May 2011 - Lancaster County Chapter
May 2011 - Lancaster County Chapter
ALUMNI ASSOCIATION LANCASTER COUNTY CHAPTER NITTANY LINES Volume XIX Number 9 Next Monthly Meeting: CHAPTER PICNIC Friday - June 17th 5:30—7:30pm Location: Olde Hickory Contact Rick Miller to RSVP or for more details: 717-293-9601 July Meeting : Wednesday July 27th Location: TBD Chapter Website at Designed and maintained by: Logos-Stationery-Brochures-AdsNewsletters-Websites 134 Bloomfield Drive, Ephrata, PA 17522; 717-625-3707 EDITOR: JoAnn Cohen ( May 2011 Blood Drive Recap On Saturday April 30, the Penn State Club of Lancaster sponsored a mobile blood drive on location at the Farm and Home Center, as part of our Chapter’s 2010-2011 service program efforts. Frank Musso, Helen Ebersole, Dick Booth and Jennie Rothweiler volunteered their time greeting donors, handing out coupons and magnets, and spreading the word about our Chapter and the importance of blood donation. Special thanks to Todd Eicker and Molly Roach in the Admissions Office at Penn State York for loaning us the Nittany Lion costume, and to Penn State The Lancaster Center for the use of their classroom for donor registration. A huge thank you also to Dick Booth for portraying the Nittany Lion during the event! Central Pennsylvania Blood Bank (CPBB) is a community-based program working to promote, secure and coordinate the region’s blood supply and regularly holds blood drives in the Lancaster, York, and Harrisburg areas. This notfor-profit organization is a vital part of the local community, responsible for 100% of the blood needs at 15 hospitals, including Penn State Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. CPBB relies on the generosity of thousands of dedicated individuals to voluntarily donate blood to provide optimum care for patients in their member hospitals, which transfuse over 120,000 units of blood and blood products each year. Individual members, area schools, businesses, churches, civic and group organizations are a crucial part of this literally life-saving program. The Penn State Lancaster Chapter is proud to be a part of this valuable local organization’s community service efforts. Chapter Membership Drive MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL TIME! Our new fiscal year begins July 1, which means it’s almost time to renew your Chapter Membership for 2011-2012 and enjoy all the benefits Chapter members receive: monthly Nittany Lines newsletters, access to our Football Ticket Exchange, priority event registration, and so much more! To renew your membership, simply complete the enclosed Membership Form and prepare a check made payable to Penn State Club of Lancaster County for the appropriate amount. You can bring your form and payment to the Annual Chapter Picnic on June 17th, or mail to our Membership VP, Jennie Rothweiler, at the address at the top of the form. The Membership Form is also available on our website at ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING AND PICNIC Friday, June 17th, 2011 (Rain or Shine) 5:30pm until 7:30pm Village of Olde Hickory (Clubhouse) 800 Olde Hickory Road, Lancaster, PA -Picnic followed by brief Board meeting and Election of officers- All Chapter Members are Welcome! This event is open to all Chapter Members and their immediate families. The cost is FREE, though donations will be accepted for our Scholarship Fund. Please RSVP in advance with number attending to Rick Miller at or 717 661-7577. Dinner menu includes hot dogs, hamburgers, the traditional picnic side dishes and beverages. Remember to bring your chairs and blankets. Please respond by Friday, June 10th; you can also send your RSVP to Rick at the following address with the number of people (adults and children) attending: Rick Miller 2151 Creek Hill Road Lancaster, PA 17601 PSU LANCASTER CHAPTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS NOMINATIONS If you would like to help plan activities for your Chapter and can attend a monthly Board meeting, please consider petitioning for nomination