April, 2016 - Middleton Regional High School
April, 2016 - Middleton Regional High School
APRIL 2015 NEWSLETTER Principal: James Gushue Grade 6-8 Vice-principal: Karen Lander-Pinard Grade 9-12 Vice-principal: Greg Bower Phone: 902-825-5350 | Fax: 902-825-5355 | Email: mrhs@avrsb.ca GRADE 6 NEWS The grade 6 classes visited the Flight Museum at 14 Wing Greenwood on the morning of March 23. The visit coincides with the start to the students’ unit on Flight in Space. The trip is always well received by the students and they showed a great deal of interest in the exhibits. Thanks to those parents who acted as chaperones. This year the trip had a very interesting event. As the class proceeded into the museum, Jordan Hayward-6Z, became the 7000th student visitor to the museum. Jordan was presented with a ball cap and water bottle to mark the occasion. GRAD NEWS The next grad parent/guardian meeting will be held on Wednesday, April 13 at 7:00 pm in the library. Please come out and help with the planning of all the graduation events! The Grad All Nighter on the Greenwood Base will be held on Friday, May 13. Permission forms will be sent home in late April. The grads will be holding a bottle drive on Saturday, May 28. Please save your bottles/ cans! MRHS YEARBOOK Yearbooks are now available to purchase online! Please visit the school websitewww.middleton.ednet.ns.ca and click on the link to make your purchase and reserve a copy. All online purchases must be paid in full at a cost of $35.00. Personalized yearbooks cannot be purchased at this late date. DEBATING NEWS Senior High Debating Provincials will be held at Halifax West on April 1 and 2. Six MRHS students will be attending—good luck! On April 6-9, Harper Metler will be heading to Saskatoon to compete for a spot on the Canadian World Schools Debate Team. Good luck, Harper! ANNUAL SNOWSHOE CHALLENGE The snowshoe challenge is an annual event held at the old ski hill on Junction Road to promote girl’s fitness. Each year the event is hosted by Lawrencetown Education Centre staff and students. Participants must hike the course on snowshoes approximately 4.5 kilometres long over steep terrain. MRHS, LEC, BRHS, AWEC and WKDHS were invited to participate this year. This year there was not enough snow, so the group hiked the distance using alpine poles borrowed from the Town of Middleton. Mandy Armstrong-Singer, Mia Fraser, Annika Tibbutt and teacher, Karen Bower, completed the course this year on March 9. All participants received a toque and were treated to a complimentary meal afterwards. Great work, girls! WE DAY at MRHS Grade 9 students who participated in the We Day Change fundraiser collected $365.00! Thank you to the approximate 40 students who helped out. The students involved are now deciding which sustainable income project to support and in which developing country. Options: to support a clean water project or to purchase goats. Every $50 provides a goat to a woman in a needy country, helping her support her family. Great job, Grade 9 We Day participants! MRHS 6th GRADE RECIPE BOOK FUNDRAISER WILL SOON BE UNDERWAY! The grade 6 classes will soon be starting to take orders for the 2015-16 recipe book. Each student has created and made an outstanding recipe that he/ she shared with the class in December during the food sharing days to celebrate culture from around the world. The grade 6 classes would like to share all these wonderful recipes with the surrounding community. The recipe books are $7.00 each. Watch for us!! MONARCHS NEWS Senior Girls Basketball—The senior girls basketball team won their fourth consecutive Provincial Championship, defeating the host Carrefour Leopards 73-69. Despite being down most of the game, the squad took control in the fourth quarter and never looked back. In their semi-final game with Kings-Edgehill, the Monarchs were down by three with 13 seconds left, but hit four foul shots in that span for a 62-61 victory. The team began the tournament with a 76-57 win over Springhill. Amazing job, girls! Senior Boys Basketball: The senior boys basketball team had a very successful season with an overall record of 25 wins and 8 losses. The team also finished with a perfect record in league play allowing them to host the Division 3 Boys Western Regional Championship tournament, which they would ultimately win after two spirited wins over Bridgewater and Shelburne. With a win at regionals, the team entered the provincial championship tournament ranked first overall. After a hard fought win over SAREC, the team would eventually lose a tough game to Forest Heights in the semi-finals. The team went on to defeat Kings-Edgehill in the third place game and capture the Division 3 Boys Basketball bronze medal. The team would like to thank the hard work and dedication of the grade 12 players— Andus MacKinnon, Mark Sharpe and Liam Walton. Mr. Mason would like to thank the guys for a great season! Track & Field—The track & field team has started practicing and new people are invited to give it a try. Listen to the daily announcements for practice times. Badminton—Badminton practices have been underway. Districts will be held on April 4-5, Regionals— April 15-16 and Provincials—April 22-23. Girls Rugby—Tryouts are still being held for the girls rugby team. The first home game of the season is scheduled for April 14. BAND NEWS There will be a band parent meeting on April 13 at 7:00 p.m. in the Band Room. Senior band trip details will be discussed. Senior band students are welcome to attend. Senior band trip fees can be paid at this time. SCHOOL CLOTHING A reminder that there is still school clothing available to purchase—which make great gifts. There will soon be a link available on the school’s website to view what is available for school clothing and prices. Be sure to check it out! DATES TO REMEMBER April 6 - Report cards home-Grade 6-12 April 12 - Parent-Teacher visits—Grade 6-12—6:30 to 8:00 p.m. April 13 - Parent-Teacher visits—Grade 6-12—1:00 to 3:30 p.m. Early dismissal—12:15 p.m. April 15 - Early dismissal—Inservice—12:15 p.m. April 28 - Respect for Diversity Day REPORT CARDS —Report cards will be sent home for grade 6-12 on April 6/16. PARENT-TEACHER VISITS — Parent-Teacher Visits for grade 6-12 will be held on April 12/16—6:30-8:00 p.m. and April 13/16—1:00-3:30 p.m. EARLY DISMISSALS — There will be an early dismissal on April 13 at 12:15 p.m. due to parent-teacher visits. — There will be an early dismissal on April 15 at 12:15 p.m. due to an inservice. COMMUNITY NOTICES Relay for Life—Middleton—Relay for Life-Middleton will be held on Saturday, June 18, 2016. This year the event will be held indoors at the Middleton Arena from 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 midnight, with a survivor’s reception at 4:00 p.m. If anyone is interested in registering a team (which can be any size), as a survivor or looking for more information, please email Tina/Chad Uhlman at uhlman.tc@eastlink.ca. For more information, you may go to www.relayforlife.ca or contact Shannon at 902-363-2276. The 8th Annual Valley Youth Fun Run will be held on May 14, 2016 at Bigelow Trail, Canning. Register by April 29 to be guaranteed a T-shirt! Registration forms are available at your local recre ation department. Run starts at 11:00 a.m. (rain or shine) Registration: 9:00 to 10:30 a.m.
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May, 2016 - Middleton Regional High School
Principal: James Gushue
Grade 6-8 Vice-principal: Karen Lander-Pinard
Grade 9-12 Vice-principal: Greg Bower
Phone: 902-825-5350 | Fax: 902-825-5355 | Email: mrhs@avrsb.ca