Church of the Holy Spirit - John Patrick Publishing Company
Church of the Holy Spirit - John Patrick Publishing Company
Church of the Holy Spirit 1969 Crompond Road, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 OUR PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Holy Spirit is a Eucharistic Community, formed by and in the Holy Spirit, to enable our Community to come closer to God and to each other. MASS Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00noon Weekdays (Monday - Saturday): 9:00am PENANCE Saturday: 4:00 - 4:30pm, Other times on request. BAPTISM Baptisms are scheduled for 1:30pm on specific Sundays. Catechesis for parents is required. Please call the Parish Office to register for Catechesis. Baptisms may only be scheduled after attending Catechesis. MARRIAGE You must meet with a priest at least one year beforehand to schedule the date and time of your wedding. The wedding date is finalized only by meeting with the priest. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Those who are sick, homebound, or in the hospital are a vital part of our Parish family. Please call the Parish Office to arrange for the reception of the Eucharist and Anointing of the Sick. Rev. John A. DeBellis Pastor Rev. Vernon Wickrematunge Parochial Vicar Rev. Karl Lindblad In-Residence Rev. Francis Amodio, O. Carm. Weekend Associate Deacon Ray Parchen Deacon Lawrence Candarelli Parish Office: 737-2316 Fax: 737-6882 Mrs. Kathy Parish Parish Secretary Mrs. Susan Cacciottoli Parish Secretary Mrs. Joan Rojas Music Director Religious Education: 734-9243 Mrs. Elizabeth Kogler Coordinator of Religious Education Food Pantry: 737-2111 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 9, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS TWENTY EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Sunday, October 9 5:00pm (Sat. Evening Vigil) Anne Cramer 8:00 Maria Conner 10:00 Vincent LaSala 12:00 Ralph Cinque Monday, October 10 9:00 Andrew Risenhoover Tuesday, October 11 9:00 Catherine Finnegan Wednesday, October 12 9:00 Angelina Carlucci Saturday, October 15th 5:00pm Fr. Vernon Sunday, October 16th 8:00am Fr. Vernon 10:00am Fr. DeBellis 12:00noon Fr. DeBellis Thank you for your generosity Thursday, October 13 9:00 People of Holy Spirit Parish Friday, October 14 9:00 Anna Gambino Saturday, October 15 – St. Teresa of Avila 9:00 Jim Dufour Sunday, October 16 5:00pm (Sat. Evening Vigil) Charles & Joanne Muller 51st Wedding Anniversary 8:00 Maria & Joseph Niemiec 10:00 Daniel Mahoney 12:00 Christopher Spano First Reading Second Reading Gospel CELEBRANT SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEKEND 2 Kings 5:14-17 2 Timothy 2:8-13 Luke 17:11-19 The Lord has revealed to the nations His saving power. PRAYER INTENTIONS For the colors of autumn READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY Exodus 17:8-13 2 Timothy 3:14-4:2 Luke 18:1-8 Offering $9,939 Buildings and Grounds Maintenance $2,228 Gold Envelope (September) $2,962 Please mark your envelope with the amount of your contribution, your name and address, so that we are able to record it for your year-end statement. If you are not a registered Parishioner we will gladly send you a registration form. The sick are comforted just knowing that we pray for them. Please remember these members of our Parish Family, who are ill, in your prayers: Bob Sorrentino, Eddie DiCaprio, Thomas Hughes, Theresa Markley and James Cunane. Please also remember the deceased members of our Parish Family in your prayers: Judy Zito, Carolyn Iwanowski, Patrick DiStefani and Giacinta Hughes. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hughes, the 50/50 Maintenance Club Winner for the month of September. Thanks to all of you the amount of $234 was shared. Next weekend, October 15th and 16th, we will take up a collection for Mission Sunday. Thank you for your generosity. Page Two From the Desk of Fr. John As I get myself ready for the Pilgrimage to Italy leaving on the 19 th of October with 28 of us, I want to thank all the many volunteers who have helped in the planning of the various activities we’ve held this past week and to all of you for participating. The Blessing of the Animals was held last Sunday with a great crowd of parishioners. The animals blessed included many dogs and cats but also a duck, turtles and even a ferret (how about that!). Thanks to Deacon Larry, who did a great job with the prayers of blessing. A huge thanks to all who helped plan these past few months for a most successful Golf Outing and Dinner and Silent Auction which was held last Monday. To all our sponsors, golfers and to all of you for participating in the dinner and the silent auction, I thank you. We’ll be back to you in a couple of weeks with the amount that was raised this year. While it hasn’t happened yet at the time of this writing, I want to thank all who help me each year to celebrate a Mass in Italian for Columbus Day Weekend. Most especially thanks for the espresso and pastries that follow the Mass. Thanks also to the Knights of Columbus who each year host the Annual Columbus Day Dinner. I’m sure this year will be a happy, festive occasion as it always is. Happy Columbus Day everyone… Calling on all the Men of the Parish On Saturday, November 5th, the parishes of Northern Westchester/Putnam are hosting a “Men’s Conference- Men of Faith, Brothers in Christ” at the Church of St. James the Apostle in Carmel. The day will run from 8am to 3:30pm. The suggested donation for the day is $25.00. Here are some of the highlights of the day. Being a Man of the Family, the Church, and Community--Fr. Anthony Sorgie The Sacrament of Reconciliation --Fr. John DeBellis A Man’s Role and Responsibility in the Church --John Buonviaggio Where Do We Go from Here --Msgr. John Budwick Continental Breakfast and Lunch Provided, Pre-registration or at the Door (no one turned away). To register for the day please pick up a flyer at the Church doors, the Parish Office or on our website. If you would like to assist me in recruiting some men for the conference, please call me at the office. Celebrating Carmelite History and Spirituality Remember to join us for the second part of Fr. Francis’ presentation on Carmelite Spirituality this Tuesday, October 11th at 7:30pm in the Parish Activity Center. Confirmation Class of 2017 Next Sunday, October 16th, the 10am Mass will be celebrated with all the kids making their Confirmation in the Spring. As some of you already know, I am also teaching one of the Confirmation classes this year. I look forward to being all of them next week. Also, next Sunday I will present the Annual Financial Report to the parish at all the Masses. My report is positive and with God’s blessing, it will also be brief. God Bless and Happy Columbus Day everyone…… Fr. John. Page Three Attention 30- and 40-somethings! Catholic in Real Life invites you to the following events this Fall: Post-Mass Brunch at Quiet Man Pub Sunday, 10/23/16 at 1:30pm Enjoy good food and great conversation with us at one of Downtown Peekskill's most popular spots! Kids welcome. 4th Annual Pre-Advent Faith Sharing and Potluck at Holy Spirit PAC Saturday, 11/12/16 at 6pm Come talk faith with your peers, gain some insights and tools for a fruitful Advent, then socialize over a potluck dinner! RSVP to or Lay Associates of the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart Presents: “Pasta Dinner Fundraiser” Saturday, October 15, 2016 from 6pm to 9pm Mount Saint Francis 250 South Street Peekskill, New York 10566 $20 per adult/$10 children under 10 (All reservations must be made in advance) For information call Marie at 914-402-4351 Flyers available at the church exits The Food Pantry is struggling to provide food for hundreds of local needy families and we are asking for your support. Please consider a donation. We are especially in need of rice, tuna and cereal. Please check for expiration dates as we are not permitted to distribute expired food items. You may leave your donation in the Children’s Liturgy Room in the Church. Thank you for your generous support. Kennedy Catholic Open House Attention 7th and 8th graders and their parents: Come and see what Kennedy Catholic has to offer you. Join us at one of our two open houses on Sunday, October 16th from 1:00pm to 4:00pm or Wednesday, October 19th from 7:00pm to 9:00pm. For more information visit Committed to Academic Excellence and Spiritual Development for Fifty Years and counting … We are Kennedy Catholic! ALSO Iona Preparatory Upper School Iona invites prospective students and their families to attend one of their upcoming open houses on Sunday, October 23rd from 12:00 noon to 3:00pm or Wednesday, October 26th from 6:30pm to 8:00pm. For more information and to pre-register, please visit or contact Barbara Robertson, Director of Admissions at (914) 6006154 or Ignore Ever notice how good it feels to walk away from a fight? That’s why Jesus said, “When someone strikes you on (your) right cheek, turn the other one to him as well” (Matthew 5:39). Next time someone picks a fight, walk peacefully away. “Receive Communion often, very often…there you have the sole remedy, if you want to be cured. Jesus has not put this attraction in your heart for nothing…” St. Therese of Lisieux - Growing in Faith Beginning Experience Beginning Experience is offering a healing weekend from Oct. 21 thru Oct. 23 at the Dominican Retreat Center in Schenectady, New York. This invitation is open to men and women of all ages who have suffered the loss of a spouse through death, divorce or separation. It is a time to heal and a time to begin anew. Reservations are required. For information and registration please call Nancy at 518-785-1351 ext. 304 or Carolyn at 716- 560-2107 or Page Four; 476-CHS GEORGE E. MCCOMBE ROOFING Licensed 914-739-6484 Quality Installations Assumption Cemetery Steam / Hot Water / Warm Air DIESEL FUEL • FUEL OIL KEROSENE • GASOLINE HEATING CONTRACTORS 936 WASHINGTON ST. PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 In-Ground & Above Ground Burial Options Including Interment of Cremated Remains. Feature Areas Including Sacred Heart & Padre Pio 1055 OREGON RD. • CORTLANDT MANOR, NY 10567 Est. 1943 Insured Serving All Catholics Regardless of Parish Affiliation (914) 737-1583 914-737-2071 Dr. Vernon Peryea OPTOMETRIST • Lasik Co-Management • Contact Lenses • Accepting Most Insurances • Designer Eyewear • Comprehensive Eye Exams 3901 Crompond Rd., Cortlandt Manor, NY 914-736-1203 | II See what color ~ Now Accepting New Patients ~ Beach Shopping Ctr. 1865 Main Street Peekskill, NY 10566 914-737-0437 HOURS: can do for you! SALON ENCORE Italian Specialties A FULL SERVICE SALON to advertise in color, please call us at 914.739.1004 John Patrick Publishing MR. FRANK MGR. OPEN SUNDAY 2120 CROMPOND RD., RT. 202 CORTLANDT MANOR (OPP. GYMNASTIC CITY) Mon-Fri 7am-6pm Sat - 7am-5pm SUNDAY 8am-3pm Delicatessen • Butcher & Catering Gift Baskets Quality Foods At Neighborhood Prices 2008 Crompond Road • Corntlandt Manor, NY 800-333-3166 A New Season, A New Reason... Let the good times roll and experience 914-737-1100 • Fax 914-737-1109 LISA TURNER-PALMAFFY Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker “YOUR REALTOR FOR LIFE” how gracious independent living can be! Spacious Studio, 1-2 BR Apts • Restaurant Style Dining 24-Hour Security & Emergency Response Call for lunch and a tour! 914.788.8860 (cell) 914-879-4066 90 Ringgold Street Peekskill, NY 10566 Jubilee Year of Mercy Parishioner Office: 914-271-8500 1392 Albany Post Road, Croton, NY 10520 RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE Owned & Operated by NRT, LLC THE CHAPLET OF THE DIVINE MERCY (For private recitation on ordinary rosary beads) Our Father..., Hail Mary..., The Apostles’ Creed. Then, on the OUR FATHER BEADS you will say the following words: Eternal Father, I offer You the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world. Commercial Rates are at an All Time Low. Contact us today to get a free analysis to see if we can help Save you money with your monthly payments on your commercial property. Multi-Family, Retail, Office Building, Apartment and Condos. Can close in as little as 45 days! Four season customer service is our top priority. On the HAIL MARY BEADS you will say the following words: For the sake of His sorrowful Passion have mercy on us and on the whole world. In conclusion THREE TIMES you will recite these words: Call us today 215-586-1575 or 267-251-0341 3900 City Avenue, Suite 107 • Philadelphia, PA 19131 476 Church of The Holy Spirit, Cortlandt Manor, NY (I) R Jesus I trust in You ! Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on us and on the whole world. From the Diary of the Servant of God Sr. Faustina - Note Book I, p 197 IMPRIMATUR: + Joseph F. Maguire November 17, 1979 Bishop of Springfield, Mass. John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • CORTLANDT SELF STORAGE Rent With Us & Receive A Free Month Or Free Move 313 North James Street • Peekskill, NY 10566 Rt. 202 Parkside Corner Plaza, Cortlandt Manor, NY 914-736-6767 • “Serving All Faiths” Open 7 Days Lunch & Dinner • Casual Dining • Convenient Take Out Delivery After 5PM • Extensive On & Off Premise Catering 914-737-0083 Call For Details 914-734-1556 ROBERT E. COSENTINO Kerline Marcelin, M.D., P.C. Medical & Surgical Diseases Of The Eye Tax Preparation ATTORNEY AT LAW MEMBER NY, CONN & FLORIDA BARS FREE CONSULTATION IN YORKTOWN OR WHITE PLAINS OFFICE Specialty Trained in Glaucoma Board Certified Opthalmologist Specializing in glaucoma therapy & surgery Parishioner D Also treating dry eyes, diabetes, & all other major eye conditions. Quality Designs for all Occasions Karen Cilmi • 914-737-6360 1983 Crompond Rd., Ste. 203, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 Funeral Home MATTHEW F. CARLONE (1940-2013) • STEPHANIE K. CARLONE 1100 Cortlandt St., Peekskill 414 Washington Street, Peekskill, NY 737-1363 Landscape Materials Vinny & Anita Savastano (914) 734-1616 • 400 Central Avenue Peekskill Classes Pre-School - High School • Birthday Parties Competitive Gymnastics & Cheer 737-3333 2121 Crompond Rd, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 Cortlandt Farm Market CORLISS LAW GROUP House & Garden Plants Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Fruit Baskets Made to Order Elder Law Medicaid Probate Estate Planning OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK APRIL-DECEMBER Rt. 202, Cortlandt Manor, NY 914-739-0686 TRI CAT ELECTRIC EST. 1999 Distinguished Homes & Properties Commercial & Residential Licensed & Insured George Campolo Cell 917-559-7162 Office 914-293-7776 Licensed Real Estate Salesperson Mobile: 914.760.6858 Experienced, Responsive & Caring Each Office Independently Owned & Operated (914)734-1769 (877)321-BROS VISIT us on the Web at Fax: 914-739-6822 Parish Member Landscape Design & Construction Custom Masonry Unilock Walks, Patios & Walls Water Features Ponds & Waterfalls Outdoor Kitchens & BBQ/Fire Pits Low-Voltage Landscape Lighting Property Maintenance Services Licensed • Fully Insured Family Owned & Managed Affiliated With Yannantuono Funeral Home “Where the Difference is in the Caring” Anthony J. Guarino 945 East Main Street • Shrub Oak, NY 10588 914.962.0700 476 Church of The Holy Spirit, Cortlandt Manor, NY (B) R 914-737-0848 HOME MASON SUPPLY CORP. JOSEPH F. NARDONE FUNERAL HOME (914) 552-8469 PO Box 439, Crompond, NY 10517 728-30 NO. DIVISION STREET PEEKSKILL 914-737-0128 Marie A. Corliss, Esq. Cortlandt Manor, Katonah, Mt. Kisco 914-930-8400 Wills - $299 for parishioners CORNER OF PARROTT& PINE STREETS COLD SPRING 845-265-3333 Clinton Inc. “THE FUNERAL HOME” James Clinton, Sr. 1932-2006 • James Clinton, Jr. • Todd Morrill, Sr. Pre-Arranged Funerals • Preplan Trust • Burials & Cremations Wedding Invitations & Holiday Cards Log Onto conveniently from your home or office. Online Catalog • Online Ordering • Online Proofing All Major Credit Cards Accepted • FREE UPS GROUND SHIPPING! PAINTING Eagle Painting Co. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR POWER WASHING DECK STAINING Over 20 Years Exp. John Ettere - Parish Member FREE Estimates Fully Licensed & Insured 914-299-0328 John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 •
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