Authentic Québec - Lanaudière and Mauricie
Authentic Québec - Lanaudière and Mauricie
Nestled in the centre of the first region of New France to be colonized, and easily accessible from Montréal and Québec City, the magnificent regions of Lanaudière and Mauricie will show you what lies at the heart of Québec’s distinct character. With this book as your guide, lose yourself in the majestic landscapes of authentic Québec, with its Native roots and proudly preserved French traditions; escape to the serenity offered by close contact with nature; meet the welcoming people of these regions, and be carried away by a unique culture that is never less than inspiring. Escape… Discover… Wilderness resorts, charming inns, cozy getaways and other unique accommodations. Towns, villages, historic sites, the land and its heritage. Wildlife viewing, hiking and horseback riding, exploring the region’s immense national parks, fishing, dogsledding, hunting. Experience and Charming restaurants and specialty shops to experience the region’s authentic culture and cuisine. celebrate… Festivals and other events tailored for each season: a village on ice, sugar shacks, ice fishing, fall colours, picking your own fruit. Lanaudière & Mauricie Indulge… Move… Lanaudière & Mauricie Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @UlyssesGuides Extrait de la publication Other publications to travel better in Québec Extrait de la publication Authentic Lanaudière & Mauricie Research and Writing: Julie Brodeur Editor: Pierre Ledoux Translator: John Sweet Graphic Design and Layout: Pascal Biet Cartography: Judy Tan Photo Credits Cover Page: La Mauricie National Park of Canada © Michel Julien, Fall colours © Michel Julien, View of the Oswaldo Macià. Calumny exhibit presented at the Musée d’art de Joliette in 2008 © Musée d’art de Joliette/Photo : RichardMax Tremblay © Musée d’art de Joliette, Old Trois-Rivières © Mathieu Dupuis, Camping in La Mauricie National Park of Canada © Michel Julien, Local fine cuisine © Michel Julien, Dog sledding © Michel Julien ; pages 1, 2 and 6-7: © Michel Julien ; pages 112 to 115: © Michel Julien. This work was produced under the direction of Claude Morneau. Acknowledgements Julie Brodeur would like to thank Marc Berger, Mélanie Marcouiller (Tourisme Mauricie) and Jason Saunders (Tourisme Lanaudière) for their precious collaboration. Ulysses Travel Guides acknowledges the financial support of the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund (CBF) for this project. Ulysses Travel Guides would also like to thank the Government of Québec – Tax credit for book publishing – Administered by SODEC. Note to Readers The information contained in this guide was correct at press time. However, mistakes may slip by, omissions are always possible, establishments may close, etc. The authors and publisher hereby disclaim any liability for loss or damage resulting from omissions or errors. Write to Us We value your comments, corrections and suggestions, as they allow us to keep each guide up to date. You can send your comments to us in writing at the following address; the best contributions will be rewarded with a free book from Ulysses Travel Guides (please indicate which title you would like to receive). Ulysses Travel Guides 4176 St. Denis Street, Montréal, Québec, Canada H2W 2M5,, Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec and Library and Archives Canada cataloguing in publication Main entry under title: Authentic Québec: Lanaudière and Mauricie Translation of: Le Québec authentique: Lanaudière et Mauricie. Includes index. ISBN 978-2-89464-580-2 1. Lanaudière (Québec) - Guidebooks. 2. Mauricie (Québec) - Guidebooks. 3. Lanaudière (Québec) - Pictorial works. 