March - Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club
March - Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club
HILLSBORO INLET SAILING CLUB March 2016 From The Helm By Larry Geller Commodore Third Try AHOY HISC members and guests. I want to start my year by thanking our membership and the Board for giving me this opportunity to be your Commodore. It is an honor! I also want to thank the past commodores who have helped groom me for this position and set me off on the right direction. Without their help this would be overwhelming! It is hard to believe that we have been members of the club for 12 years! In our first year, we just came out for the races and brought the kids to Youth Sailing. We rarely attended an after race party (we didn’t win much in the early years!), a dinner dance or other events. As we got to know other members, they invited us to participate in other events, and our circle of friends grew rapidly. As our circle grew, so did our chance to experience new adventures on the water. We began doing distance races – first the Palm Beach Race, then Key Largo and later the Fort Lauderdale to Key West Continued on Page 2 Lighthouse Point, Florida Inside This Issue From the Helm 1&2 Club Events/Racing/Information 3 Membership/Racing 4 Miami to Havana Race Report 5 General Meeting Program 6 Hillsboro Inlet Depths 6 Change of Command Raft Up Flyer 7 Bill Nederlanden Race Flier 8 Club Photos 9 Chili Cook Off Review 10 St. Patricks Day Flyer 11 Crew Pool 12 Club Classifieds 13 Advertising 14 Calendars 18 Race. We also began cruising, spending nights on the boat and taking trips to participate in RTIA. The camaraderie and added security of sharing these adventures with close friends has been amazing! Over the past few years, we became more involved, serving as race chairman, joining the board and being nominated to be Commodore. It has been great watching the club grow stronger over these years, and with the hard work Suzi and her team, I feel like I am taking the helm of a blue water ship! Our membership is up, and we have had standing room only attendance at our General Meetings. Our finances are strong, and most importantly, we have a great group of many volunteers who have been hard at work planning some exciting events. Here are some highlights of for the next few months: BROWARD CUP/ST PATRICKS DAY CRUISE – your racing and cruising committees have been organizing a plan to combine these events into an awesome weekend of fun – March 12 – 13. BLOOD DRIVE – This has always been a special event for me, and I would love to see a record take this year – let’s go for Sixty Pints! HOSPICE FUN DAY – is a new event designed to help raise big bucks for Hospice, separate and apart from the Hospice Regatta. It is scheduled for Friday, May 6. THANK YOU to all of the volunteers who are making these events possible, and remember, the club can only give to you what you give to the club, so if you are not currently on a committee, and want to get involved, please just let us know and we will find a spot for you. Another way that I would like EVERYONE to help our volunteers is to make an effort to sign up early for our various events. Many of us wait till the last minute to register for a race, reserve a table at a dinner dance or commit to a cruise. Doing this last minute makes the committees’ jobs much more difficult, so please, let’s all try to show our appreciation for their efforts by being prompt! Thank you. Larry Geller, Commodore THIRD TRI2 Club Credo The purpose of the Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club is to develop, encourage,and stimulate an interest in sailing in the Hillsboro Inlet area. It is our responsibility to promote fellowship and camaraderie among sailors in our club, among sailors in the area and among our guests. Membership An application for membership in HISC may be obtained from membership chairpersons Robert and Patricia Schuldenfrei at (561) 582-3340 ( or by contacting any club member. There is a $30.00 initiation fee and annual dues of $150 (family), $125 (single), are payable upon joining and every January thereafter. After June 30, the dues are 75.00 (family) or $62.50 (single) for the rest of the current year for new members. Monthly General Meeting The Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club holds a monthly membership meeting generally on the second Thursday of each month, 7:00pm at the Lighthouse Point Yacht and Racquet Club, 2701 N.E. 42nd Street, Lighthouse Point, Tel: (954)942-7224. Please check the monthly calendar or call the editor for any changes in the meeting dates, times, or locations. 