April 3, 2016 - Corpus Christi, Detroit


April 3, 2016 - Corpus Christi, Detroit
Corpus Christi Catholic Community
Building the Body of Christ
April 3, 2016
Second Sunday of Easter
Enjoy Christ’s Peace
& Give Witness
We Are
To Be
"Jesus came and
stood in their
Of Mercy midst and said to
them, 'Peace be
To Others
Congratulations to
those who celebrated
Sacraments of
at the
Easter Vigil
on March 26, 2016:
with you.'"
The disciples were paralyzed by fear. After
the Crucifixion, they had locked themselves
in a room and were keeping a low profile.
They didn't want to end up how Jesus had
ended up. But the Lord stepped right into
this paranoia and dispelled it in an instant:
"The disciples rejoiced when they saw the
Although these first Christians were very
concerned about preserving their lives, the
fact is that living holed up in an attic wasn't
a life of much freedom or joy. Jesus wanted
his followers to have the fullness of life, but
this required trust in him and his promises.
As today's Gospel puts it, through the belief
that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, "you
may have life in his name." When we come
to really accept who Jesus is, there is no
more need for a life of slavery to
fear--whatever that fear may be, whether it's
fear for our health; fear for our reputation;
fear for our comfort; or even fear that our
sins are too big for forgiveness.
Today as we celebrate the feast
(cont. on page 3)
Baptism, Confirmation, 1st Eucharist
Paul Anthony
Confirmation, 1st Eucharist
Frank Allen
Elyse Ryder
Inside This Issue ...
Christian Service & YA News
Page 3
Reflections from Curtis Simpson Jr
Telling The Easter Story
Page 4
Make the Easter season a more
faith-filled experience for your children
The Parables of Jesus
Page 6
Learn how to interpret Jesus’ teachings
to better live Christian discipleship
on Sat, Apr 9 at Visitation North
Making The Church Beautiful For The 50
Days Of Easter — Thank you to those who
have donated Easter plants in memory of or
in honor of a loved one — see inside
Page 2
Corpus Christi Directory
April 3, 2016
This Week at Corpus Christi
Rev. Donald Archambault, Pastor
Parish Office Hours:
Mon - Thu, 9:30 am – 8:00 pm, Fri, 9:30 am – 5:00 pm
Sat, 10:00 am – 4:00 pm, Sun 9:00 am - 12:00 noon
Weekend Masses:
Sat 4 pm, Sun 9 am & 11 am
Parish Center:
Daily & Holy Day Masses:
See next column.
19800 Pembroke Ave, Detroit MI 48219-2145
(313) 537-5770
(313) 537-5773
Convent Building 19910 Evergreen Rd
Outreach Center 16000 Pembroke Ave
School Building 19900 Evergreen Rd
(313) 535-2340
(313) 272-0990
Administrative Assistant
(313) 272-0990
Mr. Gene Snyders
Christian Service Coordinator
(313) 272-0990
Mr. Curtis Simpson Jr
Community Organizer
(313) 422-3347
Mr. Michael Sears
Faith Formation Coordinator
(313) 537-5770
Sr. Therese Mac Kinnon
Maintenance Coordinators
(313) 537-5770
Mr. Michael Cotton
Mr. Robert Wheelwright
Ministers of Music
(313) 537-5770
Ms. Michelle Baines
Ms. Fannie Larkins
Parish Office Staff
(313) 537-5770
Mrs. Miriam Hudson
Ms. Golda Amizaa
Mr. Vincent Kalu
Mr. Kristopher Lamarr
Ms. Soraya Parent
Pastoral Associate
(313) 537-5770
Rev. Mr. Paul Mueller
Pastoral Minister
(313) 272-0990
Ms. Mary Davis
Stewardship Consultant
(313) 537-5770
Mr. Kennith Troupe
Young Adult Ministry Coordinator
(313) 272-0990
Mr. Curtis Simpson Jr
Youth Ministry Coordinator
(313) 622-2160
Mrs. Michele Hudson
Deacon Emeritus
Rev. Mr. Al Hogrebe
Rev. Mr. Mark Springer
Parish Council President
Wenonah Handschu
(586) 549-1463
(248) 921-1567
(313) 537-5770
Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Private confessions each Saturday at 3:30 pm or by appointment.
Communal reconciliation services are held during Advent and Lent.
