Inside this Issue - Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club
HILLSBORO INLET SAILING CLUB October 2007 From The Helm By Tim Leonard Commodore, Meantime Morn on the waters, and purple and bright Bursts on the billows the flushing of light O'er the glad waves, like a child of the sun, See the tall vessel goes gallantly on. Thomas Kibble Hervey, The Convict Ship Fall is in full swing with many club events underway. The Labor Day Cruise to Turnberry Isle was a great success. Youth Sailing's first two sessions are in the can. The first four buoys races have been run with the remaining races and the Commodore's Cup up for grabs. The Columbus Day Regatta was held on Biscayne Bay. We had many participants. We'll find out who won the gold on October, 13 at the Coral Reef Yacht Club. Last year after 2 full days of hard HELM continued on page 2 Lighthouse Point, Florida Inside this Issue From The Helm 1-2 Upcoming Events 3 Inlet/Outlet Survey 4 New Members Corner 5 Roster Updates 5 Classifieds 6 Beer Can Race Series 7 Programs 7 Race Report 11-12 Commodore's Cup 13 Labor Day 15 Trawler Tracks 16 Calendar 17-18 Youth Sailing 19 ISDF Update - Karen Mitchell 19 Crew Pool 20 Tide Predictions 21 Race Results 22-23 page 1 Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club Inlet Outlet Editor: Julie Tice The Inlet/Outlet is published by the Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club. Items for publication should be submitted to the Inlet/OutletEditor Paper documents or photos should be given or sent to Julie Tice, 710 NE 69th Street, Boca Raton, FL 33487. DEADLINE THE 15TH Tel: (561) 998-2174 Please notify Inlet/Outlet of address changes so you will not miss any issues. Officers Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Secretary Treasurer Tim Leonard Julie Tice Bill Shomo Mary Steward Rudy Janis Board of Governors Jeff Kunkel Frank Tippett Stan Frost Colin Whittaker Past Commodore Staff Commodore 2 Years 2 Years 1 Years 1 Years Hal Steward John Tucker Club Credo The purpose of the Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club is to develop, encourage, and stimulate an interest in sailing in the Hillsboro Inlet area. It is our responsibility to promote fellowship and camaraderie among sailors in our club, among sailors in the area and among our guests. HELM continued from page 1 racing and approximately twenty miles Meantime6 missed first place in our ARC fleet by 7 (seven) seconds! We was robbed. Ah well…. as always it was a blast. Glory Daze will defend her first place win in her ARC fleet. Good luck Carl and crew and all of you club members who are racing this fantastic annual event. Exciting General Meeting programs have been set up for the rest of the year except for October. If you know of a good local speaker or program call Paul Chasse. He may still be looking. We also have a blood drive on October 12 and a Sailing Social on October 20. Don't forget the Holland's Monster Mash (no rain, please) in early November. Not on your calendar is a very important Youth Sailing event set for November 17 at Lou Klockziem's home. We will be seeking volunteers to help refurbish our fleet of sailing dinghies and Lasers. More on that from Dennis. When it comes to volunteering, this club proves again and again that it definitely "steps up to the plate". It is why the Club is so successful. It's really great to see our members and especially our new members seek out the chair persons to offer to help. It's a win win for both parties as the new members get to know the old members and become familiar with the workings of the club. The chairpersons get good solid volunteers (future club managers) to accomplish their goals for the year. Membership An application for membership in HISC may be obtained from membership chairpersons Bob & Joyce Tigar @ (954) 781-5910 or by contacting any club member. There is a $30.00 initiation fee and annual dues of $125 (family), $100 (single), are payable upon joining and every January thereafter. After June 30, the dues are $62.50 (family) or $50.00 (single)for Remember folks its still hurricane season. Don't the rest