May - Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club
May - Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club
HILLSBORO INLET SAILING CLUB May 2008 From The Helm Lighthouse Point, Florida Inside this Issue From The Helm 1-2 Upcoming Events 3 Racing 4 Cruising 5 By Julie Tice Commodore, Joie de Vivre Classifieds 6 Programs 7 Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” Mark Twain New Members 10 Race Results 12 Youth Sailing 13 Calendar 15-16 Trawler Tracks 17 Beer Can Column 17 Crew Pool 18 Tide Predictions 19 It’s hard to believe another month has gone by. Our Spring Racing Series is over, and the Youth Sailing Spring Series only has one more session. At April’s meeting I’ve leaned I don’t want to sail from France to Brazil in a 21 foot boat. We’ve also experience a very rainy Easter Cruise and our first coastal race, Old Port Cove Regatta. As always, the participation is great, with the exception of the rainy Easter were only 6 boats ventured out in the storm. HELM continued on page 2 page 1 Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club Inlet Outlet Editor BryonyLaRue, Pi The Inlet/Outlet is published by the Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club. Items for publication should be submitted to the Inlet/OutletEditor Paper documents or photos should be given or sent to Bryony LaRue, 254 SW 6th St. Dania Beach, FL 33004 DEADLINE THE 15TH Tel: (954)663-2507 Please notify Inlet/Outlet of address changes so you will not miss any issues. Officers Commodore Vice Commodore Rear Commodore Secretary Treasurer Board of Governors Betty Coviello Brenda Smith Frank Tippett Paul Chasse Past Commodore Staff Commodore Julie Tice Sully Sullivan Jeff Kunkel Maureen Leonard Eileen Winchell 2 Years 2 Years 1 Years 1 Years Tim Leonard Doug Knickerbocker Club Credo The purpose of the Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club is to develop, encourage, and stimulate an interest in sailing in the Hillsboro Inlet area. It is our responsibility to promote fellowship and camaraderie among sailors in our club, among sailors in the area and among our guests. HELM continued from page 1 May brings another fun filled month of sailing. Our Wednesday night Beer Can series begins May 7th @ 7:00 p.m. at the HI Buoy. The Hospice Regatta is also scheduled for May 17th. And back by popular demand is the Lobster/Claim Bake Dinner. As in past years, we want a great HISC showing, so sign up for the regatta at regattaevents.html. Bon voyage to all you cruisers going to the Bahamas in May. For those of you that will be around, you don’t want to miss the May program, Cruising to the Bahamas. Our Cruising Chairs, Hal & Mary Steward and Alan & Karen Katz, have a great program lined up. If you have any specific questions you would like answered during the program about cruising to the Bahamas, please contact them. The next big cruise is the Memorial Day Cruise hosted by Joie de Vivre and Endeavour. We are resurrecting the Fantasy Cruise theme after taking a year off. This year we are going to Australia and Tahiti. But instead of sailing south into the Southern Hemisphere (Miami), we are going to head north to go “down under”. Lake Boca will be the staging area for the rally race to Lake Worth Inlet, so join us for an extra cruising point on Friday night. Saturday night will be at the North Palm Beach Anchorage (Australia) just north of Old Port Cove Marina and Sunday will be at the anchorage south of Peanut Island (Tahiti). Please read the flyer for more details. Membership An application for membership in HISC may be obtained from membership chairpersons Frank & Judy Tippett @ (561) 394-6846 or by contacting any club member. There is a $30.00 initiation fee and annual dues of $125 (family), $100 (single), are