A Note from Fr. Joe…. - St. Thomas of Villanova Parish


A Note from Fr. Joe…. - St. Thomas of Villanova Parish
NOVEMBER 2, 2014
A Note from Fr. Joe….
The month of November is a special time to engage in remembrance and gratitude. This
weekend we begin with All Saints’ Day (Saturday, November 1st) and All Souls’ Day (Sunday, November
2nd.) And, of course, we conclude with the Thanksgiving weekend (November 27th – 30th.) In between,
however, there are some other dates of note. In the Augustinian calendar, we commemorate all the
deceased members of our Order/Family on Thursday, November 6th and All Saints of Our Order on
Friday, November 14th. In our nation’s calendar, we mark Veterans’ Day on Tuesday, November 11th.
I’d encourage you, if your schedule allows, to join us at Mass on any of these important days – and,
certainly, to take some time along the way to remember and to give thanks. As I’ve mentioned before,
the two seem naturally to go hand-in-hand.
This year we have the benefit of All Souls’ Day following on a Sunday, so that more of us have the
opportunity to participate in the Eucharist and to hear the special prayers and readings of the day. In fact,
there are any number of Gospels from which we presiders can choose, but the core message is the same
– death is not the end because of Jesus the Christ. As he himself proclaims, “For this is the will of my
Father, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in him may have eternal life, and I shall raise him
up on the last day.” Because of Christ not even death can break the bonds that we forge in this life. As
one of the prayers in the Vigil for the Deceased says so beautifully, “we believe that all the ties of
friendship and affection which knit us as one throughout our lives do not unravel with death.” As a people
of faith, we unite in prayer, turning to our God, as we comfort and support one another on the journey.
We give thanks, as well, for all those who have gone before us, particularly the faithful departed being
remembered in our Annual Mass of Remembrance at 9:00am this Sunday.
If you’ve lost a loved one, buried from St. Thomas of Villanova or not, please consider coming to
our quarterly Bereavement Evening of Prayer and Reflection this Thursday, November 6th at 7:00pm in
the Parish Center. The focus will be on coping with the upcoming holidays. These evenings give us a
safe place to remember, to pray, and to be reminded that we’re not alone in our grieving. In addition, our
Men’s Gathering this month, on Thursday the 20th, will consist of a Mass of Remembrance, especially
honoring our brother Dan Schultz. We look forward to welcoming his wife Susan, who will share some of
their story in the Auditorium, following the 6:30am liturgy. So guys, please mark your calendars – and
bring a friend!
God Bless!
Fr. Joe
Stewardship Thought for the Week
“Those who trust in him will understand truth, and the faithful will
abide with him in love, because grace and mercy are upon his
elect, and he watches over his holy ones.”
Wisdom of Solomon 1:9
Here’s the ironic thing about people who are generous. Those that
give freely and cheerfully do not do it to be rewarded. They do it to
show their love for God and their neighbors. Yet, because of their
generosity, they typically are given more than they gave away!
Thank you for your generosity for the
weekend of October 25 and 26, 2014:
Number of Envelopes
Envelope Amount
Loose Cash:
Electronic Offerings:
10% Tithe
Income for October 27, 2013
1-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
Schedule of Events for the
week of: November 2, 2014
Recitation of the Rosary
after the daily Liturgy.
