises literally, stretching forth his arm to touch the coffin, raising up a widow’s only son. Unlike other miracles, when faithfilled petitioners sought him out, today Jesus takes the initiative. The Gospel makes no reference to the faith of those “visited and redeemed,” only to Jesus’ being “moved with pity,” i.e., Zechariah’s “tender compassion of our God.” From Zechariah and Elizabeth to Mary and Joseph to the shepherds on Bethlehem’s (and the Law’s) outskirts, Luke presents the lowly and marginalized as those “on whom God’s favor rests.” Today, the one who most benefits from Jesus’ compassion is not the dead son but the widowed mother. With husband and only son deceased, her material and emotional support gone, she truly represents society’s most vulnerable, God’s most favored. The crowd declares Jesus “a great prophet.” But to show why Luke considers Jesus infinitely more than this, the Lectionary compares Jesus’ miracle with Elijah’s. Elijah’s complex ritual required a three-fold stretching of his body on the dead child and a formal prayer to God. But Jesus touches only the coffin, and without calling on God, himself commands the dead man, “Arise!” More than a “great prophet,” Jesus is the incarnate fulfillment of Zechariah’s prophecy: “God has visited his people.” Question of the Week What signs do I see, in the world and in my life, that God still “visits his people”? What can I do, as a bearer of Christ’s love, to provide such a sign to someone else? St. Basil the Great Council 13800 In honor of Father’s Day, the Knights of Columbus and the Columbian Squires will be hosting next weekend’s “Social Sunday.” There will be home-made “breakfast bites” (prepared by our Knights, their Ladies and fellow parishioners), donuts, coffee and juice. Please plan on spending a few minutes with your Church community after all Sunday Masses next week. The Knights meet on the 3rd Wednesday of the Month 7:00 PM in the Rectory Meeting Room 096basil - page 2 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 9, 2013 St. Basil’s BASKET & BAG BINGO THIS SUNDAY - June 9 TODAY Collection for the Victims of the recent tornadoes in Oklahoma Basket & Bag Bingo - At the Kimberton Fire Hall AT THE KIMBERTON FIRE Hall *Please note change of location* Doors open at noon; games begin at 1:00 PM TUESDAY Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament - 9 AM - 4 PM in the Chapel Tickets are $25 for 20 games, available at the door. r. Come early, have lunch and save your seats!! NEXT SUNDAY Social Sunday - Stop by outside the Narthex after the Sunday Masses for refreshment & fellowship Please pray for the victims of tornadoes in Oklahoma Conscious of the tragic loss of life and the immensity of the work of rebuilding that lies ahead, we ask Almighty God to grant eternal rest to the departed, comfort to the afflicted, and strength and hope to the homeless and injured. MEALS FOR ST. MARY’S FRANCISCAN SHELTER St. Basil’s will be providing meals for St. Mary’s Family Shelter in Phoenixville THIS WEEK, June 10 to 14. Sign up in the Narthex. Game prizes include: Filled Longaberger® baskets and handbags by Kate Spade®, Juicy Couture®, Coach®, Vera Bradley®, Dooney & Bourke® and more with values from $50 to $400. Raffles and Jackpot! Door Prizes! Non-smoking facility. This fundraiser benefits St. Basil’s general account which provides funds to the school, church and parish as needs arise. FATHER’S DAY - Next Sunday What are you giving that special “father” in your life? June 2, 2013 OFFERTORY Envelopes (338) $ Loose $ Mail $ Electronic $ Total 