Corpus Christi Parish
Corpus Christi Parish
Corpus Christi Parish 4:00 PM 4:00 PM 6:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 10:30 AM 4:30 PM Eucharistic Celebrations Saturday Notre Dame Church, Wtvl St. John the Baptist , Winslow Notre Dame Church , Wtvl Sunday St. John the Baptist, Winslow Notre Dame Church, Wtvl St. John the Baptist, Winslow Notre Dame Church , Wtvl Colby College , Lorimer Chapel Weekday Masses 7:00 AM Tues & Thurs @ Sacred Heart , Pleasant St. Waterville 8:00 AM Mon thru Friday @ St. John, Monument St. Winslow Rev. Joseph E. Daniels, Pastor Rev. Dominic Savio, HGN Parochial Vicar Rev. Paul Marquis, Parochial Vicar & MGH Chaplain January 19, 2014 CORPUS CHRISTI PARISH, COMMUNITIES OF FAIRFIELD, OAKLAND, VASSALBORO, WATERVILLE, WINSLOW PARISH INFO & DIRECTORY MASS INTENTION & MASS TIMES Corpus Christi Parish 70 Pleasant St., Waterville ME 04901 Business Office Hours Monday thru Thursday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM Friday 8:00 AM – Noon SATURDAY JANUARY 18, 2014 4:00 PM ND Fred Blaschke by Fern & Leonette Michaud 4:00 PM SJ Parishioners of Corpus Christi Parish 6:00 PM ND Andrew LeClair by Julian & Diane Bechard Phone: 872-2281 Fax: 877-0675 E-mail: Website: Theresa Poulin, Parish Business Manager Kim Suttie, Pastoral Life Coordinator Mike Hebert, Facilities Manager Elaine Gordon, Catechetical Leader Joshua Houde, Colby Chaplain & Adult Faith Formation Deb Hebert, Bookkeeper Jo Vigue, Adm. Assistant Nicole Pinnette, Secretary Joan Hallee, Receptionist Reconciliation Saturdays @ 3:00 PM St. John Church, Winslow Notre Dame Church, Waterville Sacrament of Baptism Families who would like to have their child baptized should call the parish office at 872-2281 to register for our Baptism Preparation Program. Classes are offered monthly on the last Monday of the month, registration is required. Sacrament of Marriage Couples should make arrangements at least 6 months prior to the wedding date. Call the parish office at 872-2281. FINANCE Corpus Christi Weekly Offertory Budgeted $21,000.00 Offertory for January 4 & 5 $18,160.87 Offertory for Mary Mother of God $4,239.00 Did you know that we offer Electronic Transfer? Electronic Transfer allows you to have your offertory taken directly from your bank account on a monthly basis. This is a safe and convenient means of making your weekly contributions to the parish without having the worry of writing checks and scrambling for your envelopes each week. Should you wish to consider this program and want more information, please call Debbie Hebert at the parish office at 872-2281 or visit and select the “Tithing” link to download a copy of the form. Forms may be mailed in or placed in the offertory baskets at any of our churches. SUNDAY JANUARY 19, 2014 7:30 AM SJ Daniel G. Dunbar by Madelyn Dunbar 9:00 AM ND Dean Camacho by Ashley, De’Andre, Velvet & family 10:00 AM SJ Jacqueline Ronan by husband Mike, sons Gary & David 10:30 AM ND Ronald M. Roy by wife & family MONDAY JANUARY 20, 2014 8:00 AM SJ Corinne Picard by The Gorman family TUESDAY JANUARY 21, 2014 7:00 AM SH Anthony (Tony) Marin by Robert & Rita Plourde 8:00 AM SJ Lucien Huard by Louis & Linda Huard WEDNESDAY JANUARY 22, 2014 8:00 AM SJ Muriel Landry by Andrea Daigle THURSDAY JANUARY 23, 2014 7:00 AM SH Lawrence Lynch by Mel Williams & family 8:00 AM SJ Wilfred & Corinne Boucher by Robert & Doris Davidson FRIDAY JANUARY 24, 2014 8:00 AM SJ Cecilia Poulin by Polly Boucher SATURDAY JANUARY 25, 2014 4:00 PM ND Ludwin Bosse by Marguerite Bosse 4:00 PM SJ Evelyn Fortier by her husband 6:00 PM ND Parishioners of Corpus Christi Parish SUNDAY JANUARY 26, 2014 7:30 AM SJ Pauline Picard by sister, Ruth & John Bourque 9:00 AM ND Jason Carpenter by The Carpenter family 10:00 AM SJ Richard R. Ledoux by Dan & Kay Spoffard 10:30 AM ND Corpus Christi Memorial Fund 4:30 PM CC Marilyn Barbara Nadeau by M/M Robert Duquette The Holy Hour at Blessed Sacrament will now be on the first Sunday of each month. SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Sanctuary Candle In Thanksgiving by a Parishioner Please Remember in your prayers Richard Delaware died Dec. 31, funeral Jan. 11 Pauline Picard, died Jan. 3, funeral Jan. 8 Joyce Pinnette, died Jan. 6, funeral Jan. 10 Elizabeth Veneziano, died Jan. 3, funeral Jan. 11 Readings for the Week of January 19, 2014 Sunday: Is 49:3, 5-6/1 Cor 1:1-3/Jn 1:29-34 Monday: 1 Sm 15:16-23/Mk 2:18-22 Tuesday: 1 Sm 16:1-13/Mk 2:23-28 Wednesday: 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51/Mk 