4. Mauricie (Québec) - Pictorial works. FC2945.L358Q4213 2013 917.14’41045 C2013-940061-3 No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including photocopying, without the written permission of the publisher. © March 2013, Ulysses Travel Guides All rights reserved Printed in Canada ISBN 978-2-89464-580-2 (Printed Version) ISBN 978-2-76580-298-3 (Digital PDF Version) Extrait de la publication Contents 1 Discover 9 2 Escape 31 3 Move 57 4 5 Indulge 73 6 Celebrate 103 Dynamic Rivers... and People – Larger-than-Life Characters – Native Roots – Religious Heritage – Secrets of the Land Outstanding Outfitters – Wilderness Breaks – Unforgettable Accommodations – Charming Inns – Cozy Getaways – Refreshing Stops Great Adventures – Green Getaways – Turbulent Landscapes Regional Flavours – Charming Bistros Experience 87 The Joys of Winter – Sugaring Off Parties – Summer Getaways – Flamboyant Fall Colours The Best of Authentic Québec 113 Index 116 List of Addresses 118 Extrait de la publication Lanaudière 0 Parc régional du Lac-Taureau 10 20km Réservoir Taureau Mana Réserve faunique Rouge-Matawin wan Saint-Micheldes-Saints Réserve faunique Mastigouche Lac Kaiagamac 131 N Saint-Zénon Parc national du Mont-Tremblant MAURICIE Lac des Îles Lac Lavigne Saint-Alexisdes-Monts 131 Mandeville Sainte-Éméliede-l'Énergie Saint-Donat Saint-Damien Parc régional de la Chute-à-Bull 131 Saint-Gabrielde-Brandon Saint-Côme 348 Saint-Edmond Saint-Cléophas Sainte-Marceline-de-Kildare Chertsey Saint-Ambroisede-Kildare 341 Sainte-Marguerite- Saint-CharlesBorromée 15 346 Saint-Paul t Saint-GérardMajella 343 Saint-Rochde-l'Achigan 125 Lavaltrie ntr 138 25 éa l Verchères Repentigny 640 Contrecœur 132 Le Gardeur Mascouche 30 Saint-Sulpice L'Assomption La Plaine 337 131 L'Épiphanie 339 335 132 Lanoraie Saint-Jacques-de-Montcalm Saint-Esprit Saint-Lin– Laurentides 40 31 Saint-Alexisde-Montcalm 335 Sorel-Tracy Saint-Thomas Crabtree Sainte-Julienne Saint-Calixte Mo Discover Sainte-Sophie Escape 158 Move Saint-Jérôme Indulge Experience 117 Celebrate 158 Saint-Liguori 125 Île Dupas Joliette 341 40 Saint-Ignacede-Loyola Berthierville ve The coloured dots refer to the guide’s various chap ters. 125 Sainte-Élisabeth Fle u du-Lac-Masson The names of the towns where attractions, estab lishments or activities are Sainte-Agathedes-Monts described in this guide appear in bold. c Q Notre-Damede-Lourdes Rawdon 138 347 131 ren Entrelacs Saint-Viateur Saint-Cuthbert Sainte-Mélanie 125 SaintBarthélemy Saint-Félixde-Valois Saint-Norbert be Sainte-Béatrix Saint-AlphonseRodriguez au Parc régional de la Forêt Ouareau Saint-Jeande-Matha ué 337 t-L 347 Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci LAURENTIDES 329 Sa in Lac Ouareau Saint-Édouardde-Maskinongé SaintDidace Lac Maskinongé Charlemagne Extrait de la publication 334 Terrebonne Lachenaie 30 MONTÉRÉGIE Mauricie Sa int-M a uric La Bostonnais La Tuque Lac-Édouard Lac-Saint-Jean Rivière-aux-Rats e ZEC Wessonneau Réserve faunique du Saint-Maurice Grande-Anse 155 Ri viè re Lac Mékinac ZEC Tawachiche Trois-Rives N 155 Rivière-Mattawin ZEC Chapeau-de-Paille Sainte-Thècle Saint-Roch-de-Mékinac Grandes-Piles Saint-Jean-des-Piles (Shawinigan) Lac des Piles Saint-Mathieu-du-Parc 153 155 Parc de la rivière Batiscan Grand-Mère (Shawinigan) 351 Shawinigan viè Ri re can ière Saint-Étiennedes-Grès Charette 351 Batiscan 157 Sa Notre-Dame-du-Mont-Carmel in t- 153 55 Saint-Paulin 349 Qu 359 Riv 350 Saint-Alexis-des-Monts Sainte-Annede-la-Pérade Batis 361 Shawinigan-Sud (Shawinigan) Saint-Élie-de-Caxton 40 Ma Saint-Louisde-France uri ce Fleuve 138 Cap-de-laMadeleine 155 Champlain Sain t-La ure nt 132 153 Saint-Édouard-de-Maskinongé Parc des chutes de Sainte-Ursule Saint-Sévère Sainte-Ursule 348 Saint-Narcisse Saint-Boniface Lac à l'Eau Claire Saint-Prosperde-Champlain 159 Parc de l’Île-Melville Maskinongé Saint-Stanislas 352 359 349 Saint-Adelphe Saint-Tite c Réserve faunique de Mastigouche 352 153 159 ébe Parc national du Canada de la Mauricie/La Mauricie National Park of Canada Yamachiche Louiseville 138 Trois-Rivières 40 Pointe-du-Lac Extrait de laLacpublication Saint-Pierre 138 Pont Laviolette let co Ni CENTREDU-QUÉBEC 0 10 20km Authentic Québec Authentic Québec—criss-crossed by tumultuous rivers, scattered