June 5, 2016 - Corpus Christi Church
June 5, 2016 - Corpus Christi Church
th The 10 Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday, June 5, 2016 in The Year of Mercy PASTOR Reverend Joseph A. Jakub WEEKEND ASSISTANT Reverend Raymond Lennon, S. V. D. DEACONS James E. Ayrer Michael J. Hagan Jose J. Jimenez John F. Vassallo, Jr. PASTORAL MINISTER Sister Robert Marie Green, O. S. F., Corpus Christi Convent, 609.871.4226 DIRECTOR OF SACRED MUSIC Renee Hatzold 609.410.6866 PARISH LIFE MASSES Daily (M - S): Weekend: 8:00 AM Saturday 5:00 PM; Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30 AM Holy Days: Please Refer to Bulletin RECONCILIATION (CONFESSIONS) Twenty Minutes Before All Weekend Masses except the 7:30 AM Sunday Mass or by Appointment Exception: Saturday, AFTER the 8:00 AM Mass NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP Saturday Morning following the 8:00 AM Mass WEDNESDAY DEVOTIONS TO SAINT JOSEPH Immediately following the 8:00 AM Mass Corpus Christi Parish Willingboro, New Jersey Established 1959 RECTORY / PARISH OFFICE 63 Sylvan Lane, Willingboro, New Jersey 08046 Phone 609.877.5322 Fax 609.877.1695 HOURS: M thru F: 9:00 AM to Noon; 1:30 to 5:00 PM E-mail: ccnj@mycorpuschristichurch.com Website: www.ccnj.church We Worship. We Believe. We Evangelize. We Serve. OFFICE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Located on the Second Floor of School Phone: 609.871.4680 Fax: 609.871.5213 www.religioused@mycorpuschristichurch.com RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Please call the Rectory Office at 609.877.5322 BAPTISMS 2nd Sunday of the Month at 1:00 PM. Parents must be registered in the parish. Please call the Rectory two months prior to the Baptism to make arrangements. SICK CALLS Any time of day or night. Please call Rectory. MARRIAGE We joyfully welcome your Marriage here at Corpus Christi. The Diocese requires that arrangements be made one year in advance. Please call the Rectory. PARISH REGISTRATION We welcome new parishioners and newly married couples and ask that you register as soon as possible. THE CHOIRS OF CORPUS CHRISTI Adult, Resurrection, Youth, Bell, and Contemporary Choirs. Contact the Music Director at 609.410.6866. THE SOCIETY OF SAINT VINCENT de PAUL For Assistance, please contact 609.835.7757 POPE JOHN PAUL II REGIONAL SCHOOL 11 South Sunset Road, Willingboro, NJ, 609.877.2144 Visit us at www.pjpiirs.com Page Two June 5, 2016 SANCTUARY CANDLE Week of June 5: r/b MASSES FOR THE WEEK MONDAY, June 6, Saint Norbert, Bishop 8:00 AM Edna r/b The Steele Family TUESDAY, June 7 8:00 AM Marie Field r/b Daughter & Family WEDNESDAY, June 8 8:00 AM Earl Riceman (2nd Anniversary) r/b Wife, Barbara THURSDAY, June 9, Saint Ephrem, Doctor of The Church 8:00 AM Theresa McClosky (63rd Anniversary) r/b Joe McClosky The Pastor’s Perspective … Dear Parishioners, I would like to take this opportunity and thank all who made our 3rd Annual Corpus Christi Day such a beautiful day. In particular our Hospitality Group, who did much in arranging all the food that was brought. I would also like to thank the Knights of Columbus who spent the day at the grill preparing the burgers, hotdogs and chicken. The planning committee did much work in anticipation of Corpus Christi Day and I am grateful to them for that. Next weekend, June 11-12, we will have our yearly Mission Appeal. This year we have a priest from the Diocese of Trenton, Msgr. Vincent Gartland, who will be speaking at all Masses. This yearly Mission Appeal is a reminder that even though we may be separated by great distances, we still have work to do in supporting the entire Mystical Body of Christ. Msgr. Gartland throughout his priesthood has shown his love for mission work. He will be speaking about mission work in general and the particular mission that he will be speaking on behalf of. At the bottom of the letter from Msgr. Gartland, he has a quote from the book Don Quixote: "the greatest madness of all, is to see life as it is and not as it should be." Our mission work, as one body of Christ, reminds us that even when conditions are difficult we continue to do what we can, regardless of how small the offering may be, to strive to make the world, and our Church, what they are destined to be. (Masses Continued) FRIDAY, June 10 8:00 AM Mark Johnson, 8th Grade Grad, Congrats! r/b Mom, Dad & Kathleen SATURDAY, June 