of the current year for new members. let your guard down. Moe and I will see you on the water at our next "high seas adventure". Monthly General Meeting The Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club holds a monthly membership meeting generally on the second Thursday of each month, 7:00pm at the Lighthouse Point Yacht and Racquet Club, 2701 N.E. 42nd Street, Lighthouse Point, Tel: (954)942-7224. Please check the monthly calendar or call the editor for any changes in the meeting dates, times, or locations. Picture Credits Paul Maloney, Bruce Holz Page 2 UPCOMING EVENTS Board Meeting October 4th @ West Marine Columbus Day October 6-7th @ Biscayne Bay General Meeting October 11th @ LHPYRC Blood Drive October 12th @Karen & Allan Katz's Youth Sailing #4 October 13th @ Quiet Waters Park Fall Series #5&6 October 14th Sailing Social October 20th @HISC Bouy Fall Series #7&8 October 28th FRIDAY NIGHT SOCIALMEETING PLACE: Lighthouse Cove Resort Tiki Hut on AIA at the end of N.E. 14th Street in Pompano. A pleasant setting, drinks and hors d'oeuvres. Happy Hour 6-7pm page 3 Page 4 New Member Corner We are glad to welcome these new members and have forwarded their club interests to the appropriate activity chair people. Feel free to provide our name & phone# to any people who have interest in joining HISC. by Bob & Joyce Tigar, Diversion We are pleased to welcome 4 new members to the Club this month. Judi & Steve Marcus are transplants to South Florida, but are long-time Floridians. Judi has been in Florida for 25 years and Steve is a lifer. Until recently they lived in Hypoluxo, and are in the process of selling the home they own there. Peter & Laura Sileo Meanwhile, they live in Boca and plan to make it permanent. Judi said they like the community atmosphere of South Florida better. They have been boating a long time and currently own a 36' Luhrs powerboat named "Hey Jude". They dock it near Vern & Tarina from "Princess Tarina". One thing led to another and Judi & Steve decided to join in on the fun. They are looking foreword to participating in The Club's Judi & Steve Marcus cruising activities. 811 NE 70th Street Boca Raton, FL 33487 Tom Mattioli has done a significant amount of competitive (561) 241-5808 rowing and has coached high school teams. He currently coaches women's fast pitch softball. Tom has been sailing Hey Jude - 36 Luhrs since 2000 and has actually raced in The Columbus Day Regattas. He placed 4th twice and 2nd twice. He owns a Jens & Allison Van Holten Morgan 27 Named "Luv Lee Lady" and sails with his partner 10570 SE Jupiter Narrows Drive Jeanne Morgan. Watch for them at the next race or cruisers Hobe Sound, FL 33455 raft-up. (954) 501-6929 ROSTER UPDATES Peter and Laura Sileo got their 1st boat 20 years ago. Since then they have had 5 or 6 boats and currently have a Pacemaker 36 Powerboat Named "Rita's Mink". Pete has been in South Florida since last December. Laura joined him in March. They are from Connecticut. They missed the marina atmosphere and think that HISC can give them that same kind of opportunity for fun. They are probably right. Watch for them at the clubs cruising activities. jens@van-holten.native Risky Too - Hobie 33 CORRECTIONS / UPDATES Robert Bettarel home: 954-491-6539 Terr-a-Way; Lido 14 Sail# 267 Tim Leonard cell: (754) 367- 1085 Jens & Allison Van Holten have been members before. Jens admits that while he has been racing in the Beer Can series regularly, he forgot to renew his membership this year. His crew finally "shamed" him into rejoining. His boat is a Hobie 33 named "Risky Too". page 5 Club Classifieds DINGHY FOR SALE. 8'6" Zodiac RU260 for sale. Like New only $400. Includes carrying bag, oars & padded storage seat. Please contact Randy Tice @ (561) 998-2174. FOR SALE: 14' THOMPSON SEA SKIFF, 1948. ’68 O.B. 45 H.P. Chrysler. Trailer. Anchor, lifejackets, flares, FL Title and FL registration for trailer. Survey value 2003: $7000. Asking $5500. John Antweiler 954 942-8590. FOR SALE(still): 1980 WATKINS 36. Still asking $55K but with NEW Prevailer 4D Gel batteries, all New canvass w/rolldowns, New MACKPAK mainsail furling system w/lazyjacks, MORE! 561-392-2697,(c)561-2895765. For Sale: 1973 Pearson 35. Full-length, hard topped cockpit Bimini. Autopilot, radar, GPS, solar panels, ect. New rigging and windlass; newly installed monitor wind vane. Please call David Crenshaw (954) 914-3804 For Sale: Kindred Spirit. 