400 Squadron Elves prepare to depart for Sick Kids Hospital Départ
400 Squadron Elves prepare to depart for Sick Kids Hospital Départ
Jumping for joy! Friday, December 20, 2013 • le vendredi 20 décembre 2013 • Vol. 65 • N°49 FREE/GRATUIT 400 Squadron Elves prepare to depart for Sick Kids Hospital Elves ‘Suzie Snowflake’ (Corporal Shannon Huntley), ‘Corby’ Private Corbin Arvisias, ‘Noel’ (Corporal David Noel), ‘Christmas Carol’ (Corporal Carol MacDougall), ‘Rossie’ (Cpl Kelly Cardwell), and ‘Pickles’ (Corporal Adam Pyke) leap for joy prior to their departure for Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto as part of OP Ho Ho Ho. This year is the tenth anniversary of 400 “City of Toronto” Squadron’s OP HoHoHo where they fly elves (volunteers from the squadron) to Sick Kids Hospital in Toronto to distribute gifts and interact with patients who will be in hospital over the Christmas period. Saut de joie! Départ des lutins du 400e Escadron à destination de l’hôpital pour enfants Photo: Sgt Kev Parle Les lutins « Suzie Snowflake » (caporal Shannon Huntley), « Corby » (soldat Corbin Arvisias), « Noël » (caporal David Noel), « Christmas Carol » (caporal Carol MacDougall), « Rossie » (caporal Kelly Cardwell) et « Pickles » (caporal Adam Pyke) sautent de joie avant leur départ à destination de l’hôpital pour enfants de Toronto, dans le cadre de l’opération Ho Ho Ho. Cette année marque le dixième anniversaire de l’opération Ho Ho Ho du 400e (Ville de Toronto) Escadron et encore une fois, des lutins (bénévoles de l’escadron) s’envoleront vers l’hôpital pour enfants de Toronto afin de distribuer des cadeaux et parler avec les patients qui seront à l’hôpital durant la période des Fêtes. Essa News 2 | December 20 décembre 2013 | Citoyen Borden Citizen New Years Eve Party & Dance Royal Canadian Legion Branch 499 Angus 2012-2013 Remembrance Literary Composition & Poster Contest Winners Tuesday, December 31st, 2013 Featuring “Romantic Traffic” Prizes, lunch & more…… Doors open at 8:00 PM. Royal Canadian Legion Branch 499, Angus 15 Fraser Street $20 per person Primary Back Row: Col Doyon, Deputy Mayor Sandie Macdonald, Mayor Terry Dowdall, Councilor Ward 1 Keith White, Youth & Ed Chairman H Jordan Front Row: Zachary Owen, Ella Pragnell, Zoé Leveillé, Josie Fanelli, Paine Mayer, Amanda Duck. Junior: Back Row: Col Doyon, Deputy Mayor Sandie Macdonald, Mayor Terry Dowdall, Councilor Ward 1 Keith White, Youth & Ed Chairman H Jordan Second Row: Jakob McComb, Véronique Doyon, Yael Inglis, Joey Pyz, Melissa Mulcahey, Rebecca Beauchamp, Youth & Ed Chairman H Jordan Front Row: Alex Labrecque, Tyler Lemay, Jake Laevens, Véronique St Pierre. Tickets Available at: • Royal Canadian Legion Angus • Angus Borden Music Our Lady Of Grace Catholic Church 2013 Christmas Schedule 27 Centre St, Angus CHRISTMAS EVE Tuesday, December 24th - 5:00 p.m. (English) 9:00 p.m. (English) 12:00 Midnight (Polish) Polska Pasterka 12 W Nocy CHRISTMAS DAY Wednesday, December 25th 10:00 a.m. (English) 12:00 Noon (Polish) Piewszy Dzien Swiat (Polska Msza) – 12:00 BOXING DAY Thursday, December 26th - 12:00 Noon (Polish) Drugi Dzien Swiat (Polska Msza) – 12:00 There is no 7 p.m. mass Intermediate: Back Row: Col Doyon, Deputy Mayor Sandie Macdonald, Mayor Terry Dowdall, Councilor Ward 1 Keith White, Youth & Ed Chairman H Jordan Front Row: Kaleb Berard, Liam Davyduck, Donavan Chmay, Erin LeBlanc, Jenna McCarthy NEW YEARS DAY Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God Wednesday, January 1st 10:00 a.m. (English), 12:00 Noon (Polish) (Polska Msza) – 12:00 Seniors: Back Row: Col Doyon, Deputy Mayor Sandie Macdonald, Mayor Terry Dowdall, Councilor Ward 1 Keith White, Youth & Ed Chairman H Jordan Front Row: Clayton Smith, Kaitlyn Durkan, Brittany Barrett-Bigl, Rebecca Huibers New Years Eve Dance Ham and potato dinner Friday, December 20 We will be serving ham, scalloped potatoes, vegetables, coleslaw, dessert, tea and coffee. $10. Served from 5-7 p.m. Royal Canadian Legion Branch 499, 15 Fraser Street, Angus. Everyone is welcome. All are welcome to attend Lisle Legion Branch 559 New Years Eve Dance Tues. Dec. 31st - 7 p.m. start $10 cover includes: Buffet dinner, DJ'd dance, party favors, midnight toast, spot dance prizes, door prizes. Come celebrate the new year with friends! Designated driver will be available. For more info or tickets call Lisle Legion 705-424-6879 Essa Public Library Angus Veterinary Clinic re-opening Christmas/Holiday Hours Essa Public Library Branches in Angus & Thornton will be open/closed the following hours: Angus: December 23, 27, 28, 30 & January 2 - Open regular hours December 24, 31 - Open 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. December 25, 26, January 1 - Closed The Angus Veterinary Clinic has moved to a new location in the Rainbow Mall, 6 Massey Street. In the picture above celebrating the move is, from left to right: Keith White, Ward I Councillor, Dr. David Funston, Sandie Macdonald, Deputy Mayor, Mayor, Terry Dowdall. Thornton: December 28 & January 2 - Open regular hours December 24, 31 - Open 9 a.m. - 12 noon December 23, 25, 26, 27, 30, January 1 - Closed We wish all our patrons the many joys of the Season. Please be sure to visit us to pick up books, DVD's and more to help you enjoy your time off during the Holidays! This page is sponsored by: OPEN HTS YOUR ALL CANADIAN FAMILY DISCOUNT STORE NIG K E E W L Rainbow Mall, Angus UNTI M P Angus Store Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00am - 9pm • Saturday 9:00am - 6:00pm • Sunday 10:00am - 5:00pm 9:00 ® GIANT TIGER (TIGRE GÉANT) AND GIANT TIGER DESIGNS ARE THE TRADEMARKS IN CANADA OF GIANT TIGER STORES LIMITED. Citoyen Borden Citizen | December 20 décembre 2013 | 3 Borden’s Biggest Winner Start off 2014 strong by joining Borden’s Biggest Winner to achieve your goals. Whether your goal is weight loss, healthy eating, or a more active lifestyle, this program is built for you! For 12 weeks, members will take part in workouts, challenges, nutrition seminars and workshops based around a stronger, healthier you. WHO CAN ATTEND? All military members, Defence Team Members & Civilian employees with their supervisor’s approval. WHEN IS IT? 13 January – 11 April 2014 WHAT DOES IT COST? Free! For more information and to register, please go to the Community Recreation Kiosk at the Buell Fitness & Aquatic Centre Le grand gagnant de Borden Commencez l’année 2014 du bon pied en participant au programme Grand gagnant de Borden pour atteindre vos objectifs. Que votre objectif soit de perdre du poids, d’avoir une alimentation saine ou d’adopter un mode de vie plus actif, ce programme est taillé sur mesure pour vous! Pendant 12 semaines, les membres du programme participeront à des séances d’entraînement, à des compétitions ainsi qu’à des ateliers et à des colloques sur la nutrition axés sur votre remise en forme et votre santé. QUI PEUT PARTICIPER? Tous les militaires, les membres de l’Équipe de Défense et les employés civils, avec l’approbation de leur superviseur. QUAND LE PROGRAMME SE TIENT-IL? Du 13 janvier au 11 avril 2014 QUELS SONT LES COÛTS? C’est gratuit! Pour de plus amples renseignements et pour vous inscrire, veuillez vous rendre au comptoir des Loisirs communautaires du Centre de conditionnement physique et aquatique Buell. Notice Due to electrical maintenance all ice times at the Andy Anderson Arena, between the hours of 07:00-15:00hrs will have to be cancelled during the week of 6-10 Jan, 2014. Sorry for the inconvenience. Avis En raison d’un entretien électrique, nous devons annuler les temps de jeu à l’aréna Andy Anderson allant de 7 h à 15 h durant la semaine du 6 au 10 janvier 2014. Nous sommes désolés des inconvénients que cette situation pourrait entraîner. New Buell Fitness and Aquatic centre opening hours Starting 6 January, 2014, the Buell Fitness and Aquatic Centre will be opening its doors at 05:45 hrs, Monday to Friday. Heures d'ouverture du nouveau centre de conditionnement physique et aquatique Buell À compter du 6 janvier, 2014, le centre de conditionnement physique et aquatique Buell ouvrira ses portes dès 5 h 45, du lundi au vendredi. Located in the Rainbow Mall Plaza 4 Massey St., Angus 705-516-0190 All Day Breakfast It's not only breakfast We wish all our customers a Merry Christmas, especially to the Canadian Forces worldwide. Season's Greetings 4 | December 20 décembre 2013 | Citoyen Borden Citizen CIRCULATION DIFFUSION : 7000 CFB/BFC Borden, Ontario L0M 1C0 Canadian Publications Mail Agreement No. Publication canadienne, no de convention 1450816 Published every Friday, deadline Tuesday 1200 hrs