Document 6580119


Document 6580119
Surfers Paradise Catholic Parish
three churches
Sacred Heart
50 Fairway Drive,
Clear Island Waters
St Vincent’s
40 Hamilton Avenue,
Surfers Paradise
Stella Maris
268 Hedges Avenue,
Very Reverend
Fr Tim Harris
Parish Priest & Dean
of South Coast Deanery
Fr Christopher Obi
Associate Pastor
Fr Nicholas Okafor
Associate Pastor
Sue Thomas
Pastoral Associate
Sr Mary Hansen PBVM
Pastoral Assistant
Sonya Slater
Parish Manager
Marylou Ayres
Parish Secretary
Angela Williams
Atrium Coordinator
Shannon Morrison
Baptism Coordinator
Rita Foxlee
State School R.E.
Eliza Kerklaan
Youth Ministry Coordinator
St Vincent’s School
Clear Island Waters
Phone: 5572 1746
P. Kerry Rowlands
St Kevin’s School
Phone: 5539 4522
P. Sue Curtis
St Michael’s College
Phone: 5530 2722
P. Michael Laidler
30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A
25th / 26th October 2014
Dear Surfers Paradise Parishioners,
In April 2011 I walked in the doors of this wonderful Parish
and have felt at home in this community ever since then. I
have been able to grow in my faith, meet amazing people and
make lots of friends. It is the faith formation that I have been
given here at Surfers that has equipped me to take this next
big step in my life. At the end of this month I will be moving
over to Minnesota, USA, to continue to pursue Youth Ministry and to further my
studies in the area. Youth Ministry in the USA is huge!!! So I hope to learn all I can from
over there and come back to Australia bringing back more knowledge and adapting all I
have learnt here and all that I will learn in America.
It has been a fantastic nearly 4 years in the Parish, and I’m so excited to be leaving
behind great ministries that will continue to grow. Veniré Youth has been growing
leaps and bounds! And it is great to see that there is now youth that have been here
since the very beginning now entering their last year of high school and will start
training to be Veniré Youth Leaders. Veniré started May 2012 with a small group of
seven attending and now there are over thirty youth who attend on and off each
week, coming from all around the Gold Coast. I have been blessed to work with so
many young adults who have helped me lead and run the group, sharing their faith
and knowledge with the Veniré youth. Though it is hard to leave the Parish and this
wonderful group of young people, I know that Veniré will continue to grow stronger.
Beats by the Beach run by the Veniré Leaders and
Youth has been a wonderful event that we have held
for the last 2 years. This event allowed us to evangelise
to the people, inviting all in to listen to some music,
play some games and have some food. Most
importantly it allowed us as a Parish (not just the
youth) to come together, to learn more about the ministries happening within our
Parish, Deanery and in the Archdiocese. It was great to meet people from all around
the Gold Coast at these events, speak to them and show them God in a real way.
The Youth Band and Youth led Masses have continued
to grow as well! I’m so proud of all the young people
who are part of the band and those that used to be. It
has been great attending workshops, music camps, and
just having our music practices nearly every Sunday!
These young people are so passionate about their
music, learning to really sing and play out prayer and
praise to God each time! Thank you to all the young
people who have also assisted to set up and to read, to process the gifts, and became
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion. It is great to see you so passionate about your
faith and wanting to serve. Thank you especially to all the young people who I have
met. You have all touched my heart and made me laugh. I won’t forget the blessed
moments we have spent in prayer and all the fun, silly games we have played. Thank
you for sharing your faith with me and allowing me to share mine with you. I pray that
you all continue to grow and deepen your faith with God.
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Thank you to all the wonderful Parish staff. Fr Tim for always answering my questions and taking a risk with my
‘youthie’ plans that I know sometimes sounded a bit out there! To Sue, for all the guidance, mentoring and wise
words, thank you so much. Sonya for helping me to understand the ins and outs of everything that happens in
the Parish, Lyn and Marylou for the same and putting up with getting my newsletter late most of the time (and
this bit is no exception, sorry). Finally thank you to all the parishioners who have always supported me and
Youth Ministry, thank you.
Youth Ministry will continue here in the Parish, with the continuation of your prayers and support. Fr Tim is
working hard to ensure as the Parish Priest and the Dean that a new Youth Ministry Coordinator will be able to
be supported and can continue to grow Youth Ministry. Though it is with a heavy heart to be leaving, I know and
trust that Veniré, the Youth Band and all Youth Ministry will continue to form young people in their faith, for
they have so much support from you all!
Thank you so much for all the love and support. You will always be in my prayers and I will promise to pop back
in when I am holidaying back in Australia.
