Document 6557079


Document 6557079
Reaching out to draw others to Christ.
Office Hours
8:30 am to 4:30 pm
Ebenezer Lutheran Church
1301 Richland Street
Columbia, SC 29201-2578
Non-Profit Org
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Parish News
The monthly newsletter of Ebenezer Lutheran Church
Visit us on the Web
Volume 42
Number 9
October 2014
Ebenezer Staff
Senior Pastor
Rev. Dr. David H. Brooks
Associate Pastor
Rev. David R. Bauser
Thomas J. White
Administrative Associate
Diane M. Oliver
Wendy Isgett
Todd Cook
Church Council
David Lever, President
Rich Roberson, VicePres
Phil Bingenheimer, Sec
Brenda Argoe, Treas
Katherine Floyd
Trey Holmes
David Donges
Angela Forand
Jeff Ream
Beth Baucom
Jane Holmes
Marcia Lucius
Ron Banister
Dean Floyd
Elizabeth Padget
Debbie Marcolini
Grace Metzgar
Ministry Teams
& Team Leaders
On September 18, 2014, David Bauser was ordained into the minist. at Good Shepherd Lutheran,
Ebenezer At A Glance
October Worship Schedule
8:00 am Daybreak, Church
9:30 am Exult 96:3, Chapel
11:00 am Classic Liturgy, Church
(Eucharist at each service.)
Sunday School
10:00 am
Classes for All Ages
Nursery provided
9:00 am- noon
for infants - age three,
12:10 pm Eucharist, Chapel
in the Education Building
Room 200.
following the ordination ser5ice, David Lever presented Pastor Bauser with giſts 7om the members
of Ebenezer. One was a blue stole and the other was a pectoral cross made 7om the wood used to
make the communion table in Ebenezer's chapel by Jeff Ream. Members will be able to see both
giſts as Pastor Bauser begins his minist. among us.
Groups and Activities
•Helping Hands:
Ruth Counts
•Men’s Basketball
•New Generation 55+
Linda Davis
•PAD (People are Dandy)
Shirley Smith
Debbie Marcolini
•Sisters in Christ
Elizabeth Padget
•Women’s Book Group
Diane Jones
•Women of the ELCA
Circles: Elizabeth, Lydia, Ruth
Communications - vacant
EvangelismHospitality - John & Dawn Caldwell
Faith Formation - vacant
Finance - Brenda Argoe
Member Care - Angela Forand
Outreach - Mimi Wortham Brown
Personnel - Buddy Bateman
Property - Jay Metts
Stewardship - Bob Hampton
Worship- John Phillips
in Ke2ering, Ohio. Ebenezer was represented by David and Beth Lever. During the reception
Monthly calendar of events
on line at
The deadline for the next issue of the Parish News
is Wednesday, 12 noon, October 15.
To have an item included in the newsletter, please submit in writing
to Diane Oliver or e-mail to
We will all have an oppornit to meet and welcome
Pastor Bauser and Amanda into our church family
Sunday, October 5.
The Lutheran Men will be providing the meat, dessert and drinks. You are asked to bring your
favorite fall dish (this leaves it wide open). Dress is casual. Music will be provided. Fellowship will
start at 6:00 and dinner at 6:30.
You are asked to make a reservation by indicating how many will be attending
by using the Sunday attendance slip in your bulletin or call the church office.
Questions? Contact Richard Hankins (rjhankins1@bellsouth or 803-438-2090).
Also, mark your calendars for a holiday dinner Saturday, December 13.
It is not often we read and discuss a book that is so enthusiastically and unanimously appreciated
as was Beryl Markham’s memoir, West With the Night, our selection for September. This book is
Markham’s account of the years she spent in Kenya where she lived most of her life.
We marveled at the exquisite prose in the author’s descriptions of Africa, people, animals, flying
and nature. Everything and everybody came to life for the reader. We also enjoyed the humor in
the story which was fascinating and so well written that readers were eager to read on.
