
Volume 32, Issue 3
November 2011
Principal’s Message
I know it is hard to believe, but one fourth of our school year and the end of the first marking period has
come and gone! Hopefully, your child has been successful during the first marking period. However, I do
want to remind you that additional support is available for all students every Tuesday after school. For
additional information, please contact the grade level Administrator or Counselor at (410) 437-2400. I
encourage you to stay involved in your child’s educational experience. We must continue to work together as partners to ensure the overall success for every student. I invite you to attend our monthly PTSA
meetings that are held the second Tuesday of each month at 5:00P.M. (You will be notified if this
As of October 30th, our School Improvement Plan has been finalized and placed on our school’s website.
Be sure to review it and be familiar with our major instructional, safety and community initiatives that we
are striving to accomplish this school year.
Once again, you will have an opportunity to visit your child’s classes during the week of November 14th
as we celebrate American Education Week. Please consider visiting us on Tuesday, November 15th during the hours of 8:30 A.M. and 2:30 P.M. You are reminded to please report to the main office to sign in
and get a visitor’s pass. We will be glad to assist you with directions to your child’s classes.
Also, during the month of November, we will hold our annual Parent/Teacher conferences.
Please note: This year we will continue to conduct school-wide “Student-Led Conferences”. However, the schedule has changed! The conferences will be conducted on
Monday, November 21 through an extended day and into the evening. You will be
notified soon with specific procedures for scheduling your conferences. No conferences will be held on Tuesday, November 22. This means there will be an additional
Parent/Teacher conference scheduled during an extended day and evening on a date
to be determined in the spring of 2012. You will be notified of the scheduled date well
in advance!
Thank you for your support and be sure to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Reginald Farrare
Reginald Farrare, Principal
Cortney DiSalvo, Regional Administrator
Scott Simpson, 8th Grade Administrator
Karen Maynard, 7th Grade Administrator
Charles Renaldo, 6th Grade Administrator
Upcoming Events
Report Card Distribution
American Education Week/Parents Visit
American Recycles Day
Footsteps to the Future
Student Led Conferences
School Counseling Office
During the month of November, the school counselors will be visiting the classrooms and teaching exciting lessons regarding student’s future plans. Ms. Tepper, will be working with the 6th graders on goal set‐
ting and career exploration. Ms. Repsher, 7th grade, will focus on college awareness. Ms. MacDonald will be discussing high school terminology with the 8th graders.
College Trivia Bowl
Since September, the School Counseling Office has been raising college awareness by running a college trivia bowl. Each week a college trivia question is an‐
nounced on the morning announcements. The students are asked to submit an‐
swers to the question by Thursday. An‐
swers can be written on a piece of paper and submitted in the college trivia box lo‐
cated in the cafeteria. On Friday morning, a winner is chosen on the morning an‐
nouncements. Winners are able to choose a prize from a large selection of college memorabilia. So far, we have had 400 stu‐
dents from 6th, 7th and 8th grades submit answers. American Education Week
American Education Week spotlights the importance of providing every child in America with a
quality public education from kindergarten through college, and the need for everyone to do his or her
part in making public schools great.
The administration, teachers, and staff at Chesapeake Bay Middle, invite you to come and observe
your child’s classes on Tuesday, November 15, 2011 between the hours of 8:30 - 2:30. We look
forward to seeing you.
If you are planning on spending the day, please remember that you must
check in at the main office on the B side of the school with your state
issued ID before reporting to your child’s classroom. Also, please remember to bring a lunch. Our cafeteria is federally subsidized and thus
is not able to provide lunch for parents.
Thank you for your continued support of Chesapeake Bay Middle
School. We look forward to seeing you soon. Page 2
Library Media News
Fall Greetings from the CBMS Library Staff!
The Fall Book Fair is here! This year the book fair will run from November 3rd - November 11th. Students will
be able to buy books during their Language Arts classes, lunch, and home room.
Please contact Mrs. Stalnaker by email at djacksonstalnaker@aacps.org or by phone at (410) 437-2400 ext.
6421 and let her know if you would like to volunteer.
