The Teddy Bear Times
The Teddy Bear Times
The Teddy Bear Times November 2011 Principal’s Message The Mary Kay McMillin Early Childhood Center Staff welcomed 370 students when we opened our doors in September including 42 first graders new to our school. As our student population grew so did our staff, and we warmly welcomed the following staff members to our school community: Dana Mirabella, Laura Doeringer, Karen Pilkington, Margaret Hodge, Sue LaMaita, Cathy Pitingolo, Denise Busby, Fern Wolkin and Tina Schendt. Annie Corley-Hand Principal The district embarked on a new inquiry-based science program and elementary students across the district are engaged in observation, inference, and experimentation. The lessons are clustered to support the students’ development of science concepts and principles through active engagement in activities and investigations. To find out more about the program visit Our school is a community of students, staff, and parents, and our program would not be as successful without the support of our parent volunteers. Whether riding the bus, stuffing first day packets, or volunteering in our library, art room, playground, or classrooms, our school welcomes volunteers to assist us. We value your time and efforts and appreciate your dedication to the children as a supportive aide, role model, and mentor. Early childhood is truly a remarkable time. Our school is a wonderful place to be, and your presence at school is welcome. Last year we welcomed more than 3,000 visitors to our school. We invite you to come to our school to volunteer your time and talents. Superintendent’s Message Dear Parents/Guardians: It is difficult to comprehend that we have already completed 1/8 of the school year. I am excited about the 2011-2012 school year and wanted to make you aware of some topics which are focal points for us this year. Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying Judith A. Rattner Superintendent Berkeley Heights Schools The state of New Jersey passed the AntiBullying Bill of Rights in 2011 to improve harassment, intimidation, and bullying (HIB) laws that were adopted in 2002 (and subsequently amended in 2007 & 2008). These new regulations establish clearer standards for the definition of harassment, intimidation, and bullying while clarifying and strengthening standards on preventing, reporting, investigating, and responding to incidents of HIB. Research clearly indicates that bullying is a learned behavior and detrimental to the academic, physical, social, and emotional development of all involved—bullies, targets, and the bystanders who witness it. A wave of recent bullying incidents with tragic outcomes has shed a renewed light on this issue. The advent of technology allows for impulsive, anonymous, and rapid communication that has expanded the opportunities for bullying to a degree that necessitates more innovative and immediate responses than ever before (DuPage County Anti-Bullying Task Force Model Bullying Policy, 2011). The Berkeley Heights Public Schools renews its efforts to prevent, report, investigate, and respond to harassment, intimidation, and bullying that is aligned to state laws and district policies. The district’s Anti-Bullying Coordinator will coordinate district-wide efforts, work closely with school AntiBullying Specialists, provide staff training and send data to the NJDOE in collaboration with the district administration. Each school has been assigned an Anti-Bullying Specialist who will lead investigations into reports of harassment, intimidation, and ...more > SUPERINTENDENT’S MESSAGE (CONTINUED) bullying, in coordination with the building principal. The AntiBullying Specialist will also chair the School Safety Team, whose purpose is to develop, foster, and maintain a positive school climate. All of the schools in the district recently celebrated New Jersey’s initial Week of Respect, which will be conducted annually during the first full week of October each year. Throughout the year, as students may be involved in possible incidents of harassment, intimidation and bullying, our Anti-Bullying Specialists will conduct investigations which may encompass talking with students, observing classrooms, and working with school staff to determine the nature of such incidents. If your child has been involved in an investigation, you will likely receive an initial phone call and a follow-up letter notifying you of the results of the investigation once it has been completed. Specific timelines exist to guide staff and administration in these endeavors. We look forward to working together with students, parents and community members to make our schools safe, productive learning environments for all. Please visit our website for a listing of resources for parents to support their children in becoming responsible, respectful citizens. We invite you to attend an HIB Informational Session for Parents presented by Dr. Paula Rodriquez Rust on Monday, November 14 beginning at 7 pm in the