Sick Calls and Communion Calls:
Please notify the parish office when there is serious illness in your
household. We are always happy to visit the sick in our parish and,
whenever possible, to visit hospital and nursing home patients as well.
We appreciate being notified so we may keep the sick in prayer and
place them on our prayer list.
Call the Parish Office for an Infant Baptism Packet.
Call the Parish Office at least 6 months before the wedding.
Bulletin Copy:
Email your copy to corpuschristimiriam@comcast.net
Monday, April 4
The Annunciation of the Lord
8:30 am
7:00 pm
Emmaus Group #1
Tuesday, April 5
Saint Vincent Ferrer, priest
8:30 am
6:00 pm
Mansfield United Block Club
Wednesday, April 6
8:30 am
1:00 pm
OPCA PR/Social Media Committee
Thursday, April 7
Saint John Baptist de la Salle, priest
8:30 am
11:00 am
Legion of Mary
5:00 pm
NWDYC Executive Committee
6:00 pm
Knights of St Peter Claver
6:00 pm
Stewardship Commission
Friday, April 8
Saturday, April 9
9:15 am
Vicariate Confirmation Class
@ Solanus Casey Center
9:30 am
1st Eucharist Class Retreat & Practice
10 am - 1 pm SVDP Food Pantry
12:00 noon
Women’s Retreat Lunch & Info
2:00 pm
Recovery Group
4:00 pm
Sunday, April 10
Third Sunday of Easter
9:00 am
9:00 am
RCIA Class
9:00 am
Catechesis of Good Shepherd II & III
10:30 am
10:45 am
Noah’s Ark Nursery
11:00 am
Catechesis of Good Shepherd I
11:00 am
Mass/Liturgy of the Word w/ Children
12:30 pm
Volunteer Recognition Dinner
@ Corsi’s Banquet Hall
4:00 pm
Better Men Outreach
Page 3
Christian Service News
by Curtis Sim pson Jr.
Happy 50 days of Easter church fam ily!!!! I m ust
admit that to be a m em ber of such a vibrant
community that truly believes in the will of God is
truly a Blessing!!! I am so grateful for the bessings
that the good Lord has bestowed upon m e and our
THANK YOU to everyone who assisted w ith the
liturgies for Holy W eek. The music - awe inspiring;
the homilies - intensely m otivational; the fellowship
and unity of our Church fam ily - truly
inspirational!!! It was definitely refreshing to see the
Spirit of God alive and present during our liturgies
and times of fellowship. W e are so BLESSED!!!
BIG THANKS to all who prayed for the success of and
who donated food as part of the Mass Mob who
visited Corpus Christi on March 5. Fifty-three bags
of food were collected for the food pantry. Special
thanks to Sheila Finch and the Parish Pastoral
Council for their leadership and coordination.
Also, I would like to THANK all of you who donated
shoes during our Lenten “Journey Towards Christ
Our Light.” I am ecstatic to report that we collected
a total of 54 pairs of shoes!!! Church fam ily, you
are awesom e!!! The shoes will be used to assist
families who are in need.
Finally, and on a som ber note, on Easter Sunday,
when we were all praising and glorifying the
resurrected Christ Jesus in our m idst, there was a
family which was experiencing heart-ache and pain.
A’Naiya Montgom ery, just 3 years young, was killed
in cold blood in a drive-by shooting at her fam ily’s
home on the west side of Detroit (near 6 m ile and
Church fam ily, I know you stand in firm agreement
with m e when I say these senseless acts of violence,
theft, and m urder M UST STOP!!! Please join m e (and
other mem bers of our com m unity) in prayer that
these foolish acts cease in our neighborhoods and
As the chosen ones — and as
recognizers of the beautiful will of God — we m ust
engage ourselves in active prayer for the safety of all
people and we m ust also forgive those who act in
such a defiant m anner.
The loss of a child is
something that breaks all of our hearts.
A’Naiya’s m other is in need of spiritual healing, but
also is in need of help with funeral expenses. If you
would like to donate, you can go to any Michigan
Flagstar Bank and m ake a donation to the A’Naiya
Denise Montgomery Memorial Fund.
Church fam ily, I thank you for all that you do to
make Corpus Christi Parish vibrant and I thank
April 3, 2016
Sunday Reflection
(continued from page 1)
of Divine Mercy, we remember that God's
love is strong enough to conquer the
greatest of all human fears: death itself. This
confidence leads us to a renewed joy. As
Pope Francis wrote in his declaration of this,
the Year of Mercy, "Mercy is the force that
reawakens us to new life and instills in us the
courage to look to the future with hope." Once
we are firmly established in this hope, we
are called to be witnesses of mercy to others.