1968 Morgan 34 Many upgrades. Yanmar 40hp. Sleeps 6. Propane 2-burner stove. Running water. A/C. 12v refrigeration.$24,900 obo. Anxious to Sell! Beautiful to look at; beautiful to sail. Call Peter Wilkinson @ (754) 264-2467. For Sale: 155% Mylar racing Geona, foot 22', leach 45'4", luff 43'3" Price $500. 140% Mylar racing Geona, foot 17'6", leach 43'3", luff 45' Price $2,000 (unused). Contact John Samms (954) 781-6011. DOCK with house included. Cheapest deepwater in LHP (no fixed bridges). Only 599K. Wedge lot with only 38' of water, but lovely 3Br 3ba house.Great living space, fireplace, much more. Completely remodeled. Possible rent with options. Phone Jane Groves 954-592-0738. For Sale: 2002 Com-Pac 35' Sailboat. Lightly used in excellent condition. Air Conditioned, Gen Set, Entertainment Center, In Mast Roller Furling, Auto Pilot and much more. Designed by Charley Morgan and sturdily built by Hutchins Boat Works in Clearwater, FL. This boat is a fast and comfortable cruiser. Contact Paul Chasse for more details. Home 561 394 6125. Cell 561 703 4367. The Inlet Outlet will accept classified ads at nocharge from members in good standing. These ads will be run for one (1) issue only unless renewed. Ads must be submitted in writing. You must notify the editor for each issue in which you wish the ad to run. Page 6 2007 Beer Can Series Programs by Paul Chasse, Cheerios by Jamie Cowan HISC Beer Can Wrap Up 2007 The Seven Seas Cruising Association (SSCA) has developed a new presentation about their programs and activities. Tom Garvey did it! Once again, putting out a terrific effort, Tom encouraged the local sponsors to support our Beer Can summer race series, and thereby allowed us to have such good prizes and fun on the water at no net expense to HISC. Many thanks to the following: We are going to have the good fortune to hear all about them at our October General meeting. This Association is a great support resource for cruising sailors both locally and around the world. CBS - Caribbean Building Supplies Ferrari Technical Textiles Hillsboro Inlet Brewery KMC Marine Lighthouse Point Yacht & Racquet Club Mango Marine Merritt Supply My Own Cruising Journal Nance & Underwood Rigging North Sails Sailorman Super Sailmakers West Marine Amy Thurman from SSCA will be presenting a slide show and discussion that should prove to be interesting to all of us who cruise in the nearby waters as well as to distant shores. Amy is an avid sailor and has cruised and raced competitively on Lake Lanier. We look forward to hearing from her. Please do patronize these local businesses when you get a chance and thank them for their support. Of the 19 boats that came out this year for one or more beer can races, eight finally did at least six races to qualify for the overall series victory, and, since the fleet was divided into two classes, A & B, there were six trophies awarded in the form of engraved plaques! In the A fleet they went to Third Tri, ETicket, and Susimi. In the B fleet they went to Blue Runner, Pi, and Karma. Congratulations to all of them. And finally, as a result of the best point score of all the qualifiers, the overall 2007 Beer Can trophy… the traditional Beer Can Bed Pan… goes to Blue Runner!!! A hearty "Well Done" to them and to all the competitors who came out and enjoyed the Wednesday night fun. See you next summer same time, same place, at the HI buoy! page 7 PENNER TILE, INC • Remodeling • Kitchen and Bath • Tile and Marble Licensed Residential Contractor (CRC-1326700) Broward & Palm Beach Counties - Since 1991 Peter G. Penner Page 8 561.265.0821 page 9 BOAT US MEMBERSHIP Boat US is increasing their membership dues from $19.00 to $25.00. They have renewed our 50% discount rate and it will now cost $12.50 YR Our reference # is GA-83724S. If you need any additional information call me (954) 