April - Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club
HILLSBORO INLET SAILING CLUB April 2007 From The Helm Lighthouse Point, Florida Inside this Issue From The Helm 1 Upcoming Events 3 Cruise Report 4 New Members Corner 5 Classifieds 6 Programs 9 If all the ships I have at sea should come a-sailing home to me, ah, well! The harbor would not hold so many ships as there would be if all my ships Came home from sea. Ella Wheeler Wilcox, My Ships, from the "Poems of Passion" 2007 Budget 9 Race Report 11-12 Calendar 13-14 Trawler Tracks (new) 16-17 By the time you read this we will be well into April's activities and events. Thanks to Mary and Hal, Beth and Jack and Marilyn and Rudy for putting on a great Change of Command dinner/dance. It is wonderful to see all our Past Commodores at this event to honor the outgoing and incoming boards and committees. Roster Updates 19 Crew Pool 20 Tide Predictions 21 Book Exchange Program 23 By Tim Leonard Commodore, Meantime Thanks also to the Kunkels and Tices as well as the Caines and Duvals outgoing and incoming cruising chairs respectively for hosting a super fun Change of Command Circle Raft HELM continued on page 2 page 1 Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club Inlet Outlet Editor: Julie Tice The Inlet/Outlet is published by the Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club. Items for publication should be submitted to the Inlet/OutletEditor editor@hisc.org Paper documents or photos should be given or sent to Julie Tice, 710 NE 69th Street, Boca Raton, FL 33487. Officers Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Secretary Treasurer HELM continued from page 1 up. Hats off to Hal (raft engineer) and Mary (Admiral), Dave Coviello, Ken Scott and all you other people who pushed and pulled, squeezed and eased all 65 boats into the circle. It is a club record by the way on this the 4th year the first year having 19 boats. Next year we will break all records. Thanks Bob Rae for the Sunday morning Bloodies enjoyed by all. The beautiful new cruising flag was introduced at the raft up. Start earning your points now to get one. You have also received your new rosters and the first Inlet/Outlet. Heartfelt thanks to Deanna and Bob Rae for a great job on the roster and to Julie Tice on the Inlet/Outlet. A lot of hard work goes into these two publications. We DEADLINE THE 15TH Board of Governors had our March general meeting at which Race Tel: (561) 998-2174 Jeff Kunkel 2 Years Chair Hal Steward assisted by Ken Scott Please notify Inlet/Outlet of Frank Tippett 2 Years moderated a lively discussion on the many address changes so you will Stan Frost 1 Years points of racing as well as the dates for the Colin Whittaker 1 Years not miss any issues. buoy and coastal races. As at all of our Past Commodore Hal Steward Staff Commodore John Tucker general meetings our audio/visual engineer Mary Steward did a superb job assisting each Club Credo committee. Thanks Mary. To start out the The purpose of the Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club is to develop, encour- new year The membership committee has age, and stimulate an interest in sailing in the Hillsboro Inlet area. It signed on 8 new members. Good job. We is our responsibility to promote fellowship and camaraderie among welcome you new members. Don't be shy. sailors in our club, among sailors in the area and among our guests. Join us in our many and various activities. I can't tell you enough how important you are to Membership An application for membership in HISC may be obtained from the success of our club. membership chairpersons Bob & Joyce Tigar @ (954) 781-5910 or by contacting any club member. There is a $30.00 initiation fee and annual dues The annual St. Patrick's Day cruise to Lake of $125 (family), $100 (single), are payable upon joining and every January Boca Raton happened on March 17 and what thereafter. After June 30, the dues are $62.50 (family) or $50.00 (single)for a happening it was. The beer was flow'n and the limericks a fly'n. Not to mention the the rest of the current year for new members. costumes were mostly green. A fun time was had by all. Derbies off to our hosts Brenda and Monthly General Meeting Michael and Carl and Suzi. The Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club holds a monthly membership meeting generally on the second Thursday of each month, 7:00pm at the April promises to be a busy, busy month so Lighthouse Point Yacht and Racquet Club, 2701 