The Holy Father continues with a challenge
for all of us, "Jesus asks us also to forgive
and to give. To be instruments of mercy
because it was we who first received mercy
from God."
written by Theresa Schiffer © 2016 Liturgical Publications Inc
Young Adults
Friday, April 8, 6:30 - 8:30 pm
@ Traffic Jam & Snug
511 W Canfield Street, Detroit
Join young adults for food, fellowship, fantastic
speakers, and faith. This month’s topic is
“Evangelization Through Sacred Music.”
Saturday, April 23, 9:00 am - 4:30 pm
@ Sacred Heart Major Seminary
2701 Chicago Boulevard, Detroit
The Black Catholic Women’s Conference provides an
opportunity for women of faith to come together
and support one another through workshops,
worship and prayer experiences that use the gifts
and the lens of the African-American woman. This
year’s theme is "Great Is Thy Mercy.” Cost for young
adults (18 - 35) is $25. To register, go to
Jesus every day for allowing m e the opportunity to
serve with you on this journey we call life. May the
resurrected Lord always dwell in you. — Curtis
Page 4
3 Marriage Encounter
R egis t e r
fo r
W orld w id e
Marriage Encounter W eekend!
W orldwide Marriage Encounter is
44 hours where m arried couples
can get away from jobs, kids,
chores, and phones — and focus
only on each other. The next
WW ME weekend is April 8 - 10 at Sacred Heart
Parish in Grosse Isle. Call 888-322-9963 or visit
www.wwme-detroit.org to apply or for m ore
information. Application fee is $75.
3 Telling The Easter Story
A visitor from another planet m ight conclude that our
Easter celebration is as m uch a festival of bunnies,
eggs, candy, and new clothes as it is a celebration of
Jesus’ resurrection. You m ay want to m ake Easter a
more joyful and faith-filled experience for your fam ily
by sharing the Easter story with your children.
There can be no resurrection without death, so the
Easter story includes the Passion and death of Jesus.
For younger children, be sensitive about discussing
violent details of Jesus’ death. You are the best judge
of what your child is ready to understand. You can
share more details when he or she is older.
April 3, 2016
Mission Trip
July 10 - 16,
W est Virginia
ALL Corpus Christi high school teens are invited to
participate in the REACH W orkcam p m ission trip. The
m ission trip will be lead by Deacon Mark Springer and
his Adult Team . For m ore inform ation, please contact
deaconm arkspringer@ gm ail.com .
Corpus Christi Needs You!!!
Attention confirm ation and high school students! W e
have opportunities for you to live out your “full
m em bership in the church” and earn com m unity
service hours at Corpus Christi:
Noah’s Ark Nursery
Catechesis of the Good Shepherd
Coffee/Donut Fellow ship
EM E, Lector, Altar Server, Usher, Greeter
Call 313-537-5770 to sign up!
Key points to share with children:
Jesus rose to show us that even though
people do bad things and sad things happen,
God’s love overcom es them .
Jesus’ resurrection means that we will also
rise after we die som eday, so we can be with
Jesus and everyone who died before us.
Jesus is still alive and we still encounter him
today (even though it can be hard to recognize
him ). Jesus left the Holy Spirit to be with us
in a special way.
Your child is likely to start asking questions (perhaps
many starting with the fam ous “why?”). Don’t be
intim idated. A good place to start is to ask your child
what he or she thinks. You m ay be surprised at how
much insight your child has!
Continue the conversation with them. If a question
comes up that you don’t know how to answer, tell
them it’s a great question and that you don’t know,
but you’ll find out the answer (you m ight choose to
ask a parish staff m ember the next Sunday).
(excerpts from Celebrating Easter - Ideas For Busy Parents, © 2015
The Pastoral Center. For more tips about using the Bible at home
visit: http://GrowingUpCatholic.com/bible.)
