Angus - FTP Directory Listing
Angus - FTP Directory Listing
Friday, March 29, 2013 • le vendredi 29 mars 2013 • Vol. 65 • N°13 Photo: Emily Brown, Citoyen Borden Citizen FREE/GRATUIT W End of an era of service By: Leighsah Millward-Kyte, Staff Writer e are reaching the end of an era, as a fixture of CFB Borden will be closing its doors for the last time. Bleachers restaurant, which operated as the “Homestead Restaurant” from its opening in 1976 until the name change in 1991 will be ending 37 years of service to our community on March 31, 2013. Bleachers, currently the only gathering place on base open to all ranks, has hosted many social gatherings, promotion parties, family get-togethers and karaoke nights over the years. To the 12 employees under the management of Brett Turnbull, this news has been met with sadness, as some have been working there since 1997 and have enjoyed serving the military community. Although they are closing their doors, the staff of Bleachers invites you to join them for one last hurrah, as they will go against tradition and remain open for the Easter weekend with many specials and giveaways available to their customers this one last time. Come out and send these wonderful people off with a thank you for their years of great food and fantastic service. N La fin d’une époque Par : Leighsah Millward-Kyte, Rédactrice attitrée (Left) Mike Daigle, head chef, Bleachers restaurant and Brett Turnbull, General Manager, Bleachers restaurant. (À gauche) Mike Daigle, chef de cuisine et Brett Turnbull, Directeur Général du restaurant Bleachers. ous nous dirigeons vers la fin d’une époque, marquée par la fermeture définitive des portes d’une installation de la BFC Borden. Le restaurant Bleachers, qui portait le nom de « Homestead Restaurant » à son ouverture en 1976 jusqu’en 1991, mettra fin à trente-sept ans de service dans notre communauté le 31 mars 2013. Au fil des ans, le Bleachers, seul endroit de rassemblement de la base ouvert à tous les grades, a été l’hôte de nombreuses activités sociales, de célébrations de promotion, de réunions familiales et de soirées karaoké. Pour les douze employés relevant de Brett Turnbull, cette nouvelle a été reçue avec tristesse, étant donné que certains d’entre eux y travaillent depuis 1997 et ont bien aimé servir la communauté militaire. Bien qu’ils ferment leurs portes, les employés du restaurant vous invitent à vous joindre à eux pour une dernière occasion avant la fermeture officielle. Ils iront à l’encontre de la tradition en ouvrant la salle pendant la fin de semaine de Pâques. De nombreuses réductions et cadeaux seront offerts aux clients pour une dernière fois. Venez dire au revoir à ces personnes merveilleuses et les remercier des années où ils ont offert une nourriture excellente et un service exceptionnel. 2 Essa News March 29 mars 2013 Citoyen Borden Citizen Living Faith Community Presbyterian announcements Living Faith Community Presbyterian Church is hosting an interactive Good Friday event for all ages on Friday, March 29th. Arrive any time between the hours of 1 and 3 p.m. for "Journey to the Cross" to participate in a variety of activities, crafts, meditation, and reflection in preparation for the celebration of Easter. This event is free. Living Faith is located at 206 Murphy Rd., Baxter. More information can be obtained by phoning the church at 705-424-0779 or email You can also check out the website at Royal Canadian Legion Angus Branch 15 Fraser Street, Angus Newfie Dinner & Dance Saturday, April 6th Come out and join in the fun. Good old Jigs dinner with all the fixings. Live music and dance to follow. Dinner & Dance - Members $12, Non Members $15 6:30 p.m. Tickets must be purchased by April 1 Music & Dance Only - $5 8:30PM, Tickets in advance or at the door. Tickets available at the Legion Angus Branch, Angus Borden Music, or by calling 705-424-5711. Georgian Students swing their way to awareness for Soldier On at Swing For Soldiers Ham and potato dinner Join us Friday, March 29th Royal Canadian Legion This week we will be serving ham and scalloped potatoes, with veggies roll, dessert along with tea and coffee. For $10, served from 5-7 p.m. Royal Canadian Legion Branch 499 Angus 2012 - 2013 Public Speaking Competition Sarah Hancock Alyssa Andrade Katelyn Login Cody Stoodley Alyssa Barlow Kyla MacDonald Max Summers Audrey Crunkleton Mackenzie Acheson Hunter Bieman 1st 2nd 2nd Juniors Pine River Elementary School Our Lady of Grace School / Prince of Peace Our Lady of Grace School / Prince of Peace Honourary Mention Pine River Elementary School Prince of Peace / Our Lady of Grace School 1st 2nd 3rd Seniors Pine River Elementary School Our Lady of Grace School / Prince of Peace Pine River Elementary School Honourary Mention Pine River Elementary School Our Lady of Grace School / Prince of Peace Winners and Contestants for the 2013 Public Speaking Awards Juniors: Front row left to right: Cody Stoodley, Sarah Hancock, Alyssa Andrade, Alyssa Barlow, Katelyn Login. Seniors: 2nd Row, left to right: Hunter Bieman, Kyla MacDonald, Max Summers, Audrey Crunkleton, Mackenzie Acheson, Heather Jordan, Youth & Education Chairman. Barrie, ON: Georgian College Event Management students are calling all “ducky shincrackers, hoofers and dames” to come out and join them on April 5th 2013 for dinner and dance in support of local troops. The students are hosting SWING FOR SOLDIERS a 1940’s era dinner and dance with proceeds going towards SOLDIER ON and the Event Management scholarship fund at Georgian College. Swing for Soldiers is a chance for people to travel back in time to the 1940’s and enjoys a night out on the town. The 1940’s were filled with music, social scenes, drink and good times and Swing for Soldiers is no exception. Guests will be greeted by men in uniform and ladies dressed to impress. The evening will be filled with music, dancing, fine dining and a swell silent auction. A three course roast beef dinner and silent auction will start off the evening and will be followed by a performance by The Skyliners Big Band of Barrie, ON. All attendees at Swing for Soldiers are automatically entered into the door prize draw which has been donated by Tangle Creek Golf and Country Club. Soldier On is program aimed to helping Canadian Forces Personnel who are currently serving, former personnel and the families of the ill or injured personnel. The program helps by providing exercise equipment and support for an adaptive lifestyle, well as by helping with the costs of physical and recreational activities. Soldier On has a focus on helping to provide the structure for a healthy lifestyle for all eligible personnel. Georgian College Event Management Scholarship Fund is a college based initiative aimed towards helping future students of the Event Management Program afford tuition at Georgian College. Swing for Soldiers is being hosted at Tangle Creek Golf and Country Club, 4730 Side Road #25 Thornton, Ontario LOL 2N0 on April 5th 2013. Cocktails at 6 p.m., dinner is at 7 p.m. and dancing to start at 8 p.m. Tickets are $60 each and available by contacting Angus Lions Annual Easter Weekend Pancake Breakfast Angus Lions Hall New location 380 Mill St Nottawasaga Fishing Park MARCH 30 & 31, 2013 8 a.m. – NOON COST: ADULTS $6.00 Children under 12 $3.00 There will be an Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday at 11a.m. Sponsored by the Angus District Lioness. There will also be an Easter Bonnet Contest. Get those hats decorated! Angus District Lioness Club Hosts An Easter Egg Hunt Saturday March 30, 11 a.m. Angus Lions Hall Nottawasaga Fishing Park 380 Mill St Angus Ages – 0- 10 years There will also be an Easter Bonnet Contest. Come out and show off your beautiful creations. This page is sponsored by: OPEN HTS IG YOUR ALL CANADIAN FAMILY DISCOUNT STORE N K E E W L Rainbow Mall, Angus UNTI M P Angus Store Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 9pm • Saturday 9:00am - 6:00pm • Sunday 10:00am - 5:00pm 9:00 ® GIANT TIGER (TIGRE GÉANT) AND GIANT TIGER DESIGNS ARE THE TRADEMARKS IN CANADA OF GIANT TIGER STORES LIMITED. 3 March 29 mars 2013 Citoyen Borden Citizen Red Cross Sports nautiques Aquatic Sports de Croix-Rouge Register Now At The Recreation Kiosk In The Buell Gym. Striving to develop confidence and a positive self image, Monkeynastix® will challenge your child while developing strength and flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, gross and fine motor skills, balance and co-ordination, eye hand and eye foot co-ordination and speed and agility. More information on the programme can be found at Classes 1 - 2 Year Olds (Parent Participation) TIME: 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. DAY: Saturdays START: Saturday, April 13, 2013 END: Saturday, June 22, 2013 DURATION: 10 Weeks NO CLASS: Saturday, May 18, 2013 2 - 3 Year Olds TIME: 9:45 - 10:15 a.m. DAY: Saturdays START: Saturday, April 13, 2013 END: Saturday, June 22, 2013 DURATION: 10 Weeks NO CLASS: Saturday, May 18, 2013 4 - 5 Year Olds TIME: 10:30 - 11:00 a.m. DAY: Saturdays START: Saturday, April 13, 2013 END: Saturday, June 22, 2013 DURATION: 10 Weeks NO CLASS: Saturday, May 18, 2013 6 - 8 Year Olds TIME: 11:15 - 11:45 a.m. DAY: Saturdays START: Saturday, April 13, 2013 END: Saturday, June 22, 2013 DURATION: 10 Weeks NO CLASS: Saturday, May 18, 2013 Cost Defence Team Members: $110.00 + HST Associates: $134.00 + HST Includes: Monkeynastix® Hat (Handed Out First Class) Classes are conducted at the Buell Fitness and Aquatic Centre’s Multi Purpose Room. Monkeynastix 2013 printemps Les inscriptions