Several critics have raised questions about the authorship of this memoir. However, we agreed
that questionable authorship did not detract from our appreciation for the magnificent prose.
This memoir gives little insight into the troubling personality of Markam written about in several
biographies we referenced. Beryl was known to be selfish, ruthless and amoral. Although she
seemed like a confident woman, she was actually very insecure. For all of her shortcomings, it is
important to note her amazing accomplishments: she lived independently since the age of 17; she
became a trainer of prize-winning race horses; and she was a celebrated aviation pioneer.
Our next meeting will be on Thursday, October 2, when we will discuss The Unlikely Pilgrimage of
Harold Frye by Rachael Joyce.
Diane Jones
A ministry for adults 55 & older, but everyone is welcome to join the group
on outings, meetings & trips.
Dear Evelyn Bacheller Scholarships Committee &
Ebenezer Lutheran Church Congregation,
I would like to thank you for recently selecting me for
the Evelyn Bacheller Scholarship and its generous gift to
help me begin my college education at the University of
North Carolina at Wilmington. I’m currently majoring
in Management of Information Systems while participating in the college's Leadership and Service Learning
Community. Upon graduation my career plan is to
become an IT Systems Administrator for a major company, organization, or financial institution.
Once again, thank you for the generous gift to be used
towards my academic career; it is truly an honor and
privilege for this selection.
Alex Vibber
Thank you for all of your prayers during the recent loss
of my father. I know he is at peace and take comfort in
wonderful memories we shared.
Paul Kennedy
Thank you to Nancy Johnson and "crew" for such a
wonderful and varied breakfast in the "Ebenezer Cafe"
on Sunday. This was truly delightful, and I heard many
comments about it. I hope we can keep this up..but
better yet..that more folks will come for the fellowship
time this affords us as a congregation.
Kathryn Dasher-King
October 23 (Thursday) 12:00 noon in the Parish Life Center
dining room. The speaker will be from the Lt. Governor's Office. Lunch provided. Contact person Linda Davis (772-7690).
Everyone who attended the New Generation Retreat at the Isle
of Palms last month had a great time! We enjoyed an excellent
Bible study led by Pastor Dreier on prayer and enjoyed delicious
food and good fellowship.
If you have not gone before, you need to come in 2015.
Our reservation is September 13-17. Mark your calendars.
Pictured: Harry Clayton with a pan of his prize winning homemade biscuits and his sous-chef (wife) Jeanelle Clayton.
Congratulations to Reid Metts for earning
the high rank of Eagle as a Boy Scout. Reid’s
project involved extensive work in the Ebenezer
Memorial Garden under the direction of Beth
Baucom. Reid’s troop is sponsored by Incarnation Lutheran. Many of the Ebenezer family
were present to support Reid and his family.
the 11 AM WORSHIP SERVICE the Pastors
will have a meeting with prospective new members in the parlor (located just off of the reception room). If you are interested in becoming a
member or would like more information about
the process here at Ebenezer, please make plans
to attend.
Fred & Edie Erickson Williams
Shepherd of the Woods, Jacksonville Florida;
Rob and Ryan Windhorn
Killian Baptist , Columbia
Deepwood Estates Mary Hallman
Forest Pines Margaret Carroll
Heritage at Lowman Nola Lucius, Mable Yobs
Presbyterian Home Betty Cagle
Rice Estate Nita Mercer
NHC Parklane Kate-Ruth Cawthon
Still Hopes Margia Peeples
Homebound Bob Alexander, Birdie Culp,
Bernice Folsom, Ruby Ford, Lodd & Marilyn
Havird, Ione Hildebrand, Louise Hydrick,
Sandra Lewis, Janet Metz, Elbert Metze,
Marilyn Minick, Renate Moore, Leesa Smith,
Sonja Zagata.
This is a brief service but please be sure your pet is on a leash or kenneled!
