Manual High School


Manual High School
Keeping Current
With Kemper
Contact Us!
Dr. Heljä Antola Crowe
William T. Kemper Fellow for Teaching Excellence
PDS Site Coordinator for Manual High School
Dr. Cecile Arquette
PDS Site Coordinator for Whittier Primary School
Volume 10, Issue 1
Helen Hagen, Editor
Historical Westlake Hall
College of Education and
Health Sciences
Inside this issue:
Dr. Shari Britner
PDS Site Coordinator–Roosevelt Magnet School
Dr. Sherrie Pardieck
PDS Site Coordinator for Valeska Hinton Early Childhood Center
Dr. Bob Wolffe
PDS Executive Committee
Comments from……………. 1
Kemper Fellow
Manual High School……….. 2
Whittier Primary School…… 3
Roosevelt Student………….. 4
Teacher Perspectives
Valeska Hinton Early………. 5
Childhood Center
Teaching Academy ………... 6
Kemper Coordinator……….. 6
Contact Us!.............................8
Helen Hagen
Kemper Secretary
Dr. Heljä Antola Crowe,
Fellow for Teaching Excellence
Supported in part by the William T. Kemper
Foundation and Commerce Bank Trustee
Fall Semester 2006
Comments from William T. Kemper Fellow
Consider this: “The stronger the emotional bonds among workers, the
more motivated, productive and satisfied with their work they are” (Goleman,
2006, page 279). Having finished reading Daniel Goleman’s new book on Social Intelligence (2006), I can see an ever stronger reason for the Professional
Development School relationships between the Peoria Public
Schools and Bradley University. From each other we can
learn valuable lessons and see
our own daily work in new
Goleman discusses
two broad categories in social
intelligence: social awareness
and social facility. Social
awareness allows a person to
Dr. Heljä Antola Crowe
instantaneously sense another
at NCATE Poster Presentation
person’s inner state and feelings. This is a sense needed in
successful teaching and learning. Social awareness includes primal empathy
(feeling with others, sensing nonverbal emotional signals), attunement
(listening with full receptivity), empathic accuracy (understanding intentions,
thoughts, and feelings of another person) and social cognition (knowing how
the social world works). Social facility, the second broad category in social
intelligence, allows individuals to act based on their social awareness. Just
knowing or being aware of things does not guarantee success in social relationships, but being able to take action and interact fluidly and with purpose, supports successful interactions.
Actions that we might see in social facility are synchrony (at the nonverbal level interacting smoothly), self-presentation (presenting ourselves effectively), influence (shaping outcomes of social interactions), and concern
(caring about others¹ needs and acting accordingly).
These powerful aspects of human interactions read like character education lesson plans. They also describe the Professional Development School
partnerships at their best and most exciting! Teachers in classrooms are leaders
who intentionally take time to create communities in their groups, rather than assuming a community will grow
on its own. We can create environments where we establish trust and safety for others. In such environments
people feel free to explore, to learn, to be playful and take risks without the fear of failing and courageous about
taking on challenges.
These are leadership qualities, whether in a colleague, parent, student or peer. In communities,
neighborhoods, small groups, classrooms, and others, we can become leaders who nurture these qualities in people with whom we interact. We appreciate the leading we have experienced this fall. We extend heart-felt
gratitude to all the Professional Development Schools where individuals took their time to show the National
Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) Board of Examiners around the schools and assisted in showing them what our future professionals learn in the world of
practice here in Peoria. We had a very favorable visit and learned that
NCATE was passed in all standards. We are proud of all of our work and
chances for collaborative interactions and learning in our PDS schools:
Valeska, Roosevelt, Whittier and Manual!
Manual High School
The mission of Manual High School, as the center
for community learning, is to equip each student with the
academic and life skills to become a self-confident, productive, well-balanced citizen by demanding personal and
family commitment and accountability; engaging students
in meaningful career, technical and social learning experiences; and partnering with community resources.
