A Note from Fr. Joe…. - St. Thomas of Villanova Parish


A Note from Fr. Joe…. - St. Thomas of Villanova Parish
October 19, 2014
A Note from Fr. Joe….
Have you ever felt like you were being set up? That somebody had an ulterior motive when he or she
approached you? Maybe they wanted something – sort of like when we hoped to use our parents’ car to go out.
“Mom, Dad, you’re the best!” Perhaps it was more serious – the person slyly tried to make us look bad in front of
our classmates or to trip us up at work in an important meeting. Certainly Jesus could relate as we hear in this
Sunday’s Gospel – “The Pharisees went off and plotted how they might entrap Jesus.” As we know though, that
was deadly serious, as they wanted to get Jesus in trouble with the Roman authorities, to get him out of their hair
and embarrass him in front of his growing following. But, as was so often the case, Jesus saw through the false
flattery and was able to turn the tables on his antagonists.
Over the centuries, there have been a number of interpretations of this Sunday’s Gospel. At its core,
however, I believe that it points to priorities and our relationship with God. When Jesus says, “repay…to God what
belongs to God,” he’s implying that his accusers aren’t doing that – and, ironically, when asked, the Herodians, with
the Pharisees’ disciples, are able to quickly produce a Roman coin, indicating their at least tacit collaboration with
Caesar. The emperor is owed money – that which bears his name and image. God is owed what bears his image –
that is, our very selves. Here’s how St. Augustine puts it, “Just as Caesar seeks his image in your coin, so God
seeks his image in your character.” (Sermon 113A, 8-9) Do we repay God by working on our character, by
developing the gifts and talents that we’ve been given? When God looks at us, does God see God’s reflection?
Who do we see when we look in the mirror each morning? If we’re truthful, maybe sometimes we’re more
concerned with our image in society, as was Caesar, than we are about our image in the eyes of God.
In addition, is it possible that Jesus is asking us if we might have an undue attachment to money and
things? How tightly do we hold onto our coins? As God reminds us in the 1 st Reading from Isaiah, “I am the Lord
and there is no other, there is no God besides me.” The gods, the idols of material wealth, of status, of getting
ahead can entrap us, just as the Pharisees attempted to do with Jesus. But with his grace we can turn the tables
too. “Repay…to God what belongs to God.” Isn’t that what we call the Christian life? If one gives to God what
belongs to God, then ultimately God will get everything. St. Ignatius Loyola prayed, “Take, Lord, receive all my
liberty, my memory, my understanding, my entire will. Give me only your love and your grace. That’s enough for
me.” Is that enough for us?
This Sunday’s Gospel calls us to bear Christian witness in all that we do, wherever we find ourselves. It’s
possible to respect the faith of others, without denying our own. Catholic Social Teaching emphasizes our civic
duty, our responsibility to work for the common good and to be faithful citizens. So let’s make the effort to inform
our consciences and exercise the right to vote. Finally, this is a good time to remind everyone that no flyers are to
be put on cars in our parking lots or in our churches. Electoral materials from the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference
are available through our parish website.
God Bless!
Fr. Joe
Stewardship Thought for the Week
“Render therefore to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and
to God the things that are God’s”
Matthew 22:21
Everything we are and everything we have belongs to God.
We aren’t “owners” of anything, we are merely “stewards” of
the gifts God has given each of us. All God is asking is that we
give back a portion of what He gave us. This is the essence of
Stewardship. God should be our first priority in everything. All
else comes second.
Thank you for your generosity for the weekend
of October 11 and 12, 2014:
Number of Envelopes
Envelope Amount
Loose Cash:
Electronic Offerings:
10% Tithe
Income for October 13, 2013
1-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
Schedule of Events for the
week of: October 19, 2014
Recitation of the Rosary
after the daily Liturgy.