2 HISC 2016 Officers Upcoming Events Date Event March 3rd. Board Meeting Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Past Commodore Treasurer Secretary Two Year Directors March 5/6th. Change Of Command Raft Up March 10th. General Meeting March 12th. St Patricks Day Cruise March 13th Broward Cup (HISC –v– GSC) One Year Directors March 20th. Spring Series Races 1 & 2 Audit Nominating Larry Geller Hector Arrillaga Bob Schuldenfrei Suzi Wehe Michael Cross Deborah Menagh Paul Ferrara Dave Lockman Jim Wallace Judy Whittaker Brian Broad Karyn Katz Races & After Race Parties Schedule Date Race Hosts March 13th. Broward Cup Larry Geller - Commodore March 20th. Spring Series Races #1 & #2 Bob and Barb Stevens April 3rd Spring Series Races 3 & 4 Michael and Brenda Duvall April 9th The Nederlanden Race Suzi and Michael Carrington Cruising Calendar MONTH March DAY(S) 5 - 6th. EVENT Change of Command Raft Up HOSTS Cruising Committee LOCATION Lake Boca March 12-13th. St Patricks Day Cruise Eximius,Popoki Too, Le Bon Vie Lake Sylvia March 26th. Easter Cruise TBN TBN BOAT US MEMBERSHIP Boat US membership dues are $30.00. Since we have a group membership; current HISC Members as well as any new HISC Members in 2016 should only pay $15.00. Our Group Number is GA83724S If you need any additional information call me, Tim Leonard, Boat US Coordinator at (754) 367-1085 or e-mail to 3 Membership was 2 Year Director Judy Whittaker. Patricia DeMars have joined us in membership. Patricia has crewed for HISC members Hans Conrad, Hector & Lucy Arrillaga, and Danny Escobar in the Hospice Races. She is a commercial real estate appraiser and broker and a native of Ft. Lauderdale. Her sponsors are Alan Katz and Bill Zimmer. The Board member who did the interview was 1 Year Director Graham Danvers. By Patricia and Robert Schuldenfrei Esprit du Vent New Members Wolfram & Yolita Ripoll ar e now members of the HISC. Yolita started sailing at age 10 with her father, in a 23’ wooden sailboat her father built himself. Later she sailed competitively in Snipes and won the Caribbean Pan-American cup in 1972. Wolfram too started sailing with his father off the coast of Cartagena, Colombia. They got married in 1977 and continue sailing both competitively as well as for pleasure. They lived in Virginia Beach for 15 years where their kids were raised. Wolfram & Yolita continue to race the regatta season in Cartagena in a Beneteau First 447 January to April. When back in Florida they sail Attitude Adjustment, a Beneteau Cyclades 50. Their sponsors are Peter Gustafson and Tom Garvey. The Board member who did the interview was 2 Year Director Judy Whittaker. Roster Updates Ripoll, Wolfram & Yolita 2770 NE 8 Court Pompano Beach, FL 33062 Attitude Adjustment – Beneteau Cyclades 50 (954) 495-5079 Cell: (305) 798-1389 Member since: 2016 Jason & Andrea Soldini have joined our club. They have grown up and lived in the area all their lives. Their family has always enjoyed a boating lifestyle. Their children are ages 5, 10, 17, and 19 and all love boating. In 2008, Jason stumbled into sailing when he couldn't pass up a 14' Sail Cat catamaran for only $200. After some time sailing it locally and in Biscayne Bay, Indian River Lagoon, and Big Pine key, Jason dreamed of a bigger sailing vessel. In 2011, he purchased a MacGregor 25 retractable keel trailable sailboat named Lulu II. Jason's downfall is that his sense of adventure usually overshadows that of his family’s and is generally bigger than a boat this size can accommodate. He is considering changing the vessel name to Bigger Dreams. Their sponsors are Dale Kern and Graham Danvers. The Board member who did the interview Soldini, Jason & Andrea 1400 NW 46 St. