Wall up® Rivestimento vegetale Vegetal covering
Wall up® Rivestimento vegetale Vegetal covering
Wall up® Rivestimento vegetale Vegetal covering Supporti per l'inverdimento di facciata Supports for façade greening W4 System for ventilated facades | CO.A.R. srl | Via Trento, 82 - 25024 Porzano di Leno (BS) | T: +39 030 9038900 F: +39 030 9068941 | info@wallup.it | www.wallup.it Architectural integration W4 | S.2r1 The greening system can be matched with any type of traditional covering (W2). The substructure Wall up is developed to be adapted to infinite applicative solutions enabling the designer to have the maximum versatility in the definition of heat-technical dimensions and formal composition of the facade. System for ventilated facades | CO.A.R. srl | Via Trento, 82 - 25024 Porzano di Leno (BS) | T: +39 030 9038900 F: +39 030 9068941 | info@wallup.it | www.wallup.it ONE ASSONOMETRICA DEL VASO CONTENITIVO ABBINATO AL RIVESTIMENTO METALLICO L’INVERDIMENTO L’INVERDIMENTO DI DI FACCIATA FACCIATA Containing system IL SISTEMA PER L’INVERDIMENTO DI FACCIATA W6 W6 W6 a a a b b bc c dc d d Piante e arbusti PLANTS Piante Piante ee arbusti arbusti b bVentilation b of insulation layers as well as growing of plants and shrubs are guaranteed by Wall Up. a a a Staffa antisradicamento anti antisradicamento rooting out clamp Staffa Staffa Corniceantisradicamento evita le scottatature del fogliame Piante e arbusti Cornice evita le scottatature del fogliame wooden frame Cornice evitatermico le scottatature del fogliame Isolamento Isolamento termico insulation Staffa antisradicamento a Isolamento Substrato ditermico coltivazione Cornice evita le scottatature del fogliame b Substrato di coltivazione substrate Substrato di coltivazione Isolamento termico c W6 d W4 | S.3r1 Substrato di coltivazione c c c d d d a b c d The simple shape hides within its framework a highly developed apparatus for draining control in every single containing vase. a a a a W5 W5 W5 a a a b b bc c dc d d e e e Irrigazione W5 Irrigazione Irrigazione IRRIGATION Irrigazione The original accessories, completing the system, enable to design green, long-lasting walls . bb b b La spazzola trattiene la caduta a La spazzola trattiene la caduta dell’acqua toccando il profilo inferiore dell’acqua toccando il profilo inferiore La spazzola trattiene la caduta Ala la gocciolante b La spazzola trattiene caduta dell’acqua toccando il profilo inferiore brush dell’acqua toccando il profilo inferiore Ala gocciolante c Lamiera anti schizzi Ala gocciolante drip line Ala gocciolante d Vaso con fessura longitudinale di scarico Lamiera anti schizzi c c c c Lamiera anti schizziVaso terminale con canale di raccolta e splash Lamiera schizzi sheet anti Vaso con anti fessura longitudinale di scarico condotta di scarico/ricircolo Vaso con fessura longitudinale di scarico Vaso con fessura longitudinale di scarico drainage slit Vaso terminale con canale di raccolta condotta di scarico/ricircolo Vaso terminale con canale di raccolta Vaso con canale di raccolta condotta di scarico/ricircolo finalterminale vase condotta di scarico/ricircolo e d W4 Sistema contenitivo a Cerniera di montaggio vincola le traslazioni b Sagoma di posizionamento irrigatore W4 VASES Sistema contenitivo d W4 Sistema contenitivo W4 Sistema e contenitivo c d d d e a Vermicelli di montaggio b Profili in alluminio estruso lega 6060 Asola di ancoraggio nebulizzatori aerei a a a b b bc c dc d d e e e e e e Cerniera di montaggio vincola le assembly hingevincola le traslazioni Cerniera di montaggio Cerniera di montaggio vincola le traslazioni traslazioni Sagoma di posizionamento sprinkler holder irrigatore Sagoma di posizionamento irrigatore Sagoma irrigatore Vermicellidi diposizionamento montaggio screw assembly Vermicelli di montaggio Vermicelli di montaggio Profili in alluminio estruso lega 6060 aluminium alloy 6060 Profili in alluminio estruso lega 6060 Profili in ancoraggio alluminio estruso lega 6060 Asola di aerei atomizer slotnebulizzatori Asola di ancoraggio nebulizzatori aerei Asola di ancoraggio nebulizzatori aerei e e e a a a d bc b b d d d c c c System for ventilated facades | CO.A.R. srl | Via Trento, 82 - 25024 Porzano di Leno (BS) | T: +39 030 9038900 F: +39 030 