3 Everyday Stewardship
After m y m other passed away, m y sister and father
had a falling out of sorts. W hen he moved to be
closer to m e, she told m e that she didn't ever want to
speak to him again, saying, "Even if he is on his
deathbed, do not call m e." My father was in his late
70s and the pain he would have felt if he knew her
wishes would have been too m uch to bear. Because
of this, I m ade a decision to not tell him. This also
put a strain on m y relationship with m y sister, caring
for the one person in this world she seemed to
despise the m ost. (continued on page 7)
Page 5
CATHOLIC CRUISE: Com e and sail away on a 7night Alaskan Explorer with Glacier Bay cruise
with Fr. W illiam Gold, July 23 - July 30, 2016 on
Holland America’s W esterdam out of Seattle,
W ashington. Ports of call include Juneau, Glacier
Bay National Park, Sitka, and Ketchikan, Alaska as
well as Victoria, British Colum bia. Prices begin at
$2677 for two passengers (includes all port fees
and taxes). Daily Mass offered. Deposits of $350
will reserve your cabin. For m ore inform ation or to
register, call Doug or Eileen at 860-399-1785 or
email Doug@CatholicCruisesandTours.com.
Health & Hospice, a service of St. John Providence,
offers support groups for adults who have
experienced the loss of a loved one through death.
Groups meet in the Providence Medical Building,
22250 Providence Drive, Southfield and the
Heart Institute, 47601 Grand River, Novi. There
is no charge for this com m unity service. For
further information or registration, call Elaine
Rosen at 586-723-9492. For inform ation on other
grief support groups in the area, call the parish
another adult fem ale; two room s and private bath;
$700/month. Hom eowner is a parish m ember.
Call 313-399-3044.
Time & Talent
HANDYM AN AVAILABLE: Parish m ember.
Reasonable prices. References available on request.
Call David at 313-400-5523.
FREE ADULT TUTORING. Siena Literacy Center
provides one on one tutoring to adults in reading,
math, and English as a Second Language. Call
313-532-8404 or visit www.sienaliteracy.org.
REPORT SEXUAL ABUSE: Speak up about abuse
and neglect. Call 855-444-3911 any tim e day or
night. This new toll-free phone num ber allows you
to report abuse or neglect of any child or adult to
the Michigan Departm ent of Hum an Services. To
inform the Archdiocese of Detroit regarding the
sexual abuse of m inors by priests, deacons, and
other church personnel and/or to speak to the
Victim Assistance Coordinator, call 866-343-8055.
Nursery Caregiver
Adult caregivers are needed to provide a loving,
safe environm ent for infants and toddlers while
their parents are at the 11:00 Mass on Sundays.
The nursery is located in Classroom 8 of the school
building. Com m itm ent is currently 1 ½ hours
every 6 weeks. Caregiver m ust be a registered
m ember of the parish. A background check is
required. Please call the parish office at 313-5375770 to volunteer.
Sunday Bus Driver
Bus drivers are needed to transport parishioners
to and from the 11:00 M ass; m ust be a registered
m ember of the parish.
Background check
required. Call the parish office at 313-537-5770.
Coffee/Donuts Volunteer
Coffee/Donut fellowship after our 11:00 Mass by
serving one of our team s or serving as a
substitute. Tasks include serving donuts,
collecting donations, and clean up. Please call the
parish office at 313-537-5770 to sign up or for
m ore information.
(cell) or 313-342-9856
(residence). No calls after 8 pm please.
April 3, 2016
CGS 1 Catechist Assistant
Catechist assistants are needed for our Catechesis
of the Good Shepherd (CGS) class for preschool
and kindergarten children (age 3 - 6) on Sundays
during the 11:00 Mass. Catechist assistants serve
approxim ately one Sunday each month.
Background checks and attendance at a Protecting
God’s Children (adults) or Called To Serve (youth)
workshop are required. For m ore inform ation
contact Mrs. Rhonda W alker at 248-790-9487 or
Sr. Frances Gerhard at 734-416-6231 .
H.S. Youth Mentor
The DREAM (Dream s Realized through Education
And Mentoring) program at Vista Maria in
Dearborn Heights is in need of adult mentors to
work with high school girls and boys twice a
m onth on Tuesdays. To volunteer or for more
inform ation, contact Erin Crouch, DREAM Mentor
Coordinator, at 313-271-3050 x316, 313-550-9024
(cell), or ecrouch@vistamaria.org.
Page 6
4/5 & 7
The Children’s Center Head Start Academ y Parent
Policy Comm ittee invites you to FREE Zum ba classes
every Thursday from 8:30 - 9:30 am and 12:45 1:45 pm. Enjoy fitness fun and sam ple healthy
snacks and refreshing sm oothies. Classes are held in
the Corpus Christi school building. Call 313-4815114 for m ore inform ation.