Mon., Oct. 20th
Tues., Oct. 21st
Wed., Oct. 22nd
Thurs., Oct. 23rd
Fri., Oct. 24th
Sat., Oct. 25th
Sun., Oct. 26th
Weekday; Saint Paul of the Cross
Mabel Kuchinski
Deceased Members of the Lynch Family
Weekday; Saint John Paul II
Eva Keating - Mry Ann Lachman
Weekday; Saint William the Hermit
and Blessed John the Good,
Saint John of Capistrano
Forest Mervine
Weekday; Saint Anthony Mary Claret
John Salisbury - Courtney Mitchell
Weekday; Saint John Stone
Albert M. Tobia - John and Tanya
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
For the Parishioners of St. Thomas
DeSanto Family - Josephine DeSanto
Sally Ann Braithwaite - Braithwaite
“Masses in Interpreted
American Sign Language”
We have an American Sign Language Interpreter at the
9:00am Mass in the Rosemont Chapel on the Second and
Fourth Sunday of each month. The interpreter will be here
on October 26, 2014.
New Volunteer Opportunity
Join the parish team as we host families in the
Parish Center five times a year as a part of the
Interfaith Hospitality Network of the Main Line
(www.ihncares.com). We will be hosting 2-3
families the week of November 9th.
We need your help with…
- making a fully cooked dinner and delivering it
to the Parish Center. Contact Shannon
Dolan at timdolan@comcast.net.
- spending the night in a private room during the
week of November 9th. Time commitment is
9:00pm to 6:30am. Training will be with an
experienced host who will spend the night with
Monday, October 20, 2014
Golden Living Ministry
Art Class - PC-1
Stewardship Council Mtg - PC1
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
BP Screening after 12:05 Mass
Step Parent Course - PC1
Staff Meeting
SFC Mentors
Mom’s Group—Pumpkin Decorating
Finance Council Mtg - PC1
Genesis Bells - Aud
Choir Practice - VNCH
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
Exercise - Aud
Honickman Ministry
Brown Bag Lunch in Aud
Religious Education Classes
Thursday, October 23, 2014
Walking With Purpose - Aud
Eucharistic Minister Training - RMCH
Walking With Purpose - Aud
Confirmation Parent Meeting - RMCH
Mom’s Group Meeting - PC-1
Peace & Justice Meeting at OMGC
Friday, October 24, 2014
Preschool Halloween Party - Aud
Saturday, October 25, 2014
CYO Cross Country Dinner - Aud
Sunday, October 26, 2014
Word of God
Religious Education Class
Rosemont Village Eucharistic Prayer Service
Please contact Elaine Sharer at
2-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
Eph 2:1-10; Lk 12:13-21
Eph 2:12-22; Lk 12:35-38
Eph 3:2-12; Lk 12:39-48
Eph 3:14-21; Lk 12:49-53
Eph 4:1-6; Lk 12:54-59
Eph 4:7016; Lk 13:1-9
Ex 22:20-26; 1 Thes 1:5C-10;
Mt 22:34-40
We extend a warm welcome to the newest members of
our parish:
Mary Heather Earley of Bryn Mawr
Caroline Flotrm & Family of Berwyn
Jack & Katie Ginter & Family of Valley Forge
Thomas Glancey of Rosemont
Erica Goddard of Ardmore
Jeffrey & Christine Madison & Family of Wayne
Congratulations to the newly Baptized Members of our
Eliza Mae, daughter of David & Claire Atkinson
James Jeremy, son of Jason & Christa Bialka
Colby June, daughter of Jonmichael & Rebecca Daly
James Francesco, son of Thomas & Marina Harrop
Sawyer Foster, son of Jordan & Gillian McIlvain
Chrystian Tate, son of Nathan & Maureen Niles
Ryder Thomas, son of Matthew & Noelle Noone
Resting in Peace:
Mrs. Anna Kruse
Rev. John J. Payne, O.S.A.