payable upon joining and every January thereafter. After June 30, the dues are $62.50 (family) or $50.00 (single)for Some of you may be aware that the Fort Lauderdale the rest of the current year for new members. police are harassing boaters in Lake Sylvia saying that they can’t anchor overnight, or can only stay 1 night. Under current Florida anchoring laws, they do not Monthly General Meeting The Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club holds a monthly membership meeting have the right to do this. Florida Law forbids local generally on the second Thursday of each month, 7:00pm at the governmental authorities from regulating the anchoring Lighthouse Point Yacht and Racquet Club, 2701 N.E. 42nd Street, of a private sailboat, yacht, or motorboat outside of a Lighthouse Point, Tel: (954)942-7224. Please check the monthly mooring field unless that vessel is the operator’s resicalendar or call the editor for any changes in the meeting dates, times, dence or place of business. Please visit our website or locations. Picture Credits Paul Maloney Page 2 HELM continued from page 2 and print out a copy of the Florida Anchoring Rights and keep it onboard your vessel. If you are asked to “move along”, there are instructions in this document on how to report abuse. This legislation is being challenged in the Florida Appellate Courts, which is apparently why Fort Lauderdale feels they can start disputing the law. While I don’t want anyone getting arrested over this issue, we need to be informed as boaters and politely challenge the police and let them know we know our rights. We also have members of our club that live in Fort Lauderdale that are calling the Mayor and Chief of Police. Hopefully, if the realize how informed the boating community is they will stop the insanity. Sailing off to the next Event… UPCOMING EVENTS Board meeting @ West Marine April 30 Beer Can Race #1 May 7 General Meeting @ LHPYRC May 8 Youth Sailing Spring Series #4 May 10 Beer Can Race #2 May 14 Hospice Regatta - Ft. Lauderdale May 17 Beer Can Race #3 May 21 Memorial Day Cruise May 24 - 26 Beer Can Race #4 May 28 Board Meeting @ West Marine June 5 The lovely Hutch Hutchinson Models the latest in HISC fashion at the April Meeting. page 3 Racing byCarl Wehe, Glory Daze More food for thought, Racing Rules of Sailing Part 2 Section D 22.1 Ifreasonably possible, a boat not racing shall not interfere with a boat that is racing. Don’t you just love springtime in Florida? We get to go racing everyweekend!!! Doesn’t leave much time for the other things in life, (I still don’t know what these other things are, but people tell me that they exist). Bythe time you read this we will have had nine races in five weekends, The first half has seen good participation in both fleets, and I hope to see this trend continue. The Hospice Regatta is fast approaching and I would like to see a record turnout, let’s show these other local clubs how it’s done. All you racers should remember that everyone who helps put these races together are volunteers, so next time you see someone who has done beach committee, give them a great big thank you. Without them we would not have much racing. Page 4 Cruising Blood Drive By Betty Coviello By Mary & Hal Steward, Southern Breeze and Karen & Alan Katz, Ciboney Well, Sully was right, the Bloodmobiles have a GPS setting for his house.The busses arrived before 4PM on the 18th and were ready to start the bloodletting process right on time. The weather was perfect and Lorrene and Sully have the perfect Lanai for thePot Luck Supper. The food table was overflowing with all varities of foods to compliment the smoked ham and Mary’s roast turkey. The selection of desserts was amazing and many of us indulged with the promise to diet tomorrow. Lenny, our Blood