SEMA 2016 - Capricorn Coop


SEMA 2016 - Capricorn Coop
your magazine, your business, your capricorn
JUNE 2016
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ut more
on Pg 1
Mode cers
ON P G 1
Find out more on Pg 2-3
Find out more on Pg 4-5
SEMA 2016
31 October - 5 November, Las Vegas USA
*For more details see page 10
Phil Saxton - Power in
Before Phil put his hand up to
Ready to
Wrap Up the
Financial Year
represent New Zealand Members
on the Capricorn Board, the owner
of two Wellington workshops was
already involved in a number of
not-for-profit and advocate groups.
With June upon us, we are fast approaching
the end of another successful financial year
This included positions sitting as
for Capricorn and its Members.
President of the MTA Wellington,
Not only does June mark the closure of the
current financial year but also the end of a
Chairman of the MTA National
few additional milestones and events.
Working Group and his still current
Convention 2016 in San Diego was a
resounding success with those in attendance
position of President of the Boulcott
enjoying the abundance of activities and
Preservation Society (a not for
events that were on offer. A big thank you
to all who attended and those who worked
tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure
If you’r e in Wellington, head
everything ran smoothly. A full Convention
down to the nearest community
wrap up can be found on pages 4-5.
Any end brings with it a new beginning,
fundraiser or auto industry mixer
having been with Capricorn almost a
and there’s a good chance you’ll
Phil Saxton, Capricorn Director in
New Zealand, gives us his insights on the
run into Capricorn Director, Philip
cooperative model and the belief of power
in numbers. You can read more about Phil
profit organisation that aims to
retain the character of the region).
Phil explained that his compulsion
to get involved stemmed from
a strong belief of the power in
on page 3.
Capricorn Risk Services looks at the real
cost of business closure as the result of an
unforseen disaster and what you can do to
minimise the impact.
Our feature article this month looks at the
emergence of new smartphone technology
within the automotive industry, while our
travel feature gives us some fantastic
options when travelling throughout Europe.
We also have all the regular features and
highlights which I am sure you will enjoy.
Yours cooperatively,
Greg Wall
Group CEO
For the best
interests of
our members
CEO Message
Phil Saxton - Power
in Numbers
Upcoming Events
Convention 2016
Smart Phone
Don't Wait Until It's
Too Late
SEMA 2016
Travel Europe
Member Profiles
Future Rides
Supplier Focus
Member's Ride
TaT Biz
Reward Points/Tech
Fun Zone
Capricorn News
“When people come together and work towards
that the Warrant of Fitness inspections that were
a common goal, it’s remarkable what they can
compulsory for all cars every 6 months are now
achieve. It’s the reason I’m involved in so many
only required every 12 months. This has led to
different groups and it’s what first attracted me
reduced work for a lot of mechanics and increased
to becoming a Member of Capricorn. Capricorn’s
competition amongst workshops”.
cooperative structure is democracy at its best and
To address challenges, Phil has a clear plan in mind.
is a great example of what can be achieved from
working together. Cooperatives encourage debate
and differences of opinion which is vital if you want
to have meaningful impact.”
“They should be part of Capricorn! All workshops
also need to offer a point of difference and strive
to provide something special for their customers.
I think Capricorn has a role to play in this regard,
Working in automotive since the tender age of 17,
empowering Members to continuously improve their
Phil has witnessed swift and dramatic changes to
businesses to be part of the new economy.
the industry and is keenly aware of the challenges
they bring.
Being a Capricorn Director has been lots of hard
work but I didn’t expect anything less. I love being
“Once upon a time, if you had done the appropriate
part of the Board and listening to our Members,
training, reconditioning was fairly simple. This is
doing everything we can at Capricorn to best serve
now much more involved as the car park constantly
their needs. It’s a strong culture and I’m encouraged
expands. And it’s not just the increasing number of
to see how much is already being accomplished with
manufacturers complicating things. We now have to
some great things on the horizon for all Members
be prepared to deal with hybrid, electric and in the
to get excited about.”
future, autonomous cars.”
For more information on Phil Saxton and your other
Looking locally, Phil is also concerned about recent
Capricorn Directors visit
changes in New Zealand legislation.
“In 2014 in New Zealand, legislation changed so
Upcoming Events
New Zealand
31 October - 5 November 2016
26 November 2016
SEMA Show Las Vegas
Auckland Gala Dinner & Tradeshow
For more information on these events please contact your Area Manager.