This annual event at Ebenezer coincides with the Feast of St. Francis,
traditionally known as the patron saint of animals.
OCTOBER 10 - 12
Columbia's Oktoberfest offers authentic German food, beer, entertainment &
fun! The second weekend in Oktober brings live oompah bands, homemade
authentic German food & great beer to the big backyard at Incarnation
Lutheran Church, 3005 Devine Street!
Fun for all ages!
Admission is FREE...for Sinners!
Patrons and Friends of the Arts
A unique event: Ebenezer, Music and the Civil War
Symposium observing the 150th anniversary
7:30 PM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17 – An Evening with Jay Ungar and Molly Mason, internationally
renowned folk musicians best known for Ashokan Farewell, theme to Ken Burns’ Civil War series.
Beer Garden and Food Court with Conquest Brewing and Yellow Dog (6pm until...)
10:00 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 – A Sacred Harp Primer led by South Carolina native and ethnomusicologist Jonathon Smith. The Sacred Harp of 1844 is the origin of many of our most beloved hymns.
NOON, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18 – Lecture: How the Civil War Transformed Religion in
South Carolina by Dr. Charles Lippy, one of the leading experts on religion in the United States.
USC vs. Furman football game. Price of the ticket is $32 which includes football
game ticket; access to Life Night event at Carolina Softball Stadium (begins threehours prior to game time); guest speaker: Adrian Branch of ESPN; performance
by Robbie Maddison Band; testimonies by current Gamecocks; free parking at
Carolina Softball Stadium with a shuttle to Williams-Brice; exclusive Life Night
T-shirt; food voucher (hotdog, popcorn, soda) group seating.
If you are interested, contact Linda Davis (772-7690).
DEADLINE to register & submit payment isThursday, October 2.
This event is sponsored by Gamecocks4Christ.
A steward is someone who participates in the economy of God—and God’s economy is based
on grace and generosity.
Usually we think of stewardship as fundraising, as the means by which we pay the congregation’s
bills. But stewardship is really just another word for ministry! God has given each of us life, energy, intelligence, skills, and countless other gifts. Whenever we use those gifts in the pursuit of
God’s call on our lives, we are ministering—we are being stewards in God’s household, participants in God’s economy.
The Stewardship Team is planning to help all of us really dig into what it means to take part in
the work that God is doing in the world. The Team really wants deep conversation and exploration over being a part of God’s household, sharing God’s gifts and ensuring that blessing flow
out for all. To make that happen, the Team has decided to move away from our typical fall
schedule, and plans to offer a special class in the late fall instead of a fall campaign. A pledging
campaign will occur in January as we are making our New Year resolutions. There are other
plans for 2015 that are a part of this shift, but the Stewardship Team urges all of us to watch the
Parish News Calendar for the opportunity to participate in the first class this fall, and make plans
for a pledge in the new year.
The team is also hoping that others in the congregation are being called to be a part of our work.
We have a particular need for persons who are creative and can help us with graphics and visual
communications, and who want to grow spiritually with us. Contact us through Pastor Brooks.
As we plan for the fall, please pray for us: Bob Hampton, Fred Fellers, Linda Davis and Sandy
Roberson, and pray for yourself, that God might reveal to you how you are being called to live
gracefully and generously.
The “make it yourself” menu ranges from waffles and bagels, to toast and grits, with
a variety of beverages. Everything you need is available and ready. No reservations
are needed and a free will offering pays for the food. Come and give it a try. Good
food and fellowship together in one space.
If you feel called to use your spiritual gifts as part of the Ebenezer Café team,
contact Beth Baucom (788-7588) for more information.
Sunday by Sunday by Cristy Fossum*
There are three volumes of this spiritual journal. The sins of God’s people are realistically portrayed, often with wry humor but always the transformative grace of Christ abounds. She ties the
journal to the Lord’s Day liturgy and the lectionary readings of the church year.
* Cristy resides here in Columbia.