December - Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club
HILLSBORO INLET SAILING CLUB December 2015 From The Helm By Suzi Wehe Commodore Glory Daze "The sail, the play of its pulse so like our own lives: so thin and yet so full of life, so noiseless when it labors hardest, so noisy and impatient when least effective." - Henry David Thoreau It appears to me that as soon as October arrives the months just start flying by. These months however are my favorite as we begin spending more time with friends and family. I love all the decorations and the general happy disposition that comes with them. We have the Thanksgiving Day Cruise coming up and promises to be a good time for all who attend. Our fall racing is coming to an end and I think Continued on Page 2 Lighthouse Point, Florida Inside This Issue From the Helm 1 Upcoming Events 2 Officers & Notices 3 Membership 4 Racing 5 Program & From the Editor 6 Hillsboro Inlet Soundings 7 HISC Holiday Dinner Dance Flier 8 New Years Cruise Flyer 9 Crew Pool 10 Club Classifieds 11 Advertising 12 Calendars 16 for the most part the weather cooperated with us, only having to cancel and reschedule one race. Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club We are certainly hoping that we can have beautiful weather for our New Years Eve cruise and that you all come to join your hosts for a fun evening and at the end are tucked safely in your boats. The annual membership renewal letters will be arriving soon. Please be sure to get your checks in before Dec. 31 2016 in order to be included in the 2016 roster. There will be no increase in dues so HISC is still the best deal in town. Happy Holidays. Inlet Outlet Editor Paul Alcock The Inlet/Outlet is published by the Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club. Items for publication should be submitted to the Inlet/OutletEditor, ideally just include the copy in the body of the email. Paper documents or photos should be given or sent to Paul Alcock 5804 NW 18th Court Margate FL 33063 Officers Commodore Suzi Wehe Vice Commodore Larry Geller Rear Commodore Hector Arrillaga Secretary Melinda Betkowski Treasurer Brian Broad Board of Governors James Wallace DEADLINE THE 15TH OF Judith Whittaker Deborah Menagh THE MONTH Graham Danvers Tel: (954) 736-7114 Please notify Inlet/Outlet of Past Commodore address changes so you will Frank Tippett not miss any issues. 2 Years 2 Years 1 Year 1 Year Staff Commodore Maureen Leonard Club Credo Upcoming Events The purpose of the Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club is to develop, encourage,and stimulate an interest in sailing in the Hillsboro Inlet area. It is our responsibility to promote fellowship and camaraderie among sailors in our club, among sailors in the area and among our guests. Membership An application for membership in HISC may be obtained from membership chairpersons Robert and Patricia Schuldenfrei at (561) 582-3340 ( or by contacting any club member. There is a $30.00 initiation fee and annual dues of $150 (family), $125 (single), are payable upon joining and every January thereafter. After June 30, the dues are 75.00 (family) or $62.50 (single) for the rest of the current year for new members. Monthly General Meeting The Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club holds a monthly membership meeting generally on the second Thursday of each month, 7:00pm at the Lighthouse Point Yacht and Racquet Club, 2701 N.E. 42nd Street, Lighthouse Point, Tel: (954)942-7224. Please check the monthly calendar or call the editor for any changes in the meeting dates, times, or locations. 2 Date Event December 3rd Board Meeting December 4th Wirth Monroe Race December 5th Holiday Dinner Dance and General Meeting December 12th Fort Lauderdale Boat Parade December 13th Pompano Beach Boat Parade December 31 New Years Cruise January 1st New Years Cruise HISC 2016 Slate of Officers Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Past Commodore Treasurer Larry Geller Hector Arrillaga Bob Schuldenfrei Suzi Wehe Michael Cross Secretary Two Year Directors Deborah Menagh Paul Ferrara One Year Directors Dave Lockman Jim Wallace Judy Whittaker Audit Brian Broad Nominating Karyn Katz The slate was voted in at the November 2015 General Meeting. After Race Party Schedule Date Race Hosts Dec 4th Wirth Monroe Race TBA HISC 2015-16 Cruising Calendar MONTH December