Convention 2016, San Diego
Convention 2016 in San Diego is officially a wrap! Capricorn
Members and Suppliers who were in attendance thoroughly
enjoyed their time in San Diego and many of the activities
that were experienced as part of the Capricorn Convention
group will be remembered for a lifetime.
Guests had the chance to relax upon arrival, attending a
casual welcome dinner followed by a free day to explore San
Diego. Key note speaker, John Formica was outstanding and
many of the 175 guests who attended his session commented
that it was one of the best they had been to.
The San Diego city highlights were savored by all as guests
enjoyed the opportunity to visit USS Midway, Seaworld, San
Diego Zoo, Balboa Park, Gaslamp Quarter, Old Town and
Seaport Village. A group of 350 Capricorn guests packed the
stands at Petco Park Stadium where they were a part of a
Major League Baseball game. The local team, the San Diego
Padres, lost but it was a once in a lifetime experience for many.
165 guests also took part in a unique VIP Macy’s shopping
experience. The world famous department store was locked
out while Capricorn guests had the opportunity to take in
an exclusive shopping experience. The Don's Garage Tour
was amazing and the collection of cars and automotive
memorabilia was truly out of this world!
The Capricorn Gala Dinner was certainly a highlight. Guests
dressed up in their best ‘Americana’ themed outfits and
packed the Hyatt Regency Pavilion for a night of fun. The DJ
pumped up the volume and the dance floor was never empty
again until the end of the night.
Over 200 Convention attendees continued onto the Universal
Studios extension. Extension attendees were blown away by
the welcome dinner at Universal Studios which included a
Transformers Show.
We would like to thank all guests, Members and Preferred
Suppliers who made Convention 2016 one of the best yet!
Capricorn Convention
Where's the car key..?? Start-up with your
A very familiar question usually yelled at the top of
endlessly clicking on the remote to find the car with
one’s voice along with some colourful adjectives when
the blinkers flashing and horn blowing, like everyone
you are running very late for work or an appointment
else – we all know the drill.
or to pick up the kids from school.
Or in an aftermarket scenario, when your car isn’t
The clever lot at Volvo have come up with a solution
ready due to a repair delay, the dealer or repairer
whereby vehicle owners will never need a physical
simply sends you a digital key so you can collect a
key to enter, start or operate their cars.
loan car anytime that suits you, rather than needing
The Swedish car company plans to be the first in the
to race in before closing time, another scenario that
world to offer cars without any keys from as soon as
many of us have encountered.
next year. Instead of a key, Volvo customers will be
Digital keys can be sent from the vehicle owner to
offered an ingenious mobile phone application that
family members or company staff to also easily access
replaces the physical key with a digital one.
vehicles and importantly, they can also be cancelled to
The system works using advanced Bluetooth based
stop the kids from taking the car whenever they want!
technology, enabling the digital key on any smartphone
The Volvo digital key system is currently being piloted
to do anything that a physical key currently does. This
using the company’s car sharing firm, Sunfleet, which
includes all locking and unlocking functions, boot
is stationed at Sweden’s Gothenburg Airport. So far
opening and of course, engine starting.
the testing has been faultless, so we should be seeing
The technology also allows for owners of more than
new Volvo vehicles on the market with this technology
one Volvo vehicle to access each one in different
from 2017, starting with a limited range of models
locations. This means that a company could have a
and progressing from there.
fleet of company cars all over the world, all of which
So let’s look at some possible problems, such as losing
could be accessed and operated using the digital key
your mobile phone or the battery running flat right
when you need to access your car. This isn’t a major
The implications for this clever digital key system are
problem as practically everyone has a smartphone
vast, particularly if Volvo license out the technology
these days, your digital key can be sent to any phone
to other major vehicle manufacturers, or
if other manufacturers develop their own
versions of it.
Just imagine the super-efficient scenario when
you are renting a car interstate or abroad, you
book the car online, then the rental company
sends you the digital key via SMS or email,
along with a GPS locator to find the car and
you are done. No waiting in lines, no aimless
wandering around mammoth international
airport or train station rental fleet car parks,
to access and drive your car, with that specific
phone digital key voided after its use.
Another safety net is the fact that Volvo will
still issue physical keys to customers who want
them along with the digital key system. This
allows some peace of mind that can be tucked
away in your bag or briefcase for any specific
emergency like this. It also takes care of the
“belonger” demographic who I dare say make
up a great deal of Volvo customers, who may
feel that unless they have a physical key, they
don’t own a car!