ont lieu maintenant comptoir des loisirs du gymnase buell. Visant le développement de la confiance en soi et une image positive de soi, Monkeynastix® invite chaque enfant à se dépasser tout en développant sa force et sa souplesse, sa condition cardiovasculaire, sa motricité globale et sa motricité fine, son équilibre et sa coordination, sa coordination œil-main et œil-pied ainsi que sa vitesse et son agilité. Pour de plus amples renseignements, nous vous invitons à vous rendre à Cours 1 – 2 ans (avec la participation d'un parent) HEURE : De 9 h à 9 h 30 JOUR: Les samedis DÉBUT : Le samedi 13 avril 2013 FIN : Le samedi 22 juin 2013 DURÉE : 10 semaines AUCUN COURS: Le samedi 18 mai 2013 2 - 3 ans HEURE : De 9 h 45 à 10 h 15 JOUR: Les samedis DÉBUT : Le samedi 13 avril 2013 FIN : Le samedi 22 juin 2013 DURÉE : 10 semaines AUCUN COURS: Le samedi 18 mai 2013 4 - 5 ans HEURE : De 10 h 30 à 11 h JOUR: Les samedis DÉBUT : Le samedi 13 avril 2013 FIN : Le samedi 22 juin 2013 DURÉE : 10 semaines AUCUN COURS: Le samedi 18 mai 2013 6 - 8 ans HEURE : De 11 h 15 à 11 h 45 JOUR: Les samedis DÉBUT : Le samedi 13 avril 2013 FIN : Le samedi 22 juin 2013 DURÉE : 10 semaines AUCUN COURS: Le samedi 18 mai 2013 Coût Membres de l’Équipe de la Défense : 110 $ + TVH Membres associés: 134 $ + TVH Incluant une casquette Monkeynastix® (remis au premier cours) Les cours sont offerts à la salle polyvalente du Centre de conditionnement physique et aquatique Buell. Á Hart Dr. Á Monkeynastix Spring 2013 Le club de plongée sous-marine de la BFC Borden, les Aquateers du Canada, tiendra une assemblée générale le jeudi 10 avril 2013, à 19 heures. La réunion aura lieu dans la salle de classe du club, située au deuxième étage du bâtiment A82 (190, allée Lundy). Les personnes qui ont une qualification en plongée sous marine ou qui ont de l'intérêt pour ce sport sont invitées à assister à l’assemblée. Avis important : Selon la nouvelle politique du PSP, nous ne pouvons pas percevoir le montant des frais d’adhésion directement. Nous demandons donc à tous les membres de payer leurs frais d’adhésion au comptoir de service du gymnase de la Base avant l’assemblée générale. Il suffira aux membres de présenter leur reçu pour prouver qu’ils ont le droit de vote durant l’assemblée. Ordre du jour de l’assemblée : examen du budget courant; mise à jour sur l'équipement du club/les achats; saison de plongée 2013 et programme des cours; élection du nouveau président et/ou VP; activités planifiées pour le printemps/l’été. Á Ramp to 40 0N Dunlop Street The Base Borden Scuba Club, Aquateers of Canada, will be holding a general meeting on Wednesday 10 Apr 2013 at 1900 hrs. The meeting will be held in the club's classroom, situated on the second floor of building A82 (190 Lundy Lane). If you are a current qualified scuba diver or are interested in scuba diving we invite you to come out to the meeting. Very important: As it is a new PSP policy that we cannot receive membership funds directly from the members. We require all members pay their membership at the Base Gym Kiosk prior to AGM. Members who will present their receipt will be current, therefore, they will have right to vote on club issues. Topics for the meeting will be, review current budget, equipment status /purchases, 2013 dive season and courses recap, voting in the new Club President and/or VP and planned activities for spring / summer. Assemblée générale du Club de plongée autonome de la BFC Borden, les Aquateers du Canada Á Base Borden Scuba Club, Aquateers of Canada AGM Du samedi 6 avril au samedi 15 juin de 10h30 à 11h30 {aucunes leçons 18 mai} 45,20 $ pour les militaires de l’ALCB et les membres de l’Équipe de la Défense de l’ALCB (taxes incluses) 50,85 $ pour les militaires et les membres de l’Équipe de la Défense (taxes incluses) 61,36 $ pour les membres de l’ALCB (taxes incluses) 88,21 $ pour les membres associés (taxes incluses) HWY 400 NORTH Saturdays April 6 to June 15 10:30 a.m. to 11 :30am {no lesson on May 18} $45.20 for Military and DTM with a membership (taxes included) $50.85 for Military and DTM without a membership (taxes included) $61.36 BCRA (taxes included) $88.21 for Associates (taxes included) Le Programme de sports aquatiques comporte des modules qui offrent bien des façons de s’amuser, de rester en forme et de faire de l’activité physique dans l’eau. Ces cours présentent divers sports aquatiques récréatifs, par exemple la navigation de plaisance, le sauvetage sportif, l’entraînement en natation, la nage synchronisée, la natation du triathlon, le hockey sous-marin et le water-polo, dans un environnement agréable et non compétitif. Á The Aquatic Sports Program features modules that offer lots of ways to have fun, stay fit and be active in the water. These courses introduce a variety of aquatic recreational sports i.e. boating, lifesaving sport, swim workout, synchronized swimming, triathlon swim, underwater hockey, and water polo in a fun-filled, non-competitive environment. 4 March 29 mars 2013 Citoyen Borden Citizen PSP chili showdown / Dégustation de chili des PSP The 5th annual PSP Chili Cookoff happened Friday, March 22, with 9 entries from across PSP. With full bellies, the group finally picked three winners in three categories. The spicest chili went to Chuck Wilson, the Base Sports Coordinator, the most creative chili was won by Lorraine Kruczek, Fitness Supervisor, and the best chili overall went to Emily Brown, Editor of the Borden Citizen who will be proudly displaying her trophy on her desk for this year. Congratulations winners! La 5e dégustation de chili des PSP s’est tenue le vendredi 22 mars, mettant en vedette neuf participants provenant de tous les PSP. C’est avec le ventre plein que le groupe a finalement choisi les gagnants des trois catégories. Chuck Wilson, coordonnateur des sports de la base, a remporté le prix du chili le plus épicé. Lorraine Kruczek, superviseur du conditionnement physique, a gagné celui du chili le plus original. Enfin, le meilleur chili dans l’ensemble est revenu à Emily Brown, rédactrice en chef du Citoyen Borden, qui disposera fièrement le trophée sur son bureau cette année. Félicitations aux gagnants! B Borden gymnastics represents Le Club de gymnastique représente la BFC Borden orden Gymnastics has just returned from a March Break trip to Calgary where the team competed at the Kyle Shewfelt Gymfest. The competition was hosted by 2004 Athens Olympic gold-medalist Kyle Shewfelt, who acted as enthusiastic emcee and signed autographs and posed for pictures. The girls thoroughly enjoyed the trip, but made the most of it by earning many excellent apparatus and all around awards. Morgan S, 1st All-around, 1st on vault, floor and bars, 3rd on beam. Sarah C, 1st all around, 1st on floor, 3rd on beam, bars and vault, Emily F, 2nd all around, 2nd on vault and bars, 7th on beam. Maddy S, 3rd on vault, 7th on bars, 9th on floor, Roxy M, 3rd on bars, 9th on floor, Hannah C, 1st on vault, Joanie T, 1st on floor, 4th on vault and Savanna I, placing in the top half of her Pre-Novice category with a field of over 40 competitors. Great job from Team Borden. L e Club de gymnastique de la BFC Borden revient d’un voyage à Calgary durant la semaine de relâche, où l’équipe a participé au Festival de gymnastique Kyle Shewfelt. La compétition était parrainée par le gymnaste du même nom, médaillé d’or aux Jeux olympiques d’Athènes de 2004, qui animait l’évènement avec enthousiasme. Ce dernier a également signé des autographes et s’est fait prendre en photo. Les filles ont beaucoup aimé leur séjour et en ont surtout profité en gagnant de nombreux excellents appareils et en remportant des prix dans les concours multiples. Morgan S, a mérité la première place au concours multiple, la première place à la table de saut, au sol et aux barres, et la troisième place à la poutre. Sarah C, a gagné la première place au concours multiple, la première place au sol, et la troisième place à la poutre, aux barres et à la table de saut. Emily F, a remporté la deuxième place au concours multiple, la deuxième place à la table de saut et aux barres, et la septième place à la poutre. Maddy S, a mérité la troisième place à la table de saut, la septième place aux barres, et la neuvième place au sol. Roxy M, a gagné la troisième place aux barres et la neuvième place au sol. Hannah C, a mérité la première place à la table de saut; Joanie T, la première place au sol et la quatrième place à la table de saut; et Savanna I, s’est placée dans la première moitié de sa catégorie prénovice, qui comprenait Back row from left to right/ Rangée arrière, de gauche à droite: Morgan S, Sarah C, Maddy S, un bassin de quarante compétitrices. Félicitations à l’équipe de la BFC Front row left to right/première rangée de gauche à droite: Emily F, Hannah C, Roxy M, Savanna and Joanie T. Borden! CIRCULATION/DIFFUSION : 7200 CFB/BFC Borden, Ontario L0M 1C0 Canadian Publications Mail Agreement No./ Publication canadienne, no de convention 1450816 Published every Friday, deadline Tuesday 1200 hrs/ L’heure de tombée est 12 h, le mardi précédant le jour de publication (vendredi). Delivered FREE to Borden, Angus, Utopia & Baxter Distribué gratuitement à Borden, Angus, Utopia et Baxter. Read the Citoyen Borden Citizen online at/Version en ligne du Citoyen Borden Citizen à Printed by/Impression : Master Web Inc. Printing and Publishing Managing Editor/ Rédactrice en chef..............................................Emily Brown Graphic Arts/ Ventes et arts graphiques ..................................Margrit Wooley Clerk & Accounts/ Commis de bureau.......................................Stephanie Mercer Staff Writer/ Rédactrice attitrée.............................Leighsah Millward-Kyte Personnel Support Programs Manager/ Gérante- des programmes de soutien du personnel Jennifer Goodfellow.................................................... 