Funeral Home - Church of the Holy Spirit
Funeral Home - Church of the Holy Spirit
Church of the Holy Spirit 1969 Crompond Road, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 OUR PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Holy Spirit is a Eucharistic Community, formed by and in the Holy Spirit, to enable our Community to come closer to God and to each other. Rev. John A. DeBellis Pastor MASS Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00noon Weekdays (Monday - Friday): 9:00am PENANCE Saturday: 4:00 - 4:30pm, Other times on request. BAPTISM Baptisms are scheduled for 1:30pm on specific Sundays. Catechesis for parents is required. Please call the Parish Office to register for Catechesis. Baptisms may only be scheduled after attending Catechesis. MARRIAGE You must meet with a priest at least one year beforehand to schedule the date and time of your wedding. The wedding date is finalized only by meeting with the priest. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Those who are sick, homebound, or in the hospital are a vital part of our Parish family. Please call the Parish Office to arrange for the reception of the Eucharist and Anointing of the Sick. Rev. Vernon Wickrematunge Parochial Vicar Rev. Karl Lindblad In-Residence Rev. Francis Amodio, O. Carm. Weekend Associate Deacon Ray Parchen Parish Office: 737-2316 Fax: 737-6882 Mrs. Kathy Parish Parish Secretary Mrs. Susan Cacciottoli Parish Secretary Mrs. Joan Rojas Music Director Religious Education: 734-9243 Mrs. Elizabeth Kogler Coordinator of Religious Education Food Pantry: 737-2111 4TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME FEBRUARY 1, 2015 MASS INTENTIONS FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Sunday, February 1 5:00 (Saturday Evening) Teresa Dambrosio 8:00 Peter & Catherine Badding 10:00 Margaret DiLoreto 12:00 Francis & Lillian Scaramellino Monday, February 2 9:00 People of Holy Spirit Parish Tuesday, February 3 – St. Blaise 9:00 Jackie Salicco CELEBRANT SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEKEND Saturday, February 7th 5:00pm Fr. DeBellis Sunday, February 8th 8:00am Fr. Vernon 10:00am Fr. Vernon 12:00 noon Fr. DeBellis Thank you for your generosity Wednesday, February 4 9:00 Jean Sherman Thursday, February 5 – St. Agatha 9:00 Ladson Romano Friday, February 6 – St. Paul Miki and Companions 9:00 Lorenzo Zumbo Sunday, February 8 5:00 (Saturday Evening) Jody Sperano 8:00 John Neff 10:00 Teresa Colao 12:00 John & Evelyn Scagnelli Offering $9,436 Please mark your envelope with the amount of your contribution, your name and address, so that we are able to record it for your year-end statement. If you are not a registered Parishioner we will gladly send you a registration form. The sick are comforted just knowing that we pray for them. Please remember these members of our Parish Family, who are ill, in your prayers: Thomas Culhane, Antonio Capabli and Virginia Conklin. Please also remember the deceased members of our Parish Family in your prayers. At our baptismal font, new life through water and the Holy Spirit came to: First Reading Second Reading Gospel Deuteronomy 18:15-20 1 Corinthians 7:32-35 Mark 1:21-28 If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts. PRAYER INTENTIONS For Catholic Education READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY Job 7:1-7 1 Corinthians 9:16-23 Mark 1:29-39 Ryder John Tiedemann Child of Brian & Alyssa Vincent Edward Ramirez Child of Jose and Amy The people of Holy Spirit Parish welcome the newly baptized into our Christian community. Congratulations! REIGIOUS EDUCATION NEEDS YOUR HELP The RE Program needs a third-grade catechist for Wednesday, at 6:30pm. Please call the RE office for more information. Thank you. Page Two From the Desk of Fr. John The Blessing of Throats, The Feast of St Blaise - Tuesday, February 3rd - It has been a long standing tradition of the Church to have one’s throat blessed on feast day of St. Blaise. Throats will be blessed at the 9:00am Mass. Please join us. ----------------The Season of Lent will soon begin with Ash Wednesday, February 18th. Details about Mass times will be published in the next couple of weeks along with the other services and special events that we will be holding here at Holy Spirit. I would like to highlight at this time “Mission Mondays”. This year for Lent, instead of doing a weeklong Mission, we will have our Lenten Mission on the Mondays of March, March 2, 9, 16, and 23. Each Monday we will have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, music by the choir and a guest speaker. Our guest speakers will be Fr. Anthony Sorgie, Pastor of St. James the Apostle in Carmel, Fr. Thomas Kreiser, Parochial Vicar of St. Patrick’s in Yorktown, Fr. Stephen Norton, Pastor of St. Benedict’s and former President of Kennedy High School and yours truly. Our theme for Mission Mondays is “The Sacraments: Touchstone of Grace, Born of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus”. Please mark your Mondays in March and plan to be with us. ------------ Bereavement Support Group With the help of a few parishioners, I am happy to announce that we are currently forming a bereavement