Town of Cortlandt, NY
Town of Cortlandt, NY
Town of Cortlandt Department of Recreation & Conservation 1 Heady Street Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567-1254 (914) 734-1050 Web site: E-mail: Dated Material Please Deliver Promptly Residential Customer Town of Cortlandt Winter/Spring 2016 – Recreation Program Brochure TABLE OF CONTENTS GENERAL PROGRAM INFORMATION 911 – The Call that Counts.................................... 26 2015 Concert & Movie Series Photos................... 15 2015 Goals.............................................................6-7 2016 Concert & Movie Series Information...........17 5 K Road Race Photos.......................................... 12 Adopt-an-Island Program and Application..... 18-19 Alarm Permit......................................................... 25 Amanda’s Law....................................................... 26 App available at App Store or Google Play...........11 Code Red................................................................ 25 Community Garden............................................... 24 Dates: Photo ID Card/Season Pass....................... 28 Egg-Stra Egg-Stra – Easter Egg Hunt...................31 Electric Vehicle Station......................................... 23 Facebook................................................................ 63 Facility Rental........................................................ 44 Family Fun Day Photos..........................................14 Financial Record...................................................... 8 Forms: Adult Activity Registration Form..................... 65 Dog Park Registration Form.............................. 87 Employment Application Seasonal................... 89 Pre-School Activity Registration Form............ 65 Youth Activity Registration Form..................... 65 Youth Center Registration Form.................. 81-82 Halloween Party Photos........................................ 13 Hollowbrook Golf Club Information.................... 49 How to Register for a Recreation Program.......... 27 Internet Address.................................................... FC Important Information........................................... 28 League Forms: Lacrosse League................................................. 73 Soccer – Boys Spring ......................................... 67 Soccer – Girls Spring......................................... 69 Travel Soccer...................................................... 71 Letter from the Supervisor...................................... 5 Map & Index of Park Facilities...............IFC & IBC Medical Drop Box................................................. 20 Open Space............................................................ 23 Photo ID Session Dates......................................... 28 Recreation Suggestion Box................................... 26 Recycle to Save Environmental............................ 26 Refund/Credit........................................................ 28 Registration Information....................................... 27 Sliding Fee Scale.................................................... 27 Special Notice.......................................................... 9 Special Thank you to our Sponsors for the Concert & Movie Series.......................................................16 Solutions to Storm Water Pollution................. 21-22 Sustainable Cortlandt............................................ 20 Tax Control, Tax Warrants................................. 9-10 Telephone Listing-Town Hall & Other Locations...... 4 You are Needed Volunteer Fire and Ambulance. 26 Youth Center Registration Form........................... 62 NOR-WEST Part Time Employment......................................... 62 Regional Special Services & Developmental Disabilities.............32, 33, 37, 62 PROGRAMS - ADULT - WINTER Badminton.............................................................. 32 Basketball-Men-Saturday (30 & Over)................ 32 Basketball-Men-Tuesday (18 & Over).................. 32 Boating Safely........................................................ 32 Cortlandt Stamp Club............................................ 32 Defensive Driving ................................................. 32 Exertone for Women.............................................. 32 Forever Fit.............................................................. 33 Guitar Lessons....................................................... 33 Karate & Advanced Karate................................... 33 Nor-West................................................................. 33 Swimming - Adult Beginner................................. 33 Tae Kwon Do – Mixed Class................................. 33 Tai Chi.................................................................... 33 Volleyball: Advanced Co-Ed................................................ 34 Co-Ed.................................................................. 34 Yoga Anyone ......................................................... 34 PROGRAMS - PRE-SCHOOL - WINTER Storybook Cooking................................................ 35 Krafty Kids............................................................ 34 Music, Movement & Crafts................................... 34 Swimming: Pre-School......................................................... 35 Tiny-Tot............................................................... 35 Toddlin Tots........................................................... 35 PROGRAMS - YOUTH - WINTER Basketball Program - Free Play............................ 36 Chess Class............................................................ 36 Guitar Lessons....................................................... 36 Jr. Baller Sports – Basketball................................ 36 Karate and Advanced Karate................................ 36 Mad Science........................................................... 36 Nor-West................................................................. 37 Swimming Instruction.......................................... 37 PROGRAMS - ADULT - SPRING Badminton...............................................................37 Boating Safely.........................................................37 Defensive Driving ................................................. 37 Exertone for Women.............................................. 37 Golf Instruction..................................................... 37 Guitar Instruction.................................................. 38 Piano Lessons........................................................ 38 Yoga Anyone.......................................................... 38 PROGRAMS - PRE-SCHOOL - SPRING Storybook Cooking................................................ 39 Swimming Pre-School.......................................................... 39 Tiny Tot............................................................... 39 PROGRAMS - YOUTH - SPRING After School Hoops Teaches Basketball Camp.... 40 Environmental Programs...................................... 40 Guitar Lessons....................................................... 40 Jr. Baller Sports – Baseball................................... 40 Lacrosse Clinic...................................................... 40 Piano Lessons.........................................................41 Soccer Clinic.......................................................... 42 Swimming Instruction...........................................41 PROGRAMS - YOUTH - SPRING ENVIRONMENTAL Explorers................................................................ 40 Hiding in Plain Sight............................................. 40 Junior Explorers..................................................... 40 Eagelfest................................................................. 40 Mommy, Daddy & Me........................................... 40 Trail Blazers........................................................... 40 SENIOR CITIZEN Activities Schedule................................................ 29 Clubs....................................................................... 29 Coming this February............................................ 30 Computer Classes Basic computer Skills & Internet Browsing..... 30 Intro to Google Chrome, Gmail, You Tube & More........................................... 30 Intro to Microsoft Windows Wordpad.............. 30 Medical Transportation......................................... 29 Nutrition................................................................. 29 Operation Snowflake............................................. 29 Prescription Pickup & Delivery Service.............. 29 Shopping................................................................. 29 Special Events All Things Delicious with Shari Munitz.......... 30 And the Beat Goes On....................................... 30 Special Services..................................................... 29 Spring Day Trips.................................................... 29 SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Cortlandt Community Rowing Association........ 43 Community Garden............................................... 24 Cross County Skiing & Ice Skating...................... 44 Ice Skating Club..................................................... 44 Van Cortlandtville Historical Society.................. 44 Westchester Broadway Theater............................ 44 SPECIAL EVENTS 2016 Concert & Movie Series..........................17, 44 Hudson River Eaglefest......................................... 44 Egg-Stra Egg-Stra – East Egg Hunt.......................31 SPECIAL PARK FACILITIES Bicentennial Garden.............................................. 45 Cortlandt Boat Launch.......................................... 45 Cortlandt Dog Park................................................ 46 Cortlandt Roller Hockey Rink.............................. 47 Cortlandt Water Front Park................................... 45 Furnace Dock Lake............................................... 47 Hollow Brook Golf Course................................... 49 Hudson Highlands Gateway Park......................... 50 Oscawana Island Boat Launch...............................51 Playgrounds............................................................ 48 Steven Hebert Memorial Skate Park.....................51 Tennis Courts..........................................................51 Toll House...............................................................51 SPORTS LEAGUES & TEAMS ADULT & YOUTH Lacrosse League - 3, 4 & 5, 6 Graders................. 42 Little League Information......................................41 Parent & Me Soccer Squirts.................................. 42 Soccer Clinic (Boys & Girls Grades K&1).......... 42 Soccer League........................................................ 42 Soccer Travel League............................................ 42 Softball League – Girls......................................... 43 Softball – Men’s League........................................ 43 Sports Squirts ........................................................ 42 Tennis League - Men & Women........................... 43 TEEN ACTIVITIES 5th Grade Fun Club Application Form................. 75 Canteen Programs................................................. 53 C.U.E. Programs.................................................... 53 Personal Development Courses...................... 56, 59 Youth Center Code of Conduct Form..............79-80 Youth Center Dress Code...................................... 83 Youth Center Programs.................................... 53-59 Youth Center New Programs Cam Jam Madness............................................. 55 Earth Day Celebration....................................... 55 Kickball Kraze................................................... 55 Volleyball Tournament...................................... 56 Triple M: Movie Madness Marathon................ 56 Chalk Making..................................................... 55 Board Game Friend-zzy!................................... 56 Digital Photo Book............................................. 56 Expressive Pen.................................................... 56 Youth Center Rockwall Waiver Form............. 77-78 Youth Center Registration..................................... 65 Youth Center Program Registration Form Use (Pre-School/Youth Activity Form)....................... 65 Youth Center Trips – Use (Pre-School/Youth Activity Form)........................................................ 65 Youth Center Field Trip Permission Slip (must be handed in with registration form for any trip)..... 85 A Night with New York Baseball......................... 56 Youth Employment Application & Information for Summer Employment..................................... 62 Nor-West............................................................. 62 Y.E.S................................................................... 62 TOWN OF CORTLANDT DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION & CONSERVATION CORTLANDT TOWN HALL 1 HEADY STREET CORTLANDT MANOR, NEW YORK 10567-1241 (914) 734-1050 E-mail address: Sponsored by the TOWN OF CORTLANDT TOWN SUPERVISOR LINDA D. PUGLISI TOWN BOARD RICHARD H. BECKER DEBRA A. COSTELLO FRANCIS X. FARRELL SETH M. FREACH PARKS, RECREATION & CONSERVATION ADVISORY BOARD Richard Boyle Tino Martin Michael J. Huvane, Chairman Pamela Bush Denenberg Pete Ruvolo Richard Zumbach Paul DiRoma Tracey Straub Advisory Board High School Students Lyla Strugatch Danielle Walsh RECREATION & CONSERVATION DEPARTMENT John Palmiotto, Director Kenneth Sherman, Deputy Director Lesley Popkin, Recreation Supervisor II Tim Fisher, Recreation Supervisor Jon Jacoby, Recreation Supervisor Dawn Mahoney, Director of Senior Service Rebecca Ferguson, Sr. Recreation Leader Katherine Sclafani, Youth Center Director Offutt Porter, Assistant Youth Center Director Colleen Anderson, Coalition Coordinator Janice LaFave OFFICE STAFF - 734-1051 - 734-1058 - 734-1057 - 734-1056 - 734-1055 - 528-1572 - 528-8377 - 736-0498 - 736-0498 - 734-1052 Karen McIntyre The Town of Cortlandt gratefully acknowledges the cooperation extended by the Hendrick Hudson School District, Lakeland Central School District, Bethel Springvale Inn, Village of Buchanan, Village of Croton-on-Hudson, Cortlandt Town Center and to all other groups regarding the use of their facilities. 3 CORTLANDT TOWN HALL - MAIN TELEPHONE NUMBER - (914) 734-1000 ASSESSOR Thomas Waitkins................................................................................................................ 734-1040 ATTORNEY Thomas Wood, Town Attorney........................................................................................... 736-0930 Cortlandt Town Hall, 1 Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor N.Y. 10567 COMPTROLLER Patricia Robcke................................................................................................................... 734-1070 COURT Judge Daniel McCarthy...................................................................................................... 734-1090 Judge Gerald Klein............................................................................................................. 734-1090 COURT CLERK Audrey Stewart................................................................................................................... 734-1090 HUMAN RESOURCES Claudia Vahey, Personnel Manager ................................................................................... 734-1004 PURCHASING/CENTRAL SUPPLIES/TECHNOLOGY Pete McMillan, Purchasing & Technology Director.......................................................... 734-1046 Dave Doyle, Central Supplies Officer................................................................................ 734-1037 RECEIVER OF TAXES Mary E. Breining................................................................................................................ 734-1030 SUPERVISOR LINDA D. PUGLISI................................................................................................................................ 734-1002 Judi Peterson, Secretary to the Supervisor........................................................................................................................... 734-1002 Karen Grexa, Assistant to the Supervisor.............................................................................................................................734-1101 TOWN CLERK JoAnn Dyckman................................................................................................................. 734-1020 DEPARTMENT OF TECHNICAL SERVICES 1 Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor, NY Code Enforcement, Engineering, Planning Director of D.O.T.S Michael Preziosi, P.E.......................................................................................................... 734-1060 Assistant to Director: Rosemary Boyle-Lasher for Planning................................................................................ 734-1083 Director of Code EnforcementMartin Rogers, P.E.............................................................................................................. 734-1010 Assistant to Director: Ken Hoch for Code Enforcement....................................................................................... 734-1010 Deputy Director, Planning Christopher Kehoe.............................................................................................................. 734-1080 Fire Inspector Holly Haight....................................................................................................................... 734-1015 DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 167 Roa Hook Road, Cortlandt Manor, NY Director Jeffrey C. Coleman, P.E...................................................................................................... 737-0100 Deputy Director: Steve Ferreira, P.E............................................................................................................... 737-0100 Deputy Director Christina Edwards............................................................................................................... 737-0100 Highway & Parks Division ............................................................................................................................................ 737-0186 Sanitation Divisions ............................................................................................................................................ 737-0100 Water Division ............................................................................................................................................ 734-1026 DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION & CONSERVATION 1 Heady Street Cortlandt Manor, NY Director John Palmiotto.................................................................................................................... 734-1051 Deputy Director Ken Sherman...................................................................................................................... 734-1058 MURIEL H. MORABITO COMMUNITY CENTER 29 West Brook Drive, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 Dawn Mahoney, Director for Office of the Aging.............................................................. 528-1464 Rebecca Ferguson, Nutrition Site Manager & Asst. to Director........................................ 528-8377 YOUTH & RECREATION CENTER 3 Memorial Drive, Croton-on-Hudson 10520 Katherine Sclafani, Youth Center Director......................................................................... 736-0498 HOTLINE FOR INFORMATION AND EVENTS...........................................................................................734-1000 EXT.28 HISTORIAN call Town Hall: Laura Lee Keating............................................................................................................. 734-1002 4 Dear Cortlandt Residents Over the years we completed many recreation projects and are working on the following: 1. Softball fields at Sprout Brook Park (with lights). 2. An outdoor pavilion at Sprout Brook Park (capacity 200). 3. A new playground at Sprout Brook Park (open year round). 4. Expansion of our Muriel H. Morabito Community Center (off West Brook Drive). 5. A new playground at the Community Center (handicapped accessible). 6. The Christopher Bisordi Memorial Outdoor Basketball Court at the Community Center. 7. Outdoor Bocce Courts and a Horseshoe Facility at the Community Center. 8. Renovation of Charles Cook Pool including a new concrete surface, drainage system, filtration system, bathhouse upgrades, a new playground and “frog slide”, landscaping and other amenities. (A 2 million dollar project) and renovation of the swimming lanes was completed in 2006. 9. The Steven Hebert Memorial Skate Park at the Community Center (off West Brook Drive). 10.A Roller Hockey Rink adjacent to the New York State Police Headquarters. (off Route 9A) with lights and a playground. 11. Completion of the Historic Tollhouse for a regional information tourist center. Open on weekends May through October. 12.Community space use (4,000 sq. ft.) at the Cortlandt Town Center is now available for rental. (contact our Recreation Division) 13.Steamboat Dock River Park and Overlook (in Verplanck) are restored and with construction of an outdoor pavilion and a pedestrian trail and we have plans for the next phases of Broadway Streetscape and new plans for Meahagh Park. 14.The Hudson Highlands Gateway Park (Hillpoint property) is designed for passive recreation (trails) off Sprout Brook Road.(352 acres of passive land) 15.Many beautification projects throughout the town. (Flowerbeds, gazebos, plantings and our Veterans Parks) 16.C.U.E. (Cortlandt Upper Teens Entertainment Center) open for all freshman, sophomores, juniors and seniors on Friday and Saturday nights and is supervised by qualified adults. 17.Completed the Oscawana Boat/ Kayak Launch. 18.A new playground, tennis courts and basketball court was built off of Croton Avenue. 19.A new little league field and a soccer/all purpose field both at Sprout Brook Park opened in 2008. 20.Construction of a Cortlandt Dog (“Pooch”) Park at Sprout Brook Park. Grand opening took place on November 2, 2008. 21.A Computer Center at the Senior Citizen Center. 22.Renovation of the Town Hall Courtyard and entrance way (new lights, benches, bricks, doors, flowers, new steps etc.) 23. A new playground at the Roller Hockey Rink off Memorial Drive in memory of Peter Cutignola. 24.An annual Cortlandt event – “Cortlandt Family Fun Day”. (off Route 9A by the State Police and Roller Hockey Rink) 25.Renovation of the swimming lanes at Cook Pool. 26.Annual Golf Outing to benefit our first responders at the Hollowbrook Golf Course each year. 27.A new youth and recreation multi-purpose facility opened in 2009 for ages 11 to 18. It is fully supervised. 28.Cortlandt sponsors the D.A.R.E. programs and the Cortlandt Coalition to educate our youth about substance abuse and awareness prevention. 29.Plans for a water spray theme park at Charles J. Cook Pool are underway for the future. 30.Quadricentennial projects were completed in 2009 to honor Henry Hudson’s discovery of the Hudson River including a time capsule at Town Hall. 31.Saved Furnace Dock Lake and the watershed area. It is now owned by the TOC for passive parkland. 32.At the former Martin Property now owned by the Town: a boat launch for the community, an aviation theme playground, benches by the Hudson River. 33.A Veteran’s Park at Steamboat Dock dedicated July 20, 2012. 34.Completed a new half court basketball court in northern Cortlandt June 2012. 35.The public boat launch at Cortlandt Waterfront Park was dedicated in the spring of 2013. 36. 5K Run in October 37. Held our Town of Cortlandt 225th Anniversary Party at George’s Island in 2013. 