Peace and Love, Eliza Kerklaan.
Next Saturday is All Saints Day, a solemnity, though not a Holy Day of Obligation, is held in especial esteem. Mass will be
celebrated in Sacred Heart Church, 9am next Saturday morning. Please contact Sue if you are able to assist as sacristan,
coordinator, reader or Extraordinary Minister of Communion at this Mass.
Next Sunday is All Souls Day. You are invited to bring a photo/image of a deceased loved one who has died during the
past 12 months to place in front of the lectern prior to each of the Masses in both Sacred Heart and St Vincent’s Churches.
After Mass, we kindly ask you to remove the photos for the next Mass. The Book of Remembrance will be available for
names to be added at both churches during the month of November.
Envelopes for the Annual Catholic Mission Appeal are available this weekend in our Churches. Catholic Mission raises
funds and forms people for mission. It is the official mission and agency of the Catholic Church and as always needs to
sustain and advance its outreach to many places in need around the world. Give generously.
On the front of the newsletter this weekend is a message from our ‘retiring’ Youth worker, Eliza Kerklaan. Eliza as you will
read intends to travel overseas shortly. We will be sorry to see Eliza go as she has done some great work amongst us in the
youth and young people area of our Parish. Eliza has shown strong leadership qualities and has assisted us in forming our
youth leaders. I sincerely thank Eliza for her presence amongst us and trust that the legacy of her efforts will continue to
produce a ‘fruit’ that will last. The Parish is presently exploring the possibility of funding a new Youth Coordinator, so I ask
parishioners to pray for a suitable replacement to take over where Eliza has left off.
God’s Abundant Blessings, Fr Tim
Readings: Exodus 22:20-26; 1 Thessalonians 1:5-10; Matthew 22:34-40
Feasts: Tuesday 28th Sts Simon & Jude, apostles; Saturday 1st Nov ALL SAINTS, solemnity.
Next week’s readings: The COMMEMORATION of ALL the FAITHFUL DEPARTED (all Soul’s Day).
Thinking of becoming Catholic? Know of anyone who may be considering becoming Catholic?
Faith discussion sessions 10am – 11am Mondays in the Parish Hospitality Centre. A group will also commence 6.30pm
Wednesday 29th October. Please call the Parish Office 5572 5433 to let us know if you are coming, or would like to
companion someone on the journey to Christian initiation or reception into the Full Communion of the Catholic Church.
A sign of hospitality and welcoming is as simple as sitting in the centre of the pew instead of the end of the pew, to allow
others who arrive later to sit beside you rather than having to climb over you.
Peace and grace, Sue Thomas, Pastoral Associate.
An exciting opportunity exists for spiritual ministry and pastoral sup-port to hospital patients and their families.
Centacare is currently seeking expressions of interest from people wishing to apply for a scholarship to undertake a
Certificate in Spiritual Care with the view to becoming a Pastoral Carer at one of five hospitals.
Health care professionals recognise the valuable contribution of pastoral carers to the holistic healing of patients and their
families. If this sounds like something you are interested in, please email for more
23rd November, 2014 Palmer Colonial Golf Club
Paradise Springs Avenue, Robina
Time: Noon for 12.30pm - Cost: $35.00 p/p
Raffles & Lucky Door Prizes, Fun and Fellowship
Prize for best dressed in Christmas Theme
RSVP by 11th November, 2014. Tickets available from:
Irene Ross 5562 1260, Pauline Coggan 5526 5987,
Kath Rice and Dot Empen.
Invite you to join them for lunch at the Burleigh Bears
Leagues Club, Pacific Ave, Miami on Thursday 30th October
at 12 noon. For more information – Leona Kelly 55387070.
ANOINTING MASS: Next month’s Mass is transferred
to Tuesday 11th November instead of 4th due to the
Melbourne Cup festivities. CWL Meeting will follow
after the Morning Tea.
OCTOBER – The Month of the Rosary
The statue of Our Lady will be at the home of Rowena
Caluag of Arundel for the week from Monday 27th
October. Please phone Maxine or Pat Sela on 55399539
and offer your home to have the statue for a week
Can you assist with offering a lift to a young woman
who lives at Varsity Lakes, to either 6pm Saturday
night or 9am Mass on Sunday? Please call the Parish
Office – 5572 5433
St. Stephen’s Cathedral Concert Series presents its
Venire is on this Thursday come along for
an evening of fun, laughter and Prayers for Eliza’s last
farewell. There will be free dinner and dessert! 6:30 –
8:30pm in the Hospitality Centre. For further info
please call the Parish Office – 5572 5433
sixth and final concert for 2014 in a program entitled Requiem
presented by the Cathedral Schola and the Cathedral Choir on
Sunday, November 2 (All Soul’s Day) at 4.00 pm at St.