N.E. 42nd Street, check you calendar and plan not to miss any Lighthouse Point, Tel: (954)942-7224. Please check the monthly events. We have several races, 6 buoys and calendar or call the editor for any changes in the meeting dates, times, 1 coastal to be exact. We have the Easter or locations. Tim Leonard Julie Tice Bill Shomo Mary Steward Rudy Janis Picture Credits Goodyear Blimp, Michael Duval, Dennis Tynan, Paul Maloney Page 2 HELM continued on page 3 HELM continued from page 2 cruise and the Old Port Cove cruise back from North Palm Beach. Youth sailing has 2 sessions. So come on everyone. Join in the fun. Sail fast. Sail safe. We'll see you on the water for another "high seas adventure". UPCOMING EVENTS Spring Race Series #1 & 2 April 1st Board Meeting April 5th @ West Marine, Deerfield General Meeting April 12th @ LHPYRC SpringYouth Sailing #2 April 14th @ Quiet Waters Park 2007 Change of Command Past Commodores Spring Race Series #3&4 April 15th Old Port Cove Regatta April 21st Spring Race Series #4 & 5 April 29th 2007 Change of Command "Gaggle of Volunteers" Board Meeting May 3rd @ West Marine, Deerfield After Race Parties April 1st Tim & Maureen Leonard 1512 SE 12th Court Deerfield Beach (954) 725-8217 PARTIES ARE 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM You don't have to race to enjoy the parties. BYOB & a dish to share. If you would like to host an after race party, contact: Judi Whittaker @ (954) 781-0246 It is with great sadness that I need to announce the passing of a Charter Member of the Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club. Earl Yale Fine passed away on March 22nd. He was a member from 1971 1988 and rejoined us in 2003. page 3 Cruise Report 2007 Change of Command Circle Raft Up by Brenda Duvall, Magic What an honor to be cruising chairs for HISC. When 21 boats for Friday night and 65 boats for Saturday night come out for The Great Circle Raft up to kick off the 2007 cruising season, all you can feel is pride in our club. We want to personally thank Past Commodore Hal Steward for his hard work and dedication to the circle. Also a special thank you goes to Ladd Caine and Tom Fagan for working anchors and lines. It was amazing to watch the hard working pirates bringing our circle together. In its finest tradition the Blimp passed over once, twice and than again several more times. I for one am looking forward to checking out their photos. Rae of Stingrae. We greatly appreciate them, Thank you Bob & Dee. One by one the circle unfolded. Several boats ran aground and those that could be were helped off by Carl and Suzie of Glory Daze, Jake LaRue of Pi, Paul Gagnon of Diva, along with Michael and Brenda of Magic. We look forward to a great year and remember you too can earn the 2007 cruising flag. It is quite simple come out and enjoy your club events, and remember you earn extra points for hosting. If you would like to host please call Brenda & Michael of Magic at 954-545-1496 or Denise & Ladd of Blue at 954-942-1288. FROM THIS... Once the circle was closed all of the boats sounded their horns, conchs and anything else to express our appreciation for all the hard work Hal and his pirates did bringing us together. Our past cruising chairs Jeff & Lynn Kunkel were unable to attend and so Randy and Julie Tice gladly joined the new cruising chairs Denise & Ladd Caine along with Brenda & Michael Duvall to turn over the past to the future. We once again want to thank Jeff, Lynn, Randy, and Julie for the great times we have had in this past year cruising events. All dinghies were called out and soon a dinghy parade with the new cruising flags flying saluted the circle. As all the dinghies retired to their respective boats, folks cleaned up enjoyed dinner. After the respite the brave circumnavigated, while neighboring boats enjoyed each other's company and the circling sailors. Commodore Tim and his hardy side kick Ken checked the anchors and all of us sleepy sailors were tucked away by midnight or so. Sunday morning dawned with the traditional Bloody Mary's supplied by Bob & Dee ...TO THIS Thanks HISC Members - WE DID IT! Page 4 New Member Corner by Bob Tigar, Diversion participating in HISC activities which include cruising and the website. Toni Lugger has lived in South Florida since she was 6. She has crewed on The Ft L to PB race as well as others. She is also crewing for our racers. We are glad to welcome these new members and have forwarded their club interests to the appropriate activity We