All of this technology is great, but beware
of another alarmingly frequent household
question that may come up, particularly in a
household with small children. “Where’s my
mobile phone?”
- by Paul Marinelli
Your Motor
Trades Pack
Switch to Capricorn and deal with
a risk protection specialist who
understands your business.
Our account managers have access to a wide
range of mutual and general insurance
products. Benefit from the only suite of
business protection products that earn you
Capricorn Reward Points.
Find out how Capricorn can help you.
0800 555 303 | |
For the best
interests of
our members
Products sold through Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd include discretionary risk protection and general insurance products. Discretionary risk
protection is issued out of Australia by Capricorn Mutual Ltd. Before deciding to acquire discretionary risk protection you should consider the
Product Disclosure Statement to see if it is appropriate for you. This can be obtained by visiting General insurance
products are issued by a range of insurers and are available through Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd as a member broker of PSC Connect NZ
Limited. Capricorn Risk Services is a registered financial services provider (390466). Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd (ABN 91 111 632 789) is
a corporate Authorised Representative (No. 460893) of Capricorn Mutual Ltd (AFSL 230038).
The real cost of closures
You don't really like to spend too much time thinking
about fire or flood sweeping through and destroying your
workshop, but in the event of an unforeseen disaster,
Business Interruption Protection is certainly something
you should consider.
•The Business Interruption Protection period can be
either 6, 12 or 18 months
In addition to product offerings that are tailored to
the automotive industry, there are additional benefits
when choosing Capricorn Risk Services. Members are
Whilst building and contents cover will protect the
rewarded through earning Capricorn Reward Points and
physical damage to your business, it does not protect
profits from Capricorn Risk Services go back into the
you against the business losing profit while the site is
Capricorn Group.
being rebuilt. Getting your workshop up and running
Customers of Capricorn Risk Services also receive
again can take time but unfortunately life doesn't stop;
there are still bills that need to be paid and food to put
on the table without having to worry about reduced
c omplime nt ar y tr ave l insur anc e and have the
convenience of consolidating risk protection and general
insurance with other business expenses on the one
monthly statement.
With Business Interruption Protection you will be
protected for financial losses suffered as a result of a
disaster, including:*
•Employee Wages – Your employees will still need
to be paid despite you not being able to work. If you
choose the ‘Additional Increased Costs of Working’
option, Business Interruption Protection will allow
you to continue to meet their needs.
•Prevention of Access – You can’t work if you can’t
access the site. Business Interruption Protection
provides support until you can get in.
•Public Utilities – Bills for utilities that directly
service the business including telecommunications,
electricity, gas or water will continue to come in.
Business Interruption Protection offers you peace
of mind.
•Suppliers & Customers' Premises - Financial loss
resulting from interruption caused by damage to any
premises (supplier or customer) from where you are
supplied with goods or services.
Capricorn Risk Services is there to assist Members just
like you to obtain Business Interruption Protection:
•Capricorn Risk Services currently protect over 2,800
motor trade businesses for Business Interruption
For a review of your current protection, or
for more information on the suite of mutual
and general insurance products available
through Capricorn Risk Services, contact
them today on 0800 555 303 or visit
•On average, Members protect $350,000 of gross
•The cost of Business Interruption Protection starts
at NZ$150 + GST for $100,000 protection
*Any interruption to your business lasting less than 48 hours is specifically excluded from business interruption protection.
Products sold through Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd include discretionary risk protection and general insurance products. Discretionary risk protection is issued out of
Australia by Capricorn Mutual Ltd. Before deciding to acquire discretionary risk protection you should consider the Product Disclosure Statement to see if it is appropriate for
you. This can be obtained by visiting General insurance products are issued by a range of insurers and are available through Capricorn Risk Services
Pty Ltd as a member broker of PSC Connect NZ Limited. Capricorn Risk Services is a registered financial services provider (390466). Capricorn Risk Services Pty Ltd (ABN 91
111 632 789) is a corporate Authorised Representative (No. 460893) of Capricorn Mutual Ltd (AFSL 230038).
SEMA 2016
31 October - 5 November, Las Vegas USA
• 5 nights staying at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas
• Ticket to SEMA and AAPEX
• Entry to the Capricorn Dinner (venue to be confirmed)
* $1395 per person based on two people sharing a double room.
