St. Thomas the Apostle Church - Saint Thomas the Apostle Church


St. Thomas the Apostle Church - Saint Thomas the Apostle Church
St. Thomas the Apostle Church
“Lord, You have come to the Seashore….”
331 8th St. South, Brigantine, NJ 08203
October 4, 2015
PASTOR: Fr. Bill Vandegrift
PAROCHIAL VICAR: Fr. Jose Thomas WEEKEND ASSISTANT: Msgr. Joseph Mannion (Retired)
Saturday: 4:00pm
8:00, 9:30, 11:00am
Mon., Wed., Fri., & Sat.:
Tues. & Thurs.: 6:45am
Saturday: 3PM
or by appointment
609-266-2123, ext. 3
Hours: 9am-12pm, 1pm-4pm
146 So. Pitney Road
Galloway, NJ 08205
Principal: Mary Ellen Schurtz
Mary Jane Kelso
Deacon Len Long & Deborah Widman
Jane Staunton
Anna DiGiacomo
Mary Chisholm
Deadline: Monday, 2pm
October 4, 2015 - 27thSunday in Ordinary Time
St. Thomas the Apostle
Welcomes All!
It does not matter what your present status in the
Catholic Church, what your current family or marital situation, what your past or present religious
affiliation; or your personal history, age, background, race, etc. You are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected at St. Thomas Parish.
Baptisms & Weddings
Please call parish office: 609-266-2123 ext. 3.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, October 3
Diane Hills by Sisters
Irene Masino by Karen, Colin & Ryan
Jo-Ann Goetzinger by Elsie Thompson
October 4
Madeline Borrone by David & Mary Ann Borrone
Thaddeus Ted Kolankiewicz
by Robert & Karen Kolankiewicz
John Culmone by Wife & Children
Guiseppe & Carmela Maiorano by Son
James Maguire by Wife
Mary Hartman by Kathe & John Murray
How to Become Catholic
We have special programs for children, teens & adults
who would like to become Catholic or complete their
sacraments. Please call 609-266-2123 ext. 3.
Care of the Sick
The parish office may be called any time for the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. The priests and Eucharistic Ministers will gladly bring Eucharist to those
unable to attend Mass regularly, because of sickness or
infirmity. If you know of a family member, friend or neighbor who is a parishioner and would like to be placed on
our list, please contact the office.
Offertory Procession
If the Mass you are attending is being requested by you
or a family member, and you wish to participate in the
Offertory Procession, please see the ushers before
Mass begins.
Altar Flowers
Can be purchased for $50. in the memory of your loved
ones. We will publish your name and the name(s) of
your loved ones in the bulletin the week the arrangement
is on the altar. Please stop by the Parish Office to see
what dates are available.
October 5
October 6
October 7
Parish Devotions
Following 8:30am weekday Masses
& Tuesday evening, 7:00pm.
Monday, after 8:30am Mass
Exposition of Blessed Sacrament:
October 8
Emily Luciano by Ann & Stan Cwiklinski
Melissa Christian Smith by MJ & Joe Kelso & Fam.
October 9
James Schaffer by Andy & Toni Solari
Margaret Braunstein by M/M Cesare Rotondi
Saturday, October 3
Walter Poltorak by Dorothy Trimble
Yolanda Donatucci by Joe Maiorano
Irene Marinelli by Marie Campisi
Miraculous Medal Novena:
Catherine Ward by Mary Wagner
Paul Durante by Wife & Family
Louise Bruner by Theresa & Ed Mong
Violet Gallagher by Lynda Sutton
Prayer Petition Book
is located in the vestibule of the Church and is available
for you to write your intentions. The book will be carried
up to the sanctuary during the Offertory Procession of
the Mass every Sunday.
Denise Fagan by Ray & Linda
October 4
Sally Davenport by Michael Turner
Irene Masino by Kelly Family
Deceased Parents of Lou & Rose Marie Piotti
Michael Mark Wilson by Family
Thomas Bordonaro by Family
Danny Ferry by St. Thomas Choir
Every First Friday morning 9 am - 12:00 noon. If there is
a funeral, Exposition will be held in St. Philip Hall.
Finance Council
Fr. William Vandegrift
Damon Galmin, Trustee
John Murray, Trustee
Anthony DiMaggio
Edward Mong
Rob Smith
Pastoral Council
Fr. Bill Vandegrift
Deacon Long
Rita Pagoulatos, Pres.
Frank Burbridge
Anne Cwiklinski
Fr. Jose Thomas
Rick DeLucry
Toni Garnett, Sec.