L’heure de tombée est 12 h, le mardi précédant le jour de publication (vendredi). Delivered FREE to Borden, Angus, Utopia & Baxter Distribué gratuitement à Borden, Angus, Utopia et Baxter. Read the Citoyen Borden Citizen online at/Version en ligne du Citoyen Borden Citizen à bordencitizen.com Are you looking for free and Cherchez-vous des pistes de ski de local cross country ski trails? fond gratuites dans votre région? Well, Borden has what you are looking for: We have groomed cross country ski trails that circle the Anderson Park Golf Course located on the south side of the base. We have 3.2 km of groomed nordic and skate trails just waiting for you to take on as snow permits. The trails are located at 3 Rhine Lane, Borden. If you are a military, DND, or NPF employee looking to cross country ski and do not have equipment, we have just the thing for you. If you bring your PLCC card and go to sports stores in the Buell Gym, you can sign for set of skis and boots so that you can get out and enjoy the trails and a great sport. If you have any questions on the use of equipment please call 2220 and they will be happy to assist you. The yellow lined area on the below map is the groomed trail area. Eh bien, Borden a ce que vous cherchez : Nous avons des pistes de ski de fond fraîchement damées qui entourent le terrain de golf du parc anderson situé au sud de la base. Nous avons 3,2 km de pistes damées pour le ski nordique et le patinage dont vous pourrez profiter dès que la neige le permettra. Les pistes sont situées au 3 Rhine lane, à Borden. Si vous êtes militaire ou employé du MDN ou des FNP, et que vous aimeriez faire du ski de fond mais n’avez pas l’équipement nécessaire, nous avons ce dont vous avez besoin. Apportez votre carte CRPD au magasin d’articles de sport du gymnase Buell, et vous pourrez emprunter des bottes de skis et une paire de skis; vous pourrez ainsi profiter des pistes et d’un sport merveilleux. Si vous avez des questions concernant l’utilisation d’équipement, veuillez composer le 2220 et notre personnel sera heureux de vous aider. La zone délimitée par une ligne jaune sur la carte ci-dessous correspond à l’emplacement des pistes damées. Printed by | Impression : Master Web Inc. Printing and Publishing Managing Editor Rédactrice en chef Emily Brown Graphic Arts Ventes et arts graphiques Margrit Wooley Clerk & Accounts Commis de bureau Stephanie Mercer Staff Writer Rédactrice attitrée Leighsah Millward Personnel Support Programs Manager Gérante- des programmes de soutien du personnel Jennifer Goodfellow.. 3775 Public Affairs Officer Officier des affaires publiques Capt Rob Bungay......3162 For editorial e-mail | Courriel du service de rédaction : bordencitizeneditor@rogers.com For advertising e-mail Courriel du service de publicité : bordencitizen@rogers.com Building S-138, 48 Rafah Crescent Mailing Address adresse postale: The Citoyen Borden Citizen PO Box 1000, Stn Main, Borden, Ontario L0M 1C0 Telephone | Téléphone : 705-423-2496 The Citoyen Borden Citizen is an unofficial publication of CFB Borden published every week with permission of Colonel C. Doyon CD, Base Commander. The views expressed are those of the contributors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor, Canadian Armed Forces or the Department of National Defence. The Editor reserves the right to reject and edit copy to suit the needs of the publication. Reproduction of ANY content in the Borden Citizen is prohibited without written permission of the Borden Citizen Editor. Le Citoyen Borden Citizen est une publication non officielle de la BFC Borden qui paraît chaque semaine avec l’autorisation du commandant de la base, le Colonel C. Doyon, CD. Les opinions exprimées sont celles des collaborateurs et ne reflètent pas nécessairement les points de vue du rédacteur ou de la rédactrice des Forces armées canadiennes ou du ministère de la Défense nationale. Le rédacteur ou la rédactrice se réserve le droit d’accepter ou de refuser les articles en fonction des besoins du journal. Il est interdit de reproduire QUELQUE élément d’information que ce soit dans le Borden Citizen sans l’autorisation de la rédactrice en chef. MONKEYNASTIX® WINTER 2014 Striving to develop confidence and a positive self image, Monkeynastix® will challenge your child while developing strength and flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, gross and fine motor skills, balance and coordination, eye hand and eye foot co-ordination and speed and agility. More information on the programme can be found at www.monkeynastix.ca. Classes 1 - 2 Year Olds (Parent Participation) TIME: 9:00 - 9:30 a.m. DAY: Saturdays START: Saturday, January 18, 2014 END: Saturday, March 29, 2014 DURATION: 8 Weeks NO CLASSES: Saturday, February 1, 2014 Saturday, February 15, 2014 Saturday, March 15, 2014 2 – 3½ Year Olds TIME: 9:35 - 10:05 a.m. DAY: Saturdays START: Saturday, January 18, END: Saturday, March 29 DURATION: 8 Weeks NO CLASSES: Saturday, February 1, 2014 Saturday, February 15, 2014 Saturday, March 15, 2014 3½ - 6 Year Olds TIME: 10:10 - 11:40 a.m. DAY: Saturdays START: Saturday, January 18 END: Saturday, March 29 DURATION: 8 Weeks NO CLASSES: Saturday, February 1, 2014 Saturday, February 15, 2014 Saturday, March 15, 2014 Cost Defence Team Members: $101.70 Associates: $128.82 Includes: Monkeynastix® Handbook Classes are conducted at the Buell Fitness and Aquatic Centre’s Multi Purpose Room. MONKEYNASTIX® 2014 HIVER Visant le développement de la confiance en soi et une image positive de soi, Monkeynastix® invite chaque enfant à se dépasser tout en développant sa force et sa souplesse, sa condition cardiovasculaire, sa motricité globale et sa motricité fine, son équilibre et sa coordination, sa coordination œil-main et œil-pied ainsi que sa vitesse et son agilité. Pour de plus amples renseignements, nous vous invitons à vous rendre à www.monkeynastix.ca. Cours 1 – 2 ans (avec la participation d'un parent) HEURE : De 9 h à 9 h 30 JOUR: Les samedis DÉBUT : Le samedi, 18 janvier FIN : Le samedi, 29 mars DURÉE : 8 semaines AUCUN COURS: Le samedi, 1 février, 2014 Le samedi, 15 février, 2014 Le samedi, 15 mars, 2014 2 - 3 1/2 ans HEURE : De 9 h 35 à 10 h 05 JOUR: Les samedis DÉBUT : Le samedi, 18 janvier, 2014 FIN : Le samedi, 29 mars, 2014 DURÉE : 8 semaines AUCUN COURS: Le samedi, 1 février, 2014 Le samedi, 15 février, 2014 Le samedi, 15 mars, 2014 3 1/2 - 6 ans HEURE : De 10 h 10 à 11 h 40 JOUR: Les samedis DÉBUT : Le samedi, 18 janvier, 2014 FIN : Le samedi, 29 mars, 2014 DURÉE : 8 semaines AUCUN COURS: Le samedi, 1 février, 2014 Le samedi, 15 février, 2014 Le samedi, 15 mars, 2014 Coût Membres de l’Équipe de la Défense : 101,70 $ Membres associés: 128,82 $ Incluant un cahier d’exercices Monkeynastix® Les cours sont offerts à la salle polyvalente du Centre de conditionnement physique et aquatique. Citoyen Borden Citizen | December 20 décembre 2013 | 5 6 | December 20 décembre 2013 | Citoyen Borden Citizen ENTIRELY NEW FROM MITSUBISHI 2014 MIRAGE GET A LOT FOR A LITTLE! / 64 MPG, 4.4L/100 KM HIGHWAY DRIVING† / 7-AIRBAG SAFETY SYSTEM STANDARD / 10 YEAR/160,000 KM POWERTRAIN LTD WARRANTY** 2014 LIMITED EDITION LANCER Δ $20,498 Insurance Institute for Highway Safety: Excludes Lancer Evolution and Lancer Ralliart + HST ONLY 2014 RVR ES FWD Δ $19,998 + HST ONLY OR RVR GT AWC model shown‡ 0% FINANCING FOR UP TO 60 Available on RVR SE AWC and GT models§ $299 + $0 MONTH †† ALL IN DOWN Insurance Institute for Highway Safety ALL NEW VEHICLES MONTH ON EXCLUDES MIRAGE ➧ ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL AT BARRIE MITSUBISHI ➧ All payments shown are with $0 Down, based on 84 months at 2.9% interest .All prices shown are cash purchase prices.