38.A Purple Heart Memorial dedicated at Cortlandt Town Hall. 39.Support of the Cortlandt Rowing Association (go to website for more information) 40.Plans are designed for a new lacrosse /all purpose field at Sprout Brook Park. 41.Started a free outdoor Concert and Movie Series at Cortlandt Waterfront Park in Verplanck. 42.Our new Community Garden started this summer at Meahagh Park and the park was officially dedicated November 2015. All have been completed without raising Town taxes (on average for 24 years)…many other projects are being considered and planned. If you have any suggestions for recreation projects please write or e-mail my office at: 1 Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567, E-mail address: Thank you, Linda D. Puglisi Cortlandt Town Supervisor Cortlandt Town Board Town Board Members from L to R Francis X. Farrell; Seth M. Freach; Linda D. Puglisi, Town Supervisor; Debbie A. Costello and Richard H. Becker. 5 Town of Cortlandt 2015 Achievements From Supervisor Linda Puglisi and Town Board 1. Excellent Financial Record: Our Town of Cortlandt tax increase for Unincorporated Cortlandt taxpayers was a very low .6% increase and for Village town taxes a 0% increase which is all below the New York State tax cap mandate. We also have very low town debt, have a surplus every year (24 years) and never had a deficit during this administration. 2. In the 2014/2015 budget years we hired 21 new employees, many to fill vacancies and many from the Town of Cortlandt. During this two year period we paved 10 miles of town roads spending $4 million dollars directly from our town treasury with no borrowing. 3. We purchased 99 acres of vacant land near the Hudson River in the hamlet of Verplanck previously owned by Con Edison. With this purchase we were able to “Stop the Buzz” and the 50ft high converter station that wanted to go onto this property. The town will use it for a field network, a handball court, perhaps a second dog park, walking trails and for a new D.E.S/operating department headquarters in the near future. 4. Our Master Plan volunteer committee along with staff and our consultant (paid for by a New York State grant) completed their two year effort and submitted the Vision Plan for the next decade to the Town Board to adopt in early 2016. This is the third Master Plan completed and implemented during this administration. 5. The Town of Cortlandt recently had a grand opening for the new Meahagh Park in the hamlet of Verplanck next to the Town owned Meahagh Lake. It has an outdoor full basketball court, a walking path, a community garden (by volunteers) a Cortlandt Community Rowing Association dock, benches and lovely landscaping. 6. A new lacrosse/all purpose field is being constructed at the former Sprout lakebed at Sprout Park. It will be completed in the spring of 2016. This field will be a welcomed addition at this park location to the year round playground, a little league field, a softball field with lights, a soccer field, dog park and a pavilion. 7. In 2015 we started our first outdoor concert and movie series at our waterfront park next to the Hudson River in the hamlet of Verplanck. It was free to the public and was a huge success. We will continue this summer long series again in 2016. 8. We held our 10th Annual Cortlandt Family Fun Day (next to our Youth Center) in September, had our 3rd annual 5K Run and our Annual Charitable Golf Outing in October as well as many other recreational activities and events. 6 9. We held many Veteran ceremonies this year and of course had our monthly Veteran’s meetings at Town Hall, (the last Thursday of each month at 11 a.m.) All Veterans are welcome to attend. 10. The Town of Cortlandt has the distinction of being the first Town in Westchester County to have a Purple Heart Veteran Memorial. It’s located on the front lawn of Town Hall and was re-dedicated with lovely brickwork this October. 11. Also, the V.A. Hospital’s indoor pool which has been closed for over a decade will finally be renovated and reopened in one and a half years. Our Veteran’s committee along with the Town Board and I lobbied the Department of Veteran’s Affairs for years to renovate this pool. Special thanks to Congresswoman Nita Lowey for appropriating funding for this project. 12. December 1st we launched our Otocast/Town of Cortlandt app for historic sites (approximately 30 locations) with individuals explaining these sites. Cortlandt has a rich history dating back to the American Revolutionary War. Learn about our history by downloading the app to your phone and view our presentation on the town’s website. 13. Our local economy is doing well including the opening of a new “Starbucks” off the Cortlandt Boulevard/Rte. 6 this year. In that new small shopping area 100 new jobs were generated. Remember to SHOP, DINE and DO Business in Cortlandt! 14. We passed and signed the Entergy PILOT for the next decade which brings financial stability and revenue to the Town of Cortlandt. 15. The Town Board and I added many new vehicles and heavy equipment to our fleet for our operating departments. The number this year is six at a cost of $ 731,338 with no borrowing. 16. Many new energy initiatives were implemented and studied this year including a solar energy information plan, led by Councilman Seth Freach (75 Cortlandt homeowners converted to solar energy). 17. Many other items were also addressed including always being attentive to the needs of our residents and community. We all look forward to next year and working for you and your families to always improve the quality of our services and to add to our programs. Thank you! Linda Puglisi Supervisor and Town Board 7 “25” Town of Cortlandt Financial Record 25 Years of Tax Caps (only 1% for town tax for the entire 25 years) 25 Years of a Balanced Budget 25 Years of NO DEFICITS 25 Years of an Increased Savings Account (tripled) 25 Years of a Surplus (each year) 25 Years of Low Town Debt (only 1.05% of the total bonding capacity has been used.) 25 Years of Improvements and Capital Projects (over $135 million dollars) Supervisor Linda D. Puglisi (October 2015) 8 “25” Twenty-Five Years of Tax Control and Tax Caps from Supervisor Linda D. Puglisi From the beginning of my administration that began twenty-five years ago I pledged to our taxpayers that I would make it my priority to deliver town tax controls, tax relief and very low town tax increases every year. I am proud to announce that for 25 years our total town tax increase has been only 1%. Ten years were zero (0%) increases, one year was a –4% reduction and we never went over a 2.8% increase for two decades and five years. We have met the recent New York State mandate to cap the tax levy of .73% at an even lower percent of 0.50%. Over the years, we have had a voluntary and real tax cap in the Town of Cortlandt that has benefited all of our property owners, both residential and business owners. At the same time we have tripled our town savings (fund balance) and every year produced a surplus. We have never had one year of a deficit and we’ve always had a balanced budget. Once again each year generated a surplus that we used for tax control and relief and maintained our savings account. These monies were also utilized for capital projects from a town hall renovation, new recreational areas, road improvements, water projects and for acquisition of land for open space purposes. Cortlandt has completed over 135 million dollars of projects and did not impact our taxpayers with tax increases, during these 25 years for town taxes. Also, Moody’s had upgraded Cortlandt to an Aa2 (double A) bond rating and kept us there based on our excellent financial practices and achievements. Even during this recent recession we kept this excellent bond rating status. Our local economy is doing well. New businesses have come to Cortlandt throughout these twenty-five years and thousands of new jobs have been created from this economic growth. This is a remarkable statistic considering what has occurred in our Country during the recent recession that began in 2008. To achieve this record we began early on to share services and consolidate in order to have a more efficient government. This was accomplished way before the recent state 2% tax cap became mandatory and a New York State law. Cortlandt is a large Town with 40 square miles and 42,000 people. It is a wonderful community in a lovely setting adjacent to the Hudson River. We have excellent schools, a state of the art recently expanded hospital center, dedicated emergency service providers, a Cortlandt train station and a Veterans medical facility that has served our Veterans for 60 years. One third of our land is parkland and open space and we have excellent recreation programs for every age group. In summary, Cortlandt is a wonderful and affordable community to reside and to raise our children. “I am very proud to have served as Town Supervisor in Cortlandt for twenty-five years. I have worked very hard along with our entire team in our government (town board members, department heads and all of our 180 employees) to deliver and maintain a very close to zero percent town tax increase for our taxpayers while at the same time always seeking new ways to improve our services and community.” Linda D. Puglisi, Supervisor Town of Cortlandt October 2015 9 10 11 The Town hosts a 5K Road Race every year located at Cortlandt Waterfront Park at Riverview Avenue & Broadway in Verplanck. All participants receive a free t-shirt at registration. Awards are given to top men & women in various age groups. Information about this event appears in the Fall Brochure. 12 2015 Halloween Party was held at Murial H. Morabito Community Center on Halloween night is open to all children through the 5th Grade accompanied by an adult. Activities included entertainment, games, contests, treats, balloons and a chance to be on cable TV. This event is held every year on Halloween night from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. HOBGOBLIN PARADE A special Halloween parade is open to everyone in costume from ages 6 months-14. Trophies and candy will be given to all children in costume. Parade is held at the Cortlandt Town Center every year. Information about both of these events will apppear in the Fall Brochure. 13 Cortlandt 1st Outdoor Free Summer Concert and Movie Series 2015 (Located at our Waterfront Park, next to the Hudson River in the hamlet of Verplanck) The four Concerts and three Movies were very well attended And fun was had b The Town hosts its Annual Family Fun Day every year at the Cortlandt Train Station. There is music, entertainment, several rides, games and a food court with many local restaurants and deli’s. Fireworks will follow at 8:00 p.m... Information about this event appears in the Summer Brochure. The Town hosts its Annual Family Fun Day every year at the Cortlandt Train Station. There is music, entertainment, several rides, games and a food court with many local restaurants and deli’s. Fireworks will follow at 8:00 p.m. Information about this event appears in the Summer Brochure. 14 The Town hosts a summer concert and movie series every year at the Cortlandt Waterfront Park located in Verplanck. Concert nights will host a new band every night with food vendors from local businesses providing a variety of items for purchase while enjoying a night of music with a beautiful backdrop of the Hudson River. Information on this event will appear in the Summer Brochure. 15 16 17 T A OWN OF CORTLANDT DOPT–AN-ISLAND PROGRAM The Town of Cortlandt Adopt-an-Island Program offers companies, civic groups, institutions and individuals the opportunity to adopt a traffic island or other neighborhood space and help us beautify the Town of Cortlandt. Guidelines and Program Specifications Identify a traffic island or roadside area that you wish to enhance and contact Fred Pardee at or 914-737-0047 in our DES/Parks Division. You or your group will be responsible for purchasing all items, planting/installing, and maintaining your island (including weeding, trimming, garbage removal and watering) throughout the season. All material must be natural and plants must be kept under 30” as to not interfere with traffic safety. A sign with your name will be provided by the Town of Cortlandt. Please give your information to our DES office by emailing . Most of all, the Town asks that you stay safe while working on your island and always use common sense, especially in high traffic areas and always wear bright clothing for safety purposes. HELP US BEAUTIFY CORTLANDT Thank You! 18 Contact Information Fred Pardee (914) 737-0047 Email: of the TOC Department of DES TOWN OF CORTLANDT ADOPT-AN-ISLAND PROGRAM APPLICATION Name of Sponsor/Business: ______________________________________________________ Contact Person: _______________________________________________________________ Contact Telephone #: ___________________________________________________________ Contact Email: ________________________________________________________________ Island Loca : _______________________________________________________________ Program Guidelines 1. Your organization will be responsible for purchasing all items including plants, mulch etc. 2. Your organization will be responsible for all maintenance including planting, weeding, mulching, liter removal and watering. 3. Only natural material can be used and the height of all plantings should not exceed 30” for sight distance reasons. 4. The Town will pay for and install a sign with your organization’s name to be placed on the island. 5. Your organization is solely responsible to follow all safety precautions and guidelines while working on your project. 6. The Town has the right to remove any planting that is deems necessary. 7. The Town has the right to terminate the Adopt-an-Island program at any time and in doing so will remove signage for the island. 19 SUSTAINABLE CORTLANDT OUR MISSION To protect and enhance the quality of life of our residents and the unique environment of our area by establishing programs and policies which integrate sustainability into Town governance and planning, at the same time we want to encourage and enable Town residents and businesses to adopt sustainable practices. To the Cortlandt Community Sustainability is the promise to our children and grandchildren that they will inherit a tomorrow that is at least as good as today and hopefully better. Achieving this promise will call for the participation of each and every one of us. Our Town has a long-standing record of environmental stewardship exemplified by our leadership in protecting open space, natural resourses, and smart growth practices. Visit Sustainable Cortlandt to learn more. The Town Board and I are fully committed to this important effort and we look forward to your participation in becoming a substainable community. Linda D. Puglisi Town Supervisor l s over-the-counter and is the 20 Easy Things You Can Do Every Day to Protect Our Water Stormwater is water from rain or melting snow that flows from rooftops, paved areas and lawns that doesn’t soak into the ground but runs off into waterways. As it flows, stormwater runoff collects and transports soil, animal waste, salt, fertilizers, oil and grease, pesticides, litter and other potential pollutants. This pollution can enter groundwater, streams, lakes, ponds and rivers and can even affect the quality of our drinking water. Increases in impervious surfaces cause more stormwater runoff. Because less water is soaking in, flooding can become more frequent and more destructive. The Town of Cortlandt is a regulated community and has enacted updated Town ordinances governing stormwater. To learn more visit our website at: What can you do to help with Stormwater Issues? Lawn Care Most lawns tested in Westchester County did NOT need more phosphorus. If you must fertilize, use phosphorus-free fertilizer (where the middle number on the bag is zero). Excess fertilizer flows into streams, lakes, rivers and reservoirs, where it can degrade drinking water, lead to algae and plant growth and contribute to fish kills. Don’t fertilize when rain is expected. Leave grass clippings on the lawn to recycle nutrients. More information on lawn care is available in the Town of Cortlandt Recycling brochure and on our website. Septic System Maintenance Failing septic systems can contaminate groundwater, drinking water and surface flows. Most of the Town of Cortlandt is serviced by individual septic systems. These septic systems should be pumped and inspected regularly. Do not pour chemicals, paints, fats, or excess medications down your pipes. Driving on or parking on septic fields may damage them. Generally, septic tanks should be cleaned out every 3-5 years, depending on the size of the tank. 21 Scoop the Poop Please pick up after your dog or cat. It doesn’t matter the size of the animal – all animal waste has an impact. Animal waste is easily carried by runoff, washing off roads and lawns. Pet waste contains harmful bacteria and phosphorus that can promote the growth of weeds and algae. Scoop the poop and dispose of pet waste in the garbage. Only Rain down the Drain All our storm drains lead eventually to someone’s drinking water. Don’t dispose of waste down the drain or into any of the ditches, swales or street drains that convey stormwater. Landscaping Helps Keep vegetation and organic material on the soil, especially on slopes. Landscape to limit the steepness or length of slopes. Build a buffer of vegetation by watercourses to help filter sediment. Replace the lawn at water’s edge with shrubs, hedges or trees. Anything that slows the flow of water will help give time for the pollution to be removed. Care for your Car Little drops of oil and gas add up. One pint of oil can cause an oil slick the size of a football field. Take used motor oil to gas stations. NEVER pour it down the drain. Take other fluids to approved recycling locations. Use saw dust or kitty litter to clean up leaks and spills in your driveway. Wash you car on your lawn if possible to capture runoff. Reporting Stormwater Polluters Your actions or the action of your neighbor can affect water resources. We are all downstream of someone. No polluted water should be allowed to go into our stormwater system. If you notice pollution of Stormwater you can report the details to the Town of Cortlandt Stormwater Hotline at (914) 293-0900. Supervisor Linda D. Puglisi and Town Board Visit 22 Open Space in Cortlandt Increases During this administration (1992-2015) open space land has increased and been preserved by 110% approx. (3070 additional acres) “One of my goals in becoming Town Supervisor was to increase and preserve land for open space. Once the land is gone it’s gone forever! We have worked very hard over the years to achieve our goal of acquiring and/or protecting open space as well as to balance this with rational regulated economic growth,” states Supervisor Linda D. Puglisi. There are other areas throughout our community that we are working on for open space and passive recreation purposes. Putting together partnerships with the Town, State, County, not-for-profit groups and the private sector is a major way of working together, with a receptive property owner, to acquire open space. We also have appointed an open space committee to assist us with our goals. Our largest accomplishment using this practice was the Hillpoint property in Northern Cortlandt, now called the Hudson Highland Gateway Park – 352 acres has been purchased and preserved forever! A committee has worked on passive recreation – a trail and walkway system so we can enjoy the natural beauty and environment of this land. • Also, an additional 50 acres of open space was added to our open space inventory (Washington Trails site), and 70 acres at the golf course area are deeded to the town for open space and 50 acres from the Valeria development was recently transferred to the town. • Also an additional 150 acres from other sites were added to our inventory this year. • We recently added 52 acres of land and a water body when we purchased Furnace Dock Lake after the repair of the dam. The repair of the dam is paid for by Con Edison. • More to come with the purchase of 100 acres along the Hudson River (formerly owned by Con Edison) We are very proud of our record and will continue to work on our future open space goals. Supervisor Linda D. Puglisi and Town Board A NEW ELECTRIC VEHICLE (EV) OUTLET STATION The ribbon cutting Ceremony was held on July 2, 2014 in the Cortlandt Town Hall parking lot. “We are all very excited about providing this station in Cortlandt to encourage the purchase of electric powered cars/vehicles with the purpose of reducing usage of gasoline and diesel power for vehicles. NYPA, the New York Power Authority provided the grant for this station and constructed it for us after the Town of Cortlandt had applied for this project to NYPA. Electric vehicles operate on electric batteries and need to periodically recharged. Residents in our community will now be able to recharge their electric cars/vehicles at Town Hall for a fee to cover the cost of the electricity. EV’s require less maintenance than gasoline-powered vehicles. Linda D. Puglisi Town of Cortlandt Supervisor and Town Board LP/nk 23 The new Town of Cortlandt Community Garden (located at Meahagh Park in the hamlet of Verplanck) Westchester Avenue, Verplanck, New York 10596 Join Us to Volunteer for a New Town of Cortlandt COMMUNITY GARDEN SPECIAL THANKS TO: Cortlandt Farm Market, Stuarts Fruit Farm, Curts Homestead Farm and Floral Design. 1. We have a very interested resident of Cortlandt with tremendous knowledge in gardening who has volunteered to coordinate this effort. 2. Location Lake Meahagh, Westester Avenue, Verplanck. 