11, Saint Barnabas, Apostle 8:00 AM Tom (H.B., Dad!) & Dee (1st A.) Sliwinski r/b Pat, Joyce, Mark & Kathleen Johnson 5:00 PM Gladys O’Brien r/b The Plunkett & Pomierny Families SUNDAY, June 12 7:30 AM PRO POPULO r/b For The People 9:30 AM Geraldine “Gerry” Costello r/b The Body of Christ Prayer Community 11:30 AM Maria Teresa Febles r/b Her Sister, Marisela Figueroa THE 2016 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL Kick-Off Sunday is June 19, 2016 I couldn’t be more grateful for your outstanding response and support of the Diocesan Faith to Move Mountains Campaign. Faith to Move Mountains addressed the above and beyond needs of the Diocese of Trenton which are not able to be met in the Annual Catholic Appeal. Bishop O’Connell certainly recognizes the sacrifices made to support the Faith to Move Mountains Campaign but appeals now to your goodness and hopes that you will, once again, lend your support to THE 2016 ANNUAL CATHOLIC APPEAL. This Appeal is integral to the mission and services of the Diocese of Trenton, providing day to day assistance to those among us with the greatest needs, such as •CATHOLIC SCHOOL SUPPORT; •MINISTRY OF CATECHESIS, LAY FORMATION AND EVANGELIZATION; •MINISTRY TO FAMILIES, YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULTS; •PASTORAL CARE; •MINISTRY OF CLERGY PERSONNEL; •MINISTRY OF VOCATIONS; •MINISTRY AMONG HISPANIC CATHOLICS; •MINISTRY OF CONSECRATED LIFE; AND •OUTREACH TO THE POOR AND VULNERABLE. I thank you once again for your enthusiasm and support! Your efforts last year helped us to raise over $6.6 million. We are counting on you for another successful year! As members of our diocesan family and the Body of Christ, we are called upon to love and serve all of our brothers and sisters—both within our Community and beyond! RECTORY SUMMER HOURS Rectory Office will CLOSE AT NOON on Fridays beginning Friday, June 3 and continue thru Friday, September 2, 2016. In our works as a people of faith, we are reminded of what Mother Teresa said: "God does not require that we be successful only that we be faithful." Pax Christi, Father Jakub Collection May 29, 2016 Same Weekend Last Year Weekly Operating Cost Shortage $ 9,960.00 $11,090.50 $14,240.00 $ -4,280.00 June 5, 2016 The Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time FAITH IN OUR FUTURE The second goal of the Faith in Our Future process is to explore new models of parish leadership. Parish leadership has become increasingly complex. It really takes a whole team to meet the demands of temporal administration, liturgical preparation, catechesis, pastoral care, and the organization and supervision of ministry volunteers. This team approach requires financial resources. Page Three NEW TO OUR PARISH? WELCOME! If you registered recently with our Parish Office, you may be contacted by a member of the Corpus Christi Parish Welcoming Committee who can provide you with a Welcome Bag of information and gifts. Welcoming Committee members are also available to assist you with any additional information or resources you may need as you transition to your new Parish Family. We are happy you are here and look forward to meeting you. Welcome! Exploring new models is made all the more urgent by the fact that more than 60 diocesan priests will be eligible to retire in the next 10 years; 45 of them will reach the mandatory retirement age of 75. The void that will be left by these retirements is undeniable, as is the increased stress and burden that may be placed upon the priests who remain in active ministry. For example, 11 of our parishes already share a pastor with at least one other parish. CORPUS CHRISTI SENIORS CLUB Change in Schedule LUNCHES FOR THE SAINT FRANCIS INN will NOT take place on Monday, June 6th due to a change in schedule. This event has been postponed until July. The exact date and time in July will be announced shortly. Thank you for your understanding. As we look to the future, we have several broad strategies to consider. Through collaboration, we can bring together the resources needed to support pastoral leadership teams. We can reduce the number of parishes (merger); have parishes share a pastor or clergy team (linkages or in-solidum parishes); or entrust day-to-day leadership of a parish to a deacon, religious or lay person (parish life director). Cohorts should consider all of these as they craft