Front entrance of Manual High School
Manual students are able to participate in a variety
of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The College YES! Program, in partnership with Ameren/CILCO
and Illinois Central College, offers mentoring to foster continuing education. The Quantum Opportunities Program, in partnership with The Children’s Home, requires community service, while promoting academic
achievement. Our partnership with Bradley University as a Professional Development School has enabled us to offer a college simulation experience for
juniors and seniors. As a Professional Development School high school,
Manual promotes a learning-centered community that supports the integrated
learning and development of grade 9-12 students, teacher candidates and
Professional Development school partners through inquiry and research
based learning. Professional Development School partners share a common
vision of teaching and learning grounded in research and practitioner knowledge. Partners believe that adults and children learn best in the context of
Johanna Windish,
Bradley student teacher at Manual.
Johanna Windish is student teaching at Manual High School with Connie
Cassidy in Science. The National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher Education Board of Examiners came to visit her classroom November 14 while she was teaching about body systems. Manual
High School offers a machinist and assembler training program (MAP). This program is a joint effort through Caterpillar
Tractor Company. Illinois Central College, Peoria Educational Region For Employment Career Training, and the industrial
tech instructors at Manual High School. The program, MAP, is offered to juniors and seniors who qualify by passing the
ICC Math COMPASS Test. Manual High School is a Title I school receiving federal funds to subsidize free or reduced
lunches for students.
Cross-Cultural Collaboration
The Cross-cultural Collaboration was a project that involved Manual students, Bradley students and Lumo High
School students from Finland working together in multiple different avenues both via e-mails and in person. The
project helped participants become more aware of cultural differences as well as to build a stronger knowledge
base in social studies and international awareness.
As a concrete result of this work there is a web-based site showcasing our learning and a publication of
our reflections of cross-cultural learning of the participants. The URL is
finland.htm. In Finland during the month of May, we had a meeting with
parents and families. Bradley and Lumo students shared the learning with
the Lumo High School community. The Bradley Teacher Education Program Managers, Liz Hofreiter, Elizabeth Little, and Dan Collier, continued
the reflective process by developing a workshop for future teachers and
presented both at Illinois Teacher Educators and Illinois Education Association conferences this fall. It is our hope that this project will have a lasting
impact on all the students and teachers who were involved in the project,
broadening our world view, increasing our tolerance for difference, and
perhaps even affecting their future relationships and career choices.
Cross-Cultural students doing
Many types of unexpected learning occurred in multiple interactions
the crouch dance!
with the project participants. What all project participants, as learners,
(particularly in our own comfortable cultural setting) think we know turns out to
be different when subjected to new situations out of our comfort zones. All participants, facilitators, teachers and
students become learners! Here are some of the thoughts of people involved in the project:
Learning about different cultures takes a certain amount of confidence
in yourself and also an ability to be vulnerable to learn and grow.
(Sam, Bradley)
To me, I think that Finland people are very respectful. They are quiet,
but also love to talk. At first I didn’t know what to expect. I found out
that we have very much in common and are very different. The way
they live is so different from ours, it’s unbelievable. (Isaiah, Manual)
Finland students visit Peoria.
People are very welcoming and are prepared to have fun and introduce us to their own life. I have also noticed that everyone here is very
patient when we Finns are stuttering and searching for the
correct words . (Saana, Lumo)
The international forum helped us all to learn from one another. I
think everyone really opened up as we discussed what things we had learned about each other’s cultures. The
thing that has amazed me the most is how perceptive and friendly the students have been. I hope they have
learned as much as I have! This project reminds me of how diverse our world is and how much more I have to
learn about others. (Liz, Bradley Program Manager)
I got to talk to a person from Finland the whole day. I also got to know her a lot better. I think I’ve made a good
friend. Today was pretty fun and at times quite embarrassing. Still. I wish they could have stayed a lot longer.
(Endelisa, Manual)
Teaching Academy FISH Philosophy
What is the FISH Philosophy?
It puts a smile on someone's face when you treat them with respect, or an unexpected sincere compliment. It
takes no time to put someone down. It is our choice, which we do on a daily basis. This is what staff at Valeska
learned about all of last year. Dr. Sherrie Pardieck, who is the PDS Coordinator at Valeska found the Lewis J. Burger Center for Student Leadership and Public Service to facilitate workshops and activities in the
school. Fish were everywhere, in
notes, in the hallways, in discussions, in conversations. The experiences were so successful that Bradley
students had a chance to present
Fish Philosophy workshop at
Kemper Teaching Academy for the
university faculty.