February DAY(S) 31 - 1 6-7 EVENT New Year’s Eve Cruise Chili Cook Off HOSTS Magic Adelante Lake Boca March 5-6 Change of Command Raft Up Cruising Committee Lake Boca 3 LOCATION Membership Gary Snyder is a new member of the HISC. He was born in Indiana, but move to Florida when he was 10 years old, and he has never gone back. He has experience as crew for sailboat races with two boats that were part of the Gulfstream club: Chablis a C&C 40 and Redskin a J35. He has raced a couple times in the Fort Lauderdale to Bimini race as well as the Fort Lauderdale to Key West race. Gary has a 100 Ton license which is valuable for doing yacht deliveries. His sponsors are Dale Kern and Robert Schuldenfrei. The Board member who did the interview was Rear Commodore Hector Arrillaga. By Patricia and Robert Schuldenfrei Esprit du Vent New Members Robert Apgar is now a member of the HISC. Having first starting sailing in college, Bob Apgar moved to the very arid climate of Phoenix thinking that his sailing days were behind him. As luck would have it though, Phoenix boasts beautiful sunshine and regular winds so racing continued on the man-made lakes surrounding Phoenix. Travel took him sailing for brief trips to Singapore, Australia, and South Africa. The first boat he owned was a Kelsell 52’ catamaran which he sailed with his father to Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica and the Cayman Islands. His life has charted a different course lately where is the proud father of an energetic 3 year old who he hopes will join him for sailing adventures in the years to come. His sponsors are Suzi Wehe and Robert Schuldenfrei. The Board member who did the interview was 2 Year Director Judy Whittaker. Roster Updates Apgar, Robert 2609 NW 79th Ave. Margate, FL 33063 Cherona (727) 722-3336 Member since: 2015 Miceli, Mike 300 NE Spanish River Blvd. Boca Raton, FL 33431 Sea Ghost (781) 718-9831 Member since: 2015 Mike Miceli has joined the HISC. He start- ed sailing in the Boston area in the community sailing program. His mid-life years were spent in the Boston area as an electrical engineer. In 2011 Mike bought a 33 Hunter which he kept in Boston. He is currently a snow bird living in Boca Raton, FL. He plans to bring his Hunter down to Florida in the near future. In the interim, he is looking to crew where needed. His sponsors are Frank Tippett and Robert Schuldenfrei. The Board member who did the interview was 2 Year Director James Wallace. Snyder, Gary 407 SW Natura Ave. Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 (954) 462-8823 Member since: 2015 4 Racing By Larry Geller Third Tri 2 Hello Racers! I am sitting down to write this article on Thursday, November 12, three days before the Mary Wells Coastal Race, so I figure a good topic for this month’s Inlet/Outlet would be: TO RACE OR POSTPONE – HOW DO I MAKE MY DECISION The two key factors that I use in making this decision are: SAFETY – although the decision to race in any given situation is always up to the skipper, I don’t want to put our people or boats into a dangerous situation – especially for an event that can be postponed. Also, I need to consider the safety of the crews that will be dropping and retrieving race marks. This can be a chore in a breeze, and it can be very dangerous in 30 knots and 8’ seas! PARTICIPATION – will the fleet come out in the forecasted conditions. We usually get about 20 boats for our coastal races, but some are more conservative than others so will we get enough boats out to make the race worthwhile. The current NOAA forecast for Sunday is East Winds 15 – 20 knots, with gusts to 30. Seas 5 – 7 feet with occasional seas to 9 feet. It would be easy to look at that and says that a postponement would be a good idea, but my experience is that NOAA tends to forecast on the high side, especially with regard to their forecast for wave heights. Next step – check WINDGURU, which is forecasting 25 – 28 knots, with 8’ seas – YIKES. The last thing I check is the tides, as the inlet can get NASTY when there is an outgoing tide and winds from the east. High tide is 10:53am, so it will be OK going out for the race, but it could be nasty when the fleet returns in the afternoon. So, if I needed to make the decision right now, I would postpone based on these factors. Fortunately, it is only Thursday, so Ill keep checking the forecast and will make a decision by