3. Cortlandt residents and groups (Scouts, Civic Organizations, etc.) take care of their defined areas with the coordinator’s guidance. We are very excited about this new project and are looking forward to your participation. Call 914-734-1050 or E-mail: Linda Puglisi, Supervisor 24 ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS If your home is equipped with an alarm system it must be registered with the Town by obtaining an alarm permit with pertinent information relative to your home. (i.e., animals, contact persons, etc.) These permits are valid for long as you own your home. A new permit must be obtained when ownership changes. The permit information is distributed to the appropriate emergency services to enable them to respond to the alarm more efficiently. Applications can be by mail and can be obtained from the code enforcement office. Call 914-734-1010 for any further information or application. HOW TO WATCH A GOOD PROGRAM BE ELIMINATED Nothing kills a recreation program faster than residents who wait until the last minute to register. There is a point when a program must be canceled or modified if there is insufficient registration. All programs require a high level of coordination, often including facility scheduling, staffing, volunteer recruitment and purchasing of supplies. PLEASE REGISTER EARLY THE TOWN DOES NOT PROVIDE ACCIDENT INSURANCE 25 RECREATION SUGGESTION BOX There may be an activity or program that you enjoy which is not presently offered by the Recreation Division. You may also have ideas for new programs or constructive comments on the improvement of existing programs and services. In either case, the Town of Cortlandt Recreation Division encourages Town residents to express their particular ideas and concerns. Please help us to offer to you the programs and services, which you desire. Send all ideas and comments to: RECREATION SUGGESTION BOX TOWN OF CORTLANDT DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION & CONSERVATION 1 HEADY STREET CORTLANDT MANOR, NEW YORK 10567-1254 For your safety House Numbers must be posted to facilitate ENHANCED 911 SYSTEM - FOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE Building enumeration is a vital component of the E911 System. Local Law No. 5-1988 mandated the posting of your home number for the use of emergency response personnel Public education and awareness of the requirements of E911 is difficult without the assistance of the general public and our local media. I am asking for your assistance in getting the word out. Please advise your neighbors of the need for house enumeration. We want to use all resources available to us to speed the delivery of emergency services to your homes and families. Thank you for your cooperation on this important issue. At all times we thank our first responders who protect our residents and our community. For additional information call: 734-1040 (house enumeration) Linda D. Puglisi, 734-1010 (location and # size) Town Supervisor Remember to RECYCLE to save our ENVIRONMENT! Thank you! For information contact our Department of Environmental Services - Sanitation/ Recycling at 737-0100, also call to receive information about the upcoming Westchester County Household Chemical Clean-Up Date. This guide is printed on RECYCLED PAPER. As a result, approximately five (5) trees were preserved The Town has established regular pick up routes for organic yard waste. Yard waste will be picked up town wide on these dates. Yard waste must be placed in Brown Biodegradable Bags or loosely in garbage cans. Plastic bags cannot be composted. Organic waste in plastic bags will not be picked up. Please visit the website for further details YOU ARE NEEDED!!! Your local Volunteer Ambulance Corps & Fire Departments urgently need volunteers to help their effort to provide Emergency Services to our Community. Join your local department and learn new skills, make new friends and know you are helping to save lives and property and provide a real service to you community. Call the “house” number, listed in the phone book for more info or call: Volunteer Fire Departments Buchanan Fire Continental Village Croton-on-Hudson Mohegan Montrose Verplanck Peekskill Volunteer Ambulance Corps 737-3481 or 737-0334 739-1020 271-2693 526-0823 737-8919 788-6943 737-2760 Cortlandt (CCVAC) Croton Mohegan Verplanck Peekskill 739-0881 271-2693 526-1005 788-6943 737-5310 AMANDAS LAW: CARBON MONOXIDE ALARM REQUIREMENTS GO INTO EFFECT FEBRUARY 22, 2010 As a result of recent legislation, Amandas Law went into effect on February 22, 2010. Amanda’s Law was named in honor of Buffalo resident Amanda Hansen, a teenage girl who lost her life to carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning from a defective boiler when sleeping over a friend’s house in January 2009. It requires essentially all residences, both new and existing, to have carbon monoxide alarms installed. The specific requirements differ for new and existing residences and also on when the buildings were built and subcategories of occupancy groups. 26 Cortlandt Town Hall 1 Heady Street Cortlandt Manor, New York 10567-1254 HOW TO REGISTER FOR RECREATION PROGRAMS: • Registration can be dropped off at the Recreation office or mailed in to: Town of Cortlandt Recreation & Conservation 1 Heady Street Cortlandt Manor, New York 10567-1254 • Use the appropriate registration form included in back of this brochure. • Fill out clearly entering all information that is asked for including the program you are registering for and your ID card number if applicable. • Include a check or money order payable to THE TOWN OF CORTLANDT RECREATION for the total amount. Individual checks are necessary for separate courses and camp programs. • It is recommended that your Registration form and fee be received two (2) weeks prior to the start of the program. • Recreation Division Office hours: 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. • If space is available in any program one week prior to the start of the program, non-residents will be allowed to participate by paying a 20% surcharge of the higher fee. • Sliding Fee Scale Available. It is the intention of the Town that no resident of the Town be denied the ability to participate in programs because of an inability to pay. Income Tax backup is necessary. The fee reduction can be used with any program registration, sports league or resident pass in the Recreation Department. Fee reduction applications are available in the Recreation Office through Karen McIntyre (914)734-1054 and John Palmiotto, Director of Department of Recreation & Conservation. THE TOWN IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS 27 IMPORTANT INFORMATION Remember...all our programs and camps have limited openings, so mail early! All programs are contingent upon registration. A registration receipt will be mailed to you to verify your registration status. Deposits and activity fees are not refundable unless the program is canceled. See refund policy. The fees listed for some programs differ for those participants with or without a PHOTO I.D. CARD. You may pay the lesser fee if you indicate on the registration form that a PHOTO I.D. CARD will be obtained on one of the dates listed below. Note that all valid PHOTO I.D. CARDS have expiration dates. Please check your card. Each family member requiring new PHOTO I.D. CARDS must be present during registration for photos. The fee for a PHOTO I.D. CARD is $7.00 per person for an Adult or Child Age 4 -18, Senior Citizen age 60 and older is $3.50. I.D. CARD will be valid for 3 years. Proof of residency is required when purchasing an ID card, a driver’s license and a current utility bill. Fee for a lost ID card is $5.00 only if card has not expired. Buchanan residents may use their Village ID card to receive our ID card rate for all programs except our summer swim passes. Please write your Buchanan ID card number or Croton ID card number on your application and identify it as a Buchanan Recreation or Croton Recreation number. If you are a new town resident please call 734-1052 for information concerning an ID card. PHOTO I.D. CARDS & HOLLOW BROOK GOLF STICKERS (Photo I.D. Cards are required for all persons 4 years of age or older by January 3, 2016) PHOTO ID’S ARE NOW ISSUED IN THE RECREATION OFFICE LOCATED IN CORTLANDT TOWN HALL – 1 HEADY STREET, CORTLANDT MANOR Recreation Office Room 111 ID PHOTO LE SCHEDU Thursday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday January 7 January 13 February 3 March 10 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Pictures for ID’s are also done in the Recreation Office Monday through Friday 10:00 a.m. till 11:30 a.m. & 1:00 p.m. until 3:30 p.m. The winter weather is unpredictable, and inclement or dangerous conditions may warrant the cancellation of some programs on those days. Information on cancellation is available on our answering machine, which takes over at our 734-1053 phone number after 4:00 p.m. on weekdays and all day weekends. Programs cancelled due to inclement weather will be made up if the schedule permits make-up dates. When winter weather conditions cause delays or program cancellations, announcements will be made over radio station WHUD-FM (100.7). The Radio Station will be notified as soon as a program cancellation is made. Please do not call the radio station but listen to WHUD-FM for information. REFUND/CREDIT POLICY: A full refund will be issued for any program cancelled by the Recreation & Conservation Department • Any refund request because of illness or accident must be submitted in writing and be accompanied by a Doctor’s Note. Refunds will be prorated based on the date received. Requests must be made prior to the end of the program and will not be considered when a program is half over. All requests must be submitted in writing. • All other credit requests must be submitted in writing and will be assessed a $15.00 processing fee and issued a prorated program credit based on the date received. Requests must be made prior to the end of the program and will not be considered when a program is half over. The credit must be used within two years from the date and must be mailed in with your application to ensure proper credit towards your next program or league registration. The credit is not replaceable – original form must be submitted for credit. CHECKS: If a check is returned to the Recreation Division due to insufficient funds, there will be a $20.00 service charge. Checks CANNOT BE REDEPOSITED. Cash or Money Order will be required immediately to replace returned check and service charge. HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBILITY - Programs described in this brochure have been audited by our staff to determine general accessibility. All Town of Cortlandt facilities and Schools that are used to hold our programs are barrier free. For programs that are held outdoors please call the Recreation Department at 914-734-1050 for information. 28 TOWN OF CORTLANDT OFFICE FOR THE AGING PROGRAM AND SERVICES Director for Senior Services/Office of the Aging, Dawn J. Mahoney To be ELIGIBLE to participate in any of the following Programs and Services you MUST be a TOWN OF CORTLANDT RESIDENT with proof of residency - current Con Edison bill or telephone bill required - must be at least 60+ years of age. SENIOR CITIZEN CLUBS “OPERATION SNOWFLAKE” The Town of Cortlandt Aging Division will be offering a snow shoveling service for eligible Senior Citizens who reside in the Town of Cortlandt. Seniors who are unable to shovel their walkway should call Rebecca Ferguson at the Muriel H. Morabito Community Center at 528-8377 for eligibility and registration. Cortlandt, Nor-Cort and Crompond Club meetings take place at the Muriel H. Morabito Community Center on Westbrook Drive.* Verplanck Club meets at the Verplanck Schoolhouse, 6th Street, Verplanck. Special trips information symposiums and socials are all part of club membership. To be a member of any of the abovementioned clubs, you must be a resident of the Town of Cortlandt. For Senior Citizen information call 528-1464. PRESCRIPTION PICKUP AND DELIVERY SERVICE Schedule of Senior Citizens Activities at the Muriel H. Morabito Community Center Home delivery service to provide those eligible Cortlandt Seniors Transportation is now available for Town of Cortlandt seniors to local pharmacies for prescription pickup. This new service will pick seniors up at their homes, bring them to their local pharmacy for their medical needs and then return to their home. It runs on the same schedule as the medical car: Monday, Thursday and Friday. For advanced registration and information call 914-528-8377. The Contribution for the pharmacy transportation is $5.00. *Some restrictions apply. Monday 10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m. Exercise and Line Dance Class w/Cameron 12:30 p.m.- 2:30 p.m. Ceramics Class w/Evelyn Tuesday 10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. Nor-Cort Senior Citizens Club Wednesday 10:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. Cortlandt Senior Citizens Club Thursday 9:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Exercise Class w/Gerri 10:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m. Verplanck Senior Citizen Club (Verplanck Schoolhouse)* 11:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. Crompond Senior Citizens Club Friday 10:15 a.m.- 11:15 a.m.Exercise Class w/Lori 12:15 p.m.- 1:00 p.m. Zumba Class w/Suzi SENIOR CITIZENS MEDICAL TRANSPORTATION Transportation to area Doctors and Medical Facilities and back home again to those eligible Cortlandt Seniors. Medical car runs on Monday, Thursday and Friday. Transportation can only be provided as far as Yorktown-Jefferson Valley-Putnam Valley as well as Peekskill and Cortlandt areas. For reservations and information call Becky Ferguson at 528-8377. Advanced reservations are required. The contribution for the medical car is $5.00.*Some Restrictions apply The following programs are funded under the Older Americans Act of 1965 as amended, through the cooperation of: The Department of Health & Human Services New York State Office of the Aging Westchester County Department of Senior Programs & Services Town of Cortlandt SENIOR CITIZENS SHOPPING The shopping bus will pick up eligible Cortlandt Seniors at their home to go to the Cortlandt Town Center and Jefferson Valley Mall. Seniors will be returned to their homes after shopping. The Jefferson Valley Mall bus runs on the 3rd Monday of the month. In order for the shopping service to operate a minimum number of 7 seniors is required. The contribution for the shopping bus is $3.00. 3rd Monday Jefferson Valley Mall 10:00 A.M. - 2 P.M. of Month (minimum 5 seniors) Cortlandt Town Center, Rte 6 10:00 A.M. - 2 P.M. Thursday Call Becky Ferguson at 528-8377 for reservations and information. *Some Restrictions apply TOWN OF CORTLANDT SENIOR PROGRAM INFORMATION To assist seniors with other agency program information a Social Worker is available as needed. Call 528-8377 for referral. NUTRITION PROGRAM An on-site and home delivery service that provides persons age 60+ with a nutritious and well-balanced noon-time meal. Those needing or knowing of individuals needing the Home Delivered Service must call for eligibility requirements or for procedure to have lunch at the Muriel H. Morabito Community Center. The contribution for seniors who attend the Nutrition Program is $3.00 and for Home Delivered Meals is $4.00. For Home delivered meals call 914-528-8377. SPRING DAY TRIPS Call (914) 528-1572 for sign up and costs. Some restrictions apply. Trip itinerary for 2016 is available for pickup at Community Center or on our website. BUS TRANSPORTATION TO THE MURIEL H. MORABITO COMMUNITY CENTER Transportation is available Monday through Friday, to the Muriel H. Morabito Community Center, for lunch or for club meetings. Seniors are picked up in the morning and returned back home in the afternoon. In order for the Nutrition Bus Service to operate, a minimum of 7 seniors are required. The contribution for bus transportation to and from the center is $2.00. For Congregate Meals and Bus Transportation call: 914-528-5164. Seniors must call the day before by 11:00 a.m. to secure lunch and/or transportation. *Some Restrictions apply SPECIAL SERVICES The Town of Cortlandt offers a blood pressure monitoring service at the Verplanck School and at the Community Center. For further information please call 914-528-1572. 29 TOWN OF CORTLANDT OFFICE FOR THE AGING SPECIAL EVENTS/CLASSES Coming this February… JOIN US FOR OUR 2ND ANNUAL “CORTLANDT SENIORS ACADEMY AWARDS AFTERNOON” COMPUTER CLASSES FOR TOC SENIOR RESIDENTS Computer classes are available to Town of Cortlandt Senior Citizens 60 + years of age. Six (6) seniors are needed to run each class. Call 528-1572 for information, fees and how to register. Registration will be based on a first come first served basis. See class description below Registration Wednesday, January 27 between 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Walk the Red Carpet… View the Nominees Trailers… Vote on your Fav’s… Be Voted Best Dressed… Enjoy Light Lunch… Stop by the Center on February 23rd (Snow Date, February 24th) for an afternoon of glam, glitz, goodies and prizes! Gowns, suits, glamour and garb are encouraged! Walk the Red Carpet and strut your stuff. Location: Muriel H. Morabito Community Center, 29 Westbrook Drive, Cortlandt Manor Day: Tuesday, February 23rd (Snow Date: Wednesday, February 24th) $5.00 in advance make checks payable to: Fee: Cortlandt Rotary Club Must RSVP to Becky Ferguson at 914-528-8377 by February 12th For more information, please call the Cortlandt Rotary at 914-293-0710 INTRO TO MICROSOFT WINDOWS WORDPAD Create a garage sale flyer or a document letter If you want to write a letter or create flyers by using a simple Word processor, then this is the class you should take!!! Learn the basics of using the Microsoft WORDPAD/NOTEPAD word processor application to create a professional looking letter/document or a Garage Sale flyer. Learn to use the available features in the Word processor to tailor the letter/flyer to your liking. Learn to create, edit, format, view and print a file. Change fonts, check spelling & grammar, insert text, insert graphics, tables, etc. Print and save the document/file, or send it as an email attachment. Class Requirement: None, but must know how to use the keyboard and mouse. Location: Computer Room, Muriel H. Morabito Community Center, 29 Westbrook Drive, Cortlandt Manor Date: Thursday, February 4, 2016 Time: 1 day-2 hr class from 9:30 to 11:30 AM $10.00; Check payable to Town of Cortlandt Fee: ALL THINGS DELICIOUS WITH SHARI MUNITZ Tired of eating or cooking the same old thing? It’s time to discover some new delicious treats and eats. INTRO TO GOOGLE CHROME, GMAIL, YOU TUBE & MORE Description: Join our entertaining and inspiring instructor as she presents some new yummy and easy options to keep the food front fun and tasty…and maybe inspire you to get into the kitchen and start cookin! Location: Muriel H. Morabito Community Center, 29 Westbrook Drive, Cortlandt Manor Date: Monday March 7, 2016 12:15 to 1:15 PM Time: Fee: $10.00 Pay upon registration. Check payable to: Town of Cortlandt Registration:Please register in person by February 22nd. Minimum number to run class is 10 participants. You will learn to use GOOGLE products. Google is not just for searching the Internet. Google provides many other useful products. All Google products are available by using just one sign-on to your account. Learn to use Google Chrome as your default browser. Learn about Google products such as You Tube, Google play, Books, Photos (Picassa). Learn to use Maps. Check out Google Earth. Learn to use specialized searches such as Image search, Video search, Finance, News, Shopping, etc. Use Gmail as your email or create Gmail as an additional email account. Check our Google Voice, Google Docs (Documents, Spreadsheets, Slides, etc.) See what’s available in the Google Store (shop the latest products for Google) and more. Class Requirement: You must know how to use the keyboard, mouse and be able to browse the INTERNET. Location: Computer Room, Muriel H. Morabito Community Center, 29 Westbrook Drive, Cortlandt Manor Thursday, February 11, 2016 Date: Time: 1 day-2 hr class from 9:30 to 11:30 AM Fee: $10.00; Check payable to Town of Cortlandt “AND THE BEAT GOES ON” Join us for an informative discussion for Heart Healthy month, cosponsored by Cortlandt Healthcare and the Town of Cortlandt. Speakers will discuss ways to take care of our hearts including general health, diet, and rehab. Come and join us and learn how to “Love” your heart. Refreshments will be served. Speakers:Dr. C.D. Hametz, MD, FACC of NYU Langone Medical Center Kathy F. Berkowitz, MS RD CDE CDN Dietitian and Clinical Nutrition Manager Kathy Bittles, RT/Rehab Director Location: Muriel H. Morabito Community Center, 29 Westbrook Drive, Cortlandt Manor Date: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 Time: 9:30 to 12 Noon Fee:Free Registration:Please register by calling 914-528-1572 or email Dawn at BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS AND INTERNET BROWSING 30 (Browse information and News, Shopping/Ebay, Health, Travel and Entertainment, Movies/TV Games) This easy hands-on course teaches the Computer Basics, and Internet/ Email. Learn to access the Internet with individual instructor assistance. Learn to search the Internet for information, news, shopping and entertainment. Learn to compose, send and print emails. Open and safely attach files and photos. Use web based free email services such as Yahoo, Google (Gmail) or Firefox and Windows Outlook. Review Internet options for security, safety and privacy procedures. Learn to avoid getting scammed or hacked. Upon completion of the course students will be comfortable to browse the internet for fun and entertainment using Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and other web browsers. Location: Computer Room, Muriel H. Morabito Community Center, 29 Westbrook Drive, Cortlandt Manor Date: Friday, Starting Date: February 5 – 4 sessions (February 5,12,19,26) Time: 11:00 pm – 12:00 p.m. Fee:$40 TOWN OF CORTLANDT Will be hosting our fourth annual EGG HUNT Age Groups: 2-5 yrs old & 6 yrs old and over SATURDAY, MARCH 19th 1:00pm promptly (RAIN DATE March 26th) Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Drive, Croton 10520 (Located near the Cortlandt Train Station) Be ready for Pictures with the Bunny!!! 31 THERAPEUTIC PROGRAMS FOR INDIVIDUALS WITH DEVELOPMENTAL/COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENTS Christopher Morabito, Director Wendy Greenfield, Program Coordinator NOR-WEST REGIONAL SPECIAL SERVICES AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES Nor-West Regional Special Services provides therapeutic recreation programs for children, teens, and adults with developmental disabilities who reside in northern Westchester County. For specific information about the programs, please visit our website: or call 914-737-4797 WINTER ADULT PROGRAMS Recreation Division Program Cancellation Information - 734-1053 SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT is for TOWN OF CORTLANDT RESIDENTS ONLY. Senior Citizens 60 and over - fee for programs is half of the rate listed with ID/without ID Proof of age and residency required (Cortlandt Recreation ID card, Cortlandt Senior Citizens ID Card or Drivers License). BADMINTON Sanjeeh Nash, Director This will be a non league badminton program designed for adults. The program is for fun and exercise. Come out and have a good time. Course Number: 407-1W – Please use number when registering Location: Blue Mountain Middle School Gym Day: Tuesday, Starting Date: January 26 – 8 Sessions Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. $30 with ID/$35 without ID Fee: $42 non resident rate CORTLANDT STAMP CLUB Bob Gioia, Pres. Roberta Gaudineer – 737-4552, Vice-Pres. Join a group of worldwide stamp collectors for the excitement of a life long hobby. Beginners are more than welcome. Participate in the Stamp Treasure Chest. Youths under 12 are welcome with an adult. Location: Hendrick Hudson Free Library Day: Wednesdays, 2nd and 4th of each month Starting Date: January 13 thru June 22 Time: 6:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m. Fee: $5 Yearly Donation to Cortlandt Stamp Club (Payable at Club Meeting) BASKETBALL (30 & Over)-Saturday Steve Staiano, Supervisor Free Play Basketball. Registration closed after third session. Course Number: 400-1W - Please use number when registering. Location: Blue Mt. Middle School Gym Saturday, Starting Date: January 16 - 16 sessions Day: Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12 NOON Fee: $45 with ID/$50 without ID $60 non resident rate DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE (6 Hours total) B.J. Jani, Instructor This is an approved course by the Department of Motor Vehicles. On completion of this course the DMV will reduce points from the license and insurance company’s gives discounts on the Liability and Collision portion of the automobile insurance premiums. It is a great course that helps you learn techniques to become a safer driver. PLEASE BRING YOUR DRIVERS LICENSE AND A PEN. Course Number: 449-1W -Please use number when registering Location: Hendrick Hudson High School, Rt 9A, Montrose – Room 128 Day: Tuesday & Wednesday, March 8, 9 – 2 sessions 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Time: Fee: $40 with ID/$45 without ID $54 non resident rate BASKETBALL (18 & over)-Tuesday Ken Sherman, Supervisor Free Play Basketball. Registration closed after third session. Course Number: 400-2W - Please use number when registering. Location: Hendrick Hudson High School Gym Day: Tuesday, Starting Date: January 19 - 16 sessions Time: 8:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Fee: $45 with ID/$50 without ID $60 non resident rate EXERTONE FOR WOMEN Brenda Kostalus, Holly Gorin, Instructors The program consists of stretching and floor exercise, combined with low impact aerobics to improve muscle tone and overall