Jim Levins
Patty Mohnack
Third Time: Liesje Cardillo & Thomas Cooker
Second Time: Jacqueline & Brian Lyons
Next Week, October 11th, is Ministry Sunday
& Hospitality Sunday. A representative from
each of our Ministries will be present. Coffee and
doughnuts will be served. Please plan to attend.
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October 4, 2015 - 27thSunday in Ordinary Time
Liturgical Ministry Schedule
Sat. / Sun.
October 10-11
C. Mogano
J. Robbins
ME Smith
B. Fusco, P. Zuber, D. Szwak,
J. Roth
A. Grove, D. Phillips, R. Hak-Burns,
B. O’Connor
J. Rifice, J. D’Adamo, T. Bibbikos,
P. Jackson
D. Galmin, T. & P. Tomlin,
D. Marrandino
11:00AM- M. Harvey
Past Generation Stewardship
Altar Servers
J. Baligod, M. DelaPena, J. Mogano
I. Serra, E. Amalfitano,
M. Faherty, M. Garraty, N. Stinson
M. Rosania, T. DiBona, N. Eafrati
If unable to serve, kindly find a replacement.
Please Remember To Keep the Members of
Our Armed Forces In Your Prayers:
John C. Presner, Staff Sgt., Doha, Qata, 1st Lt. Jg. Andrew
G. Kerr, USS. Georgia, Sgt. Michael Staunton, Army –
SHAPE, Belgium, 1st Lt. Matt Valnoski, Ft. Bragg, N.C.,
Matthew Krimm, Army, Iraq, Sergeant Michael Spinogatti,
US. Army, Alaska, Lt. Colonel (Marines) Eric DiFrancesco,
– Afghanistan, St. Sgt. Lyle Voisey, Army Infantry, Ft. Drum,
NY, Capt. Scott Croskey, Air Force, Fort Meade, Maryland,
Cody LaBarr, US. Marines, Matthew Sentore, U.S. Marines,
Okinawa, Sgt. Jason Hand, Wright Patterson Air Force
Base, Dayton, Ohio, McCarthy Everett Johnson, West Point,
2nd Lt. Michael J. Maggitti, USM, Okinawa, Japan
Remember to Pray for our Sick
May they receive the healing
touch of Our Lord:
Judi Pontillo, Leonard Thress, Julia Spinelli, Jim Frugoli, Howard Clark, Richard Guzzetti, Kim DiChiara, Mike Thomas, Rita
Stafford, Victor Flores, Marie Asper, Grace Ketterer, Amber
Smith, Dominic Maiorano, Jim Gregory, Edward DiFranks, David Peterson, George Schilling, Lucas Ordille, Thomas Ordille,
Dennis Bartley, Tom Cain, Patti Marrandino, Baby Kiera
McMahon, Baby Tiegan, Jeanette, Rachel & Rebecca Lee,
Mae Campbell, Antoinette Garnett, Jerry Roth, Arlene
McBride, Michael Kline, Carol Quiroli, Jeffrey Geisler, Frank
Rosella, Edward Dwyer, Lisa Cooper, Dorothy Eliasen,
We update our sick list every three months.
Congratulations to Our Parishioners
Celebrating October Anniversaries
Irene & Bill Zin
“So out of the ground the Lord God formed every
beast of the field and every bird of the air, and
brought them to the man to see what he would
call them; and whatever the man called every
living creature, that was its name.” (GENESIS 2:19)
The creation story reminds us of two important points. First, since the start, God
has put the entire world into our care. Second, Stewardship has been around since
the beginning of mankind, it isn’t something
recently invented by the Church. Just as
past generations built our Church, it is now
our responsibility to continue to nurture and
develop these gifts for future generations.
*Have you considered designating St.
Thomas as a beneficiary in your will? Several people have recently done so and we
wish to thank them for their thoughtfulness
and generosity.
Electronic Giving is Available!!
Sign up online from the St. Thomas Web Site:
Please prayerfully consider utilizing a new and
easier way to support our parish... eGiving!
St. Thomas
Calendar Raffle
For 3 months:
January, February,
& March, 2016
***90 chances to win!
Tickets on Sale October 11
Cost: only $20. each
For more information, call the
parish office at: 266-2123.
Please Pray for the Deceased
Edward Coyle
Linda Rizzo
50 Years
O u r p ra ye rs a n d b e s t wi sh e s g o wi t h yo u as y ou
c o n t i n u e t o l i v e yo u r vo ws . P l e a s e c a l l t h e P a ri s h
O f f i c e o r e m a i l s t t h om a s b u l l e t i n @ c o m c a s t . net t o
h a ve yo u r a n n i v e rs a r y a n n o u n c e d i n t h e b ul l et i n.
D e a d l i n e i s 1 2 pm , Mo n d a y.