Sacred Heart Major Sem inary’s In the Heart of the
Church speaker series, which provides ongoing
formation to men and wom en serving full-tim e or
part-tim e as lay ecclesial m inisters in the
Archdiocese, will feature Deacon Ralph Poyo on
Thursday, April 7 from 12 - 3 pm . Deacon Poyo is
an evangelist and founder of New Evangelization
Ministries. The program and lunch are free of
charge. To register, go to www.shm s.edu/ministry.
The 28th annual Marygrove Contem porary American
Authors Lecture will be held Friday, April 8 at 8 pm
in the Madam e Cadillac Building of Marygrove
College, 8425 W est McNichols Road, Detroit. The
lecturer will be Professor Claudia Rankine, poet and
playwright. This event is free and open to the public,
but registration is required. For m ore information or
to register, visit www.m arygrove.edu/CAALS, call
313-927-1383, or em ail caalsevent@m argrove.edu.
Retreat Schedule
Hospice of Michigan will host Living On grief support
groups on Tuesday, April 5 from 6 - 7:30 pm and
Thursday, April 7 from 1 - 2:30 pm . Their Journey
Through Grief support group will m eet on Thursdays,
April 7 - 28 from 6 - 7:30 pm . The Tuesday group
will m eet at the Hospice of Michigan office located at
43097 W oodward Avenue, Suite 102, Bloom field
Hills; to register for this group, call Claudia Been at
248-334-1323. Both Thursday groups will m eet at
the Hospice of Michigan office located at 400 Mack
Avenue (at Brush Park), Detroit; for m ore inform ation
or to register call Jackie Morris at 313-578-6328.
The Parables of Jesus: How To Make Sense Of Them
Today will be presented by Annem arie S. Kidder,
PhD, IHM Associate, at Visitation North Spirituality
Center, 7227Lahser Road, Bloom fields Hills on
Saturday, April 9 from 9:30 am - 12:30 pm. The
suggested offering is $25. For m ore inform ation, or
to register, visit www.visitation.north.org, call 248433-0950, or email visitationnorth@ihm sisters.org.
April 3, 2016
Mon, Apr 4, 9:30 am - 11:30 am
W om en-to-Wom en
@ M anresa Jesuit Retreat House
1390 Quarton Road, Bloom field Hills
Life is challenging and we all need to re-energize.
Com e for coffee, conversation, prayer, and faith
sharing in the Manresa Library. No registration is
necessary. Facilitated by Denise Anderson.
Donations are gratefully accepted.
Sat, Apr 16,10:00 am - 12:00 noon
Centering Prayer
@ Visitation North Spirituality Center
7227 Lahser Rd, Bloom field Hills
Those interested in doing Centering Prayer in a group
m eet w ith Mary Ann Flanagan, IHM for prayer,
ongoing education, and m utual support. Free-will
offering. Call 248-433-0950 to register.
Sat, Apr 16, 10:00 am - 2:30 pm
A Day of Contem plative Prayer
— Meditation and Mindfulness Practice
@ W eber Retreat Center
1257 E Siena Heights Dr, Adrian
Facilitated by Sr. Esther Kennedy, OP. Cost is $35
and includes lunch; $10 non-refundable deposit
required. To register, call 517-266-4000 or visit
Wed, Apr 19, 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Ladies Night Out
@ St. Paul of the Cross Retreat Center
23333 Schoolcraft, Detroit
Join other wom en for an evening centered on prayer
and conversation with wine, cheese, fellowship, etc.
Cost is $20 per person or $30 for 2 people. For more
information or to register, visit www.stpaulretreat.org
or call 313-286-2800.
Women’s Retreat
Friday - Sunday, May 13 - 15
@ Capuchin Retreat Center
62460 Mt Vernon, W ashington MI
Plan to join Corpus Christi wom en and their relatives
and friends on their annual weekend away with God.
See Brenda Martin or Miriam Hudson for more
inform ation.