with pristine lakes, and covered by fertile plains and vast forests—offers first and foremost escape, and the serenity that comes through communing with nature. Its lodges and resorts, easily accessible from the great urban centres of Montréal and Québec City, offer a captivating panorama and an invitation to adventure. Settled in the heart of the first region of New France to be colonized, the term “authentic Québec,” as used in this guide, covers the regions of Lanaudière and Mauricie. Encircled by immense spreads of forest, its towns and villages can boast of an exceptional architectural heritage and popular traditions that are alive and well. Everywhere, the welcome is both warm and heartfelt. 6 To experience the essentials of authentic Québec, and to uncover its hidden treasures, our guide offers, through chapters organized along various themes, a selection of remarkable activities, attractions and sites that will lead you to discover and marvel at this region. Then our “Best of” section lists the most outstanding activities according to your interests and personality, from the hedonist to the adventurer—not to mention the family! Finally, you will find, at the end of this guide, an address section which provides all the practical infor mation you need for all the places mentioned in each of the thematic chapters. So go ahead and lose yourself in the majestic landscapes of authentic Québec, with its Native roots, its proudly preserved French traditions and, above all, its unique culture distinguished by an inspiring and energetic spirit. Happy discoveries! Extrait de la publication 7 Extrait de la publication 2 Escape See the list of addresses on p. 121 Escape into the wilderness and leave the workaday world behind, to enjoy the unique experience of the pourvoiries (outfitters), an out-of-this-world short break, or an unforgettable stay in a charming inn or a cozy B&B. The important thing is to use each stopover as an opportunity to spoil yourself! We invite you to immerse yourself in the warmth and friendliness of authentic Québec’s hospitality! Extrait de la publication Escape 2 Outstanding Outfitters Auberge CanadAventure Located on the shores of Lac Taureau, in Saint-Michel-desSaints, this lodge offers all kinds of winter activities, an Indian-style sweat lodge, and outdoor whirl pool baths. The inn contains lovely, comfy rooms with hardwood floors. Fully equipped cottages, with a kitchen and fireplace—perfect for a family vacation—are available for 32 rental. In the summer, they provide easy access to a magnificent white sand beach and to the lake, which offers pleasant bathing. Pourvoirie Kan-À-Mouche – Auberge et chalets Also in Saint-Michel-des-Saints, Pourvoirie Kan-À-Mouche welcomes Extrait de la publication Pourvoirie Page 30 Shelter in the cold of winter © Michel Julien Page 32 Canoeing at Pourvoirie du Lac Blanc © Michel Julien Above left L’Ours chalet at Pourvoirie Kan-àMouche 2 Escape nature lovers who are looking for a holiday spot that is friendly, intim ate and unpretentious. The log cabins, for all their rustic charm, are well equipped. Also available are five motel-type rooms, all lined with wood. This site is known above all for its excellent fishing, bathing and canoeing in summer, while winter offers the irresistible prospect of snowmobile and dogsled outings. © Pourvoirie Kan-à-Mouche Above right Auberge CanadAventure © CanadAventure Domaine Bazinet The Domaine Bazinet in SainteÉmélie-de-l’Énergie, with its exten sive beach, children’s playground, treasure hunts and assorted 33 4 Indulge See the list of addresses on p. 125 Québécois cuisine is enjoying a golden age, constantly growing more refined and celebrating more than ever the province’s local products. Mixing traditional dishes, game and regional ingredients with modern know-how, the Québec dining experience will expose you to a world of flavours that are full, complex, and in perfect harmony. In the following pages, we take you on a culinary