support group for the parish. The meetings will begin sometime in April and we will get the dates to you shortly. A support group provides the opportunity for people to share their story of loss with others who have had similar experiences. Mostly, it is a conversation that can give insight and help. Whether your loss is recent or a while ago, we can all be helped by talking and praying together about it. Details on how you can participate will follow. For info, please call me at the Rectory. -------------- The Cardinal’s Annual Stewardship Appeal 2015 Please remember to make your pledge to this year’s Appeal. Last year, saw us raise close to $40,000. This represented a 30% increase from previous years, and an increase in the number of people who participated. This year we would like to take a step further and have even more people participate. Our goal this year is $76,000. I know that with your help we can reach our goal. There is still time to join our Cardinal’s Appeal Team (newly formed last year with great success). If you would like to volunteer to join our Team, please call me at the Rectory Office or send an email with your interest. I thank you all for the tremendous generosity in this and in all aspects of parish life. God Bless you all. --------------Some upcoming dates: Monday, February 2nd, 7:30pm – First Communion Parent Meeting - Church Tuesday, February 3rd, 7:30pm--Jubilee Committee Chairpersons Meeting—Rectory Office Saturday, February 7th, 10:00am – First Communion Workshop – Parish Activity Center Monday, February 9th, 7:30pm—Finance Council – Rectory Office Sunday, February 15th – Coffee Sunday – Parish Activity Center after all Masses Sunday, February 15th – Knights of Columbus Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance – Piazza Roma Tuesday, February 17th, 7:30pm – Respect Life Meeting – Rectory Page Three PALM COLLECTION We invite Parishioners this year to return old palm to the Church. A receptacle will be placed in the Children’s Liturgy Room for this purpose. It is a long standing tradition of the Church to burn the old palm and use for ashes on Ash Wednesday. Please return it by Sunday February 8th at one of the Masses. The 2014 tax contribution statements are available. Please call the Parish Office to request your copy, Monday through Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. You may fax or e-mail us as well. Thank you. Knights of Columbus Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance Please join the Knights of Columbus for their Valentine’s Day Dinner Dance on Sunday, February 15th from 2 to 6pm at Piazza Roma. For more information please go to our website or take a flyer in the back of the Church. Franciscan Sisters Open House The Franciscan Sisters of the Atonement are having an open house at Graymoor on Sunday afternoon, February 8, 2015 from 2:00 - 4:00 pm. There will be a presentation and DVD on our congregation, prayer service in St. Francis Convent Chapel, an opportunity to meet with the Sisters and refreshments. Please join us in celebration of this Year of Consecrated Life! If you have any questions, please contact us at 845-424-3625. At Mass… Be silent, be thoughtful, be reverent, for this is the Lord’s House. Before Mass, speak to God. During Mass, let God speak to you. After Mass, speak to one another. Our warmest welcome to all that celebrate with us…whether long time residents or newly arrived in the Parish, we thank God for you! If you are not registered, or any of the following items pertain to you or your family, please fill out the form below and return it to the office. Thank you. Name: _________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ City/Zip Code: ___________________________________ Previous address if changing: _______________________ _______________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ ___ Would like to receive a form to register with the parish ___ Change of address ___ Request collection envelopes ___ Moving out of our parish ___ Need information, please phone ___ New telephone number ___ Family member _____________________is ill ___, at home ___, or at ________________ Hospital, room# ____ ___ Would like to receive Holy Communion ___ Would like information about a specific group Worried? St. Patrick’s (Yorktown) Widow and Widowers’ Support Club will meet Tuesday, February 3rd, 2015 at 7:00 pm. For information, please call 845628-4279. Thank you. These are challenging times and you may find yourself with real worries: job, finances, health, etc. “Have no anxiety at all, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, make your requests known to God. Then the peace of God that surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7). - Growing in Faith Page Four; 476-CHS Quality Installations GEORGE E. MCCOMBE ROOFING Licensed 914-739-6484 J’sBEAUTYUnisex SALON MON-SAT: 10AM-8PM SUN: 10AM-6PM 1101 Main Street Peekskill, NY 10566 (914) 739-2653 “New York’s Premier Catholic Visiting Nurse/Home Healthcare Agency” Compassionate Care in the privacy and comfort of your own home! Services include: Skilled Nursing • Home Health Aides Care Management Physical, Speech & Occupational