The CBMS Lunch Book Club is off and reading! 6th graders chose to read the mystery The Other Side of Dark
by Joan Lowery Nixon, 7th grade chose the science fiction novel Things Not Seen by Andrew Clement, and 8th
grade chose spooky adventure The Doom Stone by Paul Zindel. We all look forward to reading and discussing these books.
Literary Lunch is also in full swing. Ms. McCarthy is reading the funny and only slightly sarcastic tale of The
Defense of Thaddeus A. Ledbetter by John Gosselink during all lunches.
Happy Thanksgiving!
From: The CBMS Library Staff
Mrs. Stalnaker, Ms. McCarthy, Ms. Gray, and Mrs. Hart
Media: The CBMS Book Swap will be held after school on Thursday, Dec. 1st. Students should
bring in books before hand. This event is a great way for students to save money, help the environment and still read a great book! Participating students can be picked up by parents at 4:00pm
or ride the activity busses home. Snacks will be provided. We look forward to seeing you there!
P.E. Dept: May 4, 2012 At 7:00 pm in the CBMS school cafeteria
HPED (Health Physical Education and Dance) Departments Annual Spring Concert.
We are also looking for parent volunteers to help out and assist with Ticket Sales,
Program Distribution/ushers the night of the performance and parent volunteers
to help supervise students waiting to perform. Parents can email Mrs. Dillner
at kdillner@aacps.org if they want to volunteer.
PTA Meetings: PTA Executive Board Meetings are the second Tuesday of every month at 4:30.
November 8
December 13
January 10
March 13
April 10
May 8
February 14
P.E. Department
From the P.E/ HEALTH Department
About Family Life & Human Sexuality Unit
to a growing concern in the 6th grade Health Education curriculum the CBMS P.E dept. would like to
clarify some information about the 5 days of Family Life and Human Sexuality (FLHS) unit.
When Health was first moved under the "P.E" umbrella about 9 years ago we showed two separate videos
during the 6th grade FLHS unit. The "boy" video BOY to MAN and the "girl" video GIRL to WOMEN. At
that time our P.E staffing and teaching schedule allowed for us as a dept. to separate for the 1 day to view the
videos. And since they were specific for "boys" and "girls" that is what we did. The classes would then join
back together and discuss everything the video talked about. However, many other schools in the county
viewed both videos together from the start.
About 4 years ago, the FLHS videos were thankfully updated and classes now view the video "You Your
Body and Puberty". The new video addresses the changes to both the boys and the girls in 1 video therefore,
we now show the video to both genders together. To my knowledge MOST Middle Schools in AACounty
along with CBMS view this video together because we don't have the facilities to split boy/girls at the same
time. The current video addresses the physical changes of boy's and girl's during puberty in a very basic and
simple manner.
During Health Education we (CBMS PE/Health teachers) arrange our units so that FLHS is taught as the last
5 days within Health marking period. One major reason for doing that is to allow students to become familiar
with the Health classroom setting and feel safe within the learning environment so that when we discuss other
sensitive topics in Health they will feel comfortable asking relevant questions to their teacher. We also have
a "Question Box" that allows any student to summit unanswered questions without feeling embarrassed.
If you believe your child will feel uncomfortable or embarrassed about the "sensitive" materials covered in 5
days of FLHS unit, you may choose to "opt". Those students will be given the Alternate program assignment
which is a work packet that the students will complete independently in the media center. If you choose to
have your child participate in the Alternate FLHS unit then you MUST turn in the permission form stating
you DO NOT want your child to participate in FLHS and you child is responsible for giving this form to their
P.E/HEALTH teacher.
For any parent or guardian that did not get to view the video YOU, YOUR BODY and PUBERTY during the
Back to School night session, our P.E dept. will host another opportunity on MONDAY NOVEMBER 21
during Student Led Conferences. The video will be set up in B-side Health Classroom ALL day during conferences for you to view at your leisure. Thank you for your support!!
OFFICE DISPLAY- OCTOBER thru November 2011
Congratulations to the following students whose art works were selected
to represent our 6th grade class for the first marking period. Their art
work demonstrates excellent craftsmanship and beautiful textures and
patterns as they represent our students’ interpretations of Aboriginal Art.