Mon., Nov. 3rd
Tues., Nov. 4th
Wed., Nov. 5th
Thurs., Nov. 6th
Fri., Nov. 7th
Sat., Nov. 8th
Sun., Nov. 9th
Weekday; Saint Martin de Porres
All Souls Novena
Saint Charles Borromeo
All Souls Novena
All Souls Novena
Commemoration of the Deceased
Members of our Order
Weekday; Blessed Gratia of Kotor
All Souls Novena
Weekday; Blessed Avelino Rodriguez
and Companions
All Souls Novena
All Souls Novena
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
All Souls Novena
All Souls Novena
All Souls Novena
“Masses in Interpreted
American Sign Language”
We have an American Sign Language Interpreter at the
9:00am Mass in the Rosemont Chapel on the Second and
Fourth Sunday of each month. The interpreter will be here
on November 9 and 23, 2014.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Golden Living Ministry
Art Class - PC-1
Food Addicts in Recovery - Café
Pastoral Council Meeting - PC-1
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
Bible Study - PC-2
BP Screening after 12:05 Mass
Staff Meeting
SFC Mentors
Bible Study - PC-2
Genesis Bells - Aud
Choir Practice - VNCH
Wednesday, November 5, 2014
Exercise - Aud
Honickman Ministry
Religious Education Classes
Baptism Class - PC-1
Thursday, November 6, 2014
Walking With Purpose - Aud
Bereavement Evening - PC-1
Walking With Purpose - Aud
Confirmation Class - PC-5
IHN Meeting - PC-2
Friday, November 7, 2014 - First Friday
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament,
Reconciliation & Benediction after 12:05 Mass
Friday, November 7, 2014
The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for
one hour following the 12:05 Mass in the
Rosemont Chapel of St. Thomas of Villanova.
Benediction will follow the Exposition of the
Blessed Sacrament.
The solemn exposition of the Holy Eucharist
offers the opportunity to the people of God for
prayerful reflection on our call to a deeper devotion
to the Holy Eucharist and a more faithful living of
the Christian Life.
We will have Reconciliation after the
12:05 Mass. Please join us.
Saturday, November 8, 2014
Welcome Committee after 5:00PM Mass
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Word of God
Religious Education Class
Rosemont Village Eucharistic Prayer Service
Phil 2:1-4; Lk 14:12-14
Phil 2:5-11; Lk 14:15-24
Phil 2:12-18; Lk 14:25-33
Phil 3:3-8a; Lk 15:1-10
Phil 3:17—4:1; Lk 16:1-8
Phil 4:10-19; Lk 16:9-15
Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 16-17;
1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17;
Jn 2:13-22
2-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
We extend a warm welcome to the newest members of
our parish:
Jen & Mark Fifer & Family of Ardmore
Tom Ingelsby of Wayne
Katie McDevitt of Wayne
Congratulations to the newly Baptized Member of our
Lucy Marie, daughter of Ryan & Theresa Hicke
Dominic Richard, son of Richard & Kay Pugh
Maeve Caroline, daughter of Richard & Tara Simpson
Resting in Peace:
Ms. Elise Tucci
Remember those in need of our prayers, especially:
Julia Barlow, Peggy Caulfield, Mary Ann Dadourian, Bob
Ellison, Jack Geraghty, Patricia Ann Harley, Bridget Kelly,
Joseph Maiorana, Garrett P. McAleer (baby), Ellen
McFadden (Dalton), Madeleine O’Callaghan, Rita O’Connor,
Julia Boland Paparella, Alice Rogers, and Annie Sears.
Please pray for our soldiers assigned in Afghanistan
and in other parts of the world. Please also pray for the
soldiers who are returning from their assignments,
especially the wounded soldiers.
The parish prayerline is waiting for your prayer request.
This week call Mary Ann Barrow at 610-525-4164 or
email mabstv@verizon.net to activate the parish
prayerline. Two parish teams are available for your
special intentions. The Prayerline is now virtual. Go
to www.stthomasofvillanova.org.
This is a transportation ministry for our Parish. If you
need a ride to your medical appointments or to food
shop this week, please call Anne Hennessy at
610-525-2112. Please give at least 3 days notice.
This ministry is for parish families who are in crisis
or for parish couples welcoming a new baby. Homemade dinners are delivered. Two parish coordinators
keep a list of volunteers who are called as needed. If
you are in need of this delicious community support,
please call Maria Gunn at 610-291-7205.
We are forming a parish work group to serve the
midday meal at the St. Francis Inn in Kensington on
Sunday, November 16th. The Inn tries to meet the
immediate daily needs of the poor and homeless
people they serve with food, clothing and hospitality.
This ministry is open to anyone 16 years or older. For
more information and to sign up, contact our parish
coordinator, Sheila Holst at 610-659-5828 or
Calling All 5th Graders
Welcome to an adventure in exploring the
Scriptures. The Scriptures are a magnificent
picture of a loving God who wants the very
best for us …
Please join us for our Weekly Bible Studies
Tuesday Mornings — 10:00am
Tuesday Evenings — 7:00pm
The Bible Studies are held in the Rosemont
Parish Center. Everyone is welcome.