Remember those in need of our prayers, especially:
Julia Barlow, Peggy Caulfield, Mary Ann Dadourian, Bob
Ellison, Jack Geraghty, Patricia Ann Harley, Bridget Kelly,
Joseph Maiorana, Garrett P. McAleer (baby), Madeleine
O’Callaghan, Rita O’Connor, Julia Boland Paparella, Alice
Rogers, and Annie Sears.
Please pray for our soldiers assigned in Afghanistan
and in other parts of the world. Please also pray for the
soldiers who are returning from their assignments,
especially the wounded soldiers.
The parish prayerline is waiting for your prayer request.
This week call Mary Ann Barrow at 610-525-4164 or
email mabstv@verizon.net to activate the parish
prayerline. Two parish teams are available for your
special intentions. The Prayerline is now virtual. Go
to www.stthomasofvillanova.org.
This is a transportation ministry for our Parish. If you
need a ride to your medical appointments or to food
shop this week, please call Mary Ann Deviney at 610331-2959. Please give at least 3 days notice.
This ministry is for parish families who are in crisis
or for parish couples welcoming a new baby. Homemade dinners are delivered. Two parish coordinators
keep a list of volunteers who are called as needed. If
you are in need of this delicious community support,
please call Maria Gunn at 610-291-7205.
We are in need of COOKS willing to prepare a
dinner and deliver it to the home of a parishioner.
Contact Maria Gunn for more information at 610-2917205 or maria.jim@comcast.net.
We are forming a parish work group to serve the
midday meal at the St. Francis Inn in Kensington on
Sunday, November 16th. The Inn tries to meet the
immediate daily needs of the poor and homeless
people they serve with food, clothing and hospitality.
This ministry is open to anyone 16 years or older. For
more information and to sign up, contact our parish
coordinator, Sheila Holst at 610-659-5828 or
Upcoming Youth Group Events
(Service) October 25, 5:00pm, St. Katharine’s
Church — Provide childcare during CYO Mass.
Open to grades 9-12.
(Social) October 26, 6:00-9:00PM, St. Katharine’s
Gym — Open Gym. 7-8 grades from 6:00pm7:30pm. 9-12 grades from 7:30-9:00.
(Mass) November 2, 6:00-8:30pm, St. Katharine’s
Church — Monthly youth Mass, followed by a
youth gathering. Open to grades 7-12
Please contact Gregory Stejskal at
rel.ed@stvparish.org for details.
Help Wanted!
We are looking for someone who can help in the
religious education office for about 6-10 hours per
week during the school year. This person would
ensure that the records in the religious education
office are kept up to date, both on hard copy and in
our computer system. There are a few other light
secretarial duties as well. In the past, this person
worked on two mornings each week, but we can
accommodate a variety of schedules that will allow
things to work out for both of us. If you are
interested, please send an email to Gregory Stejskal at
3-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
St. Thomas of Villanova Pastoral Council
Row 1 (left to right) Jim Holman, Dean Miller, John Braithwaite, Vice Chair, Chrissy Quisenberry, Fr. Joe
Row 2 (left to right) Fr. Art, Bob Leggiardo, Greg DiCocco, Kate Kopp, Dan Cellucci, Cathy Van Kula,
John Cellucci (Alternate), Joan Hawley, Secretary, Jessica Dasher, Deacon Don DiCarlo
(Missing—Sweta Nazareth, see photo below)
Pastoral Council Corner
We met with the Stewardship and Finance Councils, as well as Parish staff, at a joint
meeting in mid-September. It was a good chance to interact with the other groups and meet
some of the new members. Matt Manion, head of the Catholic Leadership Institute, was our
keynote speaker.
Our first meeting by ourselves was held on Monday 10/6/2014. Father Joe reported
for the Finance Council that we continue to search for a replacement tenant for the building
previously occupied by Kencrest. The building is a total of 9,600 square feet on 2 floors. If
anyone has any ideas, please relay them to John Braithwaite at 215-817-0142 or Rick Sudall at 610-508-2466.
We reviewed the In-Depth Evaluation of Parish Life again to be sure we maintain our strengths and improve
on any weaknesses.