GLHS auditorium. Strategic Planning The Berkeley Heights Public Schools are hosting a Kick Off meeting for our Strategic Planning and Visioning process on Thursday evening, October 27th beginning at 8:00 PM in the Columbia Middle School multi-purpose room. Have you ever had great ideas that you feel could make an important difference in our school district? Have you ever wished you could have an impact on the vision of what future education in Berkeley Heights should look like? Your great ideas are important to us! The Berkeley Heights School District is about to embark upon a process called “Strategic Planning/Visioning.” Working together as a community, we will begin the process of creating a plan for strengthening the educational program in the Berkeley Heights Public Schools over the next several years. This planning process will allow us to plot a course of how we will get there. Strategic planning creates a vision that guides, directs, motivates, and inspires all members of the educational community to work together and plan for the future of the children in our school community. In order for strategic planning to be successful, we need input from all representative areas of the Berkeley Heights and Mountainside communities including: parents, senior citizens, local business people, teachers, students, “empty nesters,” administrators, and members of various local organizations. Volunteering for the strategic planning process requires a commitment to attend several meetings over a period of approximately four months. Your ideas are important to the future of education in the Berkeley Heights Public Schools! Please contact my office if you have any questions regarding the Strategic Planning/Visioning process. Sincerely, Judith A. Rattner 2 The Teddy Bear Times November 2011 TABLE OF CONTENT Classroom Happenings – Preschool........................................4 – Kindergarten ..................................4 – First Grade ....................................5 – Music ..............................................7 – Art ..................................................7 – Health Office News........................8 – Reading Room News......................8 Parents and Teachers – PTO President Letter ..................10 – Membership..................................12 – Class Parent Committee ..............12 – Welcome Back Social ..................12 – Book Fair ......................................13 – TerraCycle ....................................13 – Cultural Arts ................................14 – The Fundraising Committee ........14 – Box Tops ......................................14 The Teddy Bear Times November 2011 3 CLASSROOM HAPPENINGS **Photo retake is Thursday, November 17, 2011** Preschool The preschoolers in Mrs. Conroy’s class spent the month of September getting to know each other and their new classroom. We played a variety of name games and learned fun songs and rhymes to practice each other’s names. Willoughby Wallaby Woo was a class favorite! We also explored the different learning centers in our classroom. The preschoolers were very excited to create constructions in the block area, cook in the house area, look through color wands at the science table and paint at the easel. The students worked together to come up with a name for our class pet, a red beta fish. Many creative ideas were shared. The preschoolers voted, and the name with the most votes was Pepperoni. The students greet Pepperoni every day and help to feed him. They have noticed how Pepperoni always swims to the top of his tank when we open the top to feed him. We are off to a great start in room 206! The children in Mrs. Scales’s preschool classes have been busy settling into school routines and forming new friendships. Our classroom community grows stronger each day as the children learn to respect and care for the classroom and each other. The preschoolers are having fun learning about their amazing bodies! They loved the big books, I Like Me! and From Head To Toe. They drew self-portraits, used body part stickers to create faces, and were measured for height. Won’t they be surprised in the spring when we measure again and they see how much they’ve grown! In Mrs. Howard’s class, we are working on charting sunny, rainy, and cloudy days. We are learning how to dress for the weather. We have just started to learn about money and have been successful at matching the values for common items. We are off to a great start! Kindergarten Ms. Bodner’s class has been getting to know each other over the past several weeks. We have discussed ways to stay safe in the classroom and have taken a pledge to take care of ourselves, others and things around us. We have also gone on a few class walks collecting items from nature on the way. Over the next few weeks, the children will learn more about our natural environment. They will observe and discuss different types of apples and pumpkins, the weather, types of animals and the seasonal harvest