Why fish, you wonder?! This
from businessmen on
FISH Teaching Academy
Seattle's Pike's Place Market, where fish are
being sold with great gusto,
humor, energy and remarkable joy of life! From the experiences of people selling
fish on the market, a book was written, and a whole movement was spawned.
And the message is this: We can choose to do all our work (even the
mundane and routine moments) with a positive influence on others, to be in this
EHS teachers working
moment fully and to extend our excitement to others. What a message for educatogether to solve a problem.
Professional Development Schools
Meet our PDS Coordinator Council plotting and planning for future activities! The council meets monthly to discuss
issues dealing with student achievement, learning, professional development, and encouraging community collaborations. The members of the Coordinator Council strive to
meet our Foundation Core Values which are:
◊ extended learning environments
◊ leadership
◊ diversity
◊ collaboration
◊ shared decision making
◊ excellence
◊ well-being
◊ innovation
Pictured are Dr. Sherrie Britner (Roosevelt), Dr. Cecile Arquette ( Whittier), Dr. Bob Wolffe (Executive Committee),
Carrie VanDyke (Kemper graduate assistant), Dr. Sherrie
Pardieck (Valeska Hinton), and Dr. Heljä Antola Crowe
(Manual). Missing from photo is secretary, Helen Hagen.
Whittier Primary School
Whittier Primary School became our 4th PDS partner in the fall of
2006. We celebrated the signing of our partnership contract at a luncheon hosted
by the Kemper Foundation at Bradley University. In her remarks, Principle Desmoulin-Kherat stated that she, her staff and students have already been working
with Dr. Cecile Arquette, the PDS Site Coordinator for Whittier. Partnership
goals this year include: increased daily, meaningful writing, working with best
practices in the classroom and providing technology assistance in Whittier’s
brand new computer lab.
Whittier first opened in 1915, with an addition added in 1958 to acDr. Joan Sattler, Dean of College of commodate the growing needs of the community. Currently, Whittier has over
Education and Health Sciences and
Sharon Desmoulin-Kherat, Whittier 375 students in pre-K through 4 grade. Some of the things that have contribPrincipal, at the PDS signing event. uted to Whittier’s success are the Extended School Program that provides fun
activities in addition to supporting students academically.
Bradley University’s teacher education department has had a close relationship with Whittier prior to
Whittier’s PDS status. The primary school has provided an exemplary facility for our students to observe, student teach and volunteer. Currently, Bradley students participate as mentors and tutors during the day, in addition to assisting in the Extended Reading program.
National Blue Ribbon Award
Whittier received the National Blue Ribbon Award from the Department of
Education in 2005 and, this year, was one of five recipients of the National Center for
Urban School Transformation's "excellence in education" awards. It has been an Illinois
"spotlight school" for three years in a row, an honor given to high-poverty, highperforming schools that achieve despite the odds. (Peoria Journal Star, Sept. 6, 2006)
In September of this year, Whittier was named as an Exemplary School by the Third grade students
U.S. Department of Education, the only school in the entire state of Illinois to receive
at Whittier.
such a distinction.
It is exciting to welcome Principal Desmolin-Kherat and all the dedicated teachers, staff and parents
who make Whittier Primary such an outstanding place to learn. What a wonderful addition to the Kemper PDS
Whittier guests at
Kemper PDS
signing at Bradley.
Main entrance of Whittier
Primary School
Roosevelt Student Teacher Perspectives
Student teaching at Roosevelt Magnet School has been a valuable experience.
Each day begins the same way with the students and teachers gathering in the
gymnasium for morning announcements and the school pledge. Like most elementary schools, math, reading, science, social studies, and language arts are
taught in the homeroom class. What makes Roosevelt unique is that during our
seventh hour students who show talent in the fine arts, leave the regular classroom and go to special classes to enhance their art ability. If there is one thing
I have learned by student teaching at Roosevelt Magnet School, it is how to be
flexible. You have to practice for emergencies, and there are PBIS parties that
students earn for good behavior. We are taught in our methods classes at
Bradley to always have a back-up plan because you never know what might
happen throughout the day; this has been an important aspect of my success at
Kari Kohn, Bradley
Roosevelt which I believe will benefit me in my teaching career. I have also
Student Teacher at
benefited from the faculty at Roosevelt. The teachers, not just on my grade
level team, but throughout the entire building have been extremely welcoming
and have offered their assistance to help me gain all the experience I can as I approach this last step in my
education training. I don’t believe I could have found a better cooperating teacher or school for my student
teaching experience.