§ AWC standard on RVR SE AWC and GT. S-AWC standard on Outlander GT. ^Limited-time offer available on select new 2013 and 2014 vehicles purchased through participating dealers to qualified retail customers until January 2, 2013. $1,500/$1,000/$1,000/$750/$750/$500 MasterCard card available on all 2013 and 2014 Outlander/Lancer Evolution/RVR/Lancer/Lancer Sportback/Mirage models. $750 MasterCard card available on all 2012 and 2013 i-MiEV models. Offers are subject to change without notice. Some conditions apply. See Barrie Mitsubishi for details. MasterCard cards are issued by Peoples Trust Company pursuant to a license by MasterCard International Incorporated. ® MasterCard is a registered trademark of MasterCard International Incorporated. No payments for 90 days is available on select new 2013 and 2014 models financed through Mitsubishi Motor Sales of Canada or Scotiabank subvented financing programs on approved credit through participating dealers to qualified retail customers until January 2, 2014. Leases are excluded from the No payments for 90 days offer. Offer only applicable to monthly, weekly or bi-weekly payments. Interest charges (if any) will not accrue during the first 60 days after purchaser signs contract for a participating vehicle. After the first 60 days, interest (if any) starts to accrue and the purchaser will repay principal and interest (if any) monthly over the term of the contract. Some amounts may be due upon signing. See participating retailers or visit mitsubishi-motors.ca for complete details. † Highway and city ratings for non-hybrid sub-compacts based on Natural Resources Canada test requirements: Mirage highway 4.4 L/100 km (64 mpg) and 5.3 L/100 km (53 mpg) in the city for CVT-equipped models. * Best backed claim does not cover Lancer Evolution, Lancer Ralliart or i-MiEV. ® MITSUBISHI MOTORS, BEST BACKED CARS IN THE WORLD are trade-marks of Mitsubishi Motors North America, Inc. and are used under license. ** Whichever comes first. Regular maintenance not included. See Barrie Mitsubishi or mitsubishi-motors.ca for warranty terms, restrictions and details. Not all customers will qualify. For those in need Pour les gens dans le besoin Citoyen Borden Citizen | December 20 décembre 2013 | 7 E BY | PAR LEIGHSAH MILLWARD Staff Writer | Rédactrice Attitrée very year, the Borden Military Police Detachment runs a special event to ensure that local families have a merry Christmas. This year, the “Fill the Cruiser” event ran for two days in front of the CANEX plaza. During the event, the cruiser was filled and emptied several times. Patrons and community members came out with generosity raising $930.45 for the Military Police Fund for Blind Children, and donating 430 clothing and toy items, and 414 non-perishable food items, both of which will be going to the Seasonal Sharing Baskets. “We try to help out those in need and we wanted to give a boost to the Seasonal Sharing Baskets,” commented Cpl Studdy, the organizer of the “Fill the Cruiser” event. “We want those less fortunate to have a wonderful Christmas and have something to unwrap under the tree. We just want everyone to have a happy Holiday Season and a happy New Year.” A big thank you goes out to our generous community members, without you none of this is possible. Day two of the “Fill the Cruiser” event, Cpl Studdy of MPU Borden indicates the multitude of gifts filling the car. C Deuxième jour de l’activité « Remplissons la voiture de police ». Le Cpl Studdy de l’UPM Borden montre la grande quantité de cadeaux qui remplissent l’auto. MCpl Beaulac, Cpl Studdy, and Cpl Isaac organize the huge pile of donations collected by MPU Borden. Le Cplc Beaulac, le Cpl Studdy et le Cpl Isaac organisent la montagne de dons recueillis par l’UPM Borden. haque année, le détachement de la Police militaire de Borden organise une activité spéciale afin de voir à ce que des familles d’ici passent un Joyeux Noël. Cette année, l’activité « Remplissons la voiture de police » a eu lieu pendant deux jours devant la place du CANEX. Durant cette activité, la voiture de police a été remplie et vidée plusieurs fois. Des clients et des membres de la collectivité ont fait preuve d’une grande générosité et ont permis de recueillir 930,45 $ pour le Fonds de la police militaire pour les enfants aveugles; ils ont aussi donné 430 articles de vêtements et jouets et 414 aliments non périssables, qui seront mis dans les paniers-partage du temps des fêtes. « Nous essayons d’aider les gens dans le besoin et nous voulions donner un coup de pouce à la campagne des paniers-partage du temps des fêtes », de commenter le Cpl Studdy, organisateur de l’activité « Remplissons la voiture de police. » « Nous voulons que les moins fortunés aient un merveilleux Noël et quelque chose à déballer sous le sapin. Nous voulons tout simplement que tous aient un joyeux temps des fêtes et une bonne et heureuse année. » Un gros merci à tous les généreux membres de notre collectivité, sans qui rien de tout cela ne serait possible. This Holiday Season Find over 100 Local Shopping Solutions at www.AngusChamber.com RCEME School Tire Change event in support of the GCWCC Thank you to all members who participated! Cpl Bédard-Théorêt replaces a newly balanced winter tire for a satisfied customer. Activité de changement de pneus de l’École du GEMRC à l’appui de la CCMTGC Merci à tous les participants! Le Cpl Bédard-Théorêt termine l’équilibrage des pneus à la satisfaction d’un client. Angus Veterinary Clinic Angus 705-424-5587 NEW LOCATION 6 Massey St, across from Rainbow Mall BILINGUAL SERVICES AVAILABLE Digital Radiology, Surgical, Dental, Diagnostic Laboratory, Laser Surgery, Ultrasound. Serving Angus/Borden since 1988 Open Monday through Saturday Our Alliston Clinic Open 7 Days a Week Emergency Service Available for Our Clients 705-722-0377 Dr. David Funston, Dr. Stacey Knobel, Dr. Monique Antaki Boyne Alliston Veterinary Clinic 705-435-7641 252 Young St., (Hwy 89 West) Base Borden Gymnastics Club Spring Session Registration On Now at Buell Fitness & Aquatic Centre BCRA Kiosk Recreational Athletes – Boys and Girls Spring Classes begin Jan. 25th (16 weeks) For pricing and programming information Please pick up a brochure at the BCRA Kiosk Or check us out online at www.bordengymnastics.ca 135 Ortona Rd, Borden ON (705) 424-1200 x 3751 Base Borden Gymnastics Club provides quality recreational and competitive gymnastics programming for all ages. Library fun for kids Une bibliothèque amusante pour les enfants 8 | December 20 décembre 2013 | Citoyen Borden Citizen The Borden Public and Military Library opened its doors this past weekend to kid crafters as the Christmas Handicraft Corner took place in the Children’s Room. Seen here are student volunteer, Kelsey along with young crafters Mariya and Lucas as they make and decorate their own Christmas cards. Other activities included several ornament making stations and cookie decorating as Christmas movies and music played in the background for holiday ambiance. The Library offers regular activities and programs for children. For more information contact the Library at ext 2273. La bibliothèque militaire et publique de la BFC Borden a ouvert ses portes la fin de semaine dernière pour les jeunes bricoleurs. Ces derniers étaient invités à participer à une séance de bricolage de Noël dans la salle des enfants. Sur la photo, on peut voir Kelsey, une étudiante bénévole, en compagnie de deux participants, Mariya et Lucas, pendant qu’ils fabriquent et décorent leurs propres cartes de Noël. Les jeunes ont également pu participer à d’autres activités, notamment, à la fabrication de décorations de Noël et à la décoration de biscuits, le tout dans une ambiance du temps des Fêtes animée par des films et de la musique de Noël. La bibliothèque offre des activités régulières et des programmes pour les jeunes. Pour plus d’information, veuillez communiquer avec la bibliothèque au poste 2273. Another Winner! | Un autre gagnant! Photo: Leighsah Millward, Citoyen Borden Citizen The final GCWCC UCC 50/50 Raffle was drawn! Seen here is Paulina Robertson, Director of Resource Development, United Way, Capt McCutcheon and Capt Radley as they pull the winner. After selling 1800 tickets for December’s draw, the winner received $900. And the lucky winner is…LCol Hersey, COS of CFSTG with ticket #521296. Congratulations! The United Way is the big winner, after 3 months of 50/50 draws, getting a total donation of $3592.50. Thank you to all who bought tickets, and special thanks to PO 1 Kilbride, Denise Paul, and John Hare of CANEX for lottery coordination and support. See you next year! Photo: Leighsah Millward, Citoyen Borden Citizen EYE EXAMS Dr. Neal Kingstone, O.D. Optometrist is now accepting NEW PATIENTS Evening & Saturday appointments available 2 Locations to Serve You Pine River Plaza, Angus, (Next to Sir Halibut Fish & Chips) (705) 424-3233 22 Dunham Rd., Alliston (705) 435-1995 Le dernier tirage moitié-moitié organisé par les CSU dans le cadre de la CCMTGC a eu lieu! Voici Paulina Robertson, directrice de l’exploitation des ressources, de Centraide, le Capt McCutcheon et le Capt Radley qui s’apprêtent à faire un gagnant. La vente de 1800 billets en décembre a permis au gagnant de recevoir la somme de 900 $. Et l’heureux gagnant est… le Lcol Hersey, CEM du GISFC, propriétaire du billet no 521296. Félicitations! En fait, l’organisme Centraide est le grand gagnant, puisqu’il a reçu un don de 3 592,50 $, soit le montant recueilli grâce aux tirages