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 Lulu II - MacGregor 25 (954) 254-3769 Member since: 2016 DeMars Patricia Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 (954) 242-7719 Member since: 2016 Wingate, Catherine [Reinstatement] 2043 SW 15th St. #203 Deerfield Beach, FL 33442 (954) 725-9335 Cell: (954) 242-7117 Member since: 2009 4 Miami to Havana Race Larry Geller aboard SusimiX Four HISC boats par ticipated in the first annual Miami to Havana race. This 210 mile ocean race was sponsored by SORC and the Storm Trysail Club who did a great job of working out the challenging logistics for this new event. I raced aboard SusimiX with Michael Carrington, Eduardo Rabadan, Alan Katz, Greg Galanis and Brian Broad. Our adventure started on Wednesday morning as we prepared for our departure from Coconut Grove. With several news crews on the docks taking video, photos and interviewing crew members, it was one of the most exciting departures that I can remember! We raced in PHRF B. There were a total of 13 boats in our class, and as the slowest rated boat in the group, we knew that we had our work cut out for us. The race started in very light air, and had a great first leg as we pulled away from many of the boats in our fleet. Later that evening, the wind started to build and we were passed by a few of the faster rated boats, but felt like we were keeping most of them in range through the night. By dawn on Thursday, we were getting close to Key West and needed to make the big decision on where to cross the Gulf Stream. Some boats had gone early – they were sailing a direct course but fighting the current for many hours. We elected to wait, and then worked south as quickly as we could, trying to take the current on the beam rather than head on. There were many hours of doubt during the day, and we lost track of many of our competitors, but as we approached the finish, and heard other boats calling in, we realized that we had gained a lot of ground and eventually took Third Place in our class! The most daring move among the HISC boats was made by Grand Cru. Danny and his crew went WAY west, caught some favorable currents, and took FIRST PLACE in PHRF class D. Congratulations are also due to Contrails and Sempre Amantes for completing the course in some very big seas! Full results are available here Race_Number=1&eID=1545 and the tracks of various boats can be viewed here http:// Larry Geller 5 H.I.S.C Program March 10th. The annual Captains Meeting for the HISC Race Program All Captains and Crew who are expecting to take part in the Race Program are asked to attend. Michael Carrington - Race Committee Chair The Hillsboro Inlet Soundings are provided by Jack Holland, we hope you find them useful when Navigating the Inlet Jack Holland Chairman Hillsboro Inlet District Staff 6 7 8 9 Chilly night for a perfect Chili Cook-off We had a great turnout for the 15th Annual Chili Cook-off at Lake Boca on Feb 6th. Twelve club boats rafted up, accompanied by a number of other club members and made their final preparations for the contest. Nine pots of steaming chili and their “fixins” were displayed aboard host boat Adelante. Co-host Kokomo displayed the appetizers and desserts, encouraging the HISC fiesta to move between the catamarans. Samples were taken to the “judging salon” aboard Kokomo where Commodore Susi Wehe and Rear Commodore Hector Arrillaga judged the anonymous samples while everyone else was invited to enjoy the spicy feast with yummy side dishes and desserts. Eileen Winchell of Kokomo announced the winners: Hottest Edible: Persistence- cook: Bill Zimmer Best Presentation: Adelante- cook: Nancy Danvers Tastiest: Duet- cook: Colleen Stolberg Cheshire (Jeff Miskin) and Sea Dragon (Bill Wilson) Tastiest Honorable Mentions: As we settled in for a fine evening of camaraderie and laughter, the temperature began to fall and after a while a rainsquall or two. The crew aboard Duet treated us with a round of hot buttered rum to warm us up! Our spirits were again lifted and we carried on. Other HISC member boats who rafted up: Endeavour, Shoal Mate, Glory Daze, Spruce Goose, Eximius, Wind Angel, and carrying members from Jolly I, Alibrije and Popoki. 