Please join us.
On Sunday, November 23rd and Sunday,
December 14th, the 5th Graders of St. Thomas of
Villanova will participate more fully and more
actively in the 9:00am Mass. The children will
serve as ‘greeters,’ ushers, and lectors, as well as
assist in bringing the gifts forward. We would like
to engage the boys and girls from our Religious
Education class, in addition to parish 5th Graders
who are in local Catholic schools or who are home
If your child is interested in participating,
please contact Dean Miller at 610-733-4838 or
dean.miller.wg99@wharton.upenn.edu. There will
be two additional Masses later this school year in
the spring to become involved in if your 5th Grader
is unable to participate this November or
3-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
St. Thomas of Villanova Stewardship Council
(Left to Right) Fr. Joe, Carol Abele, Denise Moran (co-chair), Tom Costello, Jeanne Wood, Kathy Byrnes (Secretary)
Missing from photo: Deni Zodda (co-chair), Renee Massaua, Connie Mervine, George Wood, Sean Bellew, Joe Anthony,
and Mary Helen McCulloch (Alternate)
The Stewardship Council met on Monday October 20, 2014. Some of the highlights of the discussions at the meeting
include –
The Council welcomed its new members: Carol Abele, Sean Bellew, and Mary Helen McCulloch (who is serving as an
As part of each Council meeting, we will have a Reflection on a passage of Scripture that explores stewardship and
good discipleship.
The Council looked at the 2012 In-Depth Evaluation of Parish Life, specifically the section on “A Gifted Parish,” which
focuses on our stewardship efforts. The Stewardship Council has been in existence at the Parish for 23 years.
Stewardship has become a part of who we are, which is exemplified in the October 12,2014 bulletin where the
ministries of the parish are listed, along with the organizations we support through our annual tithe. We have
accomplished much as a parish and of course we seek to always do more, especially to have more people involved in
the giving of time, talent, and treasure. This renewal will be a focus for the Council this year.
The Council received an update from Mary Helen McCulloch on the parish’s young adult efforts. Following feedback
gained from parishioners age 21- 35, two Young Adult Socials have been held after the Saturday 5:00pm Mass, and
more will follow. In addition to the community building of the socials, the group also expressed interest in a volunteer
or service project for the young adults to engage in together.
Fr. Joe shared the FYE 6/30/14 financial report, including some specific highlights.
The Council closed its meeting with the World Meeting of Families 2015 Prayer.
4-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
Anyone who has lost a
loved one whether
buried from
St. Thomas of Villanova or not
is invited
to join Fr. Joe for a
Is Pope Francis Revolutionizing
Catholic Social Teaching?
Most Reverend Diarmuid Martin
Archbishop of Dublin
November 12, 2014 — 7:30pm
Saint Thomas of Villanova Church
The lecture is sponsored by the Office for Mission and
Ministry as part of its year-long series on Catholic
Social Thought and the Financial Crisis. This event is
free and open to all Parishioners.
The Office for Mission & Ministry
and the Journal of Catholic Social Thought
Catholic Social Teaching and the Financial Crisis
Please join us for our Lecture on The Economy of
Grace and the Church of the Poor: Papal Responses to
the Financial Crisis on November 18, 2014.
Speaker: Drew Christiansen, S.J.
Georgetown University
Date and Time: November 18, 2014 at 4:30pm
Place: St. Augustine Center — Room 300
Villanova University
For more information, contact March Bray at
Upcoming Youth Group Events
(Retreat) November 15-16, St. Raymond’s Parish,
Philadelphia — The retreat beings at 10:00am on
Saturday and continues until
Sunday at 1:00pm. Bring a sleeping bag.
Cost is $30. Open to 9-12 Grades.
(Service) November 23, 11:00am-2:00pm, STV
Turkeys to the Table; bringing Thanksgiving
Dinner to people at St. Cyprian Parish in
West Philadelphia. Open to Grades 9-12.