3:1-6 Thursday: 1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7/Mk 3:7-12 Friday: 1 Sm 24:3-21/Mk 3:13-19 Saturday: Acts 22:3-16 or Acts 9:1-22/Mk 16:15-18 Next Sunday: Is 8:23--9:3/1 Cor 1:10-13, 17/Mt 4:12-23 or 4:12-17 CORPUS CHRISTI MEMORIAL FUND M/M Raymond Gagnon, Fernando & Rose Boutot & son Russell, Francis Monahan, Marc Michaud, Raymond Mathieu, Holy Souls in Purgatory, Henry Gagnon, Ron Laliberte, Claire Parker, Odile Williams, Lucinne Michaud, Bernadette Hachey, Robert Bourget & Homoruis Thompson, Joseph Martin, Blessed Virgin for favor obtained, Raymond Caouette. ROSARY CAMPAIGN Jan. 12-Jan. 18 Jan. 19-Jan. 25 Jan. 26-Feb. 1 Kathy & Albert Potelle Jane & John Marden Kathleen & Alyssa Hale Velvet Noel JANUARY 19, 2014 PARISH COMMUNITY EVENTS Employment Opportunity Administrative Assistant Corpus Christi Parish, Waterville Corpus Christi Parish, serving the Waterville/Winslow area , has an immediate opening for an Administrative Assistant in their parish office which is located in Waterville. Responsibilities include but are not limited to: designing, editing and proofreading the weekly bulletin; an array of tasks using the parish database software and various other software; interacting with the parishioners for multiple reasons; and overseeing the telephone system and computer network. The successful candidate will have 2-3 years experience as an administrative assistant; proficiency in the Microsoft Office Suite including Publisher; and the ability to multi task and work in a busy office environment. Full time position of 32 hours weekly. Interested applicants should forward a cover letter and a current resume by January 26 to: Theresa Poulin, Business Coordinator Corpus Christi Parish 70 Pleasant St., Waterville Me. 04901 WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS ERIC'S RESTAURANT 10:00 AM TUESDAY, JANUARY 21 ALL WIDOWS AND WIDOWERS WELCOME Rosary Sodality Meeting Sunday, January 26th at 2 pm **Please note change in location** at the Mid Maine Homeless Shelter Presence Radio Network Announcements Week of Sunday, January 19, 2014 CATHOLIC ANSWERS LIVE Open Forum for Non-Catholics – Steve Ray and Tim Staples Mon., January 20 , 6 – 8pm – Tues., January 21, 6 – 8am Catholic and non-Catholics alike benefit from listening to the Open Forum for NonCatholics. Catholics learn how to defend their faith, non-Catholics learn what the Church teaches and why. Steve Ray is a convert to the Catholic Church and the author of three best-selling Ignatius Press books (Crossing the Tiber, Upon this Rock, and St. John’s Gospel). He speaks at conferences around the world. Tim Staples is Director of Apologetics and Evangelization at Catholic Answers, but he was not always Catholic. Tim was raised a Southern Baptist. He converted to Catholicism in 1988. The Presence Radio Network is your listener-supported Catholic radio. 106.7 FM in Greater Portland, 90.3 FM in Greater Bangor, 89.7 FM in Bath-Brunswick, and89.5 FM in Greater Augusta. Online at and on smartphones with the TuneIn Radio app CORPUS CHRISTI PARISH UPDATE FORM Please be sure to notify the parish office if you have a change of address or phone. If you have a change, please fill out the form below and drop it in the offertory basket or at the parish office located behind Sacred Heart Church Name: ______________________________________ Current Address: ______________________________ Any Eucharistic Ministers who have been approved by the Diocese and would like to serve at Mass are invited to a training session on Mon., Jan 13 at 6pm at Notre Dame Church. This training will be for those planning to volunteer at both Notre Dame and St. John. The session should last approximately 1-hour. If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic Minister but have not completed the application process please contact Kim Suttie, 872-2281 or New Eucharistic Ministers who plan to serve parishioners in their homes or in area nursing homes please plan to attend a training session on Wed., Jan. 8 at 6pm in the Conference Room on the 2nd floor of the Parish Center. If you would like to volunteer for this ministry please contact Kim Suttie, 872-2281 or ____________________________________________ Current Phone: _______________________________ [ ] I would like to receive offertory envelopes [ ] I am interested in having my offertory deducted from my checking account. [ ] I am or know of someone who needs communion brought to them. [ ] I am a new parishioner. [ ] I am leaving town, please stop my envelopes