Therapies Specialty Services include: Cardiac Care • Diabetes Care Care Transitions Maternal Child Services Wound & Ostomy Social Work • Pastoral Care 1-855-488-2149 Assumption Cemetery Steam / Hot Water / Warm Air DIESEL FUEL • FUEL OIL KEROSENE • GASOLINE HEATING CONTRACTORS 936 WASHINGTON ST. PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 Est. 1943 Insured (914) 737-1583 Serving All Catholics Regardless of Parish Affiliation In-Ground & Above Ground Burial Options Including Interment of Cremated Remains. Feature Areas Including Sacred Heart & Padre Pio 1055 OREGON RD. • CORTLANDT MANOR, NY 10567 SALON ENCORE PROMPT FREE ESTIMATES Complete Home Remodeling & Improvements A FULL SERVICE SALON MR. FRANK MGR. OPEN SUNDAY GENERAL CONTRACTORS, Inc 914.739.1004 2120 CROMPOND RD., RT. 202 CORTLANDT MANOR (OPP. 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Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. Houlihan Lawrence Town of Yorktown Route 6, PO Box 650 Jefferson Valley, NY Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 8 John Walsh Blvd Suite 326, Peekskill 914-930-1919 Sign up for a FREE TRIAL CLASS 476 Church of The Holy Spirit, Cortlandt Manor, NY (I) R John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • CORTLANDT SELF STORAGE Rent With Us & Receive A Free Month Or Free Move Call For Details 313 North James Street • Peekskill, NY 10566 Rt. 202 Parkside Corner Plaza, Cortlandt Manor, NY 914-736-6767 • “Serving All Faiths” Open 7 Days Lunch & Dinner • Casual Dining • Convenient Take Out Delivery After 5PM • Extensive On & Off Premise Catering 914-737-0083 914-734-1556 Tax Preparation 1100 Cortlandt St., Peekskill Delicatessen • Butcher & Catering Gift Baskets Quality Foods At Neighborhood Prices 2 Westbrook Drive Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 914-526-4260 • Fax: 914-526-4912 House & Garden Plants Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Fruit Baskets Made to Order OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK APRIL-DECEMBER Rt. 202, Cortlandt Manor, NY 914-739-0686 Quality Design PAINTING & WALLPAPER REMOVAL 414 Washington Street, Peekskill, NY 737-1363 914-737-6675 VISIT us on the Web at Licensed • Fully Insured TRI CAT ELECTRIC County Termite & Pest Control EST. 1999 Commercial & Residential Licensed & Insured Cell 917-559-7162 Office 914-293-7776 Fax: 914-739-6822 PO Box 439, Crompond, NY 10517 World Homes Realty Ask About Our Virtual Tours! NYS D.E.C. Cert# 12339 Commercial • Residential • Industrial Servicing Westchester-Putnam & the Bronx FULL SERVICE PEST CONTROL 24 Hr. Svc., Unmarked Vehicles, Cert. Tech. (914) 737-0474 1 (855) BUGS-END (284-7363) The Flower Boutique Your Full Service Florist Quality Designs for all Occasions Full Service Real Estate Karen Cilmi Veschi Lane (845) 628-1946 Loretta Ford Route 6 LICENSED REAL ESTATE SALESPERSON Mahopac, NY 10541 914-403-3427 Cortlandt Manor 945 East Main Street • Shrub Oak, NY 10588 914.962.0700 476 Church of The Holy Spirit, Cortlandt Manor, NY (B) R 737-3333 Elder Law Medicaid Probate Estate Planning Cortlandt Manor, Katonah, Mt. Kisco 914-930-8400 PATTI TALBOT Licensed Real Estate Salesperson 914-282-3340 Mobile Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Rand Realty 354 Downing Drive Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 An Independently Owned and Operated Franchise 728-30 NO. DIVISION STREET PEEKSKILL $99 Simple Will for parishioners ROBERT E. COSENTINO ATTORNEY AT LAW MEMBER NY, CONN & FLORIDA BARS O’CONNER, MCGUINNES, CONTE, DOYLE & OLESON ONE BARKER AVENUE WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. 10601 Parishioner CORNER OF PARROTT& PINE STREETS COLD SPRING 914-737-0128 845-265-3333 Clinton Inc. “THE FUNERAL HOME” James Clinton, Sr. 1932-2006 • James Clinton, Jr. • Todd Morrill, Sr. Pre-Arranged Funerals • Preplan Trust • Burials & Cremations Affiliated With Yannantuono Funeral Home Anthony J. Guarino 400 Central Avenue Peekskill Marie A. Corliss, Esq. Family Owned & Managed “Where the Difference is in the Caring” Landscape Materials CORLISS LAW GROUP Call Joe Landscape Design & Construction Custom Masonry Unilock Walks, Patios & Walls Water Features Ponds & Waterfalls Outdoor Kitchens & BBQ/Fire Pits Low-Voltage Landscape Lighting Property Maintenance Services 914-737-0848 Cortlandt Farm HOME MASON Market SUPPLY CORP. 20 Years Experience ALL WORK GUARANTEED (914)734-1769 (877)321-BROS Funeral Home MATTHEW F. CARLONE (1940-2013) • STEPHANIE K. CARLONE ITALIAN SPECIALTIES JOSEPH F. NARDONE FUNERAL HOME D Vinny & Anita Savastano 2121 Crompond Rd Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 CELL: (914) 552-8469 TEL: (914) 948-4500 FAX: (914) 948-0645 PAINTING Eagle Painting Co. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR POWER WASHING DECK STAINING PETE GILLEN Over 20 Years Exp. FREE Estimates Fully Licensed & Insured 739-8799 914-299-0328 Painting • Paper Hanging John Ettere - Parish Member Sponging & Glazing Techniques Plaster Repairs & Taping FREE Estimates 12 Cedar Knoll Lane Cortlandt Manor John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • (914) 734-1616
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