Page 7
April 3, 2016
for the Week
Readings for the Week of April 3, 2016
Collection Report
W eekly Budget
Sunday Offerings 3-27-2016
Shortfall for the Budget Year
Acts 5:12-16/Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19
Jn 20:19-31
M onday:
Is 7:10-14; 8:10/Heb 10:4-10
Lk 1:26-38
Acts 4:32-37/Jn 3:7b-15
W ednesday: Acts 5:17-26/Jn 3:16-21
Acts 5:27-33/Jn 3:31-36
Friday: Acts 5:34-42/Jn 6:1-15
Acts 6:1-7/Jn 6:16-21
Third Sunday of Easter
Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41
Rv 5:11-14
Jn 21:1-19 or 21:1-14
Everyday Stewardship
(continued from page 4)
Of all the gifts God has given us, tim e and fam ily are
at the top of the list to be cherished. Also, both are
finite gifts. Our fam ily m em bers will not walk in this
world forever, and each day that slips away cannot
be restored. Still, we build up walls of fear, doubt,
resentment, anger, and pain, not allowing ourselves
to forgive and be good stewards of what we have
been given.
Please Pray For The Deceased
Glenn Eason (2/21)
nephew of Veronica Cunningham
On Divine Mercy Sunday, in the Jubilee Year of
Mercy, God's m ercy is overflowing through all the
earth. There is no excuse for you and me to not be
reconciled with God and accept this profound
com passion. In turn, there is no excuse to not
extend that mercy and reconcile with those who have
hurt us.
Karen DeGraffenreed (2/25)
I always believed I would have a renewed
relationship with m y sister when m y father's death
would com e to pass. Two weeks after he passed, m y
sister suddenly died as well. There is no rewind of
time. Yes, good stewards, today is the day!
written by Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS © Liturgical Publications Inc
dear friend of Tanya Robinson
Elizabeth Stewart
mother of Mary Wildeman
Daniel Bryant (3/3)
brother in law of Joe Cagle
Kenneth Garrett (3/14)
son of Tom and Marlene Garrett
Georgia White (3/18)
sister of Patricia Giebel
Luther Stafford (3/19)
member of the parish
Thank You
Our community changed lives during our Lenten
journey, and CRS Rice Bowl wants to say THANK
YOU! Don't forget to place a check or cash for the
amount you saved in the special envelope that cam e
with your Rice Bowl. Please place the envelope (not
the bowl!) in the offertory basket during the Easter
Please Pray For Those In The Military:
Jared Brooks (Marines), Anthony Carson
(Army), Anthony Ford (Army), Jonah LaTour, Jon LaTour, John Maurer (Air Force), Robbie Mayes
(Marines), Christopher Moniere (National Guard), Jonathan Singleton (Army), Kelly Sionkowski-Jackson
(Air Force), Corey Sullivan (Army), Christopher Summers (Army), and Lance Walker II (Army).
Page 8
April 4
April 10
April 3, 2016
8:30 am
+ Ruth Pitts (req by Elsie Pitts Spencer)
8:30 am
+ Daniel Bryant
8:30 am
For Our Homebound Members
8:30 am
For Those In Nursing Homes & Rehab Centers
No Mass or Communion Service
4:00 pm
9:00 am
11:00 am
+ Deceased Relatives and Friends (req by Parishioners)
For the People of Corpus Christi
+ Joan Heimbaugh (req by Sr Sharon Hagen)
Please Pray For Our Sick Members:
Troy Anderson
Synia Benjamin
Doris Billion
Paul Billion
Marcelle Blackmon
Frieda Boyd
Evelyn Brantley
Bessie Brown
Alelia Busby
Angeline Butler
Joe Cagle, Sr
Connie Caldwell
Jinette Chapman
Aggie Conti
Veronica Conway
Jefferie Cook Sr.