Please contact Capricorn Travel for single/triple share prices.
* Flights not included. Please contact Stars Travel for flight details.
Contact Capricorn Travel for availability.
0800 401 444
For the best
interests of
our members
Capricorn Travel Australia Pty Ltd / ACN 008 926 645
ATAS Accreditation No. A10552 /
Travel Europe
With a multitude of world class tourist attractions in a variety of countries,
Europe is certainly a destination of choice for many travellers. Moving
from country to country can at times be a little difficult and potentially,
very expensive. Luckily there are options that can make your travels within
Europe a lot easier.
Upon a recent trip to Europe and faced with an extremely busy itinerary,
Capricorn Travel Consultant, Jessica Black, utilised the services offered
through Rail Europe to navigate through the continent. Rail Europe offer
the widest range of rail passes for train travel. Whether your plan is to
travel extensively, or to stick to a few select countries, Rail Europe will
have a pass to meet your needs.
The Eurail Global Pass is the most complete rail pass to visit Europe. The
Global Pass gives you the ability to travel as much as you want on board
trains in 28 countries throughout Europe. With the Eurail Global Pass,
you are eligible to travel on board the Eurostar, TGV trains, TGV Lyria,
Thalys, AVE high speed trains operated by Renfe, Frecciarossa operated by
Trenitalia, and the ICE trains. You can also choose flexible or consecutive
travel days.
The Eurail Select Pass is ideal for those who want to travel to specific
countries. With the Eurail Select Pass, you can visit a combination of 2, 3 or
4 bordering countries out of a choice of 28 countries.
If you are wanting to stay in a specific country for an extended period and
take in all it has to offer, then the Country Pass may be the option for you.
Rail Europe offer Country Passes for Italy, United Kingdom, France and
Switzerland. If you were hoping to add another country to your itinerary,
Rail Europe also offer Double Country Passes to include Germany,
Denmark, Eastern Europe and the Balkan countries.
Travelling Europe by train is certainly something to consider when planning
your next holiday to the region. Rail passes available through Rail Europe
represent one of the most hassle free choices in reaching your destination.
Contact Stars Travel today for more information.
To guarantee your spot, it is best to reserve a seat prior to your planned
travels which can be done online through the Rail Europe website. Please
note that high speed trains, scenic trains and night trains require a
reservation. The reservation is not included as part of the rail pass.
Contact Stars Travel on 0800 802 929
or visit
At Capricorn, we never lose sight of the
fact that we exist for, and because of, our
Members. We put the spotlight on two of
your fellow Members.
Farm Gear HB (2010) Ltd.
Member Profiles
How did you first hear about Capricorn?
The previous owner of the company was a Capricorn Member so we
decided to carry it over.
How has being a Member benefited your business?
Having the one bill and account has resulted in a huge saving on time
for us.
How do you use your reward points?
We put our reward points towards purchasing items for the workshop
to ensure everything is kept state of the art.
Have you attended any Capricorn events?
We regularly attend the tradeshows in our area and have plans on
attending the 2016 Gala Dinner & Tradeshow.
Do you use any other Capricorn services?
We use the Purple Pages regularly and also use CAP ezi-finance.
What is a recent business achievement?
As a result of business growth, we are currently recruiting additional
staff members. We have also recently purchased new equipment for
the workshop.
My Capricorn membership means…
Great rewards, less time spent on paperwork and the relationship that
is built between Preferred Suppliers and other Capricorn Members.
Oamaru Exhaust &
Radiator Ltd.
How did you first hear about Capricorn?
Shane Canning, Capricorn Area Manager, paid us a visit to explain
Capricorn and the benefits of being part of a group of like-minded
people working together. Easy decision to join.
How has being a Member benefited your business?
Access to Preferred Suppliers throughout the country, great for hard
to find parts.
How do you use your reward points?
We are building them up at present and have not used any yet.
Have you attended any Capricorn events?
We are relatively new Members so not as yet, however, we are looking
forward to the tradeshow being held in our area.
Do you use any other Capricorn services?
We love CAP ezi-parts as it sends our request to Preferred Suppliers
throughout the country. Purple Pages is also a great tool to have.
What is a recent business achievement?
We have hired an additional staff member. As a very small business,
What is the best thing about being in the automotive industry?
this is great growth for us.
