May - Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club
HILLSBORO INLET SAILING CLUB May 2012 From The Helm By Alan Katz, In the ten years that I have had the pleasure of being an HISC member, I have participated in just about every activity at least once. Some of the events are so good that I have attended them every year. Then there are other events, such as the semi-annual blood drive, that gives me the opportunity to give back to the community. I will get back to the blood drive later in this article. I came to realize that there are two activities that I have never participated in. They are Youth Sailing and the “Old Farts Lunch”. I started thinking. Am I too old for Youth Sailing? Am I too young for the weekly old timers lunch? I was starting to think that as part of my Commodore rite of passage, that I need to attend both of these events. Lighthouse Point, Florida Inside This Issue From the Helm Upcoming Events/Blood Drive 3 Membership/Roster Updates 4 Racing/Easter Cruise 5 Spring Series 1 Race Results 6 Spring Series 2 Race Results 7 Spring Series 3 Race Results 8 Spring Series 4 Race Results 9 Bimini and Bahamas Cruising Notes 10 HISC Costal Race #2 Flier 11 Advertising 12-14 Crew Pool 15 Club Classifieds 16 Calendar I had planned on assisting with the first day of Youth Sailing. I sprung out of bed on Saturday 1-2 Tides 17-18 19 morning with as much enthusiasm as a new student looking forward to his or her first day of sailing. As I sat on my patio enjoying my first cup of coffee, I watched Ciboney tug on her dock lines in 20 to 25 knots of wind. I had that sinking feeling that my first day of Youth Sailing was going to be canceled. As Larry Winchell said, “If we put first time students in a boat, on a day like today, it will be the last time that they ever step on a sailboat”. I am sure that all of the students were as disappointed as I was, but it was a wise decision to cancel the training. Thank you to everyone who made the right decision. Although I did not get a chance to attend Youth Sailing, perhaps I will be able to enjoy lunch with “guys” this week. Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club Inlet Outlet Editor Walter Betkowski Ra The Inlet/Outlet is published by the Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club. Items for publication should be submitted to the Inlet/OutletEditor as an attachment in “Word format” Paper documents or photos should be given or sent to Walter Betkowski 925 Cypress Drive Delray Beach, FL 33483 DEADLINE THE 15TH Tel: (239) 826-4008 Please notify Inlet/Outlet of address changes so you will not miss any issues. Officers Commodore Alan Katz Vice Commodore Maureen Leonard Rear Commodore Frank Tippet Secretary Judy Tippet Treasurer Sherry Sussman I want to thank Maureen and Tim Leonard for hosting the Spring Blood Drive. I want to thank Betty & Dave Coviello for their time and effort in coordinating and managing the event. And of course, thank you to everyone who donated and participated in the evening. Karyn and I will be hosting the next Blood Drive on November 2nd. We look forward to seeing some NEW faces at the next Drive. Please come out and support the Club and your Community. Board of Governors Larry Geller 2 Years Jim Perrott 2 Years George Pyrpiris 1Year Jeff Sussman 1 Year Past Commodore Michael Duvall Staff Commodore Pete Gustafson Club Credo May is going to be another action-packed month. The Beer Can Series starts on May 2nd. We have the WPB Regatta and Hospice Regatta, in addition to our buoy races. I am personally looking forward to the Memorial Day cruise to Bimini. The purpose of the Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club is to develop, encourage,and stimulate an interest in sailing in the Hillsboro Inlet area. It is our responsibility to promote fellowship and camaraderie among sailors in our club, among sailors in the area and among our guests. Membership I look forward to seeing you all at the many upcoming events. An application for membership in HISC may be obtained from membership