Saturday afternoon. On a related topic, I am pleased to announce that next year, these decisions will be left up to Michael Carrington and Marie Graham who have volunteered to be the racing co-chairs. Michael has done this many times before, and will be mentoring Marie who will be helping him plan and run the races in 2016. They are already working on some exciting stuff, so stay tuned. Larry Geller THIRD TRI 5 Cruising Hector Arrillaga Cruising Committee This year’s Cruising Flag is pretty awesome. The Cruising Committee awarded 6 Cruising Flags during the November General Meeting. There should be more flag awards at the January Meeting: Cruising events before then include the November Thanksgiving Cruise, & New Years Cruise. Don’t forget to report your cruising overnights with other Club Members to Hector: 6 Membership By Paul Alcock Eximius As a comparatively new member of the Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club (HISC) I hope that I bring a fresh perspective to membership and how to get the most from the club. Peggy & I joined the HISC in November 2014, we had been searching for a bigger boat than our then Catalina 250 Water Ballast that we owned from new in 2005. I had the notion that meeting with people that sailed bigger boats would help in that search, and with the intent on retiring from full time work in late 2015 / early 2016, we could develop a social life that included sailing on a bigger boat. We were welcomed into the club by several enthusiastic members, lead by Robert & Pat Schuldenfrei. That included several trips out on their Catalina 34 Espirit Du Vent, and participation in the 2015 Hospice Regatta, and Dale Kern on Shoal Mate in one of the Racing series. We started to meet several of the club members and we felt very comfortable in the club. Commodore Suzi Wehe asked me to take on the Email Coordination task, something right up my alley. As a consequence, I started to attend the monthly Board Meetings, met more of the club members and learned how the club operates and who is making it work. During the Change of Command Raft up, we met Dave and his wife on Vallhala, and had the chance to look around their boat, more things to consider when we eventually purchase our ’bigger boat’. Membership in the club was working out: Socail life expanding, Learning lots from owners of bigger boats, and getting to meet and talk with those owners. That helped us understand the things we wanted in our new boat, and it helped establish what we could do when we get the boat. I helped out at the club booth at the Miami Strictly Sail show, met more members, and another member at the booth told me that he had just delivered a Catalina 385 to a new owner in Stuart Florida, and that the owner was selling his older Catalina 34.—With everything else going on, we did not follow up on that. But later , in May, the owner contacted us asking if we were still looking for a Catalina 34. Consequently, we ended up driving up to Stuart and putting an offer on the boat. We brought the boat down to Fort Lauderdale in late May, and started to get involved in club events on the water. Our first event included renaming the boat ‘Eximus’ and a good crowd of club members helped us celebrate the event, especially the Gods representatives: Pam & Dave owners of Sjöfn Pearson 35. So joining the HISC has been really worth while, we have met with many more members on the water, helped and have been helped in several boat projects, and we have our new , OK, it’s a 1987, boat within less than a year of joining. Now that retirement is just around the corner (January 2016) I agreed to incoming Commodore Larry Geller’s request to take over the position of Inlet / Outlet Editor. So my perspective: Join, Get involved, Meet the Members, Enjoy the fun. See you on the water. Paul & Peggy Alcock 7 December Program From the Editor: Walter Betkowski has been the driving force behind the Inlet/Outlet for years and I have the privilege of taking over as the I/O editor. Walter provided me with the last 8 years of digital copies of our magazine and the aging HISC Laptop. Walter has been a huge help in preparing me for taking on this task. I hope you will forgive my British Humor when it pops up on deck, it’s an acquired taste. Tom Garvey, The Program Chair has the month off in December. Hope you all enjoyed the great program about Cuba last meeting. I hope that club members will provide feedback as well as their own stories for inclusion in the I/O, please do not hesitate to send me an email with your point of view or anecdotes to share in future editions. I don’t promise to include them, and if I do, they will most likely be edited to fit space available. But submit them anyway, Enjoy the Dinner Dance on December 5th. Thanks. Paul Alcock Sailing Vessel Eximius 1987 Catalina 34 Tall Rig Fin Kee. See you out on the water. 