3775 Public Affairs Officer/ Officier des affaires publiques Capt Rob Bungay............................................................ 3162 For editorial e-mail/Courriel du service de rédaction : For advertising e-mail/Courriel du service de publicité : Building S-138, 48 Rafah Crescent Mailing Address/adresse postale: The Citoyen Borden Citizen PO Box 1000, Stn Main, Borden, Ontario L0M 1C0 Telephone/Téléphone : 705-423-2496 The Citoyen Borden Citizen is an unofficial publication of CFB Borden published every week with permission of Colonel T.L Harris CD, Base Commander. The views expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor, Canadian Armed Forces or the Department of National Defence. The Editor reserves the right to reject and edit copy to suit the needs of the publication. Reproduction of ANY content in the Borden Citizen is prohibited without written permission of the Borden Citizen Editor. Le Citoyen Borden Citizen est une publication non officielle de la BFC Borden qui paraît chaque semaine avec l’autorisation du commandant de la base, le Colonel T.L. Harris, CD. Les opinions exprimées sont celles des collaborateurs et ne reflètent pas nécessairement les points de vue du rédacteur ou de la rédactrice des Forces armées canadiennes ou du ministère de la Défense nationale. Le rédacteur ou la rédactrice se réserve le droit d’accepter ou de refuser les articles en fonction des besoins du journal. Il est interdit de reproduire QUELQUE élément d’information que ce soit dans le Borden Citizen sans l’autorisation de la rédactrice en chef. Citoyen Borden Citizen March 29 mars 2013 5 Donations Delivered! / Remise des dons! Cope Service Dogs received a donation of $500 from Operation Nose on Friday, March 15, 2013. This donation will help to fund activities such as reading programs (kids read to a dog that doesn’t judge their skills), and to bullied children. Pictured in this photo are Andy Bruyere, Heather Bruyere, CFB Borden Commander, Col Harris, Mike Doucet, Deputy PSP Manager, Base Chief, CP0 1 Denis, Darlene Schulz, Op Red Nose Committee Member, LCol Bouchard, CWO Hill and of course, Bobby, the Cope Dog. Le vendredi 15 mars 2013, l’entreprise Cope Service Dogs a reçu un don de 500 $ recueilli dans le cadre de l’Opération Nez rouge. Ce don permettra de financer des activités telles que les programmes de lecture (les enfants font la lecture à un chien qui ne juge pas leurs compétences) et celles à l’intention des enfants victimes d’intimidation. On voit ici M. Andy Bruyere, Mme Heather Bruyere, le colonel Harris, commandant de la BFC Borden, M. Mike Doucet, gestionnaire p. i. des PSP, le PM 1 Denis, premier maître de la Base, Mme Darlene Schulz, membre du comité de l’Opération Nez rouge, le Lcol Bouchard, l’adjudant-chef Hill et, bien sûr, Bobby, le chien aidant. How your group/club/organization could receive Operation Red Nose 2013 donations: If you are part of a non-profit athletic youth group, club, or activity or you or your club is planning to participate in an activity / outing with a youth athletic theme, write to us and tell us all about it. In 500 words or less, tell us about your youth group, club or activity and what impact a donation from the 2013 Borden Operation Red Nose campaign would have. All entries must be received by Jen Goodfellow in building O-125, Room 219 or by e-mail: by midnight April 30, 2013. Op Red Nose also donated $1327.60 to the Royal Victoria Hospital’s Child and Youth Mental Health Programs. RVH is now actively recruiting child psychiatrists to lead the development of this program. Pictured in this photo are CWO Hill, CFB Borden Commander, Col Harris, Eric Dean, RVH Chief Executive Officer, Mike Doucet, Deputy PSP Manager, Darlene Schulz, Op Red Nose Committee Member, Base Chief, CP0 1 Denis and LCol Bouchard, CFSTG Admin-O. L’Opération Nez rouge a également remis une somme de 1 327,60 $ au programme de santé mentale à l’intention des enfants et des adolescents de l’Hôpital Royal Victoria. L’Hôpital est maintenant à la recherche de pédopsychiatres pour diriger l’élaboration de ce programme. On voit ici l’adjudant chef Hill, le colonel Harris, commandant de la BFC Borden, M. Eric Dean, directeur général de l’Hôpital Royal Victoria, M. Mike Doucet, gestionnaire p. i. des PSP, Mme Darlene Schulz, membre du comité de l’Opération Nez rouge, le PM 1 Denis, premier maître de la Base, et le Lcol Bouchard. Voici comment votre groupe/club/ organisation peut recevoir un don de l’Opération Nez rouge 2013 : Si vous faites partie d’un groupe, d’un club ou d’une activité de jeunes sportifs à but non lucratif, ou que vous ou votre organisation prévoyez participer à une activité ou à une sortie ayant une thématique de jeunesse sportive, écrivez-nous et expliqueznous ce que vous faites. En 500 mots ou moins, décrivez-nous votre groupe, votre club ou votre activité destiné aux jeunes et expliquez-nous de quelle façon un don de la campagne d’Opération Nez rouge 2013 vous serait profitable. Toutes les demandes doivent être envoyées à Jen Goodfellow au bât O-125, salle 219, ou par courriel à l’adresse au plus tard le 30 avril 2013 à minuit. Show your Military I.D. or this ad and receive 10% off your Food Purchase. Group Reservations Welcome on Weekends 6 March 29 mars 2013 A Citoyen Borden Citizen Trainer of choice: the legendary Tiger Moth By: MWO Normand Marion, 16 Wing s in previous years in Borden, a theme aircraft was selected for the anniversary of the Royal Canadian Air Force, a tradition that intends not only to highlight the aircraft itself, but also to give recognition to the Canadians who flew and maintained it. For this RCAF 89th Anniversary, the de Havilland Tiger Moth was selected, as this year marks the 75th anniversary of the first flight of the Canadian-built version of the Tiger Moth. A successor to de Havilland's highly successful DH60 Moth series, the DH82 Tiger Moth (especially its Canadian version, the DH82C) was a favourite trainer with the British Commonwealth Air Training Plan's Elementary Flying Schools across the country during the Second World War. Although a British-built demonstrator Tiger Moth had flown in Canada as early as 1931, it wasn't until December 1937 that a first Canadian-built version took to the skies over the Downsview plant in Toronto. It was the first airplane built in Toronto since the end of the First World War. Designed to facilitate its operation under harsh winter conditions, the Canadian version delivered to the RCAF featured a sliding canopy that covered both cockpits of the two-seater, a heating system making use of the heat from the engine tail pipe, a tail wheel, brakes, and heavier axles for ski operations. Tens of thousands of Canadian and Allied pilots learned to fly on some of the 1546 Tiger Moths in service with the RCAF during the war. Many Tiger Moths still fly around the world today, including one (Britishbuilt) at the Edenvale airport, not far from CFB Borden. You can also see an original Canadian-built Tiger Moth on display at the Air Annex of the Base Borden Military Museum, located inside an original First World War aircraft hangar. The Tiger Moth, legendary RCAF trainer aircraft during the Second World War. Le Tiger Moth, avion-école légendaire de l’ARC pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. C Le Tiger Moth : avion-école légendaire Par : l’Adjum Normand Marion, 16e Escadre Première Guerre mondiale. Mieux adaptée pour les conditions climatiques extrêmes de nos hivers, cette version canadienne, conçue pour l'ARC, comprend une verrière coulissante qui couvre les deux cockpits de ce biplace, une chaufferette qui utilise la chaleur du tuyau d'échappement, une roue arrière, des freins, ainsi que des essieux renforcis pouvant supporter des skis. Des dizaines de milliers d'aviateurs canadiens et des pays alliés ont appris à piloter à bord des quelques 1 546 Tiger Moths en service au sein de l'ARC pendant la guerre. Plusieurs Tiger Moths volent encore de nos jours de par le monde, dont un que l'on retrouve tout près de la BFC Borden à l'aérodrome d'Edenvale. Vous pouvez aussi voir un Tiger Moth version canadienne en montre à l'intérieur de l'annexe de la Force aérienne du musée militaire de la BFC Borden, qui se trouve à l'intérieur d'un hangar original datant de la Première Guerre mondiale. omme par les années passées, on a choisi à Borden un avion-thème pour souligner l’anniversaire de l’Aviation royale canadienne (ARC), une tradition qui sert non seulement à mettre en valeur un aéronef, mais aussi à rendre hommage aux Canadiens qui l'ont piloté et maintenu. En ce 89e anniversaire de l'ARC, l’aéronef qui a été choisi est l'avion d'entraînement biplan légendaire Tiger Moth. Ce choix pour cette année souligne le soixante-quinzième anniversaire du premier vol de la version canadienne de cet avion fabriqué au Canada par de Havilland. Conçu à partir de la fameuse série DH60 « Moth » du fabricant de Havilland, le DH82 Tiger Moth (en particulier sa version canadienne, le DH82C) a occupé une place de choix en tant qu'avion-école de niveau élémentaire au sein du Programme d'entraînement aérien du Commonwealth britannique à travers le Canada, au cours de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale. Bien qu'un avion démonstrateur Tiger Moth de fabrication britannique