By including authentic aboriginal symbolism, and dot patterns, our students were able to create fantastic Aboriginal-Inspired pieces based on
our own Chesapeake Bay animals.
Thank you to these students who represent our school so well.
Andrew Colebrook
Madison Wheeler
Olivia Schuttler
Matthew Rodriguez
Lara Garalde
Allison Froderman
Chesapeake Bay Middle
Friday, November 11th @ 7:00 pm
Saturday, November 12th @ 7:00pm
Students $5.00 (under 18) & Adults $8.00
Tickets will be available at the door
Congratulations to Alexandra Brady and Michaela Gray for being
selected to perform in this year’s All County Chorus. The concert is
at Meade High School, on Saturday, November 5, 7 pm. Tickets are $5.00. The
band, strings and chorus ensembles have been participating in activities to commemorate the writing of the Star Spangled Banner. We started off the school
year by pausing during the morning announcements to reflect on the history and
sing the Star Spangled Banner. All the CBMS music ensembles joined the local
elementary schools and the Chesapeake High music groups on Friday evening,
October 28, to perform our National Anthem as the opening to the football
game. Thanks to all the students and parents who have participated and helped
in our music events.
Math Department
TI 83 + or TI 84 graphing calculators are
highly recommended for students taking Algebra
I or Geometry. The graphing calculator will used
throughout high school. Regular calculators are
appropriate for all other middle school math
If your child is in Algebra I or Geometry
they can rent a graphing calculator for this school
year. The graphing calculators can be rented for
$15 on a first come, first serve basis. See the
contract below for more information.
If you are interested, please complete the
following contract and return it to your child’s
Guidance Counselor. Please include a $15 check
made payable to CBMS with the completed contract.
After-School Activity Buses
CB 15
After-School Activities
Are Held on
Tuesday & Thursday
Harvest for the Hungry
Directions for Contributing Online Through the
21st Century Education Foundation
1. Near the top of the AACPS webpage (aacps.org), click on the Harvest for the Hungry
“Donate Now!” button. This will take you to the donation page of the 21st Century Education Foundation. (Alternately, you can go directly to the Foundation’s homepage
(http://21st-education.org), and select “Donate” from the top menu bar.)
3. Complete all information on the donation page.
4. In the section “Additional Information/Donation Opportunity”, in the drop-down box,
select either ‘Harvest for the Hungry-Central Office’ or ‘Harvest for the Hungry-School’.
5. If you selected ‘Harvest for the Hungry-School’, you must type the name of the
school in order for the school to get credit for your donation.
6. Complete all required information on the donation page, and then choose ‘Next’. This
will direct you to the PayPal page. You may use your PayPal account, if you already have
one. If you do not have a PayPal account, you may pay as a guest.
7. After you have processed your payment, PayPal will email you a
“Thanks for your order” page. You will also receive an additional
email acknowledging the receipt of your payment. The second
email can serve as documentation for tax purposes.
Attention Giant Shoppers,
Please consider registering your Giant card for CBMS.
Follow the link below to register your card:
We appreciate any help you can provide our students!
Page 8
Attendance News
Dear Parents:
We have a new procedure this school-year for taking attendance. Attendance is being taken
electronically in every period. If a student misses any period, he/she must be marked absent.
A student could be in the healthroom, with an administrator, in the guidance office, testing, or
any number of other reasons. In many cases, a teacher may not know why a student is missing
from the class, but must mark the student absent/unexcused, until such time, as the reason can be determined.
Parents are notified by email and phone call when a student misses one or more classes.
Sometimes students arrive late to class, after the teacher has already done attendance and the teacher may not
remember to go back and correct the attendance after instruction.
If you get a phone call regarding your child missing class and are concerned about the reason, please call Mrs.
LeBon, the attendance secretary the next day. It could be an error or it could be for any number of the reasons
stated above. Mrs. LeBon will investigate the situation and get back to you as soon as possible.
Students who arrive late are marked absent for the periods they miss. These students are given an excused
code before the end of the school day. If a student does not bring in a note when he/she is tardy, the code will
be unexcused and you will get a phone call.