to the Board. Chapter bylaws state that a nominee can submit their petition with 25 signatures to the Nominations Chair no less than 48 hours before the Board meeting electing Directors. One purpose of our Annual Meeting is to elect persons to fill vacancies on your Board of Directors. Our Annual Meeting will be held on Friday, June 17th, 2011, at 5:30pm at Olde Hickory. Send your petition to our Nominations Chair, Helen Ebersole, 1305 Wheatland Ave, Lancaster, PA 17603, to arrive no less than 48 hours prior to the annual meeting. BOARD OFFICERS Board Officers remaining as nominees in their current positions: Officers: President: Rick Miller, VP: Jen Risser, Treasurer: Dennis Anspach, Secretary: Josh Deering, VP Membership: Jennie Rothweiler, Social Chair: Kyla Ward The Nominating Committee is still actively searching for a replacement for VP of Communications. This is an exciting opportunity to use your skills to create the newsletter each month. Gather information from the board and PSU to format and create interesting articles and keep the membership up to date on Chapter events! Interested parties, contact Helen Ebersole. BOARD RETIREMENTS: Director Pat Wolf is retiring from the Board. Pat organized our Chapter group outings to Hershey Bears hockey games each year, is a regular on our football bus trips, and has contributed at many other annual events, including our Freshman Sendoff. The Board extends its deepest gratitude for Pat’s commitment to the Lancaster Chapter. Board Member Dave Dell resigned mid-term due to other competing priorities. The Board is very grateful to Dave for his efforts co-chairing the hugely successful 2009 and 2010 golf outings, and for his tireless selling efforts for our scholarship raffle. NEW BOARD MEMBERS The Nominating Committee has recommended the following individuals for election as Board members: Glenda Ebersole and Randy Koontz. BOARD MEMBERS AGREEING TO AN ADDITIONAL TERM The Nominating Committee has recommended the following current Board members to be elected to serve an additional three-year term: Anthony Burkholder, Bob Kaufhold, Dan Samilo, and Jenn Spade. BOARD MEMBERS WHOSE TERM HAS NOT EXPIRED The following members remain holding positions on the Board: Glenn Bissinger, Dick Booth, JoAnn Cohen, Mike Cole, Carol Deem, Helen Ebersole, Jess Klinkner, Casey Fritz, Dennis Glowaski, Paul Hann, Bill Lines, Chris McCreary, Frank Musso, and Doug Shank. Chapter Members will vote on the Board Nominations at the June 17th Annual Picnic and Meeting. Chapter Annual Golf Outing The Chapter’s annual golf outing was held on Friday May 6th at Groff’s Farm Golf Club in Mount Joy. The weather held out for us and it turned out to be a partly sunny day with temperatures in the low 70’s. A small stray shower passed over head and spritzed the golfers for a minute or so, something that most didn’t even notice. All 124 golfers in attendance were treated to lunch prior to tee-off. A good time was had by all as we competed in a longest drive contest, two closest to the pin holes, and of course, vying for the lowest score. This year, one lucky player, Barry Rothweiler, had a hole-in-one on one of holes with a closest to the pin contest. Needless to say, he won the prize on that hole. Congratulations again Barry. Once golf was completed, the participants made their way into the tent to be joined by their fellow nongolfing Penn State fans. We were treated to a delicious pulled pork dinner. Following dinner, Coach Tom Bradley entertained all in attendance with Penn State stories, a team status update and answered as many questions as he could. Following Coach Bradley, the group was treated to a trio of current and former players including former free-safety Lee Rubin, former wide receiver Graham Zug, and current line backer Dakota Royer. Lee spoke first sharing some of his stories of his Penn State glory and also introduced his new book WIN. The floor was then opened for a question and answer session for these three guests. This year’s outing was yet another