Calendar Raffle
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October 4, 2015 - 27thSunday in Ordinary Time
From the Pastor…
Ministries & Organizations
Altar Angels, Anne Grove
Altar Servers, Fr. Jose
Baptismal Prep, Kira Amalfitano
Catholic Daughters, LaMar Buffington
Children’s Liturgy, Fr. Jose
Decorating Committee, Helene Christian
Eucharistic Ministers, Laurel Haeser
Funeral Ministry, Gerry Kilroy
Greeters, Roseann DiMaggio
Knights of Columbus, William Fenerty, Sr.
Lectors, Linda Camerota
Martha’s Helpers, Anne Grove
Photography, Don Szwak,
Prayer Network, Barry Scholcoff
Publicity, Lynne Flanagan
Sacristan Ministry, Fr. Bill
Scribe Ministry, Dolores Morello
Scripture Study, Mary Accordino
Social Events, Paula DiMaggio / Mike Brindisi
Social Network, Rita Pagoulatos
St. Dismas Ministry, Anonymous
Stitch in Time, Dolores Morello
Youth Ministry, Bobbi DeLucry
Ushers, Joe Maiorano
Call Parish Office for contact number:
609-266-2123, ext. 3
Schedules for: EM’s, Lectors and Altar
Servers are available on the St. Thomas
Exposition of Blessed Sacrament
There is Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, on First Friday, October 2nd. Our
winter schedule is now in effect.
Reflections on the Pope’s Visit
What an exciting weekend! Philadelphia is still reeling from the visit of
Pope Francis. All the preparations, all of the volunteers, hours of planning and money spent for this visit really paid off. The enthusiasm and
energy he showed for the people was contagious. It is remarkable,
especially for his age of 78 years. Crowds cheered wildly every time as
his small Fiat approached. People from around the world came to see
him, walking endless miles, submitting to rigorous security standards,
only to stand for hours waiting patiently for the Holy Father.
Anyone who has eyes to see, ears to hear, a mind to think and a heart
to love has been touched by his example. The very least as well as the
most gifted belong to God’s all inclusive love for us. He was attentive
to give a blessing to every disabled person that he noticed. He came
for the World Meeting of Families and emphasized the importance of
the roles of marriage and family as part of God’s magnificent Plan for
His Creation. Faith, Hope and Love is the true reality of God’s love for
In the spirit of charity, I ask you to consider increasing your weekly offering by $1.00/$2.00. This will allow our parish to help our local charities. “Whatever you do for the least of your brothers, you have done it
for me.”
Let us continue to live with hearts full of joy, love and peace toward all
of our brothers and sisters and with the beautiful memories of Pope
Francis’ visit to Philadelphia. Remember the last request of Pope Francis: “Pray for me! Don’t forget!”
Fr. Bill
Blessing of the Animals
Your pets can be blessed on Sunday, October 4th, at
1:00pm in the parking lot. Bring your “furry and not so
furry” friends. The blessing will help to keep them safe
and healthy all year.
We have had another unpleasant incident with the disruption of our
sound/video system. No one is to touch the system other than
Mary Jane Kelso, Ken Herman, Jane Staunton and Father Bill.
- Fr. Bill
This Weekend, October 4th & 5th, there is a Diocesan Collection
for Prolife. Please be generous.
Knights of Columbus Yard Sale
Autumn Events
at St. Thomas Church Parking Lot
October 3 - Community Prayer Breakfast
October 4 - Blessing of Animals
October 10 - KoC Yard Sale
Youth Grp. Bake Sale
National Rosary Rally
October 11 – Ministry Sunday
On Saturday, October 10, 8am-12noon
The KOC is gratefully accepting donations. Donations
can be dropped off on the outdoor steps of St. Philip Hall, beginning Monday, October 5. All proceeds from the sale will benefit the
work of the KOC. Unfortunately, we cannot accept any donations
of clothing. For more info. call Tom at: 609-703-2505.
“Come & Shop ‘til you drop.”
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October 4, 2015 - 27thSunday in Ordinary Time
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – RCIA
This process is for the following:
Those people who do not belong to any Church and wish to
become Catholic.
Those who belong to another Christian Church and wish to
become Catholic.
Those who were baptized Catholic and have never been
catechized and did not receive the Sacraments of Holy Eucharist
and Confirmation, and wish full communion in the Catholic Church.
If you wish to begin the process of RCIA, please contact
Deacon Len Long at 609-335-6470.
The first stage is called the Inquiry Period and is the time to ask
questions. No commitment is made at this time.
It begins October 13th, 7:00pm, at Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
Church in Absecon; if you want to receive the Sacraments at the
Easter Vigil Mass, 2016.