Please contact Gregory Stejskal at
rel.ed@stvparish.org for details.
“Dealing with the Holidays”
Bereavement Evening of Prayer
Thursday Evening, November 6th
7:00pm in the Rosemont Parish Center
Everyone is welcome.
Any questions, call Denise DiCarlo at 610-525-4801
or email p.care@stvparish.org
New Volunteer Opportunity
Join the parish team as we host families in the
Parish Center five times a year as a part of the
Interfaith Hospitality Network of the Main Line
(www.ihncares.com). We will be hosting 2-3
families the week of November 9th.
We need your help with…
- making a fully cooked dinner and delivering it
to the Parish Center. Contact Shannon
Dolan at timdolan@comcast.net.
- spending the night in a private room during the
week of November 9th. Time commitment is
9:00pm to 6:30am. Training will be with an
experienced host who will spend the night with
Please contact Elaine Sharer at
Thank you for worshiping with us today. If you are
visiting our beautiful church or chapel, please know you are
most welcome!
If you have questions or are interested in joining our
parish community, please call the parish office at 610-5254801.
5-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
Calling All St. Thomas of Villanova
Empty Nesters, Widows and Widowers,
Singles and Couples and friends of yours!!
Please join us for another
Monday, November 17th
at 6:00PM
at Primavera Pizza Kitchen
7 East Lancaster Avenue
Ardmore, PA 19010
Enjoy a three course Italian Dinner
(mixed green salad, choice of Chicken
Parmesan or Chicken Masala with Ziti al Forno
or Pasta Primavera, and Tiramisu or ice cream for
dessert — coffee, tea and soft drinks included).
$35.00 per person which includes the gratuity
plus a cash bar. Parking in rear (municipal lot)
or one block after a right on Cricket Avenue.
No parking fee after 6:00pm.
RSVP a MUST by November 14th,
contact Kathy at
office@stvparish.org or call 610-525-4801.
Hosted by the STV Day Trippers!
Mom’s Group is hosting Playgroup Playdates every
Monday at Noon at Clem Macrone Park on Conestoga
Road in Bryn Mawr. We are meeting weekly through
November 10th. Join other parish Mom’s for a casual
get together.
Tuesday, November 11th — Mom’s Meeting at
7:30pm Cafeteria (enter Rosemont Auditorium)
Saturday, November 15th - Family Casserole Making
for St. John’s Hospice
10-11:00am in Rosemont Auditorium
Friday, November 21st — Family Movie and
Pizza Night at 6:00pm in the Rosemont Auditorium
November 3, 2014
Our 2015 Mass Book opens
on November 3, 2014 The donation for each
Mass is still $10.00. You can make arrangements
for an Announced Mass at the Parish Center.
Announcing the 2014/2015
St. Thomas YOUCAT Service Challenge
Attention all parish middle school and high
school students (and their parents). Ready to give
of your time and talent in service to your church and
community? Want to be recognized by the Parish in
May as a Servant Leader? Please take on this
year’s YOUCAT Service Challenge. (remember that
YOUCAT stands for ‘young catholic’)
The St. Thomas Parish Youth Ministry is
challenging you to complete 15 hours of service
over this entire school year. The rules are simple.
Complete and report 15 qualifying hours of service
before May 1st, 2015. A qualifying service hour is
any hour of service performed in connection with the
St. Thomas Youth Group and up to 5 hours
completed outside of the group (other parish,
school, or community events). The only service that
does not count is fundraising. The Youth Group will
organize and announce service opportunities
throughout the year so you will have plenty of
opportunities. Please note that attendance at
devotional services (rosary, stations of cross, holy
hours, etc.) counts as service as will attendance at
the monthly Sunday evening Youth Mass and social
night held at St. Katherine’s (next one is November
2 at 6:00pm). Praying for others with others is
certainly service to the church and community!
For more information about the YOUCAT
challenge and upcoming service opportunities and
to print out a service hours log sheet, please go to
the website http://www.stthomasofvillanova.org/
youth-ministry-youcat.html. Please feel free to
contact 610-525-4801 with any questions.