Students who have an early dismissal will be marked absent for the classes they have missed. These absences
are given an excused code either at the end of the day or the next morning. If you have picked your child up
early and receive a phone call regarding his/her being absent, this is why.
This new procedure is very helpful in maintaining accurate attendance records. Please call Mrs. LeBon when
you have an attendance concern. If an error has been made, we can correct it quickly.
We look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your cooperation.
Thank You to the PTA...
The faculty of CBMS would like to give the PTA a huge THANK-YOU for providing the campus
with picnic tables. Teachers are excited about using them for their classes. Planning has
already begun to use them for instruction as well as a reward as part of our PBIS program. Students will earn special invitations to eat lunch outside as well as participate in a
special activity. The picnic tables are a great addition to our school. We look forward to
using them for many years to come.
CBMS School Store
The School Store is open in the morning before first period and during
all lunch periods. We have great prices on school supplies: binders between $2.00 & $4.00 , dividers $.50 a pack and much more…
Does Mom or Dad need a break from
cooking? Then come to Ledos for dinner.
e Pizza
Help support
Chesapeake Bay Middle School
and get a great dinner at the
same time.
Bring your family and friends to Ledo Pizza on
October 13th
November 10th
December 8th
January 12th
February 9th
March 8th
April 1`2th
May 10th
From 5:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Or carry-out and CBMS will receive a portion of the
proceeds to benefit our PBIS Program.
Bring this flyer with you
or mention CBMs when placing your order.
Buy Angel’s gift cards through your PTA and help earn money for our school. For every $50
card purchased we earn $10, and for every $25 we earn $5. Fill out the form below and return
it, with a check made payable to CBMS PTA, to your homeroom teacher.
Students Name _______________________________________
Homeroom / grade _____________________________________
________ cards @ $50
_______ cards @ $25
Orders received by September 23 will be picked up/delivered on Sept. 29
October 21 will be picked up/ delivered Oct. 27
November 11 will be picked up/delivered on Nov. 17
Please choose one delivery method
(PTA is not responsible for lost cards if sent home with student)
I will pick up my order on the date above at CBMS 4-5pm ______
Please send my order home with my child ___________________
Buy Angel’s gift cards through your PTA and help earn money for our school. For every $50 card purchased
we earn $10, and for every $25 we earn $5. Fill out the form below and return it, with a check made payable
to CBMS PTA, to your homeroom teacher.
Students Name _______________________________________
Homeroom / grade _____________________________________
________ cards @ $50
_______ cards @ $25
Orders received by October 21 will be picked up/ delivered Oct. 27
November 11 will be picked up/delivered on Nov. 17
Please choose one delivery method
(PTA is not responsible for lost cards if sent home with student)
I will pick up my order on the date above at CBMS 4-5pm ______
Please send my order home with my child ___________________
PTA News
Hello to Everyone, sorry I have not reached out to you until our November newsletter. I will have to say the first part of
our school year has just flown by and we, the PTA have been very busy. I want to take this time to update you on some
items we have accomplished and some things that we have planned for the near future.
For starters we kicked off our school year with back to school night, what a huge event. The PTA felt is was very successful with all the parents who joined and filled out volunteer forms. So far this year we have 118 PTA members that
signed up with our Membership Coordinator, Megan Sos (only about 10% participation) and approximately 180 volunteers signed up with our volunteer coordinator, Kelly Oxyer. Please find both our PTA Membership form and our Volunteer sign up form in this November newsletter. You will need to fill out both forms every year. The PTA Membership form is to have voting rights. The Volunteer sign up form allows you to be included in email requests that will be
sent out when volunteers are needed. Both of these avenues give us as parents, additional ways of helping to be informed in the event the information does get brought home through your child.
We had spirit wear sales (t-shirts and earth friendly reusable water bottles), that can also be purchased in the school store
and Angel Gift Cards (school receives 20% profit on each card purchased). The order form for Angel’s is included in
this newsletter. We also made available Giant A+ for students sign up, again you will find information on that in this
newsletter. This is so easy to do, all you need to know is your bonus card # and then choose CBMS so that your school
can benefit from all the money your family spends at Giant Food. We are truly trying to find ways that we can raise
money for our school and your children without asking your family to spend any additional money, and signing up for
the A+ program will do just that.