physical fitness. The class will be structured to the fitness level of participants. A mat and lightweights are encouraged, but not necessary. Course Number: 404-1W - Please use number when registering. Location: Blue Mt. Middle School - Exercise Room Day: Monday & WednesdayStarting Date: February 1 - 8 sessions Time: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Fee: $40 with ID/$45 without ID $54 non resident rate BOATING SAFELY Tom Cadwallader, Public Ed. Officer U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 20-5 A basic Coast Guard Course emphasizing safety on the water including lessons in boating theory, basic boat maneuvering, weather forecasting, legal requirements, boat piloting, etc. Location: Hendrick Hudson High School Room 128 Day: Thursday, Starting Date: March 3 - 5 sessions Time: 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Contact: pre-registration required - Tom Cadwallader 962-9788 Fee: $25 for materials payable at first session 32 FOREVER FIT (Ages 50 plus) Premier Personal Trainer Enough with that stiff and sluggish feeling through out your day. Stretch with a certified personal trainer and increase your flexibility and range of motion. For the first half hour. Strength training, stretching and cardio exercise for strong bones, flexibility and lower resting heart rate. For the remaining hour. Course Number: 456-1W – Please use number when registering Location: Premier Athletic Club, 2127 Albany Post Road, Montrose Monday & Wednesday, Day: Starting Date: February 1 – 16 sessions Time: 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Fee: $90 with ID/$104 without ID $114 non resident rate KARATE (Ages 15 & Older) Jeff Butler, Instructor This is a traditionally taught martial arts class that operates throughout the year. Belt ranks are given as people progress from one level to the next. Class activities include warm ups, stretching, basic techniques, heavy bag/focus mitts, single and partner drills as well as sparring and self-defense. New participants may wear comfortable clothes that are appropriate to go to the gym while returning students wear the class uniforms. Parents of youth members: Youth must be accompanied by an adult until the instructor gives parents permission to drop them off. Course Number: 408-1W - Please use number when registering. Location: Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor Day: Saturday, Starting Date: January 30 – 16 sessions 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Time: Fee: $55 with ID/$60 without ID $72 non resident rate Or GUITAR LESSONS (Youth & Adults Ages 14 and Over) Charlie Dinota, Instructor This course is designed for beginners to intermediate level students. All students will begin on the guitar immediately. You will learn songs that you want to play in addition to classic songs. Students will be taught proper technique and the fundamentals of reading music and chord charts for songs. Students must have their own functioning instrument. Instruction by NYS certified music teacher. Limited enrollment of 4 students. Course Number: 459-1W – Please use number when registering Location: Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor Dates: Saturday, January 30 – 5 sessions 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Time: Fee: $95 with ID/$100 without ID $120 non resident rate ADVANCED KARATE (Ages 15 & Older) Jeff Butler, Instructor This class is for those that have passed the curriculums of the beginner. Course Number: 408-2W - Please use number when registering. Location: Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor Day: Saturday, Starting Date: January 30 – 16 sessions Time: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. $55 with ID/$60 without ID Fee: $72 non resident rate TAE KWON DO-MIXED CLASS (Ages 16 & Over) Jeffrey Butler, Instructor This will be a mixed class for those that have already learned their basic techniques (or have their head instructor’s permission to participate). There will be different routines each week; focus will be in detail on a specific area of training. Course Number: 431-1W - Please use number when registering. Location: Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor Day: Tuesday, Starting Date: February 2 – 16 sessions 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Time: Fee: $55 with ID/$60 without ID $72 non resident rate GUITAR LESSONS - CLASSICAL (Youth & Adults Ages 14 and Over) Charlie Dinota, Instructor Beginners to advanced. This course is rooted in proper guitar technique and the reading music. Learn the music of the masters by a professional concert guitarist and NYS certified music teacher. This class is intense yet enjoyable. Students must have a nylon string guitar. Limited to 4 students. Course Number: 460-1W – Please use number when registering Location: Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor Saturday, Starting Date: January 30 – 5 sessions Dates: Time: 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Fee: $95 with ID/$100 without ID $120 non resident rate TAI CHI & CHI KUNG SWIMMING - ADULT BEGINNER (Ages 18 & Older) Pat Minichino, Instructor An introduction to the fundamentals of swimming, water adjustment, building confidence and comfort in the water. Basic strokes taught. Course Number: 417-1W - Please use number when registering. Location: Bethel Springvale Inn Pool, Rte. 9A, Crugers Day: Thursday, Starting Date: February 4 - 8 sessions Time:6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. Fee: $60 with ID/$65 without ID $78 non resident rate NOR-WEST REGIONAL SPECIAL SERVICES Are you looking for a recreation program for a developmentally disabled Adult? See Youth Programs for full description. For information on schedule and registration, call NOR-WEST at 737-4797. 33 (Ages 16 & Over) Sifu Nat Costanzo, Instructor Perfected over 2000 years ago, Tai Chi is a low impact workout designed to increase your mental and physical energy. Tai Chi is the most popular Chinese exercise in the world and is practiced daily by millions of people both young and old. The short form will be taught, as well as Chi Kung exercises and stretching to improve one’s flexibility, balance and coordination. Chang style Tai Chi will help you achieve total harmony of body, mind and spirit. The slow rhythmic movements of Tai Chi will tone muscles, improve overall fitness and endurance, and will increase your strength. Tai chi is also very beneficial in stress reduction and relaxation. Beginner I Course Number: 423-1W - Please use number when registering. Location: Blue Mt. Middle School - Exercise Room Day: Monday, Starting Date: February 1 – 8 sessions Time: 7:45 p.m. - 8:45 p.m. Fee: $50 with ID/$55 without ID $66 non resident rate Or Beginner II (*previously attended Beginner I) Beginner I will be dismissed at 8:30 Beginner II will continue for an additional half-hour, depending on the number of participants. Course Number: 423-2W - Please use number when registering. Location: Blue Mt. Middle School - Exercise Room Day: Monday, Starting Date: February 1 - 8 sessions Time: 8:45 p.m. - 9:15 p.m. Fee: $50 with ID/$55 without ID $66 non resident rate VOLLEYBALL YOGA ANYONE Ruane M. Edge, Instructor Have you ever wanted to try yoga? Do you have stress in your life? This class will take you step-by-step thru beginner’s yoga learning breathing techniques, yoga poses (for all parts of the body) and finally deep relaxation/meditation at the end of the class leaving you totally relaxed. Week after week you will feel your flexibility, strength and focus improving and stress going away. Do not eat one (1) hour before class!!! Bring water and a yoga mat to class. Course Number: 430-1W - Please use number when registering Location: Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor (In the rear of the building by the movie theater) Day: Monday, Starting Date: January 25 - 10 sessions 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Time: Fee: $75 with ID/$80 without ID $96 non resident rate Or Course Number: 430-2W - Please use number when registering Location: Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor (In the rear of the building by the movie theater) Day: Monday, Starting Date: January 25 - 10 sessions Time: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Fee: $75 with ID/$80 without ID $96 non resident rate Or Course Number: 430-3W - Please use number when registering Location: Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor (In the rear of the building by the movie theater) Day: Tuesday, Starting Date: January 26 - 10 sessions Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. $75 with ID/$80 without ID Fee: $96 non resident rate Or Course Number: 430-4W - Please use number when registering Location: Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor (In the rear of the building by the movie theater) Wednesday, Starting Date: January 27 - 10 sessions Day: Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Fee: $75 with ID/$80 without ID $96 non resident rate A non-league volleyball program designed for adults. Two Co-Ed Volleyball programs will be offered. Wednesday evenings are for the more skilled players. These programs are for fun and exercise. Come out and have a good time! VOLLEYBALL CO-ED Joe Amorosa, Supervisor Course Number: 422-1W - Please use number when registering. Location: Buchanan/Verplanck School Gym Monday, Starting Date: February 22 - 10 sessions Day: Time: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Fee: $35 with ID/$40 without ID $48 non resident rate VOLLEYBALL ADVANCED CO-ED Walter Lesson, Supervisor Course Number: 421-1W - Please use number when registering. Location: George Washington School Gym Wednesday, Starting Date: February 24 - 10 sessions Day: Time: 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Fee: $35 with ID/$40 without ID $48 non resident rate WINTER PRE-SCHOOL PROGRAMS Recreation Division Program Cancellation Information - 734-1053 CHILDREN OVER 4 AND ADULT MUST BOTH HAVE A VALID TOWN OF CORTLANDT ID CARD TO PAY THE LOWER RATE The Town of Cortlandt Recreation Division is pleased to continue a series of winter time pre-school programs. Class size is limited so residents are urged to register early! ***Pre-registration is necessary. Please use course number when registering***. Use Pre-School/ Youth application in back of this brochure and mail to with permission slip found on page Town of Cortlandt Recreation, 1 Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 MUSIC, MOVEMENT AND CRAFTS KRAFTY KIDS (Ages 2 - 5 years) Lori Cohen, Instructor Does your child love to glue everything in sight? If you love art projects from painting to popsicle sticks, then this is the class for both of you. Each class will consist of several art projects designed for you and your child to create together. Course Number: 205-1W - Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor Day: Thursday, Starting Date: January 28 – 12 sessions Time: 11:30 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Fee: $84 with ID/$89 without ID $106 non resident rate (Ages 3-5) Lori Cohen, Instructor This class will give young children the opportunity to experience creativity in a structural setting. Children will experience activities in the areas of music, movement and crafts. They will share the joys of independence and lots of fun! (Children only!) Course Number: 207-1W - Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor Day: Thursday, Starting Date: January 28 – 12 Sessions Time: 10:30 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Fee: $84 with ID/$89 without ID $106 non resident rate 34 STORYBOOK COOKING TODDLIN TOTS Shari Munitz, Instructor Come mix it up and be a real chef when you join us for some literacy fun and creative cooking. We’ll make it, bake it, stir it, and cook up lots of cool stuff! This is an enthusiastic, safe, educational fun kitchen class. Not suggested for chefs with food allergies. Each course we will make something different! Lori Cohen, Instructor This class is designed for young children and a Parent/Caregiver. Each class will consist of a series of developmentally appropriate activities in areas of music, movement and crafts. Participants will share the joy of creative play and lots of fun. (Age 1 – 4 years) Course Number: 200-1W - Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor Day: Thursday, Starting Date: January 28- 12 sessions Time: 9:30 a.m. - 10:25 a.m. Fee: $84 with ID/$89 without ID $106 non resident rate Or (Ages 1-4 years) Course Number: 200-2W - Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor Friday, Starting Date: January 29- 12 sessions Day: Time: 9:30 a.m. – 10:25 a.m. $84 with ID/$89 without ID Fee: $106 non resident rate Or Ages 1-4 years) Course Number: 200-3W - Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor Friday, Starting Date: January 29 – 12 sessions Day: Time: 10:30 a.m. - 11:25 a.m. $84 with ID/$89 without ID Fee: $106 non resident rate Food Fun for Two Year Olds**(No knives program) Course Number: 210-1W – Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Youth Center, 3 Memorial Drive, Croton Day: Thursday, Starting Date: January 21st, 28th, February 4th - 3 sessions Time: 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. $25 with ID/$30 without ID/$36 Non-resident Fee: Storybook Cooking Ages 3-6 Course Number: 210-2W - Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Youth Center, 3 Memorial Drive, Croton Thursday, Starting Date: January 21st, 28th, February 4th Day: - 3 sessions Time: 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. $25 with ID/$30 without ID/$36 Non-resident Fee: Storybook Cooking Ages 3-6 Course Number: 210-3W – Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Youth Center, 3 Memorial Drive, Croton Day: Thursday, Starting Date: January 21st, 28th, February 4th - 3 sessions 12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. Time: Fee: $25 with ID/$30 without ID/$36 Non-resident Food Fun for Two Year Olds**(No knives program) Course Number: 210-4W – Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Youth Center, 3 Memorial Drive, Croton Day: Thursday, Starting Date: March 3rd, 10th, 17th - 3 sessions Time: 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. $25 with ID/$30 without ID/$36 Non-resident Fee: SWIMMING PROGRAMS – PRE-SCHOOL SWIMMING - PRE-SCHOOL (Ages 3-5) Pat Minichino, Instructor Children attending Kindergarten are to attend Saturday lessons. Basic fundamentals of swimming will be taught, putting head under water, basic arm and leg movements. Great way to start! Age as of January 1, 2016. PLEASE USE COURSE NUMBER & DAY & TIME WHEN REGISTERING COURSE NUMBER DAY TIME 201-1W Tuesday 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 201-2W Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 201-3W Friday 9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 201-4W Friday 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 201-5W Thursday 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 201-6W Thursday 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Location:Bethel Springvale Inn Pool, Rte 9A, Crugers Day: Tuesday, Starting Date: February 2 - 8 sessions Wednesday, Starting Date: February 3 - 8 sessions Thursday, Starting Date: February 4 - 8 sessions Friday-Starting Date: February 5 - 8 sessions Fee: $60 with ID/$65 without ID $78 non resident rate Storybook Cooking Ages 3-6 Course Number: 210-5W – Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Youth Center, 3 Memorial Drive, Croton Thursday, Starting Date: March 3rd, 10th, 17th - 3 sessions Day: Time: 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. $25 with ID/$30 without ID/$36 Non-resident Fee: Storybook Cooking Ages 3-6 Course Number: 210-6W – Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Youth Center, 3 Memorial Drive, Croton Thursday, Starting Date: March 3rd, 10th, 17th - 3 sessions Day: Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. Fee: $25 with ID/$30 without ID/$36 Non-resident SWIMMING - TINY TOT (Ages 2-3) Pat Minichino, Instructor Age as of January 1, 2016. An introduction to the fundamentals of swimming (adjustment to water) for young children. A parent MUST enter the water with each child. Tight fitting rubber pants or swim diapers MUST be worn when child is in the water. Course Number: 202-1W - Please use number when registering. Location: Bethel Springvale Inn Pool, Rte. 9A, Crugers Day: Tuesday, Starting Date: February 2 - 8 sessions Time: 9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Fee: $60 child & adult with ID/ $65 child & adult without ID $78 Non resident rate 35 WINTER YOUTH PROGRAMS Recreation Division Program Cancellation Information - 734-1053 BASKETBALL PROGRAM - YOUTH FREE PLAY JR. BALLER SPORTS – BASKETBALL (Ages 8-14) A supervised open gym basketball program on Saturdays. NO REGISTRATION REQUIRED, NO FEE!! Location: Furnace Woods School - Gym Saturday, Starting Date: January 9 - 8 sessions Day: (No free play Saturday, February 20) Time: 9:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Fee: Free CHESS CLASSJohn Gallagher, Instructor (Ages 4-6) Mike Reynolds, Instructor/Coach Jr. Baller Sport’s programs are designed to prime children 4 to 6 years of age to develop physically, cognitively and emotionally within the atmosphere of Sports and Physical Education. Our program introduces the basic fundamentals and rules of a sport by morphing popular children’s games with actual sports skills. With weekly structured classes in a miniaturized and more controlled environment we show kids how to build up a skill set and knowledge base in smaller groups than the first organized leagues and clinics can offer that and will greatly increase their chances of transitioning well into structured sports leagues as they grow. Check us out at AGES 4-5 Course Number: 313-1W – Please use number when registering Location: Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor Mondays, Starting Date: February 1 – 10 sessions Day: Time: 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Fee: $150 with ID/155 without ID $186 non resident rate GUITAR LESSONS (Youth & Adults Ages 14 and Over) See ADULT WINTER PROGRAMS AGES 5-6 Course Number: 313-2W – Please use number when registering Location: Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor Day: Mondays, Starting Date: February 1 – 10 sessions Time:5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. $150 with ID/155 without ID Fee: $186 non resident rate The Ultimate War of Whit’s: This eight week program about the game of chess is suited for anyone interested in playing the game. Knowledge of how to play is not necessary: Participants will be paired with players of equal skill. This is a chance to learn how to write and read chess notation, and how to play the exciting game of kings. Sets will be made available for use by those who do not already have one. (Ages 7&Up) Course Number: 372-1W-Please use number when registering Location: Blue Mt. Middle School Cafeteria Monday, Starting Date: February 22 – 8 sessions Day: Time: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Fee: $50 with ID/$55 without ID/$66 non resident rate GUITAR LESSONS - CLASSICAL GUITAR (Youth & Adults Ages 12 and Over) See ADULT WINTER PROGRAMS AGES 4-5 Course Number: 313-3W – Please use number when registering Location: Blue Mt. Middle School – all purpose room Day: Saturdays, Starting Date: January 30 – 10 sessions 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Time: Fee: $150 with ID/155 without ID $186 non resident rate MAD SCIENCE (Grades 1-5) Join our Mad Scientist for an hour of cool, hands on experiments and exciting activities. Bubbling potions, chemical reactions, and spectacular demonstrations are just some of the fun you can expect. Mad Science classes spark the imagination and curiosity of children while instilling a clearer understanding of what science is really about and how it affects the world around them. Grades 1 & 2 Course Number: 317-1W - Please use number when registering Location: Blue Mt. Middle School - Room 203 Day: Saturday, Starting Date: February 6 - 8 sessions Time: 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Fee $140 with ID/$145 without ID includes all equipment and supplies. $168 non resident rate Or Grades 3 thru 5 Course Number: 317-2W - Please use number when registering Location: Blue Mt. Middle School - Room 203 Day: Saturday, Starting Date: February 6- 8 sessions Time: 10:15 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. Fee $140 with ID/$145 without ID includes all equipment and supplies. $168 non resident rate AGES 5-6 Course Number: 313-4W – Please use number when registering Location: Blue Mt. Middle School – all purpose room Day: Saturdays, Starting Date: January 30 – 10 sessions Time: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Fee: $150 with ID/155 without ID $186 non resident rate KARATE (Ages 10-14) Jeff Butler, Instructor This is a traditionally taught martial arts class that operates throughout the year. Belt ranks are given as people progress from one level to the next. Class activities include warm ups, stretching, basic techniques, heavy bag/focus mitts, single and partner drills as well as sparring and self-defense. New participants may wear comfortable clothes that are appropriate to go to the gym while returning students wear the class uniforms. Parents of youth members: Youth must be accompanied by an adult until the instructor gives them permission to drop them off. Course Number: 309-1W - Please use number when registering Location: Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor Day: Saturday, Starting Date: January 30 - 16 sessions Time: 12:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Fee: $35 with ID/$40 without ID $48 non resident rate ADVANCED KARATE see under Adult Programs 36 SWIMMING INSTRUCTION (Ages 5-10 years) Monika Ryan-Hsu, Director FIRST CLASS IS AN EVALUATION SESSION. Beginner I- Little or no previous instruction. Will not put head under water. Learn to relax & gain confidence in the water along with the fundamentals of breath holding beneath the water. Beginner II- Coordination of the arms & legs to propel the body some distance on front & back. Beginner III - Coordination of strokes, building up endurance & working to improve stroke mechanics. Please use course number and class when registering. COURSE NUMBER TIME 319-1W 4:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – Level A 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. – Level B 319-2W 319-3W 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. – Level C Location: Premier Athletic Club, Albany Post Road, Montrose Day: Saturday, Starting Date: January 16 - 9 sessions Fee: $75 with ID/$80 without ID $94 non resident rate NOR-WEST REGIONAL SPECIAL SERVICES - THERAPEUTIC RECREATION Are you looking for a local recreation program for a child with a developmental disability? Nor-West operates recreation programs after school or workshops, some evenings and Saturdays. Special Olympic sports training, swimming, bowling, digital photography, trip planning via the Internet, flicks & trips and variety club are some of the activities included in the schedule. Program is open to residents of Cortlandt (including Buchanan, Montrose, Verplanck and Croton), Peekskill, Ossining and Yorktown. Transportation is provided at regional bus strops and there is a seasonal registration fee. For information on schedule and registration call Nor-West at 737-4797. SPRING ADULT PROGRAMS Recreation Program Cancellations Information - 734-1053 SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT is for TOWN OF CORTLANDT RESIDENTS ONLY. Senior Citizens 60 and over - fee for programs is half of the rate listed with ID/without ID Proof of age and residency required (Cortlandt Recreation ID card, Cortlandt Senior Citizens ID Card or Drivers License). BADMINTON Sanjeeb Nash, Director This will be a non league badminton program designed for adults. The program is for fun and