Stephen’s Cathedral. The program will include two
Requiems. The first is by Michael Haydn (brother to Joseph
Haydn), the second one by Tomas Luis de Victoria.
Admission is $25 (adults) and $20 (concession). The Cathedral is
Great Prizes such as 1.“Poinsettia” Painting by Award located at 249 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane and concert goers may
use the Cathedral car park from 3.00 pm (entrance from Charlotte
Winning Artist Peggy Toth, Valued at $3000.
Street). For further information call 07 3720 0514 or visit the
2. Knitted Toys 3. Gents and Ladies Lorus Watches
4. Amazon Kindle Wi Fi
5. Artwork
6. Basket of Gifts Cathedral music website
7. Teddy Bear 8. Jewellery – Pearl Dress Set 9. Rudolph
Plush Toy. DRAWN Sunday 21ST Dec 2014 after Mass
All fitness levels, all welcome. Get fit
TICKETS $5 each or $10 for a book of 3 Tickets
and make new friends. Bring a water bottle
CRAFT NEWS: Please feel welcome to support our end-of-year
and mat. Casey Hall on Saturdays 8:30am
Phone Tania 0414350352
activities – STALLS: ST VINCENT’S 2nd November at both
Masses SACRED HEART 15th / 16th November at three
owed to one, but is a gift. The
Masses. CHRISTMAS PARTY: All our supporters are welcome to
attend on Wednesday 10 December from 9.30am for a 10am ‘supreme gift of marriage’ is a human person. A child may
start. Cost $20, includes 5 Lucky Door Prize tickets. Please notify the Parish not be considered a piece of property, an idea to which an
alleged ‘right to a child’ would lead. In this area, only the
Office if you are able to come. Thank you for your continued support.
child possesses genuine rights: the right ‘to be the fruit of
ALL HALLOWS’ PAST PUPILS ASSOCIATION extends an the specific act of the conjugal love of his parents,’ and ‘the
invitation to the ANNUAL MASS for deceased Past Pupils right to be respected as a person from the moment of his
and staff to be held in the Chapel at 10.30am Saturday 1st conception.’ (citation 2378 - Catechism of the Catholic
November 2014 followed by morning tea in Loretto Hall, Church)Cherish Life Gold Coast Branch. For more information
please contact Jade home: 07 5573 7454/mobile: 0423 372 338
$15 per head. Registration and payment can be made by
visiting the AHS website under
EVENTS. For further information please contact Lenore Church Door Café
Thompson on 3831 5632.
A new initiative from menALIVE is "menALIVE In
The City" held regularly from 5.45 until 7.30pm in
the Francis Rush Centre (Beside The Cathedral of St
Stephen). Next event is on Thursday 27 Nov 2014
with the topic: FACE THE TOUGH STUFF! Growth is an active
thing. This is a great opportunity for men to get together and
explore the things that matter. For further information contact
menALIVE on 3367 1402 or
At Sacred Heart Church
Come and try our Breakfast
and New Lunch Menus.
Open Monday to Friday
7.30am – 3.30pm
“Where parishioners, schools, parents and locals can come
together united in the love of Christ.”
11am 1 Tuesday
No 9am Mass that day)
Saturday evening 6pm AND Sunday 7am, 9am & 6pm
Saturday evening 6pm AND Sunday 8am & 10am
For more Parish groups, please refer to our Website
Filipino: 1 Sunday 1.00pm Sacred Heart
Baptisms: Please contact the Parish Office 5572 5433.
Benediction: 1st Friday 7.30am St Vincent’s
Hispanic: 1 & 3 Sundays 5-7pm St Vincent’s
Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Sunday 9am Sacred Heart (school term)
Fr Ignacio Gutierrez 0481 118 521
Christian Meditation: Tuesday 10am (Youth Room) Shirley Daly
Tuesday 6pm (Youth Room) Sue Thomas
Maronite Rite: Saturday 7.15pm Sacred Heart
For information ph. Butch & Mini 0424 583 168/9
Ph: 3394 4994 St Maroun’s Church
Exposition: Monday & Friday 6am St Vincent’s
Polish: Sunday 11.30am Sacred Heart
Tuesday 9.30am Sacred Heart
Fr Bernard Bednarz 5504 6297
Thursday 9.45am St Vincent’s
Art & Craft: Wednesday 9am Hospitality Centre
Friday 7pm Sacred Heart (1st Friday all night 7pm-7am Sat)
Book Club: 3 Tues 12noon. Hospitality Centre
Marriages: Please contact Parish Office 5572 5433. 6 mths notice required.
