omma - Agan Tavas
omma - Agan Tavas
Drolla Gwywer Knofennyk. The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin. scryfys gans Beatrix Potter kevyethys gans Eddie Climo 1 An dyllans-ma yu © Gwask an Orlewen Gwlas an Haf 2014 Hem yu drolla adro dhe lost—lost esa dhe wywer byghan ruth, Knofennyk y hanow. Yth esa broder dhodho cryes Terfysker¹, kefrys ha lyes kenderow.Yth esens y trygys yn coswyk ryp glan lyn. — – — – — This is a Tale about a tail—a tail that belonged to a little red squirrel, and his name was Nutkin. He had a brother called Twinkleberry, and a great many cousins: they lived in a wood at the edge of a lake. 1. *Terfysker < *terfysky. to hurry repeatedly. 2 Yn cres an lyn yma enys cudhys gans gwyth ha prysk knowek; hag a'y saf yn mysk an gwyth-na yma derowen gow, yu anneth an ula gylwys Gellyk Coth. — – — – — In the middle of the lake there is an island covered with trees and nut bushes; and amongst those trees stands a hollow oak-tree, which is the house of an owl who is called Old Brown. 3 Un Kynyaf pan o athves an know, hag owrek ha glas o del an collwyth—Knofennyk ha Terfysker ha pup ken gwywer oll a dheth mes a'n goswyk ha war nans dhe lan an lyn. — – — – — One autumn when the nuts were ripe, and the leaves on the hazel bushes were golden and green—Nutkin and Twinkleberry and all the other little squirrels came out of the wood, and down to the edge of the lake. 4 Y a formya scathow-clos byghan a varennow, ha revya yn kergh dres an dowr dhe Enys Ula. Pup gwywer a'n jevo saghyk byghan, ha ref vras, hag ef a lesa y lost avel gol. — – — – — They made little rafts out of twigs, and they paddled away over the water to Owl Island to gather nuts. Each squirrel had a little sack and a large oar, and spread out his tail for a sail. 5 Hag offryn a gemersons y gensa kefrys: tyr logosen dew yn ro dhe Gellyk Coth, ha'ga gorra dhe'n dor war druthow y dharras. Ena Terfysker ha'n gwyweras byghan erel a omblegyas yn ysel, ha leverel yn cortes— "Mester Gellyk Coth, a vynta jy agan favera ha ry cumyas dhyn a guntell know war dha enys?" — – — – — They also took with them an offering of three fat mice as a present for Old Brown, and put them down upon his door-step. Then Twinkleberry and the other little squirrels each made a low bow, and said politely— "Old Mr. Brown, will you favour us with permission to gather nuts upon your island?" 6 Mes Knofennyk o tont y fara dres musur. Ef a squychya yn ban hag yn nans, kepar ha keresen ruth byghan, yn un gana— "Desmyk an desmyk, mar pedhes mar guf : Denyk munys ruth y gota Men yn y lonk, ha lorgh yn y luf, Lavar dhym, hag y rof dhys an grot-ma! Dar, an desmyk-ma yu mar goth avel Noy¹; ny wre Mester Gellyk vry a Gnofennyk man. Ef a dhegeas y dheulagas yn stordy, ha codha yn cusk. — – — – — But Nutkin was excessively impertinent in his manners. He bobbed up and down like a little red cherry, singing— "Riddle me, riddle me, rot-tot-tote! A little wee man, in a red red coat! A staff in his hand, and a stone in his throat; If you'll tell me this riddle, I'll give you a groat." Now this riddle is as old as the hills; Mr. Brown paid no attention whatever to Nutkin. He shut his eyes obstinately and went to sleep. 1. K. Noy = S. Noah 7 An gwyweras a lenwy aga saghygow a gnow, ha golya yn kergh tu ha tre orth golow gorthewer. — – — – — The squirrels filled their little sacks with nuts, and sailed away home in the evening. 