exercise. Come out and have a good time. Course Number: 407-1S – Please use number when registering Location: Blue Mountain Middle School Day: Tuesday, Starting Date: April 12 – 8 Sessions Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. $30 with ID/$35 without ID Fee: $42 non resident rate EXERTONE FOR WOMEN Brenda Kostalus, Holly Gorin, Instructors The program consists of stretching and floor exercise, combined with low impact aerobics to improve muscle tone and overall physical fitness. The class will be structured to the fitness level of participants. A mat and lightweights are encouraged, but not necessary. Course Number: 404-1S - Please use number when registering. Location: Blue Mt. Middle School Exercise Room Monday & Wednesday-Starting Date: April 4 - 8 sessions Day: Time: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. $40 with ID/$45 without ID Fee: $54 non resident rate BOATING SAFELY Tom Cadwallader, Public Ed. Officer U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, Flotilla 20-5 A basic Coast Guard Course emphasizing safety on the water including lessons in boating theory, basic boat maneuvering, weather forecasting, legal requirements, boat piloting, etc. Location: Hendrick Hudson High School Room 128 Day: Thursday, Starting Date: April 28 - 5 sessions Time: 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Contact: pre-registration required - Tom Cadwallader 962-9788 Fee: $25 for materials payable at first session. GOLF INSTRUCTION/LEARN GOLF Bill Belmont, Instructor An indoor program designed to instruct and review fundamentals, instruct and advance player’s skills, etiquette of golf, equipment, rules, practice, and playing locations. Participants must wear sport shoes and bring a 7 iron and a wood. Course Number: 405-1S - Please use number when registering. Location: Hendrick Hudson High School Dome Day: Tuesday, Starting Date: May 10 - 4 sessions Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Fee: $55 with ID/$60 without ID $72 non resident rate Or Course Number: 405-2S - Please use number when registering. Location: Hendrick Hudson High School Dome Day: Tuesday, Starting Date: May 10 – 4 sessions Time: 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Fee: $55 with ID/$60 without ID $72 non resident rate DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE (6 Hours total) B.J. Jani, Instructor This is an approved course by the Department of Motor Vehicles. On completion of this course the DMV will reduce points from the license and insurance company’s gives discounts on the Liability and Collision portion of the automobile insurance premiums. It is a great course that helps you learn techniques to become a safer driver. PLEASE BRING YOUR DRIVERS LICENSE AND A PEN. Please use number when registering: Course Number: 449- 1S – Please use number when registering Location: Hendrick Hudson High School, Room 128, Montrose Day: Tuesday & Wednesday, April 19, 20 – 2 sessions Time: 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm Fee: $40 with ID/$45 without ID $54 non resident rate 37 GUITAR LESSONS YOGA ANYONE Ruane M. Edge, Instructor Have you ever wanted to try yoga? Do you have stress in your life? This class will take you step-by-step thru beginner’s yoga learning breathing techniques, yoga poses (for all parts of the body) and finally deep relaxation/meditation at the end of the class leaving you totally relaxed. Week after week you will feel your flexibility, strength and focus improving and stress going away. Do not eat one (1) hour before class!!! Bring water and a yoga mat to class. Course Number: 430-1S - Please use number when registering Location: Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor (In the rear of the building by the movie theater) Day: Monday, Starting Date: May 2 - 10 sessions 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Time: Fee: $75 with ID/$80 without ID $96 non resident rate Or Course Number: 430-2S - Please use number when registering Location: Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor (In the rear of the building by the movie theater) Day: Monday, Starting Date: May 2 - 10 sessions Time: 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Fee: $75 with ID/$80 without ID $96 non resident rate Or Course Number: 430-3S - Please use number when registering Location: Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor (In the rear of the building by the movie theater) Day: Tuesday, Starting Date: May 3 - 10 sessions Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. $75 with ID/$80 without ID Fee: $96 non resident rate Or Course Number: 430-4S - Please use number when registering Location: Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor (In the rear of the building by the movie theater) Wednesday, Starting Date: May 4 - 10 sessions Day: Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Fee: $75 with ID/$80 without ID $96 non resident rate (Youth & Adults Ages 14 and Over) Charlie Dinota, Instructor This course is designed for beginners to intermediate level students. All students will begin on the guitar immediately. You will learn songs that you want to play in addition to classic songs. Students will be taught proper technique and the fundamentals of reading music and chord charts for songs. Students must have their own functioning instrument. Instruction by NYS certified music teacher. Limited enrollment of 4 students. Course Number: 459-1S – Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor Dates: Saturday, April 16 – 5 sessions 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Time: Fee $95 with ID/$100 without ID GUITAR LESSONS - CLASSICAL (Youth & Adults Ages 14 and Over) Charlie Dinota, Instructor Beginners to Advanced. This course is rooted in proper guitar technique and the reading music. Learn the music of the masters by a professional concert guitarist and NYS certified music teacher. This class is intense yet enjoyable. Students must have a nylon string guitar. Limited to 4 students. Course Number: 460-1S – Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Community Room, Cortlandt Town Center, Route 6, Cortlandt Manor Dates: Saturday, Starting Date: April 16 – 5 sessions Time: 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. $95 with ID/$100 without ID Fee $120 non resident rate PIANO INSTRUCTION (Ages 16 & Over) Mark Snyder, Instructor This course is designed for the older student or adult with no previous experience playing the piano. Class participants will receive basic piano. Class participants will receive basis piano pedagog plus the fundamentals of music theory. Participants will begin playing immediately. Instruction by a professional piano instructor. Limited enrollment of three students. Lessons will be in 30 min. intervals. Course Number: 410-1S - Please use number when registering. Location: Blue Mt. Middle School Music Room Day: Tuesday, Starting Date: April 12 - 8 sessions Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Fee: $150 with ID/$155 without ID $186 non resident rate Or Course Number: 410-2S - Please use number when registering. Location: Blue Mt. Middle School Music Room Day: Wednesday, Starting Date: April 13 - 8 sessions Time: 6:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Fee: $150 with ID/$155 without ID $186 non resident rate 38 SPRING PRE-SCHOOL PROGRAMS Recreation Division Program Cancellation Information - 734-1053 ***Pre-registration is necessary. Please use course number when registering*** Use Pre-School/ Youth application in back of this brochure and mail to with permission slip found on page Town of Cortlandt Recreation, 1 Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 STORYBOOK COOKING Swimming Programs – Pre-School Shari Munitz, Instructor Come mix it up and be a real chef when you join us for some literacy fun and creative cooking. We’ll make it, bake it, stir it, and cook up lots of cool stuff! This is an enthusiastic, safe, educational fun kitchen class. Not suggested for chefs with food allergies. Each course we will make something different! SWIMMING - PRE-SCHOOL (Ages 3-5) Pat Minichino, Instructor Basic fundamentals of swimming will be taught, putting head under water, basic arm and leg movements. Age as of April 5, 2016. PLEASE USE COURSE NUMBER & DAY & TIME WHEN REGISTERING. COURSE NUMBER DAY TIME 201-1S Tuesday 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 201-2S Wednesday 9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 201-3S Friday 9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. 201-4S Friday 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. 201-5S Thursday 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. 201-6S Thursday 6:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. Location: Bethel Springvale Inn Pool, Rte 9A, Montrose Day: Tuesday, Starting Date: April 5- 8 sessions Wednesday, Starting Date: April 6 - 8 sessions Thursday, Starting Date: April 7 - 8 sessions Friday, Starting Date: April 8 - 8 sessions Fee: $60 with ID/$ 65 without ID $78 non resident rate Food Fun for Two Year Olds**(No knives program) Course Number: 210-1S – Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Youth Center, 3 Memorial Drive, Croton Thursday, Starting Date: April 7th, 14th, 21st - 3 sessions Day: Time: 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. $25 with ID/$30 without ID/$36 Non-resident Fee: Storybook Cooking Ages 3-6 Course Number: 210-2S – Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Youth Center, 3 Memorial Drive, Croton Day: Thursday, Starting Date: April 7th, 14th, 21st - 3 sessions Time: 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Fee: $25 with ID/$30 without ID/$36 Non-resident Storybook Cooking Ages 3-6 Course Number: 210-3S – Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Youth Center, 3 Memorial Drive, Croton Day Thursday, Starting Date: April 7th, 14th, 21st - 3 sessions Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. Fee: $25 with ID/$30 without ID/$36 Non-resident SWIMMING - TINY TOT (Ages 2-3) Pat Minichino, Instructor Age as of APRIL 5, 2016. An introduction to the fundamentals of swimming (adjustment to water) for young children. A parent MUST enter the water with each child. Tight fitting rubber pants MUST be worn over diapers/pampers when child is in the water. Course Number: 202-1S - Please use number when registering. Location: Bethel Springvale Inn Pool, Rte. 9A, Montrose Day: Tuesday, Starting Date: April 5 - 8 sessions Time: 9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Fee: $60 with child & adult with ID/$ 65 child & adult without ID $78 non resident rate Food Fun for Two Year Olds**(No knives program) Course Number: 210-4S – Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Youth Center, 3 Memorial Drive, Croton Day: Thursday, Starting Date: May 5th, 12th, 19th - 3 sessions Time: 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Fee: $25 with ID/$30 without ID/$36 Non-resident Storybook Cooking Ages 3-6 Course Number: 210-5S – Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Youth Center, 3 Memorial Drive, Croton Day: Thursday, Starting Date: May 5th, 12th, 19th - 3 sessions 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Time: Fee: $25 with ID/$30 without ID/$36 Non-resident Storybook Cooking Ages 3-6 Course Number: 210-6S – Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Youth Center, 3 Memorial Drive, Croton Day: Thursday, Starting Date: May 5th, 12th, 19th - 3 sessions Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. Fee: $25 with ID/$30 without ID/$36 Non-resident 39 SPRING YOUTH PROGRAMS Recreation Division Program Cancellations Information - 734-1053 “AFTER SCHOOL HOOPS” TEACHES BASKETBALL CAMPS ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS Terry Kardos, Teacher/Naturalist EXPLORERS (Ages 5 ½-8) In this class, your child will learn about different habitats and the importance of our ecosystem. Activities may include using nets in a pond, collecting different types of seeds and finding out how they disperse, learning about insects and decomposers, and playing camouflage games. Children will have fun as they explore and discover new and exciting aspects in our environment. This program is rain or shine unless notified by the instructor on the day of the program. Please dress appropriately for weather conditions. Course Number: 901-1S- Please use number when registering. Location: George’s Island, Montrose (location - sign at gatehouse) Day: Thursday, Starting Date: April 14 – 6 sessions Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Fee: $50 with ID/$55 without ID $66 non resident rate “Teaches” programs have been successful due to the focus on fun and participation. Fundamentals are the base to build a pyramid to success. Participants learn individual skills that can take home and practice privately. Each participant will receive a “Teaches” basketball, shirt, water bottle and bag. GRADES K-2 Course Number: 360-1S – Please use number when registering. Location: Buchanan-Verplanck Elementary School Day: Thursday, Starting Date: April 7 – 6 Sessions 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Time: Fee: $160 with ID/$165 without ID $198 non resident rate JR. BALLER SPORTS – BASEBALL (Ages 4-6) Mike Reynolds, Instructor/Coach AGES 4-5 Course Number: 313-5S – Please use number when registering Location: Charles J Cook Recreation Center Day: Wednesday, Starting Date: April 6 – 10 sessions 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Time: Fee: $150 with ID/155 without ID $186 non resident rate HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT: ANIMAL CAMOUFLAGE How do stripes, fake eyes on your body, or looking like something else help an animal survive in the wild? Find out by learning about some tricks that animals have, then playing camouflage games and testing your powers of observation. This is limited to children 5 years and older. Course Number: 9051S- Please use number when registering. Location: George’s Island, Montrose (location - sign at gatehouse) Day: Sunday, May 1 Time: 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. $5 with ID/$10 without ID Fee: $12 non resident rate AGES 5-6 Course Number: 313-6S – Please use number when registering Location: Charles J Cook Recreation Center Day: Wednesdays, Starting Date: April 6 – 10 sessions Time:5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Fee: $150 with ID/155 without ID $186 non resident rate JUNIOR EXPLORERS (Ages 3 1/2-5) While this program is intended for children to be with the instructor, adult caregivers may stay if desired or if the child is not ready to separate from caregiver. Children will explore life in a lake, the Hudson River, and along the trails. What will they discover? A fun learning experience in natural science. Dress appropriately. Nature crafts or games on rainy days. Course Number: 906-1S - Please use number when registering Location: George’s Island, Montrose (location - sign at gatehouse) Day: Monday, Starting Date: April 11 - 6 sessions 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Time: Fee: $40 with ID/$45 without ID $54 non resident rate AGES 4-5 Course Number: 313-7S – Please use number when registering Location: Charles J Cook Recreation Center Saturday, Starting Date: April 2 – 10 sessions Day: Time:2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Fee: $150 with ID/155 without ID $186 non resident rate AGES 5-6 Course Number: 313-8S – Please use number when registering Location: Charles J Cook Recreation Center Day: Saturdays, Starting Date: April 2 – 10 sessions Time:3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Fee: $150 with ID/155 without ID $186 non resident rate MOMMY, DADDY & ME (Ages 2 -3) This is a child’s first introduction to nature. By using all our senses, we will explore the activities surrounding our environment; from insects to water life, to the changing of seasons. Children must dress appropriately. Course Number: 907-1S - Please use number when registering. Location: George’s Island, Montrose (location - sign at gatehouse) Day: Monday, Starting Date: April 11 - 6 sessions Time: 10:00 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Fee: $35 with ID Parent & Child/ $40 without ID Parent & Child $48 non resident rate LACROSSE CLINIC (Grade 1&2) Carson Jacobs, Instructor This clinic will be covering the fundamentals of passing, catching, cradling, dodging and defending. The clinic is designed to meet the needs of the beginner. There will be 1 hour of instruction. Course Number: 310-1S – Please use number when registering. Location: Frank F. Lindsey Upper Field Day: Saturday, April 9 – 8 sessions Time: 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Fee: $50 with ID/$55 without ID $66 non resident rate 40 TRAIL BLAZERS (Ages 7-10) This is a new class for older children who want more hiking adventures and who want to uncover even more secrets of the natural world. Some classes may be held at other locations to include a variety of hikes. Course Number: 902-1S - Please use number when registering Location: George’s Island, Montrose (location - sign at gatehouse) and Brinton Brook Sanctuary Day: Wednesday, Starting Date: April 13 - 6 sessions Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Fee: $50 with ID/$55 without ID $66 non resident rate PIANO INSTRUCTION GUITAR LESSONS (Youth & Adults Ages 14 and Over) See ADULT SPRING PROGRAMS (Grades 2-10) Mark Snyder, Instructor Semi-private lessons with maximum individual instruction. This is an introductory program of piano instruction with emphasis on developing dexterity and facility with both hands at the piano. Students will begin playing immediately. Instruction by a professional piano instructor. Limited enrollment of four students per class. Lessons will be in 15 min. intervals. GRADES 2-10 Course Number: 312-1S - Please use number when registering. Location: Blue Mt. Middle School Music Room Tuesday, Starting Date: April 12 - 8 sessions Day: Time: 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. (4 students per class) Fee: $130 with ID/$135 without ID $162 non resident rate Or GRADES 2-10 Course Number: 312-2S - Please use number when registering. Location: Blue Mt. Middle School Music Room Day: Tuesday, Starting Date: April 12 - 8 sessions Time: 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. (4 students per class) $130 with ID/$135 without ID Fee: $162 non resident rate Or GRADES 2-10 Course Number: 312-3S - Please use number when registering. Location: Blue Mt. Middle School Music Room Wednesday, Starting Date: April 13 - 8 sessions Day: Time: 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. (4 students per class) Fee: $130 with ID/$135 without ID $162 non resident rate Or GRADES 2-10 Course Number: 312-4S - Please use number when registering. Location: Blue Mt. Middle School Music Room Wednesday, Starting Date: April 13 - 8 sessions Day: Time: 5:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. (4 students per class) $130 with ID/$135 without ID Fee: $162 non resident rate GUITAR LESSONS - CLASSICAL GUITAR (Youth & Adults Ages 12 & Over) See ADULT SPRING PROGRAMS SOCCER CLINIC (Boys & Girls, Kindergarten & 1st Grade) See “Sports Leagues & Clinics” SWIMMING INSTRUCTION (Ages 5-10 years) Monika Ryan-Hsu, Director FIRST CLASS IS AN EVALUATION SESSION. Beginner I- Little or no previous instruction. Will not put head under water. Learn to relax & gain confidence in the water along with the fundamentals of breath holding beneath the water. Beginner II- Coordination of the arms & legs to propel the body some distance on front & back. Beginner III - Coordination of strokes, building up endurance & working to improve stroke mechanics. Please use course number and class when registering. COURSE NUMBER TIME 319-1S 4:30 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. – Level A 5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. – Level B 319-2S 319-3S 5:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. – Level C Location: Premier Athletic Club, Albany Post Road, Montrose Day: Saturday, Starting Date: April 9 - 9 sessions Fee: $75 with ID/$80 without ID $94 non resident rate SPORTS LEAGUES, CLINICS & TEAMS - ADULT & YOUTH Recreation Division Program Cancellations Information - 734-1053 LITTLE LEAGUE INFORMATION ATTENTION COACHES This program is not run through the Recreation Office but it is run by a board of volunteers. Little League levels of play start at Age 5 up to 15 years old. If you are interested in taking the American Red Cross Standard First Aid Course please contact Lesley Bornstein at (914) 734-1057 or For more Information please contact: Cortlandt American Little League (C.A.L.L.) Providing little league baseball for youth in the following school districts: Lakeland, Yorktown, and Mahopac. For more information, view their website at or email Cortlandt National Little League (C.N.L.L.) (Hendrick Hudson School District) Email: Website: Picture of the New Little League Field located at Sprout Brook Park on Sprout Brook Road in northern Cortlandt. The field will be ready for play in the spring of 2007. It will be used by both Cortlandt American and Cortlandt National Little League. Croton Little League (C.L.L.) is open to boys and girls living within the Croton Harmon Union Free School District For more information about ages and divisions visit website: or e-mail us at 41 LACROSSE LEAGUE - SPRING (3 & 4 and 5 & 6 Grade) Carson Jacobs, Director Competitive Youth Lacrosse (Travel Team) involving several local communities. Cortlandt will field teams for 3rd & 4th Grades Boys and 3rd & 4th Grade Girls, 5th & 6th Grade Boys and a 5th & 6th Grade Girls. Primary focus is on exposure to the sport and the growth of Lacrosse in our area. One to two practices per week games on Monday - Sunday. There will be an additional fee for uniforms. All players must register with The program requires full equipment. Limited supply of equipment provided. Coaches Needed. Application deadline is January 22. Meeting Location: Frank G. Lindsey Softball Field Date: Saturday, March 5 Times: 9:00 a.m. – 3rd - 6th Grade Boys/Girls Fee $80 with ID/$85 without ID (when accepted on team) Late Fee: $85 with ID/$90 without ID COACHES AND SOCCER OFFICIALS COACHES AND OFFICIALS ARE ALWAYS NEEDED PLEASE CALL 734-1055 TRAVEL SOCCER – GIRLS & BOYS Teams will participate in the East Hudson Youth Soccer League (EHYSL). The program requires 2 practices and one game per week. Practices will start in August. The fall season includes approximately 10 weeks of league play. Half of those games will be home, the other half will be away. The season will then continue in the spring with another 10-week schedule. It is a one-year commitment. Teams may participate in tournaments throughout the year. If your child played in 2014/2015 they MUST attend tryouts. There are no guarantees that they will make the team again. Do not send fee until child is accepted on a team. Deadline for all applications is Monday, April 18 Fee: $470 $423 second child (10% sibling discount) See more information and Travel Soccer Application on page GIRLS TRYOUTS: SATURDAY, April 30 – Sprout Brook Soccer Field DIVISION TIME BIRTHDATE 1/1/06 - 12/31/06 Girls U11 9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. 1/1/05 - 12/31/05 Girls U12 11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. Girls U13 12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. 1/1/04 - 12/31/04 1/1/03 - 12/31/03 Girls U14 2:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. BOYS TRYOUTS: SATURDAY, May 7 - Sprout Brook Soccer Field Boys U11 9:30 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. 