We have the chance to work on a lot of different vehicles, hotrods
A tip (technical or otherwise) you would like to share with
and classics. We love helping people achieve the vehicle dreams and
other Members?
Offer great customer service and smile no matter how you may feel
My Capricorn membership means...
Streamlined, easy and convenient. Great people.
Future Rides
Koenigsegg Regera
Koenigsegg named 2016 Koenigsegg Regera a “megacar”, and added
that the second part of its name, regera, is a Swedish verb meaning
“to govern”, which instantly tells you what kind of performance you
should expect.
Amazingly enough, the entire exterior of 2016 Koenigsegg Regera
was done with no help of professional designers! If you take a look
at the car from the front, you will see that it’s simplified, not what
you’d expect from Koenigsegg in terms of style.
The car incorporates newly designed headlights and a deeper
aerodynamic splitter. As for the side profile, it is reminiscent of
Koenigsegg's previous model, the Agera and even retains the dihedral
synchro-helix actuation doors. The rear is completely redesigned,
with a new pair of LED taillights and a hydraulically activated rear
The cockpit and interior has been fully redesigned to be more
spacious and comfy. Every single piece of the cabin equipment is
wrapped in leather, Alcantra and carbon fibre. The large display
screen in the centre console features Apple Car Play.
The heart of 2016 Koenigsegg Regera is a twin-turbocharged,
5.0-liter, V-8 engine supplemented by three electric motors. The
Regera produces 700 hp and 664 pf of torque received from the
electric motors. Therefore, the total system outlet is of 1,500 hp and
1,475 pf of torque (in the least), all sent to the rear wheels through
a brand new technology called the Direct Drive, which replaces the
traditional gearbox with an electric motor. Another new feature the
Regera sports are variable-vane turbochargers, which give it more
low-end torque and enhanced throttle response at lower revs. With
this epic drive train, the car powers from 0-100km/h in 2.7 seconds
and is the fastest car in history accelerating from 0 - 400km/h in
less than 20 seconds.
Given this epic megacar pedigree and the fact that Koenigsegg is
only going to be producing 80 Regeras, you will not get much change
from US $2 million if you are planning on buying one of these beasts.
Supplier Focus
Auckland Japanese
Car Parts Centre Ltd
Zones Serviced
In 1982 a new business was started trading as "Super
Car Spares Ltd", dismantling vehicles of all types. In
1986, with the influx of imported vehicles from Japan,
a decision was made to specialise in body panels for
Japanese vehicles. Since then the business has never
looked back.
Auckland Japanese Car Parts Centre Ltd are a family
business. They are well respected in the local trade and
their overseas suppliers, having a reputation for treating
everybody in a very fair manner.
They were recently awarded a Certificate of Excellence
for having a 5-Star Partstrader Rating and continue to
strive for the best service possible.
Areas of specialisation include, used outside body panels/
parts, lights and auto electrical parts. They stock all
Since becoming a Capricorn Preferred Supplier, Auckland
Japanese makes, Peugeot, Volkswagen, Audi and BMW.
Japanese Car Par ts Centre deliver a faster, more
convenient service to customers. They have also reached
Based in Auckland, they distribute NZ wide.
a wider customer base as Capricorn Preferred Suppliers.
Keep an eye on your card
There is no doubt that your Capricorn membership entitles
you to some fantastic benefits.
To minimise the risk of misuse and fraudulent
activity on your Capricorn account, all
Members are requested to provide proof of
membership by either:
•Presenting your Capricorn Card when
collecting goods from Preferred Suppliers,
•Contacting the Preferred Supplier by phone
prior to collection.
Taking other basic precautions like signing the back
of your Capricorn Card and ensuring goods are only
delivered to your registered business address will
also minimise the risk of misuse.
Modern Day Cafe Racers
Kawasaki ER6 & Yamaha FJ 1200
Avid motorcycle enthusiast and owner of The Local Garage,
Mike Bilton, brings us these two mean looking modern cafe
Mike has had the bikes for around three years and in that time,
has completed some fairly extensive modifications.
The first of the bikes is a 2005 Kawasaki ER6. When Mike
acquired the bike, it was a full-faring road bike but over time
he has transformed it into the modern day cafe racer you see
here. The bike was fully stripped down, the tail and back end
were modified and a custom seat fitted. A modified exhaust,
bars and lights were fitted and the bike was finished with a
one off, red and pearl white paint job. Powered by a 650cc
engine, this Kawasaki is perfect for street cruising.