9,920.10 869.40 420.00 2,065.00 $ 13,274.50 Thank you to all you parishioners who support us so faithfully! MASS ALTAR SERVERS (Green) LECTORS Saturday, June 15, 2013 5:00 PM Please check your schedules Paula Jennings Sunday, June 16, 2013 8:30 AM 11:00 AM Please check your schedules Spiritual bouquets, the offering of prayers, are a wonderful way to remember someone, living or deceased, on a special day. Cards are available in the narthex and rectory foyer for remembrance in the Father’s Day Masses. Complete the offering envelope and take the card to give to that special someone. Be sure to get the offering envelope, complete with the name of your loved one, to us by THURS. June 13 so that we can be sure to have it on the altar for Father’s Day Mass. Carol Poorman Bill McHale Tom Potts CHURCH CLEANING COMMITTEE GREEN TEAM - Frank Altiere CHURCH - Friday, June 14 -- 6:00 to 8:00 PM Helen & Jack Bartman Sue Hellmig Brian & Patti Ann Concannon Christi Hilliard Barbara & Don Eichler Jennifer Small Lisa Ferguson By: Mrs. Mary Cronin All are excited as we enter our last week of school; exams are over so now we can relax. On Monday, St. Basil’s will hold its annual field day – a day of fun and camaraderie. On Wednesday, we will have our Graduation Mass and Awards Ceremony. The service, which begins at 7:00PM, is always a beautiful and moving one. All are invited to attend the service as well as the reception which is held in the gym afterward. It is a perfect time to wish our graduates well. Friday brings the closing Mass of the school year. This service begins at 8:45 AM; after the service awards are given out to grades 1 through 7. This year the Mass will be said in honor of Mrs. Jane Dukovic who has given us over 20 years of volunteer service as an advanced math teacher. After Mass, there will be a reception in the gym in her honor. Again, all are invited to attend and give their best wishes to Mrs. Dukovic. FROM THE DESK OF THE DRE PREP Registration for 2013-2014 is now open Information and forms are available at: www.StBasils.org/ 096basil - page 3 Religious-Education Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time June 9, 2013 St. Basil’s Women’s Fellowship J U N E Outdoor 2 Flea 2 Market RAIN OR SHINE Bargains! Bargains! Bargains! ATTENTION STUDENTS! Cleaning out your locker? Don’t throw your books in the trash! Recycle them here! Remove the covers of textbooks and notebooks and drop them and any loose paper off at the yellow and green “Paper Retriever” bins in the Parish parking lot. It’s an easy way for you to help raise money for St. Basil’s and put another year behind you! 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM In St. Basil’s Church parking lot RENT A TABLE - MAKE SOME MONEY! $20/Table Rental - Call Nancy: 610-933-2428 If no answer, please leave a message; your call will be returned. CAMILLA HALL A “Powerhouse of Prayer” Call with your requests for prayers or special intentions: 610-386-2000; or visit www.CamillaHall.org. THE DUCKS ARE BACK! VILLANOVA GIRLS BASKETBALL CAMPS 18th Annual Duck Race - July 13 Offensive Skills Camps: (Grades 2 - 8) June 18 - 20, 6 to 8 PM; July 15 -19, 9 AM to Noon Focus on shooting, passing, ball handling, movement without the ball, and one-on-one moves Day Camp (grades 2 - 8): July 22 - 26, 9 AM to 3 PM Overnight/Commuter Camp (grades 2 - 12): June 29 to July 1 High School Team Camp: July 26 -28 Call 610-519-3535 or email mary.anne.gabuzda@villanova.edu On sale in the Narthex. Tickets are $5 each; our Women’s Fellowship gets $2.50 of each ticket sold. Duck Race