until further notice SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME ST JOHN REGIONAL CATHOLIC SCHOOL 15 South Garand Street Winslow Maine 04901 Telephone: 207-872-7115 Website: Catholic Schools Week 40 Anniversary! January 26 - February 1 th Message from the Principal, Claudette Massey Please join us in celebrating Catholic Schools Week. Starting with a school and parish mass at Notre Dame on Sunday January 26 at 10:30, followed by refreshments in the church hall, we have a whole week of activities planned to demonstrate what our students are accomplishing and to celebrate the school community we’ve built with your support, as we educate tomorrow’s citizens and church leaders. This year’s theme is based on community: “Catholic Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and Service.” The theme highlights the fact that not only are we a school community, we are also part of many other communities including family, parish, local communities, and our beloved country. In addition, the theme focuses on key components that we strive for in Catholic education; faith development, academic excellence and dedication to service. These elements set Catholic schools apart from other educational options. They are why our families make sacrifices to provide a Catholic education to their children. I am so proud of our students, and I can’t wait for you to visit so you can see what I am talking about. There is a great sense of peace and joy in our school. When you come, please bring your friends and neighbors, particularly those who may be thinking about a Catholic education for their children. CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK ACTIVITIES Sunday, January 26-Faith, Knowledge and Service: In Our Parish School & Parish Mass at Notre Dame-10:30 Refreshments to follow Monday, January 27-Faith, Knowledge and Service: In Our Vocations School Mass at St. John Church-8:00 Vocations Panel Discussion in School Cafeteria: “The Many Ways to Serve God” 9:30 Tuesday, January 28-Faith, Knowledge and Service: In Our Community Student Service Projects (Placemats for Meals on Wheels, Sock of Love for Shelter, Birthday Boxes for Food Pantry) Wednesday, January 29-Faith, Knowledge and Service: In Our Students Camping Day & Outdoor Play Thursday, January 30-Faith, Knowledge and Service: In Our Nation Students Create a Flag & Care Package For Maine Army National Guard 133rd Engineer Battalion in Bagram, Afghanistan Grade 6-Serve as Senate Pages in Augusta Friday, January 31-Faith, Knowledge and Service: In Our Faculty, Staff and Volunteers Muffin Morning 7:15, Family Hour 8:00, Staff Luncheon-12:10 Catholic Schools Week is a time for me to say publicly what I think every single day: I am grateful for the dedication of our clergy, teachers, staff, administrators, board members, parents, volunteers and parishioners who make our school a success and help our school community to thrive every single day. Schedule a School Tour Call 872-7115 Bring family and friends to see what is so special about St. John School! Recycle Returnable Bottles/Cans: Lee Giroux has offered to collect your returnable bottles/cans on Sunday, January 26. He will be parked in his pick-up truck by the small fenced in school playground after the 7:30 and 10:00 St. John masses. You are encouraged to use our green “CLYNNK” bags if you have some, but other bags are also fine. If it is more convenient, you are welcomed to drop off your recyclables at school during school hours. Thank you for your ongoing support. Flagship Movie Ticket Booklets-Cost $20: The school is selling Flagship Cinemas Movie Ticket Booklets that are valid until the end of June, valued at over $125! These booklets can be used at any Flagship Theater in Maine (except Oxford). Each booklet includes the following vouchers: 3 Free Movie Tickets (Three Movie Tickets Absolutely FREE!) 10 Free Movie Tickets (Purchase One Ticket at regular price and receive One Ticket absolutely FREE!) Many Discounts on Concession Stand Goodies! Christmas Fair Fundraiser Update: Although we still have expected revenues to still come in, to date we have raised $20,632! This is due to the tremendous effort on the part of many! We are blessed and forever thankful. FAITH FORMATION NEWS Elaine Gordon, Parish Catechetical Leader 872-2373 Sundays, Grades K-8 Jan 12, 26 Feb 2, 9 March 2, 9, 16, 23,30 April 6, 13 May 5 Tuesdays, Grades Pre K-5 Jan 7, 14, 28 Feb 4, 11 March 4, 11, 18, 25 April 1, 8, 15 May 7
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