Drive Coordinator, was busy ushering donors into the Vans and at the end of the evening he was quite pleased that HISC had donated 32 units of blood or red blood cells. A very special thanks to the Sullivans for hosting this event and to Mary for coordinatingthe food. Thanks also to all who attended and/or donated. Without all of you this event would not be a success. Boat of Us 2008 Easter Raft Up! One thing that we can say is the Easter Bunny did show up and passed out Easter Bunny goodies. The rain did not keep the bunny away. We would like to thank Love Pat, Plan C and Diversion for showing up and braving the elements. The first place prize for the dinghy parade went to Love Pat, Congratulations! We had Turkey and Ham for the potluck but unfortunately the rain put a damper on our Easter Dinner. We would like to thank our Co-Hosts Alan and Karyn Katz on Ciboney. It’s always a good time when your on the water. We look forward to next year. Ladd And Denise Caine, Easter Hosts, Blue page 5 Club Classifieds FOR SALE: 14' THOMPSON SEA SKIFF, 1948. ’68 O.B. 45 H.P. Chrysler. Trailer. Anchor, lifejackets, flares, FL Title and FL registration for trailer. Survey value 2003: $7000. Asking $5500. John Antweiler 954 942-8590. Boat Parts. 2005 5hp Merc outboard W/ lift sling & dolfins, low hrs., looks new $600; Garmin 3210 10" color chart plotter, W/ all US coastal waters $1200; 2 West jacklines in bags $40 Hawiian sling $25 Shurflo sw washdowm pump, new in box $6. Call Mickey Murphy 561-266-9384 STILL FOR SALE: MY 1980 WATKINS 36, the best equipped and mainained cruising sailboat for the money but now REDUCED to $40,000.00. Too much to list so e-mail For Sale: WANDERING STAR- 1985 Gulfstar-Hirsh 45' center cockpit sloop with bimini, dodger, new fullto RAEKAY@ATT.NET for specs or call to see. 561battened mainsail by Super Sailmakers w/stackpack. 50 HP 392-2697 or 561-289-5765(c). Perkins diesel, autopilot,VHF, radar, chart plotter. Recent bottom paint and survey. Large aft cabin w/head and standup shower. Sleeps 7, 2 electrosan toilets, huge AdlerDock For Rent Barbour refrig. A very roomy,comfortable, fast cruiser. Deepwater, NFB, mooring whips, water and electric asking $99,900. Call Tom and Laura Elling 516- 384-7882 available. Call Joe Tosta 954-782-1880 or cell 954-614-8024 kiS lw ti For Sale: 2002 Com-Pac 35' Sailboat. Lightly used in excellent condition. Air Conditioned, Gen Set, Entertainment Switlik MD-2 6 person offshore liferaft. Center, In Mast Roller Furling, Auto Pilot and much more. $1500 Call John Sammons 954 781 6011 Designed by Charley Morgan and sturdily built by Hutchins Boat Works in Clearwater, FL. This boat is a fast and comfortable cruiser. Contact Paul Chasse for more details. For Sale- CQR 35 anchor. Home 561 394 6125. Cell 561 703 4367. Rusty, but otherwise ok. It never failed. $100.00 Bob Tigar 954-781-5910 For Sale: 1993 Hunter, 33.5, “The Office”. Has marine air, “A” sail with ATN sock and tack, feathering 3 blade prop, full bimini with dodger, garmin 192C w/ 120 as kiS lw ti backup. Two separate VHF, autopilot, 4 golfcarts. Boat has 6’5 headroom and is a very comfortable cruiser and part time club racer, draws 4’6, Yanmar 3gm30 with low hours.Also has a 406 epirb, roll up dinghy and motor. Contact Pat Nannery, 954 249 3679. The Inlet Outlet will accept classified ads at nocharge from members in good standing. These ads will be run for one (1) issue only unless renewed. Ads must be submitted in writing. You must notify the editor for each issue in which you wish the ad to run. Page 6 Programs by Sully Sullivan, Pegasus The May 8th General Meeting Program Presents: BAHAMIAN CRUISING INFORMATION Bahamas Tourist Board As has been tradition with the club, May’s program is devoted to preparing for Bahamian sailing