Prizes: 1st: $1,000 2nd: $500 3rd: $400 4th: $300 5th: $200 6th: $100 7th to 10th: $50 Please take a bundle of 10 tickets to sell to your family, friends, neighbors, and coworkers, and help support our Women’s Fellowship! Deadline to return all sold tickets is July 7. Sold tickets and money can be dropped off at the sales table in the Narthex or given to Sharon Gubanich: 610-935-1383; skgmrsgube@comcast.net. St. Basil CYO Year End BOWL-A-RAMA! Thurs, Th June 13th, 7 - 9 PM at Limerick Lanes 653 West Ridge Pike, Limerick, PA Pizza, Bowling, Awards - Everyone involved in CYO invited! ST. BASIL’S VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL Please join us for our LIVING THE EUCHARIST PARISH RETREAT! Sunday, June 30 from 1 - 4 PM in the Church This retreat brings our Living the Eucharist experience to a close. This is a wonderful chance for the parish community to come together to extend the unity and grace that the Eucharist gives us at Mass each weekend. This retreat is for all parishioners age 18 and up, whether or not you participated in the renewal program during Lent. Please come and bring a friend! RSVP’s appreciated but not required. More information and registration available on the parish website: www. StBasils.org/Religious-Education/Living-the-Eucharist. June 24 - 28, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM daily For children ages 4 to Grade 4 (Fall 2013) 13) Volunteers needed in all areas: Planning, Teaching & Assisting, Childcare,, Music, Arts & Crafts, Decorations, Snacks & Recreation. The success of this wonderful program gram depends on the generosity and dedication of our volunteers. Please contact Mrs. Meg Russ 610-935-1261; VBS@stbasils.org. Adult volunteers on-site at least 3 days will receive a 50% family discount. Childcare (for ages 1-3) available all week! Does your personal experience in Mass color the way you live? Catholics are a universal family. We’ve worshipped through the ages in the same manner, and our prayers are for the whole human family. Embrace the Mass. Make it personal. Read further about this approach to Mass on pages 221-222 in your copy of Matthew Kelly’s Rediscover Catholicism. If you didn’t get St. Basil’s Christmas gift, additional copies are in the Narthex on the lending library book rack. Please one per family. No charge. 096basil - page 4 Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time CONGRATULATIONS CYO TRACK & FIELD The St Basil CYO track and field team has sent several competitors to the Archdiocesan championships on Saturday, June 1. The following standout performances were made on that day: Girls ages 11-12, 4x200m relay - 11th place: Cindy Nguyen, Kaitlyn Bui, Lauren DiCranian, Alexi DiIanni Girls ages 13-14, 4x200m relay - 10th place: Izzy Rovito, Tara Greenwood, Paige Plevyak, Katelyn Bernotas Katelyn Bernotas: 8th place in 100m dash (girls age 13-14 division) Tara Greenwood: 7th place in 400m dash (girls age 13-14 division) Mary Bernotas: 17th place in 400m dash (girls age 11-12 division) Alexi DiIanni: 20th place in 400m dash (girls age 11-12 division) Sam Snavely: 20th place in 800m run (boys age 9-10 division) Tara Greenwood: 8th place in 800m dash (girls age 13-14 division) Kaitlyn Bui: 16th in 200m dash (girls age 11-12 division) Charlie Bensinger: 4th place in shot put (boys age 11-12 division) Vinnie Polignano: 3rd place in high jump (boys age 13-14 division) Aaron Shirker: 5th place in high jump (boys age 13-14 division) Carly Jennion: 8th place in high jump (girls age 13-14 division) Alex Shirker: 8th place in high jump (girls