were pleased to introduce 8 new members at the March chair people. Feel free to provide our name & phone# to 8, 2007 general meeting. any people who have interest in joining HISC. Andy Deering & Jean Crocker have been members of Gulfstream & Sailing Singles Clubs. They both served as Commodore while part of the singles group. Jean said that they have both lived in Florida "forever". Her parents have been here since the 20's. They know many club members and currently are between boats. Mort & Arlene Fligelman are from the Chicago area and split their time between there and Boca. Their plans are to make S. Fl. their permanent home. Their current boat is an Erickson 35, "Acapella". Mort is an experienced racer. He raced against Walt King in Chicago and is looking foreword to participating in our racing program. Michelle Tsivis, Mort Fligelman, Andy Deering, Jean Crocker, Toni Lugger Gus & Terry Sclafami are commuting to Fl until they complete the sale of their house up north. Terry is a Merchant Marine Capt. With a 100 Ton license. They have ANNUAL BUCK CARLISLE a Tartan 4100, "Nino" and have been to The Bahamas on MEMORIAL REGATTA extended cruises. by Maureen Leonard, Meantime Saul & Ellen Silverman live in Nyack, NY and Boca. Attention HISC members…F.Y.I. This year's race and Their boat is an Endeavor 38 "Joyride". They are interested social event in the evening will take place at Bahia Mar. We in cruising. will have the usual tropical BBQ with a cash bar. The tickets for this event will be $29.00 per person. Dockage with the not Pete & Michelle Tsivis lived in Pompano for 20 years and yet known off season rates (40' minimum) is available and you have now been in LHP for 5 years. They got hooked on will need to make your own reservations. Details to follow in sailing when they chartered. Their son really liked it. We the May I/O. suspect he will be an eager participant in the Jr. Sailing Program. If you ask "Why not Pier 66?" Well, we've been priced right out of there as far as the social event in the evening. For the Chris Frazier is from Phildelphia and has been in Pompano same menu at Bahia Mar, our cost would exceed the $40.00 for 2 years. He has sailed and raced on friends boats and has per person mark. The marina however, is still reasonable. completed several courses thru Bluewater Sailing. He is Perhaps, if everyone really prefers Pier 66 for the interested in becoming part of our crew pool. Commodore's Cup we could race down there, relax around the pool, do a boat cocktail party and awards (on the docks) Mark Balentine lives aboard his Catalina 36 "Bombay then fend for ourselves for dinner. Think about it and give the Explorer". His is between cruises and is looking foreword to social committee your feedback otherwise, we'll stay with Bahia Mar. page 5 Club Classifieds DINGHY FOR SALE. 8'6" Zodiac RU260 for sale. Like New only $400. Includes carrying bag, oars,& padded storage seat. Please contact Randy Tice @ (561) 998-2174. FOR SALE: 14' THOMPSON SEA SKIFF, 1948. ’68 O.B. 45 H.P. Chrysler. Trailer. Anchor, lifejackets, flares, FL Title and FL registration for trailer. Survey value 2003: $7000. Asking $5500. John Antweiler 954 942-8590. WANTED: Dock space needed for my O’Day 28 (Queen Maus). Draft 4 ft 8 inch. Where I’m now can’t move the boat for an average of 7 Hrs every day. We would like to participate in more club functions. Thks for any lead.. Contact Carlos Trappberger (954) 242 1889. For Sale: Walker Bay Dinghy, 10' Exc condition, $450.00 Steve 561 - 289 5328 The Inlet Outlet will accept classified ads at nocharge from members in good standing. These ads will be run for one (1) issue only unless renewed. Ads must be submitted in writing. You must notify the editor for each issue in which you wish the ad to run. BOAT US MEMBERSHIP Boat US is increasing their membership dues from $19.00 to $25.00. They have renewed our 50% discount rate and it will now cost $12.50 YR Our reference # is GA-83724S. If you need any additional information call me (954) 481-9919. Capt Bob Rae, Stingrae or e-mail bobdee@bellsouth.net Page 6 2007 Beer Can Series by Jamie Cowan One more time for the fun of it! Come one, come all… every Wednesday evening for ten races, starting on May 2nd at 1900 (7 pm for you landlubbers) we will have a race for two classes, the fast boats in one class and the not-so-fast boats in the other class! If you have a preference, let me know. The format will be exactly the same as last year, and for many years before