chairpersons Deborah and Mark Menagh @ (954) 933-2530 or by contacting any club member. There is a $30.00 initiation fee and annual dues of $125 (family), $100 (single), are payable upon joining and every January thereafter. After June 30, the dues are $62.50 (family) or $50.00 (single) for the rest of the current year for new members. Cheers, Alan Monthly General Meeting The Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club holds a monthly membership meeting generally on the second Thursday of each month, 7:00pm at the Lighthouse Point Yacht and Racquet Club, 2701 N.E. 42nd Street, Lighthouse Point, Tel: (954)942-7224. Please check the monthly calendar or call the editor for any changes in the meeting dates, times, or locations. 2 Blood Drive April 2012 Upcoming Events Date Event May 2nd Beer Can Race Number 1 May 3rd Board Meeting By Betty Coviello Boat Of Us May 5th Youth Sailing Spring Series Number 3 May 8th WPB Regatta Costal Number 1 NOR Entry Waiver May 9th Beer Can Race Number 2 Although the weather earlier in the day was not conducive to outdoor fun, the day ended rather breezy and delightful for the first Blood drive of 2012. We are pleased to have collected 27 pints since the Miami to Key Largo race took away some of our regular donors. May 10th General Meeting LHPYRC May 12th Youth Sailing Spring Series #4 May 13th Spring Series Races #7 & #8 and After Race Party Special thanks go to Mo and Tim Leonard for hosting and to all who were able to donate. May 16th Beer Can Race Number 3 The Coviellos May 19th Hospice Regatta Fort Lauderdale May 23rd Beer Can Race Number 4 All who attended enjoyed the beautiful setting at the Leonards’ poolside and feasted on a plentiful array of culinary creations; the desserts being the most popular. From the Editor: May 26-28th Memorial Day Cruise to Bimini May 30th The Inlet/Outlet could use photographs taken by members who attend HISC events: cruising and racing. The general meeting and social events are most ably covered by the club Historian, Christeen Pozniak but she obviously can’t attend every event. Be sure to provide captions. Beer Can Race Number 5 Remember that the cut off date is the 15th of the month for inclusion in the following month’s publication. Please send the pictures to We’d also like to hear from the club’s cruising members so that Cruising Notes can become a regular feature. So please send your notes and photos! 3 moved to Florida in 2004 from Chicago and is currently working with Melaleuca, where she educates consumers on how to shop for green products over the internet. In addition to family and job, Grace is also a graduate student at Palm Beach Atlantic University where she is working towards a Masters in Psychology. Sponsored by Jean and Andy Deering and Hal Steward and HISC board approved by Board Director Jim Perrott. HISC mentor is Larry Geller. Membership By Deborah & Mark Menagh Introducing HISC’s new members: Over several years Jack McWalter and Lesley Huddleston have known HISC members, attended general meetings and now have the time to participate in the club. With over 50 years on the water, Jack is an experienced cruiser and racer having owned several boats. Originally from Chicago, Jack worked for IBM and spent his yachting time on Lake Michigan where he was an active racer, participating in 17 Mackinac races. He’s lived in Florida since 1980 and Lesley and Jack now spend two or three months a year in St. John, American Virgin Islands, cruising on Caribe his Beneteau 51’. Jack and Lesley are looking to meet people to cruise with in the islands and Jack is also interested in racing. Sponsored by Brenda Smith and Deb Menagh and HISC board approved by Board Director George Pyrpiris. HISC mentors are Jan and Bill Shomo. Jack McWalter, Lesley Huddleston, Nieves Rudkowski, and, Grace Granda Roster Updates Nieves Rutkowski found HISC during an internet search looking for places to connect back into sailing. Originally from Spain, she and her family moved to Ecuador when she was thirteen where she lived