Church of the Holy Spirit
Church of the Holy Spirit
Church of the Holy Spirit 1969 Crompond Road, Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 OUR PARISH MISSION STATEMENT Holy Spirit is a Eucharistic Community, formed by and in the Holy Spirit, to enable our Community to come closer to God and to each other. MASS Saturday: 5:00pm Sunday: 8:00am, 10:00am, 12:00noon Weekdays (Monday - Thursday): 9:00am PENANCE Saturday: 4:00 - 4:30pm, Other times on request. BAPTISM Baptisms are scheduled for 1:30pm on specific Sundays. Catechesis for parents is required. Please call the Parish Office to register for Catechesis. Baptisms may only be scheduled after attending Catechesis. MARRIAGE You must meet with a priest at least one year beforehand to schedule the date and time of your wedding. The wedding date is finalized only by meeting with the priest. SACRAMENT OF THE SICK Those who are sick, homebound, or in the hospital are a vital part of our Parish family. Please call the Parish Office to arrange for the reception of the Eucharist and Anointing of the Sick. Rev. Thomas P. Kiely Pastor Rev. James Mathew Parochial Vicar Rev. Kevin Mackin, OFM Weekend Associate Deacon Ray Parchen Parish Office: 737-2316 Fax: 737-6882 Mrs. Madeline Fischer Parish Secretary Mrs. Kathy Parish Parish Secretary Mrs. Joan Rojas Music Director Religious Education: 734-9243 Mrs. Elizabeth Kogler Coordinator of Religious Education Food Pantry: 737-2111 PENTECOST SUNDAY MAY 27, 2012 MASS INTENTIONS PENTECOST SUNDAY Sunday, May 27 5:00 Gertrude Eloise Stewart 8:00 Phillip and Marie Badding 10:00 John E. Fischer II 12:00 Mary Elizabeth Branca Monday, May 28 9:00 John E. Fischer II Tuesday, May 29 9:00 People of Holy Spirit Parish Wednesday, May 30 9:00 John E. Fischer II Thursday, May 31 9:00 Mary Edwards Saturday, June 2 5:00 William Vincent Latimer Sunday, June 3 8:00 Sean Heverin 10:00 Pentti Karey 12:00 Joseph Boniello First Reading Second Reading Gospel Acts of Apostles 2:1-11 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13 John 20:19-23 Lord, send out your Spirit, and renew the face of the earth. PRAYER INTENTIONS For the men and women who gave their life for our freedom READINGS FOR NEXT SUNDAY Deuteronomy 4:32-40 Romans 8:14-17 Matthew 28:16-20 Why is suicide wrong? Someone who commits suicide is generally experiencing psychological illness, or fear of hardship, suffering, or torture. However, suicide is contrary to the God-given gift of life. It’s natural to preserve and perpetuate our lives. “We are obliged to accept life gratefully and preserve it for [God’s] honor and the salvation of our souls. We are stewards, not owners, of the life God has entrusted to us. It is not ours to dispose of.” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2280) Accordingly, helping someone to commit suicide is a grave sin. It may seem noble to free a person from suffering. However, it’s still taking of an innocent life which constitutes an act of murder, whether by a doctor or another person. For physicians, it’s even more serious. The Hippocratic Oath that doctors take stresses “…do no harm.” Killing the patient is the ultimate harm. If we take upon ourselves decisions that belong to God, who can be trusted to exercise such an office? Because humans can’t have the wisdom and mind of God, we are incapable of judging as he does. - Growing in Faith The sick are comforted just knowing that we pray for them. Please remember these members of our Parish Family, who are ill, in your prayers: Laura Neeter, Alfred Rivers, Catherine Culhane, Patrick Culhane and Margaret Ross. Please also remember the deceased members of our Parish Family in your prayers: Carol Raimo and Linda Hickey. Next weekend, June 2nd and 3rd , we will take up a collection for our Buildings and Grounds Maintenance. Thank you for your continued generosity. Page Two Please mark your calendar! The Parish Office will be closed on Memorial Day, May 28th . Our warmest welcome to all that celebrate with us…whether long time residents or newly arrived in the Parish, we thank God for you! If you are not registered, or any of the following items pertain to you or