that, so don't be shy, get your crew together and plan on it. One big difference from past years is that we are not going to try to have races during the first two weeks of July due to the fact that so many boats are over at Regatta Time in Abaco or out of the area on cruises of their own. SAILING WITH GOODYEAR BLIMP EMPLOYEES by Dennis Tynan, Soulmate Twenty Goodyear blimp employees enjoyed a day of sailing on HISC sailboats on Monday March 19. The wind was blowing up to 25 knots but four Club members, Jack Dailey (Cracker Jack), Tom Fagan (Zebulon), John Sammons (Joy Ride) and Randy Tice (Joie de Vivre) used their boats take the enthusiastic employees for a ride. The day started with the boats arriving at Dennis Tynan's dock at 11:00 AM. The Goodyear people started arriving at 11:30. We had a cookout and got to know our guests and set sail about 1:00. Many of them were experiencing sailing for the first time. Conditions started getting a little worse and when more that a few started getting seasick we came in about 3:00. Since low tide became an issue Cracker Jack and Joy Ride dropped off their passengers and headed home. Zebulon and Joie de Vivre took a ride up the inter coastal and then came back to enjoy more food and drink with the young guests. We will have all the usual prizes… beer and t-shirts. We will do ten races with an overall prize for the series in both classes, Talk of Blimp rides, beer pong (if the ball lands in your cup you must chug) and kidding with the seasick victims went on and, with any luck, we will have a lot of fun for all. till the last of the people left around 7:30 at night. See you on the water! Many thanks to John and Judy Antweiler, Larry Winchell for helping cook, crew making our guests feel welcome. At one time I heard Judy say "Gee this is like a fraternity party. The Goodyear people all said they had a good time and enjoy taking pictures of our circle raftups. FRIDAY NIGHT SOCIAL MEETING PLACE: Lighthouse Cove Resort Tiki Hut on AIA at the end of N.E. 14th Street in Pompano. A pleasant setting, drinks and hors d'oeuvres. Happy Hour 6-7pm page 7 PENNER TILE, INC • Remodeling • Kitchen and Bath • Tile and Marble Licensed Residential Contractor (CRC-1326700) Broward & Palm Beach Counties - Since 1991 Peter G. Penner Page 8 561.265.0821 Programs by Paul Chasse, Cheerios April 12th, General Meeting Program This month Bob Kinnier will narrate to the Club his Photo Journal of his sail from the Baltic Sea to the Aegean Sea via the Rhine and Danube rivers. Bob was born and raised in Baltimore, MD, spending his summers on the Chesapeake. He graduated from Purdue University with a degree in Civil Engineering and later earned an MBA from California State University. His boating career spans almost 60 years. In 2001 he sold his steel fabrication business and sailed away from Milwaukee, WI, in his Slocum 43 for a long term voyage around the world. His goal was not so much to sail around the world but more to see the world from the deck of his cruising vessel. So far, Bob has more than 20,000 miles under his keel. He sailed across the Atlantic in 2003. He then cruised the British Isles in 2004 and navigated the Baltic Sea in 2005. Last year he sailed from the Baltic up the Rhine River and down the Danube to the Aegean Sea. This trip turned out to be his most challenging voyage which is the subject of the evening's presentation. We hope you will all plan to attend. It will be an enjoyable viewing and learning voyage. Paul Chasse Cheerios Program Chair. page 9 Dade - Broward - Palm Beach Benjamin J. Lusskin Esq. Attorney at Law Civil Litigation Tel# (954) 927-0505 Auto Accidents Fax# (954) 927-9230 Slip and Fall E-Mail benlusskin@bellsouth.net Boating Accidents 1720 Harrison Street; Suite 8D; Hollywood, Fl 33020 Page 10 Race Report by Hal Steward, Southern Breeze We are all looking forward to another exciting and fun-filled racing schedule. I am especially happy that Ken Scott is my co-chair and that Elizabeth Knickerbocker has offered to head up race committee organizing. I am always grateful for the Fleet Captains, Larry Winchell, Peter Wilkinson and Jack Dailey as their assistance is really appreciated those times when the decision to postpone or cancel a race arises. And, how can we race without race results and trophies? That is where Cindy Cowan comes in. Then the after race parties need a person like Judy Whittaker who is heading that up this year. There are other behind the scene people like Jamie Cowan