until moving to Connecticut when she was 35. It is in Connecticut where her love for sailing began, and where she and her late husband sailed their beautiful New Zealand made 56’ ketch. They sailed many years on the United States east coast as far north as Nova Scotia and south to Florida. While she no longer owns a yacht, Neives is now a full time Florida resident, would like to cruise and is “interested in everything that has to do with boats”. Sponsored by Sherry Sussman and Melinda Betkowski and HISC board approved by Vice Commodore Maureen Leonard. HISC mentor is Carole Fielder. Jack McWalter and Lesley Huddleston 1100 NE 2nd Terrace Boca Raton, FL 33432 (561) 289-8798 Caribe – Beneteau 51’ Nieves Rutkowski 5562A N. Ocean Blvd. Ocean Ridge, FL 33435 (203) 918-7324 Grace Granda 1145 SW 5th Ct. Boca Raton, FL 33432 (561) 716-7935 Grace Granda was looking for an organization with a sailing program for her children, when Jean Deering told her about HISC’s youth sailing. She and her children, Stephanie (12), Alex (11), Nicholas (5) and Tomas (3), are excited about learning to sail. Grace 4 Racing Looking forward to the month of May, it promises to provide a lot of opportunities to compete on the water with the start of the Wednesday night Beer Can series, the annual Hillsboro to West Palm Beach coastal race on Cinco de Mayo (May 5th), Spring Series races on the 13th, and the Hospice By The Sea Regatta on the 19th. For a full run down on racing throughout the year, head to RaceInfo/2012RaceCalendar.pdf for complete information. By Michael Duvall, Magic As you read this, it's the beginning of May. But, to meet the Inlet/Outlet deadline for publishing it's around the middle of April. Nevertheless, there has been a lot of racing going on. Our Spring Series 1 & 2 were nothing less than glorious with twelve boats out to start the season. Weather for races 3 & 4 on April 15th was a different story with six boats and their crew competing in 15-20 kts and 6-8 ft seas. Check out the results pages 6-9 in this is sue of the Inlet/Outlet or at: RaceResults/RaceResults.html. Congratulations to the winners and many thanks to all competitors, after race party hosts, and the beach committee for helping to keep our race program going strong. We'll see you on the water soon! 2012 Easter Cruise - Lake Sylvia By Suzan Scott Wind Angel Eight Club boats participated in this year’s festive event. Ciboney, Sea Dragon, Wind Angel, Glory Daze, and Popoki rafted together Saturday afternoon, creating “Party Central” for this year’s festivities. We were joined by Diversion, Endurance, Cracker Jack and Bossa Nova (by dinghy). An array of snacks and appetizers were served by Suzi Wehe and Karyn Katz aboard Popoki. With a feast like that, who needs dinner? Spring Series race participation for races 3 & 4 was somewhat light, as skippers and crew from Glory Daze, Magic, Sempre Amantes, and Unicorn had their hands full for forty-five miles in the Miami to Key Largo race. Dismastings (one witnessed and another reported), MOBs, and groundings were the order of the day as the fleet headed south through Biscayne Bay down to Jewfish Creek while battling heavy winds and pounding rain. Fortunately, no injuries were reported. Carl Wehe was determined to add an extra degree of difficulty to the Dinghy Easter Egg toss by creating a moving target. And the winners were Colleen DiGennaro, and Ron Schaper. Safety is always a concern in our sport. No matter how well one prepares, accidents can and will happen as evidenced by five dead or lost at sea in the Full Crew Farallones race, a 54-mile, daylong regatta that starts in San Francisco Bay, passes through the Golden Gate and rounds a craggy outpost known as South Farallon Island. As the party continued later into the evening, we were joined by some new friends, Wind Pirate and Kalalau. After singing and dancing (yes, there was dancing!) the night away, we all enjoyed a quiet night in Lake Sylvia. On a lighter note, thank you for the many positive comments and support after the April general