481-9919. Capt Bob Rae, Stingrae or e-mail Page 10 Race Report by Hal Steward, Southern Breeze Attention all HISC Racers! We finished the Spring Season and we are now in our Fall Season. It was hard to determine when one ended and the next began! Hopefully the weather will cooperate better. Of course I always have to thank Cindy Cowan for race results and trophies, and the loyal buoy setters, the crews of Glory Daze and E-Ticket. All of the volunteers for beach committee are to be commended as well. By the way, we are still in need of volunteers for this duty. Without a committee there is no race. We are beginning the Fall Series and we have new members with new boats, we have old members with new boats, we have old members with new old boats! Whew we have a variety of changes to the scratch sheet. Co-Chair Ken Scott has really been busy getting PHRF ratings for these boats. Some housekeeping issues for the new series: Make sure that if you have changed your boat, or made any improvements or changes on your existing boat that you notify Ken Scott or me to adjust your rating accordingly. Remember to call Hutch Hutcheson if you need crew or if you want to be crew and he will post that in the inlet outlet. We had 25 boats for The Commodore's Cup this year. It was a drag race down the beach and those boats that go to weather made it down on a single tack. Others that went close to the beach found a obstacle coarse of dive flags everywhere. At one point Southern Breeze got boxed in and had to sail back north to get away from them. I swear, I think one diver was on an underwater scooter and was chasing us. Most of our boats did a pretty good job keeping clear of the dive flags. But, a few are still not giving the three hundred feet. You know who you are and you need to work on that. Get those young eyes on deck as lookouts for those little red dive flags. E-Ticket was the ARC winner and Susimi 1ST place winner for JAM fleet A. The first place for JAM B and overall page 11 Commodore's Cup Trophy went to Michael and Peggy Peteler on Unicorn. Thanks to Moe Leonard for arranging a different venue for the after race party. And thanks to Peter Wilkinson for the famous (secret recipe) pancake breakfast and to the Past Commodores Tom and Anita Garvey and Tom Jockers for cooking. 3rd place JAM A Meantime Be fast at Columbus Day. Let's bring home some more gold this year. And don't forget Fall Series 5 & 6 is on Oct. 14th. The crew of Condor has volunteered for beach committee but we still need a Lead Beach Committee Person, someone with flag and race experience. Call me or Ken if you are that person. Sail Smartly, 2nd place JAM A Blue 3rd place JAM B Ciboney 1st place JAM A Susumi 3rd place ARC Magic 2nd place JAM B Blue Runner 2nd place ARC Glory Daze 1st place ARC E-ticket 1st place JAM B & Commodore Cup Winner Unicorn Page 12 Commodore's Cup Review by your Social Committee View #1 I thought this was one of the most fun Commodore Cups yet! Maureen and Tim have done a great job this year, and this event was no different! I was glad to be able to participate. And Hal and I were even happier that we actually got there in time for dinner! Now, we are slow, no doubt about it, but there are reasons for that. Let me make this clear, one of them is NOT my many shoes that we are carrying! First; Southern Breeze is a luxury comfort yacht (refrigeration, air conditioning, microwave); second; Hal makes sure we have all the tools and parts to rebuild it on the fly even though he claims he can do everything with his leather man which only weighs ½ pound! And thirdly we were on a virtual obstacle course! We did miss pool time but we had to make sure that air conditioning was working! (Are we spoiled?) Maureen did a great job organizing a new venue and menu and it worked out really well. We had a total of 99 participants and only a couple of no shows. I thought the trophies were really nice, (oh from afar!) The only way SB will get one is if there are only 3 boats in our fleet! It was a great day; we had a good quiet sail. Thanks to the patient beach committee for seeing us to the finish! a relaxed evening with