vacations. Our Cruising Chairpeople, Hal and Mary Steward and Alan and Karyn Katz, have arranged for a representative of the Bahamian Tourist Board to speak to us. The representative will be able to give us all the latest information on all aspects of entering and yachting in their island nation. This should include the latest on entry fees, restrictions, and how to clear Bahamian Immigration and Customs. In addition, they will inform us of other applicable regulations plus help and suggestions on destinations. Knowing the Cruising Chairs, the program should be filled with need to know information as well as helpful suggestions to get the most out of your Bahamian trip. Both the Stewards and the Katzs have also promised to make us aware of how to easily re-enter the United States and to clear Customs and Immigration on this side of the Gulfstream. If you haven’t done so already, email the Stewards and/or Katzs your cruising plans so they can be published in next months Inlet Outlet. Please include your boat name, departure and return dates, as well as your anticipated destination. page 7 PENNER TILE, INC • Remodeling • Kitchen and Bath • Tile and Marble Licensed Residential Contractor (CRC-1326700) Broward & Palm Beach Counties - Since 1991 Peter G. Penner Page 8 561.265.0821 BOAT US MEMBERSHIP Boat US is increasing their membership dues from $19.00 to $25.00. They have renewed our 50% discount rate and it will now cost $12.50 YR Our reference # is GA-83724S. If you need any additional information call me (954) 481-9919. Capt Bob Rae, Stingrae or e-mail page 9 New Members Corner By Judy &Frank Tippett, Condor Heather Hoffman has been sponsored by Brenda & Michael Duvall. She’s been crewing on Magic. She is a native of Maine, but she has lived in Florida for the past 10 years. She obviously is interested in racing, but also cruising. Nina & Fred Gelfand are not really new members. They are actually “remembers”. They were part of HISC from 1990-2000. They own a Vagabond 42‘ketch that has taken them to Grenada and back. They are anxious to get back into the club and especially our cruising activities. Page 10 HISC Fantasy Cruise Join us cruising in the Pacific… Memorial Day Weekend May 24th – 26th The assembly location for the flotilla is at Lake Boca - Friday night, May 23rd Get a jump-start on the long weekend and earn an extra cruising point. Up to 3 points will be awarded for this event. Saturday, May 24th, join us for HISCs 3rd Memorial Day Rally, this time north to Palm Beach. Tune in to channel 68 for the Cruisers Net update at 8:30 a.m. daily and get event details and anchorage locations. Rally start time is 9:30 a.m. just outside Boca Inlet. Finish is Lake Worth Inlet Red “2” Fl R 2.5s buoy (to starboard). Record your start and finish times on the Rally Log. Extra handicap points awarded for towing dinghies; full water tanks; bimini up; wearing costumes and anything else the Rally Committee decides you should get more points for. Points taken away for running engines; using spinnakers and shouting “starboard”. The Rally Committee is also not above bribery in the form of liquor, food or money. But you better be creative, as unimaginative or boring bribes can cost you! The idea is to have fun, not necessarily to win the race. May 24th Australia Join us for Happy Hour in your Dingy as we Dink, Drink & Drift. Bring your favorite beverage & appetizer to share during this event. Watch out for Great Whites which are known to inhabit the waters! May 25th Tahiti Join us at Peanut Island for a day of fun in the sun (we will anchor south of the island). Relax on the beach, snorkel in the snorkel lagoon or just explore the island. peanutisland/ Later you can dinghy over to the PGA bridge and walk to a nearby restaurant. Rally results will also