10 11 Crew KING for Boats Cindy Kehoe – Able bodied “crew person” would like to join other HISC sailors for fun in the sun racing/ cruising. I have crewed on Karma, A loha, Danse de Lune, and Condor. (561) 445-0770 (C) or Bob & Barb Stevens – Part-time Hillsboro Beach residents with 10 yrs. of bare boat charters on 25’-45’ boats. Would like to race and cruise when in town throughout the year. (812) 371-1356 (C) or Randy Zelden Beginner sailor looking for oppor tunities to act as cr ew in any appr opr iate capacity. I have limited sailing experience, mostly on hobie craft. Anxious to learn and assist to the best of my ability as crew member. Contact: tel. (561) 542-2974. e-mail: Renee Wylie – Has crewed & raced with several club boats and is looking to do some cruising on some of the cruising boats. (954) 425-2082 or Ira Wechterman is a r ecently r etir ed dentist who has cr uised and r aced for the past 40 year s. He and his wife have bare boat chartered in the Virgin Islands multiple times. They currently have a Pearson 39 for sale in Huntington Long Island NY. They are now permanent residents here in Fla. During his last season racing with the Setauket Yacht Club his boat was first in their division. Ira and his wife both like to day sail and cruise. Ira especially likes to race and is looking to be a regular crew member. Please give him a call if you need crew to either race or cruise. (631) 834-6374. David Livingston is ASA Certified 101, 103, 104 and 114. If you require crew, call me at (561) 8436328 and I’ll see if I can help out. Fair Winds and Following Seas! Jerry Freedman has gr eat cr edentials and wishes to cr ew on cr uises and r aces. Sailing (Captain) my own boat Chitter Chatter, a Coronado 25 sloop with fixed keel, main, 150 genoa, and a cruising spinnaker, 9.9 OB powered for over 40 years. Regions sailed are: Plymouth Bay Mass (2yrs., O’DAY Javelin); Chesapeake Bay (Annapolis); South New Jersey Coastal Ocean (24 yrs.); Raritan Bay, Sandy Hook Coastal, Lower NYC harbor (2 yrs.), 1 winter sailing a HOLDER 12 on Lake Worth FL ShakeALeg Miami Volunteer (Captain/ Crew) for 6 years on Biscayne Bay with Special-needs kids for sailing students using Catalina 22s Other Regions sailed are: BVI bare boat charter (Moorings 36 ft. sloop), Norfolk-to-Annapolis Morgan 42 boat delivery, Annapolis-to-Ocean City NJ boat delivery. Contact: or from April 30 (561) 369-8503 and from May 1 to Oct 31 (732) 446-7475. Boats L KING for Crew Susimi X Michael Car r ington welcomes potential cr ew member s for HISC club r aces. Contact: mcar r 954 305 3549 Esprit du Vent Bob & Pat Schuldenfr ei and Chr isteen Pozniak & Fr anco Cer vetto will welcome any member to enjoy a day-sail on our Catalina 34. If you would like to join us please send an e.mail message to Any HISC member looking to crew, or Captains (boats) looking for crew, can be added to our new Crew/Boat pool. E-mail a SHORT description of your interest & experience (cruising/ racing/both) to the crew pool chairman, Brenda Duvall, at by the 15th of any month and we will add the info to the list. Any questions just give me a call (954) 249-9539. 12 Club Classifieds For Sale: Magic, Cal 2-27, 1979, hull #627. Contact: Michael Duvall at or (954) 531-4538 See view/48550 for more details. For Sale 50 ft 1980 Carter Staysail Schooner, Shoal Draft, Fort Lauderdale Contact Mary Fran Reed (954) 734-4373 For Sale: 10 ft. West Mar ine inflatable dinghy with high pressure bottom and a 6 hp four stroke Mercury engine with few hours. $2000.00. Call Frank Tippett @ 561-843-1077. Dock space for rent in SE Boca. Up to 45’ - up to 6 ½’ draft. No live-a-boards. Water and electricity. Very secure and private. Only 20 minutes to the Boca inlet. John Van Blois (561) 251-0579 or (561) 414-5388. Wanted - Buyer for a safe exceptional seagoing vessel, well cared by original owner. Updated rigging and sails 2007. NO teak decks. New bowsprit. Radar, SSB,VHF, Dinghy Davits, Cabin