1/1/06 - 12/31/06 Boys U12 11:00 a.m. - 12:15 p.m. 1/1/05 - 12/31/05 1/1/04 - 12/31/04 Boys U13 12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m. Rainout date is Saturday, May 14 at Sprout Brook Soccer Field. Travel Soccer application located in the back of this brochure. SOCCER CLINIC – U.S. SPORTS INSTITUTE (4 & 5 year old Boys & Girls) This clinic introduces soccer in a fun filled environment. Players will learn the fundamentals of soccer through a range of structured activities and fun games. The soccer-based activities promote the development of motor skills, encourage group interaction, and develop communication skills, in addition to being an excellent form of exercise. Shin guards and cleats are strongly suggested. Register early, space is limited. BOYS Course Number: 314-1S - Please use number when registering. Location: Blue Mountain Middle School Front Field Day: Sunday, Starting Date: April 17 - 6 sessions Time: 12:15 p.m. - 1:15 p.m. $90 with ID/$95 without ID Fee: $114 non resident rate OR GIRLS Course Number: 314-2S - Please use number when registering. Location: Blue Mountain Middle School Front Field Day: Sunday, Starting Date: April 17 - 6 sessions 1:30p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Time: Fee: $90 with ID/$95 without ID $114 non resident rate SPORTS SQUIRTS U.S. Sports Institute The US Sports Institute Sport Squirts program is a great way to introduce children aged 3-5 to a variety of sports such as Soccer, T-ball, Basketball and Hockey all taking place in a safe structured environment to ensure learning. Activities are designed to evoke a child’s imagination in which they can Find Nemo, send Shrek into a spin or capture Jellyfish with Sponge Bob Square Pants. All activities promote hand-eye coordination, movement and balance and most importantly Fun, Fun, Fun. This program filled up in the spring. Enrollment is limited. Ages 3-5 Course Number: 358-1S – Please use number when registering Location: Blue Mt. Middle School Front Field Day: Sunday, Starting Date: April 17 – 6 Sessions Time: 3:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Fee: $90 with ID/$95 without ID $114 non resident rate SOCCER LEAGUE (BOYS & GIRLS) REGISTRATION Register for Youth Soccer by mail. DEADLINE for all applications is February 5th. All registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-serve basis. Any application received after February 5th will be charged a LATE FEE, and go on a wait list. BOYS GIRLS Pee Wee Division 1 & 2 Grade* Pee Wee Division 1 & 2 Grade* Midget Division 3 & 4 Grade* Midget Division 3 & 4 Grade* Junior Division 5 & 6 Grade Junior Division 5, 6 & 7 Grade* *Grade is for 2015/2016 School Year Registration Fee: $45 with ID/$50 without ID Late Fee: $55 with ID/$60 without ID (After February 5) PARENT & ME SOCCER SQUIRTS (Ages 2-3) U.S. Sports Institute Parent & Me Soccer Squirts classes are a fun and positive introduction to soccer for children aged 2-3 and their parents! With you participating by their side, your child learning the fundamental skills of soccer through a program of structured activities, fun based games, and scrimmages. With you the parent involved in the session too, you will help your child follow directions and learn the world’s most popular sport, all while having fun. Course Number: 224-1S – Please use number when registering Location: Blue Mt. Middle School Front Field Day: Sunday, Starting Date: April 17 – 6 sessions Time: 11:00 am – 11:45 am Fee: $80 with ID/$85 without ID $102 non resident rate EVALUATIONS *Only players that did not participate in the fall 2015 League MUST come for evaluations. Players who do not attend evaluations will be PLACED RANDOMLY onto teams by the recreation division. In order to be picked by a coach you must attend evaluations. Teams may remain the same from the fall season dependent upon the number of registrants and the fairness of each team and division. All new players will be placed on a team. Evaluations will take place at Blue Mountain Middle School as follows: Tuesday, February 9 Pee Wee Girls & Boys 6:00 pm Midget Girls & Boys 6:30 pm Junior Girls & Boys 7:00 pm 42 GIRLS 7-12 YEARS OLD ANYONE INTERESTED IN UMPIRING IN THE MEN’S OR WOMEN’S SOFTBALL LEAGUES SHOULD CALL THE RECREATION DIVISION Please call Tim at 914-734-1056 or email A softball league sponsored by CORTLANDT NATIONAL LITTLE LEAGUE and CORTLANDT AMERICAN LITTLE LEAGUE SOFTBALL - MENS LEAGUE Begins play April 2016 The Town of Cortlandt will once again offer its traditional men’s softball leagues for area residents. Softball games will take place on Monday through Friday beginning in mid-April at various fields in Cortlandt. A pre-season meeting will be held in late March for all interested coaches. Fee to be announced at a later time. For more information contact Cortlandt Recreation at 734-1056. On-Line registration opens JANUARY 2016 Visit our websites TENNIS LEAGUE - WESTCHESTER COUNTY MEN’S & WOMEN’S LEAGUE These are competitive teams participating in the Westchester County PRC League. The schedule of matches begins in April and extends through June and includes games both home (Lake Street Tennis Courts, Montrose) and away at various other communities in Northern Westchester. Men’s matches are on Saturday mornings. Women’s matches are on Tuesday mornings. Anyone interested please call Recreation 734-1056. For more information contact: Rob MCCarthy or Kelly Buscetto - 914-930-4455 Email: SPECIAL ACTIVITIES onal i t a e r c New Reortunity! Opp Cortlandt Community Rowing Association Rowing is a Lifetime Sport -- We offer Youth & Adult Programs Winter Learn-to-Row Program Forming NOW! Practicing on indoor tanks, West Point We row on Lake Meahagh and at Cortlandt Waterfront Park, Verplanck. Learn to row and get fit on rowing machines at our facility and at the indoor tanks at USMA/West Point. Participate in indoor rowing regattas throught the winter, and be ready for river racing in the spring. Mixed 8 hits the water, Lake Meahagh Contact Us: Visit our Website: Like Us Cortlandt Rowing CCRA youth team, Newburgh regatta Women’s / Youth 4+ on Lake Meahagh Mission Statement: The Purpose of Cortlandt Rowing Association is to promote athletic health, fitness, and the benefits of participation in the sport of rowing to people of all ages and experience and ability levels. The Hudson River is designated an American Heritage River and our mission includes sharing with all the special joy of improving one’s physical, mental, and spiritual health while developing an appreciation for our natural resources. At the heart of our mission is the introduction to young people a sport that will teach the value of teamwork; the necessity of practice, hard work and time management; the development of healthy minds and bodies through the personal and physical challenge of team sport. Our goal is to provide a framework to support and improve rowers at all levels, and coordinate with other clubs locally, nationally, and internationally to provide competition and the opportunity for recreation. CCRA is a non-profit 501(c)(3) 43 CROSS COUNTRY SKIING AND ICE SKATING at Blue Mt Reservation "WESTCHESTER BROADWAY" THEATRE DISCOUNT TICKETS Enjoy Ice Skating or Cross Country Skiing at Blue Mt. Reservation located at Welcher Avenue in Peekskill. An ideal location for scenic outdoor cross country skiing. Whether you prefer challenging trails through wooded areas of open spaces to traverse. You must provide your own equipment. No rentals are available. Conditions permitting cross country skiing is allowed seven days a week during daylight hours. Courtesy of Westchester Recreation & Parks Society. Just mention the Westchester Recreation & Park Society to receive a discount. (Does not apply to Matinees or Saturday performances) Call: 592-2225 for group discount (20 or more) FACILITY RENTALS Blue Mt Reservation is an ideal location for scenic outdoor skating. As with skiing you must bring your own skates. No rentals available. Ice is checked daily at all locations for safety and conditions. Look for sign posting safe conditions, ice skating is permitted seven days a week during daylight hours. For your own safety always check conditions before heading out to the park. For more information call (914) 864-Park for ice conditions. Free admission and free parking. CORTLANDT TOWN CENTER, CORTLANDT ROOM RENTAL! The Community Room at the Cortlandt Town Center is available for the rental use by Town Residents and Town groups. For reservations and information please call the Recreation Office at 734-1052, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday 9:00 am – 4:00 p.m. for available dates. ICE SKATING CLUB SPECIAL EVENTS Any residents interested in joining an Ice Skating Club or looking into Ice Skating activities with a club please go to the following web site or e-mail HUDSON RIVER EAGLEFEST Watch in awe as wintering bald eagles fly overhead at Teatown’s Hudson River Eaglefest. Don’t miss this opportunity to view our national symbol up-close and learn how conservation efforts have brought about the now vibrant bald eagle population in the Hudson Valley. At Steamboat Dock River Park, guests can enjoy eagle viewing staffed by eagle experts with spotting scopes. Just a quick trip away at Croton Point Park, attendees can also enjoy live raptor shows, bus tours, storytelling, children’s activities and bird walk. Call Lesley Bornstein at 914-734-1057 or visit for more information. Location: Headquartered at Croton Point Park with a viewing site at Steamboat Dock River Park Date: Saturday, February 6 (snow date Sunday, February 7) Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Activity Prices (prices only apply to Fee: Croton Point Park) Bus Tours: $25 per person (guests 12 & older) *Reservations required, tickets sell out fast Pre Sale Croton Pavilion: $12 Adults, $8 Children $15 Adults, $10 Children Day of Croton Pavilion: VAN CORTLANDTVILLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY The Van Cortlandtville Historical Society was organized in 1921, and is comprised of local citizens who are dedicated to the preservation of the “Little Red Schoolhouse” located at 297 Locust Avenue, Cortlandt Manor, New York. One of the society’s primary goals is the education of school children to the early years of school life and to the rich history of the Van Cortlandtville and surrounding areas. There are monthly meetings usually held at the schoolhouse. Self-Guided Tours of the historic sites around Van Cortlandtville have recently been implemented and brochures are available. Memorabilia and family genealogy from people in the area is always being sought for the display room of the schoolhouse. The “Little Red Schoolhouse” is open the third Saturday of each month from September through June from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. For additional information or to setup a special tour, call The Schoolhouse at (914) 736-7868. 44 SPECIAL PARK FACILITIES BICENTENNIAL GARDEN Serving as a lasting tribute to the Town’s 200th Birthday, the garden includes a flower garden, time capsule and site marker. The time capsule contains over 100 items of significance to the Town. Its site is marked by a historic millstone from the vicinity of the Croton River. Location: Charles J. Cook Recreation Center Fee: Free TOWN OF CORTLANDT COMMUNITY BOAT LAUNCH Located at the Cortlandt Waterfront Park (off Riverview Avenue and Broadway in the hamlet of Verplanck) Seasonal Use ONLY from April 1 through October 31 Park Hours 7:00 a.m. to Dusk Rules and Regulations 1. Town of Cortlandt, Village of Buchanan and Village of Croton residents only. 2. Use of the ramp for commercial purpose is strictly prohibited. 3. Town of Cortlandt Boat Launch Permit is required. Permit is available at the Cortlandt Town Hall in the Town Clerk’s office. 4. Clear Ramp area – Come in Slow – NO WAKE 5. Seasonal use only from April 1 through October 31 6. Pull boat around to launching ramp as soon as space becomes available. Pull boat to the tie-down zone and clear the ramp so others may use the boat launch. 7. Permit for ramp acess MUST be in full view on the dash or mirror of your vehicle. If your permit is not in view, you will receive a summons and fines. 8. Anyone driving over 5 MPH within 50 feet of the shore will forfeit their permit and be given a summons and fines. 9. Boat size not to exceed 22 feet. 10. NO swimming, sunbathing. Waterskiing or loitering in the launch area. 11. NO overnight parking. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK Town Clerk’s Office 1 Heady Street Cortlandt Manor, New York 10567 914–734-1020 CORTLANDT WATERFRONT PARK The Cortlandt Waterfront Park, is located off of Riverview Avenue and Broadway in Verplanck. Come and enjoy the Park, which includes a gazebo, fishing, crabbing, playground, veterans memorial, walking path, small boat, kayak and canoe launch area, horseshoe pits (bring your horseshoes). All with a spectacular view of the Hudson River! 45 CORTLANDT DOG PARK The Dog Park is located at Sprout Brook Park. There are two areas, one for small dogs and an area for large dogs. For more information and opening date call the Recreation Department at 734-1051. In order to keep track and send information, we would encourage all residents to register their dogs. Please fill out application on page and mail back to: Town of Cortlandt Recreation 1 Heady Street Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 For the benefit and enjoyment of all, please read and obey all rules. Dog Park Rules and Regulations PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF RISK AND LIABILITY INSURANCE 1. Dog Park closes at dusk daily. 2. No animals other than dogs may be brought into the fenced area. 3. All dogs must be leashed until safely inside the Dog Park and returned to a leash prior to exiting. Make sure gates are closed after entering and leaving the park. 4. Do not leave a leash on dogs in the park. Bring your leash into the park in case of emergency or altercation. 5. Dog owners must remain in the fenced area while their dogs are using the Dog Park. Owners must be in view of their dogs and have voice control at all times. 6. Children accompanying dog owners must be strictly supervised and at least 12 years old to be allowed inside unless accompanied by an adult. 7. Children under 10 years old not allowed (some dogs see small dogs as prey) in large dog area. 8. Children under 5 years old not allowed in the park. 9. Spectators should remain outside the fenced area. 10. Aggressive dogs and dogs in heat are not allowed. 11. Owners must immediately leash and remove dogs from the Dog Park at the first sight of aggressive behavior. 12. Please be courteous to others do not bring sick dogs to the park. 13. Owners must dispose of waste properly in the designated on-site containers. Owners must prevent dogs from digging holes. 14. While small bite-sized training treats are permitted, foods in bowls, long-lasting chews, or glass containers are not allowed. 15. No Smoking and no food are allowed inside of the Dog Park. 16. No more than three (3) dogs per person are allowed on any single visit. 17. Puppies less than four (4) months old are not permitted in the park. 18. Dogs must be licensed and vaccinated for rabies and DHLPP. Current license and rabies tags must be worn on the dog’s collar at all times. 19. Owners are liable for any injury or damage caused by their dog and are fully responsible for their dog’s actions. 20. Trainers are not allowed to use the park to conduct business 21. Any incident, problem etc. should be reported to Cortlandt Recreation and Parks 734-1050. Office is open Monday thru Friday 8:30am to 4pm. 22. In the event of an emergency call 911. Contact: Town of Cortlandt, call 734-1050 or for Emergency: Call 911 I Understand That: Permission from the Town to use the Dog Park is conditional on compliance with the above dog park rules. I Also Understand and Agree That: The dog park is to provide a fenced-in area where dog owners may bring their dogs and permit them to run freely with other dogs, and that unleashing my dog(s) and being present in an area where there are other people, including children, and other unleashed dogs, poses risks to others and myself and to my dogs(s) and the dogs and property of dogs, and I do hereby agree to assume such risks. I Further Agree To: Release, discharge, hold harmless and indemnify the Town of Cortlandt and all of it’s officials, agents, officers, employees and representatives from liability for any and all claims for injuries, damages and/or losses whatsoever to any person or animal (including but not limited to disability and death) or property which may arise out of, result from or be associated with the use of or presence on the dog park by myself and/or my dogs(s). 46 CORTLANDT HOCKEY RINK Cortlandt Train Station, Rte 9A, Montrose, N.Y. Roller hockey activities require a caged helmet, shoulder pads, shin guards, gloves and mouth guard. Helmets with face mask/cage must be worn at all times for roller hockey including on player benches. Skaters must provide their own equipment. Only in-line skaters are permitted in rink. No bicycles, skateboards, scooters, radio controlled toys, food or spectators permitted inside rink. Graffiti, vandalism, and the use of profanity, tobacco, and alcohol, drugs or glass containers are prohibited. Please deposit all trash in containers. Rink hours are 9 am to dusk. No skating when surface is wet. No trespassing after rink hours or when locked. Use of rink is by permit from Cortlandt Recreation Division only. Skate rink is open to Town Residents only. FAILURE TO ABIDE BY THESE RULES WILL RESULT IN THE LOSS OF PARK PRIVILEGES. The Town of Cortlandt is not liable for any accident or injury to persons or property resulting from the use of this skate rink. Please be considerate of fellow skaters especially those who are younger or less skilled. Serious injury may result from colliding with other participants. Please be considerate of surrounding neighbors. Thank you for your cooperation. Cortlandt Hockey Rink Time slots not reserved by Cortlandt Recreation programs are available for Community Use. All reservations must be done through our office. Call 734-1055 for more information. CORTLANDT SKATE RINK AND PARK Skate at your own risk. For your protection, please observe the following rules: Skaters must wear proper safety equipment: Helmets, rubber wheeled skates, elbow pads, kneepads & wrist guards. FURNACE DOCK LAKE The Town of Cortlandt acquired and saved the 100 year old Furnace Dock Lake in 2011 It is now part of the Town’s parkland and inventory. RULES & REGULATIONS For a safe and enjoyable park experience please obey the following rules: • All activities at your own risk • Park is open dawn to dusk • Keep pets leashed, clean up after them • All garbage is to be taken out of the park • Do not remove or destroy plants, wildlife, or artifacts Following is prohibited: • Hunting, firearms, alcohol, camping • Motorized vehicles, mountain bikes • Fires, smoking, swimming, dumping • Feeding wildlife, metal detectors, radios • Fireworks, music, loud noise Thank you for your cooperation, Town Recreation Department 47 PICTURES OF TOWN OF CORTLANDT PLAYGROUNDS Sprout Brook Park Playground Sprout Brook Park Sprout Brook Road, Cortlandt Manor Peter Cutignola Memorial Playground 1 Memorial Drive Across from Cortlandt Train Station Croton Tommy Thurber Park Playground Tommy Thurber Lane Montrose Old Pond Park 8th Street Verplanck Muriel H. Morabito Community Center Playground 29 West Brook Drive Cortlandt Manor Sunset Park Playground Sunset Road Montrose New Playground dedicated August 2012 Jim Martin Aviation Playground Located at Cortlandt Waterfront Park River View Avenue Verplanck 10596 Cortlandt Community Recreation Area Croton Avenue Cortlandt Manor 48 HOLLOW BROOK GOLF COURSE For Cortlandt Residents Public Access to the Hollow Brook Golf Course (off Oregon Road) The Hollow Brook Golf Club is a private/public course with Town residents being able to reserve tee-times. The course will open in April 2016 (weather permitting). The Town coordinates those rounds reserved for the exclusive use of Town residents (Agreement on file), Tuesday thru Sunday for public use. On Tuesday and Thursday, 7 of the tee times are discounted at $75 after 2:00 p.m. Greens fees will be a total $100 for all other tee times Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. On Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays greens fees will be $150 with no tee times before noon. Prices include greens fees and a cart. Range balls (only available when playing) for $10. Reservations can be made five days in advance by calling 914- 734-1500 For the 2016 golf season residents will need to purchase a golf sticker in the recreation department of Town Hall, 1 Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor, N.Y. for a fee of $12 for the 2016 Golf season. This sticker will be placed on the Town of Cortlandt resident I.D. card. If you do not currently have a VALID Town of Cortlandt I.D. Card, one can be purchased for an additional $7 at the days and times listed under “Important Information” in this brochure. For further information regarding ID’s or mail in procedure for the golf sticker please call 734-1050 or 734-1054. For further information regarding Hollow Brook please call 734-1058. To reserve tee times residents will need to call the Hollow Brook Golf Course – 914-734-1500 2016 Golf Sticker Fee: $12 with a valid Town of Cortlandt ID Card (plus an additional $7 if a Town of Cortlandt ID is needed) Rules for Town of Cortlandt Players 1. Tee Times can be made by phone only. 2. Tee Times can be made five (5) days in advance, after 10:00 a.m. i.e. Friday for Tuesday, Saturday for Wednesday, Sunday for Thursday, Monday for Friday, Wednesday for Saturday and Sunday. 3. Residents must have golf shoes with soft spikes, collared shirts, golf pants or Bermuda shorts – NO JEANS, CUTOFFS, SHORT SHORTS, CARGO PANTS OR SHORTS. 4. Residents may bring one guest at town fees. 5. Residents can only make reservations for themselves and their guest and not another town resident. 6. Residents must show their Town of Cortlandt resident card with a golf sticker. 7. Residents cannot use the driving range or practice areas unless they are playing golf. 8. Additional fees will be charged for food and beverage. 