July - Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club
HILLSBORO INLET SAILING CLUB July/August 2007 From The Helm By Tim Leonard Commodore, Meantime For she is such a smart little craft Such a neat little, sweet little craft-Such a bright little, Tight little, Slight little, Light little, Trim little, slim little craft! Sir William Schwenk Gilbert, Ruddigore Lighthouse Point, Florida Inside this Issue From The Helm 1-3 Upcoming Events 3 New Members Corner 4 Roster Updates 5 Classifieds 6 Beer Can Race Series 7 Programs 7 Race Report 11-12 Calendar 13-14 Trawler Tracks 16 Crew Pool 20 Tide Predictions 21 Race Results 22 Moe and I are just returned from Spain and the last races of the Louis Vuitton Challenge which as you know the KIWI's won and will now challenge Alinghi for the Americas Cup. It should prove to be an exciting match up. Our trip included several cities in southern Spain and the Mediterranean sea. HELM continued on page 2 page 1 Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club Inlet Outlet Editor: Julie Tice The Inlet/Outlet is published by the Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club. Items for publication should be submitted to the Inlet/OutletEditor editor@hisc.org Paper documents or photos should be given or sent to Julie Tice, 710 NE 69th Street, Boca Raton, FL 33487. DEADLINE THE 15TH Tel: (561) 998-2174 Please notify Inlet/Outlet of address changes so you will not miss any issues. Officers Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Secretary Treasurer Tim Leonard Julie Tice Bill Shomo Mary Steward Rudy Janis Board of Governors Jeff Kunkel Frank Tippett Stan Frost Colin Whittaker Past Commodore Staff Commodore 2 Years 2 Years 1 Years 1 Years Hal Steward John Tucker Club Credo The purpose of the Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club is to develop, encourage, and stimulate an interest in sailing in the Hillsboro Inlet area. It is our responsibility to promote fellowship and camaraderie among sailors in our club, among sailors in the area and among our guests. HELM continued from page 1 It was truly beautiful and fun. We ended our trip with a wild drive to Madrid and two days in that magnificent city sightseeing, museums, restaurants etc . We highly recommend this trip to the port cities of Spain along the Mediterranean. We had a number of successful races and social events in early June which you will undoubtedly hear about in the following pages. Thanks Betty and Dave Coviello for another strong turnout Blood Drive. We got 32 pints out of 37 donors. Very good job. The Buck Carlisle Memorial Regatta coastal number 2 was well attended and the party was great. I think we need to reschedule this great event to be held in perhaps October or November when all of our racers and cruisers are here and not on vacation as was the case this year which accounted for a lower than anticipated turnout. Kudos to Race committee and Social committee. The Beer Can series is up an running although Jaime had to cancel a couple due to weather. He will attempt to make them up in August. Come out to these races as they are great fun and a great way to break up the work week. Membership An application for membership in HISC may be obtained from membership chairpersons Bob & Joyce Tigar @ (954) 781-5910 or by contacting any club member. There is a $30.00 initiation fee and annual dues of $125 (family), $100 (single), are payable upon joining and every January thereafter. After June 30, the dues are $62.50 (family) or $50.00 (single)for the rest of the current year for new members. Thanks to Jack and Sharon Holland for responding to my request for old Inlet/Outlets and minutes of the past board meetings. They have practically all of them. Our Club Historians Paul and Deborah Maloney will meet with the Hollands next month to sort it all out. It will be no small task to configure 36 years of club history to the computer and from there onto discs. It will take time but at least it is a start. We will welcome volunteers and advice. Monthly General Meeting The Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club holds a monthly membership meeting generally on the second Thursday of each month, 7:00pm at the Lighthouse Point Yacht and Racquet Club, 2701 N.E. 42nd Street, Lighthouse Point, Tel: (954)942-7224. Please check the monthly calendar or call the editor for any changes in the meeting dates, times, or locations. A big thank you to Julie Tice and Ken Scott for filling in for me and Hal while we were in Spain. Don't forget its hurricane season so have a plan and work your plan. Everyone be safe on your vacations cruises. See you on the High Seas. Picture Credits Paul Maloney, Mike Ordway Page 2 Blood Drive by Betty Coviello, Boat of Us Friday May 18th arrived and there were only 6 volunteers signed up to donate and I had arranged for two vans to accommodate all the donors! I have great faith