TV 3~P-2ts extoll city - Henderson Libraries` Digital Collections


TV 3~P-2ts extoll city - Henderson Libraries` Digital Collections
pi JOin in rock
wh ther the shipment, seized by
U.S. Customs Service officials last
year, should be released to a West
German chemical company.
Bilbray said Wednesday that
he hopes Bush will issue an exAspin i concerned about the
cutive order preventing shippo sibility that Iran could obtain ment of any and all ammonium
the 286,000 pounds of ammonium perchlorate out of the United
perchlorate and "wants to get to St.ates.
"The sizable shipment is
the bottom" of the controversy. '
The letter, which Bilbray aides desperately needed for domestic
were drafting Tuesday, will be use," the letter to Bush says, exforwarded to Bush quickly in plaining that the U.S. military and
hopes that the president will take space program require an
prompt action.
• estimated 60 million pounds of the
A federal judge in Houston is chemical per year.
scheduled to decide Monday
The shipment of ammonium
'Freeze shipment' of
ammonium perchlorate
By Geoff Schumacher
SUN Staff Writer . .3 Q'3 .n{1
Rep. Les Aspin, D-Wis., the influentilH chairman of the House
Armed Services Committee, has
signed a letter written by Rep.
,James BUbray, D-Nev., urging
President Bush Lo "freeze shipment'· of a crucial rocket component to Iran.
Bilbray said Wednesday that
req es to u
perchlorate was manufactured by seized the shipment in Febru{ r
Pacific Engineering & Production 1988 as it was being loaded on 0 al
Co. near Henderson before the Iranian freighter.
company's plant was destroyed by
The government's control of
a series of explosions last May.
the shipment may be temporary
While PEPCON is rebuilding because District Judge Sim Lake
near Cedar City, Utah, Kerr- is expected to order its return to
McGee Corp. near Henderson is Girindus at Monday's hearing in
the only ammonium perchlorate Houston.
producer in the United States.
" As members of the House
PEPCON old the ammonium Armed Services Committee, we
perchlorate in December 1987 to a urge you to take Whatever
West German company, Girindus measures necessary to freeze
Corp., which has offices in Tampa, shipment to Iran," Bilbray and
Aspin wrote to the president.
Glrindus sold the chemical to "This is a matter of grave naanother West German company tional concern."
before Customs Service officials
See BILBRAV, Pege 28
TV 3~P-2ts extoll city .
By Paul Szydelko
Home News Staff Writer
- clj· "~.,..
GlriDdII officials cootend that
tM CuItama Service dld DOt have
• tile authority to selle the shipmeal They also insist that If it is
· released, it will not be shipped to
· Iran.
Cu s toms Comml8lioner
: William Von Rub 11 DOt COIl-
vinced. He said the ammoalum
· pen:blorate. enough to propel 300
~ mtss11es. could wind up in Iran's
~ bands if it is released.
DUbray said Wednesday thit
espects the House Armed
Services Committee willCObduct
an investigation of tbe matter. He
said it is crucial that lovernm.e nt
oUidals find out how this could
. have bappened in the fmt place.
, Ammonium perchlorate is a
:. rocket fuel oxidizer used in tbe
~ : space shuttle and some military
, . weaponry, incJudilli the MX mis'. sUe. It is in short supply right oow
;: be
... asks government probe
because of the PEPCON blasts
May 4,1988.
BUbray and Alpin's letter notes
that Kerr-McGee hu offered to
purclwe the shipment
Two 30-second commercials
extolling the virtues of Henderson began a nine-week run on
KVVU·TV 5 Monday.
When the Pepcon explosion
last May blasted the city's
image and other adverse publicity en ued, Henderson Chamher of Commerce President
Bob Campbell called for the
production of upbeat commer·
cials to help maintain the city's
growth rate and to boost
The attitude was "Let's not
wait and see what happens.
Let's get aggressive," said Gary
Johnson. the Chamber's executive director.
Although Henderson continued on its record-breaking
construction rate, Chamber officials pushed forward its plan.
About 100 businesses were
contacted to help raise funds
for the $20,000 project. In
addition to the city's kicking
in some money, Channel 5
agreed to produce thecommerciaIs and to match one-to-one
each broadcast slot that the
Chamber purchased.
A Channel 5 camera crew
spent two days out in the field
shooting recently, covering the I
city's leading businesses an,d
the "folksy" side of Henderson,
Johnson said. Additional tim~
was spent selecting and editing
the video into 30-second commercials. The pots open with
"It's Happening in Henderson'"
and close with "Shining with
Pride. "
One of the advertisemen
features the business climate
in Henderson, and the secon '
emphasizes the quality of life~
The Chamber's goal was to
"try to expose Henderson still
as an excellent place to 1ive and:
raise children," Johnson said
The ads were designed to
make others in the county
"aware that this is a dynamic
community." he said. The spotS
are also meant to "massage
ourselves," to boost self-image,
he added.
The spots will be shown 2'~'
times a week, including 8 on
Saturday and 11 on Sund8¥...
Two spots will be rotated each
weekday throughout the sta-'
tion' programming. The ads
began Monday and will continue through May 7.