8 Mes ternos vyttyn y a dhewhelas pup huny dhe Enys Ula; ha Terfysker ha'n re erel a dhros go'dhor dew braf, ha'y gasa dhe wrowedha war an ven adherak porth Gellyk Coth, ha leverel— "A Vester Gellyk, a vynta jy agan favera, ha ry dhyn dha gumyas grassyes a guntell know moy?" — – — – — But next morning they all came back again to Owl Island; and Twinkleberry and the others brought a fine fat mole, and laid it on the stone in front of Old Brown's doorway, and said— "Mr. Brown, will you favour us with your gracious permission to gather some more nuts?" 9 Mes ny wre Knofennyk revrons poynt, hag ef a dhallethy donsya yn ban hag yn nans, yn un dhebrenna Mester Gellyk Coth gans lynasen ha cana— "Hen Vester G! Desmyk, ow sos! Hitty Pitty aberveth y'n fos, Hitty Pitty aves dhe'n fos; Mar teffes ha tava Hitty Pitty, Hy a vynsa dha dhynsel jy. Mester Gellyk a dhyfunas desempys ha don an wo'dhor bys yn y jy. — – — – — But Nutkin, who had no respect, began to dance up and down, tickling old Mr. Brown with a nettle and singing— "Old Mr. B! Riddle-me-ree! Hitty Pitty within the wall, Hitty Pitty without the wall; If you touch Hitty Pitty, Hitty Pitty will bite you!" Mr. Brown woke up suddenly and carried the mole into his house. 10 Ef a dhegeas an darras adherak fas Knofennyk. Whare ryban mok glas adhya dan cunys a dho yn ban adhyworth pen an wedhen, ha Knofennyk a ykas dre doll an alwheth, ha cana— "Chy lun, ha toll lun! Saw ny'th us cuntell scala lun!" — – — – — He shut the door in Nutkin's face. Presently a little thread of blue smoke from a wood fire came up from the top of the tree, and Nutkin peeped through the key-hole and sang— 11 "A house full, a hole full! And you cannot gather a bowl-full!" An gwyweras a whyla know adrus hag ahes an enys, ha lenwel aga saghygow. Mes Knofennyk a guntellas avallow derow¹, melen ha cough, hag esedha war gef fawen yn un wary marblennow, ha myras orth darras Mester Gellyk Coth. — – — – — The squirrels searched for nuts all over the island and filled their little sacks. But Nutkin gathered oak-apples, yellow and scarlet, and sat upon a beech-stump playing marbles, and watching the door of old Mr. Brown. 1. *aval derow (<Kem. afal derw. S. oak gall) 12 An tressa jorna an gwyweras a sevys yn ban fest avar, ha mos pyskessa; y a gachyas seyth pylkyn tew yn ro dhe Gellyk Coth. Y a revya adrus dhe'n lyn, ha tyra yn dan gestenen gam war Enys Ula. — – — – — On the third day the squirrels got up very early and went fishing; they caught seven fat minnows as a present for Old Brown. They paddled over the lake and landed under a crooked chestnut tree on Owl Island. 13 Terfysker ha whegh gwywer byghan erel a dhegy pup huny pylkyn tew; mes Knofenny nyns o whek y fara, ha ny dhegy eef ro man. Ef a bonya yn rak, yn un gana— "An den-na yn dyfyth yn meth dhymmo vy, Pes syvy us tevys yn dan an hyly? Ow gorthyp a gotho, del grysaf, ow sos— 'Kennyver hag a hern ruth a vya y'n cos.' " Mes ny vedha Mester Gell Coth ow mellya orth desmygow—na vedha, ha mar fe an gorthyp profyes dhodho whath. — – — – — Twinkleberry and six other little squirrels each carried a fat minnow; but Nutkin, who had no nice manners, brought no present at all. He ran in front, singing— "The man in the wilderness said to me, 'How many strawberries grow in the sea?' I answered him as I thought good— 'As many red herrings as grow in the wood.' " But old Mr. Brown took no interest in riddles—not even when the answer was provided for him. 14 An peswera jorna an gwyweras a dhry whylas tew yn ro, o mar dha gans Gellyk