your family, please fill out the form below and return it to the office. Thank you. th Mark your calendars for Sunday, July 15 . That’s when Holy Spirit’s Fifth Annual Parish Picnic at the Kolping Society in Montrose will take place. Swimming pool, barbequed food and fun!! This is also a good opportunity for Confirmation candidates to volunteer and earn service hours. Stay tuned for more details…. June 1st we will hold Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament in the Church from 7 to 7:30 p.m. All are welcome to spend time in prayer in the presence of the Our Lord. Name: _________________________________________ Address: ________________________________________ City/Zip Code: ___________________________________ Previous address if changing: _______________________ _______________________________________________ Telephone: ______________________________________ ___ Would like to receive a form to register with the parish ___ Change of address ___ Request collection envelopes ___ Moving out of our parish ___ Need information, please phone ___ New telephone number ___ Family member _____________________is ill ___, at home ___, or at ________________ Hospital, room# ____ ___ Would like to receive Holy Communion ___ Would like information about a specific group The Knights of Columbus # 15493 will meet next Friday, June 1st in the PAC following Benediction . Thank you for your generosity Nationally known Catholic composers David Haas and Lori True will present a concert at St. Patrick’s Church in Yorktown Heights on Friday, June 1st at 7:30 p.m. David and Lori’s compositions include “Blest Are They”, “You Are Mine”, and “ “We Have Been Told”, and “May the Road Rise to Meet You”. The concert will benefit “Music Ministry Alive”, their program for young people interested in music ministry. They are a dynamic team and the concert is sure to entertain and inspire. Tickets are $15 in advance and $18 at the door. For information, call 962-5050 x 208 or email Offertory Collection 2002 2011 2012 $6,067 $6,027 $8,553 Please mark your envelope with the amount of your contribution, your name and address, so that we are able to record it for your year-end statement. If you are not a registered Parishioner we will gladly send you a registration form. Thank you. Page Three The Church of the Holy Spirit Is Sponsoring a Trip to MOHEGAN SUN CASINO When: Saturday, JUNE 9, 2012 Time: 8AM (please be at the Church by 7:45AM) Return to Holy Spirit Church 7PM Casino Time: 10:30-4:30PM Cost is $30.00 per person which includes: Transportation, (1) $15.00 Free Bet & (1) $15.00 Food Credit This is open to the first 55 people, so don’t miss out. Reserve your seat now. All paid reservation slips must be submitted to the parish office no later than MAY 27, 2012 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please reserve _______seat(s) for the June 9, 2012 trip to Mohegan Sun Casino. Name__________________________________ Telephone ____________________ Enclosed is full Payment ______________ @ $30.00 = _________________ # Seats Total Due Please make checks payable to: Church of the Holy Spirit Please note: In case of inclement weather, you will receive a phone call from a member of the Social Committee the Friday before with the rescheduled date. Page Four; 476-CHS GEORGE E. MCCOMBE ROOFING Licensed 914-739-6484 Quality Installations 936 WASHINGTON ST. PEEKSKILL, NY 10566 Accounting & Complete Tax Preparation Personal Income Taxes Tax & Financial Planning Multiple State Tax Filings Corporations/Partnerships LLC Estate & Trust Taxes Specializing In Difcult Cases (914) 737-1583 2503 Dunning Dr., Yorktown Heights DIESEL FUEL • FUEL OIL KEROSENE • GASOLINE HEATING CONTRACTORS Insured Assumption Cemetery Serving All Catholics Regardless of Parish Afliation In-Ground & Above Ground Burial Options Including Interment of Cremated Remains. Feature Areas Including Sacred Heart & Padre Pio 1055 OREGON RD. • CORTLANDT MANOR, NY 10567 M.A. Fogelman & Associates Steam / Hot Water / Warm Air 914-737-2071 914-245-1232 Est. 1943 Dr. Vernon Peryea OPTOMETRIST • Lasik Co-Management • Contact Lenses • Accepting Most Insurances • Designer Eyewear • Comprehensive Eye Exams Beach Shopping Center 1865 Main St., Peekskill, NY, 10566 914-737-0437 Now Accepting New Patients (formerly OIC Optical) You Will Experience Greater Independence And Peace Of Mind While Exploring New Interests, Discovering New Friendships And Continuing To Learn An Active Lifestyle 90 Ringgold Street Peekskill, NY 10566 Call to learn more and to arrange for a tour 914-788-8860 or visit 476 Church of The Holy Spirit, Cortlandt Manor, NY (I) R John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 • Cortlandt Farm HOME MASON Market SUPPLY CORP. CORTLANDT SELF STORAGE Rent With Us & Receive A Free Month Or Free Move 313 North James Street • Peekskill, NY 10566 914-737-0083 Call For Details 914-734-1556 J’sBEAUTYUnisex SALON A FULL SERVICE SALON MR. FRANK MGR. MON-SAT: 10AM-8PM SUN: 10AM-6PM 1101 Main Street Peekskill, NY 10566 OPEN SUNDAY 914.739.1004 2120 CROMPOND RD., RT. 202 CORTLANDT MANOR (OPP. GYMNASTIC CITY) 914-739-0686 Tax Preparation (914)734-1769 (877)321-BROS 739-8799 12 Cedar Knoll Lane Cortlandt Manor VISIT us on the Web at 414 Washington Street, Peekskill, NY 737-1363 Valerie Braun, LCSW ROBERT E. COSENTINO (914) 830-6037 Transitional / Loss Counselor 914-737-0128 JOSEPH F. NARDONE FUNERAL HOME Licensed • Fully Insured 2127 Crompond Rd. Suite 100 Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 728-30 NO. DIVISION STREET PEEKSKILL Funeral Home Italian Restaurant Pizza & Catering TAKE OUT MENU 914-736-6767 Casual Dining • Open 7 Days Catering - Parties Up To 60 Open 7 Days • Lunch & Dinner FREE Estimates Landscape Design & Construction Custom Masonry Unilock Walks, Patios & Walls Water Features Ponds & Waterfalls Outdoor Kitchens & BBQ/Fire Pits Low-Voltage Landscape Lighting Property Maintenance Services O’CONNER, MCGUINNES, CONTE, DOYLE & OLESON ONE BARKER AVENUE WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. 10601 Parishioner Clinton Inc. Pre-Arranged Funerals • Preplan Trust • Burials & Cremations Over 20 Years Exp. FREE Estimates Fully Licensed & Insured 914-299-0328 476 Church of The Holy Spirit, Cortlandt Manor, NY (B) R Cabling, Removals, Pruning, Landscaping, Stumpgrinding, Fertilization, Spraying 962-1818 762-1818 “THE FUNERAL HOME” John Ettere - Parish Member FAX: (914) 948-0645 FREE ESTIMATES FULLY INSURED James Clinton, Sr. 1932-2006 • James Clinton, Jr. • Todd Morrill, Sr. INTERIOR & EXTERIOR POWER WASHING DECK STAINING CELL: (914) 552-8469 TEL: (914) 948-4500 Top Notch Tree Inc. 845-265-3333 Eagle Painting Co. 914-737-0848 Fine Jewelry, Diamonds, Watches & Sterling Silver Expert Jewelry & Watch Repair WE BUY GOLD 942 South St., Peekskill, NY 914-737-0505 TAKE SHAPE FOR LIFE Weight Loss Plan That Works! Lose 2-5 lbs/week SAFELY... Jeff Bischoff Certified Health Coach email: website: Free consult! (914) 409-8458 ATTORNEY AT LAW MEMBER NY, CONN & FLORIDA BARS CORNER OF PARROTT& PINE STREETS COLD SPRING PAINTING 737-3333 LITTLE SORRENTO ARTHUR WEEKS & SON Rt. 202 Parkside Corner Plaza Jewelers Since 1896 Yorktown, NY Painting • Paper Hanging Sponging & Glazing Techniques Plaster Repairs & Taping (914) 734-1616 400 Central Avenue Peekskill D 1100 Cortlandt St., Peekskill PETE GILLEN 2121 Crompond Rd Cortlandt Manor, NY 10567 Landscape Materials MATTHEW F. CARLONE • STEPHANIE K. CARLONE (914) 739-2653 Vinny & Anita Savastano OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK APRIL-DECEMBER Rt. 202, Cortlandt Manor, NY “Serving All Faiths” SALON ENCORE House & Garden Plants Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Fruit Baskets Made to Order Jim Pulvermiller BUYING YOUR OLD COINS Call for FREE Appraisal Larry Jensen 914-962-0961 Find out how far your heart can reach. Millions of people overseas depend on you. Please help. ITALIAN SPECIALITIES Delicatessen • Gift Baskets Butcher & Catering 1-888-354-0060 Catholic Relief Services serves the poor in nearly 100 countries around the world. “Quality Foods At Neighborhood Prices” Catering is our Speciality 2 Westbrook Dr., Cortlandt Manor 914-526-4260 John Patrick Publishing Company • 800-333-3166 •
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