Sheri Dargin
Kevin DeMatas
Pecorlia Dorsey
Ann El-Hajj
Marie Fetzer
M a ry Ann Fla naga n
Renita Fletcher
Shelley Forter
Rosemary Givens
Ella Goldsmith
Martha Harris
Cynthia Heath
Terrie Henderson
Ronald Hills
Mary C. Hustoles
Gloria James
Warren Jaynes
Louie Johnson
Roswitha Jordan
Sandy Kalman
Myrna Leonard
Bob Lindsay
Grace Lindsay
Jim Lorenger
Bill Lucken
Valerie McDonald
Beverly Miller
Virginia Moyer
C ha rlene M u lholland
Nestor Munis
Shirley Oldenburg
Samuel Omabele
Jerry O’Neill
Dorothy Osip
Sue Padalino
Phyllis Pruett
Ann Bluford
Darlie Bouie
Indira S h elton-Pierce
B ev erley B -Joh n son
Gene Snyders
Vivian Spence
Greg Spight
Anita Stephens
Donna Storie
Colletta Sykes
Charlotte Turner
Anna Washington
John Wilson
Kathy Wilson
Maureen Zink
Judories Fort
Branch Gassoway
Helen Parkman
F elicia Pitts-H arper
M argaret G assow ay
Lottie Gorzelewski
Ed Hill Jr
Ruth Hill
Ronald Hills
Al Hogrebe
Ernestine Jackson
Mary Ellen Kelley
Marie Leonard
Evangeline Pruett
Hulda Reed
Isiah Searls
Joseph Shelton
Mary Pat Shelton
Glendene Stafford
Brendia Thomas
John Tillery
An n Paren t-O gletree
John Onwudinjo
Ruth Pitts
Please Pray For Our Relatives and Friends:
K elley A dam s
Pa tricia Alexan der
D u n can Alfes
Joe An derson
Lin d a A n derson
M ich ael An th on y
B a rb a ra Atalla
Jeff B adarak
Ton y B ain es
B a rb a ra B aldw in
Su e B ates
D a n B ejesky
K a ty B essey
C h ristoph er B iddle
K en n eth B lack
An gela B lakely
Av era B lount
Ed w ard B oxley III
R a ch ell B oykin s
B ill B razier
Sh a u n B ron son
Lin d a B row n
R on B row n
Sh a w n B run n os
Au by B ryson
B a rb a ra B ryson
Eric B urch
H enry B urch II
Thom a s C a lhoun
Eric C ha ndlier
Felisha C hildress
Audrey C iesla k
Scott C linton
M a ry C onley
Perry C onw a y
V ivia n C ook
K athy C otton
Joa nn C oules
R ona ld C ra ne
R oy C ra w ford
D a vid D a re
G era ldine D a w son
W oodrow D a w son
B renda D ebose
C ha rles D ickerson
Tony D i Ponio
Joa nne D orais
Lisa D unca nson
Lloyd Earl
C lida Ellison
Ja nice Eva ns
Sol Finkelstein
C la ra Fletcher
R ona ld Fletcher
B arba ra Ford
Phillip Fa ucher
W a nda G a rdner
N estelyn G a y
Ferna ndez G ift
Sherm a n G ilm ore
Elw ood G neckow
Sha w n G ore
Lillia n G ray-A m stu tz
M orty G reen
Sa ndy K lepeck G reen
Anna G yles
C ora H a rper
Joseph H arper
K elly H a rper
M illie H a rris
G loria H a yn ie
Antoinette H en ry
Sum m er H en ry
B etty H erm an
R enee H ogrebe
Tom H ustoles
Pa tti Ja ckson
Allen Ja cob
R obert Jarey
M elvia Jefferson
M a ry Alice K en n y
R aja n K h era
K risten K ingzett
Erin K nigh t
K atie Lutzo K issell
Fred K olp
M a rta La gos
R occa Lan n i
D ia nne L eitterm an
Antoinette Litzin ger
C heryl Lofton
Anthony Loren ger
C ha rlie Lu ll
W illiam M app
B ea M a rx
M icha el M ath is
Ja cq uelin e
M cC u tcheon
S cott M cD on ald
H attie M cK in ney
A n th ony M cN eal
Lin da M elson
Jerry M ercier Jr
Jim M essin k
D arw in M ills
W illard M itch ell
Jam es M olloy
A n n e M olon ey
K aren M om per
C urtis M om sen
D oroth y M oore
E lizabeth M oore
S h irley V M oore
Joyce M u lh all
Ju stin e M N egu im
S ara N ell-W allace
M argaret N elson
K im berly N ew berry
E rnestin e N im m ons
G lory N joku
C harles N u tt
S u san O rlan do
C aden O sin ski
Jean O w en s
Jeff Padalino
Patty Page
W illie Parker Jr
Paula Parh am
C yn di Pask
Ju lia Patillo
M ich ael Peck
Patty Peck
Jam es Pefley
A licia Pen m an
Jerom e Perry
M arqu on Perry
R u th A n n Petty
Tom Petty
R eginald Ph illips
G erald Pollock
Lorren Pollock
D av id R em o
S an dra R eyn olds
V iola R ich bu rge
B etty R obinson
E ugen e R oh de
A lfredo R ojas
Lyn n R ose
G erald R u m bley S r
Patrick R yder
Tisha S aldan a
A n th on y Salem
F ran k S alem
D an S alk
S h erry S am u el
Y v on n e S am u els
E th el M ae S an ders
R obert S ch au le
H elen S ch roeder
Larry S h elton
Ju an ita S im m on s
C u rtis S im pson S r
D on ald S im s S r
M ildred S cott
A n th on y Sledge
E m ily S m ale
D ’A n gela S m ith
Joyce Sm ith
K ath y Sm ith
M able Sm ith
S am S om b om
H eath Sp ence
E v elyn Sp ittle
C h ristine Sta nfield
M ary L ou Sta nton
D av e Sta w ow y
N ich ola s Step hens
K ath y Stew a rt
R och elle Stew a rt
B eatrice Stock ton
Trev or Sulliv a n
F ran ces Syk es
R ick T hom p son
A n gela T urner
C h arlene V a lente
Terry V a nd en B erg
M artha W a rd
B ill W a rren
Larry W ea v er
M adison W eb ster
H an n a h W ells
B rady W esley
D en n is W heelw right
S r Lu a nne W ilhelm
Jackie W illem sen
Jim W illem sen
R en ee W illia m s
R u th W ilson
A n n ette W im b erly
D oris W ood y
K yle Y a nke
W an d a Y a tes
Thank You!