time! To begin the school year, the children in Mrs. Maceroli’s classes discussed their hopes and dreams for kindergarten. They soon recognized the need for classroom rules so that their hopes and 4 The Teddy Bear Times November 2011 CLASSROOM HAPPENINGS painted a watercolor still life. They learned facts about sound using a non-fiction book and took a listening walk to listen for man-made sounds and sounds from nature. Many children, in the quiet of a fall day, heard sounds often gone unnoticed, such as the wind causing leaves to rustle in the trees and crunching leaves under their feet. Ms. Mirabella and Mrs. Twill’s classes have been busy exploring the season of fall. The children have learned about apples and squirrels. During the apple unit, the children read about the life cycle of an apple seed and created their own life cycle. While enjoying the outdoor classroom, we examined interesting facts about squirrels- especially their tails! In math, we have been graphing, sorting, counting and using math terminology during each unit of study. The children are adjusting well to our kindergarten schedule. We are off to a great start! First Grade dreams could be realized. The students listed the rules that they wanted for their class and noticed that it was quite a long list! Too many to manage! So each rule was written down on an index card and together the class sorted and placed each rule into one of three rule boxes: “Take Care of Yourself rule box, Take Care of Each Other rule box, and Take Care of the Things around Us rule box”. These three important Take Care rules are much easier to remember, and by following these three rules, everyone respects all of the “smaller” rules that were placed inside the boxes. For example, when children follow the Take Care of Yourself rule, they are also following the smaller rules inside the box such as listen to instructions and pay attention. The students have also learned that by following these three important Take Care rules they are agreeing to the most important rule of all: To behave in ways that are helpful. By working together to establish how they want their class to be, the students in room K1 have set the groundwork for becoming a caring community of learners. They are on their way to having their hopes and dreams for kindergarten come true! The students in Mrs. Poage’s class are experiencing all the wonders of fall across the curriculum. The fall-oriented pocket charts helped the children learn important concepts of print. The children worked outside in the outdoor classroom using fall collections to make nature patterns. Graphing apples before making applesauce helped them develop in their understanding of most, least, equal, and how many more. After reading about the life cycle of apples and pumpkins, the children compared and contrasted the two fall fruits using a graphic organizer and then The first graders in Ms. Bocian’s class had an amazing “Apple Day” during the beginning of October! With the help of several volunteer family members, the children had the chance to measure and weigh apples, count the number of seeds inside, taste three different types of apples, and paint with apples! Our two art projects were based on the books Ten Apples Up on Top by Theo. LeSieg and Ten Red Apples by Pat Hutchins. Stop by Room 101 to look at our apple printing and apple glyphs! The first graders in Mrs. Conlon’s class celebrated Apple Math day! The children were busy participating in a variety of Apple Math Centers. While one group was creating Apple Math books, another group was happily tasting and graphing their favorite apple. Our budding mathematicians and scientists also had lots of opportunity to satisfy their interests by using observation, weight and measurement tools. Ms. Doeringer’s students recently completed an Apple Math and Science Day. Among other things, the students weighed and measured their apples, observed and diagramed their apples, and The Teddy Bear Times November 2011 5 CLASSROOM HAPPENINGS read a play about Johnny Appleseed. According to many of the children, the highlight of the day was when they disposed of their apples outside where animals could find and eat them! September has been a very busy month is Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Stevenson’s first grade. To help launch our writer’s workshop this year, the children brought in a photo of a cherished memory to share with the class. The children took turns sharing the story behind their cherished photos. After each child shared his or her photo, we discussed how this photo may have sparked a memory for others in the class. We have hung up our photos in the classroom to aide us when we are in need of a writing topic. We have enjoyed recalling and sharing our special memories. We are now looking forward to creating future cherished memories with our new friends. The children in Mr. Prupis’ class experienced their first math explorations in October. Math explorations are independent or