The Tarhe Times - Lancaster City Schools
The Tarhe Times - Lancaster City Schools
hool c S d e t a ellent R Volume 10, Issue 2 Exc The Tarhe Times Chief Tarhe Elementary School Mr. Dustin Knight, Principal Ms. Jakki Moore, Office Manager 425 Whittier Dr. Lancaster, OH 43130 Phone: 740-687-7330 Fax: 740-687-7201 Email: Website: ATTENDANCE POLICY Please contact the school before 9:15am every day that your student will be absent from school. You may leave voicemail before 8am. Please send a note with your student if they need to leave early from school. Please send a note if your student will have different pickup arrangements for the day. IMPORTANT DATES 10/01-05 3rd Gr Reading Achieve Test 10/08 Columbus Day—School Day 10/10 PTO Walk-A-Thon 10/11 NO SCHOOL-Teacher In-Svc 10/12 NO SCHOOL-Fair Day 10/15 Tarhe PTO Mtg 6:30pm 10/16 Muffin’s w/ Mom 10/17 Fall Picture Re-Takes 10/17 Market Day Order DUE 10/19 NO SCHOOL-Central OEA Day 10/22 Market DAY PICK UP 10/25 Trick-or-Treat 6-7:30 10/26 Fall Parties 2:45pm PTO Fall Family Night 6-8pm 11/5-8 Fall Scholastic Book Fair Tarhe Elementary Code of Conduct T reat Others Kindly E arn Respect A lways work for quality M aintain Safety Work as a TEAM! October 2012 SUCCESS BREEDS SUCCESS! I am happy to announce that Tarhe Elementary has earned it’s 3rd “Excellent” rating from the Ohio Department of Education! Our staff, parents, and most importantly, students should be very proud of this accomplishment! Our successes now provide future successes for our kids later on in their school careers and in life. For example, about 160 kids who currently attend General Sherman, attended Tarhe Elementary. General Sherman’s test scores are a reflection of many Tarhe student’s skills! Congratulations to Sherman for earning their 2nd rating of “Excellent with Distinction!” The “official” state report cards should hopefully be out sometime in January. On a similar note, if you have a 3rd grade child, please make sure they get extra sleep and eat healthy breakfast next Tuesday, October 4th as they take the 3rd Grade Ohio Achievement Test in Reading. ATTENDANCE is very important during testing! Lastly, as I mention each and every year, encourage your children to set goals for this school year. These goals can help your child make lasting achievements. For example, if your child struggles in math, have her write down a goal for math. If the goal is to earn a B on the next test, she now has something to help her “aim” for that goal. Encourage your children to create one or two goals a month in a subject or activity. Goal setting is sort of like creating a game plan to help a team make it to the World Series or Super Bowl. There are small goals set to help move up the steps to make it to the final game or that big test! Have a great October! Sincerely, Mr. Knight FIND INSIDE…. p.2 p.2 p.3 p.3 p.3 p.4 Transportation Change Important Information Items Attendance / October Count Week PTO Open House Earning for Learning River Valley Mall Home & School The Tarhe Times October 2012 Page 2 October Count Week October 1-5, 2012 October count week is October 1-5, 2012. It is very important that every student is in attendance this week for state funding purposes. The following are the only valid, legal reasons for non-attendance at any time of the school year, but especially during this critical week. personal illness illness in the family medical or dental appointment death of a relative out of state observance of religious holiday quarantine in the home emergency or other set of circumstances Tarhe PTO WALK-A-THON Wednesday, October 10 As we strive to raise money for the school—we also strive daily to promote healthy habits to our students. Students were sent home donation envelopes and letters on September 19 to participate in our Walk-A-Thon. This event is being held to raise money in place of a catalog/merchandise sale fundraiser. Students will walk 30 minutes (4 laps = approximately 1 mile) around the school walking path. Water will be available to the students as they walk. We are asking students to collect donations from friends and family for this fund raising event. There will be many fun incentive for students who participate: Cumulative Prizes: Logo Pencils for ALL students $1+ Donation = Grades 1-5 - Homework Pass / Kindergarten – class incentive $20+ Donation = Drawing for $25 Gift Card (4 winners) $35+ Donation = Tarhe Logo Hoodie Sweatshirt (order information to follow) $40+ Donation = Drawing for $50 Gift Card (3 winners) Highest Donations = The two highest donations each win $100 Gift Cards (2 winners) Please join us…. PTO MEETING Monday, October 15 6:30pm YOUR 2012-13 PTO Officers are: Michelle Dixon—President