good food at a good price. Complete with a rousing awards presentations and neat prizes, the recipients were pleased, as those who didn't do as well licked their wounds. Maybe next year! Commodore's Cup is always a highlight in our club. It is such a pleasure to spend time with our fellow boaters. That's what it is all about!! It was a different venue, less expensive food and a casual atmosphere - a winning combination. Our hope is that it was enjoyed by all. Beth Dailey View #3 The 36th Annual Commodore's Cup dinner at the Bahia Cabana was attended by 99 members and their guests. Members arrived around six in the evening for cocktails. The awards ceremony followed at six thirty with Past Commodore now race chair Hal "in the money" Steward. At seven o'clock dinner was served and the lines formed. Bahia Cabana was as accommodating as could be, kept the food coming and thanks to Julie Tice we even had tomatoes on our salad. Boy, it was a warm night. I nearly melted and I couldn't believe that Tim never took off his tie. I owe a sincere thank you to my dear friends Beth Dailey and Mary Steward for all their help in planning and executing this fun party, to Cindy Cowan for all she does to help me behind the scenes, to all of you who attended because you make it what it is and to Tim just because. The Garveys and Wilkinson clans did a great breakfast, the Moe Leonard commodore supplied mimosas to die for, and there were some other goodies contributed by members. Peter had some extra helpers this year. Tom Jockers who can whip up a mean pancake and his daughter Laura May assisted Peter and Rebecca, exclusive of course of revealing the famous family secret recipe. In my humble opinion, what make the event are the people who attend, participate, and socialize. So it can be too hot, too loud, too rainy, but NEVER too crowded, as we are more than just sailing/cruising buddies, we are a boating community and friends, used to confined spaces! I am proud to be part of it too. Mary Steward View #2 A Good Time Was Had By All Our Commodore's Cup Regatta and Award Banquet was attended by young and old alike. Bahia Cabana afforded us page 13 Page 14 Labor Day By Shirley Fisher, Unforgettable & By Shirley Kay, Harmony What a glorius weekend for the HISC get-together at Turnberry Marina & Yacht Club over Labor Day. The sailing/motoring down and boack found calm seas and light breezes. Nine boats participated: Ayla, Arielle, Ciboney, Condor, Cracker Jack, Glory Daze, Harmony, Magic & Unforgettable. We were sorry that Nee Cee, who anchored in Lake Sylvia with Aloha & Harmony on Friday night, had mechanical problems and returned to Light House Point on Saturday morning. We had drive-in/drop-ins as well. The Sullivans on Saturday afternoon and Leonards on Sunday morning were a welcome addition to our group. Sunday evening and then lying about on lounge chairs watching Pirates of the Caribbean projected onto the side of the building. Just like being on a cruise ship! Thank you Mike Duval & Jim Perrott. Of course, we all enjoyed Ken & Yvonnes Scott's sumptuous Sunday morning breakfast: Bananas Foster, French toast, sausages, etc, etc. What a menu! Thank you Ken and Yvonne. The Scotts also brought their Snark and the children enjoyed sailing in the marina. Monday morning saw boats departing at their leisure to wend their way home or stop to snorkel (Glory Daze & Magic). Just a wonderful relaxing weekend to rest from our labors!! The facilities and staff at the resort made for a very pleasant stay. What more could one ask than lying on lounge chairs, talking, napping, reading, talking and jumping into the beautiful pool, sharing cocktails and hor d'oeuvres in the evening. Going out to dinner at Aventura Mall restaurants (we hear some found 2 for 1 margaritas!). Sharing a potluck dinner on page 15 Trawler Tracks by Doug Knickerbocker, Yankee Rover You should never let your guard down while cruising. Just when things seem to be going fine, the unexpected occurs. Spent several days in mid-August in downtown Boston. Linked up with Capt Pete Gustafson on "Magic Moments". Do we get a cruising point for this