in the HISC membership and I knew we would have a good Blood Drive. My faith was rewarded---we donated 33 units of blood and my liason with Community Blood Centers of South Florida called with a "Thank YOU" to the club. Lenny said that CBCSF always has willing employees to staff the vans. We are a fun group of donors and a very reliable source of“blood for those in need. I especially want to thank Moe and Tim for turning over their lovely home for this occasion and to Mary Wells for presiding over the many contributions of food for our Pot Luck Supper. Special thanks also to Jan Shomo for donating the coupns for Dunkin Donut products. There were 10 happy members leaving“the June meeting heading to the nearest Dunkin Donute to redeem them. Thanks to ALL who helped HISC have yet another successful Blood Drive. FRIDAY NIGHT SOCIALMEETING PLACE: Lighthouse Cove Resort Tiki Hut on AIA at the end of N.E. 14th Street in Pompano. A pleasant setting, drinks and hors d'oeuvres. Happy Hour 6-7pm UPCOMING EVENTS Board Meeting July 19th @ West Marine General Meeting July 26th @ LHPYRC Spring Series# 6, 7 & 8 July 22nd After race party 5 - 7 p.m. @ Gene Temkin's 2766 NE 29th Street LHP Crew Race July 28th After race party 5 - 7 p.m. @ Gene Temkin's Board Meeting August 2nd @ West Marine General Meeting & Family Picnic August 12th @ Quiet Waters Park Fall Series # 1 & 2 August 26th Labor Day Cruise September 1-3rd Board Meeting September 6th @ West Marine page 3 New Member Corner racing off Long Island and crewed on 4 Bermuda races. Their current boat is a Gulfstar 50 Ketch "Bedollin". They are members of Gulfstream Sailing Club and are looking foreword to participating in our cruising activities. Richard & Mary were anchored near the circle raft-up in March. He confided that they were looking for ways to use their boat more. He thinks our group offers that opportunity. by Bob & Joyce Tigar, Diversion We are glad to welcome these new members and have We were pleased to welcome 2 new members at the June forwarded their club interests to the appropriate activity chair people. Feel free to provide our name & phone# to any 14, 2007 general meeting. people who have interest in joining HISC. Kathleen & Phil Viscomi heard about HISC from their friends in the club. They have lived in Boca for 7 years, after moving from Conneicuit. With their 4 children married, the plan is to retire in a few years and become live aboard's. Their boat "Andiamo" is an Island Gypsy 32 Trawler. Kathleen and Paul have been to some of our raft-ups and hope to gain some boating expertise from some of our members. They look foreword to participating in our cruising activities. Richard & Joanmary Heidelberger have lived in Ft. Lauderdale for 5 years. Richard has been sailing for 50 years-mostly in the New York area. He raced a C & C 38 Page 4 New Member - Phil Viscomi The cost of their campaign to get to the Olympics should be about $60,000 (excluding boat and equipment). The majority of this is in transportation and lodging costs at the various events. According to Maureen: "The best way and most painless way to support us is the giving of Air Miles or Hotel Points. These costs are what choke the campaign. We need about 12 round-trip, crosscountry airline tickets for training and regattas. Typically a cross country flight is 25,000 points, it's usually best to purchase the flight directly using your points, rather than try to By: John Tucker transfer them to us. We also need 75+ hotel rooms, primarily Many of you know our local sailor Karen Mitchell is compet- in Newport RI, Rochester NY." Cash of course would be ing for the one place on the US Paralympic SKUD sailing appreciated and they have a 501c3 (tax deductible foundateam in the 2008 Olympics. What you probably don't know tion). is that my cousin Dan's wife Maureen will be competing against her. They will be sailing in the new SKUD 18' class Please check out Nick's website at www.alove4sailing.com boats which were designed for sailors with disabilities. The and consider helping them. Be it Karen or Maureen and Nick SKUD has a main, jib, an asymmetrical spinnaker and a bulb we should support their efforts. You know who I will be keel. For the Paralympics, the skipper must be categorized rooting for… as a FCS1 (the most severely disabled category) and the team must have one female crewmember. Maureen McKinnonTucker and her quest for the Paralympics in Beijing Maureen is a mother of two, including a toddler, and is a paraplegic since a fall off of a seawall when they were on vacation over ten years ago. They live in Marblehead MA and she teaches sailing for persons with disabilities in Boston. She, like Karen, wants to be the first woman to medal for the USA in Paralympic Sailing. In the 2004 Paralympics in Athens only 4 of the 250 sailors were women. She has sailed against Karen for years in the Sonar's and now the SKUDs, and won the USA