tour of wonderful restaurants offering regional specialties, as well as colourful and welcoming bistros that will have you coming back for more. Indulge 4 Regional Flavours La Belle Excuse Would you like to discover local foods in the context of dishes that are more international than regional? If so, La Belle Excuse is the place to go in 74 Joliette. The varied menu features, among others, elk terrine, wild boar, Québec cheeses, bison steak, steak tartare, mussels and fondue. The ambiance is warm and friendly, and in summer you can enjoy your meal Extrait de la publication A Store for Shopping… and Eating Well! If you’re in La Tuque, you must go to the Boutique Gourmande d’Amalthée, if only to chow down on the delicious tapas (rabbit “wings,” rillette meatballs, wild mushroom tarts), grilled game, or the ever-appealing daily special, all of them accompanied by a craft beer. The restaurant is also open for brunch, and what a feast that is (eggs Benedict, morning casserole, stuffed crêpes)! And you will also find great desserts here, as well as breads and fine pastries. The store sells local products and is a combination of grocery store selling fine foods, delicatessen, cheese shop and a place to pick up ready-to-eat foods—all of this in a warm and friendly ambiance! Page 72 Auberge de la Auberge de la Montagne Coupée Montagne Coupée Microbrasserie Nouvelle-France © Michel Julien Page 74 © Michel Julien 4 Indulge on the front porch or the back patio. There is a good choice of craft beers, ciders and ice wines, as well as a delicious Québécois kir. This inn and holiday centre in SaintJean-de-Matha, renowned as a place to enjoy some peace and quiet, offers a surprising and ever-changing menu of Québécois cuisine. From the appe tizers to the cheese plates to the desserts, regional produce is given pride of place in each dish, executed with finesse. Thanks to its high bay windows on two levels, the dining 75 Best of Authentic Québec For Adventurers Accommodations •Seigneurie du Triton (see p. 37) •Pourvoirie du Lac Blanc (see p. 34) •Chez Roger l’Ermite (see p. 41) Restaurants •The grilled cheese house at Le Rond Coin (see p. 85) •À la fût (see p. 85) Activities: •Au Canot Volant (see p. 58) •Alaskan du Nord (see p. 61) •Tourisme Manawan (a visit to the Matakan traditional site) (see p. 18) •Parc de la rivière Batiscan (see p. 64) •Centre d’aventure Mattawin (see p. 59) The Best The 113 To Meet the Locals Accommodations Activities •Gîte la Tempérance (see p. 49) •Auberge Le Bôme (see p. 46) Restaurants •Café Bucolique (see p. 79) •Brasserie artisanale Le Trou du Diable (see p. 85) •Cabane à sucre Chez Dany (see p. 96) •Les Fendilles Sucrées (see p. 94) •Musée québécois de culture populaire (see p. 12) •Maison des contes et légendes de Lavaltrie (see p. 16) •Festival de la galette de sarrasin (see p. 109) The Best For 114 Romance Accommodations •Serenita Spa Auberge (see p. 51) •Domaine Le Bostonnais (see p. 51) •Hôtel Sacacomie (see p. 40) •Auberge de la Montagne Coupée (see p. 38) Restaurants •L’Ange Cornu (see p. 82) •Divin Tandem (see p. 82) •L’Essentiel restaurant bistro (see p. 81) Activities •Festival de Lanaudière (see p. 106) •Seigneurie de l’île Ronde (see p. 97) •Christmas markets (see p. 110) Extrait de la publication For Epicureans Activities •Auberge Le Baluchon (see p. 47) •Auberge du Lac Taureau (see p. 38) Restaurants •Poivre Noir (see p. 80) •Boutique Gourmande d’Amalthée (see p. 75) •Éco-café Au bout du monde (see p. 77) •Domaine des Trois Gourmands (see p. 23) •La Source Bains Nordiques (see p. 52) •KiNipi spa & bains nordiques (see p. 55) •Les Chemins de campagne (see p. 23) •Les Fêtes gourmandes de Lanaudière (see p. 108) For Families Accommodations •Pourvoirie Domaine Bazinet (see p. 33) •Villégiature Matawinie (see p. 89) •Kabania (see p. 42) Restaurants •Le Sacristain (see p. 80) •L’Ours Gourmand (see p. 76) •La cabane à cerise (see p. 95) Activities •Parc des chutes de la Petite rivière Bostonnais (see p. 10) •Cité