rendezvous?? We were staying at a marina downtown, so had easy access to the heart of the city. Played tourist. Capt Pete was headed south after the visit, and enlisted fellow HISC members Tom Fagan and Sully Sullivan as crew. After that experience, we were in good spirits. ICE! YES!! As soon as we went through the Cape Cod Canal, summer returned. Every day has been in the 80's or 90's since then. Last week, though, another casualty. We were in Baltimore, and Elizabeth noticed that the water heater in the engine room was askew. It had started to leak and expanded the insulation. Not a pretty site (What was Elizabeth doing in the engine room anyway, that's MY TERRITORY?). Got to Annapolis and called West Marine. They had an exact replacement IN STOCK. Former HISC member Ron McKie provided transportation, and it only took a day to install (while on a mooring). We still can't figure out how we were so lucky in getting things fixed so expeditiously, but we're not complaining. As an East Coast cruiser, I've noticed a marked decrease in VHF radio traffic both between boats and ship to shore. We've cruised all summer with another boat and used our cell phones for both ship to ship communications and calls to marinas for services. It appears that the rest of the cruising world is doing the same. Interesting by-product of the tech world. But don't tell the fishermen that, as they still clog the channels with "fish tales" where ever we go. We are now heading for Norfolk to begin our trip down the Then things got interesting. Went to Provincetown, on Cape ditch (ICW). Talked with Tom and Judy Morin on "Plan C", Cod, for whale watching, but it was so windy no boats left the and they are also headed south, but a week ahead of us. harbor; however, on the way over from Boston, we did see a whale cavorting for a whale watch boat. On to Wellfleet, Anyone see any hurricanes headed our way? which is on the inside of Cape Cod, to meet friends. Reached in to the freezer for ice cubes (5 o'clock somewhere) and found only water. The refrigerator had decided to stop working. Shore friends provided coolers, so we off loaded the contents and bought a lot of ice. Now the decision as to what to do? Called the local Norcold distributor on the Cape. Was given a list of repairmen, and called the one in the direction we were headed. He arranged for a slip at a marina in Onset, MA. We showed up the next day, and he promptly appeared and analyzed the problem (compressor was shot). Delivered and installed a new Nova refrigerator with the same built-in footprint, with 50 percent more capacity, at 9 AM the next morning. Under way by noon. How good is that? When you are traveling far away from home and something like that happens, you can't help but be impressed. Besides, Elizabeth wanted a bigger refrigerator with a light in it. With the bigger freezer compartment, we can make more ice, and the need for a separate ice maker doesn't seem to be there anymore. Page 16 page 17 Page 18 Youth Sailing by Dennis Tynan, Soulmate 1st Place on the ISDF Worlds goes to our Karen Mitchell GREAT WEATHER TO BEGIN FALL YOUTH SAILING Saturday September 8th, there were 19 young sailors at Quiet Waters Park for the first of four fall sailing sessions. What a terrific day for sailing! After the initial getting acquainted game, the boats were rigged and the sailing began. Wind was coming out of the east at about 7 or 8 knots. When the boats are moving, everyone is happy. Many of the more experienced students practiced the capsizing maneuver. Usually after sailing for an hour the sailors in the prams begin to come in looking for a snack or just a break. This day however the only thing that got them off the lake was the siren indicating that there was lighting in the area. The students got their snacks, practiced their knots and talked about what went right or wrong while they sailed. Soon the all clear siren blew and it was back on the lake. Our commodore, Tim Leonard, was in attendance and asked where the lasor was that he donated years ago. Because of a leak along the deck and hull it is not in service at this time. Many of our boats