ait déjà volé au Canada en 1931, ce n'est qu'en décembre 1937 que la version canadienne fait sa première envolée au-dessus de l'aérodrome de Downsview à Toronto. Il s'agit du premier aéronef construit à Toronto depuis la fin de la Angus Veterinary Clinic (705) 424-5587 Angus 169 Mill Street, next to Petro Canada BILINGUAL SERVICES AVAILABLE Digital Radiology, Surgical, Dental, Diagnostic Laboratory, Laser Surgery, Ultrasound. Serving Angus/Borden since 1988 Open Tuesday through Saturday Our Alliston Clinic Open 7 Days a Week Emergency Service Available for Our Clients 705-722-0377 Dr. David Funston, Dr. Stacey Knobel, Dr. Monique Antaki Boyne Veterinary Clinic Alliston (705) 435-7641 252 Young St., (Hwy 89 West) Borden’s Biggest Loser Citoyen Borden Citizen L adies and Gentleman, 31 CF Health Services C, in conjunction with PSP staff and the Health Promotion team, is pleased to announce the 2013 CFB Borden Weight Loss Challenge !!! Being overweight or obese is associated with an increased risk of developing various diseases, such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease. Healthy weight loss isn’t about changing diet or program. It’s about lifestyle that Thrift Shop Fill a bag with clothing for $5.00! The Thrift Shop is open every Tuesday night from 6:30 - 8:30 pm from September to June. We will also be open on Saturday 06 April and 11 May 2013 from 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 pm. We are located at 33 Arnheim Rd in front of the Borden Family Resource Centre. Everyone is welcome! We have a good selection of clothing for all ages, including coats and boots. Need a small appliance or some cookware? Ask to see our kitchen items including dishes and assorted mugs. If you have a question or would like to volunteer to help for 2 hrs per week at the Thrift Shop, please call and leave a message at 705-715-1728 or come in on a day that we are open. We also accept students who need to complete their community volunteer hours. NOTE: We cannot accept donations of furniture because we do not have anywhere to store it. Thank you! includes adequate daily eating and exercise habits, for your long-term health and well-being. WHO: The Challenge is open to military members only and is based on a group effort. All participants must sign up in teams of four. Each team must have a minimum of one female and a team captain. Participants must not be under any medical restrictions. WHAT: Teams will be challenged to lose the most weight during an eight week period. During the challenge PSP will lead non-mandatory fitness classes twice weekly over the lunch period. Also, two mystery Lunch & Learn meetings on appropriate dietary choices will be scheduled. Every Friday from 1100-1300 hours there will be a mandatory team weigh-in at the Buell Gym. March 29 mars 2013 7 WHEN: The Challenge will be from 2 April to 31 May. The event kick-off, team registration, initial weigh-in, and opening remarks will be held at the Canadian Forces Health Services Training Center auditorium, building 0-166, at 1100 hours, 2 April. It is easier to do it together. Grab three friends and join the Challenge. For more information contact or Get Ripped in time for the Summer !!! Great Prizes, Everyone Wins !!! Continued on/Suite à la page 9 8 March 29 mars 2013 Citoyen Borden Citizen Ian Pavlik and Jeff McCuaig of the Rotary Club of Barrie present a donation to the Borden Family Resource Centre in support of the Centre’s “Adopt-A-Holiday” initiative. “Adopt-A-Holiday” is an activity that provides morale packages to CFB Borden Canadian Forces members and PSP staff who are absent from their families during holidays on International missions or at CFS Alert for a period of thirty (30) days or more. Adopt-AHoliday packages are sent four times a year: Easter, Canada Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas allowing deployed members to know that their community in Canada supports their efforts and are thinking about them. These packages are filled with simple necessities, such as toilet paper, toothpaste, lotion, and goodies, like Tim Horton’s coffee, Kraft Dinner and candies all provided through a variety of very generous donations. Thank you Rotary Club of Barrie members! Ian Pavlik et Jeff McCuaig, du Club Rotary de Barrie, remettent un don au Centre de ressources à la famille de Borden pour soutenir l’initiative du Centre « Adoptez une fête ». Il s’agit d’une activité qui permet l’envoi de colis d’encouragement aux militaires et au personnel des PSP de la BFC Borden qui sont loin de leur famille durant les Fêtes, en raison d’un déploiement dans le cadre d’une mission internationale ou d’une affectation à la SFC Alert, pour une période de trente (30) jours ou plus. Les colis préparés grâce à cette initiative sont envoyés quatre fois par années : Pâques, fête du Canada, Action de grâces et Noël. De cette façon, les personnes en affectation savent que leur collectivité au Canada soutient leurs efforts et qu’elle pense à eux. Ces colis contiennent certains produits essentiels, tels que du papier de toilette, du dentifrice et de la lotion, ainsi que des petits cadeaux comme du café Tim Hortons, du macaroni Kraft Dinner et des bonbons. Tous ces produits sont offerts à l’aide d’un éventail de dons très généreux. Un grand merci aux membres du Club Rotary de Barrie ! The Easter bunny hops into the BFRC Le lapin de Pâques fait un saut au CRFB Photos/Captions: Leighsah Millward-Kyte, Citoyen Borden Citizen The Easter Bunny visited the BFRC, Friday March 22, to the delight of the children in attendance. Many kids excitedly danced around, waved and blew kisses to the bunny. A brave few went in to sit on his lap or darted in for a hug like Makaila Cline while the other kids looked on. Le lapin de Pâques a rendu visite au CRFB le vendredi 22 mars, au grand plaisir des enfants qui étaient présents. Un grand nombre d’entre eux ont dansé autour de lui avec excitation, l’ont salué et lui ont soufflé des baisers. Quelques braves sont même allés s’asseoir sur ses genoux ou se sont précipités pour lui faire un câlin, comme Makaila Cline l’a fait pendant que les autres enfants l’observaient. Parent-Child Services Cooking with Kids Friday April 5 from 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Pre-register by Monday April 1 Ages 0-6 Pictured is Ethan Makad-Smith giving the bunny a high five from mom Catherine’s arms. Sur la photo se trouve Ethan Makad-Smith, qui s’apprête à taper dans la main du lapin du haut des bras de sa mère, Catherine. Services aux parents et aux enfants Cuisiner avec les enfants Le vendredi 5 avril de 10h 00 à 11h 00 Date limite d’inscription : le lundi 1 avril Pour les enfants de 0 à 6 ans Join the Parent-Child Services Friday April 5 for a themed-based, child-friendly cooking activity. Joignez vous au Services aux parents et aux enfants le vendredi 5 avril pour une activité de cuisine thématique adaptée aux enfants. Parents are required to remain with children during activity. Les parents doivent rester avec les enfants pendant l’activité. Fun recipes! Nut free recipes. For more information and to register please contact 705 424-1200 ext. 2471/3994. Des recettes amusantes! Recettes sans noix. Renseignements et inscription: 705 424 1200, poste 2471 ou 3994. Le défi « Qui perd gagne » de la BFC Borden Citoyen Borden Citizen M esdames et Messieurs, le 31e Centre des Services de santé des FC, en collaboration avec le personnel des PSP et l’équipe de promotion de la santé, est heureux d’annoncer le défi de perte de poids 2013 de la BFC Borden! L’embonpoint et l’obésité sont associés à un risque accru de développer diverses maladies, comme le cancer, le diabète et les maladies cardiaques. Perdre du poids sainement ne consiste pas à changer de régime alimentaire ou de pro- Le Magasin d'articles d'occasion Remplissez votre sac de vêtements pour 5,00 $! Le Magasin d’articles d’occasion est ouvert le mardi, de 18 h 30 à 20 h 30, de septembre à juin. Il sera également ouvert les samedis 06 avril et 11 mai 2013, de 10 h à 14 h. Il est situé au 33, route Arnheim, en face du Centre de ressources à la famille de Borden. Tous sont les bienvenus. Nous avons une bonne sélection de vêtements pour tous les âges, y compris des manteaux et des bottes. Besoin d'un petit appareil ménager ou de quelques ustensiles de cuisine ? Demandez à voir nos articles de cuisine, y compris vaisselle et tasses assorties. Si vous avez une question ou désirez faire du bénévolat deux (2) heures par semaine au Magasin d’articles d’occasion, veuillez appeler et laisser un message au 705 715 1728 ou nous visiter pendant les heures d’ouverture. Nous acceptons également les étudiant(e)s qui ont besoin de faire des heures de service communautaire. NOTE : Nous ne pouvons accepter aucun don de mobilier car nous n’avons pas d’espace d’entreposage. Merci ! gramme. Il suffit d’adopter un mode de vie qui comprend de bonnes habitudes quotidiennes en matière d’alimentation et d’activité physique, favorisant la santé et le bien-être à long terme. QUI : Le défi s’adresse aux militaires seulement et est fondé sur l’effort collectif. Tous les participants doivent s’inscrire en équipe de quatre. Chaque équipe doit compter au moins une femme et un chef d’équipe. Les participants ne doivent pas avoir de restrictions médicales. QUOI : Les équipes seront mises au défi de perdre le plus de poids durant huit semaines. Tout au long du défi, les PSP tiendront des cours de conditionnement physique non obligatoires deux fois par semaine à l’heure du lunch. De plus, il y aura deux dîners-conférences mystères sur les choix alimentaires appropriés. Tous les vendredis, de 11 h à 13 h, il y aura une pesée d’équipe obligatoire au gymnase Buell. March 29 mars 2013 9 QUAND : Le défi se déroulera du 2 avril au 31 mai. Le lancement de l’activité, l’inscription des équipes, la pesée initiale, et le mot d’ouverture auront lieu à l’auditorium du Centre d’instruction des Services de santé des Forces canadiennes, bâtiment 0-166, à 11 h, le 2 avril. Ensemble, c’est plus facile! Trouvez trois amis et participez au défi. Pour plus de renseignements : ou Mettez-vous en forme pour la belle saison! Fabuleux prix! Tout le monde y gagne! 