who serves on protest committee and is our PHRF and Florida Sailing Association Representative. Then there are the special events like the socials that Judy and John Antweiler organize, and the Old Port Cove hosts Dianne and Ken Voss. Of course we cannot forget a whole series of Beer Can races. Thanks to Jamie and Cindy Cowan and fund raiser Tom Garvey this is always a great program. Much gratitude goes to Larry Geller for letting us use Plush Toy for the Beer Can Committee boat. Let us not forget that critical to the racing program are the buoy setters. Thanks to Dan Meyers and Carl Wehe we have marks to round! Last month's general meeting was the Annual Skipper's Meeting where the race packets were distributed and the 2007 race schedule was discussed. If you did not get a packet please contact Ken Scott or Hal Steward. You must complete the forms in this packet to be able to race with our HISC program. I might mention at this time that racing with HISC is such a HOOT! We have such a flexible group of sailors and classes that racers can cruise and cruisers can race. So don't be intimidated if you have a full library, wardrobe and enough backup parts to rebuild your boat, you can STILL RACE Race Report continued on page 12 page 11 Race Report continued from page 11 If you are interested in helping out with Race committee (sometimes on a boat and sometimes from the beach) please call Elizabeth Knickerbocker. This is a great way to get the understanding of the rules of racing from a different perspective. You are always invited to the after race party and if you committee enough you are eligible for a race flag! Speaking of which, please submit your Race Flag entries by the May general meeting. Please limit your design to 3 colors and use a pennant shape. One more important person on our team: Crew Pool. Remember if anyone wants to crew or needs crew, the person to contact is Bob "Hutch" Hutcheson. See you out on the water. Races start at 11:00, and stay tuned to channel 68 for race instructions. Hal Steward Page 12 page 13 Page 14 page 15 Trawler Tracks ICW, Skipper Bob's guides are great for anchorages. Even the Waterway Guides are excellent since Tom and Mel Neale have become cruising editors. The full cruising editor staff is much more knowledgeable and "anchor friendly" these days. As for what anchors work best? I'm a brave soul and will offer an opinion. My preferences, in order: 1. Bruce 44: All chain. Anywhere on the ICW or Bahamas. Much of the time we swing on just the chain itself. 2. Fortress FX-37: Short chain with nylon rode. In mud (Chesapeake) or sand (Bahamas). Also our primary storm/ hurricane anchor. 3. Fortress FX-23: Stern anchor when you don't have space to swing. Or large circle raftups! By Capt Doug Knickerbocker, Yankee Rover 4. Delta Quickset: If wind is less than 20 knots. Otherwise (captdoug41@bellsouth.net) it's a PLOW, of which John Deere would be proud. Got rid Commodore Tim Leonard asked if I would provide a of ours. monthly article about the "trawler" interests in the club, so I don't like 2 anchors off the bow either, unless in severe storm here goes. I thought long and hard about what the content conditions. Enough said. should be (at least 5 minutes). I'll discuss some long term cruising issues that all of us face at one time or another and provide an update on where the trawler folks are and what Each of us trawler folk have different preferences for location they are doing. Comments are welcome. Just drop me an e- and frequency of anchoring. Some never go into marinas, and mail. This is not the end-all for trawler info, just one view. some practically spend all of their time in them. We are Remember, long term cruising isn't just a vacation, but an somewhere in between, depending on what we want to do experience in living in a relatively small space for an extended when we get there (be ashore to visit friends, dink ashore, or period of time (that didn't come out right, sounds like prison, just hang out). Being a techy, I keep stats on our frequency of anchoring, marinas, and free tie-ups. Over the past 7 which it isn't). years, our average is one-third anchoring, one-third of the I decided on the title "Trawler Tracks" because we always time in marinas, and the rest at a place to tie up gratis (often seem to be venturing into new and unfamiliar anchorages with with electric and water available - how much better can it "Yankee Rover" (Kadey-Krogen 39). If you cruise north, get?). With long distance