be announced and prizes awarded. May 26th Sail back home Please RSVP by May 22nd. Lynn & Jeff Kunkel @ (954) 344-6693. Or e-mail Julie @ This will be used to communicate last minute changes. page 11 H I L L S B O R O I N L E T S A I L I N G C L U B R A C E R E S U L T S SIXTH Race in series Race Number 6 Wind Direction SSE SPRING SERIES Wind Velocity 8-12 Date 04/20/08 Seas 1-2 ARC Course# S/W/L/W/ORG/W/F Distance: 4.80 (Time on time) Conditions correcting Factor (CCF)= 0.7704 (Generated) Place Class Yacht 1 2 SUSIMI E-TICKET 3 4 5 6 7 9 RISKY II OUTER LIMITS GLORY DAZE KAILEYSUE PI KOKOMO Skipper Rating Elapsed H M S 1:11:36 1:11:24 CARRINGTON,M 143 MYERS,D 122 VONHOLTEN,J CONNOLLY,D WEHE,C MALESZEWSKI LARUE,B WINCHELL,L 85 60 162 128 199 154 1: 9: 3 1: 8:37 1:19:13 1:16:34 1:24:26 DNF CCF Corr Time - Sec/Mile 689.5 546.5 687.6 565.6 665.0 660.8 762.9 737.3 813.1 580.0 600.8 600.9 609.3 614.1 Corr HCP New Series Time Time Time Sld Rtg Points H M S 0:43:43 120 136 3/3/.75/.75 0:45:14 118 122 .75/4/2/2 /3/2 0:46:23 95 86 2/.75/2/3 0:48: 3 91 63 3/3/6/4/5/4 0:48: 4 193 165 6/2/4/5/4/5 0:48:44 167 132 7/6 0:49: 7 243 203 6/7 8/7/9/9 JAM Course# S/W/R/A/W/F Distance: 2.50 (Time on time) Conditions correcting Factor (CCF)= 0.6413 (Generated) Place Class Yacht Skipper Rating Elapsed Time H M S 0:47: 8 1 SEMPRE AMANTES WHITTAKER,C 2 UNICORN PETELER,M 159 0:47:28 730.6 571.6 3 4 5 6 7 8 MEANTIME MAGIC TALARIA II CONDOR ALOHA SANAMARIS LEONARD,T DUVALL,M GLENN,W TIPPETT,F GARVEY,T WILKINSON,P 117 238 124 181 161 230 0:46:57 0:55:45 0:50:27 0:55:23 0:54:55 1: 2:17 722.6 858.1 776.5 852.4 845.2 958.6 605.6 620.1 652.5 671.4 684.2 728.6 POOF BE GONE LUV LEE LADY BLALOCK,K MATTIOLI,T 180 211 1: 1:17 943.2 1: 9: 8 1064.0 763.2 853.0 9 10 169 CCF Corr Time Time - Sec/Mile 725.4 556.4 Corr HCP New Series Time Sld Rtg Points H M S 0:23:11 155 163 9/8/4/3/ .75/.75 0:23:48 161 159 2/2/.75/ .75/2/2 0:25:14 153 121 .75/.75/3/3 0:25:50 288 243 5/4/2/6/4/4 0:27:11 206 132 3/9/3/2/5/5 0:27:58 282 191 7/6 0:28:30 275 172 6/7 0:30:21 389 246 10/6/5/ 4/9/8 0:31:48 373 199 7/7/8/5/8/9 0:35:32 494 239 10/10 MANY THANKS TO JUDY WHITTAKER, LINDA GRUHN, HOLLY GRIFFIN AND CINDI PERNO FOR DOING THE BEACH COMMITTEE DUTIES! A JOB WELL DONE AND MUCH APPRECIATED BY THE RACERS! ALSO MANY THANKS TO OUR AFTER RACE PARTY HOSTS MICHAEL & BRENDA DUVALL! H I L L S B O R O I N L E T S A I L I N G C L U B R A C E EIGHTH Race in series Race Number 8 Wind Direction ESE R E S U L T S SPRING SERIES Wind Velocity 10-15 ARC Course# S/W/L/W/L/W/F Distance: 6.00 (Time on time) Conditions correcting Factor (CCF)= 0.7680 (Generated) Place Class Yacht Skipper Rating 115 H M S 1:27:34 Corr Time - Sec/Mile 672.5 557.5 87 1:25:37 657.5 570.5 SUSIMI CARRINGTON,M 137 1:34:49 728.2 591.2 GLORY DAZE WEHE,C 1:41:29 779.4 614.4 1 E-TICKET MYERS,D 2 RISKY II VONHOLTEN,J 3 4 165 Elapsed CCF Corr HCP New Series Time Time Time Sld Rtg Points H M S 0:55:45 103 109 .75/4/2/2/ 3/2/.75/.75 0:57: 3 88 87 2/.75/2/3/ 4/2 0:59: 7 158 139 3/3/.75/.75/ 3/3 1: 1:26 209 169 6/2/4/5/4/ 5/2/4 JAM Course# S/W/R/A/W/L/W/F Distance: 5.25 (Time on time) Conditions correcting Factor (CCF)= 0.9060 (Generated) Place Class Yacht Skipper Rating 1 TALARIA II GLENN,W 133 Elapsed Time H M S 1: 3:57 2 UNICORN PETELER,M 164 1: 9:20 717.9 553.9 3 SEMPRE AMANTES WHITTAKER,C 1:10:40 731.7 577.7 4 MAGIC DUVALL,M 245 1:19:32 823.5 578.5 5 MEANTIME LEONARD,T 119 1: 7:42 701.0 582.0 6 7 CONDOR POOF BE GONE TIPPETT,F BLALOCK,K 197 204 1:18:26 1:23:14 812.1 861.8 615.1 657.8 8 SANAMARIS WILKINSON,P 247 1:29: 2 921.9 674.9 154 CCF Corr Time Time - Sec/Mile 662.2 529.2 MANY THANKS TO JULIE AND RANDY TICE AND LARRY AND EILEEN WINCHELL FOR DOING THE BEACH COMMITTEE DUTIES! A JOB WELL DONE AND MUCH APPRECIATED BY THE RACERS! ALSO MANY THANKS TO