Two areas we continue to put a priority on are the young adults and the youth of our parish.
We were joined at our meeting by the new head of Youth Ministry / Religious Education, Mr. Gregory
Stejskal (pronounced STES-KEL ), who shared his plans for the upcoming year.
We then spoke of the plans for honoring our patron, St. Thomas of Villanova, and the activities after each
Mass on the weekend of 11-12 October. Some members volunteered to assist.
We closed with a prayer from St. Francis of Assisi.
4-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
Theology on Tap is Back
For Young Adults
21 and Over”
Ann Rafferty and Dr. Margaret M. McGuinness, PhD
Thank you to Susan Fitzgerald and Committee for the
fascinating Women’s Lecture last week.
Thank you, STV Parishioners, for your generous gifts
of school supplies for the students of St. Frances
Cabrini Regional School The teachers and staff
distributed your many gifts to the children in need.
Many Blessings, Sr. Helene Cooke, IHM, Principal
Calling All St. Thomas of Villanova
Empty Nesters, Widows and Widowers,
Singles and Couples and friends of yours!!
Please join us for another
Monday, November 17th
at 6:00PM
Theology on Tap, a lecture series
geared towards Young Adults, will have
its next meeting on Monday evening,
October 20th from 8:00 to 9:30PM. This will be
held at the Bryn Mawr Beef and Ale, 610 W.
Lancaster Ave in Bryn Mawr (on Lancaster
Avenue across from the Acme). Food will be
provided with drink specials available from a cash
This is the fifth in the series of talks this Fall
exploring the experience of Theology and Faith
lived out today.
Our speaker this week is Mary Beth Appel,
CPN, ‘81 who is a Villanova Alumna and Catholic
Worker at the Philadelphia House of Grace. She
will speaking about her journey from “Villanova to
Catholic Worker”.
Please join us for fellowship and
Villanova University, Our Mother of Good Counsel
Parish, and our own St. Thomas of Villanova
Parish are sponsoring this event.
at Primavera Pizza Kitchen
7 East Lancaster Avenue
Ardmore, PA 19010
Enjoy a three course Italian Dinner
(mixed green salad, choice of Chicken
Parmesan or Chicken Masala with Ziti al Forno
or Pasta Primavera, and Tiramisu or ice cream for
dessert — coffee, tea and soft drinks included).
$35.00 per person which includes the gratuity
plus a cash bar. Parking in rear (municipal lot)
or one block after a right on Cricket Avenue.
No parking fee after 6:00pm.
RSVP a MUST by November 14th,
contact Kathy at
office@stvparish.org or call 610-525-4801.
Hosted by the STV Day Trippers!
Advent Angel sellers are need for
“Selling” Angels earmarked for gifts of clothing
or gift cards for five faith communities in
You are needed for 1/2 hour after the
Mass you attend during the Advent season.
Please contact Parish Coordinator, Joan
Mauriello at camdo@comcast.net.
STV Day Trippers
How about a trip to The Barnes Museum early next
year, say the end of February beginning of March.
Leaving from St. Thomas in Rosemont to The
Barnes and returning home. All this for no more
than $60.00 a person. We can stop off for lunch if
you wish. This should be a delightful day and a nice
trip. Let me know by e-mailing me. I would like to
have about 26 people to get a Mini-bus to do so.
Thank you. tjseidner2001@yahoo.com
5-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
Wednesday, October 22nd — 12:45pm
in the Rosemont Auditorium
Come and Make Music
Wednesday, November 19th
12:45pm in the Rosemont Auditorium
“Which Vaccines do
Adults REALLY Need?”
Travel Vaccine’s
Measles/Mumps Rubella?
- an interactive workshop with
- hear about the origins of handbells
Presenter: Joyce Klink, Parish
Handbell Director
Joyce has been playing and directing
handbell choirs all over the U.S. for the past 25
Joyce and her husband are active
parishioners and have two children and two
grandchildren with three more on the way. —Drinks and desserts are provided.