meeting "Racing Rule of the Month" presentation. I find many people are truly curious about sailboat racing. Often I describe our sport as "chess on the water" and "the most fun one can have going five miles an hour." I will try to have something both new and interesting each month to share. If you find your interest peaked, I highly recommend that you come out and give it a try. You don't need a rigged out boat or a high-tech sail plan. Get your crew together and join in the fun. On Sunday morning a delicious Easter brunch was prepared by Suzi and Karyn and served aboard Ciboney. These girls really know their way around a galley! Perfect conditions prevailed into the afternoon for a beautiful sail home. A big thank you to all who participated. You’re the best! 5 Hillsboro Sailing Club Race Results FIRST Race in series Race Number 1 Wind Direction WNW SPRING SERIES Date 04/01/12 Wind Velocity 5-10 Seas 0-1 ARC Course# S/L/W/L/F Distance: 3.00 (Time on time) Conditions correcting Factor (CCF)= 0.6522 (Generated) Place Class 1 2 3 4 5 Yacht THIRD TRI CROSSWINDS GLORY DAZE MAGIC SUSIMI Skipper Rating GELLER,L 33 CROSS,M 33 WEHE,C 145 DUVALL,M 220 CARRINGTON,M 138 Elapsed Time H M S 0:42: 6 0:44: 8 0:55:48 1: 1:40 1: 1:50 CCF Corr Time Time - Sec/Mile 549.2 516.2 575.7 542.7 727.9 582.9 804.4 584.4 806.6 668.6 Corr Time H M S 0:25:48 0:27: 8 0:29: 8 0:29:13 0:33:25 HCP Sld -21 6 158 234 237 Series Points .75 2 3 4 5 JAM Course# S/L/W/S/L/F Distance: 3.65 (Time on time) Conditions correcting Factor (CCF)= 0.5871 (Generated) Place Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Yacht PARADOCS SEMPRE AMANTES ENDURANCE GRAND CRU MEANTIME TALARIA II COMMOTION Skipper Rating SUSSMAN,J WHITTAKER,C SCHAPER,R ESCOBAR,D LEONARD,T GLENN,W HUNTON,R 202 132 115 153 171 115 132 Elapsed Time H M S 1:18:19 1:11:33 1:11:59 1:16:27 1:20:34 1:15: 5 1:17:31 CCF Corr Time Time - Sec/Mile 755.8 553.8 690.5 558.5 694.7 579.7 737.8 584.8 777.5 606.5 724.6 609.6 748.1 616.1 Corr Time H M S 0:33:41 0:33:58 0:35:15 0:35:34 0:36:53 0:37: 5 0:37:28 HCP Sld New Series Rtg Points 186 121 125 168 208 155 178 195 131 116 154 175 119 137 .75 2 3 4 5 6 7 MANY THANKS KARYN KATZ, ELIZABETH KNICKERBOCKER AND CATHERINE WINGATE FOR DOING THE BEACH COMMITTEE DUTIES! A JOB WELL DONE AND MUCH APPRECIATED BY ALL THE RACERS. MANY THANKS TO MAUREEN AND TIM LEONARD FOR HOSTING THE AFTER RACE PARTY! After Race Party Schedule Date May-2012 13 — Spring Series 7&8 Host Address Karyn and Alan Katz 2900 NE 47th St Lighthouse Point June-2012 3 — Spring Series 9&10 Nancy and Graham Danvers 1240 SW 19th Ave Boca Raton August-2012 18 -- Ladies Day Race Susi and Michael Carrington 2372 NE 28th St Lighthouse Point 6 SECOND Race in series Race Number 2 Wind Direction NNE SPRING SERIES Date 04/02/12 Velocity 5-10 Seas 0-1 ARC Course# S/L/A/L/F Distance: 3.00 (Time on time) Conditions correcting Factor (CCF)= 0.7877 (Generated) Place Class 1 2 3 4 5 Yacht GLORY DAZE SUSIMI THIRD TRI CROSSWINDS MAGIC Skipper Rating WEHE,C 145 CARRINGTON,M 138 GELLER,L 33 CROSS,M 33 DUVALL,M 220 Elapsed Time H M S 0:44:52 0:44:29 0:38: 7 0:39: 8 0:52:26 CCF Corr Time Time - Sec/Mile 706.8 561.8 700.8 562.8 600.5 567.5 616.5 583.5 826.0 606.0 Corr HCP Time Sld H M S 0:28: 5 137 0:28: 8 131 0:28:22 30 0:29:10 47 0:30:18 256 Series Points 3/.75 5/2 .75/3 2/4 4/5 JAM Course# S/L/E/F Distance: 2.15 (Time on time) Conditions correcting Factor (CCF)= 0.5485 (Generated) Place Class 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Yacht PARADOCS GRAND CRU ENDURANCE SEMPRE AMANTES COMMOTION TALARIA II MEANTIME Skipper Rating SUSSMAN,J ESCOBAR,D SCHAPER,R WHITTAKER,C HUNTON,R GLENN,W LEONARD,T 195 154 116 131 137 119 175 Elapsed Time H M S 0:49:25 0:46:54 0:44:36 0:46:20 0:48:34 0:48:21 0:53:46 CCF Corr Time Time - Sec/Mile 756.4 561.4 717.9 563.9 682.7 566.7 709.2 578.2 743.4 606.4 740.1 621.1 823.0 648.0 Corr HCP New Series Time Sld Rtg Points H M S 0:20: 7 186 189 .75/.75 0:20:12 148 153 4/2 0:20:18 113 116 3/3 0:20:43 139 132 2/4 0:21:43 173 141 7/5 0:22:15 170 124 6/6 