Jennifer Walling—Vice-President Melissa Nutter—Treasurer Kathy Poston—Secretary Sandy Rose—Volunteer Coordinator MUFFINS WITH MOM Tuesday, October 16 8:00-8:50am Bring Mom or your important female figure to enjoy breakfast with you on October 16 at 8:00am. Muffins w/ Mom being sponsored by PTO; no donations needed. See you there! Picture Re-Takes October 17 @ 9:15am If you missed picture day, or need to have your picture re-taken that day will be Wednesday, October 17. For Re-Takes please bring your original picture package to the photographer. Envelopes will be coming home to order if you missed picture day. The Tarhe Times October 2012 Fall Parade & Parties Friday, October 26 The Costume Parade will begin at 2:35pm, followed by classroom parties organized by Room Mothers. Fall parties will follow from 2:45-3:15. Costume should be carried to and from school in a bag. Costumes are not worn at school until 10 minutes prior to the start of the parade. Please do not send your child with costumes that they cannot put on independently, that may be dangerous to walk in, or require face paint or hair coloring at school. Students must be able to see through masks. Costumes should not be scary or inappropriate for school. Page 3 Parent-Teacher Conferences Parent Teacher Conferences are quickly approaching! Already we are half way through the 1st Grading period. You will be getting a letter soon from your child’s teachers explaining the conference procedures. Conference dates are as follows: Monday, November 5 4:00pm to 7:30 pm Thursday, November 8 4:00pm to 7:30 pm Tuesday, November 13 4:00pm to 7:30 pm Thursday, November 15 4:00pm to 7:30 pm Administering Medicine to Students Lancaster City Schools cannot administer medication to students without a doctor’s order. We understand that there may be situations during the school year where a student who takes medication at home may need to be given medicine at school. LCS staff can not administer any medication without doctor orders but we realize parents can not always make it to school to do this. If you need to have someone other than a parent administer medicine, please complete the “Consent for Medication Administration by NON-LCS Staff” form and return it to school ASAP (available on the LCS website). October 7-13, 2012 is National Fire Prevention Week. This is a good time to practice exiting your home in the event of a fire or emergency. Planning now can save lives later. Also, check to make sure your smoke alarms work and have fresh batteries. Late Arrivals for 2012-2013 School Year Once again Lancaster City School will have four late starts to provide professional training for all teachers. These “professional development” days allow teachers to work on building and district goals in a unified manner without distractions and it reduces teacher pull-out saving the district money on substitute teachers. Each late start is 2 (two) hours later than the regular start time. Instead of arriving at school at 8:45, arrive at 10:45. The dates are listed below to help you prepare and plan for upcoming late starts. Wednesday, November 14th Thursday, December 13th Thursday, May 2nd Tuesday, January 15th Wednesday, February 13th The Tarhe Times October 2012 Page 4 Lancaster Public Education Foundation Sponsors Event to Raise Money for Technology On Sunday, October 21st ―The Dirty Thirty‖ race will take place at the Fairfield County Fairgrounds. Tarhe has a team of several teacher riding their bikes around the track to receive money for technology. Mrs. Sines, Mrs. Pechar, Mr. and Mrs. Betz, and Mr. Knight and their spouses will be pedaling away for technology! Check out the DIRTY THIRTY BIKE RACE WEBSITE at Helpful and Informational weblinks Tarhe Elementary and Lancaster City Schools Webpages: “I Can” Statements– Find out what your child should be learning monthly Want to know what your child’s grades are? Click here for progress book: Why Market Day? Help your school by shifting a percentage of the money that you already spend at the grocery store to your school. Up to 20% of every order supports your school. What are the Benefits? Your Order Matters: Support your school with every item purchased. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee: We guarantee you will be satisfied with the taste and quality of our products. Sign-up for e-mail and text alerts for exclusive offers, product news and order reminders. How To Order: Online at Next Due Date: Wednesday, October 17, 11pm Mobile at Next Delivery: Monday, October 22 at 4:30-5:30pm Monthly Order Guide How Does It Work? Place your order online or on your smart phone Go to Tarhe and pick up your order on the scheduled day and time.