moitié-moitié qui ont été organisés au cours des trois derniers mois. Nous remercions tous ceux qui ont acheté des billets, et plus particulièrement le M 1 Kilbride, Denise Paul et John Hare, de CANEX, de leur soutien et de leur travail de coordination de la loterie. À l’an prochain! A NEW YOU OPTICAL EYE EXAMS Arranged 3 FOR 1 EYEGLASSES New Years Party CONTACTS SUNGLASSES Tuesday - Friday 10-6 Saturday 10-3 2 Locations to Serve You Pine River Plaza, Angus, 424-4883 (Next to Sir Halibut Fish & Chips) (705) 22 Dunham Rd., Alliston (705) 435-4358 ☛ Tickets $10 and can be purchased at the bar. Featuring: ☛ FULL CIRCLE (Rockin Country) ☛ Buffet ☛ Champagne ☛ Ride home 705-424-1400 70 Mill St., Angus Spreading Christmas cheer | Répandre la joie de Noël Citoyen Borden Citizen | December 20 décembre 2013 | 9 As a gift to the community in the season of sharing, students and teachers from MargueriteBourgeois Public School arrived in the CANEX plaza on Tuesday, December 17, to sing Christmas carols to the patrons lucky enough to be present to listen. The group of students, ranging from JK-grade four, lead by Mme Lucie, sang a number of Holiday favourites for the crowd. The day prior, the same group sang at the Officers Mess, all in the name of spreading good cheer to our Borden community. Afin de remercier la communauté en cette période de partage, les élèves et le personnel enseignant de l’école Marguerite-Bourgeois se sont présentés dans le centre commercial du CANEX le 17 décembre, pour y entonner des chants de Noël devant les heureux clients qui étaient sur place. Le groupe, composé d’élèves de la maternelle à la 4e année et dirigé par Madame Lucie, a offert à la foule quelques chansons préférées du temps des Fêtes. La veille, ces mêmes élèves avaient chanté au Mess des officiers, dans le but de répandre la joie au sein de la communauté de Borden. Photo: Emily Brown, Citoyen Borden Citizen 10 | December 20 décembre 2013 | Citoyen Borden Citizen Cooking with Kids Season’s Greetings Please be advised that the Centre will be closed beginning the 21st of December, 2013 and will resume business on Monday, the 6th of January, 2014 at 8:00 a.m. For emergency childcare issues, please call the BFRC pager at 705-721-2179 and a Centre staff member will return your call promptly. For all other emergencies, please call the Base Borden Duty Officer at 705-424-1200. Joyeuses Fêtes Le Centre de ressources à la famille de Borden sera fermé à partir du 21 décembre, 2013 et reprendra ses activités à 8 h le lundi, 6 janvier, 2014. Si vous avez besoin de services de garde d’enfants d’urgence, veuillez composer le numéro du téléavertisseur du Centre, le 705-721-2179, et un membre du personnel du Centre vous rappellera sous peu. Pour toutes autres urgences, veuillez communiquer avec l’officier de service de la BFC Borden au 705-424-1200. 2014 FOCUS SE www.trilliumford.com 0 % FINANCING for 72mth Join Parent-Child Services on Friday, January 17 from 10 a.m.-11 a.m. for a themedbased, child-friendly cooking activity. Pre-registration is required on or before Monday, January 13. Fun and nut free recipes. The activity is designed for children aged 0-6 years of age. Parents are required to remain with their children during the activity. For more information and to register please contact the Children’s Activity Facilitator at 705 424-1200 ext. 2471/3994 Cuisiner avec les tout-petits Le vendredi, 17 janvier, de 10 h à 11 h, les Services aux parents et aux enfants vous invitent à une activité thématique de cuisine accessible aux enfants. Il faut s’inscrire au plus tard le lundi, 13 janvier. Bien du plaisir et des recettes sans arachides. L’activité est conçue pour des enfants de 0 à 6 ans. On demande aux parents d’accompagner leurs enfants durant cette activité. Pour de plus amples renseignements et pour s’inscrire, il suffit d’appeler l’animatrice des activités à l’intention des enfants, au 705-424-1200, poste 2471 ou 3994. Naughty or Nice? Avez-vous été sages ou non? Photo: Leighsah Millward, Citoyen Borden Citizen • A/C • keyless entry • 5sp manual • ABS • traction control 2014 FUSION SE 4cyl, keyless entry, A/C, automatic, alloy wheels, pwr pkg 0 % FINANCING for 60mth 2013 F150 XLT S/CREW 4X4 Ecoboost, trailer tow, fog lamps, pwr pkg, chrome step bar LEASE for 463 $ /mth* PLUS COSTCO members PLUS COSTCO members receive an additional $1000 off! receive an additional $1000 off! TWO LOCATIONS - TWICE THE SELECTION 4589 Industrial Pkwy, Alliston ON 735 Industrial Rd., Shelburne ON 1-866-520-4409 519-925-5101 *pricing plus HST and licensing. Lease payments are OAC with Ford Credit, based on 48mths for 20 000km per annum. Lease rate is 3.99% with a cost to borrow of $4121 and $588.71 due on delivery. Option to purchase $34 910 plus applicable fees and taxes. Must be a COSTCO member prior to November 30, 2013 to be eligible. Pricing is valid on date of publication and may change without notice. Contact Trillium Ford Lincoln Ltd for details. Santa and his elf visited the BFRC on Friday, December 13 for their Holiday Celebration. Seen here is Brooklyn telling Santa what she wants for Christmas while Mom, Brittany and little sister Leah, listen and wait for their turn. Le Père Noël et son lutin ont visité le CRFB le vendredi, 13 décembre durant la célébration des Fêtes. La petite Brooklyn raconte au Père Noël ce qu’elle voudrait recevoir pour Noël pendant que sa mère, Brittany, et sa petite sœur, Leah, écoutent attentivement en attendant leur tour. Homes for the holidays Maisons décorées pour Noël Citoyen Borden Citizen | December 20 décembre 2013 | 11 BY | PAR LEIGHSAH MILLWARD Staff Writer | Rédactrice Attitrée The Base Borden Community Council ran its annual Christmas Decorating Contest the second week of this month. Representatives from the Council and Base HQ toured around the RHU’s, having a good look at your decorating efforts. With many santas, lights, candy canes and reindeer throughout the neighbourhood, it was beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Of course, the representatives had to choose three winners and one honorable mention, who were awarded $175, $100, $50 and $25 Walmart gift cards, but the competition was stiff and made it hard it to choose. Thank you to everyone who participated, our community is literally glowing with Christmas Spirit! In first place, receiving a $175 Walmart Gift Card, 29 Coriano Cres. Première place et gagnant d’une carte‑cadeau Walmart de 175 $, le 29 Coriano Cres. Le Conseil communautaire de la BFC Borden a lancé son concours de décorations de Noël la deuxième semaine de décembre. Des représentants du Conseil et du QG de la Base ont fait le tour des URL pour examiner les décorations que vous avez installées. Avec tous ces pères Noël, toutes ces lumières, cannes de bonbon et rênes, ça commençait vraiment à avoir l’air de Noël. Bien sûr les représentants ont dû choisir trois gagnants et décerner une mention honorable, mais la compétition était serrée et le choix difficile. Les gagnants ont reçu des cartes-cadeaux de Walmart : 175 $, 100 $, 50 $ et 25 $. Merci à tous les participants, notre base brille vraiment de l’esprit de Noël. In second place, receiving a $100 Walmart Gift Card, 11 Walchern Loop. Deuxième place et gagnant d’une carte‑cadeau Walmart de 100 $, le 11 Walchern Loop. CHRISTMAS HOURS HORAIRE DE NOËL Dec 18 déc ................................0930-2100 .....................0700-2100 Dec 19 déc ................................0930-2100 .....................0700-2100 Dec 20 déc ...............................0930-2100 ....................0700-2100 Dec 21 déc ...............................0900-1700 .....................0900-2000 Dec 22 déc ...............................1100-1700 .....................0900-2000 Dec 23 déc ...............................0930-2100 .....................0900-2000 Dec 24 déc ................................0930-1600 .....................0900-1700 Dec 25 déc .......................CLOSED/FERMÉ ............CLOSED/FERMÉ Dec 26 déc ......................CLOSED/FERMÉ ....................1000-1700 Dec 27 déc ...............................0930-1700 ....................0900-2000 Dec 28 déc ...............................0900-1700 ....................0900-2000 Dec 29 déc ...............................1100-1700 ....................0900-2000 Dec 30 déc ...............................0930-1700 .....................0900-2000 Dec 31 déc ...............................0930-1600 .....................0900-1700 Jan 01 janv ......................CLOSED/FERMÉ .....................1000-1700 Jan 02 janv ...............................0930-2100 .....................0700-2200 Jan 03 janv ...............................0930-2100 .....................0700-2200 Best Holiday Wishes to All Joyeuses fêtes à tous! Photos: Leighsah Millward, Citoyen Borden Citizen In third place, receiving a $50 Walmart Gift Card, 62 Walchern Loop. Troisième place et gagnant d’une carte‑cadeau Walmart de 50 $, le 62 Walchern Loop. Finally, with an honorable mention, receiving a $25 Walmart Gift Card, 208 Saskatchewan Blvd. Enfin, au gagnant d’une mention honorable, une carte‑cadeau Walmart de 25 $, le 208, boulevard Saskatchewan Presentations | Présentations 12 | December 20 décembre 2013 | Citoyen Borden Citizen Cpl Earle receives her promotion from Maj J.G.M. Cote and MWO D.B. Farr, CFSTG Pers Admin, CFB Borden. Cpl Williams receives his promotion from Maj J.G.M. Cote and MWO D.B. Farr, CFSTG Pers Admin, CFB Borden. Capt Chriska receives 2nd Rotational Bar GCS South-West Asia by J.J.C.P. Legault, Admin O, CFB Borden/CFSTG. MWO Johnson is awarded with 1st Rotational Bar GCS South-West Asia by J.J.C.P. Legault, Admin O, CFB Borden/CFSTG. Le caporal Earle reçoit les insignes de son nouveau grade en présence du major J.G.M. Cote et de l’adjudant-maître D.B. Farr, au sein de l’Admin Pers GISFC, à la BFC Borden. Le capitaine Chriska reçoit la deuxième barrette de rotation pour l’Étoile de campagne générale – Asie du Sud-Ouest, en présence du lieutenant-colonel J.J.C.P. Legault, O Admin BFC Borden/GISFC. FOR ALL YOUR AIRSOFT AND MODERN TACTICAL GEAR 150 ESSA RD., BARRIE Le caporal Williams reçoit les insignes de son nouveau grade en présence du major J.G.M. Cote et de l’adjudantmaître D.B. Farr, au sein de l’Admin Pers GISFC, à la BFC Borden. L’adjudant-maître Johnson reçoit la première barrette de rotation pour l’Étoile de campagne générale – Asie du SudOuest, en présence du lieutenant-colonel J.J.C.P. Legault, O Admin BFC Borden/GISFC. MS Pelletier receives his Canadian Forces Decoration (CD) from J.J.C.P. Legault, Admin O, CFB Borden/CFSTG. Le matelot-chef Pelletier reçoit la Décoration des Forces canadiennes (CD) en présence du lieutenant-colonel J.J.C.P. Legault, O Admin BFC Borden/GISFC. Major C.K. Chriska, promoted effective 01 Dec 13. Presented by Colonel J.B.C. Doyon, BComd, CFB Borden. Major C.K. Chriska, promu en date du 01 Déc 13. Présenté par le Colonel J.B.C. Doyon, Comd B, BFC Borden. 705-725-0167 Come out and join the Cpl Pare is presented with CFSTG Coin by J.J.C.P. Legault, Admin O, CFB Borden/CFSTG, for an outstanding leadership role in Barrie Dragon Boat event and achieving Platinum Division 3 rd place with her team, CF Hs TC Washout. Creemore Curling Club for great fun and exercise. Second session of Mixed, Ladies and Men's curling starts week of 6 Jan 14. Le caporal Pare reçoit un médaillon du GISFC en présence du lieutenant-colonel J.J.C.P. Legault, O Admin BFC Borden/GISFC, pour avoir joué un rôle de leadership exceptionnel lors du Festival de bateaux-dragons de Barrie, et pour s’être classée en 3e place dans la division platine avec son équipe, les Wash Out du Centre d’instruction des Services de santé des Forces canadiennes. Living Clean Services Do you want to spend time with your mop or do you want to spend time with your FAMILY? CONTACT US: For more info contact creemorecurling@gmail.com 705-424-5961 or livingcleanservices@bell.net Presentations | Présentations Church Directory Citoyen Borden Citizen | December 20 décembre 2013 | 13 MS Pelletier receives his Special Service Bar Order medal from J.J.C.P. Legault, Admin O, CFB Borden/CFSTG, for nine months service at CFS Alert as Mess Manager. Le matelot-chef Pelletier reçoit la Médaille du service spécial avec barrette en présence du lieutenant-colonel J.J.C.P. Legault, O Admin BFC Borden/GISFC, pour souligner ses neuf mois de service à la Station des Forces canadiennes Alert, à titre de gérant de mess. Base Chapels Friday Muslim Prayers Multi Faith Room at P-152 A Chapel, 1215 hrs. For attendance confirmation and further information please contact Padre Demiray, local 7364. MCpl Charest is presented with CFSTG Coin and Barrie Dragon Boat winning Plaque for Gold Division Winner, from LCol J.J.C.P. Legault, Admin O, CFB Borden/CFSTG. Congratulations to Admin Branch New Age Slayers on great victory. Le caporal-chef Charest reçoit un médaillon du GISFC ainsi qu’une plaque du Festival de bateaux-dragons de Barrie pour avoir gagné dans la division or, en présence du lieutenant-colonel J.J.C.P. Legault, officier d’administration (O Admin) de la BFC Borden et du GISFC. Félicitations aux New Age Slayers du Service de l’administration pour cette belle victoire. Chapelles de la base Prières islamiques du vendredi Salle multiconfessionnelle, bât P-152 A Chapelle, 12 h 15. Afin de confirmer votre présence et pour de plus amples informations, veuillez contacter l’aumônier Demiray, poste 7364. THE SALVATION ARMY Hope Acres Glencairn, ON. Sunday 10:45am Worship Service for information call (705) 466-3435 All are welcome Living Hope Fellowship Church Service Sunday 10:00 am 52 Brian Ave, Angus (705) 424-9080 livinghopeangus@yahoo.com livinghopeangus.ca We believe in a Big God who can do Big Things! PINEWOODS CHAPEL A Christian Community Church Protestant services Trinity Chapel CHRISTMAS SEASON SERVICE SCHEDULE December 22rd - Divine Worship Service at 1030 hrs December 24th- Christmas Eve Family Worship Service at 1900hrs December 29th - Divine Worship Service at 1030 hrs Jan 05 - no service Services protestants chapelle Trinity HORAIRE DE NOËL le 22 décembre - service à 10 h 30 le 24 décembre - la veille de Noël service pour la famille à 19h00 le 29 décembre - service à 10 h 30 le 5 janvier - service sera annulé Roman Catholic Services St. Joseph's Chapel Services catholiques Chapelle St. Joseph Except December 22nd, 2013 at 10h30: bilingual mass Free lunch after mass, please register by contacting Padre Kassis Exception : 22 décembre il y aura une messe bilingue à 10h30 suivie d’un dîner gratuit. SVP inscrire votre nom auprès du padre Kassis. Sunday Masses 0945 hrs – French 1115hrs – English Mass Schedule for Christmas season December 24 English service (children’s mass) 19h00 French service 21h00 December 25 Bilingual service 10h00 Schedule for New Years mass January 1, 2014 Bilingual service 10h00 20 December, 2013 Free movie and supper at 18h00 at the annexe, St. Joseph’s Chapel. Please register for this. Messes du dimanche 09h45 – en français 11h15 – en anglais Horaire des messes durant les temps des fêtes 24 Décembre Célébration en anglais pour les enfants à19h00 Célébration en français à 21h00 25 Décembre Messe Bilingue à 10h00 Messe du nouvel an Premier janvier, 2014 Messe bilingue à 10h00 20 Décembre, 2013 Souper-film gratuit à l’annexe de la chapelle St - Joseph à 18h00. (Bâtisse P161), SVP inscrire en avance. 9058 5th Line, Angus Sunday Service 10am @ Angus Morrison Elementary School 91 Simcoe St. Angus. Sunday School Youth Groups Small Groups all welcome For more information please call 424-0382 www.pinewoodschapel.com OUR LADY OF GRACE CHURCH ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 27 Centre St. Angus 2013 CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE CHRISTMAS EVE Tuesday, December 24th 5:00 p.m. (English) 9:00 p.m. (English) 12:00 Midnight (Polish) Polska Pasterka 12 W Nocy CHRISTMAS DAY Wednesday, December 25th 10:00 a.m. (English) 12:00 Noon (Polish) Piewszy Dzien Swiat (Polska Msza) – 12:00 BOXING DAY Thursday, December 26th 12:00 Noon (Polish) Drugi Dzien Swiat (Polska Msza) – 12:00 There is no 7pm Mass NEW YEARS DAY Solemnity of Mary, Holy Mother of God Wednesday, January 1st 10:00 a.m. (English), 12:00 Noon (Polish) (Polska Msza) – 12:00 ADORATION OF OUR LORD IN THE BLESSED SACRAMENT During Office Hours Our Lady of Grace Office Hours Tuesday - Thursday 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. Operation Wish 14 | December 20 décembre 2013 | Citoyen Borden Citizen D Sears salutes military families BY | PAR LEIGHSAH MILLWARD Staff Writer | Rédactrice Attitrée ecember 15 is a big day at Sears stores across Canada as military families come out to participate in the annual Operation Wish Program and Military Family Shopping Day, a salute to our troops for all their sacrifices throughout the year. Operation Wish was started in 2006 when CAF personnel stationed overseas were presented with Sears Wish Books to purchase Christmas gifts for their families at home. Since then, Sears has made over $100,000 in donations to national military family support programs, including a $10,000 donation this year to the newly formed Canadian Association of Military