10 Base Chapels March 29 mars 2013 Roman Catholic services St. Joseph’s Chapel Sunday Masses 0945 hrs – French 1115 hrs – English 1- Holy Thursday mass will be celebrated on March 28, 2013, at 7:00 pm and will be followed by adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. This celebration will be bilingual. 2- Good Friday will be celebrated on March 29, 2013, at 3:00 pm. This celebration will be bilingual. 3- Easter Vigil will be celebrated on Saturday, March 30, 2013, at 8:00 pm. This celebration will be bilingual. 4- Easter Sunday, March 31, there will be a mass in French at 9:45 am and a mass in English at 11:15 am. 5- To celebrate the sacrament of marriage, please contact Padre Kassis at ext 2010 at least six months in advance. 6- To celebrate the sacrament of baptism, please contact Padre Kassis at ext 2010 at least one month in advance. Church Directory PINEWOODS CHAPEL A Christian Community Church 9058 5th Line, Angus Sunday Service 10am @ Angus Morrison Elementary School 91 Simcoe St. Angus. Sunday School Youth Groups Small Groups all welcome Chapelles de la base Citoyen Borden Citizen Services catholiques chapelle St. Joseph Messes du dimanche 9 h 45 – en français 11 h 15 – en anglais 1- La messe du jeudi saint sera célébrée le 28 mars 2013 à 19 h et sera suivie d’une adoration du Saint Sacrement. Cette célébration sera bilingue. 2- Le Vendredi saint sera célébré le 29 mars 2013 à 15 h. Cette célébration sera bilingue. 3- La vigile Pascale sera célébrée le samedi 30 mars 2013 à 20 h. Cette célébration sera bilingue. 4- Le dimanche de Pâques, les messes seront célébrées à 9 h 45 en français et à 11 h 15 en anglais. 5- Pour la célébration du sacrement du mariage, veuillez contacter le padre Kassis, au poste 2010, au moins six mois à l’avance. 6- Pour la célébration du sacrement du baptême, veuillez contacter le padre Kassis, au poste 2010, au moins un mois à l’avance. Friday Muslim Prayers: Multi Faith Room at P-152 A Chapel, 1330 hrs. For attendance confirmation and further information please contact Padre Demiray, local 7364. Prières islamiques du vendredi Salle multiconfessionnelle, bât P-152 A Chapelle, 13 h 30. Afin de confirmer votre présence et pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter l’aumônier Demiray, poste 7364. Protestant services Trinity Chapel Sunday Service 1030 hrs Divine Worship Service (coffee time following) Trinity Chapel Holy Week and Easter Services Good Friday – 29 March Join us for a Community Cross Walk, as we walk to various points on the Base to observe Stations of the Cross with a final service portion at Trinity Chapel. The Cross Walk begins at 1100 hrs at Trinity Chapel. A free light lunch will follow after the service. For more information, please contact Padre Bos ext 2180. Services protestants chapelle Trinity Service du dimanche 10 h 30 – office religieux (suivi d’une pause café) Chapelle Trinity Offices religieux de la Semaine sainte et de Pâques Vendredi saint – 29 mars Joignez-vous à nous pour une procession du chemin de croix communautaire. Nous effectuerons un parcours à pied dans la Base, dont les divers arrêts symbolisent chacune des stations du chemin de croix. Le parcours prendra fin à la chapelle, où se déroulera la dernière partie de la célébration liturgique. La procession du chemin de croix commence à 11 h, à la chapelle Trinity. La célébration liturgique sera suivie d’un repas léger gratuit. Pour plus d’information, veuillez communiquer avec l’Aumônier Bos, au poste 2180. For more information please call 424-0382 THE SALVATION ARMY Hope Acres Glencairn, ON. Sunday 10:45am Worship Service for information call (705) 466-3435 All are welcome Living Hope Fellowship Church Service Sunday 10:00 am Bible Study Monday 6:30 pm Walk in Prayer & Ministry Wednesday 5 pm - 8 pm 52 Brian Ave, Angus (705) 424-9080 Big God Big Things ICONZ OUR LADY OF GRACE CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH MOVING COMPUTERS PRINT & SIGNS 27 Centre St. Angus Sunday Mass Schedule Saturday Evening 5 pm English Sunday Morning 10 am English Sunday 12 Noon Polish on April 2nd, to 195 Mill St., Angus Weekday Mass Times: Monday no Mass beside Pizza Pizza across from Tim Hortons. Tuesday - Friday 7 pm Confessions Fridays from 6 pm - 7 pm ADORATION OF OUR LORD IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT During Office Hours Our Lady of Grace Office Hours Tuesday - Thursday 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. MOVING on April 2nd to 195 Mill St., Angus beside Pizza Pizza across from Tim Hortons • 10% Military Discount • FREE estimates • Laptop/desktop Repairs • All Makes and Models • Signs & printing of all kinds • Designer on site • Banners full colour • Business cards • Scanning • Copying ICONZ 705-424-9022 BARRIE MITSUBISHI’S SIXTH ANNUAL SPRING Citoyen Borden Citizen 11 March 29 mars 2013 MADNESS SALE NOTICE WITH THE PURCHASE OF NEW 2012’s. This Friday, Saturday & Monday THIS SALE ONLY HAPPE ONCE A YEANS R GAS CARDS UP TO 2013 RVR 0% FOR 60 MTHS 0 500 0 % UP TO 72 MTHS FINANCING* on some 2013 models $ GAS CARD $1,000 LAP TOP 2013 LANCER $2,500 in FREE upgrades iPad 10 YEAR 200,000KM BUMPER-TO-BUMPER WARRANTY on all RVR models $ DUE AT SIGNING* on all models 2013 OUTLANDER 0% FOR 72 MTHS H U G E S AVINGS ON ALL INSTOCK VEHICLES REBATES 4,000 $ UP TO ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL AT BARRIE MITSUBISHI New Vehicle Limited Warranty covers most vehicle parts under normal use and maintenance. ** Best Backed claim based on competitors’ information for 11/12 vehicles (Lancer Evolution and Ralliart excluded from Best Backed claim). See dealer or for Warranty and Roadside Assistance terms and conditions and other details. Important program restrictions apply and not all customers will qualify. See participating dealer for Education Edge terms & conditions. 12 Presentation / Présentations March 29 mars 2013 Citoyen Borden Citizen Sergeant Rhodes is presented his promotion to Warrant Officer by the Commander Combat Training Centre (CTC), Colonel M.A. Nixon. From left to right: Acting Regimental Sergeant-Major, Master Warrant Officer J.D.H. Croteau, Commander CTC, Colonel M.A. Nixon, Warrant Officer P.A. Rhodes, Commandant CFSEME, Lieutenant-Colonel J.D. Bower, CTC Regimental Sergeant-Major, Chief Warrant Officer S.E. Croucher. Le Sergent Rhodes reçoit sa promotion au grade d’adjudant de la part du Colonel M.A. Nixon, Commandant du Centre d’instruction au combat (CIC). De gauche à droite : Sergent-major régimentaire intérimaire, l’Adjudant-maître J.D.H Croteau, Commandant du CIC, Colonel M.A Nixon, Adjudant P.A. Rhodes, Cmdt de l’EGEMFC, Lieutenant-colonel J.D. Bower, Sergent-major régimentaire du CIC, Adjudant-chef S.E. Croucher. Capt Andrews, the acting CFSTG Telecom Information Services Officer, proudly presented Pte (T) Piotr Boldys, ATIS Technician, with his chevron upon change of status from Private (basic) to Private (trained). Left to right: Capt Andrews A/BTISO, Pte (T) Boldys, MWO Chambers (CSM). Le Capt Andrews, officier intérimaire des services d’information et de télécommunication du GISFC a remis au Sdt (formé) Piotr Boldys, technicien SITA, son chevron, après que ce dernier soit passé du grade de soldat (instruction élémentaire) à soldat (formé). De gauche à droite : Capt Andrews (O SITB p. i.), le Sdt (formé) Boldys et l’Adjum Chambers (SMC). The Canadian Forces Military Police Academy (CFMPA) QL3 0014 Graduation Parade was held on the 13th March 2013. During this Parade Sgt Gibson (far left) received the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal from Base Borden Commander Col Harris (far right). Proudly pinning the medal on Sgt Gibson is his wife Teresa. Congratulations Sgt Gibson! Le rassemblement de fin de cours de NQ3 0014 de l’École de la Police militaire des Forces canadiennes a eu lieu le 13 mars 2013. Durant le rassemblement, le Sgt Gibson (à gauche complètement) a reçu la Médaille du jubilé de diamant de la Reine en présence du Col Harris, commandant de la BFC Borden (complètement à droite). La conjointe du Sgt, Teresa, épingle fièrement la médaille sur son uniforme. Félicitations Sgt Gibson! Citoyen Borden Citizen Presentation / Présentations 13 March 29 mars 2013 The Canadian Forces Military Police Academy (CFMPA) QL3 0014 Graduation Parade was held on the 13th March 2013. During this Parade QL3 Student Cpl Proulx (center) received the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal from Base Borden Commander Col Harris. Congratulations Cpl Proulx! Le rassemblement de fin de cours de NQ3 0014 de l’École de la Police militaire des Forces canadiennes a eu lieu le 13 mars 2013. Durant le rassemblement, le Col Harris, commandant de la BFC Borden, a remis la Médaille du jubilé de diamant de la Reine au Cpl Proulx (au centre), stagiaire du cours. Félicitations Cpl Proulx! The Canadian Forces Military Police Academy (CFMPA) QL3 0014 Graduation Parade was held on the 13th March 2013. During this Parade CFMPA QL3 