their suggestions. Parish leadership is one of the keys to having a strong parish and effective ministries that bring people to Christ. ANNUAL MISSION APPEAL Next Weekend, June 11 and 12, 2016 Next Weekend we will welcome to Corpus Christi Parish Father Vincent Gartland, a Priest of the Diocese of Trenton. Father will be here for our Annual Mission Appeal and will speak to us about the Missionary activity of The Church in general and especially on behalf of the needs of the Diocese of Quiche in Guatemala, Central America. Father Gartland has been visiting that Diocese for over 25 years and is honored to speak for Bishop Rosolina about the needs of his people. The Diocese of Quiche is one of the financially poorest in Central America and the people in this area have suffered the gravest consequences of the 36 year civil war. We hope you will open your hearts to Father Gartland’s appeal. Whatever you can do will be greatly appreciated. May God bless your generosity. FATHER’S DAY SPIRITUAL BOUQUETS Spiritual Bouquet Cards in honor of Father’s Day will be available after all Masses this weekend and next, June 12th, or during the week at the Rectory. Kindly return Intention Envelope to the Sacristy/Rectory by Friday, June 17th! F. Y. I.! During the months of June, July and August, there will be no music at the 7:30 AM Sunday Mass. Quiet, prayerful silence can be a beautiful way to invite Jesus into your heart and to listen more closely to His Sacred Word. THAT MAN IS YOU — SUMMER All men are welcome to participate in a weekly Saturday faith-sharing of the Sunday Scriptures. The weekly meetings continue until That Man Is You resumes its regular season in September. We meet 7:00 to 7:45 AM, usually in Bogdan Hall. Bring the Sunday readings or a Bible and coffee. You will be nourished on the Word of God! K of C SACRED HEART COUNCIL 5337 Eagles v. Cowboys Football Trip to Dallas Raffle, Tickets $5 Ticket sales are June 4/5, 11/12. Grand Prize: Trip for Two to Dallas. Includes 2 Game Tickets to AT&T Stadium, a 2Night stay at a Hotel, Double Occupancy w/Breakfast; 2 Round-Trip Air Fares plus Transfer to and from the game and a Tail-Gate Party. Total Package: $2,200. Drawing on Father’s Day, June 19th. Winner need not be present. GO E-A-G-L-E-S! “MAKE A JOYFUL NOISE UNTO THE LORD” This year our Summer Choir will begin on July 10th at the 9:30 AM Mass. If you want to take part in this choir just come to the choir loft at 8:45 AM. We’ll warm up and prepare for Mass at this time. Everyone is invited. If you’ve never been a part of the Music Ministry at Corpus Christi, come and see if you like it. If you are already in our choirs, come sing to the Lord! See old friends. And meet new ones! POPE JOHN PAUL II REGIONAL SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2016 6:30 to 8:00 PM Enrolling Students in Grades 3 Yr-Old Pre-K thru 8th For more information, please contact the school at 609.877.2144 OR www.pjpiirs.com Joe Britton’s GOES-SCOLIERI Q u a l i t y R oofing & Siding, L.L.C. FUNERAL Flat Roofs Fascia & HOME Soffit Cramp’s Liquors “We Deliver” 2422 US Hwy. 130 Phone: 877-1323 Greg A. Scolieri Owner and Manager NJ Lic. No. 3953 • PA Lic. No. 013339-L 871-1000 212 Levitt Parkway Willingboro, NJ 08046 — Parishioner — Shingle Roofs Replacement Gutters Windows The Roofing & Siding Specialists Parishioner 871-2145 387-5679 Consider Remembering HELMER, CONLEY & KASSELMAN, P.A. Attorneys at Law Your Parish in Your Will. 600 Beverly-Rancocas Road, Willingboro, NJ 08046 For further information, please call the Parish Office. Additions, Baths, Kitchens, Windows, Painting 609-835-1152 • www.SkerticRemodeling.com PAGE FUNERAL HOME 302 East Union St., Burlington, NJ 08016 (609) 386-3700 William John Kearns, Jr. • Ellen B. Kearns • Parishioners Samuel Reale, Jr. 609-877-6550 Keep More of your Money! Pay Less in Taxes! William T. Slimm, Mgr. NJ Lic. No. 4218 Brian P. Horne, Parishioner NJ Lic. NO. 4258 Call Parishioner Grace Craft at 609-871-7989 or email ggctaxservices@outlook.com GUTTER CLEANING 609-586-2300 “Where Customers Send Their Friends” A+ River Road • Delran, New Jersey 856.461.1660 www.lmbakery.com GREGORY H. SCIMECA, M.D. LASER VISION CORRECTION (LASIK) GGC Tax Services 18 Years Experience in Tax Prep and Consultation PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... 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