Pre-trials last year in Newport with her former partner, Mark Lewis. She has consistently finished at or on the top in the Paralympic events. To improve her chances in the Olympics, Maureen has teamed up with Nick Scandone of Newport Beach Ca. Nick is an accomplished racer both before and after he was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease) in 2002. In 2005 he won the World Open Championship in the 2.4 meter class (one person, mini Soling) against 88 both able bodied and disabled sailors. Due to his many accomplishments, Nick was awarded the 2005 Rolex Yachtsman of the Year award. As his disease has progressed, Nick has lost most of the strength in his legs and arms. The class allows for power assisted steering devices and Maureen will be doing the sail handling. They are excited with their new boat which was delivered last month and they have a busy regatta schedule leading up to the Paralympic trails to be held in Newport October 7th to 15th. ROSTER UPDATES NEW MEMBERS Richard & Joanmary Heidelberger 1518 SE 14th Street Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 (954) 523-1540 bedouin@msn.com Bedouin - Gulfstar 50 Kathleen & Phil Viscomi 831 NE 72nd Street Boca Raton, FL 33487 (561) 989-0805 pviscomi@bellsouth.net Andiano - Island Gypsy 32 page 5 Club Classifieds DINGHY FOR SALE. 8'6" Zodiac RU260 for sale. Like New only $400. Includes carrying bag, oars & padded storage seat. Please contact Randy Tice @ (561) 998-2174. FOR SALE: 14' THOMPSON SEA SKIFF, 1948. ’68 O.B. 45 H.P. Chrysler. Trailer. Anchor, lifejackets, flares, FL Title and FL registration for trailer. Survey value 2003: $7000. Asking $5500. John Antweiler 954 942-8590. WANTED: Dock space needed for my O’Day 28 (Queen Maus). Draft 4 ft 8 inch. Where I’m now can’t move the boat for an average of 7 Hrs every day. We would like to participate in more club functions. Thks for any lead.. Contact Carlos Trappberger (954) 242 1889. For Sale: Walker Bay Dinghy, 10' Exc condition, $450.00 Steve 561 - 289 5328 For Sale: Kindred Spirit. 1968 Morgan 34 Many upgrades. Yanmar 40hp. Sleeps 6. Propane 2-burner stove. Running water. A/C. 12v refrigeration.$30,000 obo. Beautiful to look at; beautiful to sail. Call Peter Wilkinson @ (754) 264-2467. The Inlet Outlet will accept classified ads at nocharge from members in good standing. These ads will be run for one (1) issue only unless renewed. Ads must be submitted in writing. You must notify the editor for each issue in which you wish the ad to run. BOAT US MEMBERSHIP Boat US is increasing their membership dues from $19.00 to $25.00. They have renewed our 50% discount rate and it will now cost $12.50 YR Our reference # is GA-83724S. If you need any additional information call me (954) 481-9919. Capt Bob Rae, Stingrae or e-mail bobdee@bellsouth.net Page 6 2007 Beer Can Series Programs by Paul Chasse, Cheerios by Jamie Cowan We sailors love to raise our sails and cruise the ocean waters moving gently from place to place. Upon arrival at our destination harbor, when we drop anchor, we like to stay PUT. That is to say, we want stay right where we anchor; no dragging, no breaking loose, no waking up in the middle of the night on a sandy beach or worse yet on a rocky shore. Free beer! Free T-Shirts! More fun than you can handle with all your racing friends on Wednesday evenings. If you haven't done a beer can race, you just haven't been living right! We are still just half way through the series, so, even if you haven't made one race yet, you can still come out and qualify for the So, at our July 26th meeting, we are going to have an overall trophy. overview of anchoring techniques and equipment. This information will hopefully help you anchor your boat so that you Many thanks to Tom Garvey for his tireless fund raising. will stay PUT and sleep well. Checks are trickling in thanks to our great sponsors around the community. This year's t-shirts are going fast, as any other Brian Sheehan, the Customer Service Manager with Fortress artistic creation of Pat Anderson tends to do. Anchors in Fort Lauderdale for the past ten years will be our guest speaker. He will present information on anchoring Please note: Our original schedule called for two weeks of no equipment and proper anchoring techniques. Further, with racing in July… the fourth and the eleventh. As of now we are the hurricane season upon us, Brian will be reviewing anchor two races behind due to weather, so we plan to do one race deployment ideas to maximize holding power and to insure on July 11th after all. So change your calendar accordingly. the safety of our boats during a Big Breeeeze. See you on the water! Smooth Sailing and Secure Anchoring, Paul Chasse Cheerios Program Chairman page 7 PENNER TILE, INC • Remodeling • Kitchen and Bath • Tile and Marble Licensed Residential Contractor (CRC-1326700) Broward & Palm Beach Counties - Since 1991 Peter G. Penner Page 8 561.265.0821 