8 The Hillsboro Inlet Soundings are provided by Jack Holland, we hope you find them useful when Navigating the Inlet Jack Holland Chairman Hillsboro Inlet District Staff Commodore 1983 9 10 11 Crew KING for Boats Cindy Kehoe – Able bodied “crew person” would like to join other HISC sailors for fun in the sun racing/ cruising. I have crewed on Karma, A loha, Danse de Lune, and Condor. (561) 445-0770 (C) or Bob & Barb Stevens – Part-time Hillsboro Beach residents with 10 yrs. of bare boat charters on 25’-45’ boats. Would like to race and cruise when in town throughout the year. (812) 371-1356 (C) or Randy Zelden Beginner sailor looking for oppor tunities to act as cr ew in any appr opr iate capacity. I have limited sailing experience, mostly on hobie craft. Anxious to learn and assist to the best of my ability as crew member. Contact: tel. (561) 542-2974. e-mail: Renee Wylie – Has crewed & raced with several club boats and is looking to do some cruising on some of the cruising boats. (954) 425-2082 or Ira Wechterman is a r ecently r etir ed dentist who has cr uised and raced for the past 40 year s. He and his wife have bare boat chartered in the Virgin Islands multiple times. They currently have a Pearson 39 for sale in Huntington Long Island NY. They are now permanent residents here in Fla. During his last season racing with the Setauket Yacht Club his boat was first in their division. Ira and his wife both like to day sail and cruise. Ira especially likes to race and is looking to be a regular crew member. Please give him a call if you need crew to either race or cruise. (631) 834-6374. David Livingston is ASA Certified 101, 103, 104 and 114. If you require crew, call me at (561) 8436328 and I’ll see if I can help out. Fair Winds and Following Seas! Jerry Freedman has gr eat cr edentials and wishes to cr ew on cr uises and r aces. Sailing (Captain) my own boat Chitter Chatter, a Coronado 25 sloop with fixed keel, main, 150 genoa, and a cruising spinnaker, 9.9 OB powered for over 40 years. Regions sailed are: Plymouth Bay Mass (2yrs., O’DAY Javelin); Chesapeake Bay (Annapolis); South New Jersey Coastal Ocean (24 yrs.); Raritan Bay, Sandy Hook Coastal, Lower NYC harbor (2 yrs.), 1 winter sailing a HOLDER 12 on Lake Worth FL ShakeALeg Miami Volunteer (Captain/ Crew) for 6 years on Biscayne Bay with Special-needs kids for sailing students using Catalina 22s Other Regions sailed are: BVI bare boat charter (Moorings 36 ft. sloop), Norfolk-to-Annapolis Morgan 42 boat delivery, Annapolis-to-Ocean City NJ boat delivery. Contact: or from April 30 (561) 369-8503 and from May 1 to Oct 31 (732) 446-7475. Boats L KING for Crew Susimi X Michael Car r ington welcomes potential cr ew member s for HISC club races. Contact: Esprit du Vent Bob & Pat Schuldenfr ei and Chr isteen Pozniak & Fr anco Cer vetto will welcome any member to enjoy a day-sail on our Catalina 34. If you would like to join us please send an e.mail message to Any HISC member looking to crew, or Captains (boats) looking for crew, can be added to our new Crew/Boat pool. E-mail a SHORT description of your interest & experience (cruising/ racing/both) to the crew pool chairman, Brenda Duvall, at by the 15th of any month and we will add the info to the list. Any questions just give me a call (954) 249-9539. 