0:23:13 253 183 5/7 MANY THANKS TO KARYN KATZ, ELIZABETH KNICKERBOCKER AND CATHERINE WINGATE FOR DOING THE BEACH COMMITTEE DUTIES! A JOB WELL DONE ANDMUCH APPRECIATED BY ALL THE RACERS. MAY THANKS TO MAUREEN AND TIM LEONARD FOR HOSTING THE AFTER RACE PARTY! (Prepared by Cindy Goodrich-Cowan) . Magic during a lull in the Key Largo race Looking back at the fleet; Magic almost beat the Nonsuch scratch 7 Hillsboro Sailing Club Race Results THIRD Race in series Race Number 3 Wind Direction ESE SPRING SERIES Date 04/15/12 Wind Velocity 15-20 Seas 6-8 ARC Course# S/W/A/W/F Distance: 2.70 (Time on time) Conditions correcting Factor (CCF)= 0.9670 (Generated) Place Class 1 2 Yacht THIRD TRI SUSIMI Skipper Rating GELLER,L 33 CARRINGTON,M 143 Elapsed CCF Corr Time Time Time H M S - Sec/Mile 0:27:47 597.0 564.0 0:36:37 786.9 643.9 Corr HCP Time Sld H M S 0:25:22 27 0:28:58 217 Series Points .75/3/.75 5/2/2 JAM Course# S/W/HI/F Distance: 3.50 (Time on time) Conditions correcting Factor (CCF)= 1.0243 (Generated) Place Class 1 2 3 4 6 Yacht ENDURANCE MEANTIME PARADOCS GRAND CRU TALARIA II Skipper SCHAPER,R LEONARD,T SUSSMAN,J ESCOBAR,D GLENN,W Rating 116 183 189 153 124 Elapsed Time H M S 0:38:30 0:42:46 0:45:36 0:45:24 DNF CCF Corr Time Time - Sec/Mile 676.0 560.0 751.0 568.0 800.7 611.7 797.2 644.2 Corr Time H M S 0:32:40 0:33: 7 0:35:40 0:37:34 HCP Sld 106 181 231 227 New Series Rtg Points 110 183 193 160 3/3/.75 5/7/2 .75/. 4/2/4 6/6/6 MANY THANKS TO ELIZABETH KNICKERBOCKER, KARYN KATZ, ETHEL FACUNDO,AND TERRY PATTERSON FOR DOING THE BEACH COMMITTEE DUTIES! A JOB WELL DONE AND MUCH APPRECIATED BY ALL THE RACERS. MANY THANKS TO CINDY AND JAMIE COWAN FOR HOSTING THE AFTER RACE PARTY! HISC Youth Sailing Program By Ken Scott The HISC Youth Sailing Program was created to provide sailing and boating safety training to children between the ages of 8 and 18. In the past 20+ years we are proud to have trained hundreds of children in small boat handling and safety issues. The Youth Sailing Program is staffed with enthusiastic, knowledgeable sailing and organization specialists who volunteer their time and effort to enhance the Sport of sailing and to provide invaluable experience and training to children. The Program is open to anyone who meets the age requirement and can pass a simple swimming evaluation. Safety is the most important aspect of our ongoing agenda. In our program each child is required to wear a USCG approved life vest and a safety lecture begins each meeting. During the instructional sailing on the lake, HISC instructors use small rowboats to provide on the water training and an enhanced level of safety. The children sail small boats including: International Optimist Pram, Sunfish, and Laser. These boats were selected because of safety and ease of instruction, the Optimist Pram is the largest sailing class in the world and is considered to be the premier training platform. Again this year we will be also inviting the Youth Sailors to participate in an HISC Coastal Race aboard some of the club members boats. 8 FOURTH Race in series Race Number 4 Wind Direction ESE SPRING SERIES Date 04/16/12 Wind Velocity 15-20 Seas 6-8 ARC Course# S/W/A/W/F Distance: 2.70 (Time on time) Conditions correcting Factor (CCF)= 1.0353 (Generated) Place Class 1 2 Yacht THIRD TRI SUSIMI Skipper Rating GELLER,L 33 CARRINGTON,M 143 Elapsed Time H M S 0:25:57 0:34: 8 CCF Corr Time Time - Sec/Mile 597.0 564.0 785.3 642.3 Corr HCP Time Sld H M S 0:25:22 27 0:28:54 215 Series Points .75/3/.75 5/2/2/2 JAM Course# S/W/HI/F Distance: 3.50 (Time on time) Conditions correcting Factor (CCF)= 1.0433 (Generated) Place Class 1 2 3 4 Yacht MEANTIME ENDURANCE PARADOCS GRAND CRU Skipper Rating LEONARD,T SCHAPER,R SUSSMAN,J ESCOBAR,D 183 110 193 160 Elapsed Time H M S 0:41:39 0:37:48 0:45: 7 0:46:12 CCF Corr Time Time - Sec/Mile 744.9 561.9 676.1 566.1 806.9 613.9 826.3 666.3 Corr HCP Time Sld H M S 0:32:46 175 0:33: 1 106 0:35:48 237 0:38:52 256 New Series Rtg Points 177 110 197 170 5/7/2/.75 3/3/.75/2 .75/.75/3 4/2/4/4 MANY THANKS TO ELIZAETH