Advent Angel sellers are needed for
“Selling” Angels earmarked for gifts
of clothing or gift cards for five faith
communities in Philadelphia.
You are needed for 1/2 hour after the
Mass you attend during the Advent season.
Please contact Parish Coordinator,
Joan Mauriello at camdo@comcast.net.
6-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
St. Thomas of Villanova
Parish Community
invites you to help ……
Saint John’s Hospice
Needs Your Volunteer Support!!
Turkeys to the Table
This is a stewardship ministry for the
families and local community of our new
sister parish of St. Cyprian’s in West
Philadelphia. You are asked to bring a
Thanksgiving turkey dinner (exactly what
you will be preparing for your own
Thanksgiving dinner) box or bag it and
bring it to the U-haul Trucks outside of the
Rosemont Chapel or the Villanova Church on
Sunday, November 23rd before 11:30 AM
St. John’s Hospice has extended its evening
feeding program. The evening meal program will
continue to provide two meals a week. Volunteers are
needed to work on the Monday shift from 3:30-5:30pm.
Are you available to meet at the Rosemont Chapel and
take the 2:15pm R5 Train to the Convention Center
(where St. John’s Hospice is located). We will return
on the 5:58pm train and arrive by 6:25pm in Rosemont.
The Ministry is simple — serve hundreds of
hungry adults from steam tables and clean up after the
meal. Contact Anne Murphy at service@stvparish.org
or call 610-525-4801.
Your gift will be delivered that day to the
waiting families. If you have any questions,
call the Tobia’s 610-527-7075 or email
allboysnmom@aol.com or call the
Overbeck’s at 610-525-9788.
Want to help out a great nonprofit that serves
hot meals to those in need?
St. John’s Hospice is greatly in need of
pre-cooked casseroles. Every day they provide over
350 lunchtime meals to homeless people in
Suggestions for your gift:
Frozen turkey (any size), canned
goods, a bag of potatoes, boxed
pies, condiments, coffee/tea,
stuffing mix.
We are looking for volunteers who can make a
casserole and bring it to our freezers located in the
room outside the elevator in the lower level of the
Rosemont Chapel. Casserole tins are available on the
top of the freezers. Any home cooked casseroles must
have a protein, i.e., meat and/or beans. Please label
and date your casserole with masking tape.
Please note: Packing the items
in boxes is best for
If you have any questions, or need recipes for
the casseroles, please contact Anne Murphy at
7-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
Wednesday, November 19th
12:45pm in the Rosemont Auditorium
From September 22-27, 2015, Philadelphia will host
the World Meeting of Families (WorldMeeting2015.org)
which is expected to draw an international audience.
Thousands will travel to the city to participate in this
week of celebrating the family, with speakers and
activities for people of all ages. The venue will be at
the Pennsylvania Convention Center.
Volunteers will be needed and registration will be
coming soon via the website.
Hosts are needed. You can open your home and host
a family or individual. It is easy to sign up online by
emailing host@worldmeeting2015.org.
There will be a variety of local preparation events
throughout the Archdiocese. Visit
www.phillyevang.org/wmof for a list which includes:
Mass and Holy Hour for the Family
November 30, 2014 at 6:30pm
During this 6:30pm Mass at the Cathedral for the First
Sunday of Advent, Archbishop Charles J. Chaput,
O.F.M. Cap. Will bless and distribute small replicas of
the world Meeting of Families Holy Family painting to
every household in attendance. The Mass will be
preceded by a Holy Hour for the Family at 5:30pm,
which is set in the context of the Cathedral’s Parish’s
Forty House Devotion. All families and households are
STV Day Trippers
How about a trip to The Barnes Museum early next
year, say the end of February beginning of March.
Leaving from St. Thomas in Rosemont to The
Barnes and returning home. All this for no more
than $60.00 a person. We can stop off for lunch if
you wish. This should be a delightful day and a nice
trip. Let me know by e-mailing me. I would like to
have about 26 people to get a Mini-bus to do so.
Thank you. Tom Seidner tjseidner2001@yahoo.com
“Which Vaccines do
Adults REALLY Need?”
Travel Vaccine’s
Measles/Mumps Rubella?