de l’énergie (see p. 11) •Quête des enfants perdus (see p. 110) •Rendez-vous des coureurs des bois de Trois-Rivières (see p. 106) •Domaine de la forêt perdue (see p. 92) •Super Glissades de Saint-Jeande-Matha (see p. 92) •La Courgerie (see p. 99) The Best Accommodations 115 Index A Accommodations Auberge Aux Quatre Matins 45 Auberge CanadAventure 32 Auberge de la Montagne Coupée 38 Auberge du Lac Taureau 38 Auberge du Vieux Moulin 45 Auberge Laetus le Joyeux, L’ 48 Auberge Le Baluchon 47 Auberge Le Bôme 46 Auberge Refuge du Trappeur 39 Auberge Restaurant Le Cheval Bleu 48 Chez Roger l’Ermite 41 Club Odanak 36 Domaine de la Baie, Le 50 Domaine Le Bostonnais 51 Gîte la Tempérance 49 Hôtel Sacacomie 40 Kabania 42 Parc national du MontTremblant 43 Pourvoirie Domaine Bazinet 33 Pourvoirie du Lac Blanc 34 Pourvoirie Kan-À-Mouche Auberge et chalets 32 Pourvoirie Némiskau 35 Rituel, Le 44 Rond Coin, Le 43 Seigneurie du Triton 37 Serenita Spa Auberge 51 Alaskan du Nord 61 Amos Daragon 12 Association des pourvoiries de la Mauricie 118 Association des pourvoiries de Lanaudière 118 Auberge du Lac Taureau 89 Auberge Le Baluchon 96, 97 Aux 4 Sommets 93 Aventures Blanches 61 Aventure Vent et Rivière 59 B Berges du Lac Castor, Aux 93 Boissons du Roy, Les 26 116 Boréalis 11 Boulangerie du bon pain... croûte que croûte 29 Ferme la Bisonnière 26 Festivals and Events Christmas markets 110 Féerie de Noël 111 Festi-Glace de la rivière L’Assomption 104 Festival de la galette de sarrasin de Louiseville 109 Festival de Lanaudière 106 Festival Feu et Glace 105 Festival international de la poésie 109 Festival mémoire et racines 106 Festival Rythmes et Saveurs 107 Festival St-Côme en glace 105 Festival Western de SaintTite 108 FestiVoix de Trois-Rivières 106 Fêtes gourmandes de Lanaudière 108 Internationale de chiens de traîneaux Lanaudière, L’ 104 Nuits Polaires 104 Quête des enfants perdus 110 Rendez-vous des coureurs des bois 106 Village sur Glace de SaintZénon 104 C Cabane à cerise, La 95 Cabane à sucre Chez Dany 96 CanadAventure Expéditions 60 Canards MaurelCoulombe 24 Canot Volant, Au 58 Centre d’aventure Mattawin 59 Centre de ski La Montagne Coupée 93 Centre thématique sur le poulamon 90 Cerisaie Le temps des cerises, La 95 Chemins de campagne 23 Cité de l’énergie 11, 97 Citrouillerie 99 Courgerie, La 99 D Délices d’Antan 28 Domaine de la forêt perdue 92 Domaine des Trois Gourmands 23, 94 Domaine Récréo-Nature Sam-Calm 96 E Église Sainte-Geneviève 20 Espace Shawinigan 12 Exploration Nature Québec 58 F Fendilles Sucrées, Les 94 Ferme Éthier, Les Fruits soleil 29 Ferme Guy Rivest 24 Forges du Saint-Maurice National Historic Site 12 Fromagerie Du Champ à la Meule 25 Fromagerie F.X. Pichet 29 G Geos - Spa Sacacomie 53 Grand-Mère Rock 19 Guilde du Pain d’Épices, La 25 H Hôtel Sacacomie 90 Hydravion aventure 60 I Île-des-Moulins 12 J Joliette 24 K KiNipi spa & bains nordiques 55 L La Mauricie National Park of Canada 63, 93 Les Piles Village Forestier 16 M Maison des contes et légendes de Lavaltrie 16 Mascouche 15 Mokotakan 18 Moulin Bleu 23 Musée d’art de Joliette 20 Musée des religions du monde 21 Musée Gilles Villeneuve 16 Musée québécois de culture populaire 12 N Natur’eau 54 Nerrivik Aventures 59 O Observation tower at the Cité de l’énergie 99 Office de Tourisme, foires et congrès Shawinigan 118 Outfitters’ association of Lanaudière 36 Outfitters’ association of Mauricie 36 P Parc de la rivière Batiscan 64 Parc de l’Île-Melville 66 Parc des Cascades 68 Parc des chutes de la Petite rivière Bostonnais 10, 71 Parc des Chutes de SainteUrsule 67 Parc des Chutes-Dorwin 67 Parc des Chutes-Monte-àPeine-et-des-Dalles 69 Parc national du MontTremblant 93 Parc régional de la Chute-àBull 70, 93 Parc régional de la Forêt Ouareau 93 Parc régional des SeptChutes 71 Parc Régional du Lac Taureau 59 Passion Lavande 26 Pellerin, Fred 15 Pourvoirie Domaine Bazinet 98 Pourvoirie du Lac Blanc 90, 100 Pourvoirie Némiskau 98 R Réserve faunique de Mastigouche 98 Réserve faunique