Family Resource Centres. Military Family Shopping Day is held in conjunction with Op Wish to give active Canadian military personnel, their families and veterans 15% off most in-store purchases at Sears department stores, Sears Home stores and Sears Hometown stores. “Having served in the military and away from home on extended periods of time, I know first-hand what a relief it can be to know that someone is helping to take care of your family and looking out for their well-being,” said Doug Campbell, President & CEO, Sears Canada, himself a former US Marine. “We are very proud to provide a vehicle, through Operation Wish, to help Canadians show their support for our military and their families across the country. While the program looks a bit different each year, the goal is always the same – to build a bridge between the local military base and the community by providing a way we, as a community, can show our support for our military friends and neighbours.” Sears will also be donating $2 of the sale of 2013’s limited edition plush bear known as “Nate” to the Canadian Association of MFRC’s to support their youth programming. The greater community was able to sign a huge cutout of the bear during Op Wish at Sears locations, to say thank you and send well wishes to our troops during the Holiday Season. Tracey Bungay of the Borden MFRC was on hand at the Barrie Sears location for the event. "We would like to thank Sears-Georgian Mall and Sears Canada for supporting the Canadian Armed Forces and their families with this generous demonstration of support and ultimately a portion of proceeds being donated back to the Military Family Resource Centres, which will assist with youth programs and activities throughout the year." Photo: Capt Rob Bungay Penny Obnowlenny, Sears Barrie Location store manager, Ms Tracey Penny-Bungay, representing the Borden Military Family Resource Centre and Barrie City Councillor, Mr. John Brassard on behalf of the Mayor show off "NATE" the charity bear. A percentage of the sales of the bear go to Borden Family Resource Centre. Penny Obnowlenny, gérante du magasin Sears de Barrie, Mme Tracey Penny-Bungay, représentante du Centre de ressources pour les familles des militaires de Borden et M. John Brassard, conseiller municipal de Barrie représentant le maire, présentent NATE, l’ourson de peluche. Un pourcentage des ventes de l’ourson est remis au Centre de ressources pour les familles des militaires de Borden. Opération Rêve L Sears célèbre les familles des militaires sommes très fiers d'offrir un véhicule, par l'intermédiaire d'Opération Rêve, pour aider les Canadiens à témoigner leur soutien aux militaires et à leur famille à l'échelle du pays. Bien que la formule du programme change quelque peu d'année en année, l'objectif demeure le même, soit établir un pont entre la base militaire locale et la collectivité en nous permettant, collectivement, de montrer notre appui à l'égard de nos amis et voisins militaires. » Sears versera également 2 $ à l’Association canadienne des CRFM pour chaque ourson en peluche « Nate » d’édition limitée vendu en 2013 afin d’appuyer leurs programmes voués au développement des jeunes. Pendant l’Opération Rêve, les communautés étaient également invitées à visiter le magasin Sears local afin d'envoyer des vœux aux militaires pour les remercier en signant une forme découpée grandeur nature de l'ourson Nate pendant le temps des fêtes. Tracey Bungay du CRFM de Borden était au magasin Sears de Barrie pour cet événement. « Nous voulons remercier le Sears-Georgian Mall et Sears Canada d’appuyer les membres des Forces armées canadiennes et leur famille en faisant preuve d’une telle générosité et d’un tel soutien et en remettant une partie des profits des ventes aux Centres de ressources pour les familles des militaires. Ces fonds permettront de financer une partie des programmes et des activités pour les jeunes au cours de l’année. » e 15 décembre est une importante journée aux magasins Sears du Canada, car les familles des militaires viennent participer à l’Opération Rêve et à la journée de magasinage pour les familles des militaires organisées chaque année en hommage à nos troupes pour tous leurs sacrifices pendant l’année. L’Opération Rêve a vu le jour en 2006. À ce moment-là, les membres actifs des FAC ont reçu le catalogue Cadeaux de rêve de Sears afin d’acheter des cadeaux de Noël pour leur famille. Depuis, Sears a fait des dons totalisant plus de 100 000 $ aux programmes nationaux de soutien aux familles des militaires, y compris un don de 10 000 $ cette année à l’Association canadienne des Centres de ressources pour les familles des militaires nouvellement constituée. Le jour de magasinage pour les familles des militaires a lieu en même temps que l’Opération Rêve afin d’offrir aux membres actifs du personnel militaire canadien, à leur famille et aux vétérans un rabais de 15 % sur presque tous leurs achats dans les grands magasins Sears, magasins Sears décor et magasins locaux Sears. « Pour avoir servi dans l'armée et avoir été loin de chez moi pendant de longues périodes, je sais d'expérience le soulagement que peut procurer le fait de savoir que quelqu'un prend soin de votre famille et s'occupe de son bien-être, » affirme Doug Campbell, président et chef de la direction de Sears Canada, et ancien membre du Corps des Marines des États-Unis. « Nous AUTOMOTIVE ASK US ABOUT OUR MILITARY DISCOUNT Service en français disponible ALLISTON VOLKSWAGEN serving Borden for over 48 years 705-435-5701 Hwy #89, E., Alliston COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL ESSA PAINTING Are you being posted? Need a fresh coat? Too busy or hate to paint? Call 705-424-2371 Please Support our Troops essapaintingservices@gmail.com STORAGE BORDEN/ANGUS SELF STORAGE LTD. • Site manager on duty • Monday to Sunday, 9 am to 3 pm • After hours appointments available • Six Unit Sizes Available • Secutity gate access • You lock it & keep the key 705-424-7204 Located less than 1 mile from CFB Borden. Paved Driveway THE LOWEST RATES IN THE AREA ▼ YOUR AD CONSTRUCTION HERE CALL 705-423-2496 ▼ Service Directory Annuaire de Services Commercial • Residential Insured • Licensed Craven Compton 705-791-4927 c@cravenconstruction.ca www.cravenconstruction.ca HAIR STYLIST Style with Dawn Hairstyling “In Home Salon” I would like to help ladies look and feel beautiful. I love my work, and would like to share my 16 years of knowledge and experience with you. Please feel free to call and schedule an appointment, in the comfort of my home salon. 72 Darren Dr. Angus, ON 705-516-0312 www.wix.com/jewel3/style-with-dawn Santa is coming to Borden! S anta is coming to Borden the 22 of December. The Borden Fire Department has arranged to bring Santa to Borden a few days early this year. On 22 December, Santa, along with the Borden Fire Department will be handing out candy canes to the kids of Borden starting at 6 p.m. Santa will start along Grave Blvd, travelling down Saskatchewan Blvd and along Arras Rd, finishing at El Alamein Rd. Santa is looking forward to seeing all the girls and boys before Christmas, and hopes to see you there! Le père Noël s’en vient à Borden ! L Citoyen Borden Citizen | December 20 décembre 2013 | 15 Juno Beach Mess Events Mess Holiday Hours Juno Beach Mess will be closed for the holidays from Saturday, December 21 until Monday, January 6. We will reopen for regular business hours at 0730 Monday, January 6. Mess Juno Beach Activités Heures d’ouverture du Mess durant le temps des Fêtes Le Mess Juno Beach sera fermé durant le temps des Fêtes, du samedi, 21 décembre jusqu’au lundi, 6 janvier. Il rouvrira selon ses heures normales à 7 h 30, le 6 janvier. e père Noël arrivera à Borden le 22 décembre. Le Service d’incendie de la Base a réussi à devancer son arrivée de quelques jours cette année. Le père Noël, accompagné des employés du Service d’incendie, distribuera des cannes de bonbons aux enfants à partir de 18 h, le 22 décembre. Il partira du boulevard Grave pour ensuite se diriger le long du boulevard Saskatchewan, puis passera par la route Arras avant de terminer sa tournée sur la route El Alamein. Il est impatient de rencontrer tous les garçons et les filles de Borden avant Noël et espère que vous serez là pour l’accueillir. ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT FOR MILITARY PERSONNEL AT BARRIE HONDA Limited time lease and finance offers available through Honda Financial Services Inc. (HFS), to qualified retail customers on approved credit. Selling prices and payments include freight and PDI (ranges from $1,495 to $1,640 depending on 2013 model and $1,695 on advertised 2014 models), EHF tires ($29), EHF filters ($1), A/C levy ($100 except Civic DX and Fit DX models), and OMVIC fee ($5). Taxes, license, insurance and registration are extra. ΩRepresentative bi-weekly lease example: 2013 Civic DX Sedan // 2014 CR-V LX 2WD on a 60 month term with 130 bi-weekly payments at 1.99% // 2.99% lease APR. Bi-weekly payment is $88 // $148.74 with $0 // $0 down or equivalent trade-in, $66 // $0 individual dealer contribution deducted from the negotiated selling price before taxes, $0 security deposit, and first bi-weekly payment due at lease inception. Total lease obligation is $11,439.71 // $19,336.43. 120,000 kilometre allowance; charge of $0.12/km for excess kilometres. PPSA lien registration fee of $45.93 and lien registering agent’s fee of $5.65, due at time of delivery are not included. Limited time SE Accessory Package installed for $4.88 more bi-weekly (plus taxes) on a 2014 CR-V LX 2WD includes all advertised items plus “SE” badge. †Representative bi-weekly finance example: 2013 Civic DX Sedan on an 84 month term with 182 bi-weekly payments at 1.99% APR [including $1,600 Finance incentive and $476.65 individual dealer contribution deducted from the negotiated selling price before taxes]. Incentives apply only to Finance contracts through HFS, and can be combined with subvented rates of interest offered by Honda as part of a low rate interest program. Finance amount is $14,939. Cost of borrowing is $1,077.28 for a total finance obligation of $16,016.28 with $0 down or equivalent trade-in. *$500 Holiday Bonus offer applies only to retail customer purchase or lease agreements for new 2013 Civic, 2013 Fit and 2014CR-V models concluded between December 3rd, 2013 and January 2nd, 2014 at participating Ontario Honda Dealers. Deducted from the negotiated price after taxes and can be combined with advertised lease and finance rates. μLimited time 0.99%APRlease offers on remaining new 2013 FitDX// 2013 CivicDXSedan // 2013 CR-Z // 2013 Accord EX Coupe6MT// 2013 Accord LX Sedan 6MT // 2013 CR-V LX2WDfor a maximum of 24 // 24 // 24 // 42 // 24 // 36 months. Representative lease example: 2013 Civic DX Sedan on a 24 month term at 0.99% lease APR, the monthly payment is $287.20 with $0 down or equivalent trade-in, $0 security deposit and first monthly payment due at lease inception. Total lease obligation is $6,892.80. 48,000-kilometre allowance; charge of $0.12/km for excess kilometres. PPSA lien registration fee of $18.81 and lien registering agent’s fee of $5.65, due at time of delivery are not included. ˆReceive 0.99% APR purchase financing on remaining new 2013 FitDX// 2013 CivicDXSedan // 2013CR-Z // 2013 Accord EX Coupe6MT// 2013 Accord LX Sedan6MT// 2013 CR-V LX2WDmodels for a maximum of 36 // 48 // 24 // 60 // 24 // 48 months. Representative finance example: 2013 CivicDXSedan on a 24 month term at 0.99% APR and finance amount of $16,991.65 the monthly payment is $715.31. Cost of borrowing is $175.79 for a total finance obligation of $17,167.44 with $0 down or equivalent trade-in. ◆$1,500 // $1,500 // $3,000 // $1,500 // $2,000 // $3,500 // $2,000 // $2,500 // $4,000 // $5,000 // $5,000 customer cash incentive is valid on remaining new 2013 Fit (except DX) // 2013 Civic Coupe and Sedan (except DX Sedan) // 2013 Accord Coupe (except EX Coupe 6MT) // 2013 Accord Sedan (except LX Sedan 6MT, EX-L V6 Sedan and Touring V6 Sedan) // 2013 Accord EX-L V6 Sedan and Touring V6 Sedan // 2013 Crosstour EX2WDand EX-L2WD// 2013 Crosstour EX-L4WD and EX-L4WDNAVI // 2013 CR-V (except LX 2WD) // 2013 Odyssey // 2013 Pilot // 2013 Ridgeline models when registered and delivered between December 3rd, 2013 and January 2nd, 2014. Cash incentive is available for all Honda retail customers except customers who lease or finance through HFS at a subvented rate of interest offered by Honda as part of a low rate interest program. All advertised lease and finance rates are special rates. Cash incentive will be deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. For all offers: taxes payable on full amount of purchase price. Offers only valid for Ontario residents at Ontario Honda Dealers. Dealermaysell/lease for less. Dealer order/trademaybe necessary. Vehicles and accessories are for illustration purposes only. Offers, prices and features subject to change without notice. See your Ontario Honda Dealer or visit HondaOntario.com for full details. ◆◆Based on Association of International Automobile Manufacturers of Canada (AIAMC) data reflecting sales between 1997 and December 2012.∞Based on Fuel Consumption Guide ratings from Natural Resources Canada. Transport Canada approved test methods used. Your actual fuel consumption will vary based on driving habits and other factors – use for comparison only. §2013 Canadian Black Book Best Retained Value Award winner – Sub-Compact Car category. Based on value retained from originalMSRPfor 2009 model year vehicles as published by CBB, as of 1 January 2013. See CanadianBlackBook.com for complete details. Don’t Forget... 16 | December 20 décembre 2013 | Citoyen Borden Citizen to get your 2014 Base Borden Fire Fighter Calendars as 2014 is fast approaching. Calendars can be purchased at CANEX and the CANEX Express for $10 and profits go to two very worthy charities: Soldier On and Operation Hero N'oubliez pas... de vous procurer le Calendrier des pompiers de la BFC Borden 2014 vu que l'année 2014 approche à grands pas. Les calendriers sont en vente au CANEX et à l'Express Mart du CANEX pour la somme de 10 $. Les profits seront versés à deux œuvres de bienfaisance importantes : le programme Sans limites et opération Héro. Wishing everyone a very Happy and Healthy Holiday season. Joyeux Noel et Bonne Annee. Thrift Shop Citoyen Borden Citizen | December 20 décembre 2013 | 17 Fill a bag with clothing for $5! The Thrift Shop is open every Tuesday night from 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. from September to June. We are located at 33 Arnhem Rd in front of the Borden Family Resource Centre. Everyone is welcome! We have a good selection of clothing for all ages, including coats and boots. Need a small appliance or some cookware? Ask to see our kitchen items including dishes and assorted mugs. If you have a question or would like to volunteer to help for 2 hrs per week at the Thrift Shop, please call and leave a message at 705-715-1728 or come in on a day that we are open. We also accept students who need to complete their community volunteer hours. NOTE: We cannot accept donations of furniture because we do not have anywhere to store it. Thank you! Le Magasin d'articles d'occasion Remplissez votre sac de vêtements pour 5 $! Le Magasin d’articles d’occasion est ouvert le mardi, de 18 h 30 à 20 h 30, de septembre à juin. Il est situé au 33, route Arnhem, en face du Centre de ressources à la famille de Borden. Tous sont les bienvenus. Nous avons une bonne sélection de vêtements pour tous les âges, y compris des manteaux et des bottes. Besoin d'un petit appareil ménager ou de quelques ustensiles de cuisine ? Demandez à voir nos articles de cuisine, y compris vaisselle et tasses assorties. Si vous avez une question ou désirez faire du bénévolat deux (2) heures par semaine au Magasin d’articles d’occasion, veuillez appeler et laisser un message au 705 715 1728 ou nous visiter pendant les heures d’ouverture. Nous acceptons également les étudiant(e)s qui ont besoin de faire des heures de service communautaire. F LEGAL GROUNDS Gordon R. MacKenzie, Local Lawyer Angus 705-424-1331 NOT QUITE THE SPIRIT OF THE SEASON to make him a gift of the insurance proceeds (Sanderson v. Halstead, 1968). The court decided although Mrs. Sanderson wanted to make a gift of the proceeds, she had not taken all the steps necessary to make Mr. Sanderson the rightful owner of them. The court had no authority to complete an imperfect gift and would not force his mother-in-law to pay the insurance money to Mr. Sanderson. What a court can do and what we are morally obliged to do may not be the same; Mr. Sanderson's mother-in-law got to keep the money, but I doubt her conscience was clear. rankly dear old St. Nicholas could promise the world to every child on the planet and never have to worry for a minute about delivering. The law, you see, will not enforce an incomplete gift. Before marrying, Barbara Sanderson promised her fiancé that she would make him the beneficiary of her two life insurance policies. She sent the necessary forms to her mother, the original beneficiary, to release her interest. Her mother forgot about the forms until shortly after the marriage on February 6, 1965. When she returned them to Mrs. Sanderson, they were not properly witnessed. Mrs. Sanderson died in a auto accident on April 5, 1965, before new forms were signed. When Mr. Sanderson contacted his mother-in-law about the insurance money, she refused to pay it to him. He sued, arguing that his late wife meant This article is presented as general information only and is not to be relied on as legal advice. You should contact your lawyer to see how the law applies to your circumstances before any action is taken. Uncover More Legal Grounds at: yourlocallawyer.com NOTE : Nous ne pouvons accepter aucun don de mobilier car nous n’avons pas d’espace d’entreposage. Merci ! B.J. Roth Realty Ltd., Brokerage Independently owned and operated. 