page 9 Dade - Broward - Palm Beach Benjamin J. Lusskin Esq. Attorney at Law Civil Litigation Tel# (954) 927-0505 Auto Accidents Fax# (954) 927-9230 Slip and Fall E-Mail benlusskin@bellsouth.net Boating Accidents 1720 Harrison Street; Suite 8D; Hollywood, Fl 33020 Page 10 Race Report by Ken Scott Well we're halfway through our 2007 Coastal Series with the Buck Carlisle Memorial Regatta being our second of four in the series. We had 16 beautiful boats come out for a wonderful day on the water. We saw steady winds out of the ENE hovering around 15 knots at the start and it felt like it eased up a little as we moved South. It stayed steady all the way down to what seemed to be a major intersection, or at least some of us wished it were = then we would have had lights to control the traffic! So as we're all watching one large ship coming out the channel from Port Everglades we realize that we have outrigger canoes racing in the Lanakila Iki 12Mile Classic (more about them later) sharing the PE buoy with us as a mark. Oh boy, now we have another large ship coming, fast, from the ENE heading into the Port. OK you can guess the rest of this…all I know is I felt much safer on a sailboat than any of those poor souls in the outriggers! You should have seen their faces as they spun around and tried to paddle away from the bow wakes. It all came off without a hitch, except for the high-speed pursuit between the Coast Guard and Condor. Thanks Frank for not throwing me under the bus. Big congratulations to Brian Broad and Larry Geller on 3rd Tri/Third Try/III Tri (can you tell they're still working on that) for the overall win and taking home the Buck Carlisle Perpetual Trophy. Special thanks goes out to Pete "something came up" Gustafson for once again stepping up to help on the Race Committee. To Julie Tice for the after race event and of course the one and only Cindy for race results and trophies. Oh yeah Team Kia Aniani won the overall on the 12 mile course in about 2 hrs, imagine paddling from the HI Buoy to the PE Buoy and back up the beach!! Although it's not a HISC sponsored event we do have the GTYC Great Turtle Race Regatta, Cheese Burger in ParaRace Report continued on page 12 page 11 Race Report continued from page 11 dise Party and the Regatta Time in the Abacos coming up. I'm sure that again this year we will have a strong showing and when all are back home many stories to share. Next up are our last three buoy races on Sunday, July 22nd which will conclude our Spring Race Series. This is the perfect opportunity to get your crew tuned up for the upcoming Crew Race. The Crew Race is scheduled for the following weekend, Saturday, July 28th. Get them tuned up and let them come out and show their stuff; you'll be surprised by what they can do if given the opportunity. "The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails." -William A. Ward Page 12 page 13 Page 14 page 15 Trawler Tracks by Doug Knickerbocker, Yankee Rover How about stabilizers. Definitely not a sailboat item. Besides, that's what sails are for. On trawlers, however, the full displacement hulls are noted for their ability to rock, and rock, and rock... The solution (although some think very expensive) is stabilizers. Before the hydraulic and electronic models, there were "flopper stoppers". These are vanes streamed outboard of the hull (like fishing trawlers). Very old technology and not very convenient on the ICW when you are about to be waked by a "SeaRay" (apologies to Unforgettable). On the Krogen (Yankee Rover) our stabilizers are mounted amidships halfway between the water line and the bottom of the keel. They point out at approximately 45 degrees but do not extend outboard of the rail or below the bottom of the keel (the relatively protected area of the boat). Ours are hydraulically operated with a hydraulic gyro to figure out the control (just like a helicopter). The vanes are each 6 square feet in size. This varies depending on the size of the vessel. The operation is so smooth you don't sense the movement. I have to go down to the engine room to watch them move if I want to make sure they are working properly. The vanes are counterpoised (move synchronously in opposite directions). The manufacturers usually recommend that you use them all the time. The only time they aren't used is when you are motionless. Then you manually center then with a electronic switch. Some of the later ones automatically center themselves when motion stops. Stabilizers reduce helm fatigue both on the ICW and off shore and save the china and glassware. And allows cooking under way. Naturally, they only dampen side too side rocking, not fore and aft movement. Elizabeth testifies it was the best investment we made in the boat. Again, very low Page 16 maintenance. We just had them serviced before we left on the current cruise. They've been in 3 years of continuous service without a problem. The