12 Club Classifieds For Sale: Chain, new G43 Hi Test Windlass ISO, Zinc Coated, Titan (Canada Metals – maker of Rocna anchors). Up to 150 ft. available. $3/ft. New England Ropes, 5/8”, new on spool. Up to 600' available. $600 for spool. $1.25/ ft. for cut lengths. (100 ft. minimum.) Contact Dave Legrow at no phone calls please as I often travel. Wanted - Buyer for a safe exceptional seagoing vessel, well cared by original owner. Updated rigging and sails 2007. NO teak decks. New bowsprit. Radar, SSB,VHF, Dinghy Davits, Cabin heater, Lectra-San head. Separate shower stall, Sea Frost refrigeration/freezer. Recently CSC bottom paint, Hull compounded polished, 3QM30H serviced. A MUST SEE TAYANA 37 1981 Mar k II Cutter . Reasonable offers will be considered. Joe Tosta (954) 614-8024. Dock space for rent in SE Boca. Up to 45’ - up to 6 ½’ draft. No live-a-boards. Water and electricity. Very secure and private. Only 20 minutes to the Boca inlet. John Van Blois (561) 251-0579 or (561) 414-5388. For Sale: Tor qeedo 1003 S/L electr ic outboar d motor . A year and 1/2 old, almost new; less than 10 hours use. All equipment, including 12 volt charging system. Original cost $2,000; asking $999. Call Bill Stolberg (Duet) (954) 798-6203. You too can be green and high tech For Sale: Alan Pape design, steel cutter . 31 ft., 5.2 ft. draft, VHF, 3 burner stove, oven, head. Wheel steering in & outside. Price $26,500. Contact Art Campbell (954) 334-1721. Wanted...OLD SAILS. Past club member Judy Moran is still making bags out of old sails. She needs your old sails. If they are cluttering up the garage, carport, storage locker or boat, now is the time to get them recycled. Call me and I'll pick them up. Bob Tigar (954) 781-5910. For Sale: 14 ft. day sailor with tr ailer . Lido 14 $1.000, (954) 491-6539 Please leave message. For Sale 2007 Tar tan 4100. Nino was designed, built and fully equipped for long range cruising. Her center board draft is 4’3”/8 which makes cruising the Florida Keys and the shallow areas of the Bahamas very accessible, She has been maintained to the highest standards and is ready to cruise. Price $299,000. Contact Gus Sclafani (516) 2798142 For Sale: Mast-Head Bird Deterrent : custom installation , safe, non-metallic, flexible , removable, easily stored. Other deterrents available. Contact: Ira Wechterman (member) or call (631) 834-6374 For Sale; 1989 36' Pear son Tr i-Cabin, Turn-key yacht in excellent condition. New Furuno electronics, many upgrades. Boat is located in Boston, Sail this summer in colorful New England, and sail South in the Fall. $59,500. Gene (617) 459-3285 for pics email For Sale Alliance (hypolon) dinghy-9-feet, 2-inches-plus oars-also 5-h.p.Honda outboard (7-year low usage) with 2 -fuel cans-- at Lighthouse Pt. Location. $1,500.00 for both—any realistic offer will be considered--call Dennis @ (954) -296-6422 The Inlet Outlet will accept classified ads at no charge from members in good standing. These ads will be run for one(1) issue only unless renewed. Ads must be submitted in writing. You must notify the editor for each issue in which you wish the ad to run. BOAT US MEMBERSHIP Boat US membership dues are $30.00. Since we have a group membership; current HISC Members as well as any new HISC Members in 2015 should only pay $15.00. Our Group Number is GA83724S If you need any additional information call me, Tim Leonard, Boat US Coordinator at (754) 367-1085 or e-mail to 13 14 Member of HISC Since 1984. 15 16 17 18 7 21 28 20 27 13 14 Pompano Beach Holiday Boat Parade 6 Sun Mon 29 22 15 8 1 Tue 30 23 16 2 Wed 31 New Year’s Cruise 24 17 10 3 Board Meeting Thu Sat 25 18 11 26 19 12 Fort Lauderdale Holiday Boat Parade 4 5 Wirth Monroe Race Holiday Dinner Dance and General Meeting Fri Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club - December 2015 3 Sun 10 Club Picnic 17 24 Marine Flee Market 31 Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club - Janyary 2016 8 1 16 9 2 Fri 7 Board Meeting 15 Thu 6 14 Wed 5 13 Tue 4 12 Mon 11 20 28 21 22 General Meeting At LHPYRC 29 27 Key West Races Awards Key West Races Start 19 26 30 Sat 23 Marine Flee Market Key West Races Skippers Meeting 18 25 19 Inlet/Outlet Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club P.O. Box 5241 Lighthouse Point, FL 33074-5241 Don't miss this great source of information provided by Michael Duvall, Webmaster. It is well worth your time to check this out. INTERNET HOME PAGE The Inlet/Outlet, with color photos, is available on the HISC website. E-MAIL NOTICES Ads for the Inlet/Outlet If you : are not receiving periodic e-mail notices of HISC events. do not wish to receive HISC notifications. wish to send an appropriate e-mail “blast” to all members. Send an e-mail to Paul Alcock at: Graham Danvers is your ad-man, for the Inlet/ Outlet. Business Card "Special", for Club Members $100.00/per yr. 11-issues Also Larger Ads Available . Call for Info: (561) 302-2908 20
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