Please join us.
Presenter: Dr. Bob Leggiadro
Dr. Leggiardo is board certified in
pediatrics and pediatric infectious disease.
He is currently an Adjunct Professor in the
Department of Biology at Villanova University
and Adjunct Clinical Professor of Pediatrics at
Hofstra Northshore LIJ School of Medicine.
Bob is on the Parish Council and is
married to Patti. They have three children
and three grandchildren.
Drinks and desserts are provided.
Please join us.
In honor of St. Francis of Assisi, we recently offered a “Blessing of the Animals” in the
Rosemont Chapel Courtyard. Here are some pictures.
6-180 St. Thomas of Villanova
Monday, October 27th at 7:00pm in the Rosemont Auditorium
Topic: Letting Go with Love and Confidence
The challenges of being a parent multiply the older kids get. There are no longer
sleepless nights and childcare snafus to contend with, but parents of adolescents must juggle
the demands of extracurricular activities, driving lessons and increasing concerns about the
growing universe of their teens.
How to parents of adolescents balance safety concerns with their children’s need to
achieve growing independence? And how do they create a healthy balance when the world is
going 24/7 nonstop?
Susan FitzGerald, a Philadelphia journalist and co-author of the award-winning
parenting book, Letting Go with Love and Confidence: Raising Responsible, Resilient,
Self-Sufficient Teens in the 21st Century, will offer ideas on how to transform a time of potential strife into an
opportunity for positive growth for both adolescents and their parents. Her book — written with Dr. Kenneth
Ginsburg of The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia — covers all the “when” and “how” questions that can drive
parents crazy: When is my kid old enough to get a cell phone? Go to the mall? Date? It also addresses the tough
topics that parents struggle with — How in the world do I talk with my teen about things like peer pressure and
FitzGerald will share the “three-step litmus test” that can be applied to any parenting decision. (Is it safe? Is it
practical? Does it meet my standards for decency and morality?) She will also teach parents who to use the
“check-in rule” to keep their kids safe. She is an engaging speaker who delivers a positive message that parents
really do matter!
Susan Fitzgerald is an award-winning journalist with a specialty in children’s health issues. A former staff writer
and editor for The Philadelphia Inquirer, she works as an independent writer and editor and has taught writing and
journalism at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, LaSalle University, St. Joseph’s University and
Villanova University. She and her husband are long-time members of St. Thomas of Villanova and have three adult
Please join us for a fascinating evening. There will be refreshments and a chance to socialize. Bring a
friend. Please RSVP to Kathy at 610-525-4801 or office@stvparish.org.
Mom’s Group is hosting Playgroup Playdates every
Monday at Noon at Clem Macrone Park on
Conestoga Road in Bryn Mawr. We are meeting
weekly through November 10th. Join other parish
Mom’s for a casual get together.
Tuesday, October 21st—Pumpkin Decorating
At Clem Macrone Park at 4:30pm
Raindate: October 23rd
Are you a first time Mom?
Please join other Parishioners that are also
first time Mom’s for Refreshments and
October 23, 2014 - 7:30pm Parish Center
Babies Welcome!
CYO 2014 Basketball Programs
CYO Fall Sports signups for boys and girls
in grades 4 through 8 is now open and will be
handled online at www.wagdogs.com. Use the
OMGC Parish for STV and OMGC student athletes.
CYO Basketball practice begins in
November. You must sign up by October 25, 2014
to be placed on a team. We have a vibrant Boys
Program and would like to have Girls Program as
well. In the past, we were able to merge Girls
teams. All Parishioners MUST sign up at
www.wagdogs.com under the OMGC Parish
link. You may not play for any other team and we
cannot merge with any other team without being
released from OMGC/STV parish. If you have any
CYO questions, please contact Beverly Owsik
610-527-3202 or mbmmbj6@gmail.com.
7-180 St. Thomas of Villanova

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