small-group activities that allow children to investigate, develop and extend math concepts. The first graders worked at four centers that utilized various mathematical manipulatives; such as, base ten blocks, geoboards and pattern blocks. At each center, the children had the opportunity for self-discovery using the manipulatives. Everyone loved participating in math explorations! Mrs. Rottenberg’s students have gotten off to great start in first grade! In October they participated in “Apple Math” activities. The children used apples to weigh, measure, count, taste, graph and print. Very sour Granny Smith apples were the overall favorite! We are studying weather and learning to be meteorologists. We look forward to meeting a real meteorologist, Mr. G, in November. SPIDERS! SPIDERS! SPIDERS! The students in Mrs. Sangiovanni’s class are becoming spider experts! They used the Apple wireless laptops to gather all kinds of information. It’s amazing to hear all the information they learned about those creepy crawly arachnids. Be sure to enjoy their bigger than life spider web, spiders and facts displayed outside their classroom. 6 The Teddy Bear Times November 2011 Ms. Varley’s class is off to a great start! We have spent a good deal of time getting to know one another, establishing our routines, and creating a positive environment in which to spend our days together this year. We enjoy learning new word wall words each week, selecting our “just right” books during readers' workshop, and being the authors of our own stories in writers' workshop. We have also been practicing the principles of conscious discipline by reading all of the books in the Shubert series by Becky Bailey and discussing on a daily basis what it means to respect and care about ourselves and our fellow classroom family members. We have all decided that Room 105 is a terrific place to be! CLASSROOM HAPPENINGS Music All the children at Mary Kay McMillin are ringing in the school year with “Hello Everybody”, “We Are Stars” and other songs by Mr. Sack as well as traditional favorites such as Woody Guthrie’s “This Land is Your Land” and “Put Your Finger in the Air.” First graders are learning to play steady beats and more challenging rhythms in drum circles. They also enjoy singing in other languages like Swahili and Spanish. Kindergartners and preschoolers are enjoying sing-a-longs with Mr. Sack and his new ukulele. Mr. Monkey and Kermit the Frog helped us all remember how important it is to be helpful and safe on the bus with a show and rhythmic rap by Mrs. Reedy during our October celebration! Music can often be heard coming from the gymnasium as children practice moving safely in open space while demonstrating a variety of gross loco-motor movements including skipping, galloping and jogging. All first graders are enjoying the beautiful fall weather as they often have an opportunity to explore one of our two playground areas. Children in Mrs. Grysko’s PE classes have experienced many fun cardio-vascular conditioning activities including “Musical Hoops”, “Driver and Passengers” and “Four Corners”! Students have also learned to tag safely as they play “What Time Is It Mr. Fox?” or “Lion King Tag”. Our first grade children have also practiced their soccer skills while working with partners in games of “Roller, Trapper”, “Tunnels” and “Guard the Pin”. Catching a tossed or bounced ball is a skill practiced in a favorite game called “Hot Potato Tag”. Art First grader students in Mrs. Bjorge’s and Mrs. Pilkington’s art classes used their hands to form whimsical pictures for the PTO note card fundraiser to start off the year. Hands were turned into colorful helicopters, snails, ice cream sundaes and fish with wonderful settings for all these creative ideas. Now our terrific young artists are learning about nature and how the wind moves things. Our swaying trees with ripped paper produced fantastic textures to look just like tree bark. Sponging on the colors of fall for leaves completed these beautiful masterpieces and set the stage for the season. CLASSROOM HAPPENINGS Health Office News Welcome back to school! The preschool, kindergarten, and first grade students will be weighed, measured, and have their blood pressure checked starting in October. Vision and hearing evaluations will be done between November and late spring. You will only be notified if your child needs to be referred for further evaluation. This fall and winter, the first grade children will have health lessons on the importance of stranger safety, germs, and proper hygiene with the hope to minimize illnesses; especially, during the upcoming flu season. Please remember to notify the nurse of new allergies, health conditions, medication use, and changes in phone numbers for emergency contacts. Many children do not have emergency contact phone numbers, which are essential if your child is ill or hurt while at school. Update this important information on PowerSchool as soon as possible. Remember to call the attendance line if your child will be absent. It is important that we know your child is safe at home. Also, when calling the attendance line, be specific with symptoms of illness or diagnosis. 