Bridge: Mon 12.30pm. Hospitality Centre
Rosary: Sunday 7.30am St Vincent’s;
C W L: Meeting 12.30pm. 1 Tues. Hospitality Ctr
Monday and Friday St Vincent’s 6.30am
Friendship Day 3 Thurs 10am-2pm
Tuesday and Friday 8.25am Sacred Heart (Before Mass)
rd th
Parish Choir Practice: 9am 3 /4 Sat, Sacred Heart.
Wed 9.30am Sacred Heart
Youth Choir: Eliza Kerklaan Youth & Young Adult Ministry
Sacred Heart Prayer Group: 1st Tuesday 9.30am Youth Room
Playgroup: Wednesdays 9.30am Casey Hall
Scripture Discussion: Tuesday 11am (Youth Room) Shirley Daly
Yoga: Tues 10.45am $10/session. Hospitality Centre
Spiritual Direction: Bernadette Kavanagh-Stewart 5520 7242
Zumba Gold: Friday 9.15am Casey Hall. Beginners/
St Joseph’s Prayer Group: 1st Wednesday 9.30am Sacred Heart
Intermediate level. Susana Pozzi 0421 607 397
Youth Led Mass: 4th Sunday 6pm Sacred Heart
Playgroup: Iovanah Archer 0420595404
Fr Marc Singson 0431 042 603
RECENTLY DECEASED: Estela Paredes (Philippines), Patricia Deakin, William (Bill) Carroll, Patricia Morgan.
ANNIVERSARIES: Natalie Pommer, Jessica Medieros, Jesus P. Balhsabas.
THOSE WHO ARE SICK Yvette Litchfield, John Rohrs, Earl Brierty, Norma Bailey, Maureen Fitzgerald, Annette Anning,
Mavis Boland, Sam Newton, Margaret Miller, Jeff Doyle, Marnie Lee Rose, Beth Green, Joe Sheehy, Angela Ferguson, Denise
Tracey, Michelle Pritchard, Fr Trevor OGS, Rosaria Zammitt, Giovaninna Vitale Freda, Monica Bailey, Mary Mullahy, Michelle
Pritchard, Ron Perry, Mitchell Edwards, Patrick Cannard, Paul Kiely, Rose Crane, Mary Carniel, Baby Charlie Francis, Fr Ray
Wells (Hobart), Leiha Carlson, Pat Lazaro, Kaylene Swan (Launceston), (Baby) George Thomas Cook, Lesley Cruse, Peter
Verhaze, Tony Tongue, Margaret Webber, Ricardo Pereira, Warren Potter, Victoria Dawson, Sheryl Abrahams, Rita Rogers,
Susan Richmond, Ronnie Burke, Norm Mullins, Eleanor B Nascimento, Dolly Roberts, Joan Wienand, Shirley Heath, Mary
Coy, Mary Fraser, Natty Massina, Danny Osmund, Marlise England, Stephen Zannett, Jacqui Caughey, Baby Eva Cassidy
Abad, G Nicholas, Bruno Andreetta, Julieta Alvero, Margie Savage, Joanne Burge, Shirley Day, Leo Domingo, Bernie Wall,
Sr Christine Hesel, Rosalia Roque, Mary McCarthy, Michael Kearney, Josephine Maybury, Monica Clifford, Clare Martin, Reg
Spillane, Gerrard Theron, Mary Kerr, William Sheehan, Kate Needham, Margaret Guillesser, Barbara & Mike Farrell, Justin
King, Anna Wheeler, Emma Winks, Una Parkinson, Nathan Clarke, Pat Burton, Gus Reeves.
Become a Part of the PARISH PLANNED GIVING PROGRAM to help your Parish grow.
We thank most sincerely all Parishioners who contribute to the Planned Giving Program. Your ongoing
commitment and contribution assists the responsible budgeting for the operating expenses of the Parish
(wages, rates, electricity, building maintenance, etc) as well as pastoral planning for Parish growth (faith
education, sacramental preparation, resources, etc). To obtain Planned Giving envelopes, please complete this
form and place on the Collection Plate, or contact the Parish Office on 5572 5433. Planned Giving
Contributions are not Tax Deductable. (Please print clearly)
Surname:_________________________ Christian Names:__________________________________________
Address:__________________________________________________________________Post Code:_______
Phone No:______________________(H)______________________(W)____________________________(M)