heater, Lectra-San head. Separate shower stall, Sea Frost refrigeration/freezer. Recently CSC bottom paint, Hull compounded polished, 3QM30H serviced. A MUST SEE TAYANA 37 1981 Mar k II Cutter. Reasonable offers will be considered. Joe Tosta (954) 614-8024. For Sale 2007 Tar tan 4100. Nino was designed, built and fully equipped for long range cruising. Her center board draft is 4’3”/8 which makes cruising the Florida Keys and the shallow areas of the Bahamas very accessible, She has been maintained to the highest standards and is ready to cruise. Price $299,000. Contact Gus Sclafani (516) 279-8142 For Sale: 2011 Mer cur y 15 HP outboar d, Tiller steer ing with extension, SE Sport 200 trim tab. Low usage: less than 30 hours total time. $1000. Located in LHP. Barry Simmons Dock space for rent in Lighthouse Point . Up to 40’ up to 5’ draft. No live- a- boards. Only 20 minutes to Hillsboro Inlet. Bob Odell (954) 802-5657 or (954) 732 0827. For Sale: DELTA ANCHOR 55 pounds $200.00 Dick Simmons s/v Gusto!!! 561-715-7603 For Sale: Mast-Head Bird Deterrent : custom installation , safe, non-metallic, flexible , removable, easily stored. Other deterrents available. Contact: Ira Wechterman (member) or call (631) 834-6374 Dock space behind pr ivate home. $300/ mo for boats up to 35 ft. No fixed bridges. No live aboards. Electric, Water and Mooring whips available. call Joe @ 954-614-8024. Inlet Outlet Editor Paul Alcock The Inlet/Outlet is published by the Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club. Items for publication should be submitted to the Inlet Outlet Editor: in text format. For Sale: The CONDOR needs a new nest. Classic 1980 Tartan 33, hull #54. Less than 300 hours on Yanmar 30 engine. Contact Frank Tippett at 561-843-1077 Paper documents or photos should be delivered or mailed to: Paul Alcock - Inlet Outlet Editor 5804 NW 18th Court For Sale: 14 ft. day sailor with tr ailer . Lido 14 $1.000, (954) 491-6539 Please leave message. Margate FL 33063 For Sale: For Sale: NEW, 6 HP Nissan O.B., 4 Stroke 2002 Brand New in the box w/Fuel Tank, Fuel Line & Manual. $1,000.00 DEADLINE THE 15TH OF THE MONTH Tel: (954) 736-7114 Please notify Inlet/Outlet of address or email address changes so that you will not miss any issues. Ladd Caine S/V Blue 775-830-5555 Please Note. The Online Edition of the Inlet Outlet may contain additional copy & pictures. The Inlet Outlet will accept classified ads at no charge from members in good standing. These ads will be run for one(1) issue only unless renewed. Ads must be submitted by Email to Please notify the editor for each issue in which you wish the ad to run. 13 14 Member of HISC Since 1984. 15 16 17 18 27 Easter Cruise Spring Race 1 & 2 20 Broward Cup 13 St Pats Cruise Change of Command Raft up 6 Sun 28 21 14 7 Mon 29 22 15 8 1 Tue 30 23 16 2 Wed 4 31 24 17 25 18 10 11 General Meeting at LHPYRC 3 Board Meeting Thu Fri Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club - March 2016 Youth Sailing 26 Easter Cruise 19 Youth Sailing Youth Sailing 12 St Pats Cruise Change of Command Raft Up 5 Sat Sun 3 4 Spring Serices 3 &4 Mon Tue 1 9 2 Fri 8 Thu 6 Wed Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club - April 2016 5 23 7 Board Meeting 22 30 16 21 29 13 20 28 12 19 27 11 18 26 10 17 25 14 15 General Meeting At LHPYRC 24 31 Sat 19 Inlet/Outlet Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club P.O. Box 5241 Lighthouse Point, FL 33074-5241 Don't miss this great source of information provided by Michael Duvall, Webmaster. It is well worth your time to check this out. INTERNET HOME PAGE The Inlet/Outlet, with color photos, is available on the HISC website. E-MAIL NOTICES Ads for the Inlet/Outlet If you : are not receiving periodic e-mail notices of HISC events. do not wish to receive HISC notifications. wish to send an appropriate e-mail “blast” to all members. Send an e-mail to Paul Alcock at: Graham Danvers is your ad-man, for the Inlet/ Outlet. Business Card "Special", for Club Members $100.00/per yr. 11-issues Also Larger Ads Available . Call for Info: (561) 302-2908 20
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