KNICKERBOCKER,KARYN KATZ,ETHEL FACUNDO, ANDTERRY PATTERSON FOR DOING THE BEACH COMMITTEE DUTIES! A JOB WELL DONE AND MUCH APPRECIATED BY ALL THE RACERS! MANY THANKS TO CINDY AND JAMIE COWAN FOR HOSTING THE AFTER RACE PARTY! (Prepared by Cindy Goodrich-Cowan) HISC Youth Sailing Program There is also a fantastic BBQ on the last sailing date. Please feel free to pass this invite on to others who you feel will enjoy and benefit from this great experience. The north lake is very low so we are hoping to be launching near the Splash Adventure Park in the Southern most lake. When you enter the park, after the kiosks take a left and proceed to the Splash Adve nture Par k past t he M ain Offic e. Please email us at ( The International Optimist Pram 9 Bimini and the Bahamas Cruising Notes • Bimini Sands resort has a Bahamian customs office immediately behind the fuel dock. That's much more fun than going to the one in Alice Town. Even more fun is to precomplete all the paperwork so that you don't have to do it after a long night of hard sailing. You can download copies here: Bahamas_Custom_Clearance.pdf. Make sure you print them out on legal-sized paper. You'll also need to complete a Departure Card for each crewmember. Those can be obtained directly from the Bahamian tourism office in FL (1200 S. Pine Island Rd., Plantation, FL 33324; 954-236-9292 or 800224-3681) or from the marina office on arrival. By Ross Hunton Commotion Here are a few info items and some links that Bimini cruisers might find helpful: • USER FEE DECAL. Apply/renew here: or get info from: http:// user_fee/user_fee_decal.xml. It’s the government, and if you need it quickly it will cost you extra. Get it done now. • The Bimini Sands dockmaster reports that the entrance has recently been dredged to 8’at high tide. This would translate to about 5.5-6’ at low tide but may vary. If you haven’t been to Bimini in a while, the preferred entrance route to Bimini Sands has been as follows (arrows): • Make sure you have valid passports for everyone, and that your boat insurance and registration documentation is current and with you. • To speed your reentry to the US and avoid a trip to the customs office on a busy holiday weekend, it's a good idea to sign up for Small Vessel Reporting System here: . This is a modification to the previous "Local Boater Option". To complete the registration, you'll schedule a visit to the customs office via the website. Once registered, you can also file a float plan on the website, which is never a bad idea. • While they're not required domestically, US Vessels travelling internationally are required to have a VHF Ship’s Station License. The operator is required to have an Operator license. Learn all about it and file FCC forms 159 and 605 electronically here: http:// job=licensing&id=ship_stations . While you're at it, get an MMSI for your DSC radio, and register your EPIRB! 10 HISC COASTAL RACE #2 BUCK CARLISLE COASTAL RACE SATURADAY, JUNE 9, 2012 COASTAL RACE FROM HILLSBORO INLET TO FT. LAUDERDALE MICHAEL DUVALL, RACING CHAIR, TO ANNOUNCE START TIME AND COURSE JOIN US AFTER THE RACE AT: BAHIA MAR RESORT AND MARINA UPON COMPLETION OF THE RACE, WE WILL BE DOCKING AT THE BAHIA MAR RESORT MARINA SPEND THE LATE AFTERNOON AT THE RESORT POOL DOCKSIDE AFTER RACE HAPPY HOUR AND APPETIZER PARTY STARTING AT 6:30PM BRING A DISH TO SHARE AND BYOB RACE RESULTS START AT 7pm DOCKAGE AVAILABLE AT BAHIA MAR MARINA $1.40 / FT/NIGHT (no minimum) + $10.00 for 30Amp/$15.00 for 50Amp + TAX RSVP TO DOCKMASTER AND MENTION HISC -800-755-9558 LIMITED SLIPS AVAILABLE, SO PLEASE BOOK EARLY 11 12 PENNER TILE, INC • Remodeling • Kitchen and Bath • Tile and Marble Licensed Residential Contractor (CRC-1326700) Broward & Palm Beach Counties - Since 1991 Peter G. Penner 561.265.0821 13 14 The Spring Racing Series will be starting soon, and Cruising thereafter, so get on the list for crew or list your boat!!! Both are needed!!! Crew L KING for Boats Anne Ekstrom - full time Pompano Beach resident and new member would appreciate an opportunity to sail with other HISC members. 