9068941 | info@wallup.it | www.wallup.it Passing and terminal vase W4 | S.4r1 W4.003 W4.000 W4.203 W4.401 W4.000 W4.301 W4.002 W4.003 W4.001 W4.300 W4.005 W4.250 W4.260 W4.201 W4.004 W4.000 W4.000 W4.203 W4.401 W4.102 W4.204 W4.000 W4.003 W4.001 W4.301 W4.006 W4.210 W4.260 W4.202 W4.101 Containing system The supporting system for vertical growing is completely extruded in aluminium alloy 6060. The set of profiles and accessories supplied is the heart of the innovation introduced, appropriate clamps (W4.204) ensure perfect pairing between the vase hung to the wall and the fabric anti placer mining(W4.205)and, as a consequence, between the vase and the substrate where the plants grow(W6). The sides(W4.101), appropriately shaped, ensure the position of the irrigation pipe (W5). The six combined profiles compose the passing and the terminal vase. They are necessary in each column to connect the green wall to the draining (and/or recirculation) manifold. System for ventilated facades | CO.A.R. srl | Via Trento, 82 - 25024 Porzano di Leno (BS) | T: +39 030 9038900 F: +39 030 9068941 | info@wallup.it | www.wallup.it Air space 15-150mm W4 | S.5r1 Da 139 a 187 Min. 65 - Max. 113 Min. 65 - Max. 113 Min. 400 - Max 6000 170 400 162 170 Da 8 a 15 162 Clamps for wall anchorage The milled surface improves the gripping ability of the adjustment plates(W1.306 e W1.308) mechanically preventing any side movements. The reinforced geometry of the L-shaped wall anchorage clamps guarantees resistance when flexing, and a sufficient resistance even in case of side forces, parallel to the wall (turbulences over the leafy branches, etc). The alignment joint(W1.310), completed with screws of contrast positioning, guarantees perfect pairing among the profiles used in sequence. The fastening counterplate (W1.300) has been projected to guarantee always the maximum gripping ability on the shape of the extruded profile. This accessory prevents tearing movements as it was designed to be applied also in situations of side stress that are not common in ventilated facades, but possible especially in corners and projections. In the same position can be placed the alignment joint(W1.310), completed with screws of contrast positioning. The joint guarantees perfect alignment among the profiles used in sequence. System for ventilated facades | CO.A.R. srl | Via Trento, 82 - 25024 Porzano di Leno (BS) | T: +39 030 9038900 F: +39 030 9068941 | info@wallup.it | www.wallup.it Modularity W4 | S.6r1 Maximizing the modularity of the facade solution was one of our main objectives. Each profile constituting the system is extruded in long bars and can be assembled in vases ranging from 50cm to 6 m according to the architectural requirements. The profiles, appropriately 0.4 dmc/m 1 dmc/m 1.6 dmc/m shaped with hinge effect, allow several combinations, both on the back and on the front of the vase. The versatility offered by the greening system Wall up allows to vary at a fixed distance of 100mm the interaxis distance among the vases or modify the volume of the container in order to grow different plant typologies. System for ventilated facades | CO.A.R. srl | Via Trento, 82 - 25024 Porzano di Leno (BS) | T: +39 030 9038900 F: +39 030 9068941 | info@wallup.it | www.wallup.it Details: 90° convex W4 | S.7r1 System for ventilated facades | CO.A.R. srl | Via Trento, 82 - 25024 Porzano di Leno (BS) | T: +39 030 9038900 F: +39 030 9068941 | info@wallup.it | www.wallup.it Details: 90° concave W4 | S.8r1 System for ventilated facades | CO.A.R. srl | Via Trento, 82 - 25024 Porzano di Leno (BS) | T: +39 030 9038900 F: +39 030 9068941 | info@wallup.it | www.wallup.it Details: lateral border W4 | S.9r1 System for ventilated facades | CO.A.R. srl | Via Trento, 82 - 25024 Porzano di Leno (BS) | T: +39 030 9038900 F: +39 030 9068941 | info@wallup.it | www.wallup.it Detail: windows W4 | S.10r1 System for ventilated facades | CO.A.R. srl | Via Trento, 82 - 25024 Porzano di Leno (BS) | T: +39 030 9038900 F: +39 030 9068941 | info@wallup.it | www.wallup.it Detail: windows W4 | S.11r1 System for ventilated facades | CO.A.R. srl | Via Trento, 82 - 25024 Porzano di Leno (BS) | T: +39 030 9038900 F: +39 030 9068941 | info@wallup.it | www.wallup.it