9. Additional fees will be charged for the driving range - $10.00 10. Residents will not be allowed on the tee before their Tee Time and do not have access to the Club House. Town of Cortlandt Purple Heart Veteran’s Memorial (located at Cortlandt Town Hall, 1 Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor, New York) 49 HUDSON HIGHLANDS GATEWAY PARK Sprout Brook Road (Main) • Doris Lee Drive • Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 SCENIC HUDSON YOUR VALLEY, YOUR VOICE, YOUR FUTURE We hope you enjoy visiting Hudson Highlands Gateway Park. This and other significant Hudson Valley landscapes are protected by the Scenic Hudson Land Trust with the support of the Lila Acheson and DeWitt Wallace Fund for the Hudson Highlands, created by the founders of Readers Digest Association, Inc. Scenic Hudson also gratefully acknowledges those who helped make this park a reality; Town of Cortlandt, Westchester County, New York-New Jersey Trail Conference, New York State and many dedicated individuals who donated their time, energy and financial support. Visit other Scenic Hudson Parks nearby: Scenic Hudson Park at Irvington and Habirshaw Park on the Hudson, Yonkers Both in Westchester County. • E-mail: Please call or write to receive a free Adventure Guide to Scenic Hudson’s Parks, Preserves and Trails. Scenic Hudson works to protect and restore the Hudson River and its majestic landscape as an irreplaceable national treasure and a vital resource for residents and visitors. A crusader for the valley since 1963, today they are the largest environmental group focused on the Hudson River Valley. Our team of experts combines land acquisition, support for agriculture, citizen-based advocacy and sophisticated planning tools to create environmentally healthy communities, champion smart economic growth, open up riverfronts to the public and preserve the valley’s inspiring beauty and natural resources. Threatened twice by dense residential development, was protected in 1998 when a coalition of more than 35 groups representing homeowners, the homeowners, the community, government agencies and several environmental organizations united to preserve this 352-acre site. The Coalition to Preserve the Hudson Highlands Gateway raised $6 million to buy the parcel. In May 2000, the Scenic Hudson Land Trust, the Town of Cortlandt and Westchester County purchased the property. A network of trails in the park exposes visitors to woodlands, streams, steep slopes, bedrock outcroppings and meadows, revealing much human and natural history and providing spectacular river views. This park is ecologically significant because it is home to several; noteworthy ecosystems. The site’s upland wetlands are crucial for many frogs and salamanders to survive. Several different snake species use the prominent, east-facing cliffs of the park to warm themselves in the sun. Also the park’s Westchester County location is in one of the country’s three major bird migration corridors. Come spring hundreds of thousands of birds fly over the park where they stop to rest and feed. Since the property was acquired, the Hudson Highlands Gateway Task Force, a group of concerned citizens - has been working with The Scenic Hudson Land Trust, the Town of Cortlandt and New York-New Jersey Trail Conference on issues including park improvements, illegal ATV use and assessing the park’s natural resources. Hudson Highlands Gateway Park is an ideal destination for an afternoon or all-day outing. Recreational activities abound, including hiking, birding, cross-country skiing, fishing and snowshoeing. Located at the southern end of the fabled Hudson Highlands, the park once served as a Revolutionary War lookout and now is open for public enjoyment. Directions Two parking areas are available; one is temporarily shared with Sprout Brook Park, 0.3 miles from the intersection of Sprout Brook Road and Highland Avenue, just past and on the same side as the athletic as the athletic fields. Cross road and enter park through the gap in guardrail. Universally accessible parking area is at the end of Doris Lee Drive (see map). Park on gravel in front of fence. Park Rules & Regulations Please remember: You are not only a visitor but also a steward of the land. For a safe and enjoyable experience please observe the rules: • The park is open dawn to dusk. • Vehicles are permitted only in the designated parking areas. • Stay within the posted property boundaries, and be considerate of other visitors and adjoining property owners. • Keep pets leashed; please clean up after them. • Do not remove or destroy plants, wildlife or artifacts. • Always hike with a friend. The following are prohibited: Motorized vehicles, camping, fires, alcohol, firearms, feeding wildlife, smoking, dumping, swimming, metal detectors, mountain bikes and radios. The preserve offers: Hiking, birding, fishing in Annisville Creek, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing and waterfowl observation. Caution: Deer ticks, which can transmit Lyme disease, are a growing problem. Take precautions and check for ticks after leaving. Description of Trails Hudson Highlands Gateway Park has four trails, totaling more than 4.9 miles that traverse the 352-acre site. There are many meandering, wooded roads where one could easily get lost. Please stay on marked trails. The degree of difficulty for the hiking trails ranges from easy to moderate. Trail users should wear sturdy shoes and beware of loose rocks, holes and slippery surfaces. (Red Trail) Annsville Creek Trail 1 mile approx. 1 hr. This trail starts at Doris Lee Drive and is universally accessible to the Pond Overlook. It travels by Annisville Creek, which contains breeding trout populations. Fishing is allowed. A sensitive wetland area surrounds the creek. (Blue Trail) Upland Trail 2 miles A steep ascent through a meadow and mixed woods forest brings visitors to a terrific view of the Hudson River. The remainder of the trail encompasses rolling terrain that passes by many historic stonewalls. (Yellow Trail) Hudson Overlook Spur 0.6 miles Distinguished by its scenic overlook, this trail also crosses a small stream that is the outlet for a large wetland upslope. (White Trail) Vernal Pool Trail 1.6 miles Beginning from the northernmost point of the Upland Trail, this trail works its way up and along a ridgeline. As it descends it passes by a large vernal pool, through a wetland and contains a number of steep slopes. Be cautions of wet surfaces. The trail finishes along an old woods road and rejoins the Upland Trail. Operating Hours: Open year-round, from dawn to dusk. 50 STEVEN HEBERT MEMORIAL SKATE PARK OSCAWANA ISLAND BOAT LAUNCH Muriel H. Morabito Community Center West Brook Drive, Cortlandt Manor, N.Y. Oscawana boat launch is located on Cortlandt Street in Crugers. A launching area for kayak’s and canoes; hiking trails that lead out to the Hudson River. It was dedicated on October 4, 2004 by Cortlandt Town Supervisor and Town Board. HOURS OF OPERATION: The following hours are weather permitting. Rain, snow, or temperatures below 35º will cause the park to close. TENNIS COURTS Monday – Sunday 10:00 a.m. – dusk - Skate Park may be closed for repairs or maintenance – signs will be posted Nets will be up on or about SATURDAY, MARCH 13 at the following locations: WINTER /SPRING –PARK CLOSED MID-DECEMBER TO MID-MARCH Charles J. Cook Park Courts Lake Street Tennis Courts Walter Panas H.S. Courts Cortlandt Community Recreation Area PLEASE NOTE: The Park is no longer supervised. Please follow all posted rules and skate at your own risk. 2 Courts 6 Courts 6 Courts 1 Court No Trespassing after park hours HISTORIC TOLL HOUSE Toll House is located on Bear Mt. Road, Cortlandt Manor, NY Toll House was dedicated on September 22, 2002 and is a visitor center with information about the Hudson Valley. It is opened seasonally from May to November. 51 TEEN ACTIVITIES Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Drive, Croton 10520 736-0498 Where you can enjoy our rock climbing wall, cooking/baking classes, learning lab, arts & crafts room, video game room and enjoy watching your favorite show/ sporting event on our 52' flat screen television. The Town of Cortlandt Youth Center Director, Katherine Sclafani and Assistant Director, Offutt Porter, are available to all young people in our town for conversation, information and referral. (914) 736-0498 or email: katherines@ or Cortlandt Recreation is committed to providing a variety of programs that are social, educational and fun for TEENS of all ages. All Cortlandt youth aged 11-18 (11 years only if you graduated from the fifth grade) are invited to stop by and check it out. HOLIDAY RECESS SCHEDULE FOR THE YOUTH CENTER YOUTH CENTER REGULAR HOURS Monday- Thursday 3:00- 8:30 pm (ages 11-18) Friday 3:00-11:00 pm (ages 11-18) Saturday 1:00-11:00 pm (ages 11-18) Sunday 1:00-5:00 pm (Ages 7-10 only) Friday, January 1 Closed Monday, January 18 1:00-8:30 pm February 15-19 March 24, 25, 28 April 22, 25, 26 1:00-8:30 pm (Friday open until 11:00) 1:00-8:30 pm (Friday open until 11:00) 1:00-8:30 pm (Friday open until 11:00) Friday, May 27 1:00-11:00pm Monday, May 30 Closed DROP IN PROGRAM - Ages 11-18 Drop in activities include Cable TV, ping pong, games, arts & crafts center, weight and exercise room (Supervised), outside basketball, pool tables, rock climbing and many more special programs. Location: Cortlandt Youth Center, 3 Memorial Drive, Croton Day & Time: Monday thru Thursday - 3:00 p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Friday - 3:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Saturday - 1:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. Sunday - 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Ages 7-10 only w/parent supervision) Fee: Free Cortlandt Community Coalition Help us keep our Community Safe, Healthy and drug free. Colleen Anderson, Coalition Coordinator Call 914-734-1052 for more information 52 YOUTH CENTER PROGRAMS ***YOUTH PROGRAMS AT THE MORABITO COMMUNITY CENTER*** ***YOUTH PROGRAMS AT HENDRICK HUDSON HIGH SCHOOL*** CANTEEN (Ages 11-18) Activities include open gym, basketball Location: Murial H. Morabito Community Center 29 Westbrook Drive, Cortlandt Manor Day/Time: Tuesday – 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Day/Time: Wednesday – 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Day/Time: Friday – 8:00 p.m. – 10:30 p.m. Fee:Free OPEN GYM Hendrick Hudson School District Residents Only (ages 11-18). Come and join us for some free play basketball! Location: Hendrick Hudson High School Gymnasium Day: Mondays – Ending June 13th (No Program when school is closed.) 7:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Time: Fee:Free ***PROGRAMS AT THE YOUTH CENTER*** Open to Croton, Lakeland, Hendrick Hudson High School Students. ***Middle School Students and their Parents/Guardians must sign a Code of Conduct Agreement in order to participate in this program. DJ NIGHTS Stop in and enjoy some music, dancing and contests with your friends. Donate a canned good item for the V.A. Hospital and be entered to win a themed gift basket! Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Date: Friday, January 15th - New Year, New You, Wear your neon! Saturday, January 30th - Snowflake Social, Wear your white & blue Saturday, February 13th - Valentines’ Soiree, Wear your reds and pinks! Friday, March 18th - Irish Jig Wear your green! Friday, April 1st “Fool’s” Dance - Wear your glow in the dark clothing and accessories! Saturday, April 16th – Rep. Your Team Nite, Wear your favorite team apparel! Friday, May 20th – It’s Spring, Do Ya Thang, Wear your pastels! Time: 7:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m. Fee:Free All new participants must show proof of residency to utilize this program. Call 736-0498 for more information. ***TEEN PROGRAMS AT THE C.U.E.*** THE TOWN OF CORTLANDT UPPER TEEN ENTERTAINMENT CENTER (High School Students) The C.U.E. is a free recreation program offered to ALL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS who attend Croton, Hendrick Hudson, and Lakeland schools, or a high school student who is a town resident. This program offers a SAFE, SUPERVISED environment for your children who can enjoy a myriad of activities while waiting to be picked up from the Town Center. Join us on Friday and Saturday evenings at the Town Center. Hang out with your friends, or enjoy playing pool, ping-pong, air hockey, foosball, and many other games. Satellite TV and refreshments. Location: Cortlandt Town Center (In the rear of the building by the movie theater) Day: Friday and Saturday Evenings Time: 7:30 p.m. – 11:30 p.m. Fee:Free MEAL DEAL MONDAYS Hungry? Like a good deal? Love Pizza? Then join us every Monday night for a pizza party. Participants must pre-register by 4:30 p.m. Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Days: Mondays, Starting Date: January 18 through May 23 Time: 6:00 p.m. (pre-registration required by 4:30 p.m.) Fee: $2.00 for 2 slices each WHERE ARE YOU COMING F.R.O.M. (Freedom Raising Open Mic) Not just an Open Mic, rather a stage for you to healthfully express yourself. All forms of expression are allowed within respectful reason. Bring your talent, your skill, but most of all be a teen taking a stand for yourself, NO JUDGEMENT!!! If you have the courage to get up on stage, this moment will be celebrated by your peers, WITH RESPECT! Everyone gets a chance to be heard, seen or just BE themselves. You must pre-register by Thursday before date of performance. Call 7360498 and leave your contact information. Calling all:Dancers, Sculptors, Singers, Fashion Designers, Poets, Painters, Musicians, Marital Artists, Comedians, Woodworkers, etc. Location: C.U.E. 3131 E. Main Street (Cortlandt Town Center), Mohegan Lake Days: Fridays Dates: January 22nd February 19th March 18th April 29th May 20th Time: 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Fee: Free MR. SOFTEE VISITS THE YOUTH CENTER Youth will have the opportunity to enjoy a cold treat and buy ice cream from the Mr. Softee Ice Cream Truck. Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center, 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Day: Fridays Dates: April 8th through May 27th Time: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Fee: Prices vary ROCK CLIMBING NIGHTS Can you make it to the top? Stop by the youth center and try our rock climbing wall to see if you have what it takes! Certified Adult Supervision will be present at ALL times. Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Dates & Tuesday - 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Times: Wednesday - 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Thursday - 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Saturday - 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. Sunday - 2:00 p.m.- 4:00 p.m. (ages 7-10) *Pre-registration is required! Call Youth & Recreation Center at 736-0498 by Thursday* 53 New Year, New You, New Youth Center!!! New Code of Conduct & Registration Application for Youth Center Participants. All participants will be required to re-register in order to utilize the facility. The forms listed below can be found on pages 77- 83 1. Youth Center Registration Form 2. Town of Cortlandt Youth Center Code of Conduct Contract 3. Rock Wall Waiver Once completed by both the youth and their parent(s) the form can be dropped off at the Youth Center, emailed to Katherine at or mailed to: Town of Cortlandt Recreation – Youth Center 1 Heady Street, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 Thank you The Youth & Recreation Center is having an Open House on Saturday and Sunday, January 30 & 31 from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m. Come meet the new Youth Center Director, amazing staff, see the improvements made to the Youth Center and check out what the Youth Center has to offer in 2016!!! Learn about upcoming programs and events and help fill the suggestion box with program, trip and services ideas. Already a regular and think you know the center and staff well? Think again! Join us at 3:30 p.m. for an UNFORGETTABLE 5 STAR PERFORMANCE!!! Refreshments will be served. 54 3 POINT BASKETBALL SHOOT OUT DODGE BALL TOURNAMENT Let’s shoot some hoops!!! Make your best shots or craziest shots to win a prize! Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Days: Tuesday, April 26th Wednesday, April 27th Thursday, April 28th Time: 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. Fee:Free Youth will be put into teams for friendly competitive games of dodge ball. Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Days: Tuesday, April 5th Wednesday, April 6th Thursday, April 7th Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fee: Free EARTH DAY CELEBRATION This land is YOUR land. This center is YOUR center. Come and give back to the building you spend so much of YOUR time at and assist in the outside beautification for spring. Dress to get dirty. Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Day: Friday, April 22 nd Time: 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Fee: Free ***NEW***BOARD GAME FRIEND-ZZY! Gather your friends and head on over to the Youth Center for an evening of games, laughter and prizes. Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Days: Friday, February 19th Time: 7:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m. Fee: Free or Thursday, March 24th Days: Time: 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Fee:Free HOMEMADE FROM THE HEART Come join us to make some Valentine’s Day crafts and cards. Perfect opportunity to make something to give to the ones you love! Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center, 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Day:Tuesday Date: February 9th Time: 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Fee:Free ***NEW*** CAN JAM MADNESS Youth will be put into teams for a friendly competitive game of Can Jam. Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Days: Tuesday, April 19th Wednesday, April 20th Thursday, April 21st Time: 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Fee:Free KARAOKE NIGHT Are you the next “American Idol”? Or maybe you are “The Voice”? Come let your inner rock star shine!!! Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Days: Friday, March 5th Friday, May 27th 5:00 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Time: Fee:Free ***NEW*** CHALK MAKING Gather your friends and head on over to the Youth Center to learn how to make chalk of various styles and colors, including glow-in-the-dark. Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Days: Thursday, February 18th Time: 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Fee:Free ***NEW*** KICKBALL KRAZE Youth will be put into teams for a friendly competitive game of kickball. Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Days: Tuesday, April 12th Wednesday, April 13th Thursday, April 14th Time: 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Fee:Free COOKING WITH FRIENDS What dish do you prepare well? Are you willing to share your sumptuous sensation with friends? Then we have a kitchen ready for you to “get your chef on” along with friends ready to taste it. *Advanced registration required, along with recipe approval one week in advance. Participants are responsible for bringing the ingredients for their dish. Please call the Youth Center to register, 736-0498. Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Days: Saturdays Dates: February 6th *Participants bring their ingredients May 14th Time: 2:00 p.m. - Cooking 5:00 p..m. - Tasting Free: Free LOOM DAY Are you obsessed with everything Rainbow Loom? Do you love learning how to make new designs and patterns? Maybe you are a beginner and want to learn what it is all about. Come loom with us…you can create anything from fabulous bracelets to adorable accessories. Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Days: Saturday, March 12th Time: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Fee: $5.00 (includes all materials) ****Pre registration is required- sign-up at the Youth Center or call 914 736-0498.**** DAZZLING DIVA SPA DAY Ladies, come and enjoy an afternoon of self-pampering, glitz and glamour. Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Days: Tuesday, February 16th Friday, March 25th Tuesday, April 26th Time: 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m. Free Fee: 55 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT COURSES ***NEW*** TRIPLE M: MOVIE MADNESS MARATHON It’s cold out there and what’s better to do on a cold winter’s eve than watch a marathon of your favorite movies? Join us for an evening of movies, laughter and treats! Dinner and popcorn will be provided. Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Days:Saturdays Dates: January 9th – Chick Flicks February 20th - Comedies ***Pre-registration required! March 26th - Action Call Youth Center @ April 9th - Fantasy 736-0498 by Thursday Time: 4:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Fee:$5 AMERICAN RED CROSS – BABYSITTING SKILLS COURSE (Ages 11-14) Nicole Chiarella, Instructor Students will become fully prepared to baby-sit. Instruction includes responsibilities of the sitter, handling emergencies, simple first aid, feeding, diapering, bedtime and playing. All youngsters will receive a certificate of competition. This program is also suitable for children who may not be quite ready to baby-sit, but who want to be left alone. Please bring a baby-sized doll and a lunch. Course Number: 615-1S – Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Youth Center, 3 Memorial Drive, Croton Day: Saturday, April 2nd Time: 9:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. Fee: $75 with ID/$85 without ID Fee includes cost of all materials ***Pre-registration is necessary - please use course number when registering & Pre-School / Youth Registration form in back of brochure. WHERE ARE YOU COMING F.R.O.M. (Freedom Raising Open Mic) Not just an Open Mic, rather a stage for you to healthfully express yourself. All forms of expression are allowed within respectful reason. Bring your talent, your skill, but most of all be a teen taking a stand for yourself, NO JUDGEMENT!!! If you have the courage to get up on stage, this moment will be celebrated by your peers, WITH RESPECT! Everyone gets a chance to be heard, seen or just BE themselves. Calling all: Dancers, Sculptors, Singers, Fashion Designers, Poets, Painters, Musicians, Martial Artists, Comedians, Woodworkers, etc. Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Days: Wednesdays Dates: January 6th & 20th February 3rd & 17th March 2nd & 16th April 13th & 27th May 11th & 25th Time: 6:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Fee:Free ***Pre-registration is required! Call Youth & Recreation Center @ 736-0498 by Tuesday*** YOUTH CPR AND FIRST AID CERTIFICATION (Ages 10-17) Nicole Chiarella, Instructor Course Number:616-1W – Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Youth Center, 3 Memorial Drive, Croton Day: Saturday, February 27th Time: 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Fee: $75 with ID/$85 without ID ***Pre-registration is necessary - please use course number when registering & Pre-School / Youth Registration form in back of brochure. ***NEW*** DIGITAL PHOTO BOOK Is your phone full of pictures of you with your friends, family and pets? Want to create a keepsake item of these precious memories? Then this is a class for you. Join us in the Learning Lab to design your personalized photo book. Maybe give it to your BFF as a birthday gift or to your mom for Mother’s Day! Participants must sign-up for the entire eight week session to complete their book. Course Number:617-1W – Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Days:Tuesdays Dates: March 1st – April 19th (8 sessions) 5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. Time: Fee: $65 with ID/$70 without ID includes photobook, shipping and light snacks ***Pre-registration is necessary - please use course number when registering & Pre-School / Youth Registration form in back of brochure. OVER, UNDER, AROUND – OBSTACLE COURSE 10 Obstacles, challenges and endless FUN!!! Prizes for fastest time. Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Days:Saturdays Dates: April 16th May 21st Time: 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Fee:Free ***NEW*** VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT Youth will be put into teams for a friendly competitive game of volleyball. Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Days: Tuesday, May 3rd Wednesday, May 4th Thursday, May 5th Time: 4:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m. Fee:Free ***NEW*** EXPRESSIVE PEN Tap into your inner author and come enjoy a weekly writing class. This class will offer fun writing exercises to help get your creative juices flowing. Free expression, no judgement. Last two classes type up your favorite pieces and create a portfolio. Fee includes writing materials and light snacks. Course Number:618-1W – Please use number when registering Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Days:Thursdays Dates: January 14th – March 31st (12 sessions) Time: 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Fee: $20 with ID/$25 without ID ***Pre-registration is necessary - please use course number when registering & Pre-School / Youth Registration form in back of brochure. YOUTH CENTER TRIPS A NIGHT OF BASEBALL RIVALRIES Are you a NY Yankee fan OR a Boston Red Sox fan? Here’s your chance to see the teams battle it out. Meet us at the youth center as we travel via Metro North to Yankee Stadium. Fee covers ticket only. Youth must bring money to cover cost of train travel and any food/gift at stadium. Permission slip is required. ***Pre-registration is required*** Course Number: 606-1S – Please use number when registering Location: Yankee Stadium (departs and arrives at Metro North Cortlandt on Memorial Drive) Day: Saturday, May 7 Time: TBD (evening game) Fee: $30 per ticket Use Pre-School/Youth application in back of this brochure and mail with permission slip found on page 85. 