14 years of sailing here and on the Chesapeake Bay. All cruising so far, but would like to try racing too. Do not get seasick (or haven't yet). (954) 601-6498 or Graham & Nancy Danvers - ASA certified for bareboat chartering, coastal cruising, basic keel boat, and multihull cruising. Interested in coastal and beer can racing we have crewed on Sempre Amantis, Glory Daze, E Ticket, Endurance, Alibrije, Susimi, and Paradocs. Cruising experience in British Virgin Islands, Abacos, Newport Rhode Island, English Channel, and French coastal ports. Our son Daniel is currently a member of the racing team for the University of Rhode Island and may be available to race during school breaks. Please call Graham 561-302-2908 or email Cindy Kehoe – Able bodied “crew person” would like to join other HISC sailors for fun in the sun racing/cruising. I have crewed on Karma, Aloha, Danse de Lune, and Condor. (561) 445-0770 (C) or Ferol Ludwig loves to race and is available for racing and some cruising. I am a good experienced crew member and strong for a female. I do not fall off sailboats! Home: 954-522-5575, Office: 954-262-1240, Cell: 954-632-1542. Christeen Pozniak - I am interested in crewing for either racing or cruising. I have crewed aboard several members' boats and have taken Seamanship and Sailing with the Power Squadron as well as Ladies Sailing with HISC. Prior to joining I traveled and spent extensive time aboard ships and had the opportunity to sail in many ports of call. I am a fun and easygoing crew member, a great cook and make some tasty shots! Looking to get out on the water! Cell; 561-846-1914, Bob & Pat Schuldenfrei - We would appreciate any opportunity to ship aboard any member’s sailboat. I have sailed all my life on boats ranging from a windsurfer to a 100 foot Gloucester fishing schooner. For a number of years we owned Tangaroa, a Bristol 26 that we sailed out of Boston Harbor. For a multimedia presentation on my skills please go to the home page of my website ( and click on the Sailing Resume. Did I tell you that we are pretty accomplished cooks and would compensate you with food? Call me at (561)582-3340 or email me at Bob & Barb Stevens – Part-time Hillsboro Beach residents with 10 yrs. of bare boat charters on 25’-45’ boats. Would like to race and cruise when in town throughout the year. (812) 371-1356 (C) or Catherine Wingate is interested in racing and offshore cruising. She has raced on several HISC boats, and in non-HISC BBYRA races, and has crewed on tallships in various OpSail events. She is a J/N with the U.S. Power Squadron. email: phone(s): 954-725-9335 and 954-242-7117 Renee Wylie – Has crewed & raced with several club boats and is looking to do some cruising on some of the cruising boats. (954) 425-2082 Boats L KING for Crew Danse De Lune: I am looking for crew for cruising or racing in the Spring Series. Give me a call at 561-495-9263 if you are interested. Jim Flaherty CAPTAINS: WE NEED MORE BOATS FOR ALL THE CREW PERSONS! Note: Any HISC member looking to crew, or Captains (boats) looking for crew, can be added to our new Crew/ Boat pool. E-mail a SHORT description of your interest & experience (cruising/racing/both) to the crew pool chairman, Leslie Shaffer, at by the 15th of any month and we will add the info to the list. Any questions just give me a call (954) 654-3234. 15 Club Classifieds Dock space for Rent: Located next to Hillsboro Inlet Bridge. Private dock slip for up to 45’ vessel with 6 ½’ draft. No Live aboards allowed. Water and 50 amp electric available. Call Rory McCarty 954-803-5630. Waterfront Townhome for Rent 2Br + 1.5 baths townhome for rent in Sun Harbor community. Covered outdoor Patio faces docks/Caliban canal in Pompano. $1300pm. Dockage (NFB) available Contact Steve, 561 289-5328 Dock space for Rent: Located next to Hillsboro Inlet Bridge. Private dock with vehicle parking. Looking for 80'-120' Yacht. Live aboard for “security personnel” only. Water and 200 amp electric available. Call Rory McCarty 