8 The Teddy Bear Times November 2011 Reading Room News As part of your child’s homework, he/she is asked to read a Just Right book to you. It should be read relatively quickly and fluently. Although it may appear to be too easy, please remember that your child has practiced repeatedly with it at school. He/she should be proud of the accomplishment and praised for the great reading. If your child is struggling with the book while reading it at home, please notify the teacher. My name is Mrs. Niedenfuhr here at MKMECC library, which is a wonderful place filled with great books, enthusiasm for reading, and opportunities to talk and think about books, stories, and authors. The first graders are enjoying their library lessons, finding their way around the room, and making exciting choices of books to borrow. We have talked about book care (ask your children to tell you one thing they will “No, No, Never, Never” do to a book), read some great books about friendships, and played the koosh ball literacy game. But most importantly, the children have borrowed many, many books. I appreciate all the volunteers who have helped the library run so smoothly and make a huge difference to me and the children every day. If you have not met me, please stop by to say hi and be sure to borrow some books to share with your children. I am at MKM all day Mondays, Tuesday afternoons, and Wednesday mornings (other days you’ll find me at Hughes) and I look forward to meeting you. You are always welcome at the MKMECC Library! PARENTS AND TEACHERS ORGANIZATION From the PTO President We are full swing ahead into another exciting school year here at the Mary Kay McMillin Early Childhood Center. I can hardly believe it is November already, so much has happened since the first day of school! The PTO worked closely with Mrs. Corley-Hand to make sure that the first week of school was a happy experience for your children. We encouraged parents to ride the buses again this year and reiterate the importance of Bus Safety Rules & Procedures on and off the buses. Thank you to all the parents that volunteered. The children really enjoyed having them on the buses. Hopefully parents will continue to support this program and volunteer to ride the buses for the first few days of school in the future in order to model appropriate behaviors and instill good habits from the start. The Preschoolers and Kindergarteners are already into their daily routine and the first graders have decorated their new Writer’s Workshop bags provided by the PTO. I am sure that they already have some terrific stories in them. Our first big social event of the year was the PTO’s Welcome Back Social on Thursday, October 6th. It was a huge success and a lot of fun for everyone that attended. Mother Nature was kind to us this year, which I am sure contributed to the big turnout. Thank you to all the volunteers who made it such a success. We could not have done it without your support. I would like to mention a special thank you to the Boy Scouts Troop 68 and the Church of the Little Flower Confirmation Class who also helped to make this event fun for the children by helping with all the games and face painting. 10 The Teddy Bear Times November 2011 This year the PTO will be sending our information to our members via email or posting it on the PTO website. You can read the latest news from our Bear Facts or Teddy Bear Times, view an events calendar or download forms and flyers. You can also find links to other local websites. Please remember to check them often and feel free to send me your comments and suggestions too. If you would still like to be a member of the PTO please contact me at or download our membership form from the PTO’s website. I will add you to the distribution list. You don’t have to participate or volunteer to become a member. All parents are invited to attend our monthly PTO meetings at 7:30p.m. in the Mary Kay McMillin library. Mrs. CorleyHand will occasionally choose a topic of interest or concern to present to parents at her Principal’s Chat at 7:00p.m. prior to our PTO meeting. I will inform you of those dates. Mrs. Rattner, the Superintendent of Berkeley Heights attended our first PTO meeting on Tuesday, October 4th. It was very informative. Our next meeting is Tuesday, November 22nd at 7:30p.m. I hope to see you there. It is a great way to keep up to date with what is going on in the school and the district. We started off the year with several Fundraisers: n This year the Spirit Wear Fundraising Committee had samples on display for purchase at both Back to School Nights. The students, teachers and staff are encouraged to show their “school spirit” on Mary Kay McMillin Community Celebration Days by wearing their Spirit clothing to school on those days. Last year the children really