Mike's second bike is certainly a more traditional looking cafe
racer. This 1986 Yamaha FJ 1200 started its life as a sports
touring police bike before it was stripped back to frame and
bare metal for a complete, ground up re-build. Step one was
to roll sheet metal and construct a fully customised rear end.
The front end was then levelled to give the bike its street-like
appearance. Custom pipes, seat and front end were then fitted
and the bike finished off in classic off-white paint complete
with black race stripes and pin-lining. The re-build resulted
in a 40kg weight saving meaning the bike gets up to speed
very quickly!
If you think your ride has what it takes to be published in
Ignition, please email, Ensure you
include the subject line 'Member's Ride'. We look forward to
featuring your ride!
Exceeding your customers'
The age-old belief about customer service
displayed at that very first meeting. Why
was that if the service was good and the price
would greeting a potential new customer with
was right, the customer would keep returning
a car problem be any different? No staffer
to the business; that was once upon a time.
should ever walk past a customer without
The age-old methods of doing business are
acknowledging them.
long gone, and regrettably so has loyalty.
Make customers feel like you are expecting
Workshops are competing hard to steal
them – when the customer arrives, the
your customers. Intrusive social media
and advanced communication technology
care of, and the customer gets the feeling
are providing competitors with access to
that he or she was expected.
customers that was never possible even ten
Explain what is going to happen today –
years ago.
explain what the repair steps are likely to be.
It’s not just aftermarket competition. The
Call them back when you say you will – after
car dealerships are setting the bar even
confirming the repair process, always follow
higher, with generous fixed price servicing,
it through. If you say you will ring by 1pm,
free scheduled services and if they follow
make sure you do.
the US trend, dealerships may soon be using
Get approval and financial commitment for
their service departments to provide basic
services for vehicles other than the ones
they sell.
all repairs – approval must be gained to go
ahead with all repairs. If an estimate is all you
can give, make sure you call the customer if
This means that workshops will need to do a
it looks like exceeding that estimate.
lot more than what they believe is just good
Make your story exceed the price charged
customer service if they want to hold on to
their customers.
Get approval
and financial
for all
preliminaries should already have been taken
– make the story and explanation of the
repair job exceed the price on the invoice.
They need to start exceeding their customers’
This is not being misleading and nor does
expectations to the point where they become
it mean overcharging, but merely a simple
raving fans for your business. Once a
sales technique to give the car owner some
customer becomes a raving fan, they start
satisfaction for the hard earned money they
telling their friends and that’s the best
are about to part with.
advertising you can get.
Do something that visually improves the
Now this may sound like an impossible dream
appearance of the car and tell the customer
– what could you possibly do to exceed your
– that could vary from washing, vacuuming,
customers’ expectations?
cleaning tyres, using a deodoriser spray
Here are some simple strategies for exceeding
or cleaning the dash. Make it a policy that
your customers’ expectations – surprisingly
something the customer was not expecting
simple in fact.
is always done.
Put on a smile and be enthusiastic – the
The challenge is doing it every time you deal
future tone of any relationship between
with a customer no matter how busy you are.
humans is established by the attitudes
For some fantastic videos on how to correctly book in and
accurately check a vehicle for a scheduled repair, visit and click on 'Member Resources'
Bonus Reward Points - June
Members can earn more reward points by purchasing from Preferred Suppliers who offer bonus reward points.
Every time you make an eligible purchase from a Capricorn Preferred Supplier you earn 1.5 points per dollar
spent. When you see a Preferred Supplier offering bonus reward points you get 1.5 points per dollar spent on
eligible purchases plus the bonus reward points. By taking advantage of these offers your reward points balance
will grow even faster.
*Refers to offers for selected product(s) only. Contact the Capricorn Preferred Supplier for details.
1.5 & 3 Bonus Reward Points per $ spent
'Selected Products'*
2 Bonus Reward Points per $ spent 'Selected Products'*
For details of ongoing bonus reward points offers, contact your Capricorn Area Manager.
Important Note to Suppliers
Whilst we endeavour to list all offers we can only list bonus point offers that we are aware of at time of publication deadline.
Preferred Suppliers need to advise Capricorn by emailing with the subject line BONUS POINT OFFER by
the 15th of the prior month to ensure that any offers are listed in Ignition. For further information on how to run a bonus reward
points promotion, please contact Andrew Baird on 021 753 223.