954-803-5630. Let’s Sail in the Virgin Islands on a Beautiful 51’ Beneteau. Looking for several couples to share expenses for one or two weeks sailing in the Virgin Islands April, May, and June of this year. Snorkel, sail, and dive in Jost Van Dyke, St John, Tortola, Virgin Gorda, and more. Very inexpensive. Ft Lauderdale to St Thomas is under $200 round trip. I live in Boca Raton and can meet with you to go over details for a great cruise. Jack McWalter,, 561 289 8798 FREE Sailcloth bags with donated used sails! Recycle your sails for free product or we'll donate funds to your favorite charity. Call Tom Dywer or Trisha Montgomery 843-830-6888 or Wanted - Inflatable dinghy in the 8 foot range. Dick Martin 954-895-4446 For Sale: CQR Anchor 45# $250.00 Ladd and Denise Caine on Blue 775-830-5555 AAA Dinghy for sale: Parta-Bote 10' , white, with 2.4hp CNC Model 6700 engine. Planning for 20 years to use and never did. Garage stored in Boca Raton. Original package price $1187. Now it can be yours for $499. Call Paul Chasse at (561)703 4367 or email Tall handsome sailor, former owner of the S/V "The Office", now forced to grovel, seeks position as occasional crew/rail meat. Some racing experience, trophy winner in the Hospice as well as off-shore experience, Bos-FFl, JaxFfl,and Charlotte-Ffl. Season ticket holder at the "Stranded Naked Party" and had been seen dining & dancing at "The Complete Angler" ,( Ah, those were the days !). The Inlet Outlet will accept classified ads at no charge from members in good standing. These ads will be run for one(1) issue only unless renewed. Ads must be submitted in writing. You must notify the editor for each issue in which you wish the ad to run. Dock space for rent in SE Boca. Up to 45’ - up to 6 ½’ draft. No live-a-board. Water and electricity. Very secure and private. Only 20 minutes to the inlet. John Van Blois 561-251-0579 or 561-414-5388. BOAT US MEMBERSHIP Boat US membership dues are $30.00. Since we have a group membership; current HISC Members as well as any new HISC Members in 2011 should only pay $15.00. Our Group Number is GA83724S If you need any additional information call me, Capt. Bob Rae, Boat US Coordinator at (954) 481-9919 or e-mail to 16 6 13 Sun 7 Tue Thu 3 Wed 2 10 Board Meeting 9 General Meeting at LHPYRC Beer Can Race #1 Beer Can Race #2 17 31 24 16 Beer Can Race #3 23 Beer Can Race #4 30 Beer Can Race #5 25 18 11 4 Fri Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club - May 2012 22 Mon 1 8 21 29 15 20 28 14 27 Memorial Day Cruise Spring Series Races #7 & #8 and After Race Party Memorial Day Cruise 5 Sat Youth Sailing Spring Series #3 WPB Regatta (costal #1) 12 Youth Sailing Spring Series #4 19 Hospice Regatta – Fort Lauderdale 26 Memorial Day Cruise 17 18 26 25 24 Beer Can Race #8 27 Beer Can Race #7 20 18 17 19 Beer Can Race #6 13 12 Buck Carlisle Memorial Regatta (Coastal #2) 11 6 Wed 10 5 Tue Beer Can Race #5 4 Mon Spring Series Races #9 & #10 and after race party 3 Sun 28 21 General Meeting at LHPYRC 14 Board Meeting 7 Thu 30 23 16 Buck Carlisle Memorial Regatta (Coastal #2) 9 2 Sat Regatta Time in Abacos Regatta Time in Abacos 29 22 15 8 1 Fri Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club - June 2012 Tide Predictions for Hillsboro Inlet, Coast Guard Light Station, Florida 19 Inlet/Outlet Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club P.O. Box 5241 Lighthouse Point, FL 33074-5241 INTERNET HOME PAGE Don't miss this great source of information provided by Jim Perott, Webmaster. It is well worth your time to check this out. The Inlet/Outlet, with color photos, is available on the HISC website. BILL SHOMO E-MAIL NOTICES HISCSAIL FORUM Your AD-MAN, for INLET/OUTLET Business Card "Special", for Club Members $100.00/per yr. 11-issues Also Larger Ads Available If you are not receiving periodic e-mail notices of HISC events, if you want to be removed from the list or need info about the HISCSAIL Forum send an e-mail to: Dave Coviello at: Call for Info: 954-946-6689 20
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