enjoyed doing this! n Our Annual PTO Book Fair was held on October 24th, 25th and 26th. Parents had an opportunity to peruse and purchase wonderful books for their children and grant teachers a wish from their “wish list”. Thank you to all the parents that supported our book fair and granted wishes. Also, to all the volunteers that contributed to its success, we had an overwhelming response. n Our Original Works Fundraiser started on October 24th. Parents received their children’s artwork and Original Works order information to be completed and ordered by Friday, October 28th. Orders are to be delivered in early December. This is such a great fundraiser for the whole family! I do hope that you participated. I still have all my memorabilia from previous years on display. n We participated again this year in the Stop & Shop A+ School Rewards Program. This fundraiser earns Mary kay McMillin cash each time you shop at Stop & Shop. Register your Stop and Shop card online at or dial 1877-275-2758 to register over the phone. Please encourage your friends and family to do the same. This is an easy way to earn money for our school. n This year Mary Kay McMillin decided to participate in Target’s Take Charge of Education program. Anyone who has a REDcard (Target Credit Card, Target Debit Card or Target Visa Credit Card) can participate. Visit or call 1-800-316-6142 to designate our school. Our school’s ID is 136591. Once you have registered you may use your REDcard whenever you shop and Target will donate up to 1% of your purchases to Mary Kay McMillin. Thank you again for your continued support to the PTO. Sincerely, Angela Penna PARENTS AND TEACHERS ORGANIZATION [ ] Staff appreciation days are November 17th and 18th. Some of our upcoming programs and events from the Cultural Arts and In-class professional Committees are: n November 23 – We have an assembly for all students called “The Peacemaker”. n December 7 – Author Peter Catalanotto will visit the kindergarteners and first graders. n December 20 – We have 2 assemblies presenting “The Frog & the Toad” for preschool and first grade. n February 9 – The Dentist, Dr. Weddle will again be visiting the Preschoolers and Kindergarteners. n February 27 - Quiver Farms will be delivering chicken eggs to the Kindergarten classes until they hatch, introducing the life cycle of a chick. n March 20 & 21 – An assembly for Kindergarteners called “Let’s Pretend” will be presented on both days. n March 28 – The assembly “Dancing with the Honeybees” is a favorite for the first graders. A few upcoming Fundraisers & Family Events to look out for: n Our biggest Fundraiser of the year is the Adult Social which will be held on Saturday, February 25th at the Berkeley Plaza. Remember to book your babysitter and come enjoy a fun evening of Dinner and Dance with your friends. The money we raise will go towards providing additional programs and services for Mary Kay McMillin which will help to further promote our children’s education. n January 27 – Family Movie Night. n February 6 – Gertrude Hawk Fundraiser begins. n February 10 – Positive Image Fundraiser starts. PARENTS AND TEACHERS ORGANIZATION Welcome Back Social The Welcome Back Social was held on Thursday, October 6, on the school's lower playground with great success. Perfect autumn weather provided a great afternoon for the children to participate in a variety of activities. Adults heard giggles and shouts of excitement as the children knocked over bowling pins, tossed a hula hoop around a pumpkin, knocked over one of those “Krazy Kats”, or won by tossing an apple into a bushel basket. Children lined up to bounce around inside the inflatables. Tattoo monsters and glitter butterflies decorated cheeks along with painted baseballs, ladybugs, and Mario mustaches. The DJ provided great music as guests played and ate; but, his enthusiasm along with the wonderful donated cakes made the cake walk a main attraction. Guests took a break from the fun activities to enjoy many of the donated snacks and drink. They also munched on Freshly popped popcorn, soft pretzels, pizza, and penguin ice. Many thanks to those who helped make this event a success: the school’s custodians, Vito’s Produce Stand, Hall’s Garden Center, Natale’s Pizza, the Philly Pretzel Factory, Fun Services, the Boy Scouts, Little Flower’s confirmation group, and to all those parents who donated food and drink items as well as their time. We could not have done it without you! Membership Thank you to all of the families and faculty members who have joined the PTO! We have 233 families and 27 faculty members to date. If you haven’t joined yet, it is not too late. Your membership dues & generous donations allow the PTO to support our children’s education and sponsor so many wonderful enrichment programs and special events! Thank you again! Joyce Gallagher & Michelle O'Rourke - Co-chairs Class Parent Committee Thank you to everyone who has volunteered their time to be a class parent this year. We appreciate