Student Cpl Walsh received the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal from Base Borden Commander Col Harris. Well done Cpl Walsh! Le rassemblement de fin de cours de NQ3 0014 de l’École de la Police militaire des Forces canadiennes a eu lieu le 13 mars 2013. Durant le rassemblement, le Col Harris, commandant de la BFC Borden, a remis la Médaille du jubilé de diamant de la Reine au Cpl Walsh, stagiaire du cours. Bravo Cpl Walsh! The Canadian Forces Military Police Academy (CFMPA) QL3 0014 Graduation Parade was held on the 13th March 2013. During this Parade MCpl Dave Kingma was promoted to Sergeant. Pictured left to right are: A/Comd CFMPA Capt M.O. Busset, Sgt Dave Kingma, Mrs. Monique Kingma, and CF MP Gp COS LCol J. Legere. Le rassemblement de fin de cours de NQ3 0014 de l’École de la Police militaire des Forces canadiennes a eu lieu le 13 mars 2013. Durant le rassemblement, le Cplc Dave Kingma a été promu au grade de sergent. Sur la photo, de gauche à droite, se trouvent le Capt M.O. Busset, cmdt/I EPMFC, le Sgt Dave Kingma, Mme Monique Kingma et le Lcol J. Legere, CEM Gp PM FC. EYE EXAMS Dr. Neal Kingstone, O.D. Optometrist is now accepting NEW PATIENTS Evening & Saturday appointments available 2 Locations to Serve You Pine River Plaza, Angus, (Next to Sir Halibut Fish & Chips) (705) 424-3233 22 Dunham Rd., Alliston (705) 435-1995 A NEW YOU OPTICAL EYE EXAMS Arranged Tuesday - Friday 10-6 Saturday 10-3 2 Locations to Serve You (705) 424-4883 CINÉMA TERRA THEATRE “Your Community Theatre” / “Votre cinéma communautaire” NOW SHOWING PRÉSENTEMENT À L’AFFICHE Program change may occur call ahead to confirm La programmation peut changer; veuillez téléphoner pour confirmer 1/2 PRICE THURSDAYS/JEUDIS-MOITIÉ PRIX Adults $7.50 (18 & older) Youth $5.00 (under 18) Seniors $5.00 Adultes : 7.50 $ (18 ans et plus) Jeunes : 5 $ (moins de 18 ans) Âge d’or : 5 $ FRIDAY, SATURDAY & SUNDAY IS FAMILY NIGHT VENDREDI, SAMEDI ET DIMANCHES-SOIRÉES FAMILIALES 14A - Persons under 14 must be accompanied by an adult 18 or older to watch this movie. Proper ID is required. 14A - Les personnes âgées de moins de 14 ans doivent être accompagnées d’un adulte (18 ans et plus) pour être admis. Pièce d’identité requise. CLOSED/FERMÉ Mar 29 - April 4 Apr 5, Apr 6, Apr 7 & Apr 11 @ 7:30 pm CONTACTS SUNGLASSES (Next to Sir Halibut Fish & Chips) Le rassemblement de fin de cours de NQ3 0014 de l’École de la Police militaire des Forces canadiennes (EPMFC) a eu lieu le 13 mars 2013. Durant le rassemblement, l’Adj M. Cormier a reçu la mention élogieuse du commandant du Gp PM FC pour souligner son dévouement et son travail exceptionnels au sein de l’EPMFC. Bravo Adj Cormier! Sur la photo, de gauche à droite, se trouvent l’Adjuc Caron, SMR GP Armée, l’Adj M. Cormier et le Lcol Legere, CEM Gp PM FC. IDENTITY THIEF 3 FOR 1 EYEGLASSES Pine River Plaza, Angus, The Canadian Forces Military Police Academy (CFMPA) QL3 0014 Graduation Parade was held on the 13th March 2013. During this Parade WO M. Cormier was presented with the “CF MP Group Commander’s Commendation.” for his outstanding dedication and work for CFMPA. Well done WO Cormier! Pictured left to right are: Army PM RSM CWO Caron, WO M. Cormier, and MP Gp COS LCol Legere. 22 Dunham Rd., Alliston (705) 435-4358 14A ESCAPE FROM PLANET EARTH APR 12 AMOUR APR 17 SAFE HAVEN APR 19 21 AND OVER APR 26 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC / OUVERT AU GRAND PUBLIC CINÉMA TERRA THEATRE CFB/BFC BORDEN Bldg. P-72, Dieppe Road / Bât P-72, route Dieppe Theatre is Closed Mondays & Tuesdays / Fermé lundis et mardis Please call for confirmation / Pour confirmation, veuillez composer le (705) 424-5096 No ATM or debit available. Cash only. Ni guichet automatique bancaire ni transaction par carte de débit. Paiement comptant seulement CFTDC Personnel won gold medal at 2013 Winterman Running Event 14 O March 29 mars 2013 Citoyen Borden Citizen n February 17, with more than 284 tough runners out there, Maj Julie Belanger, Personnel Selection Officer working at CFTDC, compete in the 2013 Winterman 10km event at the Canadian War Museum in Ottawa! We say tough, because they battled a -29 wind chill along with the famous West wind off the Ottawa River. She set a new record for the Master Women Category for this event with a finish time of 46:51 (previously set at 51:16) and ranked 4th/165 Overall Female, 33rd overall. As you can see, at CFTDC we know the meaning of being fit. How could it be different with Personnel Support Programs (PSP) personnel watching us as we share the same building? Congratulations to Maj Julie Belanger for her excellent performance and qualifying for the National Canadian Forces Running Championship. Le personnel du CDIFC remporte l’or à la course Winterman 2013 L e 17 février dernier, avec plus de 284 braves coureurs, Maj Julie Belanger, officier de sélection de personnel du CDIFC, a pris part à la course du 2013 Winterman 10 km au Musée canadien de la guerre à Ottawa. Braves parce qu’ils ont affronté des températures de -29C en raison du fameux vent ouest de la rivière des Outaouais. Lors de l’événement, elle a établi un nouveau record dans la catégorie Maître Femmes avec un temps de 46:51 (record précédemment établi à 51:16) et s’est classée 4e Femme /165, 33e au classement général. Vous pouvez le voir, au CDIFC, on reconnaît l’importance de la bonne forme physique. Comment pourrait-il en être autrement quand le personnel du Programmes de soutien du personnel (PSP) veille sur nous de près, nous partageons le même édifice! Félicitations au Maj Julie Belanger pour son excellente performance et sa qualification pour le championnat national de course des Forces canadiennes. INCOME TAX Maximize your tax refund. Military, Personal & Small Business Tax Returns LORZEL INCOME TAX REASONABLE RATES FOR YOUR PERSONAL AND BUSINESS INCOME TAX RETURNS Also E-File Returns Monday to Thursday 9:00am - 7:00pm Fri. 11:00am - 7:00pm, Sat. 10am - 2pm E-FILE QUICK REFUNDS Drop in or call 705-424-5383 3 FRASER ST. ANGUS Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm. 424-1279 Rainbow Mall - Angus Across From Giant Tiger - Beside Curves FAX 424-7545 YEAR ROUND SERVICE NRT Accounting & Tax Service Service Directory COMPUTER SERVICE CONSTRUCTION Annuaire de Services BOARDING SERVICE HAIR STYLIST Style with Dawn Hairstyling “In Home Salon” I would like to help ladies look and feel beautiful. I love my work, and would like to share my 16 years of knowledge and experience with you. Please feel free to call and schedule an appointment, in the comfort of my home salon. 72 Darren Dr. Angus, ON 705-516-0312 COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL ESSA PAINTING Are you being posted? Need a fresh coat? Too busy or hate to paint? Call 705-424-2371 Please Support our Troops STORAGE BORDEN/ANGUS SELF STORAGE LTD. • Site manager on duty • Monday to Sunday, 9 am to 3 pm • After hours appointments available • Six Unit Sizes Available • Secutity gate access • You lock it & keep the key 705-424-7204 Located less than 1 mile from CFB Borden. Paved Driveway THE LOWEST RATES IN THE AREA Computer Tech Service Craven Compton 25 years experience, multiple degree holder from University of Toronto. Virus/Spyware removal, Data recovery, proper install and setup 705-791-4927 call Stephen Dubuc at Commercial • Residential Insured • Licensed 705-795-8019 AUTOMOTIVE ASK US ABOUT OUR MILITARY DISCOUNT Service en français disponible ALLISTON VOLKSWAGEN serving Borden for over 48 years 705-435-5701 Hwy #89, E., Alliston March 29 mars 2013 Citoyen Borden Citizen 15 Get the Angele Roy Home Selling Program working for you Put this military Mom to working for You! Re/Max Chay Realty Inc., Brokerage Independently owned and operated. DND CF-IRP APPROVED EWING N T S LI Angele Roy Broker Bilingual 705-795-9152 SEMI 3 bedroom 1.5 bath in Angus. semi Stainless appliances, gas stove. Laminate in great room. Large master. Garage opener, inside entry. $248,500 ANGUS QUICK CLOSING Brand New Devonleigh Home in Alliston. Over 2000 Sq Ft, 3 bedrooms 2.5 baths, several upgrades, Extended wrap around porch. rough in for 3 pc in basement. 2 Car garage, 9' Ceilings on main floor, 5 Piece Ensuite Bath, 2nd Floor Laundry Room. Contact LA for more information. ALLISTON OVER 2600 SQ FT 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. Main floor den, hardwood floor, Upgraded kitchen w/island, quartz counter tops, under cabinet lighting. Upper level laundry, master w/ensuite. Shows 10++++ $399,000 ALLISTON RENOVATED SEMI Cute as a button this semi has had to many updates to list. Large lot. 3 Bedrooms, 1.5 bath. Central Air. Fenced yard. Wood fireplace, new windows, electrical, plumbing. $204,900 Y! A D 1 N I D SOL SPACIOUS AND BRIGHT 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 bath. Family Room with fireplace and hardwood floor. Large eat in kitchen w/island. Separate D/R, Main floor laundry. Master w/ensuite and double closets. Attached 2 car garage. Walkout to fenced yard. Furnace W/Hepa Filter System. $314,900 ANGUS WASAGA BEACH 2 bedrooms plus den could be used as a 3rd bedroom. Hardwood Floors, gas F/P and walkout basement. Large master w/ensuite. Tons of upgrades. Shows 10+ C/A and appliances. WASAGA BEACH DEVONLEIGHS BRAEMAR III Over 1400 sq ft, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. Ensuite, backsplash. Fully fenced yard. Deck, cental air, cold cellar. $304,900 ANGUS DEVONLIEGH CONDOS Choose form 1, 2 or 3 bedroom condos in Collingwood. In Unit laundry, engineered floors in each unit, 5 appliances. PRICED FROM LOW $200,000 DREAM KITCHEN This fabulous 3 bedroom 3 bath home features a dream kitchen. Over $80,000 in upgrades from hardwood floors, pot lights, marble flooring and so much more. Large master with 5 pc ensuite, main floor laundry and den. Upper level also features a great loft area. Alliston. Call Angele for more details. $469,900 ALLISTON Easter Contest! The winner receives a $25 gift card for Giant Tiger. CONTEST CLOSES March 31st. AND UP. COLLINGWOOD Follow me on Guess the number of Jelly Beans Email your response to GETTING POSTED? Who best to sell your home than a Realtor who also worked as a Relocation Consultant with DND • Service Disponible en Francais • Past Client Referral Available. 