We have ended our Magazine/Holiday Catalog fundraiser with an approximate profit for education enrichment to be
$11,000.00. I want to take this time to thank all who were able to participate, you did a great job. Please look for delivery notification for this to take place the week before Thanksgiving break. Those students who sold at least 10 points
will be invited to the fundraiser party that will be held at CBMS, Thursday November 17th, from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. It
has been confirmed by Mr. Farrare that the activity buses will be running that day.
Ms. Gardner in our Science Department has established a club to continue maintenance of the front entrance beautification project. The PTA has raised monies to support this maintenance program, they have identified the indigenous
plants, weeded around them and will be mulching soon. The PTA has also partnered with CAT North to have 12 picnic
tables built and delivered to our school. They turned out beautiful, and very possibly one of your high school students
may have helped build them. The administration has decided to set 6 out front of the school, so that teachers can reserve
and have positive reward programs such as eating lunch outside in the spring or conducting a lesson outside on a beautiful sunny day. The other 6 are located to the right side of the building, easily accessible to PE so that they can conduct
lessons that require writing instead of sitting in the gymnasium on a sunny day. I would like to take this time to thank
Ed Bury personally for partnering with PTA and allowing his students to make something very special for our students.
Please call CAT North anytime you are looking for picnic tables or sheds, the sell them to the general public for cost
upon availability.
Please look for upcoming events to be posted such as assemblies, possible purchase of a bike rack and funding of various
media and science events.
Thank you all so much for your support, please make sure we continue to teach our children education and family are the
most important pieces of life. Please contact me if you have questions, concerns or ideas for this 2011/2012 school year.
Happy Thanksgiving from the PTA Executive Board:
Karen Richardson, President; Karen Shannon, 1st VP;
Adrienne Mecuri, 2nd VP; Lisa Seehousz, Secretary and Tina Colebrook, Treasurer
Welcome to the 2011-2012 Volunteer Program at CBMS
Research has shown that students are more successful when parents volunteer at school. We have tried to find many different ways to help parents become involved so please try to find an area that will fit your needs and schedule. Not sure what you
can do? Just sign up to be an occasional volunteer. You will get emails when help is needed, and can choose which opportunities work for you.
Parent’s/Grandparent’s Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: (home) ___________________________ (cell) ______________________________ want to receive text? Yes / No (circle one)
Email Address: (first) _________________________________________ (alternate) _________________________________________
Student’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________________Grade____________
Student’s Name: ______________________________________________________________________________Grade____________
Please check as many as you wish and return to school or email Kellyoxyer@verizon.net.
Volunteer options: during school hours
Copy Room-assist teachers with copying needs. (See back-requires a set weekly or bi-monthly commitment)
Media-shelving books, media computer, etc. (See back -requires weekly or bi-monthly commitment)
Guest Speakers: Career Day Speakers for Avid program, other specialties
Book Fair-assist with book sales, runs twice a year during school hours
Book Talk-reading novels and leading student discussion group-all grades
School Store (See back requires weekly or bi-monthly commitment)
Volunteer options: evening or from home
Hospitality-provide donations of baked goods, etc. for teacher appreciation events
Fundraising-assist with various fundraisers; pick up, planning events, etc
Box Tops 4 Education-assist chairperson with cutting box tops, help plan promotions, etc.
Business Contact-provide donations for incentive program (PBIS)
Publicity-notify local paper of special events at CBMS; send info for “School Days” section.
Occasional Volunteer-Emails will be sent out when help is needed. Examples include but not limited to:
Helping with dance tickets sales, yearbook sales/ distributions, set up/clean up of hospitality events, enrichment programs such as
“Survivor” and “Murder Mysteries”, track and field day, copying school newsletter and applying labels for mailing, Vision and Hearing
screening, etc.
All volunteers may be emailed from time to time, in effort to make sure we have coverage. If you have the time and are able to
help, that is GREAT but we also understand if you are not available at that time.
CBMS THANKS YOU for ANY time you have to volunteer!
Volunteers: Please indicate the days & times you are available by filling out the boxes below.