all that you do and look forward to the fun-filled parties that you have planned throughout the school year. Kelly Lorne & Kelly Sheehan - Co-Chairs 12 The Teddy Bear Times November 2011 PARENTS AND TEACHERS ORGANIZATION Book Fair The Annual MKM ECC PTO Book Fair was held on October 24, 25 and 26. There was a great selection of books and the children enjoyed browsing and picking out some new books to keep them busy reading with their families. Parents had a great opportunity to enhance a teacher’s classroom library by purchasing a book from a teacher’s “wish list”. Thank you to those that granted a wish. Thank you to all the parent volunteers that helped make the Book Fair such a great success. This event could not be done without you! TerraCycle The MKM ECC PTO has started collecting Capri Sun and Honest Kids juice pouches to raise additional funds for the school through the TerraCycle Program. It's a simple way to help the school and promote recycling to our children. Just clean the empty juice pouch by discarding the straw, cutting a slit in the bottom and top of the pouch and rinsing it through with water. Collect a bag full of pouches and drop the bag off in the receptacle marked TerraCycle in the Main Office or send them in a plastic bag into school with your child. It's a nice way to help the school and the environment! Should you have any questions, please contact Laura Walker at The Teddy Bear Times November 2011 13 PARENTS AND TEACHERS ORGANIZATION The Fundraising Committee Cultural Arts The Cultural Arts committee plans assemblies for the entire school population of Mary Kay McMillin Early Childhood Center. We're very excited for this new school year and can’t wait for the students to see the performances we've organized for the fall. On Nov. 23, the George Street Playhouse, from New Brunswick, NJ, will travel to our school to stage “The Peacemaker,” a story about tolerance of diversity. It's about the Blue people and the Red people who live on opposite sides of the wall. When they finally meet, they need to think carefully about how they will--or won’t-- get along. On Dec. 20, Surflight Theatre, a company located on Long Beach Island, will perform the musical, “A Year with Frog and Toad” at Mary Kay McMillin ECC. Students will love watching Arnold Lobel’s famous duo sing and dance through four fun-filled seasons. Don't be surprised if your child comes home humming some of the catchy show tunes! We also want to send out a big thank-you to the parent volunteers who helped us last year, and to thank this year's volunteers in advance! We appreciate your efforts to help make our school a great place for our children! Milla Trigos and Kelly Hawkins, Co-chairs Our school is now participating in Target’s Take Charge of Education® program. Anyone who has a REDcard® can participate. Visit or call 1-800-316-6142 to designate our school. Mary Kay McMillin School’s ID is 136591. After you register, use your REDcard® whenever you shop. When you use your REDcard® (Target Credit Card®, Target Debit Card® or Target® Visa® Credit Card), Target® will donate up to 1% of your purchases to our school. With the Stop & Shop A+ School Rewards program you can earn cash for Mary Kay McMillin each time you shop at Stop & Shop. Register your Stop & Shop card online at or dial 1-877-275-2758 to register over the phone. Please encourage your friends and family to participate in these programs as well! Jenn Castrovinci, Dina Linde and Denise Micca – Co-Chairs Box Tops The most important way to help MKM ECC earn box tops is to clip them and send them into school. There are over 200 products in the grocery store that have box tops on them! Have your family and neighbors collect them for you. Our first submission was this month with a total of $412! Our goal this school year is $1,000. We are almost half way there. Another way to help earn box tops cash is to go onto their website and become a member (this is free). The website is When you become a member and shop at their marketplace you will earn electronic box tops for MKM ECC! There are 100’s of retailers enrolled in the program (Walmart, Barns and Noble, Sephora, JC Penney and Staples to name a few). You will also receive weekly e-newsletter, coupons, recipes, contents and much more! They have just added Snap Fish for your Holiday Cards! The school will earn 6 box tops for every $10 spent. 