vanes were pulled, seals replaced, checked for leaks, and put back in service. The companies that service them are very responsive and support is always just a phone call away, regardless of where you are. Last night we were anchored in Mile Hammock Bay, which is part of Camp Lejune, NC, the US Marine training base. Watched an Osprey (US Marine type) do touch and go by the anchorage (during sundowners). Later, after dark, they put on another show. Three of them with their lights off for about an hour. The whole boat shook. Better than the air show! It's June 15th, and we are in Beaufort, NC, for the weekend. Met Zebulon (Tom Fagan) at the dock. A cruising point! We weathered "Barry" just fine anchored up a river just south of Thunderbolt, GA, on our Bruce with 150 feet of chain. Swung within a boat length of the marsh, but were still in 17 feet of water. We are about a week behind Plan C (Tom and Judy Morin), but hope to link up in the Chesapeake for at least another cruising point or two. Then on to Maine for the summer. Youth Sailing by Dennis Tynan, Soulmate Fall Youth Sailing to begin September 8th. Summer is going by fast so mark your calendar for September 8th and the beginning of Fall Youth Sailing. With Hurricane Wilma taking all the trees down, there is more consistent wind for our Junior Sailors. Scott Romberger and the rest of the Youth Sailing Committee are looking forward to seeing all former students; as well as any new young sailors who are interested in honing their sailing skills. For new members of HISC, the Youth Sailing classes are free to children of members between the ages of 8 & 16. The sessions are held at Quiet Waters Park on Powerline Road in Deerfield Beach. There will be four (4) fall sessions: September 8th, 15th, 29th & October 13th. Anyone who would like additional information please call Dennis Tynan @ (954) 785-3666. Pictures from the May Youth Sailing Picnic page 17 Page 18 page 19 Tom Jockers - Looking to be a reliable member of your race crew. Crewed on Contrails, Glory Daze & Kindred Spirit. Dependable crew member, I have participated in almost every club race the past 3 years. (561) 239-7441 Tom.Jockers@bluegreencorp.com. Toni Lugger - New member taking all of the boating/sailing courses (quick learner) and looking to sail/race with fun experienced people. She has crewed on various boats (Karma-HISC; Mostly Harmless-GSC; etc.) in many local races in the last few months. (954) 579-5511 (C) Snowfun150@aol.com. George Morrissey - Very experienced owner of a Pearson 36 (in Lake Michigan). Has raced the Mackinac race 31 times (1st overall of 300 boats in 2005). HISC new member and part time Delray resident thru the end of March. He likes racing and his wife, Mary Kay, is a cruiser. (561) 272-0556 (H) or (708) 567-1776 (C) Gmm8141@aol.com. Stan Rubin - Former sailboat owner with 30 years sailing experience (Long Island, Chesapeake, and Delaware Bay). Prefers cruising to racing, but happy to race if it gets him on a sailboat. (561) 271-6163 truecourse@adelphia.net. Carlos Trappberger - Cruising sailboat owner "Queen Maus" (28' O'Day). Would like to crew with other club members to cruise or race (JAM or ARC) to gain more experience. Available every 2nd weekend and then 4 days off (Sat.-Tues.). (561) 395-8787 (H) or (954) 242-1889 (C) caetrapp@yahoo.com. Fleur de Beaulieu (Ericson 32) - Capt. Carole Fielder looking for crew for day-sailing and weekend cruising. (954) 9462956 sailcarole@aol.com. JoyRide (Beneteau 38) - Capt. John Sammons looking for crew for club racing and local regattas. (954) 536-2617 joyriders@bellsouth.net. Note: Any HISC member looking to crew, or Captains (boats) looking for crew, can be added to our new Crew/ Boat pool. E-mail a SHORT description of your interest (cruising/racing/both) to the crew pool chairman, Hutch, at mastman13@comcast.net and we will add the info to the list. Page 20 Tide Predictions for Hillsboro Inlet, Coast Guard Light Station, Florida page 21 ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ Page 22 page 23 Inlet/Outlet Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club P.O Box 5241 Lighthouse Point, FL 33074-5241 Don't miss this great source of information provided by Michael Duvall, Webmaster. It is well worth your time to check this out. INTERNET HOME iNTERPAGEINTERNET HOME PAGE: http://www.hisc.org The Inlet/Outlet, with color photos, is now available in Acrobat pdf format on the HISC web site Bill Shomo Your AD-MAN, for INLET/OUTLET Business Card "Special", for Club Members $100.00/per yr. 11-issues Also Larger Ads Available Call for Info: 954-946-6689 E-MAIL NOTICES If you are not receiving periodic e-mail notices of HISC events or if you want to be removed from the list send an e-mail to: Dave Coviello at: pcoviell@us.ibm.com Inlet /Outlet email address! editor@hisc.org DEADLINE THE 15TH Page 24
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