16 March 29 mars 2013 Citoyen Borden Citizen REALTOR Re/Max Chay Realty Inc., Brokerage 2 Summerset Place, Angus HUGH HARDY Broker “20+ YEARS EXPERIENCE HELPING OVER 1,200 FAMILIES GET MOVING!” 424-7200 / 705- 737-7008 Direct, Toll Free 1-800-383-3980 705- CONVENIENT CONFIDENTIAL CONSCIENTIOUS 424-1331 189 Mill Street, Unit A, Angus, Ontario L0M 1B2 (705) Fax: (705) 424-6441 Call Geoff & Lil's "SELL" phone Hire REALTORS that have lived the military life 705-718-9549 Lillian & Geoff Staples Sales Representatives CD BJ Roth Realty, Brokerage Independently Owned and Operated Suite 100, 300 Lakeshore Drive Barrie, Ontario Office 705-737-3664 Toll Free-1-877-636-5399 w w w. S t a p l e s H o m e s . c o m 22 years service Making your move never felt so easy... We look after every detail of your listing, marketing, consulting, negotiating and liaison, and preparing of legal documents. • IRP Approved • Free staging to get you more $ • Professional quality photographs • Virtual tour of your home • Extensive marketing package, in print and online including social media Testimonial Geoff and Lillian sold our house for 99% of our list price! They looked after every detail and they knew about all the IRP benefits that we were entitled to when selling our home. We loved that we could call, text or email and they would get back to us immediately! We • Full colour feature sheet brochure • Secure Open house at your convenience • Constant communication and feedback will recommend Geoff and Lil to all our military friends and neighbours. ONLY hire Geoff and Lil to sell your house if you want it done right. Samantha and Kevin 100% CANADIAN Angus: 705-424-4188 Base Borden: 705-424-7055 Barrie: 705-728-4067 First Contact Realty, Brokerage INDEPENDENTLY OWNED AND OPERATED Brendan Clemmens Sales Rep., B.A, CREN $229,900 3 bdrm, 1.5 bath immaculate town home with 1345 sq ft of fin living space. Clean and well maintained, warm neutral colours - perfect for a young family, A/C, laminate and ceramic flrs, pot lights, all appliances inc and flexible closing. – move in ready! W G NE TIN S LI $308,800 1+2 bedroom, 2.5 bath home with 1335 main floor square feet. Spacious master suite, open concept layout, shows like a model home! The spring market is here, call Brendan to receive a complimentary Highest Price Analysis to discover your home’s value List with Brendan and receive: • FREE High Definition video tour/professional photography • FREE Home Staging Consultation • Exposure on multiple real estate boards to over 30,000 agents • One on One personalized service from an individual agent Visit for more info or call/text 705-791-9731 Robin Bruyns Sales Representative 705-725-6334 “Professional Service with a Personal Touch” $297,990 Beautiful 3 bed, 2.5 bath all brick two storey home. Fully fin, separate basement entrance, appliances included. Backs onto bush, and located beside natural wetlands area for the ultimate privacy. For virtual tours, visit FABULOUS FIRSTVIEW! All brick Lexington model offers 2400 sq ft of family friendly living space with no carpet! Gleaming hardwood & cer in sun-filled main floor & ez care quality laminate thru bdrm lvl. Spacious kit w/ample workspace, brkfst bar & pantry. Gorgeous landscaping front & back w/lovely patio. Quiet SW Barrie in close proximity to schools, amenities, Ardagh Bluffs, Holly rec ctre & with ez Highway access! MLS 1301748 223 Mill Street, Unit 8, Angus OFFICE HOURS: Mon to Fri: 10am-7pm CLOSED 3pm-4pm Saturday & Sunday: 10am to 3pm CANEX Bld., Base Borden OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday: 9am-5pm Saturday & Sunday: CLOSED Citoyen Borden Citizen March 29 mars 2013 17 18 March 29 mars 2013 Citoyen Borden Citizen 4 Pine River Rd. Unit 8, 355 Bayfield St., Angus Barrie 705-424-2121 705-721-9111 B.J. Roth Realty Ltd., Brokerage Independently owned and operated. DND CF-IRP APPROVED Buy or Sell Through ANGUS and Enter to Win a Trip for 2 to Las Vegas for 3 Days and 2 Nights in Minimum 4 Star Resort* Contest runs from February 1st, 2013 until May 31st, 2013 *Some Conditions Apply Alexia Daley Sales Representative 705-321-2541 $309,900 Sparkling Clean Home in very desirable neighbourhood. Master w/walk-in closet & ensuite. Kitchen w/ceramic backsplash & plenty of cupboards. Shows 10++ CALL CHERYL @ 705-796-4663 MINUTES TO SHOPPING, SKIING & THE BEACH This 4 bedroom home is conveniently located & on a private, dead end Cheryl Ferguson road. Many upgrades including kitchen, windows, siding, furnace and Sales Representative 705-796-4663 more. $225.000. CALL ALEXIA AT 705-321-2541 1700 SQ.FT. TOWNHOME This is one of the nicest town homes in the area! Clean, clean, clean! 3 Bdrms and almost 1700 sqft. Hardwood and ceramic everywhere! Come see for yourself! $ 2 7 4 , 9 0 0 . CALL DAVE AT 705-715-8262 Dave Treitz Sales Representative 705-715-8262 EWING N T S LI Cheryl Ferguson Sales Representative 705-796-4663 BETTER THAN NEW! Open Concept, 3 Year Old Home. Fully Fenced Backyard, Main Floor Laundry & Fantastic Master Suite. Ideal for a Starter or Retiree. $245,000 CALL CHERYL TODAY BEFORE IT IS GONE. 705-796-4663. $414,900 COUNTRY LOT Doug Barnett Over 2200 sq ft bungalow on a 1ac country lot. Great big custom eat-in kitchen, Stunning Home on Private 1.72 Acres. Over $60,000 in upgrades in Bilingual Sales Representative 3 bdr, 2 baths. 90% of basement finished a/c, r/i bath in basement, shows to per- MVA., Broker Market Value Appraiser, Res. the last 2 years. Seeing is believing!!! 705-828-0084 fection!! $374,900. CALL MARIO AT 705-828-0084 705-220-3375 CALL DOUG @ 705-220-3375 TO VIEW Mario Filion EW G N TIN S LI Cheryl Ferguson Sales Representative 705-796-4663 AFFORDABLE LIVING Over 1,300 sq. ft. mobile on one of the largest lots. 3 bedrooms, 1 1/2 baths. Convenient Location! What more do you want? $136,000. CALL CHERYL FOR YOUR PERSONAL VIEWING @ 705796-4663. Ed Smit Sales Representative 705-794-6107 QUICK CLOSE AVAILABLE Wonderful end unit townhome, great mainfloor layout, hardwood, A/C, fenced yard. Very clean! Quick close available. $245,000. CALL ED FOR MORE INFO 705-794-6107 March 29 mars 2013 Citoyen Borden Citizen Classifieds / Petites annonces Deadline for Word Classified Advertising is Tuesdays at noon • All Advertising must be pre-paid • Sorry No refunds • Credit Only Errors and Omissions. On the first day that your ad appears, check for errors or omissions. Allowance will be made for only ONE incorrect insertion. L’heure de tombée pour les petites annonces et les textes est midi, le mardi. Toutes les annonces publicitaires doivent être payées à l’avance. Nous sommes désolés, mais nous avons une politique de non remboursement, toutefois, des crédits sont accordés. Erreurs et omissions. Le premier jour de la parution de votre annonce, vous devez vérifier s’il y a des erreurs ou des omissions. UNE seule correction pourra être effectuée. PERSONAL Problem Gambling Helpline. Confidential and open 24 hours a day. 1-888-230-3505 (01-tfn/nc) Alcoholics Anonymous meeting held every Monday and Friday evening at the Trinity Chapel, Borden at 8 pm. For more information call 705727-8257. (01-tfn/nc) Love & Hope Al-Anon famiAPARTMENT FOR RENT MARGARET ST. ANGUS ly group meets every Tuesday in Angus at the Living Hope Fellowship, 52 Brian St. at 8 p.m.If you feel your life has been affected by someone elses drinking come visit or call us at 705-730-3307. (01tfn/nc) HELP WANTED Good Samaritan Nursing Home has part time employment available for RN’s. Please fax resume to L. Weaver @ 705-435-0235 or phone 705-435-5722. (01-tfn/inv) FREE PICK UP Bbq's, A/C units, lawn mowers, washers, dryers, stoves, fridges, computers, electronics, TV’s, car parts and other metal items for scrap in Angus, Borden, Barrie and surrounding area. Dump runs available. Call 705-423-9700. (01tfn/inv) GUITAR LESSONS Recording artist, Rock, Blues, Jazz and Classical. Musicians study with award winning guitar coach John CLEANING SERVICE 1 & 2 Bdrm Apts. Laundry facilities Parking. No Pets From $780/mth+Utils. Avail. Now/April Weston at the Barn Studio, we supply a guitar for new students. Call 705-8281062 for info. (05-11p) SHARED ACCOMMODATIONS Downtown Angus - large 1 bedroom, utilities and parking included. Laundry on site. First, last & security SENIORS BUILDING ANGUS 1 & 2 Bdrm Apts. Laundry facilities. No Pets. From $620/mth + Parking/Hydro Available April/May Prof. Managed by: Prof. Managed by: MEMORIAM In loving memory of Margaret Helena Westaway, March 26, 1971, 42 years today. You are always in my heart when I look in the mirror I see you looking back at me. That makes me feel so happy knowing that you are always looking over me. Loving daughter Margaret Westaway. APARTMENT FOR RENT Everett - Bachelor apt. Close to base and Alliston. Quiet location. Call 705435-4471. (13p) 423-2496 FOR SALE 3 piece sofa, love seat and chair, forest green, recliners, good condition, nonsmoking