huge success. This could not have been achieved without the hard work of all the committee members, volunteers, and sponsors. The time and monetary commitment put forth is what makes the Chapter Scholarship Fund so successful. Please take time to review the list of the outing sponsors found in this newsletter. The Committee would like to thank everyone involved in this important Chapter event, and is looking forward to another successful year in 2012. Penn State Alumni Association - Lancaster County Chapter New or Renewing Membership Form Please fill out the entire form and mail it, along with your payment, to our Membership VP: Jennie Rothweiler, 205 Woodchuck Drive, Ephrata, PA 17522 Checks should be made payable to Penn State Club of Lancaster County M E M B E R S H I P S C H O L A R S H I P F U N D First Name Last Name PSU Major Grad Year Email Spouse Name Last Name PSU Major Grad Year Email Street Address City State Zip Phone Number Member Occupation Member Employer Member Employer Address Member Work Phone Member Work Fax Member Work Email Cell Number Scholarship Donations We currently award seven $1,000 Scholarships to students graduating from a Lancaster County High School who are attending a Penn State Campus in the fall semester following their graduation year. Any amount is greatly appreciated. Scholarship donations are tax deductible. Raffle Tickets and Prizes We raise funds for our scholarship program through donations and various activities conducted throughout the year - our annual golf outing and our annual ice cream sale are two of the major events we hold to raise money for the fund. A third major revenue source for our scholarship fund is our raffle ticket sale. This year's drawing will be held on Sunday, August 7 following our Freshman Sendoff at Penn State, The Lancaster Center. You do not need to be present to win. Grand Prize - Pair of 2011 Penn State Football Season Tickets (includes parking pass) plus free admission for two to our Chapter tailgate (Oct 8 vs Iowa). 2nd Prize – Four tickets to the American Music Theatre 2011 Christmas Show, plus $50 Target and $50 Wal-Mart gift cards, plus $50 Iron Hill Brewery and $45 Outback Steakhouse restaurant gift certificates. 3rd Prize - Pair of tickets to the 2011 Penn State football home opener vs. Indiana State plus two gift certificates to the Lancaster Eden Resort Champagne Sunday Brunch. All tickets and money must be received by Friday, August 5, 2011. Tickets are available on our website and in Chapter newsletters. You may copy or reprint more tickets if you wish. You must be 18 years of age or older to participate. Advertising in Nittany Lines Newsletters A D S V O L U N T E E R Our program consists of a standard business card size advertisement featured in each of our newsletters for approximately one year. Your ad has the potential to reach more than 350 households in Central PA each newsletter mailing and over 5,000 house-holds once per year. You can enhance your ad by offering promotions to Penn State Lancaster Chapter members. If you are interested, please include your standard business card (2" x 3.5") or same size ad copy with payment and complete the Member Information Section. You can also email an electronic ad (2" x 3.5") to our Membership VP at Returning advertisers may specify same ad as last year. If you’d like to purchase a larger ad, call Jennie Rothweiler for pricing (717-575-4175). In addition to the many social activities that our group enjoys, a lot of our efforts are service-related and benefit our community. Each year we choose a National Service Week Project that we support the entire Chapter year, and we have annual volunteer efforts. Won't you join us? __Lititz Craft Show Ice Cream Sale Fundraiser __Relay for Life (Walk, Donate, Support) __Outreach/Annual Service Project __Adopt-A-Highway __Project for the Needy Christmas Meal Delivery __PSU Lancaster Chapter Board Member __I know of an organization to help: ___________________ Dues and Donations Summary $ ____ One Year Membership ($15) $ ____ Spouse Membership ($5) $ ____ Scholarship Donation (any amt) $ ____ Raffle Ticket Purchase $ ____ Advertising ($159) $ ____ TOTAL (checks payable to Penn State Club of Lancaster) NL Our Annual Chapter Golf Outing was Another Big Success! We’d like to thank the following individuals and businesses for their generosity and donations. Corporate Sponsors SPEAKER SPONSOR DINNER SPONSOR BEVERAGE CART SPONSOR LION SPONSORS THE BACK PAGE RESTAURANT DUTCH VALLEY AUTO WORKS FRANK C. MUSSO, CPA, MPA, P.C. HIGH INDUSTRIES, INC. SUSQUEHANNA BANK DONATIONS Blue Hole Sponsors Alltech Industries Blakinger, Byler & Thomas, P.C. County Commissioners Dennis Stuckey and Scott Martin Doug Trower – Smith Barney E-Town Motors, LLC Environmental Compliance Management, Inc. Fastening Products of Lancaster Fulton Bank Herr’s Snack Foods In Memory of Penn State Thomas Beaver, Jr. Miller & Sons Paul and Peggy Hann Reynolds Heating & Air Conditioning Stephen Black Builders, Inc. (2 holes) Warfel Construction Westfield Insurance Group White Program Sponsors Douglas P. Shank – Smith Barney Richard A. Booth Vinyl Creations – signs and banner Alltech Industries A-Z Advertising Specialties, Inc. Buzz and Maggie Anspach Charles Collom, Jr. Choke Design Company Cool Creek Golf Club Frank Musso Golf Etc. Groff’s Farm Golf Club Harry Flick Jr. Honeybrook Golf Club Jennie and Gary Rothweiler Jerry Benton Kitchen Kettle Village Lee Rubin Legg Mason Funds M&M Mars (Masterfoods USA, Inc.) Offset Impressions Inc. Reading Country Club Sally Bair Stephanie Mackey The Penn State Club of Lancaster The Penn State Lancaster Center The Student Book Store Union National Bank Ye Olde College Diner Village Greens Golf, Inc. A very special thanks to our hard working Golf Outing Committee: Mike Cole, Co-Chairperson ● Jennifer Risser, Co-Chairperson Glenn Bissinger ● Casey Fritz ● Jennifer Spade ● Kyla Ward Rick Miller Company Catering Cafeteria and Vending Services Locally owned and operated we have been providing in-house corporate cafeteria and vending services since 2002 Contact us to see what a small, local company can do. You might be surprised. 334 West Main Street Leola 17540 717 661-7577 casual dining and good cheer Food specials, drink specials, happy hour Patio Open Soon Check out our game room!! 10% off all Gift Cards—Mention this ad! 334 West Main Street Leola 17540 717 661-7577 ADDITIONS CUSTOM HOMES STEPHEN BLACK BUILDERS, INC QUALITY IS OUR CUSTOM Lititz, PA 17543 Stephen Black (717) 626-1778 email: (717) 626-6163 Penn State Club of Lancaster County NON PROFIT U.S. POSTAGE PAID LANCASTER, PA PERMIT NO. 526 c/o The Lancaster Center 1383 Arcadia Road, Suite 102 Lancaster, PA 17601 Address Service Requested |---------------------- Upcoming Chapter Events and Deadlines June 10-11th Relay for Life CV High School June 17th Annual Picnic Olde Hickory Golf Club August 7th August 13th October 22nd Lititz Ice Cream Sale TV Tailgate Party PSU vs. Northwestern September 10th November 12th Bus Trip PSU vs. Alabama Bus Trip PSU vs. Nebraska October 8th Bus Trip/Tailgate PSU vs. Iowa Freshman Sendoff November 19th TV Tailgate Party PSU vs. Ohio State Visit our Chapter website at Side Lions… Check out the new and improved Facebook Page for the -- RELAY FOR LIFE — Chapter. You can find us at “Penn State Lancaster County Come support the Roaring for Chapter”. Please sign up on the a Cure team! Relay for Life is new page to get information on on June 10-11, 4pm-4pm at CV the Chapter Events. There is a High School. Everyone is wel- link on the Chapter website (listed above)! come. Contact Steve Fink: or 717-940 -3738 for more information or to join the team! hange c x E t ke all Tic Footb Dale Spaulding is again managing our football ticket exchange. E-mail Dale with your name, phone number, game date, number of tickets, and ticket price. Whether you’re buying or selling, Dale can help you try to find what you need. Email: If you don’t have email, Phone: (717) 687-8718
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