Presenter: Dr. Bob Leggiadro
Dr. Leggiardo is board certified in
pediatrics and pediatric infectious disease.
He is currently an Adjunct Professor in the
Department of Biology at Villanova University
and Adjunct Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at
Hofstra Northshore LIJ School of Medicine.
Bob is on the Parish Council and is
married to Patti. They have three children
and three grandchildren.
Drinks and desserts are provided.
Please join us.
St. Thomas of Villanova Parish is
looking for a tenant for the former School
Building on the Rosemont Property,
now named the St. Augustine Annex.
The building is 9,600 square feet
on two floors.
Please contact
John Braithwaite at 215-817-0142 or
Rick Sudall at 215-508-2466.
8-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
School Open House News
Open House: Sunday, November 9th from 11:00am to
2:00pm - For questions or additional information, contact
215-402-4800 or admissions@lschs.org.
Open House Schedule for Fall:
Wednesday, November 12, 9:00am
Wednesday, December 10, 9:00am
For further information, please contact our
Director of Admissions and Marketing Kim Roerig at 610-922-1010 or
Would you like to explore the spirituality of 12 steps
from our Catholic Christian perspective? Come to our
first 12 Step Spirituality Faith Sharing Group
starting Sunday, Nov 9, at 7:30pm in the St. Norbert
Parish Oratory, Paoli, PA. Sponsored by our
new Gethsemani Ministry for Addictions, this group
is open to all people in 12 step programs (AA, Al-Anon,
NA,GA, etc.). Meets the second Sunday of the
month. Contact: Deborah M. at 610.644.1823
Turn Compassion into Action!
Sharing the Global Mission of our Church
Please join us on
Thursday, November 6, 2014 at 6:30pm.
In November 2013, Typhoon Halyan struck the
Philippines, causing the tragic loss of thousand of
lives and widespread destruction. In the wake of this
catastrophe, the Catholic Church was there, joining
hands with Filipinos to pick up the pieces.
As we commemorate the one-year anniversary of
Typhoon Halyan, we invite you to hear from Caroline
Brennan of Catholic Relief Services Humanitarian
Response team, who visited the Philippines soon
after the typhoon. Caroline will share stores from her
time in the Philippines and provide an update on the
current situation. Please join us to remember and
pray for all those affected by Typhoon Halyan.
Simple supper will be served at 6:30pm.
Place: St. Charles Borromeo Seminary
There is NO cost to attend this event.
RSVP to Anne H. Ayella: aayella@ndsarch.org or
Call 267-262-8901
Mother of Divine Providence in King of Prussia is
holding their 14th Annual Christmas Craft Fair and
Bazaar on Saturday, November 15th, from 9:00am3:00pm in their school facility. Shoppers and guests
will find over 100 crafters selling their hand-made
only items, a wide range of café selections for
breakfast and lunch, children’s games, white
elephant, and much, much more. For directions or
to learn more log on to www.mdpparish.com.
Auditorium, 404 Cheswick Place, Rosemont, PA
Thursday, November 6th 5:00-8:00pm,
Friday, November 7th, 9:00am-2:00pm.
All kinds of craft work floral arrangements, jewelry,
gifts for children, home baked goods, etc. Come and
see what treasures you can find for the Holidays.
Ss. Colman-John Neumann School to Host
2nd Annual Boutique Shops Event
Proceeds to Benefit School Programs
Contact Email: info@scjnschool.org
BRYN MAWR, PA – Ss. Colman-John Neumann (SCJN) will host its annual Boutique Shops
event in Bryn Mawr, PA on November 6, 2014. Twenty percent of vendor sales will be donated to
the school for educational purposes.
Held in the school’s Life Center, the SCJN Boutique Shops event offers a fun and festive opportunity to shop for fun,
or to get a head start on holiday shopping. More than 40 of the Main Line’s top vendors will be on hand selling
jewelry, clothing, accessories, holiday items, and items for the home.
Free daytime admission will be offered from 10:00am – 2:00pm, while tickets can be purchased to attend the evening
event from 6:30pm – 10pm, which features cocktails and light fare.
9-180 St. Thomas of Villanova