56 February Break March Break Monday, 15th Meal Deal Mondays, 6 p.m. Join us for a pizza party, fee $2 for 2 slices. Registration required by 4:30 p.m. Thursday, 24th Board Game Friend-zzy! 2 – 4 p.m. Grab your friends and head down to the YC for an afternoon of fun, laughter and prizes. Tuesday, 16th Dazzling Diva Spa Day, 2 - 4 p.m. Join us for an afternoon of pampering! Friday, 25th Dazzling Diva Spa Day, 2 - 4 p.m. Join us for an afternoon of pampering! Wednesday, 17th Weight Training 5 – 6 p.m. Learn techniques to strengthen and tone your body! Saturday, 26th Triple M: Movie Madness Marathon 4 – 10 p.m. Gather for a marathon of your favorite Action movies. Snacks and dinner will be served. $5 fee, registration required by Thursday for dinner. Call 914-736-0498. Open Mic 6:30 – 8 p.m. All forms of expression welcome and encouraged, NO JUDGEMENT! Thursday, 18th Chalk Making, 2 – 4 p.m. Learn how to make chalk of various textures and colors including glow-in-the-dark! April Break Friday, 22nd Earth Day Celebration 1 – 4 p.m. Join the YC staff in the outside beautification of the Youth Center. Friday, 19th Weight Training 5 – 6 p.m. Learn techniques to strengthen and tone your body! Saturday, 23rd Home Alone Course 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. Learn important information and skills to keep you safe when you are home alone. Board Game Friend-zzy! 7:30 – 9:30 p.m. Grab your friends and head down to the YC for a night of fun, laughter and prizes. Monday, 25th Meal Deal Mondays Join us for a pizza party, fee $2 for 2 slices. Registration required by 4:30 p.m. Tuesday, 26th 3 Point Shoot Out Make your best and/or craziest shoots to win a prize. Saturday, 20th Triple M: Movie Madness Marathon 4 – 10 p.m. Gather for a marathon of your favorite Comedy movies. Snacks and dinner will be served. $5 fee, registration required by Thursday for dinner. Call 914-736-0498. Dazzling Diva Spa Day, 2 - 4 p.m. Join us for an afternoon of pampering! 57 Mission: To work together, move forward, make a difference and have FUN. A.S.A.P. Leaders’ Code Lead with positivity Focus on the solution Always include others Commitment before ego Respect the House Always leave any space better than when you entered Have FUN, not at the expense of others A.S.A.P. Club Benefits Have a say in planning events and activities at the Youth Center Feel good about making a difference Discounts on any fee based activities Community Service hours for school or religious needs Food passes for Family Fun Day Letters of recommendation Have Fun A.S.A.P. Meeting Dates Fridays, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. January 8 January 22 February 12 February 26 March 11 March 25 April 8 April 22 May 13 May 27 For an application and more information contact Offutt at 736-0498 or 58 Personal Development Course Con't. 5th GRADE FUN CLUB HOME ALONE (Ages 10-14) Katherine Sclafani, Instructor This program will provide each child with the essentials needed when they are home without adult supervision. Discussion will cover first aid, telephone and door answering, activity plans, encountering emergencies and more! Advance registration required, call the Youth Center at 736-0498. Location: Cortlandt Youth Center, 3 Memorial Drive, Croton Day: Saturday, April 23rd Time: 3:30 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Fee: Free – Advanced registration required The fifth grade fun club program allows participants to be in a safe, structured environment after school while challenging themselves with a variety of games, activities and special projects. During this time, these children get acclimated as to what the Town of Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center has to offer. A BBQ marks the end of fun club for these participants and are then able to come to the center and enjoy all of our programs on a daily basis. Participants are bussed on the days listed below from their school by Henderick Hudson School District to the Youth Center. It is the Parents responsibility to pick the child at 5:00 p.m. *Check out the registration form in the brochure on the page 75 · This program is free and offers indoor game tables such as foosball, ping pong, air hockey and pool tables as well as a Wii gaming station, 52” TV, homework room (with help if needed), art room and outdoor activities. · Once your child is registered, it does not mean they have to come every single week. If a child can not make it for any reason, they are still welcome for the remainder of the weeks. · If your child is to carpool or be picked up other than a parent or a guardian, please call 736-0498 or send in a note. · On Friday, May 6th there will be a BBQ for BV, FGL & FWS. After this event, students will be able to participate in our regularly scheduled programming. · If your child has any allergies or individual concerns, please contact Katherine at 736-0498. · There are vending machines for snacks and drinks. The machines take one dollar bills and coins. The staff does not have change. · Your child may bring a snack to Fun Club. · The Youth Center is NOT RESPONSIBLE for any personal belongings brought to the center or left at the center during program. Location: Cortlandt Youth Center, 3 Memorial Drive, Croton Tuesdays - Furnace Woods School Day: Wednesdays - Frank G. Lindsey Thursdays - Buchanan Verplanck Dates: February 2nd – May 5th Time: School Dismissal - 5:00 p.m. Fee: Free **Application can be found in back of this brochure on page 75. MAKING DECISIONS Katherine Sclafani, Instructor As you get older, you will need to make more and more decisions on your own. Some decisions may be difficult; you will need to be aware of the people or things around you that can influence your decisions. Come join us to learn a strategic method that will help you make the best possible decisions. Pre-registration required. Free pizza for all participants. Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Drive, Croton Monday, March 14 Date: Time:5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Fee:Free *Must register in advance by calling the Youth Center at 736-0498* WEIGHT TRAINING The goal of the weight room is to provide safe, effective physical activity to help get kids moving today. Participants can work on weight loss, toning up, muscle building, and increasing endurance. All weight trainings will be done under adult supervision. Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Days: Every Wednesday & Alternating Mondays & Fridays January 4th – May 23rd Dates: Time: 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. Fee:Free WELCOME ABOARD LUAU For the 5th grade graduates only!!!! Cortlandt Youth Center will host a special LUAU themed BBQ for fifth grade graduates to familiarize them with our Youth Center and numerous fun filled programs. Location: Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center, 3 Memorial Dr., Croton Day: Friday, May 6th Time: 6:30 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Fee:Free Using strength based programs, participants will learn how to increase their wellness and demonstrate positive behaviors when it comes to physical activity, sports participation, positive images and increase personal goal setting to enhance healthy habits and positive self-identity in youth. Visit or call the Youth Center for more information, 736-0498. 59 Are you looking for a location to hold a meeting or work on a project? The Cortlandt Youth Center Invites you to utilize our facility! Avaiable Monday – Thursday from 5 p.m. – 8 p.m. Saturday and Sunday from 1:30 p.m. – 5 p.m. For more information contact Katherine at 736-0498 or 60 The Youth Center is available to rent on Saturdays and Sundays from 1:30 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. for children ages 7 and older. Host up to 20 of your child’s friends, where they can play ping pong, air hockey, pool, foosball and climb the rock wall while enjoying cake and presents too! For more information contact Katherine at 736-04 98 or 61 YOUTH EMPLOYMENT NOR WEST REGIONAL RECREATION SERVICES PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT – YEAR ROUND Nor-West offers employment to students ages 16 and up, working with children and adults, Good working experience for persons interested in working in the Human Services or Special Education fields. Make you own work schedule, flexible hours. Call NorWest for an application 737-4797. YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Marie Zavaglia, Coordinator/ Joyce Lettis, Asst. Coordinator EMPLOYERS: Youth Employment Service has capable young people residing in the Town of Cortlandt, looking for work. If you have any openings, either around home or in your business, remember Y.E.S. HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS: Looking for work, register with Y.E.S. HENDRICK HUDSON H.S.: Y.E.S. 275-5881 – located in the library entrance. YOUTH CENTER JOB BOARD: CHECK FOR JOB LISTINGS A 24-hour answering service is being maintained at Hendrick Hudson High School for both Hendrick Hudson and Walter Panas High School students at 275-5881. Call anytime and leave your name and telephone number and your call will be returned. YOUTH EMPLOYMENT SERVICE Mail-in Registration Form to 1 Heady St., Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone:______________________________________________________________________________________________ Parents Name:_______________________________________________________________________________________ Types of jobs that you are interested in doing (example: Babysitting, pet sitting, yard work, snow shoveling, etc.). ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ I am the parent/guardian of the above named person and hereby give the Cortlandt Parks and Recreation Department permission to place my child on the Youth Employment Referral list. In so doing, I hereby release and waive the Cortlandt Parks and Recreation Department, the Town of Cortlandt from any liability for injury or damage to person or property that my arise from my child’s name being placed on this list. I understand that it is a referral list; open to the public and that it is my/my child’s responsibility to negotiate terms and conditions for employment _______________________________________________________ Signature (of Parent/Guardian applicant under 18) 62 ______________________ Date 63 64 ADULT PROGRAMS ACTIVITY REGISTRATION r Please check box if new address COMPUTER REGISTRATION — PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY • PLEASE NOTE: APPLICATION MUST BE COMPLETELY FILLED IN ADULT NAME LAST FIRST ADDRESS CITY STATE PHONE WORK HOME NUMBERS ( ) ( ) E-MAIL ADDRESS: COURSE PARTICIPANT'S NAME NUMBER LAST FIRST ZIP CODE ( SEX CELL ) I.D. NUMBER D.O.B. NON-RESIDENTS: Add 20% Sur-Charge to Higher rate for all programs registered for. Non-Residents are only accepted to fill up programs 1 week prior to start of program. SEPARATE CHECKS FOR ALL PROGRAMS. THE TOWN DOES NOT PROVIDE ACCIDENT INSURANCE TOTAL $ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Receipt # ___________________________ Deposited___________________________ Date _______________________________ MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO and MAIL TO: TOWN OF CORTLANDT DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION & CONSERVATION 1 HEADY STREET CORTLANDT MANOR, NEW YORK 10567-1254 r Please check box if new address TOTAL FEE ACTIVITY NAME PRE-SCHOOL AND YOUTH ACTIVITY REGISTRATION COMPUTER REGISTRATION — PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY • PLEASE NOTE: APPLICATION MUST BE COMPLETELY FILLED IN ADULT NAME FIRST LAST ADDRESS CITY STATE PHONE WORK NUMBERS ( ) E-MAIL ADDRESS: COURSE NUMBER LAST ( HOME PARTICIPANT'S NAME FIRST ) ZIP CODE ( GRADE SEX CELL ) D.O.B. I.D. NUMBER NON-RESIDENTS: Add 20% Sur-Charge to Higher rate for all programs registered for. Non-Residents are only accepted to fill up programs 1 week prior to start of program. SEPARATE CHECKS FOR ALL PROGRAMS. THE TOWN DOES NOT PROVIDE ACCIDENT INSURANCE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO and MAIL TO: TOWN OF CORTLANDT DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION & CONSERVATION 1 HEADY STREET CORTLANDT MANOR, NEW YORK 10567-1254 65 TOTAL FEE ACTIVITY NAME TOTAL $ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Receipt #____________________________ Deposited___________________________ Date _______________________________ 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center 3 Memorial Drive, Croton The 5th Grade Fun Club runs February 2nd – May 5th. Time: After school – 5:00 p.m. Participants will be bussed from their school to the Youth Center. Tuesdays: Furnace Woods Wednesday: Frank G. Lindsey Thursdays: Buchanan Verplank Pre-registration is required. Please complete the permission slip below and return it to your child’s school by Friday, January 29th. Each day of participation your child must bring a note to class to confirm his/her attendance. If a participant becomes disruptive for any length of time they will be asked to leave. All parents/guardians must be readily available during program hours for prompt pick-up. For more information please contact Katherine at 736-0498. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th Grade Fun Club Permission Slip; Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center (Must be completed for each participant and submitted by Friday, January 29th.) I give permission for __________________________________________ my son/daughter, to take the bus from ______________________________ Elementary School to the Youth & Recreation Center for the 5th Grade Fun Club. I UNDERSTAND I MUST PROVIDE TRANSPORTATION FOR PICK-UP AT 5:00 P.M. Please see attached Youth Center Code of Conduct and Rock Wall Waiver. ___________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature _______________ Date _____________________________ Parent/Guardian Printed Name ______________________ Cell Phone ______________________ Home Phone _____________________________ Emergency Contact Name ______________________ Cell Phone ______________________ Home Phone (Emergency Contact must be able to pick-up your child if you are running more than 10 minutes late). 75 76 THE TOWN OF CORTLANDT YOUTH AND RECREATION CENTER 3 MEMORIAL DRIVE, CROTON-ON-HUDSON 914-736-0498 I hereby acknowledge and accept and agree that the sport of rock climbing and the use of the Climbing Wall involve inherent risks. I received full information regarding the Climbing Wall and The Town of Cortlandt Youth and Recreation Center and had the opportunity to ask any questions that I wished. I have examined the Climbing Wall and have full knowledge of the nature and extent of all the risks associated with rock climbing and the use of the Climbing Wall, including, but not limited to: a. All manner of injury resulting from my falling off or from the Climbing Wall and hitting the floor, wall faces, people or rope projections, whether permanently or temporarily in place; b. Rope abrasion, entanglement and other injuries resulting from activities on or near the Climbing Wall, including, but not limited to, climbing, belaying, rappelling, lowering on ropes, rescue systems, and any other rope techniques; c. Injuries resulting from the actions or omissions of others including, but not limited to, falling climbers or dropped items, such as, but not limited to, ropes, climbing hardware, wall parts or personal effects; d. Cuts and abrasions resulting from skin contact with the Climbing Wall or any other surface; e. Failure or misuse of ropes, slings, harnesses, climbing holds, anchor points, or any part of the Climbing Wall; f. Failure to follow The Town of Cortlandt’s employee's instructions or failure to ask for information or assistance. I further acknowledge that the above list is not inclusive of all possible risks associated with the use of the Climbing Wall and I agree that such list in no way limits the extent or reach of this Assumption of Risk, Release and Indemnification. If I see or hear anything that I feel is questionable or dangerous, it is my responsibility to ask or inform The Town of Cortlandt employees until corrected or satisfactorily answered. I also agree to release and discharge The Town of Cortlandt and all of its employees, or other entities that might have any liability to me (the “Released Parties”), from and against any and all damages, actions, claims and liabilities, whether known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, suspected or unsuspected, relating to or arising from any activity, occurrence, or event involving the Facility or The Town of Cortlandt. This Release is intended to release and discharge the Released Parties from all damages, actions, claims and liabilities of any nature, specifically including, but not limited to, damages, actions, claims and liabilities arising from or related to the negligence of the Released Parties. I further agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and defend The Town of Cortlandt from and against any loss, damage, liability and expense, including costs and attorneys’ fees, incurred by The Town of Cortlandt as a result of my using the Facility or participating in any activity sponsored by or involving The Town of Cortlandt. The laws of the State of New York shall govern the rights and obligations of the parties to this Release and the interpretation, construction, and enforceability thereof. I agree that any lawsuit brought against any Released Parties shall be brought solely in the New York State Supreme Court. I HEREBY VOLUNTARILY WAIVE ANY RIGHT I MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY IN ANY ACTION, PROCEEDING, OR LITIGATION INVOLVING ANY RELEASED PARTY. THIS RELEASE IS A BINDING LEGAL CONTRACT. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING. **Can obtain a copy of this waiver at the Cortlandt Youth & Recreation Center** 77 *Please print all of the required information legibly* Today's Date_____________ Participant name (please print) _________________________________________ Date of Birth_________________ Street Address__________________________________ City_________________________ Home Telephone Number________________________________ Work Telephone Number_________________________________ Email Address (optional)_________________________________ Signature of Participant __________________________________ TO BE SIGNED IF PARTICIPANT IS A MINOR I represent that I am the parent or legal guardian of the above named individual and hereby consent to the individual using the Facility and participating in other activities sponsored by The Town of Cortlandt. In consideration for The Towns allowing the above named individual to use the Facility and participate in the other activities, I agree, personally and on behalf of the individual, to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Release. I further agree to indemnify, hold harmless and defend The town of Cortlandt from and against any loss, damage, liability and expense, including costs and attorneys’ fees, incurred by The Town of Cortlandt as a result of the above named individual using the Facility or participating in any other activity involving The Town of Cortlandt. THIS RELEASE IS A BINDING LEGAL CONTRACT, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING. *Please print all of the required information legibly* Date___________________ Printed name of Parent or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian ____________________________________________________________ Home Telephone Number____________________________________ Work / Cell Telephone Number_______________________________ Signature of Parent or Court-Appointed Legal Guardian __________________________________________________________ 78 TOWN OF CORTLANDT YOUTH & RECREATION CENTER CODE OF CONDUCT CONTRACT 2016 79 2 80 81 82 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 83 84 Town of Cortlandt Youth Center 2016 Field Trip Permission Slip (one permission slip per child per trip is needed) Child’s Last Name: _________________________Child’s First Name: ________________________ Child’s Date of Birth: ________________________ Mother’s Name and Phone Number: ______________________________________________ Father’s Name and Phone Number: _______________________________________________ Home Address: ________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ E-mail: _______________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact (other than parent):___________________________________________ Emergency Contact Phone Number: ______________________________________________ Allergies (list): ________________________________________________________________ Field Trip: I give permission, in case of injury, to take my child to a hospital for treatment, to include evaluation of injuries, x-rays, and needed care. My signature below also gives permission for my child to participate in the above circled field trip. I understand that my child will accompany the Town of Cortlandt Department of Recreation and Conservation and its Youth Center employees on this trip. Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________________ Date: _________________ **The Town does not provide accident insurance. 85 86 CORTLANDT DOG PARK REGISTRATION MAIL TO: TOWN OF CORTLANDT DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION & CONSERVATION 1 Heady Street Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 NAME OF DOG OWNER: ____________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ________________________________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE #:_____________________________WORK NUMBER/CELL NUMBER: ___________________ E-MAIL ADDRESS:__________________________________________________________________________ NAME OF DOG(S):__________________________________________________________________________ DATE OF VACCINATION EXPIRATION(S):_______________________________________________________ DOG LICENSE #:___________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Owner’s Signature (print and sign) Date 87 88 89 TOWN OF CORTLANDT DEPARTMENT OF RECREATION AND CONSERVATION “EMPLOYMENT APPLICATION - Please Fill in Completely 90 Poo 11 Frank G. Lindsey Elementary School 12 Furnace Dock Lake 13 Furnace Woods Elementary School 14 George Washington Elementary School 15 Hendrick Hudson High School 16 Hudson Highlands Gateway Park 17 Lake Meahagh Park 18 Lake Street Tennis Courts 19 Lents Cove Park 20 Letteri Field 21 Lincoln Titus Elementary School 22 Lynwood Gardens Field 23 Muriel H. Morabito Community Center 24 Old Pond Park 25 Old Toddville School Little League Field 26 Oscawana Island Nature Preserve 27 Roller Hockey Rink 28 Sprout Brook Ball Fields and Soccer Field 29 Sprout Brook Park 30 St. Columbanus Little League Field 31 Steamboat Park 32 Steven H. Hebert Memorial Skate Park 33 Sunset Park and Playground 34 Tommy Thurber Playground 35 Van Cortlandtville Elementary School 36 Verplanck Schoolhouse Community Center 37 Walter Panas High School 38 Westchester County Sportsman Center SEE MAP ON BACK COVER rts Cou 10 F.D.R. VA Hospital nis 9 Croton Municipal Building Ten 8 Cortlandt Youth and Recreation Center nter n Ce itize Sr. C ing 7 Cortlandt Waterfront Park Wall 6 Cortlandt Town Hall lad er B Roll 5 Cortlandt Town Center Community Room (C.U.E.) g mbin k Cli Roc 4 Cortlandt Community Recreation Area ge Ran Rifle 3 Charles J. Cook Recreation Center nd 2 Buchanan Verplanck Elementary School er umm or S 1 Blue Mountain Middle School om s t Ro Res utdo l-O rea ic A ms grou Play Picn Roo Pits rails re T Natu ting Mee oe sesh Hor ills g Gr rts Park Dog kin Coo Cou h un c t La Boa s Field Ball LOCATION GUIDE all ketb Bas FACILITIES USED BY THE PRC RECREATION SITES Town of Cortlandt, New York