4 Pine River Rd. Unit 8, Angus 705-424-2121 355 Bayfield St., Barrie 705-721-9111 Robert Gayler Sales Representative 705-733-7855 ENSE P O OU H Doug Barnett MVA., Broker Market Value Appraiser, Res. 705-220-3375 $149,900 WON'T LAST LONG!! Solid home with some updates including furnace & most windows. 34 x 14 foot garage, fenced backyard. CALL CHERYL @ 705-796-4663 TO VIEW. Bilingual Sales Representative 705-828-0084 DND CF-IRP APPROVED Ed Smit Sales Representative 705-794-6107 Alexia Daley Sales Representative 705-321-2541 Cheryl Ferguson Sales Representative 705-796-4663 D E S A LE OPEN HOUSE Sat and Sun 12-4pm, Lot 73 Arnold PACK YOUR BAGS! MORRA HOME Popular Family Neighbourhood. Fully finished 3+1 All brick bungalow, 1266 sq ft, upgraded kitchen, bed, 3 1/2 bath home. Beautifully decorated pantry, ceramics, hardwood LR/DR., central air, home, many extras. $399,900. paved driveway, front/rear yard sodded, 2 bedCALL CHERYL FOR DETAILS & SHOWING @ rooms. Quality Morra Built. 302,500. CALL MARIO 705-796-4663. AT 705-828-0084 FOR MORE DETAILS. EW G N TIN S LI Mario Filion 599,900 - BEAUTIFUL HOME LOCATED ON 2 ACRES. MUST BE SEEN TO BE APPRECIATED FULLY FINISHED 2 BED IN LAW SUITE WALKS OUT TO A GORGEOUS REAR YARD WITH HUGE POND AND LANDSCAPING. A LOVINGLY CARED FOR ONE OWNER HOME WITH RECENT UPGRADES. Show with confidence. Call Alexia at 705-321-2541 or visit www.singingrealtor.ca Century 21 B.J. Roth Realty Ltd. wishes everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and all the best in 2014 FOR RENT Beautiful large 3 bedroom detached home for salelocated in Popular Alcona, Innisfil. $1475 per month plus utilties. First and last required, credit check, references and employment letter. No smokers, no pets. Call Alexia at 705-321-2541 or visit www.singingrealtor.ca EW G N TIN S LI D L SINO1 DAY MOVE IN READY 5th Line Angus Townhome, 3 Bedroom, 2.1 bath, hardwood and ceramics. Upgraded interior, oversize garage and fenced yard all add $$$ value. Great family neighbourhood close to Base Borden, won't last. CALL ED FOR MORE INFO 705-794-6107 18 | December 20 décembre 2013 | Citoyen Borden Citizen Classifieds | Petites annonces Citoyen Borden Citizen | December 20 décembre 2013 | 19 Deadline for Word Classified Advertising is Tuesdays at noon • All Advertising must be pre-paid • Sorry No refunds • Credit Only Errors and Omissions. On the first day that your ad appears, check for errors or omissions. Allowance will be made for only ONE incorrect insertion. La journée et l’heure limite pour les petites annonces et les textes est midi, le mardi. Toutes les annonces publicitaires doivent être payées à l’avance. Nous sommes désolés, mais nous avons une politique de non remboursement, toutefois, des crédits sont accordés. Erreurs et omissions. Le premier jour de la parution de votre annonce, vous devez vérifier s’il y a des erreurs ou des omissions. UNE seule correction pourra être effectuée. PERSONAL Problem Gambling Helpline. Confidential and open 24 hours a day. 1-888-230-3505 (01-tfn/nc) Alcoholics Anonymous meeting held every Monday and Friday evening at the Trinity Chapel, Borden at 8 pm. For more information call 705-516-1494. (01-tfn/nc) ANGUS LOVE & HOPE AL-ANON Family Groups meets every Tuesday at 8.00p.m 499 Dieppe Road at Trinity Chapel Base Borden. If you feel your life has been affected by someone elses drinking come visit or call us at 705-730-3307. (01tfn/nc) HELP WANTED Good Samaritan Nursing Home has part time employment available for RN’s. Please fax resume to L. Weaver @ 705-435-0235 or phone 705-435-5722. (01-tfn/inv) SHARED ACCOMMODATION Professional woman looking for a female roommate to share a beautiful 3 bedroom home in Angus, close to Borden centrally located near all amenities. Fully furnished, private parking, laundry facilities back yard with deck, bbq and sun room for summer use. Available immediately. All utilities and cable included. $600.00 per month. E-mail: dmandley@rogers.com or call 780-972-3803 for more information. (48-1p) HOUSE FOR RENT Townhouse for Rent - South Barrie - Ardagh Bluffs. Lovely, move-in ready 3 bedroom, 3 bathroom townhouse with fully finished walk-out basement BACKING TO WOODS! Fenced yard, deck, central air, spacious eat-in kitchen. Close to all amenities, walking distance to schools and public transit. Prime Barrie location. Includes appliances. No smoking. $1390 per month plus utilities. First/last month, credit check, references. Available February 1st. URILAI@GMAIL.COM (49p) CAREER EVENT Cheer in the New Year's with dinner and a 4-part concert at the Utopia Hall featuring Peter Thompson & Friends. Concert line-up includes John Pattison, Bad Nicholas, Ed Moll and Peter Thompson's CD launch of Music In Your Eyes. Advance tickets $50. Call 877-499 HALL(4255) or order online www.utopiahall.ca (49p) 7 0 5 423-2496 bordencitizen@rogers.com HELP WANTED École de langues La Cité is looking for teachers of French and English as a second language for CFB BORDEN (Part time, evenings) • university degree, AND/OR • experience in teaching French and/or English • competitive hourly rate Please contact : Sylvie Hamel sylvie.lacite@gmail.com Fax : 705-252-8562 MEMORIAM FREE PICK UP Bbq's, A/C units, lawn mowers, washers, dryers, stoves, fridges, computers, electronics, TV’s, car parts and other metal items for scrap in Angus, Borden, Barrie and surrounding area. Dump runs available. Call 705-423-9700. (01tfn/inv) GUITAR LESSONS Recording artist, Rock, Blues, Jazz and Classical. Musicians study with award winning guitar coach John Weston at the Barn Studio, we supply a guitar for new students. Call 705-828-1062 for info. (41-11p) FUNDRAISER APARTMENT FOR RENT ANGUS 2 bdrm apts Parking. No pets. $900/mth+hydro Available now 705-424-4882 Prof. Managed by: www.mmcorp.ca APARTMENT FOR RENT ALLISTON GARDENS 1 & 2 bedroom apts. Walking distance to Shopping & restaurants. From $910/mth incl. 705-435-2792 Prof. Managed by: www.mmcorp.ca APARTMENT FOR RENT ALLISTON 1 & 2 bdrm apts. Clean, quiet & Secure building, walking distance to shopping & restaurants. Professionally managed. From $910/mth + prkg 705-435-1977 Prof. Managed by: www.mmcorp.ca MEMORIAM 20 | December 20 décembre 2013 | Citoyen Borden Citizen G EW N N TI S LI COUNTRY LIVING CLOSE TO TOWN! IN SOUGHT AFTER NEIGHBOURHOOD! Over 2000sqft of fin liv space, 3 bdrms, 3 baths, open 5 bdrms, lrg bath, huge eat-in kit, master on main floor, many updates, on .89 part of an acre. Immediate closing! main floor concept, hardwood, many gorgeous updates! Angus $325,000 Angus $225,000 FIRST TIME HOME BUYER OR INVESTOR? Solid and charming century home w/3 bdrms, familyrm w/gas fireplace, some updates done, needs some TLC. Barrie $199,900 IN TOWN MOBILE! 3 bdrm, fresh painted, gas fireplc, updated kit & bath, lrg 3 season rm, close to new bus route, park fees $175/mth. Angus $107,000 DEVONLIEGH BUILT HOME! 2 bdrm, 2 bath, w/lrg livg rm, upgraded eat-in kitchen, loads of other upgrades. Can do a quick closing! Angus $325,000 STUNNING & WELL KEPT HOME! 3bedrooms, 2.5 baths, Livrm w/gas fireplace, kitchen w/island, 9+ceilings, fin basement w/wlk-out. Angus $309,000 D L SO IMMEDIATE POSSESSION! 1.5 Acres vacant building lot in a mature area, located just minutes to Angus and Barrie. Springwater $150,000 BACKING ONTO TREES! 1900+ sqft living space w/3 bdrms, 2.5 baths, upgraded kit, unfin bsmnt w/wlkout to yard. Available for quick close! Angus $325,000 SITTING ON 2 ACRE LOT! 2+2 bdrms, 2 bath, lrg country kit, fin bsmnt w/walk-up to yard, huge 40’x80’ pole barn. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY! Clearview $349,900 Santé et Bonheur en ce temps des fêtes. Meilleurs voeux pour la nouvelle année. Wishing You A Safe, Happy & Healthy Holiday Season! All the best in The New Year!
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