Coth avel fyges yn pellen fyges. Pup whylen o maylys gans preder yn delen tavol, clos hag ebylyes gans nasweth saben. Mes Knofennyk a gana, mar dhyscortes del vya bythqueth— "Hen Vester G! desmyk, ow sos! Fyges a Spayn, ha bles a Bow Saws, Ow tos warbarth yn dan gowosow; Gorrys yn queth, clos kelmys ynweth, A tygolma hemma, ty a'fya bysow. Ass o Knowfennyk wharthus, rak ef ny'n jevo bysow nes dhe ry dhe Gellyk Coth. — – — – — On the fourth day the squirrels brought a present of six fat beetles, which were as good as plums in plum-pudding for Old Brown. Each beetle was wrapped up carefully in a dock-leaf, fastened with a pine-needle pin. But Nutkin sang as rudely as ever— "Old Mr. B! riddle-me-ree Flour of England, fruit of Spain, Met together in a shower of rain; Put in a bag tied round with a string, If you'll tell me this riddle, I'll give you a ring!" Which was ridiculous of Nutkin, because he had not got any ring to give to Old Brown. 15 An gwyweras erel a helghya yn ban hag yn nans an knowegow; mes Knofennyk a guntellas pyncasow rudhak¹ adhywar dhreysen, ha'ga gya gans naswedhow saben. — – — – — The other squirrels hunted up and down the nut bushes; but Nutkin gathered robin's pincushions off a briar bush, and stuck them full of pine-needle pins. 1. *pyncas rudhak. S. robin's pincushion (<KUA <Kem. pincas) A type of fibrous red gall formed by wasps on stems of the wild rose. 16 An pympes jorna, an gwyweras a dhry mel gwyls yn ro; mar whegoll glujek o hag y a lappya aga bysewy pan esens orth y worra war nans war an men.Y a wrussa y ladra mes a nyth gwenyn gwyls, war ben an bryn awartha. Mes Knofennyk a derlemma yn ban hag yn nans, yn un gana— "Whyrn-a-sy! Whyrn-a-sy! Sudronen sy! My eth adrus dhe Swynnen-Logh,Ha dyerbyna bagas mogh; Re o melen aga myn, Ha ken re melen aga thyn, Ottadhys an tecca mogh Eth byth adrus dhe Swynnen-Logh. — – — – — On the fifth day the squirrels brought a present of wild honey; it was so sweet and sticky that they licked their fingers as they put it down upon the stone.They had stolen it out of a bumble bees' nest on the tippitty top of the hill. But Nutkin skipped up and down, singing— "Hum-a-bum! Buzz! buzz! Hum-a-bum buzz! As I went over Tipple-tine I met a flock of bonny swine; Some yellow-nacked, some yellow backed! They were the very bonniest swine That e'er went over Tipple-tine." 17 Hen Vester Gellyk a rolyas y dheulagas yn ban, dyflasys fest dre fara tont Knofennyk. Mes ef a golloncas an mel pup banna! — – — – — Old Mr. Brown turned up his eyes in disgust at the impertinence of Nutkin. But he ate up the honey! 18 An gwyweras a lenwy aga saghygow a gnow. Mes Knofennyk esa a'y eseth war leghven leven bras, yn un wary kylys gans aval gwyls hag avallow saben glas. — – — – — The squirrels filled their little sacks with nuts. But Nutkin sat upon a big flat rock, and played ninepins with a crab apple and green fir-cones. 19 An wheghves jorna o Sadorn, ha'n gwyweras a dhewhelas an dewetha treveth; y a dhry oy noweth dedhwys yn canstel vyghan porf yn ro dewetha dybarth dhe Gellyk Coth. Mes Knofennyk a bonya yn rak, yn un wherthyn ha garma— "Humpty Dumpty a wroweth y'n streth, Ha kewlet can yn y gerghyn ynweth; Deugans doctour ha kenyver ser Ryp Humpty—ny yllons y gwella y jer!" — – — – — On the sixth day, which was Saturday, the squirrels came again for the last time; they brought a new-laid egg in a little rush basket as a last parting present for Old Brown. But Nutkin ran in front laughing, and shouting— "Humpty Dumpty lies in the beck, With a white counterpane round his neck; Forty doctors and forty wrights, Cannot put Humpty Dumpty to rights!" 