age 9-10 division) Paige Plevyak: 11th place in triple jump (girls age 13-14 division) June 9, 2013 MUSIC MINISTRY NEWS Mib Campbell Summer Singers & Instrumentalists Needed We would enthusiastically welcome new folks into the musical fold – we need cantors (solo voices,) groups of singers (any middle school or high school students interested?) and instrumentalists. Sign up in our choir room, or speak to Mib – 484-995-6110, ssunflowerangels@verizon.net. Students: remember that being part of Music Ministry is also a way of serving in our community! We will have opportunities this summer for our Men’s and Women’s ensembles – watch for details. Miraculous Medal Shrine - Summer Novena of Faith June 9 to 17 Mondays - Masses at 7 & 9 AM, 12:05 & 7:30 PM Novena services at 2, 3, 4, 5, & 6:30 PM Tuesday to Thursday - Novena & Masses: 7 & 9 AM, 12:05 & 7 PM Friday - Novena & Masses: 7 & 9 AM, 12:05 & 5:00 PM Saturday - Novena & Masses: 9 AM, 12:05 & 5:00 PM Sunday - Novena & Masses: 9 AM & 12:05 PM Confessions begin 15 minutes prior to Mass Monday and Thursday. At the Miraculous Medal Shrine - 500 E. Chelten Avenue, Germantown, 19144. Secure parking available on premises and street. More info, call 215-848-1010 or visit www.MiraculousMedal.org Congratulations on all their hard work! PHOENIXVILLE SENIOR BOWLING LEAGUE Monday mornings at Limerick Bowl We need YOU! Our league has about 50 bowlers, both men and women who enjoy exercise and the company of each other. You don’t have to live in Phoenixville, and you don’t have to bowl well - We’re here to have some FUN! Call Evelyn: 610-933-8898 or Tom: 610-495-7639 TV MASS FOR THE HOMEBOUND Make Sundays complete for someone you love who cannot get to church. Please share the news about “My Sunday Mass” on TV 8:30 AM on WMCN Channel 44 9:00 AM on WTVE Channel 51 Prayer intentions from viewers, uplifting homilies, a Prayer for Spiritual Communion, and closed captioning make “My Sunday Mass” a time of spiritual comfort. For more info or to see the Mass online, visit www.MySundayMass.org. (TV or online liturgy does not meet the Sunday Mass obligation if you can come to church.) HOST FAMILIES NEEDED - International Exchange Students attending Catholic High Schools Host family is responsible to provide room, board, & loving support, while getting in return a generous, tax-free, $700 monthly stipend. Students speak English, have medical insurance, and spending money. If you have room in your heart & home, Email: Marilena@ Questexchange.org or call 215-547-8486 for details. Criminal background checks done through the agency at no cost to you. ST. ELEANOR COMMUNITY CARNIVAL June 18 to June 22, 5:30 to 10 PM Tues, Wed, Thurs - Family Nights: $20 ride wristbands Cash raffle, beer garden, seafood, bingo Come one, Come all! State Rep. Duane Milne’s - KIDS FEST Saturday, June 15 - 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM Church Farm School, 1001 East Lincoln Highway, Exton Free admittance, free food. Rain or shine. Captain America & Mickey Mouse; Philadelphia Zoo on Wheels (10:30-12:30); face painting/balloon animals; inflatable slide; Malvern Fire Company’s Antique Fire Truck rides; and more! For info, contact Rep. Milne’s office: 610-251-1070 PRE-NATAL DIAGNOSIS The Archdiocese of Philadelphia is developing a ministry which will offer support to couples experiencing a prenatal diagnosis and carrying to term. Peer ministers and volunteers are invited to come and be a part of this important ministry. Have you carried to term following a prenatal diagnosis? Or have you experienced the