14 The Teddy Bear Times November 2011 SERVICES AND SPONSORS Mary Kay McMillin PTO adult social Saturday, February 25, 2012 Our Adult Social will be Saturday, February 25, 2012 at the Berkeley Plaza. There will be a fabulous buffet dinner, drinks and music. We are currently seeking volunteers to work the night of the event with set up, check in, selling at the basket tables and 50/50 raffle ticket sales. Shifts will be for forty-five minutes. We need volunteers to help assemble and label the baskets the evening before the event. Thank you to those of you who have already expressed an interest in volunteering. We will be contacting you shortly. We are currently seeking donations for gift baskets to be raffled off. If you have new items to donate or gift certificates, please contact Candice at or Gentiana at If you know anyone who owns a local business, please ask them to consider donating an item or service for a great cause – Our Children! It is going to be a fun night – hope to see you all there! The Teddy Bear Times November 2011 15 SERVICES AND SPONSORS Bilingual Support Available The Bilingual Support Committee of the PTO is available to help with parent-teacher communications, including translation of forms. Please contact Lydia Wong or Kathy Matfes, co-chairs of the Bilingual Support Committee, with any need. We have volunteers to assist families in the following languages: Spanish, Chinese (Mandarin), Japanese, Korean, and Albanian. This is a free service provided by the PTO. If you need help communicating with your teacher or translating forms in Chinese, please contact Lydia Wong at 908-898-0168 or by email: If you need help communicating with your teacher or translating forms in Spanish, please contact Kathy Matfes at 908-264-9111 or by email: Si necesita ayuda comunicándose con la maestra de su hijo(a), o si necesita ayuda traduciendo los formularios de la escuela, puede contactar a Kathy Matfes al teléfono 908 264-9111 o por e-mail al Este es un servicio gratuito del Comité de Ayuda Bilingüe del PTO. 16 The Teddy Bear Times November 2011 SERVICES AND SPONSORS Save the date! November 30th, 7PM The BH PTO will be presenting another screening of the film, Race to Nowhere, on Wednesday, November 30th, at 7:00 PM, in the GL auditorium. After the film, there will be small group discussions with administrators and teachers. The details are still being finalized so look for more information coming soon. The April showing at the Summit Medical Group sold out, so be sure to get your ticket today! Tickets can be purchased in advance for $11.54 on-line at The Teddy Bear Times November 2011 17 SERVICES AND SPONSORS BHEF Tributes Has someone in your child's school had a special impact on him or her? Would you like to acknowledge the great job that person has done? BHEF Tributes have been established as a way to show appreciation to people in your child's educational community. Whether it's a teacher, principal, secretary, guidance counselor, coach, cafeteria worker or custodian, BHEF Tributes are a way to show your gratitude and thanks. By making a donation to the Berkeley Heights Education Foundation in honor of these special people, you can truly make a difference by enhancing educational opportunities for faculty and students in the Berkeley Heights schools. Donations will be used to fund grants that are requested by teachers and administrators. For each person you honor with a donation, you will receive a Tribute Card that can be signed by you or your child and proudly presented to that person. There's also room for a personalized message. All donations are tax-deductible and your support will be acknowledged in the BHEF's annual brochure. Acknowledging these special people with a BHEF Tribute is an honor they will treasure. To receive your tributes by December 19, please send in your check and form by December 12. For more information and to print out additional forms, please visit our website at and click on BHEF Tributes. Tributes may be ordered at any time during the year. If you have any questions, please send email to The Berkeley Heights Education Foundation, a volunteer, non-profit fundraising organization, is not affiliated with the Berkeley Heights Board of Education or PTOs. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- YES! We would like to contribute to BHEF Tributes in honor of the following people: (Minimum of $10 per tribute is suggested.) Please note that the amount donated will not be specified on the cards. RECIPIENT NAME (please print clearly) SCHOOL (Include title and first name if known - e.g. Mrs. Sarah Smith) 1. ______________________________________ ____________________________ 2. _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 3. ______________________________________ ____________________________ 4. _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ 5. ______________________________________ ____________________________ (Use the back of the form if more are requested.) TOTAL DONATION ENCLOSED: $ _____________ Please make checks payable to the Berkeley Heights Education Foundation and mail to BHEF Tributes, P.O. Box 182, Berkeley Heights, NJ 07922-0182 Please provide your mailing address so your cards can be sent to you. PARENTS'/GUARDIANS' NAMES _____________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ___________________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS ____________________________________ PHONE NUMBER _________________ If you would prefer to be listed as anonymous in our annual brochure, please check here _________ 18 The Teddy Bear Times November 2011