DAVID CONNOLLY AND LISA McCULLOUGH FOR HOSTING THE AFTER RACE PARTY! Page 12 Corr HC New Series Time Sld Rtg Points H M S 0:46:18 92 124 3/9/3/2/5/ 5/3/.75 0:48:27 148 162 2/2/.75/.75/ 2/2/6/2 0:50:32 162 155 9/8/4/3/.75 .75/.75/3 0:50:37 254 246 5/4/2/6/4/ 4/5/4 0:50:55 131 120 .75/.75/3/ 3/2/5 0:53:49 242 202 7/6/8/6 0:57:33 292 213 7/7/8/5/8/ 9/7/7 0:59: 3 352 257 10/6/5/4/9/ 8/4/8 Date 04/28/08 Seas 2-4 Youth Sailing By Dennis Tynan, Soulmate I’d like to welcome Phil and Kathleen Viscomi to our youth Sailing Committee. Phil and Kathleen are new members and have a trawler named Andiamo. They and both very knowledgeable and are a welcomed addition to our team. The rest of the committee includes: Scott Romberger, Randy Tice, Lew Klockziem, Larry Winchell and Dennis Tynan WINDY CONDITIONS GREET JUNIOR SAILORS Eleven students were on hand April 5 for the opening day of the 2008 spring youth sailing. Very windy conditions persisted as Scott Romberger organized and prepared the sailors for what they might expect. The A group readied and rigged lasors and sunfish and began some fast sailing on the lake. J.R. Baker and his dad brought their 12 foot Trinka and he and two others sailed in the heavy weather. As the winds got even stronger it proved to be too much for most of the boats. We counted at least eight capsized boats so the students got a quick lesson in righting small boats. All of the students handled the conditions well and really had a ball sailing fast and learned lessons in cooperation after capsizing. This day was the first day of using the “new” prams that were refurbished during our fall work session. It was gratifying to see the newly painted boats on the water. Thanks to all who helped on the work project. We will be having another work session later this spring. April 10 the second session was held and the sailing conditions were perfect. The race to Old Port was held on the same day so many of our committee members and students were participating in that race. The 10 students that showed up enjoyed a great sailing day and Scott was pleased to have an easy day with no boats capsizing. Special thanks to Kellie and Mark Ordway for helping bring the boats to Quiet Waters Park and helping organize the students. Meantime & Karma at last year's Hospice Regatta page 13 Page 14 page 15 Page 16 Trawler Tracks by Doug Knickerbocker, Yankee Rover The rule is “red, right, return”. Or is it? As some of you know (and now you all do), Elizabeth and I are currently “trans-pac” on the Sapphire Princess from Sydney, Australia, to Los Angeles, California, a 31 day adventure across the Pacific, with many exotic stops in between. We departed Sydney harbour on the evening of April 14th. The “sail away” from the harbour was spectactular. The harbour bridge was astern and the opera house to starboard. After clearing the city lights, however, I had a moment of panic (rhymes with Titanic). The mark at the channel entrance on our PORT side was GREEN. For an instant, I was considering running up to the bridge and informing the pilot of impending doom! Luckily I realized the “down under”, everthing is reversed, ie. green, right, return. This is a short article because the internet charges aren’t. By the time this is published, we will be somewhere mid-Pacific. You c an get on “” and select the ship’s web cam (active 24/7) which is pointed toward the bow. That is where we are. G’day mates, Capt Doug HISC Beer Can Series 2008 by Jamie Cowan On your mark, get set, GO! We are about to start a brand new Beer Can series on May 7th, so set sail for the HI buoy for a 7:00 pm start. Free beer for winners (but you have to come to the raft-up after the race). Free T-Shirts (ditto)! More fun than you can handle with all your racing friends on Wednesday evenings. If