By Kari Kohn, student teacher in Ms. McDermott's 3rd grade class
I have had the privilege to student teach at Roosevelt Magnet School. My experiences there have been influential to my growth as a professional teacher. The students were eager to learn in fun, creative, new ways and
also excited to take part in activities to help their community. During my time there, the students created recycling bins that were donated to Roosevelt for use in the cafeteria. The positive atmosphere that is established
professionally among the staff is also very apparent. Other teachers were willing to give me advice and suggestions when I was in need. From the first day of my student teaching I felt welcomed as a member of the staff
there. I am thrilled to have done my student teaching at a school where the students’ learning is top priority
and the professional atmosphere supports student and teacher development.
By Erica Newman, student teacher in Ms. Michanicou's 4th grade class
Patience and Persistence
at Roosevelt!
Wow! It's really moving now! The courtyard sculptures are being installed! This project was begun in the 2004-2005 academic year by Mr.
Walker, Ms. Frei, and Dr. Britner. Together with Mr. Stolz and students from Bradley's Art Department, Roosevelt students created scale
models of sculptures involving simple machines they were learning
about in science class. The full-size sculptures were then fabricated in
the art workshops at Bradley and are now being installed with parent
Roosevelt Courtyard
help in the Roosevelt courtyard. It has been a long path with numerous
detours and delays but soon they will be ready for students and teachers to incorporate into science and art lessons.
Valeska Hinton Early Childhood Education Center
The faculty and staff at Valeska Hinton School had a most exciting start to
the new school year! Many projects have been identified and implemented
to improve the curriculum, family involvement, community relations, and
the school environment. These projects assist with our mission to encourage
families, citizens, businesses, community organizations, learning institutions,
and government to work together to create a safe and positive environment
for all children and to stimulate their love of learning.
2006-07 Award of Merit
Valeska Hinton classroom
The school year started out with much excitement as the Professional Development Team received an Award of Merit for 2006-2007 at the
Those Who Excel in Education Awards Program. The State Board presented
the award on October 7, 2006 in Decatur, IL. Congratulations to everyone
for all of their hard work and care of
children and their families.
The beginning of the school year also brought more opportunities
for faculty and staff professional development. The Professional Development Team developed a Professional Development Portfolio. All staff received their Professional Development Portfolio to document their participation and reflection of current learning activities and instructional practices.
Many programs have been scheduled to provide professional development
activities and options for faculty and staff. Some of the events include presentations on technology, diversity, book studies, working with families,
brain research, visiting other classrooms, and much more. The activities
Valeska Hinton staff members
receiving the Award of Merit
align with one or more of the following areas: classroom organization and
management, curriculum, human growth and development, teaching and
learning, assessment, parent involvement, technology, program design and accountability, and professional development. A reflection component accompanies each professional development choice of activities and events.
Faculty and staff received a copy of the Age Level Expectations for Pre-Kindergarten. The document
identifies learning expectations for three and four year olds and connected those statements to the Peoria Public
School’s “I can . . .” statements. Faculty and staff were happy to receive the
statements and were anxious to use them with their daily learning activities and
Throughout the year, the Fish Philosophy has continued. The Fish Principles is a business approach used to enhance the school environment. At the end
of the 2005 school year, the philosophy was introduced to the faculty and staff.
Bradley University students from the Lewis J. Burger Center for Student Leadership and Service helped to introduce and reinforce the new approach by providing
activities for each of the four areas. The four areas include: play, choose your
attitude, be present, and make their day. Since that time, meetings, learning acFISH Philosophy
tivities, and daily experiences include pieces of the philosophy. Students and
bulletin board
staff have enjoyed working with the philosophy and look forward to many new
activities in the future.