Mastigouche 65 Réserve faunique RougeMatawin 66 Restaurants À la fût 85 Ange Cornu, L’ 82 Auberge Aux Quatre Matins 76 Auberge de la Montagne Coupée 75 Auberge du Vieux Moulin 76 Auberge Le Bôme 79 Belle Excuse, La 74 Boutique Gourmande d’Amalthée 75 Brasserie artisanale Le Trou du Diable 85 Café Bucolique 79 Divin Tandem 82 Éco-café Au bout du monde 77 Essentiel restaurant bistro, L’ 81 Microbrasserie NouvelleFrance 84 Ours Gourmand, L’ 76 Poivre Noir 80 Rond Coin, Le 85 Sacristain, Le 80 Resto-bar le Grill du Roy 29 Rivière L’Assomption 92 Rouge-Matawin wildlife reserve 99 Route des Rivières 10 Saint-Élie-de-Caxton 15 Salon de jeux de TroisRivières 14 Sanctuaire Notre-Dame-duCap 20 Seigneurie de l’Île Ronde 97 Seigneurie du Triton 99 Shawinigan 13 Ski Montcalm 100 Société de développement des parc régionaux de la Matawinie (SDPRM) 68 Source Bains Nordiques, La 52 Station touristique Val Saint-Côme 100 Suisse Normande, La 25 Super Glissades de SaintJean-de-Matha 92 T Terrebonne 15 Terre des Bisons 24 Tourisme des Moulins 118 Tourisme Haut-SaintMaurice 10 Tourisme Joliette 118 Tourisme Lanaudière 118 Tourisme Manawan 18 Tourisme Mauricie 118 Tourisme TroisRivières 118 Trois-Rivières 14 U Upper Saint-Maurice valley 10 V Vallée du Parc 100 Via Batiscan 64 Vieille Prison de TroisRivières 12 Vignoble Saint-Gabriel 25 Villégiature Matawinie 89 S Sainte-Anne-de-laPérade 90 Extrait de la publication 117 List of Addresses Tourist Information Association des pourvoiries de Lanaudière Tourisme Haut-Saint-Maurice 3703 Boulevard Ducharme, La Tuque 819-523-8200 or 877-424-8476 Tourisme Lanaudière 3568 Rue Church, Rawdon 450-834-2535 or 800-363-2788 Tourisme Joliette Association des pourvoiries de la Mauricie 550 Rue Saint-Louis, La Tuque 819-676-8824 or 877-876-8824 Québec Authentique Fédération des pourvoiries du Québec 5237 Boulevard Wilfrid-Hamel, bureau 270, Québec 418-877-5191 or 800-567-9009 Office de Tourisme, foires et congrès Shawinigan 522 5e Rue, Shawinigan 819-537-7249 or 877-252-7252 654 Rue De Lanaudière, Joliette 450-752-5566 Tourisme Lanaudière 3568 Rue Church, Rawdon 450-834-2535 or 800-363-2788 Tourisme Manawan 161 Rue Simon-Ottawa, Manawan 819-971-1190 or 877-971-1197 Tourisme Mauricie 1882 Rue Cascade, Shawinigan 819-536-3334 or 800-567-7603 Tourisme Trois-Rivières Parcs régionaux de la Matawinie 1457 Rue Notre-Dame Centre, Trois-Rivières 819-375-1122 or 800-313-1123 Tourisme des Moulins Tourist information centre 5000 Côte de Terrebonne, Terrebonne 450-964-0681 or 866-964-0681 118 Extrait de la publication Other publications to travel better in Québec Extrait de la publication Nestled in the centre of the first region of New France to be colonized, and easily accessible from Montréal and Québec City, the magnificent regions of Lanaudière and Mauricie will show you what lies at the heart of Québec’s distinct character. With this book as your guide, lose yourself in the majestic landscapes of authentic Québec, with its Native roots and proudly preserved French traditions; escape to the serenity offered by close contact with nature; meet the welcoming people of these regions, and be carried away by a unique culture that is never less than inspiring. Escape… Discover… Wilderness resorts, charming inns, cozy getaways and other unique accommodations. Towns, villages, historic sites, the land and its heritage. Charming restaurants and specialty shops to experience the region’s authentic culture and cuisine. Wildlife viewing, hiking and horseback riding, exploring the region’s immense national parks, fishing, dogsledding, hunting. Experience and celebrate… Festivals and other events tailored for each season: a village on ice, sugar shacks, ice fishing, fall colours, picking your own fruit. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter @UlyssesGuides ISBN: 9782765802983 (digital format) Extrait de la publication Lanaudière & Mauricie Indulge… Move… Lanaudière & Mauricie
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