20 Ytho oyow esa mur aga bern dhe Vester Gellyk Coth; ef a ygoras lagas ha'y dhegea arta. Mes na whath ny leverys ef ger. — – — – — Now old Mr. Brown took an interest in eggs; he opened one eye and shut it again. But still he did not speak. 21 Knofenhyk a dho ha bos moy ha moy tont— "Hen Vester G! A, hen Vester G! Hycka Mur, Hecka Mur, orth porth an Ruy; Marghas an Ruy ha'y veny ny ylly Fesya Hycka Mur, Hecka Mur Adhyworth porth kegyn an Ruy. Knofennyk a dhonsya yn ban hag yn nans kepar ha golowys an howl, mes na whath ny leverys Gellyk Coth ger vyth oll. — – — – — Nutkin became more and more impertinent— "Old Mr. B! Old Mr. B! Hickamore, Hackamore, on the King's kitchen door; All the King's horses, and all the King's men, Couldn't drive Hickamore, Hackamore, Off the King's kitchen door." Nutkin danced up and down like a sunbeam; but still Old Brown said nothing at all. 22 Knofennyk a dhallethy arta— "Arthur O'Bower re dorras y ruth; Ha dufa gans ujow ahes an tyreth! Myghtern an Albanas, kyn fova mar gref, Ny'n jeves ef Arthur y lettya dre ref!" Knofennyk a wruk son whyrny kepar ha wheth an gwyns, ha ponya ha lemmel prest war ben Gellyk Coth!…Hag ena, adhesempys yth esa trenyjans ha skyrmsyans, ha "Gwygh!" ughel. An gwyweras erel a bonyas yn fo bys y'n prysk. — – — – — Nutkin began again— "Arthur O'Bower has broken his band, He comes roaring up the land! The King of Scots with all his power, Cannot turn Arthur of the Bower!" Nutkin made a whirring noise to sound like the wind, and he took a running jump right onto the head of Old Brown!...Then all at once there was a flutterment and a scufflement and a loud "Squeak!" The other squirrels scuttered away into the bushes. 23 Pan dhewhelsons y gans mur a rach, ha gyky adro dhe'n wedhen—ottena Gellyk Coth a'y eseth orth druthow y dharras, hep gwaya man ha'y dheulagas deges, kepar del na ve wharfedhys tra vyth oll. — – — – — When they came back very cautiously, peeping round the tree—there was Old Brown sitting on his doorstep, quite still, with his eyes closed, as if nothing had happened. 24 Mes Knofennyk esa yn poket y gryspows! Yth hevel bos hemma deweth an drolla…mes nyns yu! — – — – — But Nutkin was in his waistcoat pocket! This looks like the end of the story…but it isn't. 25 Gellyk Coth a dhegy Knofennyk bys yn y jy, ha'y synsy yn ban, yn un ervyra y dhyscroghenna; mes Knofennyk a denna mar gref ha'y lost a dorras ynter deu, hag ef a stevya an stayrys yn ban, ha dyank dhe ves a fenester an talyk. — – — – — Old Brown carried Nutkin into his house, and held him up by the tail, intending to skin him; but Nutkin pulled so very hard that his tail broke in two, and he dashed up the staircase and escaped out of the attic window. 26 Hag alenna rak bys dhe'n jeth hedhyu, mar teffes ha dyerbyna Knofennyk yn gwedhen awartha, ha govyn desmyk orto, ef a vyn tewlel barennow orthys, ha stankya y dreys, ha tavasa, ha garma— "Cuk-cuk-cuk-cur-r-r-cuk-k-k!" A N D E W E T H. — – — – — And to this day, if you meet Nutkin up a tree and ask him a riddle, he will throw sticks at you, and stamp his feet and scold, and shout— 27 "Cuck-cuck-cuck-cur-r-r-cuck-k-k!" T H E E N D.
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Notyer: yn re a’n lymnansow, yma rannow ber ‘cameo’ dylavar rak gwaryoryon adhya dhrollys erel gans an auctores,