loss of a child by miscarriage, stillbirth or newborn death? Consider becoming a peer minister. Peer ministers engage parents carrying to term and journey with them based on shared experiences. For information regarding upcoming trainings, contact Sr. Kathleen Schipani, IHM, srschipa@adphila.org, (215)587-3530 or Kathleen Bevenour kbevenour@chs-adphila.org, 096basil - page 5 (267)351-6040. Thomas P. Piskai, DDS, LLC Family Dentistry Gutters 1096 W. Bridge Street Phoenixville, PA Clogged? Kurtas Chiropractic PC Karen Kurtas Families • Children • Athletes • Maternity 933-2181 202 Village at Eland, Phoenixvlle The Wolfgang Team Team Catholic Relief Services serves the poor in nearly 100 countries around the world. The Realtors For All St. Basil’s Homes & Families www.kathywolfgang.com Kathy Wolfgang Find out how far your heart can reach. Parishioners MASONRY, HARDSCAPING & BUILDING MATERIALS 1-888-354-0060 CRS.ORG/cb Phone: Morgan Basement Waterproofing Specializing in Basement Waterproofing & Mold Remediation Since 1984 610-363-4343 291 Stony Run Rd. Spring City PA 19475 Millions of people overseas depend on you. Please help. 610-696-0100 “St. Basil’s Oil Company” Specialists in Collision Repairs Wheel Alignment • Refinishing Glass 24 Hour Towing • Frame Straightening 610-933-2700 Kurtaschiropractic.com 610-933-9550 Paul C. Emery Oil Company 933-3365 DOMINICK’S AUTO BODY CO. GUTTER CLEANING SERVICE REPAIR • INSTALLATION Michael Monk, Parishioner 610-495-5358 (610) 933-3338 Come Out For Molly Maguire's Bottomless Brunch Buffet Every Sunday from 11-3 197 Bridge St., Phoenixville Fully Insured Free Estimates 610-792-5500 stonyrunsupply@comcast.net www.stonyrunsupply.com • Natural Stone: Flag, Tread, Veneer, Walls, Sills • Salt & Winter Add Mix • Masonry: Block, Brick, Cement, Flues & Lintels • All Bulk Products • Stucco, Lath, Tyvek, Tar Paper • All Geotextiles & Erosion Control • Tools for Masonry, Hardscape & Landscape • Concrete Accessories: Rebar, Sakrete, Wire, Sonotube Lauren Wolfgang Angels of Our Lady RELIGIOUS GIFTS & BOOKS 592 Schuylkill Rd. (Rt. 724) 610-917-9470 William Reardon, DMD & Associates "We Make Smiles!" www.reardondental.com 35 W. Pennsylvania Ave. Downingtown PA 19335 610-269-0489 908 Gay Street Phoenixville PA 19460 610-935-2883 Drainage Systems • Pumps • Coatings Foundation Repair • Outside Water Management Emergency Service Free Inspections • Licensed & Insured www.MorganBasementWaterproofing.com Gold • Silver • Coins JEWELRY BUYER -Top Prices Paid 35 Years Experience ALL ADORABLE FASHIONS $17.95 PAOLI - ACME SHOPPING CENTER COURT AT KING OF PRUSSIA FEDERAL COIN EXCHANGE Donald V. Ferrari, DO, FACC 237 E. High St., Pottstown 610-323-6700 COMPLETE EYE EXAMS CONTACT LENSES Chris Stevens PARISHIONER AREAS FINEST EYEWEAR & PREMIUM LENSES Cardiology in Lionville Exton Medical Arts Building 80 W. Welsh Pool Rd. | Suite 105 N. Exton, PA 19341 484.876.2160 Dr. Gregory Vallino, O.D. Dr. Heather Vallino, O.D. Dr. Christopher Boston, O.D. Dr. Vincent Zingaro, O. D. ACCEPTING NEW PATIENTS Ages 16 and older 3 GREAT LOCATIONS Rt. 113, Village at Eland Suite 706 Phoenixville, PA 19460 (610) 917-9999 43 East Lancaster Avenue Paoli, PA 19301 (610) 695-9090 Routes 401 & 100, Ludwigs Village Glenmoore, PA 19343 (610) 458-7171 Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 www.duqcapital.com 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 096 St. Basil - Kimberton, PA (I) E John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • www.jppc.net JAWORSKI’S & Cremation Services, Inc. Pianos - Organs - Sheet Music