Parent Link
Connecting You and Your Child to Information on Our Journey to Greatness
To be the truly great school system we want to be, we need to continue to
develop partnerships with our parents. Children need to see that parents
value education and are willing and able to be involved in helping them
realize their potential - Dr. Kevin M. Maxwell
The Office of School & Family
Par tner ships
November 2011
What’s Going On
It’s Time for Par ent Teacher Confer encesPlan to Make Your s Successful
Start by talking to your child. Ask your child about the best and the
worst subjects this year.
Work with your child to make a list of questions and concerns to
share with your child’s teacher(s).
Develop a plan with the teacher to build on your child’s strengths and
to address any weaknesses. Set tentative dates for any follow up
meetings you might need.
End the conference by reviewing what was discussed and what you
have planned to do as a result of this meeting.
Once home, discuss the conference with your child. Everyone has to
take part in the trip to success!
Note: Making your child a part of the process is the best way to ensure
success at school. As your child ages, you might consider asking the teacher if
your child can attend the conference as well. This is especially important at
the secondary level.
November is Family Stories Month.
Because of Thanksgiving, many families make an extra effort to get together
during the month of November. This year, start a tradition of not only telling
those family stories, but recording them for the future. This is the perfect
opportunity for your child to practice the arts involved in storytelling –
writing, photographing, and making short videos. You can record Nana telling
about her childhood. You can make decorated recipe cards of family favorites
to share with everyone. But, whatever you do, build great family memories!
Other Dates to Remember in November.
November is National Scholarship Month. It’s time to start thinking
about getting those scholarships for college.
November is National PTA’s Healthy Lifestyles Month. Healthy
children achieve more, so plan healthy meals and be more active!
October 2011 Volunteer of the Month
Marty Hammond – Piney Orchard Elementary
Don’t for get that you can nominate outstanding volunteer s for the AACPS
Volunteer of the Month awar d. For mor e infor mation or nomination for ms,
please email ttudor @aacps.or g.
Don’t forget!
November 5, 2011  8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
Anne Arundel Community College
101 College Parkway  Arnold, MD
Sponsored by Anne Arundel County Public Schools
Office of School & Family Partnerships,
the AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination)
Program, and the Title I Program.
Hispanic Family Education Forum
Edgewater Elementary (South River Cluster)
November 16, 2011  5:45 – 8:00 PM
Learn more about school system and community
resources available to the Hispanic community!
American Education Week
November 13 – 19
This year marks the 90th year for American
Education Week. Although visitors to our schools
are welcome throughout the year, this national
event reminds everyone to take the time to visit
your local schools and to support public
Be sure to watch the Office of School & Family Partnerships
AACPS TV Programs on Comcast and Broadstripe Channel 96,
and Verizon Channel 36Parent Connection, Parents’ Corner, World View,
Nuestra Comunidad (Our Community),
and ¡Charlemos Juntos! (Let’s Chat)
The Office of School & Family Par tner ships
ttudor @aacps.or g
Anne Arundel County Public Schools Office of School & Family Partnerships,
the AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination) Program, and the Title I Program
Invite you to attend a
Parent Involvement Conference
Working Together to Eliminate the
Achievement Gap
Join us for an inspiring morning with John Hodge, leading educational expert on
student success. Dr. Hodge will present a keynote address followed by breakout
discussion groups, an opportunity to share your thoughts with other parents.
Saturday, November 5, 2011 • 8:30 a.m. – 12:30 pm
Anne Arundel Community College | 101 College Parkway | Arnold, MD
Continental breakfast will be provided.
Limited daycare will be available. Pre-registration is required. Daycare is only available for children aged 3 to 12.
Children must be toilet-trained. To register call 410-222-5309 during regular business hours.
Children under the age of 16 may not accompany parents into conference session, per AACC rules.
Spanish and Korean interpreters will be present. For other interpreters, please call 410-222-5425.
For more information, please call 410-222-5414.