cruising, both weather and mainthe tide becomes more critical as to when and where you tenance becomes issues and usually drive the decision as to venture for anchoring. You may get into an anchorage easily when and where to park, and for how long. I'll be writing at or near high tide but find a strange waterscape when you about weather and maintenance in future articles. Sufficient go to leave the next morning and may need to be VERY to say that maintenance is an ongoing day to day activity when precise in your exit route, ie. fog or narrow, unmarked living aboard for an extended period. Also, we'll have a channels. Local knowledge is always helpful. We always discussion about two of the greatest inventions going: bow have the GPS and chart plotter in track mode going into a thrusters and stabilizers. And then there is the subject of potential anchorage. If we can't get where we thought we paper charts vs electronic navigation systems and radar. And would like to anchor, it's lots easier to backtrack on your intracoastal vs off shore cruising. I'm open to other topics GPS track before the tide changes significantly. Also, leaving readers might suggest. the anchorage in the morning is easier regardless of the weather conditions. I save particularly tricky ones for future As I write this, we are getting more focused on preparation reference. Today's cruising guides are usually very good with for the coming cruise this summer. Plans aren't totally firmed anchoring info as well. Twenty years ago I wouldn't neces- up yet, but we are trying to link up with sailing friends up north sarily believe what I read. If you are traveling north on the to visit some of the Maine coast again. I vowed never to venture by water again into the land of fog. I guess I was kidding myself. I can taste the lobsters now! Currently, Page 16 Norm and Ann Dupont, on "Carpe Diem" (Grand Banks 34), are in the Exumas. Bill and Myke Oppold, on "Footprints" (DeFever 49), crossed over last week to West End and are in Marsh Harbor. One of the things we enjoy is linking up with other HISC trawler folk up north for a cruising point or two (or three). We sometimes meet in the strangest places. We like coming into an anchorage or marina and unexpectedly spotting an HISC burgee. Surprise... You never know who you'll meet in the next cove. HAM EXAMS May 22nd, Ft Lauderdale @ 6:00 PM The Gold Coast Amateur Radio Association will be giving ham exams for Technician, General, and Extra class licenses, on May 22nd, and hopefully every fourth Tuesday after that, at the Imperial Point Medical Center, 6401 N. Federal Highway, Ft. Lauderdale. In the cafeteria, look for the Private Room. Please arrive a few minutes early, and bring a pencil, ball point pen, a photo ID (driver's license, etc), and $14.00. Also bring the original and photocopy of your license and CSCEs, if any. Enter at the main entrance, and tell the guard you are attending the ham session. There is no longer a morse code requirement, so hams that have passed the written tests for either general or extra, but have not taken the morse code test, can upgrade by paying the $14.00 and presenting their CSCE. The CSCE must not be older than 365 days. PS: Anyone know where the picture of Yankee Rover was taken? Please call Gordon Groves, K3GG, at 954-783-8693, or e-mail (gordon.groves@gmail.com) for any questions and to register for the exams. Capt Doug OLD PORT COVE WELCOME PARTY FRIDAY APRIL 20TH Ken & Dianne Voss 2400 NE 33rd Street Lighthouse Point Fl, 33064 The grill will be on, so bring your meat, and a dish to share with our friends from Old Port Cove Yacht Club & Palm Beach Yacht Club. B.Y.O.B. ******** You do not have to be racing to come out and welcome the visitors. We always have a great time with them. We will have rum punch! page 17 Page 18 ROSTER UPDATES New Members Mark Balentine 2525 Marina Bay Drive, Slip 411 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312 (561) 762-4838 mhb@quovadimus.us Bombay Explorer, Catalina 36 Andrew Deering & Jean Crocker 1500 Victoria Park Rd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304-1320 (954) 564-1900 adeering@aol.com jcsailing@aol.com Morton & Arlene Fligelman 22577 Esplanada Drive Boca Raton, FL 33433 (561) 367-0311 mfligelman@aol.com Acapellai, Ericson 35 Christopher Frazier 4005 W. McNab Road, C-302 Pompano Beach, FL 33069 (610) 220-3599 chrisfrazier_usa@yahoo.com Toni Lugger 4750 NE 7th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334 (954) 579-5511 