are in need of some repair and we are fortunate to have Alex Dipina, who is a crew member of Carl & Suzi Wehe on Glory Daze, volunteer his time and expertise to assist us in the repair of boats. Alex is the carpenter foreman at Mango Marine in Ft. Lauderdale. At the September meeting I announced that we are planning a work day to repair boats and the response of our members was tremendous. The tentative date for the work session is Saturday, November 17th. Prior to this time, the boats to be worked on will be evaluated and materials for the repairs secured. Anyone wishing to help in this worthy cause can contact Dennis Tynan at 954-785-3666. By: John Tucker, Resolute Our member, Karen Mitchell, won the ISDF Disabled World Championship regatta held on August 7th to 14th in Rochester, NY. She and crewman J.P. Creignou beat 17 other boats from around the world by sailing their SKUD 18 consistently throughout the series with 2 firsts, 5 seconds and 3 thirds in the 12 race event (there were two throw-out races). This regatta marks the second strong finish by Karen, she finished 2nd,on a tie breaker, to Scott Whitman in the Clagett Memorial regatta August 28th to 30th in Newport. Scott finished 4th in this regatta. Karen's next challenge will the U.S. Paralympic Trials held in Newport October 7-15th where the class winners will represent their class for the US in the Paralympic Games in Beijing. My personal "horse in this race" Maureen McKinnonTucker and her skipper Nick Scandone finished 2nd in this regatta and third at the Clagett regatta. They has 6 firsts and a second in the Worlds but had some poor races which could not overcome Karen's consistency. Congratulations to Karen and JP on a job well done, continue to make HISC proud! page 19 Toni Lugger - New member taking all of the boating/sailing courses (quick learner) and looking to sail/race with fun experienced people. She has crewed on various boats (Karma-HISC; Mostly Harmless-GSC; etc.) in many local races in the last few months. (954) 579-5511 (C) George Morrissey - Very experienced owner of a Pearson 36 (in Lake Michigan). Has raced the Mackinac race 31 times (1st overall of 300 boats in 2005). HISC new member and part time Delray resident thru the end of March. He likes racing and his wife, Mary Kay, is a cruiser. (561) 272-0556 (H) or (708) 567-1776 (C) Stan Rubin - Former sailboat owner with 30 years sailing experience (Long Island, Chesapeake, and Delaware Bay). Prefers cruising to racing, but happy to race if it gets him on a sailboat. (561) 271-6163 Carlos Trappberger - Cruising sailboat owner "Queen Maus" (28' O'Day). Would like to crew with other club members to cruise or race (JAM or ARC) to gain more experience. Available every 2nd weekend and then 4 days off (Sat.-Tues.). (561) 395-8787 (H) or (954) 242-1889 (C) Fleur de Beaulieu (Ericson 32) - Capt. Carole Fielder looking for crew for day-sailing and weekend cruising. (954) 9462956 Note: Any HISC member looking to crew, or Captains (boats) looking for crew, can be added to our new Crew/ Boat pool. E-mail a SHORT description of your interest (cruising/racing/both) to the crew pool chairman, Hutch, at and we will add the info to the list. Page 20 Tide Predictions for Hillsboro Inlet, Coast Guard Light Station, Florida page 21 Commodore's Cup Race Page 22 page 23 Inlet/Outlet Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club P.O Box 5241 Lighthouse Point, FL 33074-5241 Don't miss this great source of information provided by Michael Duvall, Webmaster. It is well worth your time to check this out. INTERNET HOME iNTERPAGEINTERNET HOME PAGE: The Inlet/Outlet, with color photos, is now available in Acrobat pdf format on the HISC web site Bill Shomo Your AD-MAN, for INLET/OUTLET Business Card "Special", for Club Members $100.00/per yr. 11-issues Also Larger Ads Available Call for Info: 954-946-6689 E-MAIL NOTICES If you are not receiving periodic e-mail notices of HISC events or if you want to be removed from the list send an e-mail to: Dave Coviello at: Inlet /Outlet email address! DEADLINE THE 15TH Page 24
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