home. $400 obo, call 705-734-6234. (13p) NOTICE APARTMENT FOR RENT 705-424-4882 705-424-4882 deposit required. $500/month. Call Sue at 705-424-2037. (10-3p) 7 0 5 19 2012 Water Summary Reports Available The 2012 Summary Reports for the Angus, Baxter and Thornton Water Systems are available for inspection by any member of the public during normal business hours, without charge, at the Township of Essa Administration Centre or on the Township’s website at Dated March 21, 2013. Dan Perreault Manager of Public Works ADOPTION I need a good home! I’m male, de-clawed and neutered. I’m not sure how old I am. I am gentle and good mannered. I was attacked by other cats and had to have an operation, I’m all good now, but I am very scared. I desperately need a good home with no dogs or kids. Someone who has patience and takes it slow with me. FOR RENT Ten minutes north of C.F.B. Borden: a beautifully-furnished coach house apartment situated on the grounds of a unique Victorian church-toresidence conversion; features include great room with gas fireplace, vaulted ceilings, sleek bathroom, spiral staircase to loft bedroom, skylight, Juliet balconies overlooking manicured gardens; available March 15, 2013; $1,250/month includes parking, utilities (heat, hydro, water), satellite TV, high-speed internet, laundry facilities; suitable for single occupant, non-smoker. References requested. Call Joe @ 705-7913445 or email (for photos) TENDERS If you would like to take me home call 705-725-1714, ask for Ted. HOUSE FOR RENT Available For Rent in Angus • Spacious Semi-Detached House (3 bedroom) • 1380 sq. ft * Ensuite Option • 2 complete ceiling fans • Hardwood Laminate Flooring/Ceramic tile thru-out • Appliances included • Non-Smoking • No Pets • Summer Maintenance included • $1500/month inclusive • 1 Year Lease • Credit Checks/ References Required Contact Fred at or 519-288-6012 for appointment. RENTAL QUOTATIONS FOR PORTABLE TOILET RENTALS The Township of Essa is now accepting bids for the placement and weekly maintenance of 23 portable toilets, and cost of extra service if required, in various parkland and recreational facilities. Cost for extra units for special events, if required. Tenders Due: Tuesday, April 9, 2013 at 11 a.m. (local time). 5786 Simcoe County Rd. #21, Utopia, Ontario Quotations will be opened publicly immediately after closing time at the Lower Level Committee Room, Essa Administration Office The lowest or any quotations not necessarily accepted. Please Submit Inquiries/Quotations to Diane Straus, Recreation Coordinator/Programmer Township of Essa – Administration Centre 5786 Simcoe County Road No. 21 Utopia, Ontario L0M 1T0 (705)424-9770 TOWNSHIP OF ESSA THORNTON ARENA ARCHITECTURAL MODIFICATIONS Contract #6 – Project #211171 TENDERS, clearly marked as to the contents, will be received by the Township of Essa until TUESDAY APRIL 9th, 2013 at 1:00 p.m. local time For the construction of the work detailed below: Architectural and structural modifications to expand the entry, raise and replace the roof structure above the Zamboni area and replace the roof above the refrigeration machine room to accommodate the new refrigeration plant at the Thornton Arena. The project shall also include minor plumbing, HVAC, electrical, natural gas and mechanical modifications. This work is part of on-going upgrades to the arena and includes co-ordination with the 2013 replacement of the refrigeration equipment to convert the existing Freon system to an Ammonia based system in the machine room. A non-mandatory site visit has been arranged for Wednesday March 27th at 10:00 a.m. at the Thornton Arena site to review the proposed works. Complete tender documents can be picked up at Ainley and Associates office or at the Township of Essa office at the addresses listed below for the non-refundable sum of forty dollars ($40.00), including HST payable to Ainley & Associates Ltd. Documents can also be obtained in digital format by contacting Ainley and Associates office to register as a plantaker. Tenders shall be submitted to the Township of Essa office at the address listed below by no later than the closing date and time identified herein. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Township of Essa Administration Centre 5786 County Road #21 Utopia, ON, L0M 1T0 Ainley and Associates Ltd Consulting Engineers and Planners 550 Welham Road Barrie, ON, L4N 8Z7 Tel: 705-424-9770 Tel: 705-726-3371 20 March 29 mars 2013 Alarie The Citoyen Borden Citizen Serving Angus, Barrie, Alliston, Wasaga Beach Team & Surrounding Areas The right team DOES make a difference... We have the RESULTS to prove it! 2009 - 2012 G EWIN N T S LI ALMOST 3/4 ACRE LOT! Tastefully decorated home w/3 bdrms, 1.5 bath, open concept main floor, livrm w/gas fireplace, master w/walkout, part finshd basement w/lrg windows, A/C, hardwood, oversized triple grg, nicely landscaped. Lisle $349,900 SITTING ON 1.8 ACRE LOT! Surrounded by mature trees this home offers 3 bdrms & 1.5 bath, easy to finish basement w/ lrg windows & separate entrance, plenty of parking space for your toys, above ground pool. New Lowell $339,900 Service Bilingue G EW N N TI S LI FULLY FINISHED BUNGALOW! Over 2,600sqft fnshd w/ 3+1 bedrms, 2 baths, main floor famrm, spacious eat-in kitchen, master w/ensuite, huge basement w/lrge windows, hardwood, a/c, fenced yard. Angus $337,000 CLOSE TO AMENITIES! Perfect for the extended family, this home offers 5 bdrms, 2 bath, finished basement w/ lrg windows, many updates incl kitch, windows, doors, furnace, flooring and more, fenced yard w/AG pool. Angus $249,900 G EWIN N T S LI GREAT FAMILY NEIGHBOURHOOD! HUGE FENCED YARD! Over 2,000 sqft of finished living space with 3+1 Updated all brick bungalow offers 3+1 bdrm, 2 full bdrms, 2.5 baths, sep livrm & dinrm, main flr familyrm baths, spacious kitchen w/ ample storage, bright livrm, w/ wood fireplace, huge fenced backyard w/lrg deck dinrm w/ access to 4 season sunrm, lrg famrm, sep & pool, extensive landscaping, A/C, C/VAC. bsmnt entrance, workshop/storage shed, hot tub. Angus $294,999 New Lowell $ 264,900 FULLY FENCED BACK YARD! Over 1,600sqft w/3 lrg bdrms, 2.5 baths, bright and open livrm, kitch, dining area, mn flr laundry, unspoiled basment, A/C, ovrsized garage w/inside access, long dble wide driveway. Angus $269,900 MOVE IN READY! Morra built end unit townhome, Crystal Model, only attached at garage w/ 3 bedrooms 2.5 bathrooms, walkout to fenced yard and large deck, ceramics and inside garage access. Angus $242,500 Sitting On An Acre Lot! Just a short drive to Barrie, this fully finished and spacious bungalow offers 3+2 bedrms, 2 baths, lrge windows in the basement and famrm w/fireplace. Sellers can accomodate a quick closing. Fergusonvale $324,900 BACKING ONTO TREES! Beautiful open concept home offers 3 bdrms, 2.5 baths, lrg livingrm w/ hardwood, eat-kitch w/ breakfast bar & walk-out to lrg deck w/gazebo & fenced yard, main floor laundry w/garage access. Angus $285,000 G EW N N TI S LI NOT A SINGLE THING TO DO! GREAT VIEWS! Pride of ownership shines in this 2+2 bdrm, 3 bath 3 bdrm, 3 bath townhome w/no houses behind has upgraded kitch w/tall cabinets & center island, bright home, spacious & bright main floor, incredible finished basement w/ 9’ ceilings, fully fenced & landscaped w/ livrm, din area w/walkout, large master w/4 piece no neighbours directly behind, A/C, C/VAC, ingrnd ensuite and walk-in, A/C. sprinklers. Angus $289,900 Angus $255,000 G EWIN N T S LI FORMER MODEL HOME! Beautiful & spacious 3bdrm, 2 bath home w/ mn floor famrm w/ fireplace, eat-in kitch, ceramics, hardwood, oversized windows in basement, fenced yard, A/C, C/VAC, inside garage access, ingrnd sprinklers ++. Angus $349,900 MINUTES TO TOWN! 3+2 bdrm, 2.5 bath fully finished bungalow on 2+ acres, sunken living room, main floor familyroom with fireplace, walkout to deck & gardens. Available for quick close! CLEARVIEW $350,000 LARGE IN TOWN LOT! Calling all investors, handymen and first time home buyers! Solid 2 bdrm bungalow walking distance to amenities sits on 57ft x 262ft lot with 22ft x 38ft detached garage/shop. Angus $195,000 ALMOST 3/4 ACRE LOT! Tastefully decorated home w/3 bdrms, 1.5 bath, open concept main flr, livrm w/gas fireplace, master w/ walkout, partially fin basement w/ large windows, A/C, hardwood, oversized triple garage, nicely landscaped. Lisle $349,900 G EWIN N T S LI EW E N RIC P SPACIOUS ALL BRICK HOME! 2,422 sqft + unspoiled basement, 4 bedrms, 2.5 baths, main floor famrm w/fireplace, huge eat-in kitchen w/walkout to patio & fenced yard, hardwood, 9' ceilings, a/c, +++ Angus $360,000 Luc Alarie, CD Broker 705-717-1612 Cindy Alarie Sales Representative 705-718-2195 LARGE LOT! 3 bedrm, 1 bath modular style home sits on very large in town lot and offers partial basement, main flr laundry & updates that include some windows, gas furnance & A/C. Low taxes @ $1,380. Angus $159,900 Sunny Sanford Jayne Ariss Sales Rep (Lic. Asst.) 705-984-2341 Sales Rep (Lic. Asst.) 705-795-4740 LARGE FENCED YARD BACKING TREES! Beautiful well-kept fully finished home offers 5 bdrms, 3 baths, famrm w/ fireplace, updated kitch w/ granite & stainless appliances, hardwood, ceramics, A/C, C/VAC, fenced yard. Quick closing! Angus $315,000 AFFORDABLE LIVING! Neutrally Decorated 3+1 bedroom, 1.5 bathroom home, cosy living room, spacious eat-in kitchen, finished basement w/ family room, long driveway, A/C. Can accommodate a quick closing! Angus $228,000 Chay Realty Inc., Brokerage 424-7200 Independently Owned & Operated (705)
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