snofun150@aol.com Gus & Captain Terry Sclafami 2301 SW 17th Place Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 (516) 368-4363 gustee@optionline.net Noni, Tarten 4100 Saul & Ellen Silverman 100 South Broadway Nyack, NY 10960 NY (845) 353-9040 FL (561) 499-3141 ss@msacollaborative.com Joyride, Endeavour 38cc Peter & Michelle Tsivis 4950 NE 29th Ave Lighthouse Point, FL 33064 (954) 481-8405 mactart@bellsouth.net ptsivis@bellsouth.net Corrections Gregg & Janna Holmes email address: tipsea2006@aol.com Jeff & Lynn Kinkel boat: Endeavour, Gozzard 41 Gordon Groves email address: gordongroves@gmail.com Dick and Carol Simmons new address: 43 SW 12th Terrace Boca Raton, FL 33486-4451 page 19 Stan Rubin - Former sailboat owner with 30 years sailing experience (Long Island, Chesapeake, and Delaware Bay). Prefers cruising to racing, but happy to race if it gets him on a sailboat. (561) 271-6163 truecourse@adelphia.net. Carlos Trappberger - Cruising sailboat owner "Queen Maus" (28' O'Day). Would like to crew with other club members to cruise or race (JAM or ARC) to gain more experience. Available every 2nd weekend and then 4 days off (Sat.-Tues.). (561) 395-8787 (H) or (954) 242-1889 (C) caetrapp@yahoo.com. Toni Lugger - New member taking all of the boating/sailing courses (quick learner) and looking to sail/race with fun experienced people. She has crewed on various boats (Karma-HISC; Mostly Harmless-GSC; etc.) in many local races in the last few months. (954) 579-5511 (C) Snowfun150@aol.com. George Morrissey - Very experienced owner of a Pearson 36 (in Lake Michigan). Has raced the Mackinac race 31 times (1st overall of 300 boats in 2005). HISC new member and part time Delray resident thru the end of March. He likes racing and his wife, Mary Kay, is a cruiser. (561) 272-0556 (H) or (708) 567-1776 (C) Gmm8141@aol.com. Fleur de Beaulieu (Ericson 32) - Capt. Carole Fielder looking for crew for day-sailing and weekend cruising. (954) 946-2956 sailcarole@aol.com. Note: Any HISC member looking to crew, or Captains (boats) looking for crew, can be added to our new Crew/ Boat pool. E-mail a SHORT description of your interest to the crew pool chairman, Hutch, at mastman@adelphia.net Page 20 Tide Predictions for Hillsboro Inlet, Coast Guard Light Station, Florida page 21 Page 22 Book Exchange 1) Selection and improvements 2) Maintenance 3) Voyages and cruising skills 4) Seamanship and navigation 5) Sailing skills 6) Sails 7) Races 8) Other 9) Cruising guide by Jane Groves Attention readers. In keeping with our club credo, to promote the interest in sailing, we are trying a new feature, the sharing of books between club members. If you have books on sailing, boating, or related topics; and you would be willing to loan them out to club members, please join our book exchange. The featured book this month is The Proving Ground by G.B. Knecht This book is a gripping account of the Sydney to Hobart race in which only 43 boats out of 115 entrants finished. Six men died, and the survivors were changed forever. Call Jane or Gordon Groves if you wish to borrow this book. We will maintain a list of books by category, both on the club web site, and a printed list for the "computer challenged". You can contact the owner of any book and borrow it for any amount of time agreed upon between you. Book owners will maintain their own list of personal books, and the borrowers who are using them. If you are willing to join this worthwhile venture, please send a list of the books you wish to lend to Webmaster, Mike Duvall, and a copy to Jane Groves. The list should be divided into the following categories: page 23 Inlet/Outlet Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club P.O Box 5241 Lighthouse Point, FL 33074-5241 Don't miss this great source of information provided by Michael Duvall, Webmaster. It is well worth your time to check this out. INTERNET HOME iNTERPAGEINTERNET HOME PAGE: http://www.hisc.org The Inlet/Outlet, with color photos, is now available in Acrobat pdf format on the HISC web site Bill Shomo Your AD-MAN, for INLET/OUTLET Business Card "Special", for Club Members $100.00/per yr. 11-issues Also Larger Ads Available Call for Info: 954-946-6689 E-MAIL NOTICES If you are not receiving periodic e-mail notices of HISC events or if you want to be removed from the list send an e-mail to: Dave Coviello at: pcoviell@us.ibm.com Inlet /Outlet email address! editor@hisc.org DEADLINE THE 15TH Page 24
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