Band Instruments Private Lessons Rental Plan Available 933-6727 175 Bridge Street, Phoenixville, PA GATEWAY PHARMACY LLC My Prices Won’t Shock You! Funeral Pre-Planning Free Estimates • Emergency Service • Senior Discounts $99 OFF 517 S. Main St. at Fourth Ave., Phoenixville www.DevlinRosmosKepp.com 610-933-3012 100 or 200 AMP SERVICE UPGRADE w/ad LICENSED & INSURED 267-312-2127 Dr. Leonardo Galletto Practice Limited to Orthodontics for Children & Adults 933-0584 FINANCIAL PLANNING INVESTMENTS / INSURANCE Michael J. Briglia ChFC, CPA Call Bob to Save! St. Basil Parishioner mbriglia@pillarwealthadvisors.com (Great rates for teenage drivers!) (302) 409-3504 249 Bridge St. Success Begins with a Plan! 610-933-1355 closed Monday Call for a free consultation. I’m your neighborhood State Farm agent: All Souls Cemetery Mark Beaudoin FREE ASSESSMENT WITH THIS AD St. Eleanor Parishioner 202 Bridge Street, Phoenixville 610/933-6320 257 Schuylkill Road Phoenixville LONG-TERM CARE • SHORT TERM CARE / EMERGENCY CARE RECOVERY from illness or injury • RESPITE for caregivers statefarm.com STATE FARM INSURANCE COMPANIES • HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS Kay-Jay Landscaping 610-933-0660 West Brandywine Twp. www.chestnutknoll.com Lots Available - Free Literature (610) 525-0173 www.archphila-cemeteries.org CHARLIE’S BARBER STYLIST We do it all. Just give us a call! Call us now for Spring Cleanups Mulching - Hedge Trimming - Planting & More 2 Year Guarantee on Plant Purchases Haircuts For Men & Boys HOURS Tues.-Fri.: 8:30-6:00 Sat.: 8:00-4:00 Serving the Tri County Area for 15+ Years 35090760 Electrical Master Electrican George Michael T. Gatcha, Supervisor • J. Richard Rosmos, F.D. Specializing in 935-8599 Home Medical Equipment, • No Charge for Initial Consultation • Insurance Plans Accepted Oxygen Therapy, Stairway • Sat. & Evening Hours Available Elevators, Seat Lift Chairs St. Mary’s Parishioner We Bill Medicare and Most Insurance Companies. Across from Phoenixville Hospital J. Knipe DEVLIN ROSMOS KEPP & GATCHA FUNERAL HOME MUSIC CENTRE 610-633-7609 Chip Appts. Not Necessary 935-8766 Pothouse & Charlestown Rds. (next to Foresta’s Market • Ample Parking) Phoenixville, PA Kimberton Fields Mowing Service Kenneth Sliwka, Owner/Operator/Parishioner 610.908.7680 • www.kimbertonfields.com “Life is too short to mow your own grass” Fertilization and Weed Control • Aeration & Seeding Michael Sisti Owner/Parishioner 610-940-6900 • www.weedmanusa.com THE GENTLE GROOMER 37 Ridge Rd., Phoenixville, PA 19460 610.933.7043 Grooming & Pet Supplies 610-933-6560 1106 RAPPS DAM RD. PHOENIXVILLE, PA 19460 GENERAL AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR & SERVICE www.randsautospecialists.com Do you want to simplify your caregiver payment process? We can help! We’ve served the non-medical home care market for more than 25 years. (215) 836-1441 ext. 190 www.fhsbillings.com PARISHIONER LED SB CAMPBELL-ENNIS-KLOTZBACH PA Lic. #006806 Ferguson FREE Painting INSPECTION Quality Work For Lasting Results RIGHT WAY WATERPROOFING CO. Licensed & Insured Funeral Home Inc. 610-933-3572 Main St. at Fifth Ave., Phoenixville BASEMENT WATERPROOFING SPECIALIST Kurt E. Klotzbach F.D. (1957 - 2002) www.RightwayWaterproofing.com William E. Harner IV F.D. Damian M. Petaccio F.D. Joshua T. Klotzbach F.D., Supvr. Gerald J. Rafter F.D. 096 St. Basil - Kimberton, PA (B) E 35 Years Experience 610-716-0836 Parishioner 610-337-0988 John Patrick Publishing Company, Inc. (800) 333-3166 • www.jppc.net
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