Capricorn Tech Tips
Capricorn Tech Tips provides Members with access
to valuable technical tips from Capricorn Preferred
Suppliers. Each month we will feature a new Tech Tip
that addresses common workshop problems.
In addition to our monthly feature, there are many
more Tech Tips on our website which can be viewed
by following the prompts:
Vehicle and Category:
Professional Guide - Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)
This infographic is a guide only. Each vehicle present
their own different faults and procedures, you must
be competent and have the correct technical back up,
or you must take to a professional installer to fit this
Tech Tip provided by:
Classifieds Advertising Guidelines
Do you have a business for sale, equipment that you need to get rid of, or are you just looking for a part that you haven’t been able to find? If the
answer is yes, then you should advertise in the Capricorn Classifieds, it’s FREE to do so. See below for details.
• The Capricorn Classifieds are for Capricorn Members only to
advertise. Payment is to be organised between advertiser and
• Classifieds are on a first come, first serve basis. Depending on the
number received, your classified may not appear immediately.
• Parts or equipment that relate to your business only may be
• No positions vacant.
• Businesses for sale may be advertised.
• Cars for sale cannot be advertised.
• No pictures to be submitted.
• By submitting the Online Capricorn Classifieds Ad Form, you
acknowledge that the price of any goods or services shown is
inclusive of GST.
Mechanical Workshop, Yamba NSW
Auto Electrical, Whangamata NZ
Brake Lathe, Brunswick VIC
Progressive workshop with large customer
Unique opportunity, iconic beach lifestyle
Ammco 4000 series brake lathe. Motor
base. 21st century diagnostic equipment,
location. Only auto electrical business in
rewound, new belt, cutting tips, pulleys &
3 hoists, advanced level wheel alignment
town, est. 25yrs, variety of commercial,
centre shaft, comes with large cups and cones,
machine, tyre fitting and air cond equip, tyre
forestry, marine & private vehicles.
used as back up in retail/workshop, serviced
and battery sales, AIS station.
recently. $4,500. Ph: Steve 0407 053 366
Ph: David (02) 6646 1561
Panel and Paint, Yarram VIC
Mechanical & Exhaust Workshop
Nerang, QLD
Incl. office equip, quoting system, Seetal
Dynameter, Burleigh Heads QLD
Est. 25yrs, great location, 5 hoist & workshop
system, Invertor spot welder, spray equip,
equip, plus stock. AIS station, regular repeat
oven, Autorobot chasis alignment &
work shop tools, late model loan cars, good
clientele, highway frontage, great turnover.
lease terms Ph: Brett (03) 5182 6338
$250K WIWO. Ph: 0409 713 614
Auto Electrical Workshop, Brisbane
Western Suburb QLD
Mechanical Workshop, Midland WA
Small mechanical workshop, owner retiring.
W/shop has 2 hoists & floor bay. Comes
with stock, equipment & goodwill. Main road
frontage, close to train & bus station. $170K.
Large customer base, fully equip including
hoist, alt/starter bench, press, A/C equip,
scan tools and new stock. Air-con office and
customer waiting area. Text number for call
back 0488 525 817.
Mechanical Workshop, Tin Can Bay QLD
Mechanical Equipment, Box Hill VIC
Est. 8yrs, independently owned/operated,
Hoists: Powerrex 4000kg 4 post, Summit
well equip, 3 hoists, drive over lifter, wheel
alignment machine, tyrer fitting machine,
wheel balancer, complete w/tools & equip,
2 post and Molnar 2 post. Summit Tyre
machine model: 1700TI. Autel Scantool
Michelin Compressor Summit Wheel
Dynopack 3000 2WD Dynameter. Complete
package with all accessories. 240V powered
with 3 phase scroll cooling fan. Cost over
$100k, selling for $50k Ph: Dan 0410 410 094
Smash Repairs, Blayney NSW
Est 33yrs, 14yrs with current owners. Well
equipped with spray booth & paint room, CarO-Liner with electronic measuring. Only panel
shop in town. Great T/O & profit. Can sell or
lease the freehold. Ph: 0414 849 823
Truck Mechanical Workshop/Retail,
Macksville NSW
Large operating shed in growth corridor of
the billion dollar Pacific Hwy upgrade.
Existing advertising, web, phone.
WIWO or bring your own tools and equipment.
balancer model: 1350.