Conference is free! Space is limited – Register early
Register online at www.aacps.org/conference. You can also register by returning this form to:
Office of School & Family Partnerships, AACPS, 2644 Riva Road, Annapolis, MD 21401
Parent/Guardian’s Name
Child’s Name/School Name
Daytime Phone Number
Directions to Anne Arundel Community College,
101 College Parkway, Arnold, MD 21012
From Annapolis:
Take Route 2 north
(Governor Ritchie Highway) toward Baltimore.
Stay on Route 2 for about three miles.
Turn right on College Parkway.
The first right turn is the campus entrance.
Follow the Ring Road to Parking Lot A on your right.
The Pascal Center is on the left across from Parking Lot A.
From Baltimore:
From Interstate 695 take exit 2, Route 10 toward Severna Park.
Stay on Route 10 until it ends at Route 2 (Governor Ritchie Highway).
Follow Route 2 south about five miles.
Turn left on College Parkway.
The first right turn is the campus entrance.
Follow the Ring Road to Parking Lot A on your right.
The Pascal Center is on the left across from Parking Lot A.
November 2011
Students to receive first
marking period report cards
Report cards for the first marking
period will be sent home with students
in grades 1 through 12 on Friday,
November 11, 2011. Parents should
discuss the report card with their child
and, if their child’s school requires it,
sign and return a copy of the report
card or envelope as soon as possible.
Parent-Teacher conferences
set for Nov. 21 and 22
Elementary and middle schools
throughout the county will hold
parent-teacher conferences on
November 21 and 22, 2011. These
conferences provide parents with a
perfect opportunity to assess their
child’s progress to date and to discuss
any issues or concerns with their
child’s teachers.
If your child attends high school,
you can call your child’s school
counselor to arrange for a conference.
Magnet program application
deadline approaching
County students interested in
one of Anne Arundel County Public
Schools’ magnet programs can apply
for a seat in the program of their
choice through December 2, 2011.
High School programs:
● Science, Technology,
Engineering, Math (STEM) program
at North County and South River
high schools; students apply to this
program in Grade 8.
● BioMedical Allied Health
(BMAH) program at Glen Burnie
High School ; students apply to this
program in Grade 8.
● Performing Visual Arts (PVA)
program; students apply to this
program in grades 8 and 9.
● IB Diploma Programme/Middle
Years Programme (IB MYP/DP) at
Annapolis, Meade, and Old Mill
high schools; students apply to this
program in grades 8 and 10.
● Centers for Applied Technology
On The Calendar
School North; students apply to this
program in grades 5 and 6.
For more information about
applying to magnet programs, call
the Office of Advanced Studies and
Programs at 410-222-5391 or visit the
Advanced Studies and Programs page
on the AACPS website, which can
be accessed from the Students tab at
Want information about
schools, classes, programs?
Nov. 9: Attacking The Gap!
Professional Development;
two-hour early dismissal for all
students; schools closed for halfday p.m. kindergarten and ECI
Nov. 11: Veterans Day. All schools
operating on normal schedules,
with teachers devoting a portion
of the day to appropriately themed
Nov. 14-18: American Education
Nov. 16: National Education
Support Professionals Day.
Nov. 17: National Parental
Involvement Day; Fall OCR Parent
Community Forum.
Nov. 21-22: Elementary and
middle school parent-teacher
conferences; high school teacher
work day; all schools closed for
Nov. 23-25: Thanksgiving break;
all schools and offices closed.
(CAT) North and South; students
apply to this program in grades 9, 10,
and 11.
Middle School programs:
● Performing Visual Arts (PVA)
program at Bates and Brooklyn Park
middle schools; students apply to this
program in grades 5 and 6.
● IB Middle Years Programme (IB
MYP) at Annapolis and MacArthur
middle schools, and Old Mill Middle
Meaningful two-way
communication between families
and schools is key to student success.
AACPS promotes communication in a
variety of ways.
● Our website, www.aacps.org,
contains up-to-date information on
curriculum and policies, as well as
links to individual school websites,
Board of Education meetings, and
much more.
● Parent-Teacher Conferences are
scheduled this month in all elementary
and middle schools. All parents are
urged to take advantage of these
● AACPS-TV broadcasts original
programming highlighting the
students, teachers, and programs of
AACPS. AACPS-TV can be found
on Channel 96 on Comcast and
Broadstripe systems, and Channel 36
on Verizon systems.