Thank you for helping
to make our worship
space beautiful during
the fifty days of Easter!
Plants have been
donated in memory of
or honor of:
Carl Archer
Mable Nelson
Corinne Gray
Juanita Gray
Hayden Archer
Cliff Booker Sr
Rudolph Pierre
Hayden Archer
Elise Blunt
Jayson Blunt
Helen Hillman
Andre Chin
Shields Gilmore
Ollie Mae Gilmore
Sheila Finch
Gerald Flaherty
Colleen Flaherty
Katherine Flaherty
Colleen Flaherty
Dave McKinnon
Colleen Flaherty
Kathleen Olsen
Colleen Flaherty
Jason Collier
Julia Collier
Irma Horton
Sr. DePorres
Clydis Howard
Irma Horton
Our annual Volunteer
Appreciation Party will
be held Sunday, April
10, at 1:00 pm in Corsi’s
Banquet Hall, Livonia.
All ADULT volunteers
and one guest may join
us at no cost (a small
token of appreciation!) for
an afternoon of food,
music, dancing, and
fellowship. Registration
begins this weekend.
Please RSVP by noon
on Monday, April 4th .
Linda W illiams
Alex & Rochelle Knowles
Patricia Koponen
The Koponen Family
The Lewis Family
Sharon K. Lewis
Grace Loving
Lucinda Loving
The Living & Deceased
Members of the
O’Neill Family
Salem Family
Mannasah Family
Jerry & Elaine O’Neill
If you would like to
remember or honor
a loved one by
donating the cost of
a flowering plant,
special envelopes
for your donation
are available in the
gathering space
of the church or in
the parish office.
Orders due April 8
Delivery date April 15
To place an order
or for more information,
please contact
Patt Taylor-Braxton
at 917-613-3141 or
Small Mixed Box - $14
2 - 3 fruit items
7 - 10 vegetable items
Small Fruit Box - $14
4 - 6 fruit items
Page 9
April 3, 2016
Weekend Ministries Schedule # April 9 / 10 # Third Sunday of Easter
4 PM
Miriam Hudson
Thelma Polley
Sr Ellen Schmitz
Jon Rimbert
JaVionne Smith
Gloria James
Dolores Yancy
9 AM
Katrina Smith
Wanda Bradley
Laurelle Geter
Merrick Harris-Carter
Christopher Herron
James Hines
Sr Stephanie
Kim Procter
11 AM
Team 1
- Shirley Myles
Chidi Dike
Nneka Dike
Julianna Obia
Udoka Osuoha
Valerie Berry
Maria Dickerson
Ron Marine
Elizabeth Williams / Lolita Davis
Catechesis of Good Shepherd I: Happiness Garriott, Chinyere Mbamah, JaVionne Smith
Catechesis of Good Shepherd II & III: Sr Frances Gerhard
RCIA - Theology: Vickie Figueroa
RCIA - Dismissal: No Dismissal
Chris Woloszyk
Mahalia Arthur-Williams, Kate Mueller
9:00: Women’s Society - Katrina Smith
11:00: Team 5 - Kevin Anitube (donuts) Vickie Hodnett, Gussie Nichols, Nicole Smiley, Elsie Spencer, Sharon Washington
Donald Moore Jr
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