you haven’t done a beer can race, you just haven’t been living right! You won’t need a big crew (but the more, the merrier) because you are not allowed to use your spinnakers, just jib and main. Keep it simple, and keep it fun! Many thanks to Tom Garvey for his tireless fund raising, and also to Pat Anderson of “My Own Cruising Journal” for our fabulous T-Shirts, and last, but not least, to Larry Geller for the use of his fine speed boat, “Plush Toy”, as our committee boat! See you on the water! page 17 Toni Lugger – New member taking all of the boating/sailing courses (quick learner) and looking to sail/race with fun experienced people. She has crewed on various boats (Karma-HISC; Mostly Harmless-GSC; etc.) in many local races in the last few months. (954) 579-5511 (C) Matt Toups - I have been sailing (some racing) with the HISC for 20+ years off and on. My parents, Jim & Gail Toups, are the owners of Fantasy (Island Packet 31). I’m looking to find a boat to crew on for the 2008 Abacos race week in the Bahamas. You can contact me at (919)538-8858 or Carlos Trappberger – Cruising sailboat owner “Queen Maus” (28’ O’day). Would like to crew with other club members to cruise or race (JAM or ARC) to gain more experience. Available every 2nd weekend and then 4 days off (Sat.-Tues.). (561) 395-8787 (H) or (954) 242-1889 (C) Ron & Lorrie Richardson – Experienced sailors who have sailed the coast of Maine for years on an O’day 28. Would like to cruise on day or short sails with other HISC members while they are here through the middle of April. (561) 244-5864 (H) or (609) 709-6150 (C). Chris Frazier – I would like to crew on a boat for racing and/or cruising. I’ve been sailing on a 40' Beneteau for the last couple years and have participated in the local races, Key Largo, Wirth Munroe, Columbus Day, Lime Cup, etc. (610) 220-3599 (C) or John Etherington - Experienced blue-water sailor; has sailed in local regattas such as Hospice and is looking to crew for some racing and cruising. (954) 593-3900 or Renee Wylie – Has crewed & raced with several club boats and is looking to do some cruising on some of the cruising boats. (954) 425-2082 Bob & Barb Stevens – Part-time Hillsboro Beach residents with 10 yrs. of bare boat charters on 25’-45’ boats. Would like to race and cruise when in town throughout the year. (812) 371-1356 (C) or Poof! Be Gone (Beneteau Oceanis 40’) – Kerry Blalock needs additional crew for racing. (954) 295-2784 (H) Aloha (S2 36’) – Tom and Anita Garvey looking for additional crew for racing and possible cruising. (954) 547-4282 (Tom Cell) or (954) 786-5246 (H) Fleur de Beaulieu (Ericson 32) – Capt. Carole Fielder looking for crew for day-sailing and weekend cruising. (954) 946-2956 Note: Any HISC member looking to crew, or Captains (boats) looking for crew, can be added to our new Crew/ Boat pool. E-mail a SHORT description of your interest (cruising/racing/both) to the crew pool chairman, Hutch, at and we will add the info to the list. Page 18 Tide Predictions for Hillsboro Inlet, Coast Guard Light Station, Florida Date May 1 May 2 May 3 High Low Day Time/Height Time/Height Thu 05:23 / 2.44 ft 11:37 / 0.14 ft Fri 00:07 / 0.24 ft Sat 00:59 / 0.09 ft High Time/Height 17:59 / 2.61 ft 06:13 / 2.60 ft 07:02 / 2.75 ft 12:27 / -0.15 ft 18:51 / 2.85 ft 13:16 / -0.41 ft 19:42 / 3.05 ft May 4 May 5 May 6 May 7 May 8 May 9 May 10 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 00:57 / 2.82 ft 01:49 / -0.03 ft 02:38 / -0.11 ft 03:27 / -0.13 ft 04:18 / -0.09 ft 05:11 / 0.00 ft 06:08 / 0.12 ft 07:08 / 0.23 ft 07:50 / 2.88 ft 08:38 / 2.97 ft 09:27 / 2.98 ft 10:18 / 2.93 ft 11:12 / 2.83 ft 12:10 / 2.68 ft 13:13 / 2.54 ft 14:05 / -0.62 ft 14:53 / -0.74 ft 15:43 / -0.75 ft 16:35 / -0.66 ft 17:29 / -0.49 ft 18:27 / -0.26 ft 19:30 / -0.02 