Prayer for Priestly Vocations
Lord Jesus, we ask that you bless the Diocese
of Camden with an increase in vocations to the
priesthood. We pray that young men from our
parishes and families will hear your call and be
both generous and courageous in their response. May more young men serve you as
priests who teach the faith, preach the Gospel,
celebrate the sacraments and make you present
among us through their ministry. Encourage
them to embrace the joy-filled and fulfilling life of
a diocesan priest. May parents support priestly
vocations in their families by prayer and good
example. We entrust these prayers through
Mary Immaculate, our patroness, hopeful that
you will bless our diocese with more priests in
the near future, through Jesus Christ who lives
and reigns forever and ever.
Important: St. Thomas Women’s Meeting
Please note, October 14th, at 1:00pm., the former Catholic
Daughters of St. Thomas, will be meeting for the first time as a
new group. Are you interested in meeting like-minded women of
all ages who are interested in joining women with the same interests? Do you feel that working for our own community is a good
idea? You are cordially invited to join a cohesive group that
would work for the betterment of all here in Brigantine. Won’t you
join us in our endeavors to discuss the start of a new women’s
club here at St. Thomas Church? Hope to see you all here at
Hospitality Sunday, Sunday, October 11th, where we will be
glad to discuss this further. Please come and join us.
Can Can Food Collection
In light of Pope Francis’ visit to Philadelphia in September, there is a box in the back of the church for
collection of canned food. Volunteers will take the
donations to Catholic Charities in Atlantic City.
This Week…
October 4
October 5
October 6
October 7
October 8
October 9
October 10
October 11
Baptism, 12 Noon
Blessing of Animals, 1:00pm.
(Church Parking Lot)
Religious Ed. 4:30-5:45pm, school
Rosary for Peace, 7:00pm
Lord, Teach Me to Pray, 7pm, church
Lord, Teach Me to Pray, 7pm, church
Exposition Bl. Sacrament, 9-12pm
Wedding Rehearsal, 5:00pm
KoC Yard Sale 8:00am—12 noon
Rosary Rally, 12noon, Parking lot
Confession 3:00pm
Hospitality & Ministry Sunday
Hospitality Sunday
Ministry Sunday Sign Ups
When: October 11, 2015
Where: St. Philip Hall
Time: after all Sunday Masses
Take this opportunity to visit all our ministries here at St. Thomas. A representative
from each ministry will be available to answer questions or explain what their group
does for the parish. Please take the time to
visit each ministry and consider joining one
that fits your talents. We always welcome
and need new members!
All parishioners and visitors are welcome!
Join us in the back hall for
complimentary coffee and doughnuts
& community fellowship.
St. Thomas Youth Group
Is having a Bake Sale during the KoC Yard Sale,
Saturday, October 10th
St. Thomas Parking Lot,
Everything is $1.00
Stop by for some home baked goodies!
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October 4, 2015 - 27thSunday in Ordinary Time
Public Square Rosary
There will be a rosary on Saturday, October 10, at 12:00 noon in the St. Thomas
parking lot. This Public Square Rosary,
sponsored by America Needs Fatima, will
be one of over 14,000 rallies that will take place all
across the United States on this day. The intention for the
Rosary Crusade is to beg God and Our Lady to save
America from today’s immorality and secularism. Please
plan to attend.
As you are aware, the protection of children and
young adults is of paramount importance in all parishes in the diocese. We are required to publish,
quarterly, the statements listed below in all 4 languages regardless of the ethnic configuration of the
Bulletin Announcement:
Annulment Workshop
On October 28th, at 7:00pm., the priests of our
deanery will attend a workshop on the Annulment
Mass of Healing for Cancer
The Diocese of Camden’s Home and Parish Healthcare
Services invites those undergoing treatment for cancer
and the survivors of cancer, along with their families and
caregivers, to join Bishop Dennis Sullivan as he celebrates a Mass of Healing and Thanksgiving. During the
Mass, the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick will be administered to those in need. The Mass will be held on
Tuesday, October 13th at 7:00pm., at the Church of
the Holy Family, 226 Hurffville Rd. Sewell. A reception
will take place at the parish center after Mass. Please
RSVP. by Thursday, October 8th, to: or call 856-583-6123.
Visit Our New & Improved
“Little Catholic Gift Shop!”
Located in St. Philip Hall
Cards for Special Occasions, Baptism and Wedding gifts,
Rosary Beads, Statues, Military Medals, Saints Medals,
Bibles, Children Books, and much more!
St. Thomas Mass Cards are also available.
St. Thomas the Apostle Parish
New Parishioner Registration / Address Change Form:
(Please drop this form in the collection basket. The Parish Office will contact you for further information.)
Name: ________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________________________________________________________________
Address Change ___ New Parishioner ___
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