$15k bare - $40k. Ph: John 0418 460 045
Ph: Garry 0457 374 322
Ph: Neil 0419 571 308
Workshop Equipment, Malanda QLD
Mechanical Workshop, Albany WA
Motorcycle Sales, Service & Repairs
Currie, TAS
Servex LX.7 2000 Wheel Aligner $2,900.
Est. 30yrs, independently owned/operated,
have 2 staff that work locally. WIWO, POA.
Heavy duty drive on ramps & turn tables
$500. Robinair Air-Conditioning Machine
$2,500. Ph: Mick (07) 4096 6155 or
0409 890 384
modern well equip workshop, 4 hoists,
extra work bays, long lease avail, excellent
reputation, large clientele. $265k WIWO.
Looking for a sea change? Large workshop,
vehicle, ATV's & small engines. AIS Inspection
accredited. Latest tec wheel alignment equ. 2 &
4 post hoists. POA. Ph: 0429 611 266
How to Advertise in the Capricorn Classifieds
Email with the following details: your Member number, business name, contact details and details of your advert (no more than 30 words).
Capricorn must receive your classified by the 16th of the month preceding the publication month. If we have not received your classified by this date it will be
published in the following month depending on the number of adverts received.
Check out your classified and fellow Members’ classifieds in the next edition of Ignition.
Editor: Vick Skivinis
Publisher's General Disclaimer
All information, material and content contained in this edition of Ignition is provided or sourced by Capricorn Society Limited (“Capricorn”) for general
information only and is not intended to be advice or comment on any particular matter or subject. Before acting on any information you should consider
the relevance of it to your own circumstances and, if necessary, take professional advice.
Capricorn makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of any material (including, without limitation, any third party
supplier advertisement in respect of which Capricorn merely acts as a conduit) included in this edition of Ignition. To the fullest extent permitted by law
Capricorn, its officers, employees, agents and representatives disclaim any and all liability to you or any other person for any loss or damage whatsoever
connected with: (i) reliance on material in Ignition; or (ii) inaccuracy, error or omission in material in Ignition.
Capricorn, Capricorn…it’s just easier!, Ignition, Capricorn Travel, Capricorn Mutual and the boomerangs device are trademarks or registered trademarks
of Capricorn.
If you have any news or information that you think would be of interest to your fellow Members, please send the information to Capricorn via fax on 1800
227 329 (Australia) or email
Capricorn Society Limited
ACN 008 347 313
Postal Address: Locked Bag 3003
West Perth WA 6872
Editor: Vick Skivinis
New Zealand Office:
PO Box 91567
Victoria Street West, Auckland 1142
Free Phone 0800 401 444
Free Fax 0800 401 555
Spot the Difference
Have a close look at these two photos and see if you can spot
the five differences between them. Jot the differences down and
email the answers to us to be in the running to
win 4,000 reward points for first prize and 2,000 reward
points for second prize.
Email your answers to
Entries must be in by 30 June 2016.
*The winners will be selected by lucky hat draw of correct entries. Please ensure
you include your Member number and email when submitting your entry.
Member #
May Winners
1st Prize – 4000 reward points
All 4x4 Services
2nd Prize – 2000 reward points
East Swan Mobile Mechanic
Bottle top changed colour
Sticker missing from wall
Name on shirt
Two circles on post
'I' missing from post
Word Hunter
Welcome to Word Hunter! The 15 listed
words below are hidden in the jumble and
could be printed horizontally, vertically,
diagonally or even backwards. Take some
time out and see if you can find all 15 words
Good luck!
Finance made
Whether it’s a scan tool, hoist, spray booth or
wheel balancer, Capricorn Finance can help
you get your workshop equipment sooner
with repayment terms up to 60 months.
• Pay just 5% p.a. (fixed charge) when
you finance over $2,500
• Minimal paperwork
• Fast turnaround
Contact Capricorn Finance now for more details on a finance
package for you and your business.
0800 401 444 | |
CAP ezi-finance is provided by Capricorn Finance, part of Capricorn Society Limited (NZ Company No. 651162) and is only available to
For the best
Capricorn Members who have been members for more than 12 months. The fixed charge is an annual percentage of the amount financed and
interests of
our members not an annualised rate or percentage of the outstanding balance. It is not an interest rate and should not be used to compare CAP ezi-finance
with other financial products which use an interest rate. The fixed charge is subject to change without notice. All applications for CAP ezifinance are subject to Capricorn's prevailing lending criteria. Terms and conditions apply.