● Connect-ED is an automated
system that alerts families to
emergencies and important issues
throughout the school system.
Messages are sent by telephone and
● ParentCONNECTxp is an easyto-use tool for communicating student
progress that will allow you to take an
even more active role in your child’s
education. Parents and guardians of
middle and high school students now
have online, timely, and secure access
to their child’s grades, attendance
and more. For more information or to
register, visit
Parent Surveys
Is your school
Environment welcoming?
Do you feel your
child is safe?
How to complete the 2 surveys:
Community Engagement
survey is available in
paper and on-line
1. On-line staring October
4th at www.aacps.org
2. At your parent-teacher
(November 21 & 22)
Bulling survey is available
on-line only
On-line starting
October 4th at
Parent passcode: nq38dp
Student passcodes:
Grades 4-5: nz87ay
Grades 6-12: ka96gs
3. Pick up a paper survey at
your school, complete
2. At your parent-teacher
and return
(November 21 & 22)
Both surveys must be returned to your school or
completed on-line by December 9th
Footsteps to
the Future
An opportunity
and high
of elementary,
to explore
to explore
paths that
be taken to
help available
position students
the different
to reachforfuture
November 17,
4, 2008
6:00 pm- -8pm
8:00 pm
High SchoolBay
Getting the most
from your high school
and middle school experiences
• Maryland Savings Plan
• Financial Aid Planning for college
• STEM program
• IB and Middle Years Programmes
• Anne Arundel Community College
Military Opportunities
• ...and many more!
It’s never too early to start planning for the future.
is extended to all families in the Chesapeake Feeder: Bodkin,
Cheryl Shiflett, School Counselor, Chesapeake HS at cshiflett@aacps.org
the above presentations are subject to change
or Heather Tracy, School
Counselor, Jacobsville ES at htracy@aacps.org
If your child receives free school lunches, you may qualify for Internet Essentials from Comcast.
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in Internet Essentials, customers will receive:
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Restrictions apply. Not available in all areas. Limited to XFINITY® Internet Economy service for new residential customers meeting certain eligibility
criteria. Advertised price applies to a single outlet. Actual speeds vary and are not guaranteed. After initial participation, if a customer is determined to
be no longer eligible for the program but continues to receive Comcast service, regular rates will apply. Subject to Internet Essentials program terms
and conditions. Call 1-855-846-8376 for restrictions and complete details, or visit InternetEssentials.com. ©2011 Comcast. All rights reserved.
Internet Essentials is a program to provide home Internet service for families. It is not a school program, and is not endorsed or required by your school.
Your school is not responsible for Internet Essentials accounts.
Si tu hijo recibe almuerzos escolares gratuitos, podrías calificar para el Servicio de Internet Básico de Comcast.
Obtén Internet en
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$9.95 al mes.
El mundo se ha vuelto digital. El servicio de Internet
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Básico. Está disponible para los hogares con niños
que reciben almuerzos escolares gratuitos a través del
Programa Nacional de Almuerzos Escolares Gratuitos
(NSLP por sus siglas en inglés). Durante su participación
en el Servicio de Internet Básico, los clientes recibirán:
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Aplican restricciones. No está disponible en todas las áreas. Limitado al servicio de XFINITY® Internet Economy para nuevos clientes residenciales que
cumplan con ciertos criterios de elegibilidad. Los precios anunciados aplican a una sola conexión. Las velocidades reales varían y no están garantizadas.
Después de la participación inicial, si se determina que un cliente ya no es elegible para el programa, pero continúa recibiendo el servicio de Comcast,
aplicarán las tarifas regulares. Sujeto a los términos y condiciones del programa Servicio de Internet Básico. Llame al 1-855-765-6995 para obtener las
restricciones y todos los detalles, o visite Internet-Basico.com. ©2011 Comcast. Derechos Reservados. Servicio de Internet Básico (Internet Essentials por su
nombre en inglés) es un programa para proveer servicio de Internet a las familias. No es un programa de las escuelas y no está patrocinado o requerido por
tu escuela. Tu escuela no es responsable por las cuentas del Servicio de Internet Básico.