ft May 11 May 12 May 13 May 14 May 15 May 16 May 17 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 08:13 / 0.30 ft 09:19 / 0.32 ft 10:21 / 0.27 ft 11:18 / 0.19 ft 12:07 / 0.10 ft 00:35 / 0.42 ft 01:19 / 0.41 ft 14:22 / 2.43 ft 15:33 / 2.39 ft 16:40 / 2.41 ft 17:39 / 2.47 ft 18:31 / 2.54 ft 06:36 / 2.43 ft 07:16 / 2.44 ft 20:36 / 0.18 ft 21:44 / 0.32 ft 22:48 / 0.39 ft 23:45 / 0.41 ft 12:50 / 0.02 ft 19:16 / 2.60 ft 13:30 / -0.05 ft 19:56 / 2.65 ft May 18 May 19 May 20 May 21 May 22 May 23 May 24 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 01:59 / 0.41 ft 02:37 / 0.42 ft 03:14 / 0.43 ft 03:51 / 0.46 ft 04:28 / 0.50 ft 05:07 / 0.55 ft 05:47 / 0.58 ft 07:53 / 2.44 ft 08:30 / 2.43 ft 09:05 / 2.40 ft 09:41 / 2.36 ft 10:19 / 2.31 ft 10:58 / 2.25 ft 11:41 / 2.20 ft 14:07 / -0.10 ft 14:42 / -0.12 ft 15:18 / -0.10 ft 15:54 / -0.06 ft 16:32 / 0.02 ft 17:11 / 0.11 ft 17:53 / 0.22 ft May 25 May 26 May 27 May 28 May 29 May 30 May 31 Jun 1 Jun 2 Jun 3 Jun 4 Jun 5 Jun 6 Jun 7 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 00:23 / 2.40 ft 01:08 / 2.34 ft 01:56 / 2.30 ft 02:49 / 2.30 ft 03:44 / 2.35 ft 04:40 / 2.44 ft 05:35 / 2.56 ft 06:31 / 0.59 ft 07:18 / 0.57 ft 08:11 / 0.48 ft 09:07 / 0.35 ft 10:04 / 0.15 ft 11:00 / -0.08 ft 11:55 / -0.32 ft 00:30 / 0.17 ft 01:24 / 0.05 ft 02:18 / -0.05 ft 03:11 / -0.11 ft 04:04 / -0.13 ft 04:58 / -0.11 ft 05:53 / -0.06 ft 12:29 / 2.16 ft 13:23 / 2.15 ft 14:23 / 2.19 ft 15:26 / 2.29 ft 16:29 / 2.43 ft 17:28 / 2.62 ft 18:25 / 2.80 ft 06:30 / 2.68 ft 07:23 / 2.79 ft 08:17 / 2.86 ft 09:10 / 2.89 ft 10:05 / 2.86 ft 11:01 / 2.78 ft 11:59 / 2.67 ft 18:40 / 0.33 ft 19:33 / 0.41 ft 20:32 / 0.46 ft 21:33 / 0.46 ft 22:34 / 0.40 ft 23:33 / 0.30 ft Jun 8 Jun 9 Jun 10 Jun 11 Jun 12 Jun 13 Jun 14 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 00:38 / 2.80 ft 01:33 / 2.64 ft 02:29 / 2.50 ft 03:24 / 2.38 ft 04:18 / 2.30 ft 05:08 / 2.24 ft 05:55 / 2.22 ft 06:50 / 0.01 ft 07:48 / 0.07 ft 08:47 / 0.11 ft 09:44 / 0.12 ft 10:38 / 0.11 ft 11:28 / 0.07 ft 12:14 / 0.02 ft 12:59 / 2.54 ft 14:02 / 2.43 ft 15:05 / 2.36 ft 16:07 / 2.32 ft 17:06 / 2.33 ft 17:58 / 2.36 ft 18:45 / 2.40 ft 19:11 / -0.08 ft 20:10 / 0.14 ft 21:11 / 0.32 ft 22:11 / 0.45 ft 23:08 / 0.52 ft 23:59 / 0.55 ft Jun 15 Jun 16 Jun 17 Jun 18 Sun Mon Tue Wed 00:46 / 0.54 ft 01:30 / 0.52 ft 02:11 / 0.48 ft 02:50 / 0.45 ft 06:38 / 2.22 ft 07:20 / 2.23 ft 08:00 / 2.24 ft 08:40 / 2.25 ft 12:56 / -0.03 ft 13:36 / -0.08 ft 14:15 / -0.12 ft 14:54 / -0.13 ft 01:58 / 2.66 ft 03:02 / 2.54 ft 04:04 / 2.47 ft 05:01 / 2.43 ft 05:52 / 2.43 ft Low Time/Height 12:49 / -0.53 ft 13:42 / -0.70 ft 14:35 / -0.78 ft 15:28 / -0.78 ft 16:21 / -0.69 ft 17:16 / -0.52 ft 18:12 / -0.31 ft High Time/Height 20:32 / 3.19 ft 21:21 / 3.25 ft 22:12 / 3.23 ft 23:04 / 3.14 ft 23:59 / 2.99 ft 20:35 / 2.68 ft 21:11 / 2.69 ft 21:48 / 2.67 ft 22:25 / 2.63 ft 23:03 / 2.56 ft 23:42 / 2.48 ft 19:20 / 2.97 ft 20:13 / 3.09 ft 21:05 / 3.15 ft 21:57 / 3.14 ft 22:50 / 3.07 ft 23:43 / 2.95 ft 19:28 / 2.46 ft 20:09 / 2.50 ft 20:47 / 2.54 ft 21:25 / 2.56 ft page 19 Inlet/Outlet Hillsboro Inlet Sailing Club P.O. Box 5241 Lighthouse Point, FL 33074-5241 Don't miss this great source of information provided by Michael Duvall, Webmaster. It is well worth your time to check this out. INTERNET HOME iNTERPAGEINTERNET HOME PAGE: The Inlet/Outlet, with color photos, is now available in Acrobat pdf format on the HISC web site Bill Shomo Your AD-MAN, for INLET/OUTLET Business Card "Special", for Club Members $100.00/per yr. 11-issues Also Larger Ads Available Call for Info: 954-946-6689 Page 20 E-MAIL NOTICES If you are not receiving periodic e-mail notices of HISC events or if you want to be removed from the list send an e-mail to: Dave Coviello at:
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